SCIENCE To gain a broad understanding of science, all Dock students must complete at least 3.5 credits in the following areas: One credit in Biology or Honors Biology (grade 9) One credit in Foundational Chemistry, Chemistry, or Honors Chemistry (grade 10) One credit in Foundational Physics, Physics, or AP Physics I (grade 11, 12) **One-half credit in Environmental Science or AP Environmental Science (grades 11, 12) Please note science and math prerequisites when choosing courses. Honors courses are open to any student who meets the prerequisites. The following examples show typical progression. Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11/12
Biology I Biology II
Foundational Chemistry I Foundational Chemistry II
Foundational Physics I Foundational Physics II
Biology I Honors* Biology II Honors*
Chemistry I Chemistry II
Physics I Physics II
Chemistry I Honors* Chemistry II Honors *
AP Physics I* AP Physics II* Environmental Science AP Environmental Science I* AP Environmental Science II* AP Biology I* AP Biology II*
*weighted course
Courses that meet graduation requirements: 101
Biology I - Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes 1/2 credit; required for 9 Understanding our world as God’s creation, this class helps students develop an answer to the question, “How do organisms live and grow?” through the core ideas of Structure and Function, Growth and Development of Organisms, and Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms. These are explored primarily at the cellular and system levels. The course will build on the Science and Engineering Practices of Developing and using Models, Planning and Carrying Out Investigations, and Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions.