Everything You Need To Know About Root Canals There are a lot of people out there who do not like visiting the dentist and will put it off for as long as they can. It’s somewhat understandable as having dental treatment can be uncomfortable, even under sedation. One thing that many people dread being told is that they need to have a root canal. Root canals have a reputation amongst people who’ve never had one for being painful and something to fear. However the truth is that they are nothing to worry about and are simply another kind of treatment that’s necessary for your oral health. Are they really necessary? If your dentist has told you that you need a root canal then the answer is yes. Although it may be possible to fill the tooth as a temporary measure, it’s always better to get root treatment as soon as possible. The purpose of a root canal is to save your tooth by treating the pulp (the soft tissue inside your tooth), which may have become inflamed or infected. Untreated problems with pulp inflammation or infection can lead to a variety of problems included abscesses and pain. Are they painful? This is one of the biggest things that people worry about but the truth is the vast majority of people who get a root canal do not experience any pain. In fact the only part that could be described as unpleasant is the administering of the local anaesthetic. Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, the rest of the procedure can be carried out without any pain or discomfort. In fact a lot of people say that having a root canal is preferable to getting regular fillings. This is usually because there isn’t as much drilling involved. The benefits of getting a root canal It’s important to remember that the purpose of getting a root canal is to save your tooth when it would otherwise have to be extracted. Other benefits include
Retains the natural appearance of your teeth Allows you to chew food as normal without any discomfort Protects your other teeth from any strain or wear You can bite with regular force without worrying about damage or pain.