Will NHS pay for Teeth Whitening by a Dentist?

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Will NHS pay for teeth whitening by a dentist? Unfortunately, NHS does not usually pay for teeth whitening and you will have to find a good dentist to whiten your teeth. However, you can have your teeth whitened on the NHS if there is a medical reason for it. For example, if nerves have died and discolouration results, you might be able to get your teeth whitening done by NHS. Talk to your dentist if you have a medical condition that warrants NHS coverage. NHS is organised in such a way, whereby only issues that are necessary for the protection and maintenance of your oral health will be liable for their financial coverage. They will pay for treatments that protect and maintain the health of your mouth in general. This include eh cost of: 




If you can show that an implant or orthodontic treatment is necessary for medical reasons, the NHS may also cover the cost for those. Unfortunately, it considers teeth whitening as a cosmetic treatment, meant to improve the appearance of your teeth, and not clinically necessary. You must therefore consider teeth whitening at a dentist as a private patient. Teeth Whitening – Technology and Popularity Teeth whitening is getting very popular and even if NHS does not generally cover it your dentist will whiten your teeth at affordable rates. Teeth whitening lightens your teeth by bleaching to make them lighter by several shades. Be prepared for multiple visits spread over a couple of months. An impression of your teeth will be made by your dentist, and then used to create a mouth guard. You will also be provided with instructions on how to use the guard and the bleaching gel. At home, you have to apply the gel regularly for two to four weeks. The latest technology is laser or power whitening, where the bleach is applied on your teeth and given a laser treatment. This is a more expensive procedure but it takes only about an hour. Ask your dentist about the whitening treatment available, the possible results, risks if any, and the guarantees offered. It can last up to three years if you are lucky and have a good dentist. Smoking, drinking red wine, tea, or coffee can stain your teeth. Talk to your friends and relatives who have had the same treatment for referrals. Always ask for a written treatment plan and price estimate before going ahead. Teeth

Whitening is considered a cosmetic procedure. Regardless of this, it should only be carried out by licenced professionals. There are also home kits available but there are many risks associated with it, including blistering, not to mention ineffectiveness. It is strongly recommended that you contact dentist for whitening your teeth even if NHS refuses coverage. Resource Link: http://www.speakwithoutinterruption.com/site/2014/11/will-nhs-pay-for-teethwhitening-by-a-dentist/

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