Automotive Refinisher September-October 2015

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T H E   V O I C E   O F   T H E   I N D U S T R Y September - October 2015

Edition 181




IN THIS ISSUE >> >> >> >>


COLLISION REPAIR ASSOCIATION 2_Layout 1 2015/05/15 11:49 AM Page 1

Enjoy the recognition you deserve.

We thank you for providing us with the opportunity to introduce our dynamic service offerings and present to you a vision for simplicity, success and sustainability. The CRA has evolved as an organisation with passion, understanding and the will to provide results to our esteemed members from the basis of being a voice to the auto body collision industry. We employ consultants and are associated with people suitably qualified in all aspects of collision repair and related business management skills with high integrity and willing to offer their support to ensuring the success of your facilities. Our objectives are issues the proactive body shop owner does not really have the time to concentrate on to ensure the optimisation of their business. The constant changes in the law, support in compliance with statutory requirements, relationship mentoring with government and insurers on selection criteria with regards to financial allowances on mark-up and labour rates as well as aiding consumer choice on service expectation. Further hereto our aim is to provide technical support and training on advancements in collision repair techniques and new equipment investment advice. To date the CRA has achieved significant change with benefits and are on the road to create market awareness which in the short term will emulate consumer appreciation not previously evident in our local market. Our mission will ensure via procedural compliance that our forum will enforce a code of conduct that covers consumer protection, work force motivation and job security and ultimately peace of mind to business owners on secure, and beneficial return on investment. We have also concluded annual inflationary labour rate increases with a major insurer

including labour rate allowances above the rate which individual repairers would normally be able to achieve independently and thus extended as a financial benefit to approved members. This will be protracted via further meetings to almost all the other major insurers in the short term. As with any Association annual membership fees are payable to cover administration costs and our membership is based on grading status. Further hereto our membership is extended to equipment and service related suppliers whom have a similar vision of business ethic. These include at present paint suppliers, a BEEE accreditation agency, an authorised health and safety compliance consultant, quoting and business management software suppliers and high end workshop equipment suppliers. This will also result in better service, support and preferential rates on association. We provide an on-line E Procure business data profile of members to support recognition for independent role players in every area of activity in the collision repair industry. The platform will provide assistance to work providers and consumers with accident damaged vehicles to make educated decisions in allowing the most professional repairer the opportunity of refurbishment within acceptable time frames and in line with warranty reinstatement protocols. In conclusion we trust you can see the benefit of belonging to our Association and look forward to the synergy we can create by our providing valued service and more importantly ensuring your enthusiasm and input is shared with other members at organised events of our approved panel. JOIN THE CRA AND GET THE RECOGNITION YOU DESERVE!

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Call us on 0861 726 272 or Visit

CONTENTS S-O 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/08 11:31 AM Page 1

Contents m bb ee rr -- OO cc tt oo bb ee rr 22 00 11 55 SS ee pp tt ee m


Survey Results

FESTOOL RANGE Vermont’s New Line



SIKKENS RELAUNCH Paint Solutions Allied Paints


60 Years of Service



Windhoek Trade Show





Repair Markets


by Andrew Marshby Andrew Marsh Peugeot Design



Booths,Bays Bays & More Repair

WORLDSKILLS 2015 São Paulo, Brazil Brazil

5 9 11 16 20 26 36 48 52 72 82

Front Cover and Contents page - Peugeot Fractal Concept Car



AR SEPT-OCT 2015 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:38 AM Page 16

PUBlISHING NEWS lETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Ian, Claire and team Heartiest congratulations on the attainment of this special milestone! It is a great achievement and you can be extremely proud of the progress you have made over the past 30 years. Your publication consistently sets a very high standard in terms of both content and presentation. More importantly, your readers and advertisers think it is great, and therefore continue to support you. Well done! May I wish you continued success for the next 30 years! Warm regards, Brand Pretorius And From The United States of America Dear Ian Just finished reading Andrew’s in-depth piece on the airbag story. I would like to add a couple things. Not that he missed anything, but there is a side story happening over here that compliments his fine work. Regards, Jay Dalton, Los Angeles, USA TAKATA Air Bags... one more thing - a drama alongside this saga worth following. The practice for the insurance companies in America is to use as many "recycled" parts as you can during a repair. After all… why should they pay extra for a new boot lid when a used replacement is "as good as the one you had on your used car". So there is a roaring trade in recycled airbags. Why buy new when a recycled undeployed bag just pops in. Many times scrapyards will buy vehicles counting on those good airbags being resold… usually for hundreds of dollars. But this time there's a problem.




Te le p hon e: + 27 ( 0) 1 1 94 9 4 09 1

Used Takata airbags are now worthless. Except the insurance companies still want to buy them to finish the repair jobs. The scrapyards still want to sell them to recover the profit they planned on. The car owners are so blind to the issue that few ever know the problem. The fact is that hundreds… maybe thousands (?) of used ammonium nitrate powered air bags are being re-installed into repairs as we speak. It's not illegal. It's not monitored. Imagine surviving the first air bag deployment, and now you have loaded another round in the chamber! And, your vehicle is being recalled, but there are not enough new air bags to get one into your car. This is not a "what if" case. This is happening right now in my family with a 2013 Mustang. After a small crash we have no idea of the origin of the replaced air bag. Did it come from a "humid climate"…? I hope not. Honda was trying to do something. They sent out guys to the scrapyards and started buying up used Honda air bags. They offered $29 a bag and the scrappers screamed the value was unfair. Many told Honda to go away. So, here is a car company trying to do the right thing and not allow the used air bags to re-enter the market and get lost outside of the normal recall system. Remember that air bags are a Federally mandated safety feature that are illegal to disconnect. And illegal to remove. And the ultimate "what if" scenario? Rental car companies. There are no rules in place that prevent rental car companies from renting cars with open recalls... or ones that have been repaired with used air bags... of unknown origin. The disgrace continues.







Response from Andrew Marsh: I did not know this story was going on... However... We have the same problem. People putting together used airbag sets by getting un-deployed airbag modules from wrecks. They don't know anything about the history – that's lost the moment the SRS module is removed and not associated with a VIN. They don't know if the airbag should have gone off but didn't (false deployment) or its fine. There is no supporting evidence. Further. Because SRS has a fair bit of empirical optimisation, modules and seatbelt pre-tensioners can be re-formulated during a production run of a given model. Those modules are formulated for that model, and so are not often shared with other models from the same OEM. So, a 2009 car may used subtly different modules compared to the identical model from a year earlier or later – only the original build VIN will reveal this. The used airbag 're-sellers' don't know this, and don't care. Just like the US situation these on-line companies are doing a very immoral trade, but are difficult to shut down because the law does not define what's wrong about it. The solution? Stop OEMs charging anywhere between 20 fold and 100 fold the delivered build price from suppliers to the aftermarket – a maximum of five times the build price should be enough…. If the aftermarket price is low enough, the on-line business re-selling junk will go away. Oh – and OEMs would sell far more replacement airbag and seat belt pretensioner modules. Regards, Andrew Marsh, UK



F a cs imi le : +2 7 (0 ) 11 2 5 2 68 4 4 E ma il : a u tor e f@i a fr i ca . c om Web s it e: www. a u tor e f. co. z a


P u bli she r : Ia n G r oa t E d ito r : C la i re Ma c fi e A c cou nts : Val G r oa t D e sig n: Ja y Gr oa t A ss ist a nt : N a ta sc hj a F er re i r a C T C or re s p ond e nt: Dav e F a ll Te ch nic a l Ed it or : A nd r ew M a r sh 4


The views expressed in ar ticles in Automotive Refinisher are those of the authors and shall not be construed to represent those of the Editor or the Publisher. Accordingly, Automotive Refinisher accepts no responsibility for claims and statements made by advertisers and independent columnists. Further, the appearance of advertisements herein does not necessarily indicate the approval by Automotive Refinisher for the product and/or service advertised. Material may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Publisher. Automotive Refinisher is dedicated to servicing the business interests of the collision repair industry.











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ew legislature and protocol implementation is redirecting the success of business. Proactive involvement is unfortunately the premise of sustainability in the current economic slump. Success remains buoyant to those who employ change in line with demand and the culture of development and provision of service must be designed to meet the needs of the potential customer. The introduction of the consumer protection act and the treating of customers fairly, brings focus to the most important aspect of change currently required. Complacency tends to be the order of the day and habits obtained are difficult to leave behind when employing trends and changes in day-to-day business activity. When dealing with customers is disclosure in such a manner so as to leave no doubt, to make sure clear and transparent information is given and ensure they be kept appropriately informed before, during and after the time of contracting services.

Further no doubt must exist as to the expectation post repair of service rendered and the expectation must be provided as you have led your customer to expect. Understanding is to under promise and over deliver. Common mistakes which are creating the most common fault at present is the provision of information using the correct word of meaning. As an example being the phrase to be used is estimation of damage implying the provision of quantification of damage which can easily be seen by eye on the unstripped damage rather than a quotation which implies repairing the damage at the value contained on the document provided to the customer at a given value. Other common non-disclosed information provided is to ensure the understanding of repair time is subject to the successful and completed delivery of spares required to complete the repair. The man in the street may not be aware of the fact that you do not stock the required component even though you are displaying the relevant

OEM approval badge in your reception. Another issue here relates to a specific part which may be on back order but does not necessarily leave the vehicle in road use condition of safety to vehicle or occupants; and can be delivered back to the owner pending receipt of the part. This part should be shown on the invoice at zero value to confirm future delivery and be explained that a future cost will be attributable on fitment. This information is thus selfexplanatory, transparent and leaves no doubt in the hands of all parties concerned. The examples of how customer service is applied correctly within the framework of the new directives is not limited to scenarios provided but should be applied as a precursor to thinking beyond current comfort zones. The future precedents which will be set by the introduction of the ombudsman will have a significant and almost negative impact, should you not be able to provide proof of capability, accreditation and most importantly qualification.




eal Research, an independent market research consultancy recently conducted an anonymous survey on the motor body repairer market requesting feedback on the three major repair associations, namely CRA, SAASDA and SAMBRA. Justin Swanepoel from Real Research had this to say: “For the past 10 years, repairers have been asking which association will be the best for their repair business? Real Research is not affiliated to any of the repair associations so we decided to conduct this independent survey to best try to answer this age-old question”. The questionnaire took the form of a series of eight association statements and requested repairers to agree or disagree on the statements on a scale of 1-5. The research methodology used was a combination of telephone calls and a selfcompletion web survey and fieldwork ran from mid-June to mid-July. The sample of the survey was 1100 repairers and a 30% (330) response rate was achieved. The breakdown of the final sample was SAMBRA 190, CRA 78 and SAASDA 62 responses each. The results are in and although extremely close in overall scoring, the CRA came out with the best score out of 3.17 out of five points, followed by SAASDA with 3.08 and SAMBRA with 2.73. “Where the information gets very interesting, is when one looks at the individual statements and their scores. If one takes the time to look at the bar chart of statements – it is very clear where each association’s strengths and weaknesses lie. I sincerely hope this information gets used by the associations to address any issues that the survey picked up and by the motor body repairers to make more informed decisions,” Swanepoel said.











KEY STATEMENTS Adds Value to my Business Communicates Frequencly with my Business Is Improving All The Time Offers Good Value for Money Looks After Me Negotiates with the Insurance Houses for Rates Has Good Relationship with the Manufacturers Visits me Frequently Overall Score

CRA 3,6 3,1 3,5 3,2 3,2 3,0 3,3 2,3 3,17

SAASDA 3,8 3,7 3,6 3,0 3,5 2,2 2,0 2,8 3,08

SAMBRA 3,3 3,5 2,9 2,9 3,0 2,4 2,2 1,6 2,73 5

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elematics is set to become a significant disruptor to the South African motor insurance market over the next decade and it is very likely to impact pricing methods across the industry. The technological potential of telematics continues to increase at an astounding rate for OEMs that are able to quickly recognise how telematics can vastly enhance their traditional product-based value propositions. Those that hope to adapt their business/organisational models to deliver against these promises stand to gain competitive advantage relative to those that are slower to adapt, including the potential to materially shift market share even in tired and otherwise mature segments. For fleet operators, the ability to acquire and process vehicle information is crucial in order to make informed decisions. This not only results in cost savings, optimised driver behaviour and effective route planning but also allows dynamic, life-saving accident management. This second annual conference is a follow up on the first conference that took place in September 2014. Feedback received from delegates who attended the event last year suggested better partnership modes, enabling technologies as well as takes from other











key players in the industry, amongst others. As vehicle telematics systems become universal, progressive, in step with their fleet management colleagues, will need to turn to telematics data. This conference is set to provide an opportunity for OEMs to be able to meet the technological demands within their in-house systems and processes. It will also bring top presentations from experts in the field of: •Current trends of telematics in South Africa •Closing the scheduling and execution loop for complete flexibility and visibility •Fuel management •Driver profiling •How fleet managers can leverage telematics to improve operations •Alcoloc: application in commercial telematics •Insurance telematics •Telematics and the “internet of things”(data and analytics) •Factors to consider before employing telematic solutions Make sure you do not miss this opportuniy. Call Simon on +27 (0)11 325 2485.


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the rear ever for emerging economies. The money should be returned to us and not paid to some nameless regulator for we are in the frontline with a 30% drop in the exchange rate to fund both hyper inflation and more stagnation as the economy splutters to a halt with all this fraud in motion. Apart from that our politicians who don’t seem to do much in the way of maths and who now spend more on blue light patrols to safely usher them to their next vital meeting than they spend on protecting our borders, seem to think things are going great? But maybe not for too long? For your body shop will become a front line spender in keeping up with double-digit inflation. When viewed against profit margins from insurance repairs it looks like the fight for business survival against all this currency rate fixing wars and fraud will be to try to sleep with one eye open in terms of long term survival. Things are getting tougher on all fronts.


Latest Fines $B



$1.27 $0.89

$2.0 $1.5



$1.0 $0.21


Bank of America



JP Morgan


$0.0 Barclays


ou could be forgiven for feeling a bit uneasy about the Rand value now, with ultra low exchange rates, plus a government that seems so busy with their point-of-order parliamentary procedure that they haven’t the time or the moral fortitude to deal with it. On a wider global front, China’s currency devaluation signalled a sort of end-game in the new money printing phenomena as quantitive easing saw equity markets left free to collapse under the weight of impossible expectations. Now time appears to be running out from China to Brazil, and South Africa, as central bankers have lost control – and all this as the global economy grinds to a halt. In 2009 China’s impetus as a global great saviour of the world economy launched an unprecedented stimulus package that drove the commodities industry to new heights, ostensibly to help resource rich emerging markets like us to go forward. But with all the ponzi schemers in place it now seems to have hit a brick wall with growth below 7% and an economy weaker than expected. The results, say analysts, is that of the 22 trackable commodities are now running at lower price levels than that of 15 years ago, as well as oil hovering at less than $50 a barrel, plus iron ore prices also falling at an alarming rate from $140 a ton to around $56 per ton, where, incidentally, billions were raised to fund new mines and oil fields. These projects are now mostly making losses, squeezing their junk bond issues to see them watch on as bonds tumbled and panic grips capital markets. All this leads the Bric countries of Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa, to whom the West was supposed to pass the torch of world growth, in varying states of economic disarray. Set against this is the UK stock market which is riding through its 77th month of aggressive bull-upmarket since March 2009, the longest rising market since the great depression of 1929. This disconnect with reality is mind boggling. I mean when Microsoft has more value than some European nations, the world has gone nuts. This set against a mountain of debt from the US of some 22,5 trillion Dollars – including its invisible trading debt – and Greece with its unpayable 600 billion Euro’s now in place It really leaves the next generation with a debt burden to repay which is totally unrealistic and unsustainable. Just think for a minute about the South African implications as the Rand falls as part of the fragile five countries of Turkey, Indonesia, Brazil and India who are all reeling from speculative currency rigging. We are all on a highway to financial hell. The spectacle of international banks like Barclays, Goldman Sachs, RBS, HSBC, Paribas, Tokyo-Mitsubishi, RBC Capitol Markets, Society General, Standard Chartered, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and JP Morgan who have already paid over nine billion dollars in fines for scams in rigging world currency cross over rates is the biggest kick in

This graph shows the sheer greed of banks and how they manipulate currencies across the world. A record of approximately 9 billion Dollars has been paid in fines for rigging the rates internationally for wrong doing. The black graph shows previous fines paid in $billions and the red shows latest fines paid in $billions. 7

FESTOOL NEW A4 AD S-O 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:20 AM Page 1

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ushing a business to optimise body shop production has become a major path forwards in the chase for everincreasing production output and the demand for improved profitability. There is the need for constant training and introduction of reliable step-by-step machine and working tool technology to get the right consumables used for the correct ratio of production output for long term success. Dust free applications are one of these options for collision repair and come in many shapes and sizes. Festool, from Germany, are one company who have concentrated on day-to-day workflow. They have focused on the basics of how to achieve better throughput with your current number of professionals employed in the body shop. By working in a flawless manner, the risk of reworks is eliminated and doing work twice and suffering the consequential loss can be eliminated by achieving perfect surface quality. The Festool offer starts with a full three-year warranty on all their products. The Rotex range of power-tools is designed to be three tools in one having a very high rate of stock removal for coarse sanding. It’s adjustable for use in dry ultra fine sanding and polishing as well. All the Festool body shop automotive system tools come with dust extraction capability to either mobile or fixed work centre designs. The super range for spot repair come with different orbital sizes for coarse sanding or fine surface preparation using their own Granat premium abrasive which is claimed to be 30% faster and also clogs less by some 20%. This all adds up to an extended time in use when used with the Fusion-Tec sanding back-up pads that have a patented multi-jet stream where dust is quickly transported from the surface. A large range of mobile health friendly work stations are in the Festool line-up and they are able to filter out hazardous aluminium, polyester and various other toxic materials. These electric systems











are very helpful for body shops who have reached their compressed air ceiling. In the range are compressed air models for flexibility in production needs. These too remove flammable dust. When it comes to exhaust turbines and ring mains extraction Festool have an extensive offering of up to 14 simultaneous sander vacuum station packages that optimise electrical consumption with a saving of some 80% in daily use. The system regulates energy consumption to a minimum with dynamic control technology. The gloss accelerator aims to achieve a two-step work process to deliver abrasive and polishing compounds to avoid errors in a system that eliminates swirl making. For more information on the extensive Festool body shop range of surface finishing technology, call Vermont Sales on +27 (0)11 314 7711. www. festool-powertools. co. za & https://www. festool-powertools. co. za/Microsite/Pages/AUTOMOTIVE. aspx


SIKKENS A4 AD S-O 2015 WEB VERSION_Layout 1 2015/09/08 2:20 PM Page 1

S i k k e n s p r o u d ly p r e s e n t s

Autoclear Range “This clearcoat is the perfect solution for all types of jobs” star ring

Visit us on

Tel: 011 454 8128 Fax: 086 459 8211 Email:

AR SEPT-OCT 2015 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/09 11:54 AM Page 19

LOCAL update

Seen at the opening of the Allied Paint Solutions headquarters in Linbro Park are, from left to right; Imran Qutab from AkzoNobel, Fabio Vitale, Rory Kilroe and Anthony Kairuz of Allied Paint Solutions and Heinz Piskay from AkzoNobel.


allied paint solutions go national with akzonobel and the sikkens bRand “


ou can expect a major development in car refinish supply with the September launch of the Sikkens brand coming from allied paint Solutions,” company director Fabio Vitale said. the new venture will launch in 2015 in the Gauteng and Western Cape markets to re-position akzoNobel, the world’s leading refinish paint maker, in South africa. Sikkens, as a paint brand, pioneered paint mixing systems and a host of services that were previously unobtainable. their technology has always been right at the front leading edge of the market. Company director, anthony Kairuz, has been busy establishing the team which will spearhead the re-introduction of the services and selling of the Sikkens product range from the new company headquarters in Mastiff Road, Linbro Business park in Johannesburg. New cycle time reduction formula’s “With international sales of the Sikkens brand running at strong levels, the basket of new innovative car refinish paints will fit in well with local collision repair centres,” says Vitale. the range will centre around three key areas of importance in the South african market namely; quality, production and cost effectiveness. “Colour Build plus and autosurfacer rapid, remain the fastest wet-on-wet basecoat clear coat systems on the market











backed-up by a new range of primer surface preparation products.” along with this autowave MM2 delivers a complete waterborne answer to colour matching and control on all repairs. Sikkens has always had amazing clear coat quality and autoclear LV has developed into the most versatile and fastest drying clear coat available, say Sikkens. along with autoclear plus there are many options for the spray painter to fit the overall system to his or her exact needs in faster throughput in production for their own body shop. Sustainable body shop solutions the raft of add-on value services will also be rolled out to the South african market in the form of business consultation services, network management systems and express Repair technique advise. “We now have access to the complete customer back-up services which are proving successful on a global basis.” the company is also the refinish system of choice for McLaren Formula One race cars. Sikkens was chosen because of the quality of the finished product and application in an environment where only perfection will do. Fabio Vitale went on to say, “We know that Sikkens will be capable of offering efficient processes for colour matching which is a key area of importance for spray

painters who are busy everyday working with problem formulas and colour retrieval hassles.” Sikkens offer automatchik 3 vision, a spectrophotometer for fast and very accurate colour measurements. Mixit pro also offer the latest updated colour formulations and paint management systems. Other colour tools like Colour-Scale pro offer visualisations of colour formula. all this plus the Mixit On-line and IMatch Colour make up a total concept of 24/7 access to formulas on-line. With the launch of local brand operations, the Sikkens footprint will see a rapid expansion of expertise and product availability throughout South africa. the group have already entered into a special prefered supplier arrangement with the Collison Repair association of Sa (CRa). Heinz piskay is the regional director SVu vehicle refinishes automotive & aerospace coatings for akzoNobel and he is upbeat about the new operation in the local market. “We have waited for a while to get the right local distribution partner and in allied paint Solutions we are confident that Sikkens will be a major player in the South african market place in a short while.” You can get more information on group activities and objectives by calling allied paint Solutions on +27 (0)11 454 8128 or 082 336 6577. 11

AR S-O 2015 CLAIRE_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:42 AM Page 18




he Clear Coats of DeBeer Refinish are the crown on your work. These excellent products will give your car a glossy look. All DeBeer Refinish Clear Coats are based on the most modern hydroxyacrylate resins. This gives a high quality varnish in terms of durability, chemical resistance and UV protection. This productline consists of both VOC-compliant and non VOC-compliant clear coats. The application of the clear coat, depending on object size and temperature, can be tuned by mixing the clear coat with the right DeBeer Refinish hardener. About DeBeer DeBeer Refinish offers a compact, complete and high-quality range of car refinishes in over 100 countries. The mixing colour systems are used across the globe by car refinish companies that opt for colour reliability, ease of application and optimal operating returns. The programme also comprises products such as cleaning agents, primers, fillers, surfacers, hardeners, and thinners that allow users to make their ideal choice. Recently, the Mysterious Colours series was launched. This is a range of five concentrated toners that give particular OEM colours the desired effect.

Part of Valspar De Beer Refinish is part of Valspar, a global producer of coatings for use in various industrial and consumer markets. DeBeer Refinish systems are marketed by Valspar Automotive. The division focuses specifically on car refinishes for cars, commercial vehicles and light industrial applications. In addition to these systems, Valspar Automotive provides numerous services, including training and technical advice. Valspar strives to minimise the environmental impact of the manufacturing processes of our automotive refinishes. For more information about De Beer products email them on or call them on +27 (0)78 782 9618.




stablished over 12 years ago, by John van Niekerk, John’s Auto Paints has been busy expanding in the West Rand and an additional branch in the CBD of Roodepoort has also been added. John says the company is in a good space for meeting their customer needs. They offer multiple lines of refinish car paints with the De Beer coatings system their top of the line. The company have a value priced selection too so that all the segments are covered for whatever they may need in their body shops. Nick van Niekerk, his brother, has recently joined the operation and has a great deal of customer experience. Right now the Van Niekerk brothers are busy expanding their spray gun range on offer from Anest Iwata who have a great range of spray guns and specialised health and safety. The company specialise in large industrial end users for truck and bus markets. The Air Gunsa spray gun range price and overall quality is hard to beat and similarly the Pininfarina LS400 top line spray gun range meets the needs of a collision repairers demands. “For our business their current product line-up is the best,” say the team from John’s Auto Paints. 12

The sales team from John’s Auto Paints have been busy spreading the word about the LS400 Anest Iwata spray gun range.


SPARLAC A4 AD S-O 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:19 AM Page 1


Tel: (011) 952 1552 email:

AR S-O 2015 CLAIRE_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:42 AM Page 19


Polarstar SR Discs (Roses)




olarstar SR is the first in a series of new high technology micro products produced by Mirka. It is a high precision sanding material developed mainly for use on spot repairs, such as at car plants in the finessing and hospital area of the paint shop. Using Mirka’s innovative ‘Defined Mono Layer’ production technology has resulted

in an even surface finish that enables quick polishing with excellent results. This manufacturing process is also energy efficient and has a low carbon footprint. The discs can be used for both machineand hand sanding operations and are primarily designed for wet sanding mode where the abrasive’s strong bonding ensures a long working lifespan.

Mirka´s finessing solution Polarstar SR is the perfect finessing material for the correction of small painting defects and the removal of dust particles in topcoats and clearcoats. The discs are used in wet applications, by machine or by hand. Available from Bulldog Abrasives contact them on +27(0)11 786 5991 or

Sand the defect for 2-5 seconds with Polarstar® SR% using the Mirka® ROS150NV machine.

Wipe the sanded area prior to polishing.

Polish the sanded surface for 5-10 sec with suitable Mirka 77mm foam pad using Mirka® ROP2-312NV machine.

Wipe off the polishing residue.


Use Mirka Damper to apply the right amount of sanding liquid.


Apply one drop of Polarshine compound to the sanded surface. 10


MIRKA AD S-O 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:32 AM Page 1

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Olaf Adamek, Standox brand manager EMEA is seen here proudly displaying the Standox products.


standox celebrates 60 years of QUalIty and InnoVatIon


tandox, a company with a rich heritage that is peppered with remarkable milestones, many first to market achievements, and a ranking that puts it among the world’s leading producers of vehicle refinishing products, this year celebrates 60 years of quality and innovation. The unprecendeted success of the brand could not have been predicted and today this premium refinish paint system is used by thousands of refinishers in over 80 countries. The brand story found it’s beginnings in wüppertal, Germany, when a 22-year-old employee of Herberts paint manufacturers presented his idea for a new refinish range at a distributor conference. Having only completed his apprenticeship two years prior, the young Gerhard Rieger met some resistance. But it was the postwar years and there had been a surge in demand for automotive paints and the head of the company bought into the dream, and so it was that standox was born in 1955. with a finger on the pulse of the industry, standox doesn’t follow but leads, anticipating body shop needs. As a result, during the intervening decades since the brand’s inception, standox has repeatedly helped shape the industry with innovative products and pioneering technologies. new standards were set by standox when in 1968 the brand launched the metallic two coat system, blending-in processes and the One Visit Application system. Our standohyd Plus and standoblue basecoat systems are regarded as state-of-the-art by many body shops. But our innovations are not limited to technology. Our reputation as a premium brand has its roots in our comprehensive service offering, which includes our first-class training programme and professional consulting on many aspects of body shop management. Proud of its innovations and an impressive legacy, standox will stand by its promise to develop further innovations over the years and decades to come. Visit the standox anniversary website for


more interesting history behind the brand: www. standox. com/60 Historical Standox Snippets • Herberts – the paint manufacturer to launch standox – supplied the paint for the famous Graf Zeppelin airship, and for the Do-X, the largest seaplane ever built. •In the 1970s, standox offered its partners training and qualification at the standox Information Centres in Germany. Today it runs over 60 qualification centres around the globe. •In the 1980s standox launched in Great Britain becoming a global brand. It established itself in eastern europe in the 1900s. It also launched the first waterborne preparation materials. •In 1995 a waterborne paint plant was brought online with computer controlled production processes that set new standards in the industry. •The legendary Tripoli silver Arrow classic was restored with standohyd in the 1900s, a clear demonstration of trust in standox. •In 1995 standox launched its exclusive Line of fascinating colours, silverstone Blue glittered like snow crystals in the sun. some of the limited-edition colours changed depending on where the light source was due to special pigments in the paint. •A marketing and training centre was built in 1998 in wüppertal by standox, which is also home to one of the largest refinish paint production sites in the world. •In 2003 the brand underwent a new packaging design conversion. •The standoflash UV system was launched in 2007. •In 2009 a new online colour formulations system, with colour display, was launched. A new ultra-modern waterborne paint plant is currently under construction next to the existing production line, a clear commitment to the wuppertal production site. © Kansai Plascon (Pty) Ltd. 2015











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John Francke, owner of JP Auto Repairs and Ashley Rhode (standing), workshop manager. They are situated in Paarl in the Western Cape.




enkel Adhesive Technologies is the leading solution provider for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings worldwide. More than just the name behind trusted brands like TeROsOn and LOCTITe, Henkel partners with customers to ensure high-quality results. situated in Paarl, western Cape, JF Auto Repairs is a major structural body shop that has experienced this service and support, as well as TeROsOn and LOCTITe’s targeted action first-hand. TeROsOn is perfect for bonding, sealing, coating and reinforcing in automotive body and mechanical repairs, while LOCTITe provides engineered, high-performance sealants and adhesives. with a small compliment of staff, volumes of work from insurance are not JF Auto Repairs’ priority, although it does receive a fair share. The majority of damaged vehicles come from its own towing service, which can be spotted in the Boland area at any time of the day or night. The business also includes a very successful mechanical repair shop. All types of repairs are welcome – from suspension replacements and blown headgaskets to general engine services and everything in between. John Francke, owner of JF Auto Repairs mentions that customer relationships lie at the heart of his business. This means handling repairs efficiently and in the most stress-free way – and products like TeROsOn and LOCTITe play an essential part in achieving this goal. The relationship with Henkel has been a fruitful one. Just ask Abe Benjamin, panelbeater. He regularly asks Dejean ‘DJ’ nicholson, a Henkel expert: “what’s new from Teroson?” Abe has become quite an advocate of this brand, especially when the TeROsOn 9320 sealer, sprayed with one of the various available nozzles, gave him exactly the desired spray pattern inside the wheel well of a Toyota. Technical support from Henkel is always on hand. “we recently had a side smash on a Fiat. DJ arrived with a cartridge of eP 5055 Panelbond to help us fit and glue on a new side panel. It was great having him here, showing us how it’s done. The product is so simple to use; it really makes my job easier!” On the paint rectification side, the new TeROsOn Polish range 18

has made a big difference in delivering the desired gloss, yet still keeping material usage minimal. “It doesn’t matter if it’s one panel or a complete polish, when using TeROsOn wX 157 Heavy Cut HP the shine comes up in no time!” says Ashley Rhode, workshop manager. In the mechanical department, the team has been using LOCTITe for more than a decade. Ashley May, head mechanic says: “we are strong believers in LOCTITe 5699 Grey silicone. we don’t compromise on the quality of our repairs and therefore, use only the best. since our introduction to LOCTITe Multispray and TeROsOn Brake & Clutch Cleaner, we finish our repairs even quicker without being pressured for time. we always have a spare can in the stores!” Recently building renovations were completed to increase the panel shop’s workspace by 60% and further plans are in process to target OeM approvals. with structure, floor space, staff, clientele and products like TeROsOnand LOCTITe, as well as dedicated support from Henkel, the company behind these brands, JF Auto Repairs is just going from strength to strength. Head mechanic, Ashley May says they are strong believers in using Loctite.











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Henkel SA (Pty) Ltd Private Bag X083, Wadeville, 1422

For more information, please contact Craig Bowles on 079 504 4563 or Tel: +27 (0)11 617 2689,

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his state-of-the-art new Porsche repair centre is the result of an intensive 24-month long project on design and build-up for the all-new sales and service centre in Lynwood Pretoria. The Porsche team say it is part of a company objective to get a bigger footprint in South Africa’s major business centres. The shop has only been in operation for two months and consequently is in the ramp-up phase of commissioning. The design was recently the subject of a Porsche Germany inspection for work quality output and overall presentation of any body shop in the world. It won top place and that’s easy to understand when you look at the routing and shop layout. With ample outside parking the 180 000 square metre workshop has all the specified equipment that the Porsche brand requires. Not least of these is the placement of two SAIMA Thesis Spray Cabins that are built to optimise waterborne refinish systems. These have innovative Endo-Thermic panels and require burner, heat exchangers or extraction smoke racks and operate with electrical power for a fraction of the cost of diesel power. In fact the expense on their installation will be amortised in just eight months for what it would have cost them using diesel heating as an alternative. Porsche had a 24-month plan to achieve production in the new, no expense spared facility.


The Porsche management team are pleased at the excellent quality levels being seen in the new group.

The refinish system of choice is PPG and is housed in a unique mixing room that features special north light colour matching capabilities. “The booths were installed”, says Heinz Brügger of the Maroun’s Group, “with a pair of low level Jollift lifts to enable vehicles in the spray booths to be lifted to an easy working height for lower body parts being resprayed. This, plus a 20 000 lux light level and a specified level of 33 000 cubic metres of air exchange per hour, sees almost no overspray being seen during repair.” Body shop tools include the latest inverter welder and a Celette bench with a full sets of jigs that Porsche recommend for accurate repair. When it comes to the preparation area a unique six-lane area was designed where a special baffled floor extraction package is coupled to a large Hammach 8000 Dust Free Vacuum system. This also eliminates any primer overspray. “Dust and dry flatting contamination in the workshop area are in good shape in order to get the new repair centre up to its envisaged 200 per month completed repair jobs,” says Marce Cabula, the body shop manager in Lynwood. Because the production plan has been so well conceived and implemented, this futuristic facility looks bound to become a big success and profit earner for the Porsche Group going forwards.

With floor mounted two post lifts in the shop, lifting bodies is under control.


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Story and pics by Ian Groat

Panelbeating equipment levels are among the best in the world.

A colour matching centre is found between the two spray cabins from SAIMA with superb lighting to get the job done easily.

A unique, baffled, six lane underfloor dry flatting area eliminates process dust and overspray.

The spacious production hall design came as a joint effort between the trade supplier Maroun’s Group and Porsche team in Lynnwood.

The special electrical fired endothermic panels cure the paint harder than normal The SAIMA booth is able to achieve this with electrical power. Automatic heat up and bake cycles are to seen on the waterborne Thesis booth from SAIMA.



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TARCOLOR SYSTEM is a colour mixing system from KAROCLE, which is an auto refinish brand of SAMHWA PAINT in Korea. This system offers great value for money for the body shop through cost savings. You use very little paint which helps in consumption levels and it has excellent concealing abilities. There is a short process time and less painters are needed on his job as the product is easy to work with and fast drying – thus affecting your bottom line positively. The STARCOLOR SYSTEM is divided into two sections: STARBASE and STARCOAT. STARBASE is a 1K basecoat product that comes in various colours in pearl, metallic and solid options. It is a durable paint that is a good concealer. STARCOAT is a 2k urethane topcoat. It

produces excellent wet look finishes. Only top quality pigments and formulas are to be found in the KAROCLE car refinishes. STARCOAT is a binder separated paint material. The full range includes six different types of binders which are capable of adjusting gloss finished gloss levels and through drying times. The STARCOLOR SYSTEM also provides a full range of colour tools which include formulas, and colour swatches for fast and easy colour identification to speed up the repair process in the paint shop making it a convenient choice for fast and accurate colour matching. The colour swatches currently available have 4000 actual refinish sprayouts, for basecoats and solid colours. There are a further 20 colour swatches for STARSHINE, their special effect finish range. This is boosted by the

availability of Korean archives for major manufacturers such as Hyundai, KIA, SSANG YONG, GM KOREA, Renault Samsung to international; Japanese, European, etc. This all adds up to a rapid identification of colour for any end user. There is also a wall chart colour guide which clearly shows which tinters will affect any colour either lighter or darker, as tinting is being undertaken. There is also a fan deck book provided. Thirdly, there is an online service for colour identification on Here the customer can get more product information, as well as an e-catalogue. You can search around 40 000 colour formulas on this site. For those who may have poor internet connectivity the company also offer a CD option with all of the information on their range and formulas.

Mike, from Auto Korea in Edenvale, sole importers of the Karocle brand, is seen here with some of the colour spray out swatches for quick and easy colour matching.



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This year’s bi-annual CYMOT Trade show broke all records for exhibitors at the enlarged showground venue situated in Windhoek. Some visitors travelled from the depths of Angola to see all the new trends in collision repair.

The Envirobase team were voted the Best Supplier from PPG for the Colour Perfect supply division at the gala dinner.


YMOT Namibia held their bi-annual customer trade show at the Windhoek National Showgrounds. It featured a larger than ever attendance from their customer base and an all-time record of close to 150 specialist exhibitors who were on hand to show the very latest in product developments across the huge range of Colour Perfect body shop ranges. The Midas Motor Spares, Greensport Camping and Leisure, Tooltech workshop Tools and Equipment plus Namsafe Personal Protective Equipment were all on show too. It’s quite amazing to see how just one company with 11 national outlets can hustle all that it takes to put on a quality trade expo and manage to bring it together so well. The company CEO, Axel Theissen, was upbeat about this year’s company collective effort. “We have been trying,” he says, “since the CYMOT founding way back in 1948, to deliver a full range of quality products across the entire range of each division that we specialise in. CYMOT also operate in Angola as well as the South African markets.” CYMOT now boast a state-of-the-art national hub centre warehouse in Windhoek, which operates a sophisticated 26

Ten n ec o Ri d e Co n t r o l ar e a l l a b o u t suspension and carry out big b usiness with CYMOT’s Motor Divisio n acro ss Namibia.

replenishment process of management to keep stocks on hand at all times. This is a necessity when working in a country with big distances to overcome between their distribution points to some clients. Just to give you an idea of distance, some clients travelled up to 1800 kilometres in a round trip just to come to the CYMOT Trade Show. The division Colour Perfect is the youngest division in the CYMOT Group and was launched at the start of 2008. Colour Perfect specialises in supplying everything required by the modern panel shop and is backed-up by the PPG range of coating technologies. CYMOT Colour Perfect was the first supplier to launch the latest generation waterborne technology in Namibia. Under Colour Perfect CYMOT solely distributes PPG Industries products, namely the state-of-the-art Envirobase HP range, as well as the PPG and MaxMeyer brands. “When you choose PPG you benefit from 75 years of experience in developing automotive coatings. Regardless of the application, you can expect PPG to meet or exceed the most demanding requirements for gloss, durability, ease of use and compliance with European legislation." PPG also has one of the most advanced waterborne paint


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Story and pics By Ian Groat

Midas Automotive Hella South Africa are doing great things in the CYMOT branches and were also voted Supplier of the Year. The team are seen here with CYMOT CEO Axel Theissen, standing on the left.

Mike Speck from Evercoat products showed the versatile Slick Sand Body Filler with Hayden, the new kid on the block at EPT Systems.

Tony Carling showed the latest DeVilbiss GTi Proguns which deliver cost savings along with Pro Air and DeVilbiss Clean products.

systems in the world, now being used by most vehicle manufacturers in their factories, who also recommend PPG for aftermarket refinish. Envirobase HP provides excellent colour matching, is easy to use, easy to blend and requires no additives. Envirobase HP has high capacity toners reducing product use, application time, increasing production throughput and has excellent aluminum control. It also makes use of non stir technology, making the use of mixing benches redundant. PPG is also approved by most major motor manufacturers globally. PPG is the sole distributor for Ferrari and Lamborghini and two thirds of all vehicles manufactured today use PPG technology. A full line-up of DeVilbiss Spray and Breathing equipment and 3M body shop products is backed-up by specialist body fillers, polishes and a host of other specialised products that we consume in the collision repair process. A one-stop-shop for CYMOT’s collision repair customers. By operating a family approach to all players who deal with CYMOT, their constant attempts for success has been well rewarded. On the first evening of the event, CYMOT held a welcome braai for all their business delegates and staff involved. At


the show all food and entertainment was supplied by the company and a huge gala dinner with the Supplier of the Year Awards rounded off all formalities. This year’s Supplier of the Year Awards went to Colour Perfect brand PPG and Midas Automotive Hella South Africa. The awards evening presentation at the Gondwana shebeen evening, shows that the German cultured Namibians really know how to push the boat out on the hospitality stakes. It’s all quite unique to see a business doing so well and having a very high level of staff committed to success in their huge range of over 25 000 product lines on offer. CYMOT have developed to be right on top of their multifaceted marketing operation seemingly like none of their other competitors. That’s what keeps the group is so far ahead in the national body shop business. Unlike any other motor, camping outdoor or body repair, distributor, the CYMOT operation is a unique family type of business venture. It’s just such a breath of fresh air compared to the normal “kill or be killed” type of business atmosphere we endure in many parts of the trading operation in South Africa. 27

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The CYMOT divisions of Colour Perfect body shop, Midas Motor Spares, Greensport Camping and Leisure, Tooltech workshop Tools and Equipment plus Namsafe Personal Protective Equipment were well represented at the Expo.

3M’s Anthony Nel (left) showed new Health and Safety products and the Purple abrasive lines.

Shaun Heath was on hand to show the S3 polish range from Scholl in Germany. 28

Mat Pro o ffer a full range of MI G brazers with excellent p rice and perfo rmance.


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Axel Theissen, CEO of CYMOT, welcomed all the exhibitors to the trade night. It was CYMOT at their best with a great party atmosphere.

The CYMOT exp o sees attendees driving way o ver 1800 kilometres to attend the occasio n.

Glue Devil products also cover a full range of sealers in silicone for many different substrates.

Big in Europe, Holts offer up to 4000 car colour matching aerosols for accurate minor touch-ups.

With over 150 trade exhibitors the CYMOT show was enormous.

Integrated Marketing had their Wheel Diagnostics Alignment centre on view. It comes at a value price.





The Spanjaard team of Nelson Costa (left) and Graham Cort were on hand to show their one solution Easy Care range.



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ot so long ago we tested the Fiat 500L. It’s slightly smaller but more stylish sibling the Fiat 500X, landed on South African shores. Heir to the Fiat 500 of 1957, it is now a bit bigger and a lot smarter than it’s distant brother. The 500 X- has come a long way considering it’s a crossover model and is built off the the same platform as the Chrysler Renegade and competes within the compact SUV segment. Built in the updated SATA plant in Melfi (Potenza) and sold in more than 100 countries worldwide, the new Fiat 500X will be available in three different versions – 500X Pop Star, 500X Cross and 500X Cross Plus. It is equipped with two efficient petrol engines – 1.4l MultiAir or 1.6l E-TorQ, three types of transmission – 5-speed manual, 6-speed manual or twin-clutch 6-speed automatic – and with front-wheel drive and the unique Traction Plus variants. This means there will be a complete 4x4 version and front wheel drive Traction Plus (limited slip differential) to complete the X range. The feel of the 500X drive thanks to rear MacPherson suspension and smooth fast gear changes comes across as a robust package. For the size of engine derivatives on offer and it’s SUV type size I was quite impressed with the performance. It definitely exudes X-factor looks thanks to the large oval headlight eyes and rather aggressive firm footed stance. The 500X comes equipped with a "Drive Mood Selector", which tightens up or smooths out engine, brakes, steering and transmission, depending on the driving style most appropriate to your situation or road surface conditions. Auto is for the best in terms of comfort, consumption, Sport for a drive that favors performance, and “All Weather” maximises


traction on low friction surfaces such as wet roads. “Traction” improves grip on rough and slippery terrain but is only available on Cross and Cross Plus.. Standard on the entire range is some important content, such as six airbags, front headlights with daytime running light function and fog lights with self-adaptive cornering function. In addition to the sophisticated ESC (Electronic Stability Control) depending on the version, is the advanced Lane Assist (lane departure warning system) and Blind Spot Assist (lane change assistance system to get around blind spots). Devices are available as standard or on request. On request, it is also possible to equip your 500X with the new ParkView rear camera for reversing. The Fiat 500X comes equipped with the sophisticated Uconnect™ systems with 5" or 6.5" touchscreens. Additionally, the Uconnect Radio nav 5’’ device offers TomTom 2.5D navigation while the 6.5" Uconnect Radio nav features satellite navigation with 3D maps, progressive route guidance and ‘One Shot Voice Destination Entry’ to enter addresses with voice commands. Using the colour touchscreen, the system lets you access all the main functions from the radio through to all the main multimedia sources (media player, iPod, iPhone, smartphone) which can be connected via USB port or Aux-in socket or Bluetooth audio streaming. This can all be managed directly using the steering wheel controls in order that the driver doesn’t need to look away from the road or take their hands off the wheel. You can get your hands on this compact outside, but welcoming inside drive, starting from R344 900. not at all a bad price when you consider how much bang you getting for your buck with what the 500X has to offer.


PPG S-O AD 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:34 AM Page 1

For more information call +27 (0)11 454 8105 or visit

CELETTE_Layout 1 2015/09/08 2:41 PM Page 1

iRT Hyperion infrared Systems

RUPES HE-901 Dust Extraction System




NAJA 3D Measuring System





BETAG Plastic Fusion Pro Station

BETAG T-Hotbox PDR Paintless Dent Removal System




Car & Truck Spraybooths




CELETTE_Layout 1 2015/09/08 2:41 PM Page 2

BETAG PDR Paintless Dent Removal Trolley Set






BETAG HotBox Compact induction Heater

BETAG Flatliner Modern Body Repair System











Rotary House, 31 Heidelberg Rd, Johannesburg, 2094 Phone: (011) 334 1875 Fax: (011) 334 0965

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story by Jake Weyer



Safer drivers enjoy lower insurance costs but always read the small print on just what the cover yields.


nsurance programmes that encourage less and safer driving are growing in popularity across the country. The collision repair industry seems unaffected so far, but industry leaders are carefully monitoring the trend. Saving cash and the environment are top priorities for many consumers these days. In response, insurance companies in recent years have rolled out programmes offering cheaper premiums for less time behind the wheel. Pay-as-you-drive (PAYD) insurance programmes, which base premiums on mileage, driving habits or both, are available from numerous insurance companies in more than half the country, and they’re gaining momentum. The shift could eventually result in lower carbon emissions, reduced oil consumption, less congestion and, because of the potentially lower cost, more insured drivers. It could also mean fewer accidents – which might produce less work for collision repairers. A Brookings Institution report from 2008 estimated that the US could save at least $34 billion annually if all motorists used a PAYD plan. The repor t attributes the accident reduction to an eight percent drop in driving. US motorists currently drive three trillion miles per year. Merle Scheiber, director of insurance in South Dakota, one of 35 states that allows some form of PAYD programme, suspects a

Tel: 011 425 4062 Franz: 082 463 6284 Email: 1 Madeley Street, Rynfield, Benoni 34

key factor driving insurance companies to the plans is the potential for reduced claims. “Insurance companies are always looking for ways to reduce claim frequency,” Scheiber says. “They are there to pay claims, but they don’t want to pay claims. ” Still, even if the plans become the standard, Scheiber doesn’t see a significant impact on the collision industry. That’s been the case so far, but the Automotive Service Association (ASA) is monitoring the trend for any effect it might have on repairers, says ASA spokeswoman Angie Wilson. “It’s something they’re keeping their eyes on, but it hasn’t escalated to an agenda item,” she says. Most PAYD programmes require customers to install a wireless device that plugs into their vehicle’s onboard computer through a diagnostic port. That device monitors mileage and driving habits and can be removed easily by a repairer without affecting the data. “The only thing collision shops would need to know about the device is that if they need to use the port the device is plugged into to do diagnostic work, they can simply remove the device to do the diagnostics and then plug the device back in when they’re done,” says Brittany Senary, a spokeswoman for Progressive. Progressive was one of the earliest companies to offer this system. Its Snapshot programme tracks the number of miles driven, time of day they were driven

Supercure Spraybooth Rail System

and the frequency of sudden stops. People who drive less, go out at safer times of day and make fewer sudden stops could get a discount. More than 100 000 Progressive customers across 29 states have signed up for the programme, Senary says. That’s one out of every four Progressive customers. She says the programme doesn’t change how Progressive works with or reimburses repairers. Other major insurance companies, including State Farm and GMAC, offer some form of PAYD programme. An independent company in Texas called MileMeter Insurance Co. became the first in the nation to offer pay-by-the-mile insurance back in 2004. Unlike other programmes, MileMeter requires customers to send photos of odometer readings rather than install a tracking device. Michael Barry, a spokesman for the Insurance Information Institute, says another issue potentially holding PAYD programmes back is privacy. Motorists need to be willing to let insurance companies essentially get in the car with them when a tracking device is involved. But, as the need for green – in the form of cash and environmental conservation – grows, the practice is becoming more accepted.

Procure Mobile Infra-Red

Hotbox Colour Matching Dryer With Timer AUTOMOTIVE R










VERMONT A4 AD S-O 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:45 AM Page 1

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story by Erika Rasmusson Janes



There are staggering projections in terms of trade consolidation trends and especially the fact that 60% of all collision-damaged vehicles will be carried out by four major companies in America.


hen Mark Hall decided to exit the collision repair industry last spring after 29 years in the business, he contacted two large companies to see if they’d be interested in taking over his two Illinois-based Carstar shops. Today, those shops operate under the Sterling Autobody and Collision Revision umbrellas. Hall had interest from independent shop owners, but chose to go with the big guys for one simple reason: financial security. “If I were doing a cash sale I wouldn’t care who I sold to, but because of the size of the operations it’s difficult to get financing,” he says. “In both cases I was going to be involved in the real estate, and I wanted buyers that I trusted to make enough money to pay me for the real estate. And the people I trust to do that are big multishop operators (MSOs). ” Hall had reason to be wary: five years earlier, he’d sold one of those shops to an individual who ended up, in Hall’s words, “in over his head.” The new operator couldn’t pay the rent, so Hall ended up soliciting other potential operators. “I know there are lots of great independent collision repair shops,” he says, “but I also know the power of large operators in the industry. ” Indeed, some large operators appear to be getting even bigger these days: During the past few years some of the collision repair industry’s biggest operators have been growing in part by acquiring other shops. ABRA Auto Body & Glass, one of the largest collision repair companies with 98 locations, says on its website that “plans for accelerated national growth over the next several years include acquiring existing facilities and building new locations.” Collision Revision Inc., which operates 27 locations in three states, has grown solely though acquisition since 2007. So what’s driving the trend? A tough economy and pressures to be efficient both seem to be factors.

“For collision repair shops with the capital to expand, the current economic conditions allow for the reasonable purchase of independent facilities,” says Denise Caspersen, Collision division manager of ASA. Brandon Thomas, vice president, acquisitions and system improvements for Collision Revision, agrees. “Their previous retirement strategy is no longer as viable for independent shop owners. They may be underwater on their mortgage, or seeing such a decline in sales that it’s reduced their profit. Consolidation gives them an exit strategy. ” Bickett Erick, CEO of Fix Auto USA, which owns and licences shops, witnessed the consolidation trend “crash and burn” in the mid1990s. Now, he’s watching it come back again, driven, he says, by pressure on insurance companies to cut costs and be as efficient as possible. “That trickles down to the suppliers and the body shops,” Erick says. “Insurance companies are looking to lower the expense of getting cars repaired and administrating the claims. They would rather deal with one point of contact that can service 100 body shops. The single-location, well-run operation is more expensive for insurance companies to do business with.” For large companies, of course, the revival of the consolidation trend is a boon. “Consolidation gives us an opportunity to grow inorganically during a time that normally would not be very conducive to growth,” says Thomas, who expects the consolidation trend to continue. “It makes more sense to acquire rather than to put a brand new facility into a market that already has eight or 10 shops. And on the shop-owner side, you’ve got an aging demographic of shop owners who are working longer hours for less money. If there’s a way to make an exit, they’re more apt to listen. ”

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Telephone: +27(0)79 206-7881 / Fax: +27(0)11 452-8372 Tyrone: +27(0)82 856-1200 Aki: +27(0)84 889-7014 / Email: Website:

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he Paint Pro Renovate and Refine system was launched back in 2012. It was a two-stage system that could be used by both experienced machine polishers and even by the complete novice. Since its launch the company has received feedback that whilst the products did achieve an excellent deep gloss finish and were very safe to use, customers felt it would benefit from being quicker and slightly more abrasive. The marketplace is evolving and speed is key. Initially Autoglym believed such a product would become the third product in the range that would be offered as an alternative to Renovate and would still be followed by Refine. However, the Autoglym R&D team have over the three-year development period been able to develop a new product that not only works quicker than Paint Pro Renovate but one that achieves a finish superior to Paint Pro Refine. Autoglym’s all-new Rapid Renovator is a genuine ‘one step compound’ for all colours and paint types, the complete machine polishing solution. It has been developed to quickly remove flattening marks from freshly cured paint and to remove paintwork defects, swirl marks, water marks and surface scratches in old fully cured paintwork, leaving an outstanding gloss finish. It is capable of removing the same defects as Paint Pro Renovate and Refine, but performs quicker with one compound rather than two stages. All of the testing in the UK and abroad has shown that new Rapid Renovator outperforms Paint Pro Renovate and Paint Pro Refine. Consequently the Paint Pro system will be discontinued and replaced by Rapid Renovator. Not only is Rapid Renovator a quicker genuine one-stop product for the industry, taking half the time, it is also more efficient. On average you require less than half as much compound to achieve the same finish, with Paint Pro Renovate and Refine tests show on average that to rectify half a bonnet a total of 27.11 grams of compound is required (21. 45 grams of Renovate and 5.71 grams of Refine). In comparison when using Rapid Renovator only 11. 44 grams of compound is required. Rapid Renovator will launch in the UK any day soon and progressively to the rest of the world giving distributors time to demonstrate the benefits of Autoglym’s all new Rapid Renovator. Contact Martin on +27 (0)11 908 5446 for more information.


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DID YOU HEAR? by Roger McCleery South African rally championship teams drove on the ragged edge in the Volkswagen Rally down in PE and around the Longmore Forest. They demonstrated just what talent we have in the country.


espite the economy being a bit shaky at the moment the motor industry still keeps its head above water. It has been like a train throughout the years. Perhaps not quite going at full speed at the moment, but it is still going. From a consumer point of view this is the time to buy a car or trade in. You have more than 2000 cars to choose from. To keep up the numbers many worthwhile deals are available. So far the market this year has been down ±2%. Some insiders say that a lot of cars declared as sales are in fact being registered without a retail sale being concluded. The Isuzu KB bakkie is still one of the most reliable vehicles on our roads. Down in the Eastern Cape Ryno Jonker has just completed 720 000km in his KB250 bakkie he bought 11 years ago. This is a 1995 model that has only really had normal servicing and oil changing. It travels between 1000 and 1300 km per week. He has also got another two Isuzu bakkies with 550 000 and 430 000 km on the clock. Cayenne Motorcycles out at Kyalami have just completed a Honda month long festival with amazing prices being given on their motorcycles. In fact some models were sold out. August was Aprilia month which are superbly finished performance motorcycles from Italy. 300+ motorcycles have been the norm sold by Cayenne over the last few months. Never mind the Jaguar Simola Hill Climb which is one of THE events on the South African Motorsport Calendar. Jaguar and the FType which is South Africa’s most popular sports car out-selling twoseater competitors from Germany, Italy and Japan. Now they have launched a new F-Type ‘R’ coupe all-wheel drive. Nearly 600 F-Types have been sold since the launch in 2013 up to the end of June 2015. One hundred alone were sold in the first six months of this year. The F-Type has been given many titles, including Car of the Year, Coupé of the Year, Convertible of the Year, Best Performance Car and Dream Car. You can choose between a supercharged V6 and V8 engine. Currently the South African Land Speed Record for production cars is held by the F-Type at 294.68 km/h KIA has been making its mark on the South African vehicle marketplace since 1998. Their latest Peter Schryer-designed vehicle is the new KIA Grand Sedona, 7, 8 or 11-seater MPV. Carrying this number of people is all done in total luxury with individual estate-like seats for the front four passengers. It goes up against the VW Caravelle and the new luxurious V-Class Mercedes-Benz. Its one advantage is its price which starts at R500 000. Bridgestone, the world’s biggest tyre and rubber manufacturer, are warning people to use the correct speed rating of tyre on their vehicles. The National speed limit is 120 km/h but many cars are capable of 250 km/h or more. 40

“Sometimes,” says the GM for Field Engineering and Technical Services, Hiroshi Nakamishi, “motorists fit tyres for a lower speed rating to save money which is false economy and could compromise safety. ” A car with a maximum speed of 190 km/h needs a T rated tyre (it’s on the sidewall). A Q rating is for continuous speed of 160 km/h. The fifth Standard Bank Peoples’ Wheels Survey is under way. It allows the public at large to vote for their favourite cars in various categories, with the possibility of winning R25 000. There are 22 categories spanning budget cars, city run-abouts, bakkies, luxurious, SUV’s, rugged, 4x4’s, and exotic sports cars etc. Sponsored by Standard Bank the announcement of the winners will be on 14th November at the Sandton Convention Centre. To ensure drivers don’t have to drive themselves home after drinking during a night-out, the AA has announced the launch of their latest service called “Designated Driver”. Motor vehicle crashes claim the lives of more than 14 000 people every year and as many as 150 000 injured. A lot of these accidents, maybe more than half, are caused by alcohol consumption. With poor transport facilities, drivers may be tempted to drive home after drinking, even if they know they shouldn’t and if caught, get heavy penalties. So the AA has employed drivers with a clean driving licence and older than 25. There are male and female drivers; the latter to give added peace of mind for women users. All you need is to book the service 45 minutes before you need a lift home. Drinking and driving is just not worth the risk. For details visit www. aadesignateddriver. co. za Some traffic regulations for this country spouted by Cabinet Ministers have not been thought through. The latest is the Deputy President saying “If you don’t pay your e-tolls you won’t be able to get your licence for your vehicle when it’s due. ”This is just not so as the law has not been promulgated and cannot be enforced before this is done. The rules say it will be published in the Government Gazette. Where do you get a Government Gazette and who ever reads it, anyway? The AA stands by its earlier comments that ring fencing the fuel levy is still the best funding model for e-tolls as the cost of collection is a fraction of what they are trying to impose now. South African female competitors were invited to the selection camp for a fully sponsored drive in the next year’s Sea Lion CrossCountry Rally in Qatar. It is an initiative from the Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation with the FIA Women in Motorsport Commission. There are a few South African lady competitors who certainly could shine in this type of event. There is a chance of having a world championship Moto-X Grand Prix on 20th March 2016. Guliano Verolini has secured a date before the United States had a chance for a World Championship event











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Listen to Roger McCleery every Tuesday on Radio Today (1485 AM) at17h30 for everything about SA motoring. which could see 40+ riders who are at the top of their game in the world, campaigning in this country. We last had a Moto-X Grand Prix years ago and it is time we got back on the world stage. Cape youngster, David Perel, has made his mark in the European Lamborghini Gallardo Super Trophy Series. Phoned on a Tuesday in July, he was told to get over to the Belgium Spa GP Circuit to race in this competitive series against other similar cars on the following Sunday. He had never seen the GP circuit before but after two races he scored two wins and had the two quickest laps. The first 29 Hungarian Grands Prix provided a long, boring afternoon with a procession of drivers unable to pass. 2015 changed all that and put on a show that’s been one of the best for a couple of years. Lots of action and passing. A point almost unnoticed is the McLaren Honda team of Alonso and Button coming home in fifth and ninth position. Sad to record the deaths of three great people who had a great passion for motorsport. The first was Peter de Klerk who died at 80 years old. He was a humble, genuine bloke with a natural talent. He became one of the fastest Porsche drivers at Le Mans who was able to sort out any handling or performance problems. His early days were in Alfa Romeo cars in South Africa. Overseas GP F1 drivers were shattered by the speed of the man. The next shock was the passing of Clive Rice, who besides being one great South African cricket captain, loved his motorsport and was successful. A car enthusiast, he actually had an AC Cobra made by Tony Martin in Durban. He was motor racing at Zwartkops not long before he died. Dave McLeod was another shock. After a bout of pneumonia he suffered a heart attack. One of Kyalami’s great commentators on the original circuit, he was secretary of the South African Commentators Association. All will be genuinely missed. Our condolences to their families. South African ladies made motorsport history during an all-girl karting podium, thought to be a world first, made international racing history at a Northern Regions Karting Championship meeting. The Rotax Senior Max Class saw Fabienne Lanz, Ivana Tinich and Shannon Jackson come home 1-2-3. South African rally championship teams drove on the ragged edge in the Volkswagen Rally down in PE and around the Longmore Forest. They demonstrated just what talent we have in the country. The rains came down in buckets, which didn’t slow the top runners like Leeroy Poulter (Elvene Coetzee), Mark Cronje (Robin Houghton) or Giniel de Villiers (Carolyn Swan). They were going full tilt in blinding rain and mist right on the edge of big drop-offs. A 42 km stage through the Longmore Forest which happened to be the last one as the final two stages were flooded out, was won by Leeroy Poulter by .7 of a second from Cronje. Be warned. Organised crime syndicates are targeting luxury cars. It’s not just the small cars in the Volkswagen range or Toyotas these days; they are looking at everything. Some of the victims have been people who have filed complaints directly with dealerships. A gangster pretending to work for the dealership tells you that he will come and fetch your car and take it in for repair for you. When your car doesn’t come back or you phone to find out where it is, it is more than likely the crime syndicate in Gauteng has been active yet again. Midas Group, a market leader in the replacement automotive parts industry, has changed its name to Africa Automotive Aftermarket Solutions (AAAS). It willcommonly be referred to as Aftermarket Solutions. The Imperial Holdings Limited-owned entity unveiled its new name and brand identity at the inauguration today of its combined head office and state-of-the-art distribution centre in Linbro Park, Johannesburg. The name change comes as a result of the company’s phenomenal growth over the last sixty years, with greater clarity sought around the relationship that exists between the Midas retail franchise store brand and various other subsidiaries within the group.











The compact Korek HD floor frame features a double layer ground frame for robust performance and easy set-up. The flexible tower assemblies are highly mobile. It offers extended cab tower pulls with traction pulls of 20 tons per basic tower. The towers are simple to fix as they operate on rollers and are fixed to the HD Korek frame by four wedges with three main stands on offer. This is coupled to 30 ton composition hydraulic sets. The options for a perfect chassis cab and frame straightening job are endless as well as painless. As far as speed of output and profitability are concerned, the HD Korek offers major profitability at a reasonable entry level cost. It is ideal for both CV repairers and large fleet operators as an investment in Truck repair.

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he annual IBIS Global Summit took place in Greece at the Hilton Athens. It was the first time to be held in Greece and this year’s theme: “Evolution through collaboration” ran through every session and was evident in the networking as global leaders in collision repair caught up and forged new connections. The Hilton Athens was a brand new environment for the IBIS delegates, attracting both international representatives and local delegates to a city steeped in history, but a future clouded in uncertainty The Greek Opportunity Honing in on the domestic market, AkzoNobel’s sales manager VR premium for Greece, Italy, Balkans and Turkey, Yannis Ioanniadis claimed there is ‘opportunity’ within the Greek sector. Facing continued economic and political difficulties, Yannis highlighted how vehicle sales had declined, reaching an all-time low in 2013. Yannis explained how between 2008-2012 car sales dropped an average of 35% per year which meant a great downsizing of many businesses. He also highlighted how since 2013 the fleet sector has shown signs of growth, an area he described as now ‘very important’ for the automotive industry. Yannis suggested that even though sales effectively ‘disappeared’ up until 2012/13, ‘we expect this to grow once again and feel the economy can grow really fast again, if the situation stabilises, which means we can go back to our position we held until 2007. ” Yannis explained how during the same period insurers, which have a heavy reliance on motor premiums, have been under great pressure to reduce costs with premiums reducing by 13%, yet claims remaining static. Yannis continued: “This caused a really big squeeze on the profitability of insurers and as a consequence we have seen a big drop in the number of insurers in Greece, from 41 in 2009 to 31 in 2013. Despite a new entrant to the insurance market in 2014 and early indications of a stages recovery, the decline in the Greek economy has resulted in insurers placing mounting pressure on the supply chain with a reduction in original equipment manufacturer (OE) parts sales, an increase in the use of non-OE parts and reduced labour rates. “OEMs are doing whatever they possibly can to retain parts marketshare, yet still we see the rise of questionable quality parts coming, mainly from Asia,” said Yannis. Yannis continued to highlight how a reduction in claims, combined with a decrease in accident severity and therefore a fall in labour hours per claim, contributed towards a highly competitive market for accident repairers. “As a consequence,” explained Yannis, “Hourly rates dropped from €33 per hour to €30 per hour. ” Yannis explained: “The car parc is getting older and this will likely favour the services of the independent sector in the coming years. However, OEMs are intensifying their efforts to upgrade the quality of service and promote body and paint. ” Yannis said, “We are seeing the emergency of insurer repair networks and accident management companies are taking position. There is every opportunity within the market, but the future is not yet clear. ” Yannis closed by stating: “We have never had all industry partners sit around at one table in order to get the best from what we do. ” Collaboration Model for a Win-Win Looking at “Collaboration model for a win-win” AIG’s global head of consumer auto claims, Joe Funk, looked at the partnership models the insurer has in place in the South American and Asian markets via its motor agent agrement and key parts provider (KPP). Funk opened by giving an overview of his career which has seen him go from insurance loss adjuster at AIG, to general manager at a large collision repair centre, then back to his current role with AIG. “When I came back to the insurance world and travelled around, the first question I asked was tell me a little bit about the collision repair network,” explained Funk. “Every country I travelled to, the first thing that they would do is tell me about their discount structure. In my world, we call our collision centre partners KPGs, key partner 44

garages. “My response to this is always, ‘how are you ensuring the profitability of our business partners because that is truly what they are’. I get a wide variety of responses,” Funk continued, “Key partner garages are our customer interface. For a body shop to give great customer service they have to be happy and to be happy they have to be profitable. ” Funk explained how the key for AIG was to create a win-win model for its key partner garages where the insurer can control costs, its partner body shops make a profit, and this, in turn, makes sure the ‘mutual customer’ is happy. To achieve this, Funk implemented the motor agent agreement philosophy which sees a collision repair facility operate as the policy sales agent for the insurer. This, he claimed, offers benefits for the insurer such as expertise and consistency, effective claims management with prompt payment, reasonable pricing structure, thereby ensuring premium stability, disciplined underwriting, and branding and service quality alignment. “The motor agent agreement acts as a collaborative approach to claims,” Funk continued. He also outlined the key parts provider (KPP) programme which sees parts suppliers provide replacement parts, at discount, to the collision repair facilities. In exchange the insurance carrier agrees to buy a high volume of parts, thus generating a win-win relationship between the body shop, the KPP and insurance carrier. Joe explained about the management of KPP and how to make the network function, AIG has established a formal document where the insurance carrier specified the commitments for the KPPs such as discounts, delivery time and quality etc. All providers must also have a stock of parts and should name a specific executive to service AIG’s requirements. In return AIG commits to pay in less than 30 days, with the average being five days, and buy in high volume. “In many countries around the world, KPP has been implemented at the request of our partner body shops but in certain other markets we decided to do it as a means of combating fraud,” said Funk. He continued: “I want our repair partners to make money because if our repairers are happy, that reflects well on my customer.” Consolidation in the US Rex Green of BB&T Capital Markets offered a presentation entitled, “Consolidation in the US, what it might mean for the rest of the world,” in which he highlighted the ‘umprecedented’ trend of consolidator activity within the collision repair industry. Green highlighted how at present in the US, four consolidators, ‘the four horsemen’, at present share 10% of collision repair revenue. However, in 10 years’ time Green predicted that figure to be closer to 65% of revenue. In a self-proclaimed bold statement, Green said, “Eventually they will do effectively all of the insurer funded repairs in the US. ” Green continued: “There are a couple of chapters that haven’t been fully written yet regarding whether we will end up with four, three or two major players, and I also don’t know yet whether the franchise networks will begin to have a meaningful impact on the consolidation story in the US or not. ” Green suggested that consolidation of this magnitude may not take hold around the rest of the world, but if it doesn’t, in his opinion, it will be because of regulatory, legal or cultural constraints that defy economics. Discussing the variance between consolidated groups and franchise networks, Green suggested both could bring the same benefits of scale if applied correctly. However, he also pointed out one of the forces driving consolidation is homogenisation, something Green claimed, “insurers are going to increasingly favour this partnership offering,” He continued, “The challenge for the franchise networks is to establish a very rigorous commonality of process and look and feel to both the insurance company and the customer. ” Discussing the three drivers of consolidation, economies of scale, industry forces and aggressive source of capital, Green said, “With regard to economies of scale, size matters a lot. Scale enables a











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story and pics by Ian Groat better product or service. The role of carriers (insurers) in the industry amplifies the power of scale economies, their role in dictating volume and their ability to accurately measure product quality adds fuel to the normal fire of consolidation. ” Green referred to the virtuous circle of a collision repair consolidator, emphasising how more operating units create more ‘absolute’ cash which results in more investment technology. “One of the four horsemen spends $20m per year just in technology development, so ask yourself how long can you compete against people who are leveraging that kind of spend over hundreds and soon thousands of locations? He suggested this investment in technology leads to better systems and procedures, higher key performance indicator scores, higher volumes from insurers and finally, completing the loop, a better ability to invest in expansion. Turning his attention to ‘capital flowing into collision,’ Green said: “the availability of private equity provides the jet fuel for consolidations. It’s a very exciting time in collision within the US and will soon be within other markets.” He suggested if Carlyle’s purchase of Nationwide may well be a sign of what’s to come. Green suggested collision “couldn’t be a hotter investment than it is right now in the US,” and claimed that “in the next five to 10 years ‘stubborn holdouts’ (non-affiliated) body shops will be doing something else with their business. ” Parts Platform and the Dutch Market Wijnand Mebius, chairman of the board of co-operation, PartsPlan recently offered an insight into the fascinating parts platform in the Dutch market aimed at simplifying processes and obtaining management information. Opening his presentation with a Pepsi Max advert in which a job interviewee, with the asisstance of his friends, ensures all his fellow candidates withdraw and he is offered the role, Mebius said: “You may wonder what this has to do with the subject of my presentation. Well it is all to do with co-operation. If we join forces, and are smart, success takes care of itself. This is exactly what we have in mind with PartsPlan. ” Mebius explained that PartsPlan is an IT and ordering platform, designed to simplify processes and obtain management information. Founded in 2005 by Achmea Insurance and Athlon Car Lease, PartsPlan was aimed at tackling parts supply, which amounted to 28% of the domestic market claims costs. Mebius explained: “PartsPlan was granted the procurement functions regarding parts. The total volume of parts was combined and PartsPlan was instructed to make arrangements about the conditions of delivery and also negotiate competitive prices on parts from suppliers. Contracted repairers were then required to order all parts for repairs via PartsPlan. The impact of this is that the increase in parts prices has been heavily regulated. ” Mebius then went on to explain how at the beginning of 2015 five body shop chains joined forces to acquire the platform and share the benefits. Mebius went on to highlight the ambitions of PartsPlan which includes “to join forces to strengthen our negotiation powers; that all body shops within the Dutch market will become affiliated PartsPlan companies – and as a next step – maybe even companies from abroad, and to ensure that important data remains within the body repair domain and to obtain management information to be able to control the price trend on parts. ” Mebius then suggested the strategy for the coming years will be defined in the last quarter of 2015. Mebius explained that currently 60% of the €350m parts turnover within the Netherlands goes through PartsPlan, with the aim of increasing this number to 75% by the end of 2015. Highlighting the advantages for contractors, suppliers and affiliated companies, which he suggested as the ability to adjust terms/premiums, certainty of sales and benefit from central sales respectively, Mebius said: “non-affiliated companies are missing out on a real opportunity. ” Quoting Henry Ford, he said: “If everyone is moving forward together, the success takes care of itself. ” He then closed his presentation with a “Take the bus, it’s smarter to travel in groups” advert clip from Belgian Bus company De Lijn, which showed how a group of Penguins if acting together can outwit even an Orca whale.











Yannis Ioanniadis, sales manager VR Premium for Greece, Italy, Balkans and Turkey.

Joe Funk global head of personal lines auto claims, AIG.

Rex Green managing director BB&T Capital Markets.

Wijnand Mebius chairman of the board, PartsPlan. 45

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iNDUSTry update

story by Bryce Evans




he online retail giant eBay has begun selling services in a price comparison format, and the industry awaits the possible ramifications. When corporate giants step into a new industry segment, the reverberations are often felt down to the smallest of businesses. this was the case when devin Wenig, president of the marketplaces business for eBay, made a casual announcement that the Internet retail giant would start a test run of selling automotive repair services. during a lengthy interview with Newsday Wenig said that the company would begin the test in a handful of select uS cities last winter. then, in September, eBay made an announcement in Germany that it had formed a partnership with uK-based autobutler, a site that provides online repair quotes in a price- and services-comparison format. the companies joined forces for a similar offering through the newly created eBay Motors Werkstattportal. the service is available in Germany, Sweden, denmark and the uK. through a company spokesman, eBay declined to comment on its plans for expanding the programme stateside, but said further announcements are imminent. eBay is certainly far from the first to launch this type of online programme. Companies like Repairpal, OpenBay, and autoMd have had similar offerings (each with certain variations) for years. But throwing a name like eBay into the ring adds another element. “More than anything, it likely grabs the attention of the average consumer,” says Repairpal CeO art Shaw. “It just reinforces

the trend that consumers are looking to the Internet more and more for finding services like auto repair. this is the way things are heading. ” The eBay effect although unable to comment on the specific pilot project, an eBay spokesman was quick to point out the company’s already significant footprint in the auto industry. Some quick facts: More than 5. 1 million passenger vehicles have been sold to date through eBay Motors, and today, on average, the company sells a vehicle every five minutes. eBay sells 1. 5 million parts and accessories in the uS each week; 1.2 million are sold each week globally, via mobile devices. Roughly twothirds of all uS transactions are delivered within three days. and more than 59% of eBay buyers shop via multiple screens, indicating price-comparison shopping. to say that eBay is a newcomer to auto repair would be inaccurate, and adding service options on its site seems to be the next logical step for the global corporation. the programme launched in europe is fairly simple: Customers enter in basic vehicle information, along with a description of the problem and the consumer’s ZIp code; the system churns out three selected shops from its network (built through autobutler) and quotes on the repair; and the customer can select one of the options and book an appointment through. More jobs or more problems? Shaw is not a car guy, but as the CeO of Repairpal, he has become intimately

involved in the auto repair industry, and how the average vehicle owner views the average shop. a recent Repairpal survey found that 81% of consumers want quality first; 7% said price was most important, Shaw says. However, a separate 2014 survey stated that 52% of all respondents believe they are “ripped off” at repair shops. Shaw says to keep that in mind: those consumers weren’t stating a lack of trust, but more seriously stating they felt they’d been previously cheated. that’s the solution Shaw feels Repairpal offers through a shop-certification process, something that autobutler has put together, too, in order to balance quality with price. the average vehicle owner doesn’t understand the intricacies of a repair, but they do understand the effect it has on their bank account. “We try to present them with the information of what a quality shop offers. “You get a quote online from a shop and they find a few more critical issues that need to be fixed and all of a sudden that repair bill is much, much higher,” Swift says. “Online price comparison can cause unrealistic expectations. ” Consumers, though, are flocking to these services, Shaw says. Before joining Repairpal, Shaw helped Charles Schwab launch its online financial service segment through its first website more than 20 years ago. “people were hesitant at first; they were afraid of the Internet,” he says. “But as a vehicle for consumer’s gaining information, the Internet has become this wonderful tool. “When I came to Repairpal three years ago, I saw the transformation taking place in this industry. Consumers just want information, and this is the new way they are gaining it. ”




ew research by joint industry/government funded Go ultra Low has found that the majority of car buyers aspire to own high-tech, low-emission electric vehicles. When questioned, 67% of respondents identified alternatively fuelled vehicles as a purchase consideration. three quarters of motorists said that running costs were the biggest consideration when choosing their next car, making the argument for switching to ultra low emission vehicles even more compelling. Hetal Shah, head of Go ultra Low said: “Our research shows that, after purchase price, the top things motorists look for in a new car are affordable running costs, comfort, space and style. the huge variety of electric vehicles now on the market is changing motorists’ concept of desirability, with the majority of consumers surveyed aspiring to the new breed of quiet, refined, technology-packed plug-in vehicles. We’re confident that this year alone we’ll see thousands more motorists up and down Britain plugging-in to this growing trend. ” 46


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oyota ushered in a new era in vehicle technology last November with the launch of production of its Mirai hydrogen fuel-cell powered saloon. The factory chosen for the task is the Motomachi plant in Toyota City, home to many landmark models, most recently the Lexus LFA supercar. The small but dedicated facility is charged with producing Mirai with the same care and attention to detail that was paid to the LFA. Production of the Lexus V10 coupĂŠ was limited to just 500 examples, with the last model coming off the line just over two years ago, Mirai is being manufactured at a rate of around three cars a day. A new series of short films goes behind the scenes at Motomachi to reveal key stages in the production process, right through to the final inspection every car undergoes before leaving the plant. Production started at Motomachi in 1959 and in its 56-year history it has produced such renowned Toyotas as Publica, Corona, Cresta, Soarer, Super and Rav4. Mirai is now on sale in Japan and will be introduced in limited numbers to the UK and other selected European markets during 2015.



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he Greek car market, which, we must note here, produces no cars, is at a very critical point, with passenger car sales going down during the period from 2007-2013 by 78.07%. According to figures from the Association of Motor Vehicle Importers Respresentatives (ACEA) in 2007, 279 974 passenger cars were sold, by 2013 this figure stood at just 58 694. And all this while 350 895 cars were withdrawn from the streets under a premium for buying a new car. However, beside the reduction in car sales, we also encountered reduced traffic on the roads by approximately 130 000 cars in 2013 because their owners temporarily handed over the licence plates of their cars to state agencies. And this was not only because of the economic crisis, but mainly because in the last two years, road taxes for large displacement vehicles, over 1600cc, were dramatically raised. This, along with the rising price of fuel, was the cause for the used, large displacement and luxury cars to depreciate greatly in value. Without respective buyer interest, this resulted in a large number of these vehicles being exported to other countries. So, many Greeks were forced to start-up their old cars, which had been neglected – basically, they were unmaintained – which gave some ‘life’ to the independent repair market. Interest Currently there is interest in the market for small and mid-range vehicles, including hybrid or gas powered (LPG/CNG) cars. It is noteworthy that LPG cars were only legalised during the last three years in Greece and as a result, many petrol to LPG car conversions had taken place, while CNG cars were legalised just a few months ago with the construction of CNG filling stations for cars. Overall, the situation is tragic, especially for the automotive dealers and their networks, whose number are constantly decreasing. A typical example is that in a luxury car company, a partner-dealer in Athens charges €65 per hour labour, while another collegue at a town in the region, charges €29. Also, official dealers, make continuous discount offers on service and parts, so one cannot know if what is true today will be true tomorrow. Independent Problems have now occurred in the free repair market, especially for independent body shops. These businesses are now under pressure which has resulted in the phenomenon of actually closing body shops. Besides the economic crisis, this was enhanced by the policy of insurance companies to create their own body shops or conclude low cost agreements with some of the existing ones, thus creating an informal ‘network’ of collaborating workshops. Also insurance companies, in order to reduce their costs, have been pushing and, are still pushing, the market for larger discounts in spare parts, just as it was reported in IBIS 2012, and for the use of nonOEM parts which are cheaper, as well as promoting the use of second hand spare parts. Also in the Greek market in recent years, within the repair market, several intermediaries are becoming involved, who make deals with body shops levying rates of 10-15% of labour and parts for work they direct. This has alarmed the insurance companies, which together with their customers, estimate an approximate burden of 30%. In relation to the above we must also add the competition which now exists in the independent repair market, resulting in reduced hourly labour costs, and therefore it is very hard to really know the upper and lower limits. Positive The only positive in all this, is the mobilisation of independent repairers unions, who search the market and show interest in creating cooperating body shop networks or even find ways to 48

cooperate with the insurance market, to mitigate the effects of crisis in the independent repair sector. Also, according to recent information from reliable sources, the sector of aftermarket spare parts buying, is starting to move. A typical example is that a large representative, not importer, of key German factories which manufactures OEM and aftermarket mechanical spare parts, showed an increase of 31% in 2013. The increase in Q1 of 2014 stands at about the same level. Finally, regarding the prospects in the coming years, these cannot be estimated and analysed, we can only speculate and wish for better days.

FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT GREECE Population GDP Number of Body ShopsNumber of Primary Body Shops Number of Smart Repairers Number of Motor Insurers -

10 815 897 €183 984 000 000 7500 4000 200 35

Top Three Motor Insurers by number of vehicles insured 1. Intersalonica 635 000 2. Interamerican 493 000 3. Ethniki Asfalistiki 435 000 Number of vehicles on the road 6 550 000 Number of non insured vehicles 730 000 New vehicle sales trends Static Residual Value Trends Reducing for large displacement vehicles, static in small to medium vehicles, rising in new technology petrol or diesel, hybrid, as well as LPG and CNG powered vehicles. Number of Road Accidents Number of Car Repairs Average Cost of Repair Average Labour rate Average Motor Insurance Premium Average Motor Insurance Excess/Deductible Annual Cost of Motor Insurance Fraud -

500 000 pa 700 000 pa €900 €31 €350 €300 €15-20 million











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rom Carrozzeria, Milan we asked about the market overview of what is happening in Italy. The main challenges/trends/relationships currently facing the Italian collision repair market is that the market has got too many car body repairers which creates the difficult economic situation of less work shared between a lot of car body shops. In Italy there aren’t currently networks of Smart Repair but some are going to start.There is also a big fight among insurance companies and car repairers. Trends that are evident in relation to body shops and the reasons and how they impact on the market is that the number of car body shops is reasonably stable. Nowadays we estimate there are roughly 14 000 body shops but less than 5 000 of them have a large presence. We still do not have any big networks but rather small associations. Vehicle manufacturers are increasing their involvement/influence in the collision repair sector by moving to create their own networks of body repairers, for example PSA Group (Citroën, Peugeot, DS). Insurer influences on the repair sector and their impact on relationships is that insurers are trying to push on non-fault systems but the Italian law still permits the car owner to choose their chosen repairer. The government is going to make a new law for the accident sector and currently there are two proposals, one from government and one from parliament. Less and less small repairers are able to make a decent repair but the big facilities make smart repairs every day. Regarding mobile operators, there is something lacking in environmental laws that won’t allow them to paint by the side of the road. We don’t have any formal repair standards, while the police can take control in the case of bad car crashes. Italian body shops are following new technologies, certainly. Repair data comes directly from the brands and, generally, arrives at the body shop via the software, paint companies and tool producers. Italian car repairers use one or two estimating/management tools in the body shop. In the next 12 months this situation will not change. But there are also estimating systems for fleet and/or insurance, they have their own systems to evaluate the damage and the repairing costs.











In Italy there are schools for body shops, however it is very difficult to find expert refinishers. One of the biggest challenges for car body repairers will be the match between insurance and car repair. The number of body shops will most likely drop in the next five years.

FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT ITALY Population GDP Number of People who hold a full driving licence Total Vehicle parc -

58 000 000 $249 trillion 34 000 000 41 000 000

Total new Road vehicle sales for past thre years 2012 2013 2014 -

1 402 831 1 303 382 1 359 514

Number of Body shops Number of primary body shops Number of Smart repairers Number of motor insurers -

14 000 estimated

5 000 - 7 000 no numbers 155 authorised

Top three motor insurers by number of vehicles 1. Unipol SAI 2. Generali 3. Allianz Number of road accidents per annum Number of acident repairs per annum Average cost of repair Average labour rate Average motor insurance premium Average motor insurance excess/deductible Annual cost of motor insurance fraud Accident repair market value -

2 800 000 1500 000 estimated

€1 800 not available €575.81 €40 €2billion (estimated by ANIA) 4 billion estimated


R-M SPRAY COMPETITION J-A 2015_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/07/13 12:55 PM Page 1

R-M SPRAY COMPETITION J-A 2015_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/07/13 12:55 PM Page 2

Tel: 011 872 1217 RSB AutoGroup, Joshua Doore Building, 4 Andries Street South, Wynberg, JHB

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FUTURE TECH - by Andrew Marsh



SA (PSA Peugeot Citroën) is a giant that many have either forgotten or don’t know about. A big part of the global image for Peugeot to this day is countless ancient 404s and 504s moving the masses around Africa. These incredibly tough vehicles could be seen driving at speed across unsurfaced roads with zero maintenance for years on end. For those born in the 1950s or 1960s Peugeot represented inherent quality and toughness, whilst Citroën represented the brand that could not stop raising two fingers to the rest of the world in rallying. So on the one hand we had a loyal family pet, and on the other a complete hooligan that we all quietly admired. Of course things have changed and those images disappeared long ago as parent company changed direction and found huge success in other ways. Europe at the centre of the global automotive world There is a well known OEM phrase – go to North America or the Far East to learn about high volume manufacture, but go to Europe to learn about quality engineering. In other words how someone can make a career out of designing the better door hinge or superior head restraint. European OEMs are the best engineering finishing schools on the planet in terms of understanding the breadth and depth of the knowledge required to create a new vehicle from bumper to bumper. But things have been changing for decades, and are becoming more obvious by the day. According to the European OEM club ACEA, global production of vehicles (bikes, cars, vans, pick-ups, trucks, buses, coaches) during 2014 reached 90.6 million units, of which 73.2 million units were cars. Europe built 17.2 million units of which 15.0 million units were cars – so around 20% of the global car production. These figures don’t tell the whole story because the OEM business is global, so there are European operations building all over the world just as there are non-European OEMs building in Europe. The bottom line is Europe tends to influence the greater global industry, but does not produce the majority of vehicles. The highly competitive sector drives each OEM to get the best cost base possible for a manufacturer which may mean also – for strategic reasons – building close to or inside one of the destination markets. The whole equation is a good deal more complex than figuring out route options for an airline, taking into account which countries are friendly or not…. PSA PSA is the holding company for the vehicle brands of Peugeot, Citroën and DS. It also owns the biggest automotive interior systems supplier in the world (Faurecia), makes bicycles/scooters (in France!) and used to own a huge distribution company (GEFCO) which it sold off mainly to the Russian State Railway (or was that circus?). When PSA is being brilliant, it really is world class. During the 1950s through to the 1990s Peugeot automobiles had a carefully crafted formula – exterior design from Pininfarina so that they stood out from the competition, conservative evolutionary mechanicals with great durability and a policy to put new generations of model ranges into production whilst producing the old ones for as long as there was demand. Peugeot was often derided for the huge model overlap policy, but it worked – as did the evolutionary approach to technology – Toyota built as global empire on the same strategy. The only issue was timing. In the 1980s the average model life-span was around four years and included one or more updates. Peugeot took rather longer, and that meant models needed to be way in advance of the competition to survive competitions two model changes before the next Peugeot range appeared. However, that was at odds with the evolutionary approach to product design, and so the template was altered. Further, whereas Peugeot sold outdated model ranges in nearly all markets, Toyota would switch them on and off so that only one choice appeared in any market at any time. In 1974 the Michelin family had been tested by the ownership of Citroën and Maserati in the face of ever increasing losses. Indeed Citroën was acquired by Michelin because it was in part owed 52

money by the company, and no other French multi-national wanted the company. At this stage Citroën still had national public significance in France, whilst Maserati was sold off to DeTomaso… so what to do with Citroën? Step forward French Government industrial strategy. It was decided that the ultra-conservative Peugeot was mighty enough to take on a new division – Citroën – and restructure the resulting automotive company. Renault was having an extended period of ‘off-days’ at this time…. Whilst Citroën had conservative approaches to powertrains (apart from spending a fortune on a licence for Wankel engines) nothing else the company did was conservative, was ordered, or even occasionally sane. Apart from the products the two companies had identical departments doing identical work, and for more than a decade this continued. Peugeot Citroën is born We can see right from the late 1970s that the over reliance on the European market and inability to refresh products as fast as the competition left the company badly exposed. Added to this was the underlying debt and diverse product ranges from two car producers who were frequently trying to get the very same customer. Step forward the first major change Peugeot decided to invest in group wide platforms and powertrains. In addition they also sought to place Citroën at the lower price point for each market, whilst leaving Peugeot with the higher ‘quality’ orientated image. The first vehicle to appear from this policy was the Citroën Visa, a hasty conversion of the Peugeot 104, which, thanks to being slightly longer as well as cheaper, was a huge commercial success – which the 104 was emphatically not. The policy continued right across the model ranges, deleting expensive stand-alone models and allowing the huge excess manufacturing plant capacity to be slimmed down. That step was correct for the European car market but resulted in cars that were no longer especially reliable or robust – thus leaving Africa behind. The truth is PSA in common with many other vehicle manufacturers had not enough cash to develop products as comprehensively as they did in the past and could get away with the loss of reliability on the well maintained road systems of its primary market, Europe. The big issue was the reliability of 404/504 was needed all along, especially if PSA were to re-take Africa as well as the Americas in any significant way. The Japanese and South Korean manufacturers knew this all along, but for many European-based automotive companies they chose to bury their heads and ignore the issue. The second major change There appear to be un-related secondary issues. That owning more factories than a company could ever need. PSA needed to shed production staff and factories as a commercial objective, but in this case the French State intervened. Just as with Renault, there were plants which were kept alive and re-invested when the same amount of cash spent in the correct manufacturing country would have yielded a significantly greater profit. Take the joint venture with Toyota. Three cars – C1, 107 and Aygo were designed and developed as one model range between the two companies. The three versions were built inside the same new plant in the Czech Republic, on the same assembly line. Good so far. Toyota took care of the powertrain (from associate Daihatsu) and the platform, whilst PSA did the interiors and the diesel engine. Really good so far. They harmonised quality expectations, plant logistics, and much more. Great. Then the after-market teams did the repair manuals – a Citroën team working on the C1, a Peugeot team working on the 107 and a Toyota team working on the Aygo. Three teams, three sets of answers…. for the same car! The seconded PSA teams involved with design, development and manufacturing were so enthused about what they learnt from Toyota, they rushed back to Paris and spread the gospel. The result was Peugeot setting up a new assembly plant in Slovakia – to build the 207. The result was fierce resistance from the unions in the


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existing plants located in France as well as Spain, and dilution of the Toyota quality system because ‘Peugeot didn’t need it’. The result? Vehicles which were designed and developed using the same old process, built in three existing plants as well as the new one to slightly improved standards. Quite simply PSA had a huge competitive advantage that was squandered. Add to that the rationalisation of the Peugeot and Citroën engineering teams which was completed by 2011 – a mere 37 years – and we can see that whilst the market trends were obscuring the identity of both Peugeot as well as Citroën the company was doing a great job of making huge errors, often with the help of the French Government. The low points… • PSA invested heavily in lean burn engine technology but were the wrong side of the winning lobby in it’s main market – Europe – as it decided to centre emission strategy on an air to fuel ration of 14.7:1 (Lambda = 1). The result was to trash a complete, wide powertrain investment range that took more than a decade to recover. • The global move towards premium brands as they in turn expanded their product ranges downwards into the ‘mass market’. This implied the loss of reputation and created invisibility, as the mass market producers sought to establish their own brand identity with very poor returns. • Building the brave Peugeot 1007 with two electric sliding doors and a hatch – again the market said ‘non’ and each car that was bought cost the company another £12,947 (nearly R257,000). Only the Bugatti Veyron (£3,887,051 per car), the Volkswagen Phaeton (£23,655 per car) and the Renault Vel Satis (£15,751 per car) lost more. • Building the 607/407/C5 (X4), followed by the 508/C5/C6 (X7) which gained very modest traction in France but almost nowhere else. • Building up the long-standing investment in Iran Khodro, which allows access to many markets in the Middle East that are not open to Western companies, only to fall foul of the US inspired economic sanctions against Iran. PSA protested, but were directed by the EU and French Governments to stop shipments of vehicle assembly kits in March 2012. Shipments resumed in July 2015, just after the Iran nuclear power agreement was signed. • Attempting to marry Mitsubishi so soon after the latter had divorced Daimler. PSA paid for the evolution of the Mitsubishi i-MiEV into a vehicle which could be sold in the US in return for almost zero sales for the Peugeot iOn or Citroën C-Zero. There was deep confusion with the second generation Outlander built in Japan with PSA diesel engines called 4007 and C-Crosser, again with minimal sales.


Power, power Just as Fauricia have relatively quietly got on with world domination, so the combined might of Peugeot and Citroën engineering has allowed many global vehicle manufacturers to power their vehicles. The list of companies who were supplied with complete engines, transmissions or allowed to build those under licence since the 1970s include: • BMW (1.6l petrol and diesel engines) • Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (1.6l, 2.0l and 2.2l diesel powertrains) • Ford of Europe (1.4l, 1.6l, 2.0l and 2.2l diesels, 1.6l petrol) • JCB (suspension systems, for Fastrac) • JLR (2.0 and 2.2l diesel engines) • MG Rover (1.4l diesel, transmissions) • Rolls-Royce (suspension systems, pre-BMW) • Toyota (1.4l diesel engines) • Volvo Car (1.6l and 2.0l diesels, 1.6l and, long ago, 2.7l/2.9l V6 petrol) In addition to these highly profitable joint ventures, PSA set up a manufacturing ventures across the world too: • China (with Dong Feng) • France and Italy (with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, to produce vans) • Iran (with Iran Khodro) • Turkey (with Tofas, to produce vans) It is interesting to reflect how the future powertrain strategy of BMW, Ford of Europe, Volvo and JLR has been heavily influenced by the collaboration with PSA. Whilst modern vehicle engineering is nearly 100 percent powered by computers, these are primarily tools for improvement rather than for innovation. PSA’s depth of knowledge especially in powertrain is without parallel, and is for hire too. So whilst the smaller clients notably JLR and Volvo Car, have recently introduced in-house powertrains (the highest value item in any vehicle), the ‘new’ elements are effectively small steps beyond the ground work. Future work includes development of a Zafira replacement as well as panel vans with GM Europe, building the mid-sized panel van for Toyota in Europe, continuing with the FCA partnership to build a large panel van and continued collaboration diesel engine with Ford of Europe. The birth of “Back in the Race” In the post global economic collapse, the losses at the automotive divisions of PSA combined with questionable strategic actions came to a head in 2014. Three quarters of the lucrative transportation division (GEFCO) had already been sold to the Russian State Railway for €800 million by the end of 2012 and the French Government had also given a short term ‘loan’ (also given to Renault at the same time).


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FUTURE TECH CONTINUED The Peugeot family reluctantly stopped firing CEOs and allowed a board restructure to occur. The very best of French corporate heads had been in the driving seat at PSA, but the previous board had taken exception to them one by one – to the point that it was known to be an ‘ungovernable’ company. Reduction of the Peugeot family board influence was critical to the survival of the company, and for once the French Government did a good job of creating the right framework. At the same time Dong Feng bought 14% of the shares for €3 billion, the French Government ‘bought’ 14% of the company and the Peugeot family reduced their stake from 25% to 14%. Four important things happened too: Four important things happened too: 1. A fully accountable board was elected complete with employee representatives – in other words, a normal corporate board. 2. Reduction of model count from 45 in 2014 to just 22 by 2022 – built on two platforms instead of the current seven platforms. 3. Introduce new specifically designed models for China, reversing the policy of passing on older model tooling. 4. The creation of DS as a brand in its own right, to push the company upmarket. Cash was tight, so it was a question of making each investment yield the biggest profit and making the most of what already existed. So far it all sounded very familiar. Then PSA got lucky Renault had decided to scrap its second most important leader for the second time in less than two years, thanks to Carlos Ghosn. Some say this man can make any meeting on time. Some say he could be locked in a container, put into the Atlantic sea and still make a meeting on the moon arranged for just three hours later. All that is known is.... he’s called Carlos Tavares. Mr Tavares has never ever been late for any meeting. Whilst he is a product of the French highend corporate education system, he is also a very capable engineer and a very competitive sportsman. Can anyone name a CEO who

happens to rally a very potent car? I think that’s a ‘non’. PSA is full of very capable and well-motivated people, but it takes a great leader to lead great people – and for once not only does PSA have that leader, it also has a board that will stick to its job too. The proof The most important thing for any business is to remain alert and ready for change. PSA for too long allowed its key automotive markets to be undermined by better competition, had some selfinflicted injuries and an almost complete inability to promote themselves. For too long PSA did not manage to enter the North American market, let the Chinese market run away from it and relied on the European market to keep the car division afloat whilst with some irony, it’s specialist services quietly expanded all over the world. This time is different Using refresh policies that we saw when Fiat took over Chrysler for no cash what so ever, PSA have carefully refreshed existing models, introduced the minimum new models, introduced their version of shared architecture (EPM2) and…… for the first time in four years announced a profit for the first half of 2015. Just three years ago the company assets only included GEFCO, Fauricia and powertrain engineering. Now it includes the whole company (minus GEFCO), which is a pretty remarkable success down to collaboration between private investors, governments and the sheer will of the employees. A uto Industry C o nsulting is an independent provider of technical information to the global collision repair industry. Products include EziMethods, our online collision repair methods system and A uto Industry Insider, our collision repair industry technical information w ebsite. Fo r mo re info rmatio n please visit the w ebsites: and or contact

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o you consider yourself a careful driver? And even if you do, do you find scratches and scrapes appearing on your car? Well, what if we told you that certain car colours are more likely to get into bumps and scrapes than others. Some may argue the more popular the car colour the more likely the need for a repair, but what if it’s more than that? Previously, the more superstitious amongst us suspected that green cars had the most accidents, but according to ChipsAway, the UK’s leading brand in minor automotive paintwork repairs, there may well be a new colour to watch out for. Have you fallen victim to a high maintenance car colour selection? Here are the top five colours ChipsAway repair the most. 5 – Red: Not such a popular colour as in the 80’s and 90’s, but dare we say it, making a comeback? Either way, if you drive a red car you make up 9% of all ChipsAway repairs every year, so congratulations for keeping yourselves off the top spot and respectably in fifth position. 4 – Grey: Is the third most popular car colour in the UK at the moment, with 14% of the total number of cars registered in the UK last year being this colour. This seems to suit ChipsAway’s data too, as exactly the same amount, 14% of repairs, are on grey cars! The


colour of sensible car drivers maybe? 3 – Blue: While blue cars have decreased in popularity over recent years, with 13% of new car registrations in 2014, they still get into their fair share of bumps and account for 18% of total repairs. 2 – Black: At number two, it’s the ‘always in fashion’ black car with 21% of total repairs. A few years ago, black cars were reportedly most likely to be involved in collisions as they are harder to see than other brighter coloured cars, particularly during evening hours. Well, according to ChipsAways’ findings they are pipped to the post by. . . . 1- Silver: Unfortunately silver coloured cars make it into the loving hands of ChipsAway repair specialists more so than any other colour, earning them the top spot, with 24% of repairs. Or you could think of it another way, perhaps the owners of silver coloured cars just care about them more and so want to keep them looking shiny and new! At the other end of the spectrum, and perhaps surprisingly so considering they saw the highest number of new car registrations last year at 22.2%, are white cars. Maybe white car drivers are a more cautious bunch accounting for just 7% of ChipsAway repairs, or could it be that white is simply a safer colour choice, helping contribute to the fact that they are also the best colour cars for holding their value?


With improved 50mm steel wall thickness and stateof-the-art colour matching fluorescent lighting and new safety features in the stainless steel burner and heat exchangers. The SA Star Spraybooth also incorporates both front and side doors for easy entry at a very competitive price. The spraybooth meets and exceeds health and safety standards.


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ell-respected Austrian airbrush artist Knud Tiroch and Spies Hecker have resurrected a Moonshine Runner, a vintage car from the American Prohibition era, and, with a good deal of creativity turned it into a high-performance, unique, fiery red Speed Rod. “Projects like this only work with people who can think outside the box and can offer the best technical solutions in application,” Knud Tiroch, who is based near Baden, south of Vienna, Austria, says about his longstanding partnership with Spies Hecker. The Austrian tuning expert discovered parts of a Ford A Roadster from the early 1930s on an old farm in Iowa, US. After extensive research, Tiroch discovered that during Prohibition the car had smuggled illegal liquor at night as a so-called Moonshine Runner. After the end of Prohibition, the car went on to take part in privately organised races, which were the precursors of today’s NASCAR series. “I was captivated by the Ford’s history and decided to resurrect it as a Hot Rod in memory of its wild and chequered past and to christen it Speed Rod,” Tiroch explains. His bodywork expert, Günter Neubauer, worked from historic documents to reconstruct the missing frame and trim. Then, all putty and paint work was carried out at the Spies Hecker Training Centre in Cologne, Germany. Complete overhaul - Giving a legend a new lease of life Jörg Sander, Spies Hecker training leader, Germany, says, “It took our Spies Hecker team almost two weeks to prepare and to paint the car. Add to that the work involved in building the body in the Hot Rod hangar, and that adds up to a total of over 1 400 hours of work. We don’t see vehicles like the Speed Rod every day, so it was a challenge and we all enjoyed it.” With all classic car restorations, corrosion 56

protection is vital and Priomat® Wash Primer 4075 was applied and followed by a Permasolid® HS Primer Surfacer. The Priomat Wash Primer 4075 is a OEM approved, two-pack adhesion promoter particularly suitable for steel, aluminium and galvanised steel substrates, is easy to apply and can be recoated with 2K surfacer after 30 minutes. Step 2 involved the reconstruction of the surfaces for which Raderal® IR Premium Putty 2035 and Raderal® Fine Putty 0911 were used. Two-part polyester putties have become the primary option for filling very small dents, creases and body imperfections and to achieve a very smooth finish over thicker layers of filler. Like fillers, body putties are generally two part polyester formulations. A polyester base is mixed with a hardener and cures quickly, making it possible to sand the surface in just 20 to 30 minutes. By having two parts the putty cures chemically instead of physically. Since it cures chemically it cures much faster, creates a much stronger bond, doesn't shrink, doesn't absorb paint and will sand easily to a thin, feathered edge. Since two part putties are much stronger they can be used for filling without any problems. Users should choose the highest quality fillers, putties and abrasives available because such materials will be the easiest to work with, suited to more than one kind of task, and help avoid errors that require rework. After application of putty, the sanded through areas was again coated with a Permasolid® HS Primer Surfacer. Spies Hecker surfacers provide high processing security and satisfy the preconditions for high-grade paintwork. They ensure optimal flow and thus a brilliant surface finish. Spies Hecker surfacer products are also geared to specific applications and special workshop conditions. As part of the high productivity system, Spies Hecker offers

both the HS Express Surfacer 5250 with incredible air drying time of just 90 minutes or the HS Wet on Wet Surfacer 5330 for fast application and recoating. Final touches - Fire red influences the design The design of the Speed Rod focuses above all on visually depicting the concept of speed and on reducing the car body to the absolute minimum. “Right from the start, I knew that I wanted fiery red as a key colour,” Tiroch recalls. “The whole car was painted with HiTEC 480 RAL 3000 Fire Red and only the driver’s compartment and the underside of the motor were painted with a black and white chequered flag pattern. “These limited stylistic touches give the car a very clean appearance so that it still looks like a Moonshine Runner from the 1930s.” Tiroch draws parallels to the speed of the car and the products available in the Hi-TEC Performance System range. He says, “This is a restored 1930s car weighing only 650kg that almost flies down the road thanks to 450hp. And we have the ultra-fast modern products that have given our Speed Rod the perfect finish.” A project with an all-encompassing message With this project, Tiroch and Spies Hecker pay homage to a significant piece of American automotive history. Tiroch points out, “And while we have been true to the Speed Rod’s shape and form – there are no extra parts or additions to the car that were unnecessary – we wanted to show that a bit of modern creativity, technical skill and materials can produce incredible results.” For further details on the Speed Rod and to see a video, please visit


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eal time formula updates, access to the Colour-Cloud and a link to the ColorDialog spectrophotometer system – the new Spies Hecker Phoenix software brings the Internet into the mixing room. With Phoenix, Spies Hecker is offering its bodyshops a new, web-based colour software, giving refinishers a whole host of options. They can now access continuously-updated colour formulas when online, as well as store and manage their own refinish formulas within their internal bodyshop network. Customers will no longer have to wait to receive the updates on DVD. This takes the industry a step closer to a future in which Internet access becomes the norm for all body shops. Rapid access to the latest formulas Spies Hecker immediately uploads the latest colour formulas, which can be retrieved through the software formula search option. “This gives refinishers access to the most up-to-date mixing formulas,” says Spies Hecker colour management specialist Dietmar Wegener. “In view of the increasing number of new OEM effect colours, the rising number of variants and, above all, the growing use of tinted clearcoats on new vehicle models, this web-based colour software will help to make daily work in the bodyshop much easier.” Use with mobile devices In addition, the formulas for colours that have been mixed can be stored on the Colour-Cloud. Spies Hecker body shops have a personal account which gives them access to this online colour database. “It will soon be possible to connect the mixing room to the bodyshop’s own network via the Colour-Cloud. It will also allow users to manage data from all computers with Internet access, as well as tablets and smartphones,” Wegener continues. “This solution will be of interest to businesses with several bodyshop sites, as company-specific mixing formulas can be retrieved by refinishers wherever they are. Spies Hecker bodyshops now have a fully co-ordinated solution for reliable digital colour management in the bodyshop, from colour matching to colour mixing.”



ANEST AIRGUNSA A4 J-F 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:14 AM Page 1


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by Andrew Hooker




any of us have played with games consoles or maybe even PC games that recognise or use certain gestures or movements as commands. Perhaps it was only natural then that this technology should enter the automotive world and is now seen on cars. Well, gesture control has arrived. Now, I know what you’re thinking, you’ve all seen motorists gesturing at each other before, so nothing new, right? But all joking aside, this technology easily has the potential to be one of the most significant in cars, ever. A bold statement, but let’s consider what we have. We demand more. As well as car controls and systems growing in number and sophistication, we now want full control of our music and media, our email, SMS and internet access, and of course GPS navigation to name but a few. But the human machine interface (HMI) engineers, who are responsible for ensuring we can work the car and are happy enough with it to buy another of that marque, are aware that the average consumer is struggling to cope. In this industry we’re well used to jumping in and out of various cars, and we largely recognise the controls, devices and functions. But for your bank manager, lawyer, accountant, nurse or members of Parliament, for whom a car is often just a tool to get from A to B, this can be at best confusing, even stressful. And at worst, it can be distracting and dangerous. So without filling the steering wheel and immediate instrument cluster with lots of tiny fiddly controls, the way forward is smarter control solutions. We have a younger generation, perhaps more familiar with computer and games console controls than they are with car controls, so the vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers are banking on the car buyer of today and tomorrow happily accepting and easily adapting to gesture controls. Potentially there are as many commands and functions that can be controlled by gestures as there are hand movements. The same gesture could have two or more different functions, dependent on where and how fast they are made and the car will of course learn what these are and adapt to the driver, or drivers. Much as we barely look at the kids or the dog when we give them commands, we won’t really need to focus on the car – this is the key to system growth. As technology advances, the gesture system can be expanded beyond the confines of the facia panel size, meaning more space inside the car too. Of course, for the repair community this is another system to be aware of, one that could be affected and may need maintaining. The car needs to be able to identify the occupant, his/her position, and have a ballpark reference of their arm locations within the vehicle.This could be as simple as a diagnostic routine on a scanning device, but with this growing level of HMI sophistication it may need a calibration routine to learn to detect the driver’s eye movements. This is one technology to be very much aware of and is coming to you soon, firstly on the BMW 7 series, and probably on the VW Golf next year. Simple systems to start with no doubt, but the shape of things to come











WE ARE NOW   DIGITAL Great news! All issues of Automotive Refinisher magazine are available for easy download on all iPads and Android tablets. Check out past editions on our website or go to Get all your latest news on new products and equipment for your repair shop, as well as training info.


AR S-O 2015 JAY_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/09 4:03 PM Page 1

Latest nEWS

What’s hOt?

Why selling AnD buying A cAr on your oWn is sAfer AnD eAsier thAn ever before


sed cars have become a hot commodity. The latest TransUnion vehicle pricing index for the first quarter of 2015 shows that used car inflation has increased year-onyear for the fifth consecutive quarter. Used car prices rose year-on-year by 1.67% in the first quarter, a 32-basis point increase over last year’s fourth quarter – the largest year-on-year rate of increase in used vehicle prices since 2013. This means that selling a car has never been easier, as buyers increasingly opt for secondhand cars to cut costs. But a large portion of these transactions will be conducted privately between the owner and the prospective buyer without dealer or broker assistance – which can be risky and time-consuming. “As a layman buyer, it can be difficult to properly assess a vehicle and both parties may find the process of transferring ownership and obtaining financing difficult. Others simply hate confrontation or negotiation, or do not know their rights,” says Jeff Osborne, head of Gumtree Automotive. “There could also be hidden surprises – the car might have been involved in an accident without the owner disclosing it or perhaps the car is still being financed. Handing over a vast amount of cash and ending up with a big repair bill a few months later is definitely a worst case scenario – but it can happen.”


Jeff Osborne, Head of Gumtree Automotive

Gumtree has recently teamed up with MotoFinn, a third party that ensures hassle free transactions between buyers and sellers. The company have contracted with Deloitte to administer all payments and together with DEKRA Automotive and TransUnion, helps buyers and sellers get a fair deal by granting them access to credible information as well as facilitating the process (and related admin). “While we have many trusted dealerships operating on our site (that are of course bound by legislation such as the Consumer Protection Act and other means of buyer protection), about half of the sellers using the site are individuals who prefer to handle the transaction on their own. This is a way of ensuring that both the buyer and the seller are protected when transacting privately. The vehicle is thoroughly inspected and checked (both the condition and the history of the vehicle) for the buyer and the buyer’s financing and credit worthiness assessed for the seller. It’s win-win.” MotoFinn’s Verified Private Seller model will be available to all Gumtree users at a launch price of R795 per transaction. A similar service for general transacting on the site, Shepherd, has also been launched. For more information visit


GUMTREE AD M-A 2015_Layout 1 2015/03/19 10:27 AM Page 1

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here are very few cars on the planet that are as capable of doing whatever you feel like as the SRT is. Anything from a little off-road adventure to hot laps at your local race track or even out to dinner with your friends all chauffered in the lap of luxury. Whatever the need the Grand Cherokee SRT is game, there’s very little the car can’t do. Built to sit competitively in the high performance SUV segment of the hotly contested 4WD market, the 2015 6.4-litre V8-powered SRT offers all the presence of SRT’s (street-tracktechnology) muscular history. For starters the top speed on this tar gobbling colossus is 257 km/h, with a time warping 0-100 km/h in just 4.6 seconds. Pretty impressive when considering that this whopper weighs in at just under three tons. Firing up all 8-cylinders of this 475hp rocket, the sound of the engine is enough to make you want to run out to bond your house and buy one. It’s by far the most addictive part of the SRT adventure. Best about the package is it takes you way beyond legal speed limits easily, so you have to stay alert. You soon realise though once on the road that you really are on some kind of “space” mission - or rather a mission to find space to stretch some Grand Cherokee SRT’s legs. Inside the cabin, the 8.4-inch Uconnect™ touchscreen display, likens the experience to itself to getting into a plush lunar module with just about every extra imaginable. From a heated steering wheel to Blu-ray rear seat entertainment system with headrest monitors and 19-speaker Harmon Kardon surround sound sytem. First shown at the Paris Motor Show last year, the 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT comes with a feisty sports appearance and features a host of desirable features true to the Jeep Grand


story by Jay Groat

Cherokee SRT badge. As well as Quadra-Trac ‘Active on Demand’ four-wheel drive, anti-lock SRT performance disc brakes and active damping suspension, the SRT also offers premium sports styling in the form of body coloured door handles, black roof moulding, body coloured sill extensions and wheel flare extensions. Twenty-inch wheels complete with a black chrome finish completed the look on the pearl red (Redline) version we test drove. Inside, a leather-wrapped steering wheel and gear changer complement the black leather and black suede seats with red stitching. The SRT badge on the steering wheel is backlit and looks a treat driving at night. The SRT’s touchscreen display comes equipped with integrated 3D navigation, advanced voice recognition, Bluetooth audio streaming and hands-free technology. Further standard features include cross-path detection, adaptive cruise control and blind spot monitoring. The Jeep’s proven 6.4-litre HEMI V8 plant, is connected to an eight-speed automatic gearbox with steering wheel-mounted paddle controls. The car features Fuel Saver technology to cut fuel consumption and emissions. I can’t say fuel economy is a huge factor when considering this vehicle. The potential performance aspect makes it difficult to keep your foot only pressed lightly on the accelerator. As hard as I tried, I managed to only get 18 litres per 100km. The new Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 will set you back R1 099 990 right now which makes it one of the best performance and equipment levels against price. All things considered in the high performance SUV segment, the SRT8 seems to be well priced.


MAROUNS AD S-O 2015_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/04 11:31 AM Page 1

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CELETTE AD M-J 2015_Layout 1 2015/05/18 10:55 AM Page 1

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From left to right, front row: Roger McCleery, MC; Busi Maile, programme director NF Apprentices; Aleeshen Kisten, board member for NF Apprentices and Eddie Da Silva, ABS, board member for NF Apprentices. From left to right, back row: Neo Motshabela, an NF apprentice placement, Caleb Makhela from NF Apprentices and Thabiso Mohale, an NF apprentice placement.




ith an ever growing vehicle car park, despite tough economic times, the need for skilled spray painters and body repairers is ever present and still as serious. With 2097 registered collision repair shops and only 798 qualified spray painters, there is definitely a demand for good artisans. Recently NF apprentices invited some key industry players to explain what NF apprentices does exactly. Busi Maile, programme director, has a social development and educational background and is very passionate about getting the youth off the street and turning them into productive people in society. With the third highest unemployment rate for youth in the world, it is of the utmost importance that we create skilled and productive people. the results speak for themselves and having only started placing apprentices last year, they are currently sitting with 47 apprentices placed in 18 body shops across Gauteng. the whole reason for the steady success is the holistic approach that NF apprentices take right from the start at recruitment. they source the right calibre of student to make sure that there isn’t the high dropout rate that is normally seen in other mainstream education options. they work alongside businesses to ensure that they get the best productivity from their apprentices as they understand that business is about the bottom line. NF apprentices educates businesses on why it’s important to have


apprentices placed with them as well as helping them identify Bee points and benefits back from the Merseta to cover most of the training bills. Students are trained on how to make the most out of their working environment and the mentorship that they receive on the job. they also get the parents involved so that there is accountability for each person that finds themselves in the NF apprentices programme. Just in the past two years NF apprentices has calculated that R12 million has been contributed back into the industry through creating skilled learners. the apprentices are extremely enthusiastic and excited about their future. thabiso Mohale, an NF apprentice recently represented South africa at the world skills competition in Brazil. thabiso held his own and flew the flag proudly in the four days of intense competition. Project Lungisa the apprentices are very grateful at having been given these opportunities to learn skills and make a better life for them and their families. So much so that they have decided to rebuild a Honda Jazz back to its original state. the car will be auctioned off at the NF apprentices gala dinner and all proceeds will be given back to the non-profit organisation to invest in future apprentices. What better way to say thank you than by showcasing the skills that they have learnt. the project is quite large and as such the students have divided themselves into two teams – a body work team headed up by

Neo Motshabela, and a spray painting team lead by Xolani Malaza. the work is carried out over the weekend and an excellent turnout has been noted. Neo Motshabela said something quite profound as he explained that the apprentices had noted the large age gaps between themselves and their mentors. He said, “We want to bring respect for our trade back into play.” Highlighting the fact that most have not chosen the collision repair skills route as it’s not seen in a very good light. these days, with the modern vehicle, it is the highest calibre of student that is needed – a minimum of a matric level with science and maths. then a further four years of study and work to attain your basic qualification. You never stop learning on the job as you become a skilled artisan in repair. people’s perceptions definitely need to change as respect is well earned in the time, effort and passion that makes you the best body repairer or spray painter. NF Apprentices gala dinner March 2016 is a date to pencil in next year when NF apprentices will host a gala dinner at emperors palace. It will be an evening to highlight excellence within the collision repair industry and an opportunity to network with market leaders and those passionate about the market. to find out more about the gala dinner, for sponsorship opportunities or to book your seats, give NF apprentices a call on +27 (0)11 312 8479 or email 65

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CARSYSTEM DPS S-O 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:18 AM Page 1

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Kapci Coatings; Tel: +27 (0)11 834 1252

AR S-O 2015 CLAIRE_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:42 AM Page 17


by Dave Fall




he ‘Class of 2014’ Graduation Ceremony held at the First Car Care College in Paarden Eiland, Cape Town is always a heartwarming affair for guests and the learners alike. This annual graduation event gets bigger and more successful as each year passes – with thanks obviously due to sponsors along with the dedicated bunch of instructors who give far more than just their expertise in their quest to get the very best out of about 24 graduates – both male and female. The welcome and intro speeches were choreographed by Lungisa Ntulo and included the guest speaker and radio announcer Africa Melane (Cape Talk Radio) who came over as a very sincere and down-to-earth, thought-provoking celebrity who kept the prize-winners entertained during his time at the


Trophies, certificates and other awards were the order of the day at a recent First Car Care College Graduation ceremony in Cape Town.

microphone. • Sincere thanks to all the sponsors – including Multisure Business Solutions, Glasurit, BASF, Importec, Nova Verta,

Merseta – and of course all the dedicated staff members at STi AutoBody Repairers, the venue and proving ground for this illustrious event.


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his year, Daimler renewed the global technical approvals for Glasurit for Mercedes-Benz and Smart. The prerequisite for granting such approvals by the global automotive industry is the quality, service and global availability of Glasurit's products. The high level of competence in the area of automotive OEM coatings is another important factor. The ongoing development of the products and extremely stable business processes also guarantee the high quality of Glasurit's products and services. BASF is a major supplier for Daimler production and supplier networks. BASF products are used in many modules of MercedesBenz and Smart cars, as well as in Mercedes-Benz vans, trucks and buses. This is coupled with the long-standing history of partnership between Glasurit and Daimler at production lines and with Mercedes-Benz and Smar t networks throughout the world. Mercedes-Benz training courses with specific refinishing information improve the networks' competencies on an ongoing basis and are available worldwide. In order to support the network at the highest possible level, the par tners developed the services jointly. They harness their performance capacity by constantly reviewing the potential in the

worldwide markets and regularly developing solutions. The partnership was the basis for a number of trade agreements and was the reason for Glasurit becoming the preferred supplier in the most important Daimler markets: its home market of Germany, as well as China, Russia, the United States, Switzerland, Turkey, Belgium, Luxembourg and many other countries. Glasurit Automotive Refinish: An important part of BASF Coatings With the Glasurit brand, BASF is marketing a comprehensive portfolio of paint systems for refinishing vehicles. One focus is on eco-efficient waterborne paints and high-solids paints. With these systems, the requirements of the most stringent solvent-reduction legislation can be met anywhere in the world. When it comes to appearance and durability, the paint systems offer the same features as solvent borne paints. In this area too, the company offers a wide variety of services to support its customers. Glasurit automotive refinish products are approved by most of the leading car manufacturers worldwide for aftermarket repair and are preferred by them for their colour expertise.




here is a new head at the BASF Coatings Services Parow branch in Cape Town as of the 1st of October 2015 and his name is Johan Venter. Johan has been with BASF for close to nine years. He started off as a Refinish Consultant at the Nelspruit branch and went on to join the Value Added 70

Services team as a consultant in 2009. In 2012, Johan took on the role of branch manager in Nelspruit where he has been to date. “I am happy to have Johan join the coastal team as we see a lot of potential for Glasurit in the Western Cape area”, says Carel Nell, regional sales manager coastal at BASF.

Johan Venter, new branch manager at BASF Coatings Services Parow branch in Cape Town.











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AR S-O 2015 JAY_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:15 AM Page 4


Are you reADy for AluMiniuM rePAir?


e have been talking about aluminium repair for years. There are predictions that 30-40% of new vehicles will require aluminium repair processes in the next seven years in the market of collision repair. It’s an all change affair with self piercing rivets and new welding technology required. Aluminium is a whole different animal when it comes to repairing and is also more sophisticated and time consuming to get right. Key automakers like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Land Rover, Ford and Audi are well on the way with new aluminium designs because of the drive to light weight overall design and improve fuel consumption. It is probably time now to pay attention to what your body shop will need in terms of new equipment to get the work repaired correctly. new steel bodied vehicles see up to 1500 in new metals design. The Aluminium bodied new cars see up to 50 torsional strengths being used on the exterior and interior sub-frames on new designs. Another problem that rears its head is the approval demands. This demand isn’t going away anytime soon and actually it’s being driven from European markets where the imposition of health and safety in the work place demands a new approach from a combustion point of view.


Gys Speedliner Alu Pro FV Dent Puller

Neopulse 270 W/C Alu Mig Mag inverter pack

VAS Multi-Material vacuum System


The dilemma many shops face will be how to develop funding to keep pace with new and higher equipment levels that may be needed for aluminium composite plastics to keep their certified status. Panelbeating training for some manufacturers is posting a 50% failure rate for technicians who pay for training. This alarming figure is a real worry for those are the people who want to upgrade. If they are failing at that rate what’s the chance of some rural body shop getting the vehicle right when you remember that ultimately these vehicles end up going everywhere for repair. It is a sort of minefield for the well being of a complex new aluminium vehicle. To remain competitive however, once again it’s going to take a leap of faith and money to get to the new big box body shop model that’s the future. It is the only way forwards to keep pace with the sophistication of the modern repair process and procedures and another burst of training and certification for multi shop repair organisations. With all this in view there is little or no commonality of specific repair machinery in many approval programmes which further complicates the body shop investment initiative. So a prospective owner wishing to upgrade must make the call on which nominated welder or repair bench to buy.

Gys Press 8T riveting tool Car-o-liner Bench Rack BR 5500


AR S-O 2015 JAY_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:15 AM Page 5

Going forward there is definitely a need for more on both equipment and approvals across the industry. However, as these vehicles become more mainstream the repair protocol is coming to your business like it or not. What systems are recommended for your aluminium repair area? MIG welder: Welding aluminium needs a more powerful welder than many shops already have. For the job you will want a pulse MIG inverter welder with a 220 to 240 volt power supply. Many OEMs recommend MIG welders with synergic-pulsed technology that enables the welder to adjust automatically to technician input. Those that come programmed with synergic curves to preset welding parameters minimise setup time. Aluminium dent repair system: Many of these systems are mobile, so they can be wheeled to the work area as necessary, and stored out of the way when not being used. At minimum, the system should be equipped with an aluminium stud welder, dent-pulling systems and aluminium hammers. Unlike steel, aluminium does not change colour when heated to its melting point. So in addition to a heat gun, the aluminium dent repair system should also include a thermometer to

CeLette sa Tr ansPuls Synergic 2700

enable the technician to monitor the heated area, as well as heat shield gel to create a barrier to protect undamaged portions of the aluminium panel. the only way to ensure that a collision-damaged vehicle is returned to pre-accident condition is to measure it and compare the results to the vehicle’s original specifications. Look for a measuring system that maps the entire vehicle in real time, measuring multiple points of the vehicle simultaneously so your technicians can tell instantly what changes with every pull, section or part removed. If you will be using the same measuring system for aluminium and steel vehicles, investigate whether you will need any new accessories. Holding system: OEM repair procedures for aluminium vehicles tend to call for more sectioning and parts replacement than is commonly required. When technicians are removing a part or sectioning a portion of a vehicle, it is critical that the rest of the vehicle be held in place throughout the entire process. This prevents the addition of new damage into the vehicle and ensures that the new part can be returned to the correct location. It is most costeffective if the holding system works with your shop’s existing frame rack.

VAS Multi-Material vacuum System Celette Sevenne

Miracle Alurepair Plus-System



AR S-O 2015 JAY_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:16 AM Page 6


FY-Tech Aluminium spot welder

Mobile Aluminium dust extractor.

Aluminium Dent Puller

Aluminium bolt-on parts repair work bay

Lockable tool cabinet

MaROUN’s GROUP Economor aluminium dust extractor

Easy Atex


Spanesi aluminium dent puller

Ronin roller tool cabinet


AR S-O 2015 JAY_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/10 9:50 AM Page 7



Elektron Mig Mag Welder Dust Extractor from Chief Mobile Aluminium dust extractor.

Elektron Multispot M20

doing it yourself


n compiling this aluminium focus for Automotive Refinisher magazine, we sadly noted that some major investments were not doing much in the way of daily work output. So it’s not surprising to see some major body shop repair concerns designing and building their own facilities. One of these is the unit working at Alfa Trio Panelbeaters in Vereeniging. Alex Gamaletsos is a second generation active director. He says that to meet the latest VW and Jaguar Land Rover repair demands huge investment had to be undertaken to keep pace with up coming vehicle designs and their approved repairer programmes. They decided to put their own aluminium bay together and


sourced the products they thought most important to their business. The company chose a Celette Sevenne low level bench system plus all the nominated specialised welders and fume extractors needed. Their self-built room also features spotless marble floors. It is very impressive and clean. Much of business today is about excellence and presentation for the client who has damaged his expensive off road vehicle or sports car. On the aluminium venture, you can do it yourself or start the journey with your preferred supplier who will be able to advise you on the options to best suit your business and back pocket.


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t’s only natural that, as you’re working with a buffing pad spinning in excess of 1200 RPMs, you’re going to sling some product. Even the most experienced detailers can’t avoid it. While Presta’s compounds and polishes are designed to minimize dust and sling, there will always be some mess to clean up. However, you can take a few steps to help minimise your post-buffing cleanup and maximise your results. Just by following our easy tips you can achieve excellent results: l Tip 1: Cover the wiper cowl and windshield with masking paper or towels. Even though Presta’s water-based compounds and polishes wipe up easily and don’t harden to a cement-like paste when dry, taking this step avoids having to wipe out vents, wipe off wiper blades and re-clean the windshield after you’re done buffing the bonnet. l Tip 2: Keep your buffing pads clean. Also, avoid using pads too long. As the pad gets overly saturated with product, you’ll create more and more sling. Clean wool pads regularly with a buffing spur, and be sure to use a brush to rid your foam pads of excess chemical. Finally, take the time to wash your pads after compounding and polishing. l Tip 3: Use compressed air to blow debris off of the car after you buff. If you have the luxury of working in a shop or garage with compressed air, use your compressor to blow any remaining dust and fibres left behind from the buffing pad off of the vehicle surface. l Tip 4: Wipe out doorjambs and body seams. Often overlooked, leftover compound caked in the jambs and body seams of a vehicle can be an issue. Use a clean microfibre towel to wipe excess compound out of seams. l Tip 5: Finish with a coat of breathable wax or glaze. You’ve just spent considerable time removing scratches, flaws and bringing up the paint’s gloss. A quick wax will not only make your freshly polished finish really pop, it will help protect the finish and make it last. Available from Bulldog Abrasives’ sales team on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4


Tip 5











PRESTA AD S-O 2015_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:40 AM Page 1

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The car painting experts and translators formed a pretty large contingent on their own at the WorldSkills Competition held in São Paulo in Brazil.




he event was held at the Anhembi Park, São Paulo, Brazil from 11 to 16 August 2015. At this location, over 1180 young professionals from 59 countries and regions competed in 50 different skill competitions. South Africa competed in 19 skills groups ranging from Construction and Building Technology, Social and personal Services to Transportation and Logistics. The trades of Autobody Repair, Automobile Technology and Car Painting are part of the Transportation and Logistics group. The four day competition is not for the faint hearted, it requires a high level of skill as well as physical and mental stamina. The Car Painting competitor, Rabelani Malema, had already endured three local competitions plus intense training before being selected to represent South Africa in Brazil. The competition itself consists of six modules. The day on which the competitors competed in the modules, was determined by the competitors drawing numbers. In line with changing technologies in the industry, a masking module and a three stage application was added to the tasks. Their work was assessed and scored by teams of Experts who all had to agree before awarding the mark. 78

Held every two years, the WorldSkills Competition is the world's largest professional education event. Competitors from countries and regions in the Americas, Europe, Asia, South Pacific and Africa simulate real work challenges that must be completed to international standards of quality. They demonstrate individual and collective technical skills to perform specific tasks for each of the professional skills. The winners this year were, Jinlong

Yang, China (Gold); Frida Gustavsson, Sweden (Silver); Rebecca Wilson, UK (Bronze). The next WorldSkills competition will take place in the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, 14 - 19 October 2017. I would like to thank the following local sponsors for their support during the local competitions, and also for product specific training prior to WorldSkills 2015; Aer-OCure, 3M BASF, Gondolier, SAMBRA, SATA, IATD and WorldSkills South Africa.

The 2015 competitors. Gold medallist, Jinlong Yang is in the front row, fourth from the left. Silver, Frida Gustavsson is front row, sixth from left. Bronze, Rebecca Wilson, second row fifth from left.


AR S-O 2015 CLAIRE_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/09 4:31 PM Page 22

by Stuart Parmenter

Rabelani Malema was the South African competitor and is seen here preparing his panel for the spot repair.

Experts from Korea, Canada, Taiwan, South Africa and Norway scoring the design panel.

Stuart Parmenter (left) with Marcos Bresil from 3M Brazil.

Canadian competitor, Kassandra PlanteBilodeau, preparing her door for the top coat.

Stuart Parmenter (middle) with Edmundo Soares (left) and Peter van Kevlen (right) of BASF.

South African competitor Rabelani and another competitor working on their colour matching module.



AUTOREF AD J-F 2014.e$S_Layout 1 2015/09/04 11:16 AM Page 1

What would you say to a customer who gave you 25 minutes of their time? Adver tis

www.aeu on our website .za Yes, a full 25 minutes to make a pitch for their business. Seem unlikely? Well on average, a reader will spend 25 minutes with the Automotive Refinisher Magazine. Just as you are now. As a result, brand loyalty increases by 32% and sales uplift by 8%. All at a fraction of some other media costs and infinitely more effective than email sent straight to the junk folder. In today’s climate, it’s important to hang on to customers. Because when a competitor comes knocking, all that really matters is how much your customers like you.

We can make them know you really well. The voice of the collision repair industry for over 30 years


To advertise call us on +27 (0)11 949 4091 Alternatively send us an email to Or visit our website

AR SEPT-OCT 2015 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:38 AM Page 24



Athol Moult (left) has a good formula for business. They don’t work for any insurance companies, just private work, and it’s working really well.


n the tough repair market conditions of collision repair it’s not all that often that you can find a smiling happy body shop owner. Athol Moult from Dynamic Touch is one such owner. Athol has enjoyed over a decade of support from his top supplier SA Auto Paints and openly says he doesn’t even ask them for any prices because he knows they are very fair and won’t take him for a ride. Trevor Basson, SA Auto Paint’s technical representative says that Dynamic Touch have gone into an area of the market which specialises in non-insured clients offering top quality work at affordable prices. They are based in Albertina Sisulu road, a main road in Roodepoort and he has a packed body shop with a customer-to-customer referral business. He says that good old client relationships powers his success. The shop isn’t bristling with the latest equipment but everyone seems to understand what they are doing. Moult tries to get the work out as fast as they can and relies on SA Auto Paints for a full colour match service on minor repair work. Basson says that the company mix special match colours on up to 100 samples per day, so speedy deliveries are a key part of company service. Moult took over Dynamic Touch over 10 years ago when the original owner lost his life in a motorcycle accident. Moult says that as a life time drag racing driver he already had huge experience in vehicle preparation and custom spray painting which all helped in the company’s success. They mainly use Luxor paints for most of the repair but he also likes Kapci Coatings for the show cars as they have a great specialist colour selection available. Tyrone Zackey who heads up SA Auto Paints, says that the relationship and trust that he enjoys with most of his clientele in repair can be seen in the smooth running of this Roodepoort panel and spray operation. You can call Basson on +27 (0)11 673 9381 for more information and details on the SA Paints basket of services and products for the body shop.

ExPRESS DElIVERY UNlIMITED SERVICE SA Auto Paints have a solid 20 year history in body shop supplies. Our legendary service in Gauteng covers a full product range of foundation fillers and primers, superfast colour matching service and customer care that really counts for your business. We have a full fleet of express delivery vehicles on hand. Suppliers of: Auto Glass Lamps Motor Spares Bonnets Abrasives Fenders Spoilers Auto Paints We are stockists of Luxor Paints

Call Today

Tyrone Zackey (left) and Trevor Basson have over 100 special colours to complete each day at SA Auto Paints. 81

Tyrone Zackey +27 (0)11 673 9381 Patrica Farrell 082 901 1175 082 885 7301 Trevor Basson 079 632 1612 Visit: Mail:

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NEW PRODUCTS BULLDOG ABRASIVES CARSYSTEM X-STAND CLASSIC The Carsystem X-Stand Classic is a paint stand which is adjustable in height and width. It is very flexible in use and a vital helper for many applications in the car-body-shop. It is extremely stable and optimal for storing heavy parts and windscreens. This stand can also be used as a working platform for polishing, sanding or any other work in the paint-body-shop. X-Stand Classic is adjustable in height from 50-100 cm and has a load bearing capacity max. of 50 kg. The Carsystem range of products is available from Bulldog Abrasives Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. For more information contact their sales team on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or email them on

CELETTE SA FLATLINER The Flatliner is probably the most innovative and efficient steel and aluminium sheetmetal repair system available on the market today. It was designed for the repair of small to medium collision damage on car bodies. The repair is done entirely from the outside, which makes damage or even replacement of panels entirely superfluous. The Flatliner enables you to sell labour instead of spare parts with an ever sinking margin. Smaller repair area, shorter painting times, minimise demontage, reduce spare parts orders and save up to 40% time on auto body repairs. Flatliner is a complete working station that will help your body shop perform top quality and profitable repairs. The Flatliner working station contains all the tools necessary for a professional repair. You will have a wide range of tools available, all put away neatly in the practical trolley. Call Celette SA on +27 (0)11 334 1875 for more information.

BULLDOG ABRASIVES TRANSPARENT MASKING FILM Introducing Bulldog’s transparent masking film with the following features: Temperature resistant up to an object temperature of 110°C; static; clings firmly to the vehicle, excellent adhesion (especially on water-based clear coats) VOC - conforming clear coats; easy to cut; waterproof; tear proof; lint free. The masking film is packed in a carton and can be handled directly out of the carton. Now available in size 4m x 300m (Part number BD009). For more information contact Bulldog’s Sales Team on +27 (0)11 786-5991 or email



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FESTOOL EXHAUST TURBINE TURBO II M-14WP ATEX This machine helps reduce repair work and maintenance in your body shop. It can extract with a maximum of 14 workplaces on a single turbine. The dynamic suction power is regulated to suit requirements to minimise energy consumption. It is also possible to connect a discharge flap for automatic pipe cleaning. For more information call Vermont Sales on +27 (0)11 314 7711 or see

FILTACAPE PAINT STOP DRY FIBRE GLASS The Paint Stop Dry Fibre Glass is for high course filtration and will retain paint and varnish overspray in your spray booths keeping it nice and clean for the best painting finish. It has high compression strength and is suitable for quick drying paint. This is a great value for money product. Call Filtacape for more information on this product as well as a wide range of other filtration options on 082 549 4017 or email

ANEST IWATA NEO AIRBRUSH Now you can start air brushing with this new gravity feed dual action airbrush. Its extra versatile performance is boosted by the gun’s ability to spray well with lower input air pressure when used with smaller air compressors. The Neo is perfect for working with the smallest amount of paint in any of the two special gravity quick coupling cups that come with the kit supplied. The Neo also has a large 0.35 needle nozzle combination for delicate extra fine air brushing results, when finer detailing and medium spray patterns are required. The value priced Neo will also work well in any hobbyist or illustration type of work as cups are designed with a funnel shape which assists with fast clean up and more efficient paint flow. You can get more information on the Neo by calling Anest Iwata on +27 (0)11 463 2169 for details on this high performance spray gun range.

KAPCI COATINGS 2K HS CLEARCOAT 6020 Kapci Coatings have launched the 2K HS Clearcoat 6020. It is easy to spray and has excellent gloss and very good clarity ensures a high quality finish. It is compliant with all basecoats available on the market including water-based basecoats. Ask for your samples and prices. For more information on this and the Kapci range +27 (0)11 834 1252.



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NEW PRODUCTS ROBERLO’S NEW FILLERS Futura Glass from Roberlo is an ultra light polyester putty reinforced with fibreglass. It provides a durable surface on different substrates. It also minimises the appearance of pinholes, eliminating one of the stages of the process. Masticplast is an extremely flexible putty designed to repair any kind of plastic. For more information on Q-Brands call Val or Geoff +27 (0)11 440 2714 or visit

SNAP-ON PAINT-LESS DENT REMOVAL SYSTEM The paint-less dent removal system from Snap-on saves time as you don’t damage the paint on your small area repair. It pulls small and medium dents so no paint or fillers are required. It comes with a superior strength glue and the high strength pull tabs do not stretch. You can find out more about this product by contacting their Snap-on dealers or account manager, or by contacting customer service on 0861 762 766, emailing: or visit

We are a company with expertise in Air Filtration and Dust Collector units. We offer broad and versatile products and services for the most cost effective filtation solutions you need. Let us help you obtain the best air quality in your body shop. Distributor opportunities available.

Contact Lydia on 082 549 4017 or

MAG WHEEL & TYRE CLEANER High performance cleaning for high performance wheels Special Lubricants and Allied Chemical Products

tel: +27 (0)860 772 652 l email: l 84


Call us on

076 142 7263 082 452 6631 AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R

AR S-O 2015 CLAIRE_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/09/08 11:41 AM Page 5


TEKNIKLOTH® A Tekniklean Product

WIPES AWAY SURFACE CONTAMINATION Teknikloth®- high-tech lint free surface cleaners are an absolute must for all paint shops. They provide less wastage and linting than other systems of preparation. Suitable for use on both water based and solvent based systems.

Photo supplied by Primo Panel and Paint Pinetown

Unique properties include: n Lint Free n n No scratched or damaged paintwork n n Does not break up in any known solvent

Strong wet strength Excellent absorption

We have been supplying the industry for the past 18 years.


for your nearest distributor.



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ell this was it. After years of planning and dreaming the trip to the delights of China and all the promise of the famed Terracotta Soldiers, Ming Dynasty and the Great Wall were buzzing around in Auntie Val’s

brain. The plan was simple. Val had to connect with her sister in Europe for the package tour and then fly on to their oriental destination for a 10-day look-see cultural delight trip into the depths of China. All this while her partner was working across in Europe to keep the home fires burning. So, with bags packed and with great anticipation they met up with the tour leader at an airport in London to begin the holiday, while rummaging through their itinerary page-by-page to work out exactly how they would cope with it all. This was a way to forget the huge cost of it all and personal family indulgence, but their motivation was clear. The two girls were both in the autumn of their lives and didn’t get to see each other that often so what-the-hell-lets-blow-it all on one great trip to China is what drove it all along. After many uncomfortable hours of bouncing around on the plane, and another stop over and recalibration of time zones, the party of 10 travellers landed on the Beijing runway. The two gals had by this time knocked back a fair amount of gin and tonics before they came face to face with grim-faced immigration officials while they were dragged along with their hand luggage. The party split up into two to make progress with the formalities and her sister went stage left into another queue. Well the fun started when she came face to face with a chap who looked like a sumo wrestler who spent his spare time choking baboons. This gentleman rummaged through her passport and worked out that her specially obtained visa would expire one day 86

by Ian Groat

before they were due to leave the Republic of China and out came the yellow card. She could not come in and was persona non grata. Standing in disbelief she waved to her sister on the other side of the glass partition who was surrounded by other party travellers all wondering what the commotion was all about and why she had burst into tears. With much tooing and frowing to see a party of officials who sat around with deadpan faces, she was ordered to sit tight and return back to Europe at her own cost. There was a desk that could have stamped a visa extension in to her passport then and there, but they simply refused to offer any help and remained poo-faced through it all. At that time she felt that she would be happier travelling in a second class railway carriage through the Balkans than being stateless in China. The upshot of all this was her sister Sandra told the touring party to get stuffed and enjoy it all and she rejoined her sister. They sat and waited for seats to return them to Heathrow with a newly bought ticket for Sandra to return home as well; costing another eleven grand on British Airways. So all they saw of their oriental paradise was a bunch of unhelpful dogmatic and seriously unpleasant Chinese airport officials before winging homewards. To cap all this holiday bliss, eventually the pair travelled by rail down to a quaint seaside town in the West country of England, where beaches were laden with summer visitors, little sandstick castles of rock and donkey rides. Alas this was not what they had signed up for on the trip of a lifetime – but hey the unfortunate happens and on this occasion it really did not work out to plan. So with their cultural holiday package in ruins, the pair made the best of it all with their sun hats in the day and playing late afternoon bridge while wondering openly why their plans had gone so awry in China.











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Prepare for superior Aluminium repair

INCREASE the operational efficiency of your Aluminium Bolt On Bays by up to 30% Aer-o-cure, South Africa’s leading automotive refinishing equipment supplier, is ready to gear up your business with state-of-the-art, OEM approved Aluminium Bay equipment. With the massive increase in Aluminium-based vehicles on the market today and in response to the recent requirement by VWSA for a dedicated Aluminum Bolt on Parts Bay, Aer-o-cure has focused attention on providing an all-inclusive solution to all your Aluminium refinishing needs as well as ensuring a safe working environment for your staff. Aer-o-cure is the exclusive importer and service provider for Prowotech equipment, offering full after sales service and support with a 2 Year Manufacturers Warranty. If you’re only looking to meet the minimum requirements or would like to maximize your ROI by dedicating a sufficient sized area that is set up to deliver high efficiency and maximize your profits, call or e-mail Aer-o-cure today for a detailed proposal. E-Glass Curtain System - DIN EN 13501-1 Manufactured as per specification, fitted with a viewing window, made with TTV-Red Rw eye protection. Option 1: Minimum requirement for 3,5mx3,5m bay Option 2: Double workbay suitable for two cars,1 artisan

Aluminium Dent Pulling System Option 1: Aluminium Dent Pulling Generator Only- minimum requirement, Model: 021990, 7500Amp Generator. Included is Alu Box Standard (050020), Alu Puller (051003) and Inertia Slide Hammer (050051).

Mobile Welding Fume Extractor Model: AC1375605 2200 watt, self-cleaning 3 stage filtration system, HEPA filter, active carbon filter, 3m arm and 220v / 50hz plus air supply.

Aluminium Dent Pulling System Option 2: Aluminium Dent Pulling- Basic System Model: 035836, 7500Amp generator with new trigger gun, no earth cable required. Trolley with few accessories, including Inertia Slidehammer (050051).

Aluminium Dust Extraction Unit Model: AC1375604 Meets VAS 6572/2 specification, 2200 watt, 380v / 3 phase, 1200 x 800 x 1500mm, 157kg.

Aluminium Dent Pulling System Option 3: Complete Aluminium Dent Pulling System. Model: 035843, 7500Amp. Generator with new trigger gun, no earth cable required. Trolley with dent pulling accessories. Various required tools.

Dust Extraction Unit Mobile Steel Dust Extraction System Model: AC1375606, meets VAS6571/1 specification, 1400 watt, 220v / 1 phase / 50hz.

Lockable Tool Trolley with Required Tools Model: AC1375605 Complete set of tools as required (17pcs plus trolley) 865 x 570 x 940mm, 100kg.

For the full range visit:

Automotive Bodyshop Equipment Aer-o-cure PTY (Ltd) • SADC Registered Manufacturer and Exporter 8 Lees Street, Wynberg, 2090, Johannesburg, South Africa. PO Box 137 Strathavon, 2031 GraphicWerx • AOC_GYS_AutoRefin_2998

AOC_Ally_AutoRefin_July 1

Tel: +27 11 444 6454 Fax: +27 11 444 5677 e-Mail: * Product / Colour may vary from image provided, subject to stock availability. (E&OE)

2015/07/03 10:59 AM

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