Automotive Refinisher March-April 2015

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T H E   V O I C E   O F   T H E   I N D U S T R Y March - April 2015

Edition 178





IN THIS ISSUE >> >> >> >>


COLLISION REPAIR ASSOCIATION 2_Layout 1 2014/03/19 11:25 AM Page 1

Enjoy the recognition you deserve.

In the last two decades the South African collision repair market has really come of age as right across the country top independent repair concerns have moved forward to embrace the changing technology of todays complex modern vehicles. One of the foremost concerns in recent years has been the constant bottom line profitability erosion partially due to the lack of standards which has lead to a over-traded repair environment. Top class independent shops have been left with only policies of a reactive nature and much difficulty in finding a proper return on their investment through a lack of recognition of the standards needed to run a professional repair facility. The Collision Repairers Association has adopted an entirely new approach to the industry and some of its challenges by recruiting the cream of the crop of the repair industry who have invested in standards and continue to put out quality repairs with the aim to please customers. The vast knowledge of the officials and staff will drive forward a strategic plan to improve repairer profits and gain recognition for the vast number of independent key role players in every area of activity in collision repair in South Africa.

The CRA over the past year have worked closely with some major insurers in putting together guidelines to progress the needs of both the insurance and repair sectors. The time has come for major structural repairers and the smaller nonstructural repair shops to have a dedicated voice at the negotiating table. Not only do we have to understand the insurance industry and some of their unique challenges, but we need to also offer long term sustainable solution to problems that have existed over the past 3 decades. The CRA is also driving a recognizable legislated standard via the DTI that will become compulsory for any repairer to trade in South Africa. This should see the repairers that have already invested in standards gain the recognition they so rightly deserve. The industry has certainly been begging for change and change has arrived in the form of the CRA. So call us soon to gain your place on the road forwards with the new trade organisation of the future in collision repairs. JOIN THE CRA AND GET THE RECOGNITION YOU DESERVE!

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Call us on 0861 726 272 or Visit

CONTENTS March-April 2015_Layout 1 2015/03/23 11:31 AM Page 1

Contents M a r c h


A p r i l

2 0 1 5



Ombudsman Ombudsman Services Services



KIA SOUTH AFRICA Saving Saving Cars Cars


PASSION FOR SPEED Zwartkops Swartkops


Motor Motor Show Show Report report



Roger Roger McCleery’s McCleery’s Column Column


JLR JLR Product Product Growth Growth Strategy Strategy

KAPCI COATINGS Variant Variant Colour Colour Box Box




What What You You Need Need toto Consider Consider

NEW PRODUCTS What’s What’s Hot Hot

4 6 10 14 18 30 40 46 54 64 80

Front Cover: KIA Sportspace Concept Contents: Bentley EXP 10 Speed 6 Concept



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have travelled a great deal to put this issue together and have been sat in a number of darkened workshops where no one could possibly get anything done because of the current load sheading debacle due to the non-performance of the government power utility, Eskom. The sheer scale of the current problem is both mind-boggling and retains no excuses for the state we’re in right now in South Africa. If you analyse whom to pin the tail on the donkey for blame on, like normal it becomes a complex business. Perhaps the biggest culprit to be singled out is firstly the tri-partite alliance that runs things in these state organisations. Their constant socialist policy drivel and communist inclined dreams of how things have to be changed is a front-runner for non-delivery. The black empowerment package saw most of the best people at Eskom pensioned off over two decades ago and as normal replaced in many cases by cadres who know little or nothing about electricity delivery, and are assured large salaries and big perks. Last year Eskom with all their in-fighting and jockeying for positions of senior management managed to produce less electricity than was produced in 2006 and their non-maintained infrastructure put out just 81% of what it could on its dilapidated generator capacity which was also down by another 5%. In real terms from 2007 and under the watchful eye of the ANC, Cosatu and the communist party, the surprise result of all of this sees that gross domestic product shrank to just 1% in last year’s tail end figures. The finances of the Eskom board also make dismal reading. They have to service their debt repayment costs with 20% profits. Right now they can only muster 10% profit figures. Add to this that a further 20% of the electricity is stolen and not paid for by freeloaders who hook up in the townships or where ever their culture of non-payment occurs. Nothing seems to be done about that as well as the constant problems of cable theft that occur. This will only get worse and all this goes on with little or nothing said or done to relieve the situation. Only constant reminders for their paying users to turn off their pool pumps or


geysers in an effort to save the situation here in this microcosm of double standards lies the truth. For South Africa the constant modelling and remodelling of the basic free enterprise system by a bunch of questionable political agenda’s now seen in many government departments basking in absolute chaos. Reigning supreme among their stellar nonperformers of the new Marxist trains of ideology on how things should be arranged for the future are SAA and the South African Post Office who are both financial basket cases as we speak. So the Rand continues to be persecuted by soulless bankers, cash flows at Eskom are putrid, and no new power station has been built in South Africa since 1969 to uplift and take care of future growth. All this output inevitably fails and adds up to the parliamentary farce of payback. The money dominating all media proceedings for over a month is it a case positive for the fact that the ANC is delinquent and cavalier in the way it runs the South African economy. With 72 ministers now in place from what Mandela inherited only seven ministers in place at regime change, it’s all-so out of control. On the cost of government its public service wage payouts gone mad and although the solutions remains one of a no-growth economy, it won’t deliver any new jobs for the foreseeable future and with out any resolve to grow the private profit making sector. Things look grim for our free enterprise system. It would have been nice for a few of the toy toying parliamentarians at the State of the Nation to admit right now they have screwed up the nation or is it a simple case of them not wanting to countenance the frustration of the average South African taxpayers in the country’s dismal performance or are these numbskulls all just fiddling while Rome burns? The questions go on and on. However, the reality of the Eskom investigations will in all probability come to very little unless we’re able to rid this economy of communist inspired ideals that have failed across the world to achieve anything. The combination of union led strong worker participation and solid business principles seem to deliver the economic disconnect with reality we are currently enduring and being forced to live in.











T H E   V O I C E   O F   T H E   I N D U S T R Y

March - April 2015 Telephone: Facsimile: Email: Website: Publisher: Editor: Accounts: Design: Assistant: CT Correspondent: European Technical Editor: 4

Edition 178 +27 (0)11 949 4091 +27 (0)11 252 6844 Ian Groat Claire Macfie Val Groat Jay Groat Nataschja Ferreira Dave Fall Andrew Marsh

The views expressed in articles in Automotive Refinisher are those of the authors and shall not be construed to represent those of the Editor or the Publisher. Accordingly, Automotive Refinisher accepts no responsibility for claims and statements made by advertisers and independent columnists. Further, the appearance of advertisements herein does not necessarily indicate the approval by Automotive Refinisher for the product and/or service advertised. The editor and publishers of this magazine give no warranties, guarantees or assurances and make no representation regarding any goods or services advertisied in this edition. Material may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. Automotive Refinisher is dedicated to servicing the business interests of the collision repair industry.


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yundai Corp is recalling 204 768 Elantras because of a power steering defect that might cause the cars to suddenly revert to manual steering, the company said in a report filed with US auto safety regulators. The recall affects four-door Elantra sedans produced from 1 June 2008 to 30 April 2010, and 2008-2010 model Elantra touring hatchbacks, Hyundai said in a report on the National Highway traffic Safety Administration website. It said the defect might affect an estimated 3% of those cars. “Steering control can be maintained, however, the vehicle will revert to a manual steering mode, requiring greater driver effort, particularly at low speeds. This could result in an increase risk of a crash,” Hyundai wrote in its report. The carmaker said it had understood that the loss of power steering assist has not been considered a safety defect in the United States when manual steering was maintained. “More recently, however, the industry has increasingly handled similar issues through safety recalls due to the greater driver effort at low vehicle speeds,” Hyundai said. “To remain consistent with the industry trend, Hyundai has decided to conduct this campaign as a safety recall.” The company did not say whether there had been any incidents involving the defect.

WE ARE NOW   DIGITAL Great news! All issues of Automotive Refinisher magazine are available for easy download on all iPads and Android tablets. Check out past editions on our website or go to Get all your latest news on new products and equipment for your repair shop, as well as training info.




Florida judge recently ruled in favour of shop owner Ray Gunder, overruling a motion to dismiss filed by Progressive Casualty Insurance Company in a lawsuit Gunder filed on behalf of a customer. Judge Susan B Flood of the County Court of the Tenth Judicial Circuit in and for Polk County, denied Progressive’s motion to dismiss the complaint and strike claim for attorney’s fees. Furthermore, the court denied Progressive’s motion and defeated the insurer’s efforts to invoke the Appraisal Clause as provided for in their policy contract. The lawsuit was filed by Gunder, owner of Gunder’s Auto Centre in Lakeland, Florida, acting on behalf of his customer. The suit accuses Progressive of failing to pay for the reasonable and necessary costs to perform repairs to Gunder’s customer’s damaged vehicle. “This ruling is huge as it allows us to proceed with the multiple lawsuits we currently have in process on behalf of other customers who have been short changed by this insurer as well as other insurers who have underpaid their policy holders,” Gunder said in a release. The lawsuits seek full payment of the under payments, plus costs, expenses, attorney fees, prejudgment and postjudgment interest. Gunder has also settled a lawsuit against State Farm Insurance, and has set a precedent for pursuing legal action against insurance companies on behalf of his business and customers.



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he recent drafting by the Department of Trade and gazetted in October 2014 concerning regulation of the Consumer Act and levies that are proposed to be paid is deemed to be a new requirement for the automotive industry. The CRA in its response to this is clearly set out by us about the way forward in this matter of legal dispensation. Letter From Motor Industry Ombudsman We would like to thank all the Manufacturers/Importers/Dealers and Service Providers who have adhered to the South African Automotive Industry Code of Conduct (Code) and registered with the office of the Motor Industry Ombudsman of South Africa (MIOSA) and paid their levy. To those who have registered but not yet made payment please remember to log back in and follow through to the payment platform. To those who haven’t registered yet, please note that the date of registration has been extended to the end of February 2015. The MIOSA and the Code was accredited by the Department of Trade and Industry on the October 3, 2014. The Code was published in the Government Gazette on October 17, 2014, Notice 817, Government Gazette No 38107(3) and as such has become a Regulation of the Consumer Protection Act and levy’s payable to the MIOSA are now a legal requirement from the Automotive Industry. You can register via the website or email Information on the accreditation and a copy of the Code can be downloaded from our website. Johan van Vreden Motor Industry Ombudsman of South Africa CRA Response To The Above Letter Dear Members We thank you for being patient with regard to feedback from us on registration compliance with MIOSA. In principle we support the same customer service philosophy of ‘Competent, Fair, Efficient and Speedy service and repair’ as is implied by MIOSA. In reality though and over the last few years, the Consumer Commission is not able to keep up with the increasing caseloads of customers that have


unresolved issues. As an association, we embrace the provision under our code of conduct that promises to resolve disputes and support our members and their customers, giving them an avenue to seek satisfaction to their grievances. These processes are in place and have proved to be efficient and effective. Our opinion is that no approach was ever extended by the relevant authorities including the department of trade and industry for discussion or provision of input related to workflow processes or handling of complaints. In essence the autobody repair industry is already regulated in terms of accredited membership association for overview, control and capability monitoring and burdening the already over extended economic conditions on repairers and to now fund an initiative which is already in place does not bode well with us. It is our firm belief that to remove the R64 million required to fund this process from the pockets of business owners is unacceptable and totally unfair. Our opposition organisations have had no input in this regard and appear to be leaving their members without support or direction in this matter. Although gazetted we will be lodging our grievance with the minister of Trade

and Industry within the next 48 hours. We have already put discussions in place to question the setup without consultation with the authorities and we assure you of our proactive intervention on this ruling in the short term. Due to the fact that we as an employer organisation have not been consulted on this process or any fees relating to the gazette on the matter we deem the process of consultation to be non-effective and therefore nontransparent. Our recommendation would be to incorporate the Ombudsman into our claims resolution procedure only after our own internal options have been exhausted and if necessary billed for services rendered. Our recommendation at present is thus to ignore the request for registration and refer all enquiry in this regard back to us for interim resolution and await the ruling which will be applied on the basis of our meetings with the authorities. We trust you are in agreement with our current ruling and assure you of our commitment to member support and fair trade and practice agreements. Should you have additional comment or feedback that we can use to strengthen our already agreed stance on this process we would appreciate your input by return of mail to at your earliest convenience.


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ia South Africa is experiencing an encouraging level of success with its Kia Car Save Programme that aims to prevent vehicles from being scrapped because repairing them is not seen as economical by the insurers. The programme has been underway for the past three years, but there is now a big push being made to make the benefits more widely known to the trade and the public. “We are finding that some insurers are writing off vehicles as uneconomical to repair when the damage is only 50% of the value. It used to be 60-70% of the value,” explained the Kia SA panel development manager, Piet Oosthuizen, in an interview at the company’s central parts distribution warehouse in Germiston. “This can put a huge financial burden on the vehicle owner who may be a young person or a pensioner who may not be in a position to buy a new replacement vehicle after being paid out on the insurance claim,” added Oosthuizen. “Our programme, focuses on discounting parts prices and is aimed at keeping the repair costs of badly damaged vehicles below the insurer’s write-off limit.” “Our aim with the Kia Car Save Programme is to ensure the repairs are carried out to the correct standard by one of our 410 approved panelbeaters in South Africa and that genuine replacement parts are used. To this end we are prepared to discount the parts – sometimes down to cost price - to make the repair economical,” said Oosthuizen. The Kia Car Save Programme is an easy process for the vehicle owner, panelbeater, insurance company and Kia dealers. The insurer or panelbeater needs to submit the quote with the write-off value to Kia SA and we will have provided our recommendations on how we can discount the relevant parts pricing to save the vehicle. Owners of vehicles that are not insured can also submit their quote and we will assist them. “This results in a win-win situation: firstly the customer gets a vehicle that has been properly repaired, secondly Kia SA retains its customer and thirdly the insurer, hopefully, keeps their client and saves money. We have already managed to ‘save’ more than 500 vehicles with our Kia Car Save Programme and are confident of pushing up this number substantially as we now promote the programme more vigorously. 10

“ The Kia Car Save Programme is an assistance programme open to any Kia vehicle owner and enquiries can be directed to myself ( or through a dealer, an accredited panelbeater or an insurance company,” concluded Oosthuizen.


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he giant American paint maker Sherwin-Williams are about to reenter the South African market with their international refinishing products along with their new national importer, Kanye Vimba. Llewellyn Mulder, CEO of Kanye Vimba, sole distributors for the brand, says that the Sherwin-William’s range is well accepted in the local marketplace and that their systems offer state-of-the-art colouristic back-up and quality. The ATX solvent borne offers a complete range consisting undercoats, basecoats, spot and overall clearcoats that meet and exceed all the latest VOC international requirements in their medium and high solids formula’s. ATX has proven to be an outstanding refinish paint because the materials have a very high viscosity and holding power, combined with a blendable colour match. The products always deliver a reliable performance in repair. Along with their international refinish OEM approvals, Sherwin-Williams have a

major success in the supply of specialist paint like solvent borne paints along with soft feel coatings and adhesion promoting primers. They have become a first tier automotive supplier to motor makers across the world market. The latest addition to the SherwinWilliams refinish brand is their AWX Performance Plus refinish system. It’s now easier to apply than ever and its fast drying action provides an excellent colour matching capability while meeting the world’s strictest VOC demands. The compact toner range and excellent colour reproduction are backed-up by a superb range of high performance spectra primers and a range of premium clearcoats that include their express scratch repair programme. These are capable of such fast cure times that they can eliminate the need to bake a vehicle in production. Sherwin-Williams History The Sherwin-Williams Company founded in 1866, is one of the world’s leading

companies in the manufacture, distribution and sale of coatings and related products to professional, industrial, commercial and retail customers. Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes, a division of the Sherwin-Williams Company, manufactures and distributes a complete line of advanced technology paint and coating systems for automotive and fleet refinishing industries. Providing high performance interior and exterior coatings, along with associated products, the company now serves a variety of customers including automotive jobber distributors, collision repair facilities, dealerships, fleet owners and refinishers, production shops, auto body builders and original equipment manufacturers. Kanye Vimba will be showcasing all the Sherwin-Williams cutting edge technology at the upcoming Automechanika trade show from 6-9 May at Nasrec, Johannesburg. For more information on dealer opportunities call Kanye Vimba on +27 (0)11 396 1161.


WAX JHB: 011 908 5446 CT Tonie: 083 458 0699 KZN Andre: 082 850 5056

The trusted name in body shop products just got better 12


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The AWX Performance Plus® Waterborne Refinish System uses a proprietary waterborne resin system designed to deliver speed and high performance. The AWX Performance Plus® Waterborne Refinish System achieves VOC emissions compliance in all 3.5 VOC regulated areas. With minimal capital investment, the AWX Performance Plus® Waterborne Refinish System will out-perform your expectations with excellent colour match, hiding and application properties. Paint - it’s what you do. It’s all we do. Cell: +27 82 552 8126; Tel: +27 11 396 1161 Plumbago Business Park, Unit B1, Spier Road, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, 1619


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ykes-Pickavant is a company that has been around for many years in the field of panelbeating tools. The body shop specialist range of hammers and dollies are distributed locally by Bulldog Abrasives and there are a number of really specialised aluminum toolkits for the repair of aluminium. The company is based in Peckridge, Staffordshire in the UK. It uses state-of-theart production machinery to keep their finished tool quality right at the top of the industry in both functionality and holding up in the workplace on a daily basis. John Cross gave A utomotive Refinisher magazine a quick look around their compact factory in the UK where they produce popular tyre testing kits, torque wrenches, induction heaters, hub pullers and flarematic brake repair systems, among others. Cross said that the company had in the last decade become very competitive on the cost of their range by driving down their overhead costs to compete with oriental competitors. The all-new Jaguar Land Rover aluminium kits for body repair were now nominated equipment globally for the brand’s approved repair centres. Sykes-Pickavant has been manufacturing and distributing tools since 1921. The Sykes-Pickavant brand is well-known worldwide as a guarantee of quality products, service and real value for money. Until recently Sykes-Pickavant was owned by Facom Tools and the Stanley Corporation. Now, once again it is an independently owned company, fully responsible for its own development. Sykes-Pickavant is a UK market leader in the supply of Specialist Automotive Tools and Hand Held Diagnostic equipment. Sykes-Pickavant’s “Workshop Solutions” specialist tool products, are carefully designed to solve particular problems, often making a difficult job, easy and quick. As a company, they have a commitment to


John Cross (right) at the quality testing station for their popular torque wrench tool range.

developing the tools that will be used by tomorrow’s technicians, and investing in a continuous programme of applications research and development. This has kept Sykes-Pickavant at the forefront of automotive service and maintenance technology. Their programme of hand-held diagnostic products brings a whole range of opportunity to the independent garage trade. The range includes engine management systems testers, electronic service tools, pressure and vacuum testers, and gas analysers. With these instruments almost any vehicle on the road can be confidently serviced to the manufacturer’s specification in the shortest time. The comprehensive range of SykesPickavant body repair tools has a dedicated worldwide following. There are special tools for every part of the car’s bodywork. They have also received the first ever accreditation from the Motor Industry Insurance Research centre at Thatcham (UK) for Body Repair Tools. You can get more information on the aluminium TLR approved aluminium range from Bulldog Abrasives. Contact them on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or on for more information.

There is a new range of Jaguar Land Rover approved aluminium body repair tools from Sykes-Pickavant.


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xtrasealer Black and White weton-wet sealers bring new levels of speed and efficiency to the preparation and refinishing of new panels and are perfectly suited to rapid minor damage repairs, promoting optimum adhesion for the complete range of R-M topcoats. They are the ultimate greyshade sealers. Mix the shade you need and enjoy massive savings. Extrasealer Black and Extrasealer White are designed to be intermixed to provide no less than eight primer shades, or tinted with 5% UNO HD or ONYX HD mixing bases for topcoat savings of up to 40% and up to a 45% reduction in application time. Time Saving, Energy Saving And Streamlining You need to be cost effective and with the increasing demands of insurance companies to reduce repair costs, Extrasealer reduces process times still further through SpeedArt, eliminating time consuming sanding during pretreatment and prior to topcoat application: Using Extrasealer, the SpeedArt process makes it possible to eliminate sanding. Further

significant topcoat savings can be made through the use of the greyshade guide, optimising the efficiency of the topcoat, reducing process time and material consumption. Your body shop will profit from two hardeners. D80 is the preferred hardener for large areas which ensures dries in 15 minutes at 20°C bringing your body shop

the fastest possible throughput. D70 fast hardener is preferred for cold temperatures. Extrasealer Black and White comes in a one-litre tin for convenience and savings. For the perfect match, use the Extrasealer greyshade guide Extrasealer Black and White, perfect greyshades for R-M topcoats.

R-M’s Extrasealer black and white wet-on-wet range is perfectly suited for speedy minor damage repairs. It eliminates any time consuming sanding and reduces costs even further for the body shop. 16


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elebrating the 14th Passion for Speed events held in Zwartkops Raceway and Killarney, Cape Town, the racers wheeled out their historic machines in droves for no less than 300 competitors to perform before near record levels of spectators in a packed race day that had all the atmosphere of the golden era of motor racing on show. With thundering SKF Pre-1966 production cars with champion Sarel van der Merwe throwing his boat-like TAR Ford Galaxie around with a bit of precision guidance from behind the wheel all to no avail with mechanical gremlins setting in and seeing him grind to a halt. Legendary drivers like Paola Cavaleri and Hennie Groenewald’s Plymouth and Jonathan Du Toit’s Chev-Nova, Cavaleri took the Ford Galaxy to a win at Zwartkops in the days main event along with the high profile Le Mans Sports and Sports GT cars. Evergreen Michael Briggs took the chequered flag in his Daytona muscle car. Ross Lazerus’ Shelby Cobra had a very successful series with a victory in Cape Town while Rui Campos in the Lola T70 Spyder took the first leg in the Castrol-sponsored race. 18

The day was punctuated with short and sharp cut and thrust races with greats like the Champion of Champions legends race cars getting the spectators waving and cheering. Greats like Willie Hepburn, Thomas Faulkener and Michael Briggs all going like the proverbial clappers to clinch the series outright while the Little Giants Pre-1966 division saw some spirited driving coming from Trevor Tuck in the Alfa Guilietta and Denzil Bhana in the Ford Anglia. Hearing the ultra noisy Formula 1 demonstrations supplied a real blast from the past with one ear-piercing shriek all of their own. The Passion for Speed also saw excellent drives from Alan Baillie in his Brabham RT2I while Jaki Scheckter won races in the super quick Ferrari F430 in battles with Jonathan du Toit’s Ferrari F430. So the international race series wasn’t short of talent and star cars in any way! Looking at it from a spectator point of view a great time was had by both eager spectators and white knuckle racers in the double header series that was better than ever for drivers looking to step back into the nostaligic era of motor sport competition.


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The pits were choc-a-block with great drivers and cars to make the occasion special.


Retro race fans were treated to great weather and exciting racing this year.


With huge fields it was a bit crowded in the corners as Jonathan du Toit made a dash for it.


The sight and sound of early Formula One machinery caused a big buzz at Zwartkops.

5 Sarel van der Merwe was a big crowd pleaser once again with the huge 1963 Ford Galaxie with plenty of sideways action.






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“Who can catch the Flying Scotsman?” Ian Simpson on his Suzuki, was the man to beat at this year’s races. 22


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tepping back into the past at Zwartkops Raceway’s 14th Passion for Speed for two wheelers were many racing world champions and celebrities from South Africa and abroad. The racing was held over two full days with glorious summer temperatures at Zwartkops, near Pretoria. The match race between Scotland and South Africa featured eight identical machines, all Suzuki GSR 1000 machines. Featured riders were Gordon Grigor, Bill Simpson, Ian Simpson, Howard Selby, Rob Burns and Stephen Maxwell (all from Scotland). They faced up against super quick Springboks such as Les van Breda, his son Graeme, Peter Labuschagne and popular ace Rod Gray, in the series sponsored by GeLock Asset Management. Saturday’s events were packed with action and thrilled enthusiastic bikers with machines dating back 60 years or so, and held in front of a record crowd of close to 10 000 spectators. Sunday’s races, boasted



The honour challenge between the four Scottish champions of Ian Simpson, Bill Simpson, Howard Selby and Gordon Grigor went the way of the Scots by just two points advantage in the series of match races with Les van Breda and his son Graeme and Springbok Peter Labuschagne all mounted on identical Suzuki GSR 500 machinery.


Jimmie Guthrie of “Team Incomplete” won all seven legs of the pre-66 racing category and came second overall in the series.

the “Day of Champions” and saw another big rider tussle on the programme. Super stylist Jimmie Guthrie, now 79 years old, put on a superb display to win the Pre 1961 Vintage Classic Racing section with the “Team Incomplete” Manx Norton, while the Kawasaki Z900 of Etienne Louw ran off with the silverware in the Production Racing Pre 1985 Era machine class. Despite a big fall in practice due to oil and water on the track in practice, Les van Breda scooped his rightful win in the 1984 section of the awards. But no one could catch the multiple TT winner and flying Scotsman, Ian Simpson as he romped off with the win in the TT racing series followed by TT specialist AJ Venter on another GSXR Suzuki. Third overall in this class was Les van Breda on yet another Suzuki. 23

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F Apprentices is a unique industry initiative that has indentured 40 apprentices in the motor repair industry in the past year, and is setting its sights in 2015 on growing bigger and stronger. 2014 was a telling year for the non-profit initiative that offers holistic support to its apprentices and the repair shops they are placed in. The foundation has managed to garner support from 12 of the leading shops in Gauteng with 80% of their apprentice placements yielding success. NF Apprentices continues to refine its processes in order to ensure that the right high potential candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds are placed in its partner shops. NF Apprentices sees itself as the bridge between business and apprentices, guiding both parties towards successful and rewarding apprenticeship programmes. NF Apprentices offers shops and apprentices structure and direction which has seen its apprentices successfully complete their training milestones and move up in their training levels. Busi Maile, NF Apprentices programme director says that many of the apprentices placed by the foundation are already adding value and are contributing and highly productive members of staff. Gradually, partner shops are also starting to see the benefits to having apprentices who add to their bottom lines. The foundation has excelled in a number of areas such as placing three young women spray painting apprentices in three of its partner shops. Added to that, last year a total of five of their apprentices participated in the World Skills Competition qualifiers for 2015 in the Spray Painting and Auto Body Repairing categories. Two of NF’s Apprentices, Thabiso Mohale and Bongani Nkosi, have gone through to the final rounds and one of them could represent South Africa later this year in the main World Skills Competitions set to take place in Brazil. These two finalists will compete head-tohead at the Skills Competition that will be held at the Automechanika Show that will be held in Johannesburg at the beginning of May. It’s an exciting time for NF Apprentices and the young men and women in the programme are working hard to secure themselves a place in the motor repair industry. The foundation would like to eventually become a hub of excellence and creativity for young artisans in the industry, giving them a platform to interact, exchange best practices and collaborate on entrepreneurial ventures. NF Apprentices has set its sight on reaching more unemployed youth and possibly expanding into other regions. This, however, will be very difficult to achieve without the support of the entire industry. 26

Bongani Nkosi (left) is an apprentice at Auto Body Specialists and Thabiso Mohale (right) is an apprentice at Dent Doctor Randburg. They are two of the six semi-finalists who will duke it out at this year’s World Skills Competition finals which will take place at the Automechanika SA show 6-9 May this year. As a non-profit organisation, the foundation depends on the generous contributions made by businesses and social funding entities. The foundation’s beneficiary base makes it possible for companies to access their BBBEE points for Socio-Economic Development spend. Repair shops seeking to indenture apprentices can also partner with NF Apprentices to boost the BBBEE scores

under Skills Development and access the merSETA grants and the relevant tax rebates from having apprentices. The foundation invites the industry as a whole to get involved and participate in creating a platform for young artisans who will fill a great need in the shortage of skills within the collision repair industry. Contact Busi on +27 (0)11 805 3867 or visit their website:

NF Apprentices are very proud to have introduced three young women spray painters in this year’s apprenticeship placements. From left to right: Caroline Makuaoba at Cornright Motors, Nolitha Salimane at Auto Body Specialists and Noreen Mankabidi at Carrelo Autobody.


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by Dave Fall




oger and Carol Mason of Mason Manufacturing fame in the Mother City offer free fitting of their exclusive custom-made seat covers, boot and load liners for cars, station wagons, 4x4’s, SUV’s, bakkies, minivans and trucks from their secure drive-in fitting bays at 192 Lower Main Road, Observatory, Cape Town. They are also one of the biggest manufacturers and suppliers of panelbeating/spraypainting and cleaning accessories – producing five tons of in-house mutton cloth manufactured every month from their very own knitting machines, a case in point. Spraypainter overalls, double-sided wool buffing pads, steering wheel covers (to prevent grease marks when a vehicle goes in for a service), are just some of the products manufactured and even exported to as far away places as Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia. Trading as the ‘House of Henry’ since

Carol and Roger Mason are the leading specialists in customised seat covers, boot-liners and load liners for just about every vehicle sold in South Africa. 1993, the Masons have been customising car seat covers since 2010 from their easy-tofind Observatory, Cape Town premises. Masons capable and friendly staff offer the very best quality service – one that’s ‘tailored for that perfect fit’. All the covers are removable and fully machine washable

and can be ordered in quality cotton canvas and other materials. Be sure to go to the Mason’s websites found at and For additional information phone +27 (0)21 447 8860 or email them at




fter inflation, the UK car body repair market’s value is estimated to be 34% lower than in 2004. The number of car body repairs was 24% down last year from 10 years earlier. The factors driving continued shrinkage of the body repair sector are detailed in Trend Tracker’s latest report of car body repairs, The Future of the Car Body Repair Market in the UK, 2015 - 2020 After inflation as measured by the Retail Prices Index, the UK car body repair market is estimated by the specialist automotive research firm Trend Tracker to have fallen in value by 34% between 2004 and 2014. In its latest report on the sector, The Future of the Car Body Repair Market in the UK, 2015-2020, Trend Tracker notes that volume demand for repairs peaked at 5.81 million in 2006, but has since fallen steadily to an estimated 4.20 million repairs in 2014, a decline of 28%. Overall repair volume was 24% lower in 2014 than in 2004. Trend Tracker says the decline in the market for car body repairs cannot all be laid at the door of the 2008/2009 recession and its aftermath. The insurance claims rate fell from 2000 to 2011, although it is estimated to have turned up recently. The fall in the claims rate is partly explained by motorists


driving less, average mileage having fallen by 15% since 2000. Another contributory factor is the fitment of ABS brakes to all new cars sold since 2007. Average repair costs in current prices rose from R9.3 billion in 2004 to R100 billion in 2014 (excluding VAT), but in real terms, after inflation as measured by the Retail Prices Index, they are estimated to have fallen by 13% in the past decade. Trend Tracker attributes the fall in real-terms average repair costs to a decline in the number of relatively large and expensive insurance-funded repairs to private cars, and repairs to fleet and company cars. It expects average repair costs to increase gradually, so that with a 2% increase in repair volumes, 2014/2020, the value of the UK car body repair market will rise 5% from 2014 to 2020 in real terms. Recent re-growth in the new car market is already rebuilding the car parc up to four years old. A more bouyant used car market will also boost dealer demand for refurbishment of used cars, although SMART repairers are making substantial inroads into the refurbishment market at the expense of traditional body shops. The number of primary body shops operating in the UK car body repair market

is forecast to decline by 9% between 2014 and 2020. That will be a much slower rate of decline than the 19% seen between 2007 and 2013. With improving prospects for car body repairs but a continuing decline in body shop numbers, Trend Tracker expects an 11% overall deficit in car body repair capacity by 2020. In contract with the near 50% excess capacity in the sector 16 years earlier in 2004. However, any shortfalls will be seasonal and local, and insufficient to encourage regrowth in the number of repairers. Trend Tracker Director and lead body repair sector analyst Chris Oakham says, “The outlook for body shops is highly dependent on a continuing recovery of the UK economy, reviving demand for new and used cars, and giving motorists back more spare cash for elective repairs. “But,” he adds, “the increase in safety features such as Lane Departure Warning, Adaptive Cruise Control and Emergency Brake Assist in new cars is likely to reduce the frequency of accidents in normal conditions as ABS has done in the past, while the congestion now endemic in urban traffic will reduce the severity of the average collision, along with the average value of collison repairs.” 27

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by Jay Groat




he first round of the 2015 Midas Historic Tour took place in March at the Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit. Standing trackside watching the collection of classic racers I couldn’t help but get taken back to Kyalami’s heydays and I was reminded of how great it is to see the circuit enjoying such a buzz in atmosphere. The event had a strong entry of 218 cars spread across the various categories. There was action all around the track with the safety car being deployed no less than six times. Big racing names such as Peter Lindenberg, Jeffrey Kruger and the Du Toit brothers blitzed the course behind the wheels of their big 60’s and 70’s retro racing machines. The day was a great success. Some of the racing classics on display inspired you to want to jump online and find your own collectible, which what Gumtree has made a lot easier since last year when they launched their new Gumtree Auto Inventory Tool (GAIT). Dealers now get to customise their Gumtree listings to better showcase their dealership and brand. The package is designed to make not only the dealer’s life easier, but loads of added services including optimising car buyer search results for increased sales. With fields in the pre-1979 Marlboro Saloons as big as 40-60 strong, you could say that these are the biggest fields in local motorsport currently and boy do they know how to produce close, 28

thrilling racing. It was Pierre de Waal in the Alfa GTV, who came out victorious just ahead of Ullie Sanne in his BMW 2002. The Investchem Formula Fords was won by Graham Hepburn after a major pile-up in heat two, he was followed home by Andrew Horne. The Sabat Lotus Challenge was won by Sean Hewitt from Andre Dafel. Whilst the first round of the Liqui Moly Endurance Series was won by Dawie Olivier in his 450 Mercedes after an hour-long race in pouring rain. Jan Jacobs in his Alfa came home second, having blown off the much faster sports cars, who just couldn’t keep up the speed and accuracy in the rain. Gumtree and Mitsubishi Electric acted as television broadcast partners of the Tour. The day was of special significance as it marked the first time that the Historic Races were broadcast via “We were extremely pleased to come on board as sponsors,” says Jeff Osborne, Head of Gumtree Automotive. “The Automotive category of Gumtree South Africa remains our most popular vertical drawing well as we have over a million unique visitors to the site every month. The sponsorship was a very natural fit.” The second round of the 2015 Midas Historic Tour takes place at Dezzi Raceway in Port Shepstone on the 11th April. There’s loads of excitement on the day, so be sure check it out.


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Engine: 5.0

Ferrari 488 GTB Engine: 3.9 Ltr turbocharged V8 0-100 km/h: 3.0 sec Top Speed: 329 Km/h

Lexus LF-SA Concept 30

Nissan Sway Concept


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2017 Ford GT Engine: 3.5 Ltr V6 Eco-boost 0-100 km/h: 3.2 sec Top Speed: 322 Km/h

Audi R8 e-tron Engine: Twin synchronous electric motor 0-100 km/h: 3.9 sec Top Speed: 200Km/h

Ko enig seg g Regera Eng ine: 5.0-litre twin-turbo V8 hybrid 0-100 km/h: 2.8 sec Top Speed : 402 K m/h

Aston Martin Vulcan Engine: 7.0 Ltr V12 0-100 km/h: 3.0 sec Top Speed: 362 Km/h

VW Sport Coupé Concept GTE

Citro ën DS Divine Concept 31


ou see these Jeep Wrangler cult classic’s driving around town a lot these day’s, its a common sight to see them company branded and cruising the highways. Although when I see one bound to city limits, I can’t help but feel sorry for it, as the whole concept behind the wild butch look is lost if it’s purely for show. The car only starts to shine once you detour off from any stretch of asphalt. Recently the A uto mo tive Refinisher team were fortunate enough to dig their claws into one of Jeep Wrangler Sahara’s steering wheels for a week. My last encounter with a wild horse Wrangler was a few years back where any right turn yielded great smoke rings thanks to the fillies under the hood. Jeep know how to build strong engines with no expense being spared. Under the hood of our entry level Sahara Wrangler was a 130kW 4 litre straight six, which pulls 305 Nm of torque from a five speed transmission, and sounds so easy on the ear. Off-roading capability with the Sahara is thanks to a rear TrakLoc limited slip differential. With the Sahara Wrangler all the basics are there, but when I say basics I should be talking raw ruggedness when that’s what these vehicles are all about. Comfotable seating with safety features such as air bags, remote key access and padded roll-bar, air-conditioning and a butt kicking sound system is all a part of the package.



Not much has changed inside or outside, keeping true to Jeep’s classic style and rudimentary design as the interior gadgetry is still as understated as the exterior of the car. The Punchy performance from under the hood is ready at any stage of play, be it climbing a steep incline on an offroad track or overtaking on the highway. The only “speedhump” throughout the course of the week was that I made really good friends with petrol attendants as it’s seriously thirsty. Surprisingly the Sahara sat at about 11.5 litres/100km and considering the Sahara’s performance doesn’t lend itself to a light foot. Most people I know who own one of these beauties already have a city run around which keeps the “toy” for fun weekends of off-roading and just to get out and about. What you could expect to pay for the Sahara Wrangler is a reasonable R239 500 considering the lifestyle one of these vehicles presents. The overall package is brilliant if getting out there and taking the road less travelled is your thing. If this is the price that you can afford then it’s a great car and lifestyle combination. Unfortunately a little pointless if the only thing the Sahara will ever see is tarmac its whole life. But having said that, if being one of the cool kids around town is your thing, then nothing else will do the trick as well as the Sahara Wrangler.


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ore than 90 years being a Standard in the automotive repair industry and Innovation from 3M confirmed that our end user customers value cut, finish and feel of an abrasive sheet as the three most important purchasing characteristics for the product they use. The all-new 401Q 3000 WetorDry abrasive is premium quality abrasive that will take your finish up to the next level. The product is electrostatically coated to ensure even coating of the abrasive to the specially treated paper backing. The even coating is critical to produce an excellent finish which, will also produce a finish that is free of unwanted deep, wild scratches.

The process also enhances the cut performance of these products. The harder silicon carbide abrasive used in the manufacture outperforms the aluminium oxide found on other products, ensuring a price/performance benefit. Note: The “P” designation used in front of a grit number denotes the use of the FEPA (Federation of European Producers of Abrasives) grading system. Since the FEPA grading system is not accurate enough for the ultrafine grits, you will notice that some of the 3M products will only have grit numbers on the back. Wetordry is available in full and half sheets in grit sizes: 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000.




M delivers with the 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System. This innovative system increases efficiencies by eliminating the need for traditional mixing cups and paint strainers. The 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System has been around for more than a decade and the introduction of the Midi and the Micro sizes most recently now allows 3M to offer a complete solution to ‘Mix what you need, spray what you need’ convenience and efficiency. Just choose the PPS™ cup to suit the size of your job and you can mix as much or as little paint as you need. 3M is the pioneer for the disposable paint application system and invests more than $1B dollars annually in research and development to ensure that we continually provide you with the highest quality product that delivers the perfect finish. 3M™ PPS™ protects you and your business through the system’s ability to enhance quality, optimise efficiency, reduce solvents and maximise production. 3M innovation ensures that you maximise the benefits of PPS™ products and eliminates the quality issues often experienced by users of less superior products: l 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System ensures you have accurate 125 micron or 200 micron filtering. l You will not experience any paint contamination issues from release agents when using 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System. l 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System has been designed to collapse in on itself when spraying which will save your painter up to 100ml of paint every time – saving the shop money. To ensure that you are always investing in the highest quality products and to receive the benefits of local 3M technical, training, warranty and other support, please ensure that you purchase the 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System from an authorised 3M distributor. 3M South Africa wants to ensure that your business is protected from poor quality substitutes; the risks involved are often not worth the small savings and can result in the shop spending more money on rework and wasted paint as a result of these products. mix what you need, spray what you need. Should you have any concerns or wish to discuss any of these matters, please contact your 3M sales representative or call 3M directly on +27 (0)11 806 2000. 33 AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R

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BIS is delighted to announce that Andy McDonald from Tesla Motors will be presenting a session at this year’s IBIS Global Summit, which is being held at the Hilton Athens on 27-29 May, 2015. Titled, ‘Building a global bodyshop network with the consumer in mind’, Andy’s session will explore Tesla’s approach to collision repair across the world, meeting different clients’ needs. As a vehicle manufacturer, Tesla focuses on electric powertrains that present a unique set of challenges for a bodyshop network. Customer service, value for money and quality are the driving factors of the Tesla programme and Andy’s talk is sure to light up the audience. Andy joins a roster of already confirmed sessions including Clive Humby, founder of dunnhumby and co-creator of the world’s first supermarket loyalty card for Tesco; Rex Green, consolidation expert from BB&T; Joseph Funk from AIG, who will explore insurer models in South America and Asia; a local session from Yannis Ioannidis, from AkzoNobel, on the market, trends and opportunities in Greece; Claudio Giribuola from Toyota looking at ownership and how insurance is integral to Toyota; and David Mills from Direct Line Group who will be discussing RBS and its view of the customer. Existing IBIS 2015 partners: 3M, AkzoNobel, Audatex, Axalta, EMM, Enterprise and Fix Auto World are joined by returning partner Automechanika, the global trade fair brand, and new partner ChiefElektron. Mike Cranfill, vice president of global collision and new business at Chief-Elektron, said: “I have attended several IBIS conferences in the past and feel this is the best source for our company to discuss

relevant industry topics, gain current market information, and network with key members of our industry drivers: OEM manufacturers; insurance industry representatives; and the repair industry. “I will use the IBIS summit to help update our annual strategic plan as we continue to support all three industry drivers.” Shelley Cheshire, CEO of IBIS, said: ‘We are delighted to be welcoming back so many existing partners as well as the new partners we have this year in Chief-Elektron and Fix Auto World. It is testament to our growth around the world and a trend we are keen to encourage. “I am also thrilled that this year’s agenda has such a diverse range of speakers and topics, all covering our 2015 theme: Evolution through collaboration. It looks set to be the best Global Summit to date and I hope to see you all there.” Delegate places are available from £1 795 and include full access to the Welcome Party on 27 May, for informal networking in a relaxed environment; the full day’s conference, including lunch and breaks, on 28 May; the International Dinner, the height of sophistication, on the evening of 28 May; as well as the final half day’s conference and delegates’ lunch on 29 May. The price also includes two nights’ accommodation (27 and 28 May) at the five-star Hilton Athens. To confirm your place, email Nicola Keady, call 00 44 (0)1296 642826 or visit their website:




nce again, PSA Peugeot Citroën has presented awards to its best suppliers. BASF’s Coatings division received the award for its CathoGuard®800 cathodic e-coat. This is applied to the vehicle body to protect it from corrosion. The special benefit it offers PSA is its cost savings potential. By presenting this award, the French automakers is paying tribute not just to the product CathoGuard®800 but also to BASF’s commitment. “As the main supplier to PSA, we are very pleased and proud to receive this award. It shows recognition for BASF’s power to create innovative high-quality products that save costs and are globally available. The award also confirms the close partnership that exists between BASF and PSA,” says Laurent Vaucenat, global account manager Renault/Nissan and PSA at BASF. The BASF Coatings division has already been awarded the title of core supplier by PSA in 2012. The cathodic e-coat is the first layer of the paint system. CathoGuard®800 is in great demand as an alternative to 34

conventional e-coats that often incorporate tin. CathoGuard®800 has a low solvent solution content that saves material due to its high efficiency. In addition, this technology is highly suitable for integrated painting processes that dispense with primer application. Savings in consumption without compromising on quality. The PSA Group benefits from this innovative technology for the production of 500 000 vehicles per year. Many major automakers have also introduced CathoGuard®800 into their global operations in recent years. The PSA Group had a number of good reasons for introducing the BASF product. “We have been able to save over 10% in materials and energy by using CathoGuard®800 for cathodic e-coating,” says Frédéric Delbecque, account manager PSA at BASF. “There is less need for rework, owing to uniform application of the corrosion protection layer and its high quality. This accelerates the production process. The perfectly smooth surface meets the requirements of our customers in the automotive sector.”


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NEWS FROM THE ZOO - by Roger Houghton


Confusion with the Fusion - which side is the indicator stalk actually on?


t is a scary phenomenon but the older you get the faster time seems to fly. This year kicked off with a lightning quick start and it seemed as if February came along before one had time to more than blink. The fact that I am in the publishing business adds to the quick ramp-up as we had only about two weeks to get our January publications out as many people who needed to be interviewed had only returned to work mid-month. However, the fact that time flies faster as your age moves along is a natural perception and not a gripe. I do have a couple of pet gripes that I wish to air though.The first one is motoring related and involves the placement of the direction indicator stalk in a motor vehicle. I cannot for the life of me work out why motor manufacturers do not agree on which side of the steering column this critical safety-related item is located. Imagine if they didn't agree on the order of the pedals such as clutch, brake accelerator. On some vehicles it is on the left side of the column and on others on the right. This is not only related to the make or model of vehicle. Most manufacturers seem to have both options in their ranges. The ultimate head scratching occurred at the recent launch of the Ford Fusion, a large, luxury sedan, in the Cape where, believe it or not, some variants had the indicator stalk on the right and others on the left! When questioned on this quirky arrangement the Ford spokesman said that few motorists move regularly between different models and are seldom faced with the quandary of where the indicator is located. I do not agree. For instance, these days many people drive rental cars where the stalk may be on the opposite side to the situation in their own car and can then get flustered in a busy traffic situation, possibly ploughing into another car with the windscreen wipers and washers working away and no flashing light indicating the direction one would like to travel. Now to the other gripe. This is about the growing lack of good manners and dress sense, particularly as regards attendance at functions. This gripe session starts with failing to reply to invitations, and then come the “no shows” at events and late arrivals. Finally there is a growing lack of dress sense in terms of dressing correctly for a particular occasion. It’s all down to good manners and showing respect for one's host or hostess and the organisation he or she represents. I have been on both sides of the fence – journalist and PR – 36

during my 40-odd years working in and around the SA motor industry and I have seen an accelerating deterioration in all these aspects of good manners in recent years. I started working at the Pretoria News in the 1960’s where the minimum requirement was slacks and a sports coat or blazer with a tie. This formality, usually extending to a suit and long sleeve shirt and tie every day, continued through my 20 years at Chrysler SA/Sigma/Amcar/Samcor and for most of the 18 years I spent at Toyota SA. Only towards the end of my career was there a relaxation in that ties and jackets were no longer required in the office. Most corporates still maintain good dress sense, but the mind boggles when you see the way many of the motoring journalists dress these days. Jeans – often faded and torn – are the norm, with a tee-shirt and trainers being seen as acceptable apparel by many, despite the fact that the hosts and hostesses may be wearing suits and ties and smart dresses or slack suits. This even goes when these journos are on overseas trips, often in countries like Germany and Japan with conservative dress codes. My worst has been seeing two SA journos wearing rubber slipslops at the Goodwood Festival of Speed in the UK and at the AMG factory in Germany. Two of the journos paired their slipslops with beach baggies and the third wore frayed and faded jeans. Unfortunately it seems there is no simple way of making good manners in terms of behaviour and dress a matter of importance. Any suggestions? Now for some good news. This relates to the excellent turnout for the annual Passion for Speed race meeting at Zwartkops Raceway for cars and motorcycles. The parking area was packed and it was like the good old days as the fans had free access to the pits so they could see their favourite cars, motorbikes and the drivers or riders up close. It is a pity that as matters stand the classic aspect of motor sport is thriving in terms of entries and interest from true enthusiasts, but there are still far too few spectators at race meetings outside the Passion for Speed events at Zwartkops and Killarney in Cape Town. I am fortunate in that I am involved in Lotus Register racing and having a new Class B car, as well as being a friend of the publisher of A utomotive Refinisher, Ian Groat, who shares my love for classic two-wheelers – particularly those made in Britain. This gives me the inside track on thriving historic racing, the machines and people that compete and makes me very happy!


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Telephone: +27(0)11 452-0875 / +27(0)79 206-7881 / Fax: +27(0)11 452-8372 Tyrone: +27(0)82 856-1200 Aki: +27(0)84 889-7014 / Email: Website:

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ASF is turning 150 in 2015. The company began in Germany in 1865 with the development and production of dyes. The production of ammonia in order to make fertiliser followed a few years later and then plastics came along. Since then, the company’s portfolio has continuously developed and evolved and today their product range covers a wide spectrum of industries from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection to oil and gas. It is a great achievement for any company to remain successful for so many years. For BASF this number speaks to the creativity and determination of our employees – in the past and the present. For 150 years, they have managed to find the right balance between risk-taking and responsibility. Laurent Tainturier, senior vice-president for EUE region, including CIS-Middle EastAfrica explains: “Today’s requirements and the expectations of society are much more complex. But our focus is still on improving people’s quality of life. This, however, should not come at the expense of the next generation(s). When we conduct research today, we keep one guiding principle in mind: sustainability. We treat resources with care and respect and strive to strike a balance between all three dimensions: economy, environment and society. “It is critical that a company such as BASF addresses the challenges facing our planet, including those of energy and food resources, as well as urban living. In 2050, the world’s population will reach nine billion with 70% of the people will be living in cities.

Seen at the celebrations in Johannesburg from left to right are Petra Bezuidenhout, Joan Maria Garcia Girona, Mamokgheti Phakeng, Christo Marais, Laurent Tainturier, Hanli Prinsloo and Horst Freitag. Resources are already scarce and we have only reached almost seven billion people. Everyone needs a roof over their head, clean water, and electricity. “This poses a tremendous challenge, especially in Africa and the megacities of the developing world, as people want to be mobile and move around. To feed nine billion people in 2050, we will need twice as much food as today. How can that be accomplished if we can’t double the amount of farmland?” he asks. From its early beginnings, BASF has always had innovative and collaborative culture. BASF continues to work closely with university researchers, scientists and chemists who have provided the cornerstones for our research. Compared with the past, today’s joint endeavours involve many more disciplines. The construction of a wind power turbine, for example, requires a team of researchers, developers and market experts. It is not only about improving material properties, but –




ASF Coatings Services recently opened its National Technical Services Hotline to cater for its customers in South Africa and Sub-Sahara Africa for the paint brand Glasurit. The national toll-free number gives the customers direct access to the National Technical Information Centre which has, among other things, a direct link to the Colour Lab in Muenster, Germany; the global headquarters for BASF Coatings. Customers can obtain technical information such as paint processes and colour information for Glasurit. “We understand that time is an important factor to our customers, therefore with the introduction of this hotline, we aim to respond to our customers’ requests instantaneously,” notes Reno Nell, national technical services consultant. “Each of our six branches across South Africa have a number of technical consultants on call to assist our customers with various concerns, however, we realised that some queries such as requiring 38

more importantly – ensuring they fit and work together in the best possible way. This means that, within BASF itself, we need to work across different divisions and combine the knowledge of many experts. We need to consider solutions together with customers and scientists. BASF’s global and local anniversary programme is envisaged as a virtual laboratory – the “Creator Space™ programme, in which we can try out new ways of working together over the next year and beyond – within BASF and with other stakeholders i.e. customers, scientists, and other communities. It is interactive and brought to life by the ideas and discussions of its visitors. The three anniversary topics posted focus on urban living, energy, and food. The South African anniversary programme sees a number of highly interactive events being hosted throughout the region involving scientists, customers, business partners and employees.

Reno Nell, National Technical Services Consultant manning the national hotline 0800 265 687.

colour information on OEM vehicles can be quickly addressed telephonically, hence one of the reasons for setting up this number,” explained Nell. The link between the National Technical Information Centre and the Colour Lab enables the local facility to channel any system complaints that may require practical testing directly to Germany and also allow for a direct channel to follow up on the results. The Colour Lab in Muenster is the centre for all global color activities, particularly for the fast changes in OEM car colours. Thus, any new colour information is filtered through the National Technical Centre through to the hotline so as to give customers information that is relevant to this region. The hotline; 0800 265 687, is currently accessible between 08h00 to 17h00 from Mondays through to Fridays with extended hours to be added in the near future.

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DID YOU HEAR? by Roger McCleery

Celebrating motoring excellence with a hat trick win, Porsche scooped the title of the 2015 WesBank / SAGMJ Car Of The Year when its Macan S Diesel was announced the winner at a gala dinner hosted by WesBank, the competition’s headline sponsor, at Gallagher Estate in Johannesburg. The Porsche Macan S Diesel faced stiff competition in the 11-strong finalist line-up that represented the best of the best from a cross-section of segments and price points, making it one of the most hotly contested races in the competition’s 30-year history.


015 started well for the motor industry. Total vehicle sales at 52 306 units were up on December sales (51 459) whilst exports of 16 708 in January were a bit behind December’s total of 21 830 but up on January 12 months ago of 13 845. Traditionally December has lower sales as people hold back. In January sales in the New Year started to climb again. Overall top seller in January was Toyota (11 191) exports (4 201). Volkswagen sold the most passenger cars at 8 342 and exports of 4 420. Ford was in third place with 5 672 vehicles (738 Rangers). Nissan overtook General Motors by 70 units. Renault posted good sales and sold 1314 while Honda managed 1 144. Largest selling vehicle again was the VW Polo Vivo: 3 002 and Toyota Hilux the leading bakkie at 2 605 with the Corolla not far behind on 2 464. The feeling in the industry is that in 2015 should grow a bit – or at worst stay flat. Who knows? We used to say in the old days “A long term forecast is what is going to happen after lunch!” What could affect our sales and the rest of the economy, of course, is the supply of electricity handled by a bunch of incompetent amateurs. Hopefully they never enter the motor industry. Mitsubishi have enhanced their ASX Compact Cross-Over with a number of exterior and interior updates. An updated CVT system lowers fuel consumption on the automatic model, along with enhanced drivability. The ASX features a five-star Euro N-Cap rating and seven airbags, plus all the usual safety features. A good all-round package, the 2.0-litre sells for R300 000. Chrysler in South Africa has officially partnered with the Jeep Club of South Africa so as to integrate with the international Jeep owners group – as they have done in Europe. Automotor Und Sport has voted the Mercedes-Benz C-Class the best medium sized car and the S-Class as the best luxury car. 113 000 readers took part in this survey. Husqvarna Motorcycles, who used to make sewing machines, have now set up their own office in South Africa. Fast Freddie Fonsham is the man looking after the brand as he did at CMH. Husqvarna belongs to KTM. This Austrian company sold 159 000 motorcycles last year. 40

A big tussle goes on between Toyota who sold the most vehicles in the world in 2014 and Volkswagen just a couple of hundred units behind them. VW with their Mach 18 plan seems well on track. They aim to be number one in the world by 2018. They have got three years to go. Suzuki in South Africa has been enjoying some good sales. The dealer of the year is Suzuki Auto in Johannesburg South. Mazda launched their Mazda3 when they opened for business in October here in South Africa. This Mazda has now been named the New Zealand Car of the Year and the National Business Review Supreme Car of the Year. Honda’s high quality Mobilio seven-seater has now had a new CVT automatic gearbox added to its range. It’s spacious, functional and reliable vehicle with a really perky motor. Kawasaki and their CEO, Chris Speight, who celebrates 34 years at the helm of the brand in South Africa, unveiled one of the fastest and most powerful road bikes ever produced by this famous company. It is a Ninja H2. It is a 1000cc motorcycle with 150kW. They also have an R model available, which is not to be ridden on the road and comes without guarantees. It is to be used only on track days. Price of this wonder bike is R600 000 and it sports 224kW. Wow. It is the first motorcycle ever launched onto the market with a super-charged engine for the road. Peugeot 308 was voted Car of the Year 2015 in Morocco. It was up against the 3-series BMW and their X4, Hyundai Elantra and CClass Merc. News to hand is that the Mazda3 also won the Family Car of the Year in Scotland. So the pedigree continues. The Mazda2 also arrived on our shores earlier in March. Nissan is celebrating the great success they have had with the NP200 half-ton pick-up where they have a market share of 52.2%. 17 412 were sold in 2014 plus they received glowing reports from Malcolm Kinsey on the spares and on quality from IPSOS. This bakkie is made in South Africa. Shown at the recent Paris Show, the KIA Rio with exterior and interior updates has arrived in South Africa. It’s their best selling model in this country. Prices start at R177 000 rising to R225 000. The Citroën C4 Cactus has won the “Most Beautiful Interior”


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Listen to Ro ger McC leery every Tuesday o n Radio To day (1485 A M) at17h30 fo r everything abo ut SA mo to ring. prize at the 30th International Automobile Festival. Honda has launched a new VFR800 motorcycle with all-new front forks and swing arm, traction control, adjustable seat height, ABS, heated grips, self-cancelling indicators and an engine with greater low- and mid-range torque. It is also lighter than the previous model. The V4 configuration goes back 40 years and gives the bike a soul of its own. Firestone in South Africa keeps giving prizes. One of the winners of a 1987 Firestone Competition that promised tyres for life received his latest set of tyres – 28 years after the event. Andre Wentzel has just received his new tyres for his Fortuner. Porsche delivered 190 000 new cars to customers in 2014. In December they sold a record 20 644 cars. Volkswagen’s Amarok double cab now comes with an automatic version of their 4x2. Number one truck seller in the world is Mercedes-Benz who sold nearly 500 000 trucks last year. Awards keep coming thick and fast. GWM C30 has scooped a JD Power Quality Award in the mid-size entry category. Porsche had two world premieres in January: the 911 Targa GTS and a Cayenne Turbo S. They just keep getting better, although it is hard to believe they are that good. Peugeot is not lagging behind with worldwide sales of 4.3% and 2.9 million units sold last year. Isuzu also recorded global sales particularly out of China. Opels are on the way back as well with 1.1 million vehicles sold in Europe.

The compact Korek HD floor frame features a double layer ground frame for robust performance and easy set-up. The flexible tower assemblies are highly mobile. It offers extended cab tower pulls with traction pulls of 20 tons per basic tower. The towers are simple to fix as they operate on rollers and are fixed to the HD Korek frame by four wedges with three main stands on offer. This is coupled to 30 ton composition hydraulic sets. The options for a perfect chassis cab and frame straightening job are endless as well as painless.

Kevin Robertson riding an Immaculate 1936 Velocette motorcycle won the 102nd running of the DJ International Motor Cycle Rally. It was held over two full days and the event attracted over 100 entries with six international riders at the event. The race that started in Hillcrest finished in Germiston.

As far as speed of output and profitability are concerned, the HD Korek offers major profitability at a reasonable entry level cost. It is ideal for both CV repairers and large fleet operators as an investment in Truck repair.

17 year-old Kelvin van der Linde is the youngest Bridgestone/SA Guild of Motoring Journalists Motor Sportsman of the Year in its 50 year history of the award.


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illiams partnership with PPG Industries, the world leader in coatings and specialty products, will be continuing for a 12th consecutive year. Since 2003 PPG and Williams have worked together to find new solutions to find all-important weight savings in the team’s Formula One cars, a vital element in lap times. New regulation changes for the 2014 season, including the addition of complex hybrid power units, have seen Formula One cars become heavier than in previous years. WILLIAMS MARTINI RACING has benefited from PPG’s latest technical paint solutions that have led to an impressive 48% reduction in the weight added to the car during the painting process. By reducing the amount of paint products needed, PPG coatings can provide WILLIAMS MARTINI RACING with a performance advantage whilst maintaining the presentation standards expected of the team’s much talked about 2014 livery. “Formula One demands the best and expects excellence,” explains Patricia Phountoucos, European communications manager of PPG. “On every aspect of the car from the electronics inside, to the exterior paint work on the outside, teams are always looking for materials that provide consistency and excel in performance. This is why PPG and Williams have continued the partnership for an impressive 12th year.”

Sir Frank Williams, founder and team principal of Williams, commented: “With the weight of the cars being so important in 2014 in light of the major regulation changes, having PPG’s innovative weight saving paint on the FW36 is more useful than ever. We have worked together for many years now and I’m delighted that our partnership will be continuing for another season.” PPG: Bringing Innovation to the Surface.™ PPG Industries' vision is to continue to be the world’s leading coatings and specialty materials company. Through leadership in innovation, sustainability and colour, PPG helps customers in industrial, transportation, consumer products, and construction markets and aftermarkets to enhance more surfaces in more ways than does any other company. Founded in 1883, PPG has global headquarters in Pittsburgh and operates in nearly 70 countries around the world. Reported net sales in 2014 were $15.4 billion. PPG shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol: PPG). For more information, visit and follow @PPGIndustries on Twitter. The PPG logo is a registered trademark and Bringing innovation to the surface is a trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.




PG Automotive Refinish has created new global branding for its popular ENVIROBASE® High Performance waterborne product line. Updated product packaging for the leading PPG brand now gives a completely refreshed look that includes a redesigned paint system logo and new colourful label designs for its waterborne toners and its integrated waterborne undercoats and clearcoats. According to PPG, the branding initiative is intended to better reflect the premium quality of the Envirobase High Performance paint line and the brand’s international leadership in waterborne refinish systems. “With the brand’s broad market acceptance around the world, we thought it was time to give Envirobase High Performance a fresh look that would reinforce its foremost position in the industry,” said John Outcalt, vice president, global automotive refinish. “It is important to note that while the branding and packaging for Envirobase High Performance are new, we haven’t made any changes to the technology of the system. Our customers can expect the same premium PPG performance they are accustomed to.”



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For more information call +27 (0)11 953 2576 or visit

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FUTURE TECH - by Andrew Marsh



ot long ago the whole automotive sector suffered badly with the effects of the global financial market decline with the effects in terms of delayed model replacements still being seen more than six years later. Many vehicle manufacturers did the unthinkable in order to survive – a few did not. Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) suffered more than most. At the time owned by Ford Motor Company with its largest, most profitable products struggling for sales. Indeed in common with many other manufacturers the rate of sales was at or below break-even. Then it happened … China. Whilst the ‘mature’ vehicle markets of the world ran away from new vehicle sales, China developed an insatiable thirst for SUVs. Not just any old SUVs, but foreign upmarket SUVs. By happy coincidence Ford were able to sell JLR shorn of most of its debt to Tata Motors, and so began a renaissance. Land Rover sales took off, and kept going. Range Rover, which Ford had spent much effort placing as an upmarket sub brand, also took off. Tata were in the right place at the right time – indeed in 2014 JLR contributed more than 85% of the Tata automotive division global profit. So That’s All Good, Then? Well, Not Quite … The key to sustained profitability is how a vehicle manufacturer uses key assemblies over and over again to minimise investment and ultimately reduce piece cost. Let’s look at three different vehicle manufacturer’s approaches to this issue: l BMW. The engines (petrol and diesel) use a highly developed 500 cm3 combustion module which is then applied to all the engine configurations from in-line 3 cylinders to V8’s. The body architecture is scalable, meaning the 1 to 4 series essentially share the same body structure beneath the skin, the ‘X3’ is a cross over, and all the larger vehicles share almost identical substructures. This matrix of engine choices and body styles maximises common components wherever possible, and took decades to develop. l Mercedes-Benz. The powertrain strategy is more fragmented than BMW but the body architecture from C class to S class shares the same architecture – minimising development lead time and maximising profit. By introducing structural certainty 46

into the product life cycle the packaging of all the other systems is also more certain, and faster. l Volkswagen Group. Three assembly kits cover all vehicle segments from the smallest to the largest for the four volume brands – Audi, Seat, Skoda and Volkswagen. The largest kit – MQB – took a full 10 years to develop, including the engines, provision of LNG, provision of hybrid drive, provision of pure electric drive, and provision of hydrogen fuel technology. Effectively all possible medium term option demands were co-developed so that as the market develops over the life cycle of the kit, Volkswagen Group simply switched on the appropriate elements. MQB, once the roll out is completed later in 2015 will contribute more than five million vehicles per year. The best part? Even though much has been written about all of the above, customers for these brands are not bothered because their choice of components are wrapped up in the body style of their choice. Good profits, happy customers. So How Does JLR Compare? When Tata bought JLR they were given five years to access Ford components as part of a licence agreement. At the point of sale, that content looked like this: l Land Rover Defender (L316) – diesel engine and manual gearbox. l Land Rover Freelander II(L359) – diesel engine (codeveloped with PSA), petrol engine, front body structure (shared with Mondeo CD345). l Land Rover Discovery III (L319) – diesel engine (codeveloped with PSA), petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford), T5 chassis, a few body stampings. l Range Rover Sport (L320) – diesel engine (V6 co-developed with PSA), petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford), T5 chassis, a few body stampings. l Range Rover (L322) – diesel engine (V8 developed by Ford for JLR), petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford). The body design was completed whilst Land Rover was part of the BMW Group. l Jaguar XF (X250) – re-mastered Lincoln Town Car platform (S type was first to use it), diesel engine (V6 co-developed with PSA), petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford).


AR M-A 2015 CLAIRE_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2015/03/23 11:39 AM Page 2 l Jaguar XJ (350 and 351) – unique Jaguar aluminium intensive platform, diesel engine (V6 co-developed with PSA), petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford). l Jaguar XK (X150) – another unique Jaguar aluminium intensive platform, diesel engine (V6 co-developed with PSA), petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford). Eight product lines, three of which used a separate chassis, two of which used nearly all aluminium construction, none of which used a powertrain built by JLR – in other words a fine collection of vehicles which were not being built profitably due to the lack of product strategy. What did Tata do? They placed the vehicles in a way that JLR had never done before by using celeb photo opportunities. This technique is finely honed in India where celebs cross many boundaries – from sport to film to TV to politics. Taking the essence of this and ensuring everything a vehicle customer touches or sees is fashionable, allowed Tata to re-freshen an essentially sound range of vehicles (albeit over complex with insufficient component sharing) at minimal cost and produce one outstanding product evolution – the Range Rover Evoque. The product line-up now looks like this: l Land Rover Defender (L316) – diesel engine and manual gearbox. Due to cease production at the end of 2015 after 67 years. The original production line is odds on to be transferred to Tata, whilst an ‘all-new’ Defender will be introduced in 2016. l Land Rover Discovery Sport (L550) – re-mastered Ford body architecture first seen on the Evoque, diesel engine (codeveloped with PSA), petrol engine, front body structure (shared with Mondeo CD345). New four-cylinder diesel and petrol engines built in house will replace the outsourced items. l Land Rover Discovery IV (L319) – same as the Disco III, except the 3l V6 diesel engine (co-developed with PSA), petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford), T5 chassis, a few body stampings, and due to end production soon. l Range Rover Evoque (L538) – re-mastered Ford body architecture, diesel engine (co-developed with PSA), petrol engine, front body structure (shared with Mondeo CD345). New fourcylinder diesel and petrol engines built in-house will replace the outsourced items. l Range Rover Sport (L494) – diesel engine (V6 co-developed with PSA) to be replaced shortly by the in-house diesel engine, petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford), aluminium body structure shared with the Range Rover – evolved from but not shared with XJ. l Range Rover (L405) – diesel engine (V8 developed by Ford for JLR), petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford), aluminium body structure shared with the Range Rover Sport L494 – evolved from but not shared with XJ. l Jaguar XE – new, mostly aluminium body structure, in-house petrol and diesel four-cylinder engines, V6 petrol engine (JLR design, built by Ford). Deliveries start in May 2015. l Jaguar XF (X250) – re-mastered Lincoln Town Car platform, diesel engine (V6 co-developed with PSA), petrol engines (JLR design, built by Ford). l Jaguar XJ (350 and 351) – unique Jaguar aluminium intensive platform, diesel engine (V6 co-developed with PSA), petrol engines (JLR design, built by Ford). l Jaguar F-type – replaced the XK, uses the same base body structure (so not related to XJ, L405 or L494), petrol engines (JLR design, built by Ford). In Analysis… Well, overall volume in 2014 was 462 678 units of which 381 108 were Land Rovers. In the automotive world a very closely related product (ie, minor skin changes) or a low cost tooled product could reach break-even on 50 000 units, but a full blown volume vehicle should clear 10 000 plus units per year. Jeep for example sold 1 089 000 vehicles in 2014 – nearly three times the


Land Rover volume with six model ranges. l Jaguar sold 81 570 vehicles across the tail end of XK production, the XF, the XJ and F-type…. a volume that should have looked much more like 200 000 units. l Land Rover sold 381 108 units of which was dominated by the major Tata led coup – the Range Rover Evoque. Ignoring the low volume Defender and soon to be deleted Discovery IV, the Evoque and Discovery Sport should be produced at a rate of about 250 000 per year. We still see in JLR a company of two parts – Jaguar, bought by Ford, investments higher than many African nation’s GDP, still not gaining traction, and Land Rover with radical recent history (Honda influenced Austin Rover, MG Rover, BMW Group, Ford) as well as diverse product range. In addition as JLR have known for many years, the engineering team is still smaller than the immediate global competition. The result is products that are developed sequentially as an entity rather than the simultaneous codevelopment one would expect to find. This translates to each new product arrival having many different solutions for the same thing. One example: The XJ (X350) was first launched in 2003 as an aluminium intensive vehicle which used mainly pressings for the body structure, in stark contrast to the low rent approach used for the Audi A8. The semi retro design effectively killed sales, leading in 2010 to a radical overhaul – and still modest sales. When the opportunity came to develop two closely related Range Rovers from this platform, JLR developed yet another evolution. Hopefully if the XJ is refreshed soon it can be brought into line with the Range Rover twins, but this is unlikely. The XJ is built in one plant and also assembled from kits in India whilst the Range Rover twins are built in Solihull – where the Jaguar XE will also be built. Confused? You soon will be… None of the major competitors would have taken this approach. Look how BMW evolved the ‘E39’ 5 series to become the first X5 (E53) – wherever possible the donor car parts are used. This pattern has been greatly expanded in subsequent years. The Outcome The success of JLR is for the time being essential for the United Kingdom economy. One is in no doubt that as JLR volume expands so the economic effect will diminish, as the plants in India increase production and the plants in China as well as Brazil come on stream. However, as this long established company finally gets a shot at becoming a global force one can see worrying underlying trends in play now that will affect profitability over the next five or even 10 years. The lack of clear product strategy will hurt JLR. Developing endless unique solutions leads to higher piece cost, reduced durability and so increased customer ‘issues’. Land Rover still smart of the entire regions lost due to the problems caused by under investment during the worst of the British Leyland days, where Land Rover was shunted between the truck and car division because the grown-ups did not know where it fitted into the corporate picture whilst paying customers looked on amazed. It really is time for an essentially fine company to start acting with more clarity to deliver demonstrably better robustness for their highly fashionable products. Stop tinkering and get one’s head down – success is definitely within reach. Auto Industry Consulting is an independent provider of technical information to the glo bal collision repair industry. Products include EziMethods, our online collision repair methods system and A uto Industry Insider, our collision repair industry technical information website. For more information please visit the websites: and or contact


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multi-million Rand investment in a rubber crumb manufacturing plant in Hammarsdale will take rubber tyre recycling to a whole new level in KwaZulu-Natal. Dr Mehran Zarrebini, head of British investment group PFE International which owns Van Dyck Carpets, said that the new facility would be the new home of the Mathe Group, one of only two KwaZulu-Natal companies registered with tyre recycling regulatory body REDISA. The REDISA Integrated Industry Waste Tyre Management Plan was gazetted in November 2012 as a means of dealing with the mounting number of waste tyres dumped in landfills and open areas. Each year, South Africa adds 11 million waste tyres to this unfortunate stockpile. As tyres are designed to be robust and durable, they are notoriously difficult to recycle and take extremely long periods to biodegrade. The mounting number of waste tyres has become a health and environmental hazard. Tyres are often burnt for warmth or to remove the scrap metal in disadvantaged communities, releasing noxious gases such as dioxins and carbon monoxide. The Mathe Group currently recycles waste truck tyres in an 850 sq/m facility in New Germany. Its new factory, which is due to be commissioned in April this year, comprises a 2 500 sq/m factory and a 1 000 sq/m warehouse. It will be fitted out with R20 million worth of state-of-the-art equipment that is due to arrive in South Africa within the next three months. At capacity, the Mathe Group’s New Germany facility processes six tons of radial truck tyres per day. Each truck tyre weighs approximately 68 kg. Between 15 and 20 % of the tyre is made of steel that is separated from the rubber and provides an additional revenue stream for the company. The steel is sold on to other recyclers and a large portion is exported to India. According to Zarrebini, the Mathe Group processed approximately 28 000 truck tyres during 2014. Over the next five years, this number is expected to dramatically increase to approximately 150 000 tyres. These tyres will then produce approximately 8 670 tons of rubber crumb. “We are constrained by current capacity in New Germany and new capacity will come online in May/June 2015,” Zarrebini said. At present, the existing factory can only receive a single truck of waste tyres at a time. They are transported from Redisa depots in Cape Town and Bloemfontein. The new factory and warehouse in

Hammarsdale will accommodate multiple deliveries and stockpile tyres for recycling. New equipment will allow the Mathe Group to recycle both car and truck tyres. The recycling procedure comprises sorting, a three phase crushing process and then the packaging of the resulting rubber crumb. Magnets remove the metal components and separators produce different sized particles for different applications. These include the manufacture of asphalt for roads and pavements, brake pads and insulation products. Currently, between 70% and 80% of the Mathe Group’s rubber crumb output goes to the Van Dyck factory in Prospecton where it is used to manufacture acoustic underlays for laminated flooring. The Mathe Group has also provided rubber crumb for use as a foundation for sports fields utilising artificial grass. Rubber crumb from the New Germany factory was used for four FIFA one star rated soccer fields in Cape Town last year and is currently being used to complete a major project in Southern Africa. The Mathe Group was set up in 2010 by Vusumuzi Mathe, an entrepreneur who has worked extensively in the construction industry since 1985 serving both the public and private sector with key focus on the construction of roads, bridges and housing in Gauteng. This company began manufacturing rubber crumb or granulate in late 2011 in limited quantities. In 2013, the Mathe Group obtained a licence from the Ethekwini Municipality to manufacture rubber crumb without restriction on quantities. Zarrebini explained that the Mathe Group had begun supplying Van Dyck Carpets with rubber crumb in 2012 when that company was expanding and had begun manufacturing acoustic underlays. “There was synergy from the start since Van Dyck was trying to source rubber crumb locally instead of either importing it or buying it from the Western Cape and Gauteng. From PFE International’s point of view, it made sense to secure the company’s supply chain, so we formed a joint venture with the Mathe Group in 2014.” Significant investment in equipment at Van Dyck will increase output of acoustic underlays and hence consumption of rubber crumb. Van Dyck will also begin making acoustic cradles and sound barriers using rubber crumb later this year. Zarrebini said that Van Dyck was working with a UK partner to investigate other applications. Currently, acoustic underlays are being exported to the United States, Australia, Qatar and South Korea.




ore Britons will from next summer be joined on the roads by driverless cars, after the government gave the go-ahead for the vehicles to be tested on public roads to encourage companies developing the technology to invest in the country. Driverless car testing will be restricted to vehicles with a person present and able to take control should the need arise, the Department of Transport (DT) said. The department said it has carried out a review into driverless cars and found there are 50

no legal barriers to the technology being tested on British roads. It is now working on a code of practice for driverless cars. This is due to be published in the spring and vehicles are expected to be tested on roads across the country starting the summer. “I want Britain to be at the forefront of this exciting new development to embrace a technology that could transform our roads and open up a brand new route for global investment,” Transport Minister Claire Perry said in a statement. The driverless car industry globally is

expected to be worth trillions by 2025, according to the UK government, with car makers such as Daimler vying with technology firms such as Google. The testing of driverless cars on public roads follows a government investment of R1.9 billion in the technology in four British towns. Britain’s auto industry has been growing strongly, the value of British car exports has doubled in the past 10 years, and lawmakers hope that driverless car technology could help sustain the sector in the decades to come.


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Contact: +27 (0)11 463 2169 Block B, Ground Floor, St. Andrews Office Complex Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Johannesburg

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apci Coatings car colour documentation has seen a boost with the latest international variant colour box. The company formulations plus variable shades can be easily found and tested against the colour swatches found in the new Variant Colour Box. To keep pace with international car colour development Kapci Coatings have invested heavily in both equipment for colour analysis and skilled company personnel to get their shades exactly right model for model. All of the colour tools are connected to software to make colour retrieval of any formulae simple. 54

OEMs have been well covered in the new updated colour service with around 15 000 manufacturer’s new colours being available with the Kapci formula retrieval system. It is handily arranged in alphabetical order for fast searching along with their current code numbers. Colours are constantly being added and updated each year. The Kapci Colour guide system is based on another 4 000 colours and this guide now covers metallic and pearl. It supplies fast identification for any problem colour that sees an absence of a specific manufacturer’s code. It also comes complete with a family of close variants so the guide is able to

supply a comprehensive colour spectrum. It’s now systematically organised into two volumes, one for solid based colour shades and the other for metallic basecoat and pearl paints, if you are looking for a good shade for a respray of a current car. It can also be found quickly from the Kapci Colour guide. Kapci Coatings have a full selection of master colours found in the RAL swatches, all having been matched as closely as possible by Kapci to the original shade. The company have also been actively involved in gathering all known local South African model colours to help colourists in the spray shop achieve an accurate local colour match to an original car finish.


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The Pro XL aerosols with the unique vari nozzle application makes touch ups easier than ever for repair work.




he all-new range of ProXL Aerosols feature the unique vari nozzle. This unique range is now available for car refinish distribution and collision repair centres. The Pro XL aerosol range uses all new technologies to power a unique vari nozzle. It is fully adjustable and it can also be used in both horizontal and vertical positions

to optimise spray painting performance giving you a spray gun finish in an aerosol. Pro XL aerosols can be used with a multiple of refinish paints such as basecoat and 2K colours, as well as industrial quick dry enamels in all types of spot repair and bumper touch-up applications. This provides a very high quality, convenient, quick and cost

effective solution. The sole importer of PRO XL aerosols in South Africa is Kanye Vimba and you can see the new products at the upcoming Automechanika SA show in May at NASREC Johannesburg. You can give Kanye Vimba a call on +27 (0)11 396 1161.




s crash avoidance technology becomes more commonplace, repairers should prepare for fewer, more specialised repairs. Steve Abrantes knows first-hand that vehicles capable of avoiding collisions without driver assistance will have an impact on the collision repair industry. The manager of San Diego Volvo’s collision repair centre has already seen a reduction in Volvo XC60 crossovers since a crash prevention system became standard on the vehicle in 2011. “We’re not seeing that car in here,” he says of the vehicle, equipped with a system called City Safety. “The avoidance system is costing us money because we’re not seeing those cars with the same frequency as the previous models.” Though he suspects any repairs involving the avoidance system could earn his business a bit more than a traditional fix because of the expensive and intricate components, he has yet to find out. Abrantes says he plans to start tracking repairs on the model to see just what he’s earning, or missing, because of the system. It’s a predicament many repairers could find themselves in as crash avoidance technology becomes more widespread. If recent studies are any indication, the systems could prevent huge numbers of crashes each year if they become standard in every vehicle. A report from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (EEE) estimated that crash avoidance technology could eliminate all accidents caused by driver error. That’s a whopping 90% of crashes. An earlier study by the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) which evaluated the Volvo CX60 with City Safety Technology found that claims under property damage liability coverage were filed 27% less often for the vehicle compared to other midsize luxury SUV’s. Claims under bodily injury liability were filed 51% less often And overall claim frequency for the XC60 was lower than for all other midsize


luxury SUV’s combined, as well as other Volvo’s, under every type of insurance coverage. The XC60 system detects the distance and speed of other vehicles within 18 feet of its front bumper when travelling between 9 and 19 mph day or night, and automatically brakes if a crash is imminent. Susanna Gotsch, industry analyst for CCC Information Services, says such systems will likely hurry the country’s accident decline, which is already dropping 1-2% a year for a host of reasons. “I think it’s going to speed up a trend that we’re already seeing,” Gotsch says. “It will certainly drive down accident frequency, though I’m not sure that it will eliminate accidents.” “Whether all crash avoidance systems will work as designed has yet to be seen,” she says. “As long as there’s a human element, there will always be a danger of collision.” She says shops should be ready to learn about new crash avoidance systems as they are released, since repairs to those systems, which can include cameras, sensors, microprocessors and other components, will probably become commonplace.” They could also make for more expensive repairs, she says, but costs will inevitably come down as production ramps up. “Another unknown, Gotsch says, is whether auto manufacturers will be held liable for repairs if an avoidance system fails to prevent a crash. “There’s adaptation that will have to take place,” says Gotsch, noting that crash avoidance is beginning to take precedence over crash worthiness. “It’s good for people to be aware of what’s coming, anticipate that, and plan for that.” That’s exactly what Abrantes is doing at San Diego Volvo. “We’re seeing (the systems) in the premium brands now,” she said. “But they will certainly impact our bottom line as they become more common.” 57

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ake control of your bottom line by taking command of your labour rate. Profit margins are shrinking at collision repair shops. Margins have decreased on everything from parts to materials. Body shops in some areas are seeing a mere 3% net profit on paint, and single digit net incomes overall. Although some things are out of your control, one way to offset business costs is note your labour rates. Some labour rates are commonly set too low because body shops simply allow it to happen. Too many body shop owners want people to set their rates for them. Some body shop owners have lost sight that they are the ones who set and have full control over the rates, not insurance companies. Many body shops feel that vendor partners dictate labour rates, which is a myth. Every body shop not affiliated with a direct repair programme has free will and the ability to set their own ‘fair and reasonable’ rate. What constitutes a ‘fair and reasonable rate’ is a blurred line, and there is really no firm method of evaluating that. Ultimately it comes down to body shop owners assessing their business and deciding what services are worth. Good body shop owners set their own rates. They assess their costs of doing business, markets and value provided to customers, and decide what a fair return for those investments should be. Everybody knows they should analyse both their business costs and local labour rates surveys to get a feel for where their labour rate should be. But that’s not all that you should base your rate on. There are a few other considerations to ‘fairly and reasonably’ set your bar a bit higher to achieve a 75% gross profit margin on labour, which is what all body shops should aim for. Stand Your Ground Although you don’t have to you can still decide to offer discounts to insurance companies that your body shop commonly works with to strengthen the business relationship. If you do opt to do so, try the tiered labour rate structure based on volume rather than negotiations. As a rule of thumb insurers that provide less than R200 000 worth of work monthly should get your highest rate. Insurers that provide R200 000 to R500 000 should get a mid-range rate and insurers that provide more than R500 000 should get your lowest rate. Body shops need to understand how much cost they incur by accepting credit cards from customers. That’s the most typical way that people pay for collision repair services but it has a whole different cost-structure compared to cash-paying consumers. Body shops give up to 5% of all money collected to the credit card company in fees, which includes all parts, materials and labour money. All the fees with credit cards, which can be more significant than you might expect, have to be covered by repair centres. You end up giving consumers with credit cards a far better pricing structure than you give to your best insurer. Body shops should set a retail labour rate for credit-card paying customers at about 10% higher than customers with cash. That helps offset and insulate your business from the costs associated with accepting credit cards. An example would be, body shops might experience a R500 credit card transaction fee on a 10 hour R25 000 repair. You have to increase your labour rate by R50 an hour to offset that cost. It is important to know what other body shops in your market are charging. Labour rate surveys can help you get a point of reference 58

Insurance discounts and credit card charges can cut into bottom line profitability.

on where you sit relative to the competition, but be careful not to put too much faith in them. There are several market factors to consider that labour rates surveys don’t account for: l Shop Accessibility – is your shop in a highly visible area? l Location – are you in an industrial zone where costs are low or in a commercial zone where costs are high? l Market Population – how much demand exists for your services? l Community Growth – body shops that were once located in rural areas may now be more prosperous which could increase business costs. l Vehicle Models – what types of cars do you most commonly repair? Do you specialise in high-end models that may require more training, equipment and certification? Factors will vary from body shop to body shop. You might well remember to re-evaluate your rate monthly as market factors and conditions that affect your business can change over time. Assess Your Value Added Differentiators It would be nice if you could just set your labour rate in a way that best competes with your neighbouring body shops. Every business has different overhead costs which impacts the revenue they need to be profitable. You may offer additional services or amenities or services that make you more appealing and better than your competitor. You can charge more for that. Body shops usually look at price or value when raising labour rates. The value route is the better option. The pathway of value – if you build it into your goods and services that you offer, then price is not important. Customers will buy your goods and services if it is based on the value they get. The key is to have the best technologies, technicians and facilities that other body shops don’t have. Consider your customer amenities, designated parking, pick-up and delivery, professional and well-trained staff, and waiting areas. You may want to charge R50 or R100 more per hour in labour because of the qualitative value you offer. How do you know exactly how much labour rate increase your services are worth? It’s up to you to decide and your customers to validate. Customers won’t pay for it if it’s something they don’t find value in. But more often than not, customers want to leave their vehicles with shops that pay attention to those details.


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The Mercedes-Benz management team revealed a spectacular performance on the year’s trading activities.


he year 2014 saw Mercedes-Benz Cars continue their product offensive with a number of new introductions into various luxury segments. The success of these new models is reflected in the final sales figures for 2014, as reported to the department of Trade and industry (DTI) resulting in a record number of 28 370 units. This posts a growth of 25.3% over 2013 sales and has resulted in Mercedes-Benz emerging as the clear number one brand in the premium luxury segment in South Africa. “New models introduced in the latter part of 2013 and during 2014 have proven to be extremely popular with customers and this success is particularly evident in the sales volumes of our compact cars, the new CClass and the S-Class,” says Florian Seidler, executive director, Mercedes-Benz Cars South Africa. Models in the compact car segment include the A-Class, B-Class and GLA model variants. Sales of these models have grown by over 80% during 2014. These models continue to attract new and trendy customers to the brand. “The new C-Class was introduced into the South African market in May 2014 and has continued its domination of this competitive segment, as did its predecessor. Our award-winning plant in East London has been ramping up for increased local and export production and the success of this process is testimony to the dedication and skills levels of our employees,” adds Seidler. “More thrilling products are coming in the SUV segment and together with a full year of the new C-Class and our offer of a complete compact car range, 2015 will be just as exciting and successful as 2014,” concludes Seidler. Mobility Solutions Times change and customer needs change – so why should products and services not keep track? The Mercedes-Benz Group of Companies in South Africa (MBSA) prides itself in listening to the needs of the customer and tailoring products and services to these needs. The latest solution for advanced customer mobility solutions from MBSA is the Agility finance product. Introduced at a pilot group of dealers in 60

the middle of 2013, 70% of the company’s dealer network is now equipped to offer Agility, the roll out to the rest of the network was finalised by the second quarter of 2014. As word of this amazing product spreads among discerning customers, Agility recorded a significant increase in finance penetration in the last three months of 2014. Current trends in vehicle financing show an inclination on the part of customers to opt for longer vehicle finance terms, in order to own a new vehicle at a rate that suits their pocket. Customer choices are in part dictated by the way in which traditional financing institutions structure their loan facility. By the time the customer trades the vehicle, its value has depreciated to such an extent that it severely limits the option to buy up to a better product. “Similar and parallel to the innovations of our brand, Mercedes-Benz, we are now introducing to a customer, innovative and new ways of obtaining, financing and insuring a vehicle and being able to enjoy and experience our fascinating brand”, says Franz Koller, executive chairman of MercedesBenz Financial Services. The Agility finance product from Mercedes-Benz Financial Services turns this trend on its head, giving the customer affordability over a shorter term by guaranteeing the future value of the vehicle. MBSA carries the risk for the customer. We can do this because of the high quality of our passenger car and commercial vehicle brands, which offer exceptionally high value retention over time. Daimler Trucks in 2014 Daimler Trucks sold almost 500 000 trucks in 2014. Despite partly difficult market conditions, the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial vehicles managed to increase deliveries to 445 300 units in the first 11 months of 2014, an increase of three percent over the same period last year. Based on December figures, Daimler Trucks finished 2014 with a considerably positive sales growth reaching nearly 500 000 units. Final worldwide sales figures will be published at Daimler’s annual press conference. “Our intense efforts in all regions are paying dividends. Despite many economic

challenges in some key markets, we can look back on 12 successful months. With almost 500 000 trucks sold we are already coming very close to our target envisaged for 2015,” said Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard, member of the board of management of Daimler AG responsible for Daimler Trucks & Buses. For commercial vehicles, 2014 was dominated by developments that varied widely from one region to the next. Weak economic prospects and political uncertainties put a strain on the market development in Latin America. In Europe, sales were impacted by the lack of dynamic economic development in addition to the introduction of the new Euro VI emissions standards and the difficult political situation in Eastern Europe. “There are more brands in South Africa than in any other market in which Daimler competes, which is good news for customers because they benefit from manufacturers who have had to sharpen their game, offering incredibly innovative solutions spanning the entire value chain,” says Kobus van Zyl, executive director of Daimler Trucks & Buses South Africa. “With our global presence, our technological leadership and our intelligent platform strategy we are well prepared to react swiftly and appropriately to tough times in the economic environment. Daimler Trucks will continue to work steadily on further expanding their position as the world's leading truck manufacturer in 2015.”

Franz Koller, executive chairman of Mercedes-Benz Finanical Services said that the company were making good progress in their insurance book to overcome over trading by some SA insurance companies that have seen lower write off levels introduced on high end vehicles.


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Noel de Robillard (left) of the Motor Traders Organisation (MTO), and Gary Formato, director of Turn One Motor Solutions are developing new policies that are motor trade specific in cover and value added insurance to find workable solutions to real problems.


he high profile Turn One Motor Solutions company who specialise in insurance products for motor racing teams and activities are just one of the high profile companies that have joined and endorsed the Motor Traders Organisation

(MTO). Company Director and ace motor racing driver Gary Formato says he feels that the MTO is also passionate about providing insurance solutions for the motor industry and look set to develop this related business for Turn One. Turn One are an authorised financial services provider to the trade in workshop, car sales and body shop markets. Five-time national champion Formato, who is also a long time Supersport Formula One commentator, says that with the MTO helping them drive their insurance offer together they are able to establish and tailor specific policies that suit motor traders going forward in the market place. “Some of the benefits of joining the MTO are quickly visible,” said Noel de Robillard. “Our monthly standard fees are low at some


R400 per month and remain extremely competitive for the raft of services that we supply like assistance with BEE Certification, at preferential rates, access to a full legal team of lawyers and labour advisors, insurance packages that cover retrenchment, funeral cover, personal accident and maternity leave, among others, as well as being endorsed by warranty solutions Motorite, Innovation Group, Standard Bank for SAPS work as well as Avis Fleet for out of warranty vehicles.” Along with all of this the MTO can assist with financial factoring for motor workshop service plans for the workshop and are also able to assist with occupational health and safety issues. De Robillard says, “We’re constantly striving to ensure that our members benefits are taken seriously and service delivery of good value for membership remains a core value of the group.” You can get more details on the Motor Traders Organisation on or call toll free on 0861 298 009 for more information.


With improved 50mm steel wall thickness and stateof-the-art colour matching fluorescent lighting and new safety features in the stainless steel burner and heat exchangers. The SA Star Spraybooth also incorporates both front and side doors for easy entry at a very competitive price. The spraybooth meets and exceeds health and safety standards.

CAL L HE NRY BAS S ON ON 082 857 5772 Burner with automatic flap control 62

Improved Lighting

Twin Door Access

New Control Panel


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irgin Plastics is a small family run business that has been providing outstanding personal service for the past 20 years to the collision repair industry. Claudia Dos Santos took over the running of the business from her father a few years ago and hasn’t looked back since. With a graphic-design background, she is meticulous about detail and insists on quality products for her clients. Adapting to each customer’s needs is what Claudia and her team at Virgin Plastics are able to do. They have a long list of products they supply ranging from double sided tapes, touch-up bottles, nylon overall suits, seat covers – that can be personalised to each shop or supplier – and so much more. If you require something unique for your body shop then Virgin Plastics will help source it for you – fender covers have even been a request of late.

Claudia Dos Santos, CEO of Virgin Plastics (front) and her Virgin Plastics team of Citizen Mthembu (left) and Thomas Agalenghle make sure that the correct orders are shipped out timeously.

Recently they have consolidated their storehouse and have introduced effective courier networks to help distribute their products timeously all around South Africa. “This move helps us to save time in getting our products to our clients. It has been the right step forward to enable us to

give of our best at all times and keep growing the business,” said Claudia. For service with a personal touch and competitive pricing you can give them a call +27 (0)83 251 9442 or on +27 (0)72 380 3020 or the office on +27 (0)11 616 2870.




ar owners in the UK are now more worried about insurance costs than fuel costs. Latest research from Auto Trader reveals a significant drop in concerns about the price of petrol and diesel over the last year. The news comes from Auto Trader’s latest car buyer survey, which pooled the views of 1 000 respondents in December 2014. Fifty one percent of those surveyed said fuel costs were among their three biggest concerns when running a car, compared with 56% for insurance costs. This contrasts with the start last year, when 70% highlighted fuel costs as a top three

Tel: 011 425 4062 Franz: 082 463 6284 Email: 1 Madeley Street, Rynfield, Benoni AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R

concern with 59% citing insurance costs. The same 12-month period oversaw a drop of 16.6% in the price of unleaded across forecourts, while diesel came down by 16%. In January 2014, the average price of unleaded was reported as 130.5p per litre, by January 2015 the price had fallen to 108.9p according to the AA’s monthly Fuel Price Report. “It’s not surprising that fuel price concerns have subsided in the last year,” said Nick King, market research director at Auto Trader. “However, the fact that more than half still register it as one of their three big concerns on motoring costs, suggests that many view the decline as a short term

Supercure Spraybooth Rail System

trend. For many others, fuel costs still represent a significant proportion of their overall motoring budget and disposable incomes. The cost of buying and running a vehicle is estimated to account for about a third of all disposable income among the 800 000 poorest car owning households in the UK. And despite the drop in wholesale fuel prices, more than 69% of the price paid at the pump still goes to the treasury, thanks to fuel duty and VAT. Auto Trader’s car buyer survey has been running for the last year and pools a nationally representative sample of the population.

Procure Mobile Infra-Red

Hotbox Colour Matching Dryer With Timer 63

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ust in any repair shop is the number one enemy, especially for a spray painter. In any progressive and forward thinking collision repair shop is a dust free system. Why? The extraction of dust is absolutely key in keeping your employees healthy while increasing productivity and maintaining consistent quality in your final finish. A clean shop is also very pleasing to any client and service provider.


Choosing a dust free system is quite an overwhelming process as there are so many quality packages available. The best place to start would be to see what your specific needs are in your repair shop and how many people you would have on the same line. For example, a shop that has six painters and 12 body shop technicians would vary greatly in it’s compressed air needs to a business who only employs two painters and two panel beaters.


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by Claire Macfie You would also need to look at the production routing layout of your shop to see where the system would be best placed as the person on the end of a fixed line would receive less air pressure than the person at the start. Would a mobile unit suit you better? What other dust free tools do you require to have the cleanest shop possible? Are you using dust free sanders and papers to maximise your dust extraction? Is your system getting the correct pressure and air quality from your compressor? Are you still profitable after all of these decisions and where could you improve on your bottom line? Loads of questions to keep you very busy and make you rather dizzy with all the information and requirements that are out there. With the ever-increasing use of aluminium by motor manufacturers in their vehicles grows the risk of harmful and explosive dust that comes from this component. A separate aluminium work space is advised. A flexible mobile dust free station would give you the best spacesaving option while giving you the optimum results in return with a relatively low investment. A swing-arm system, which has no pipes or cables in the way, is best suited for the areas where sanding and paint preparation is done. It also has a larger work area coverage and it’s much easier for the operator to move around. To maximise your space needs you could also opt for a wall mounted dust-free unit. Sanding disc costs will decrease as these products last about a quarter times longer than other standard discs while effectively removing dust. The mobile vacuums are quiet and effective in dust removal. They are efficient in running costs too. There are many dust free tools that are engineered to give effective performance once linked up to the various systems in place. Converting some of your tools is also an option. To make the change to dust free easier on your pocket and those who work in the shop take a look at what you have to hand that you could convert to become a dust-free tool. After you’ve taken inventory decide what new products you want to buy to complete the system to maximise cleanliness and your return on investment. It’s always a good plan to speak to some of your fellow body shop owners to see what they are using and how it is working for them. This sharing of information could save you a lot of time and trouble in your dust-free future.



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The RUPES KS 260 is a mobile Dust Extraction Unit for pneumatic and electric tools. It combines structural solutions with innovative functional properties. Designed and built specifically for the modern panelshop, it is an exceptionally high quality product, built for extreme work load and conditions. The unit features two powerful and reliable 1KW motors enabling the connection of two simultaneous sanding units. The optional overhead arm keeps the workspace clear of hoses and cables. Featuring a dual automatic and manual start-up mode for both electric and pneumatic tools, motor speed control, and a highly-efficient dual protection Class M certified filter system. This unit is ideal for even the harshest of panelshop environments. The built-in tool shelf has two slots and two side mobile holders designed for rolling up the extraction hoses granting free movements with everything at hand. Tidiness & Mobility are part of the RUPES design programme.

RUPES KR2 KR2 Technology This is an extremely flexible vacuum unit. It’s compact, simple to install and it can be easily moved around the working area. The KR2 is a real mobile workstation to provide the user with everything he needs for daily work. A 1,5kW power side channel pump is installed inside the unit. Again, a simple mobile vacuum cleaner, the pump can work for more than 20 000 hours without maintenance. A 1m2 PTFE filter is installed inside the unit to block those very thin dust particles (99,9% efficiency with 0,3 um dusts). PTFE membrane increases filter lifetime – also available for industrial application – with multiple kinds of dusts (dry, humid, metal, plastic, wood, etc.) A PTFE filter cartridge is fixed with a single plastic knob. Removing and replacing the filter is an easy and quick operation providing simple maintenance. Electronic Frontal Panel With Filter Check System A 1,5 kW side channel pump is started in manual mode or in autormatic mode when electric or pneumatic tools are used. An integrated sensor measures in real time the filter condition and efficiency. The pilot light on the front panel is activated to remind the user to perform the cleaning operation (“filter check” red LED). Easy Dust Container Extraction By opening the front panel, the dust container can be easily taken from the unit to remove dust. A special lifting rail system makes the operation fast and easy: one only hook is used to fix the dust container. Filter Regulator A compressed air filter regulator is included inside the unit. Compressed air can be set at the correct pressure to supply pneumatic sanders or other pneumatic tools. KR2 Equipment Electric and pneumatic tools can be connected to the unit with RUPES flexible suction hoses. An integrated cabinet can be used for placing pads, tools and useful accessories. The perforated board, equipped with all supports, provides all consumables to the user quickly. A wide worktable with ribbed rubber surface makes all daily work easy and fast. The back side is not only used to support hoses and cables, but can be integrated with all KR2 accessories to increase the available space. 66


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ynand Mulder operates VDS, a very successful body shop situated on Main Reef road in Roodepoort. He has a lifetime of experience in the collision repair business and has ploughed profits back into equipping VDS with amazing modern technology to keep up with production. They have focused on improving the qualities of vehicle repairs throughout production on the whole. “In today’s market you can’t produce an inferior repair and to this end we looked at our foundation, sanding, in the paint shop area,” said Wynand. The company has moved to a dust free approach with Mirka Gold and Abranet all round sanding material. In addition, a great deal of training and technical assistance from Bulldog Abrasives has been had in their preparation. Their efficiency in this area of primer preparation ready for colour has taken us a big step forwards with a great improvement in final quality before the colour application takes place. “We are now using the 150mm Dry Gold Disc system from P220 up to P800. It’s designed to reduce disc clogging with the inclusion of a special disc coating to achieve optimum results,” said Wynand. The one great result of sticking to the recommendations is that the bottle neck in production has gone. The dependable Mirka brands have really increased output and improved quality.

Primer preparation has become a significantly cleaner operation with the Gold disc system.


Above: Wynand Mulder (left), the owner operator from VDS says that the business has shown a great increase in both production output and finished car quality by using and adhering to the recommended Gold and Abranet abrasive dust free systems from Mirka.


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he 500L defies convention owing to its MPV passenger space, the feel of a small SUV on the road and levels of efficiency typical of a compact car. The letter ‘L’ sums up the three dimensions: Large; functionality and space; Light; ‘lightness’ means user-friendly technology and eco-friendliness; and Loft; a trend-setting environment where one can live life to the fullest. “Lightness’ a feeling that improves and simplifies the quality of life for the occupant's benefit. Fiat cars offer sophisticated yet straightforward technological solutions that satisfy both the needs of everyday mobility as well as the growing social awareness of others, the environment and safety issues. Light also is the simplicity of use of the on-board technology of the new car. The 500L is the first car of the Fiat group to be equipped with a multimedia device based on the new generation of the Uconnect infotainment platform. This system manages all media content: radio, mobile phone, iPod and navigation, while keeping the driver handsfree. The system also includes an advanced Bluetooth interface to access extra functions such as phone call management or reading


received SMS text messages via text-tospeech technology, the innovative Audio Streaming system that reproduces music files and web radio stations directly from your smartphone in streaming via Bluetooth on the UConnect device. Today’s car must be “light” for the environment as well as the wallet of its driver. Reduced fuel consumption and emissions is therefore an essential requirement for the success of a car. For this reason, the Fiat 500L will be offered with the choice of two efficient engines distinguished by their lower polluting emissions and CO2 levels, corresponding to real economic benefit in everyday use for the customer; a petrol (70kW 1.4l) engine and a turbo-diesel (77kW 1.6l MultiJet 2) engine. Each with different qualities, all exploited to the full in combination with the standard sixspeed manual transmission. All Fiat 500L engines have been meticulously engineered, requiring over 10 000 hours of simulation on test-benches, in addition to extensive road tests under varying climatic conditions. To guarantee the protection of the passengers, the new 500L combines a body designed to the most modern criteria with active and passive safety content that ensures

its optimum class leading performance. The new 500L's standard equipment includes six airbags – front, window and side airbags – front headlights with DRL (Daytime Running Lights) function and fog lights with the self-adaptive cornering function. The model also comes standard with ABS, BAS (Brake Assist System) and the sophisticated ESC (Electronic Stability Control) that intervenes in driving conditions close to the limit. It also has an Anti Slip Regulation system that optimises traction at any speed, a Hill Holder system to help the driver start off uphill by keeping the brakes locked making pulling off easier. The Motor Schleppmoment Regelung is used when there is a brisk down change in poor grip conditions. The Driving Steering Torque improves both driving safety and handling performance. Finally Electronic Rollover Mitigation intervenes when a wheel leaves the road surface and helps restabilise the vehicle and returns control of the car to the driver. The 500L is available from 35 Fiat dealerships nationwide and comes standard with a three year/100 000km warranty and maintenance plan.


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aguar Land Rover North America will recall more than 104 000 SUVs and cars after the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published three notices that highlighted safety issues that could lead to faulty braking and lighting. The largest portion of the recall covers 74 648 Range Rover models built from April 15, 2005 to September 4, 2012. The company will replace front brake hoses, which could rupture and slow braking speed, increasing the risk of a crash, according to the notice.The recall is expected to begin in March. Another 24 679 Jaguar cars will be recalled due to similar braking concerns, Vehicles built from August 16, 2012 to January 8, 2014 and sport models made from May 7, 2013 to January 8, 2014. As many as 4 787 Jaguar XK models built from March 4, 2011 to March 20, 2014 need updated software for their parking lamps. Jaguar Land Rover said it won’t charge owners for the fixes, and it will mail notification letters before March. Once a manufacturer or NHTSA determines a vehicle is defective, the automakers will usually agree to voluntarily issue a recall and to fix the defect for free. All the owner has to do it take it to a dealership affiliated with the manufacturer. Jaguar Land Rover’s move follows a second recall on January 31 of 2.1 million vehicles by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Honda and Toyota because of airbags that could go off while driving.




eff Kern, president of Car-O-Liner, The Americas has sent the following updates: “Probably the biggest news for us is the approval by Ford for their special programme. I issued a press release recently regarding Car-O-Liner’s involvement as an approved supplier to the 2015 Ford F-150 Collision Repair Programme. We have a number of approved products which are outlined in this release. “Other news that you probably already know about is that the Car-O-Liner website has been redesigned. It’s the same web address,, but with a whole new look and easier navigation.” “Regarding events, in the first quarter, Car-O-Liner exhibited at the NADA dealers show in New Orleans to promote our solutions for aluminium repair and our certified approvals across OEMs. In March, we exhibited at the BMW National Aftersales Conference to support our partnership with BMW.”



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ll work and no play can make the body repair business even more stressful than it already is and at Alfa Bodyworks this sentiment rings true. As one of the biggest shops in Cape Town, it can be challenging even at the best of times and providing top quality repairs, big or small, for every client is of utmost importance. Whether they are repairing a Citi Golf or a Ferrari 458, each client receives excellent service. Partnering with OEM approved brands makes this kind of top quality service and repair work possible. From polishing a car or cycling around the peninsula, the passion and commitment is evident. The owners, Moeneeb and Shameeg Fataar, have a keen passion for cycling, and have inspired many of their staff to take up the sport as well. It’s not about the fancy names and latest gadgets, they have taken up a sport to channel the pressures of the industry. Friendly staff competition has become run-of-the-mill, with many a Monday morning banter being shared as to who sprinted the fastest in the weekend’s race or pedaled the slowest up the biggest hill during training. As team building is always important to create a spirit of unity, cycling has proven to be an important factor in the success of the company, and a coffee stop on the weekend ride doesn’t hurt company morale either. During the past racing season in Cape Town, Alfa Bodyworks wanted to make sure their presence was felt outside the industry as well. Team Alfa Bodyworks was conceived and Teroson became one of the co-sponsors. As a trusted South African brand, with major success in sealants and adhesives; and with the new launch of the UP 450 Body Filler and RB2010 Underbody Coating, they jumped at the opportunity to support another successful local company who has already made a name for themselves and develop cycling within the community. It’s no secret that cycling has proven to be one of the best platforms to promote company brands in South Africa, and with the new Teroson polish system being launched in April, creating brand awareness is key to the system’s success. At Alfa Bodyworks, they have always believed in the quality and ease of use of the Teroson WX 157 Heavy Cut, as the perfect compound to bring out the shine on all vehicles, especially darker colours that need the extra cutting strength. There is also a one-step solution on light colours; 72

Alfa Bodyworks owners Moeneeb (middle) and Shameeg Fataar (right) are seen with Dejean ‘DJ’ Nicholson from Teroson in Cape Town.

with the introduction of the WX 180 Politur Wax, as a hand application after the vehicle is washed, sealing the fresh paint’s gloss is guaranteed as it contains Carnauba, an extremely hard natural wax. The team has achieved excellent results on the road and in the shop, in the past season, with several podiums at the

prestigious Paarl Boxing Day Track event, and a twelve-man team completing the strenuous Double Century 202km team time trial in just over six hours. So whether it’s providing a quality repair or reaching the top of another podium, Teroson and Alfa Bodyworks have a winning partnership.

Ridwaan Pietersen from Alfa Bodyworks says that the entire Teroson range delivers a brilliant finish every time.


HENKEL AD N-D 2014_Layout 1 2015/03/17 10:18 AM Page 1

Henkel SA (Pty) Ltd Private Bag X083, Wadeville, 1422

For more information, please contact Craig Bowles on 079 504 4563 or Tel: +27 (0)11 617 2689,

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o keep pace with expansion the Cowley SA group, who are the sole importers for the successful De Beer Auto Refinishing brand, have moved to a new national distribution centre in Wolwekrans near Krugersdorp. “The new centre,” says Neil Muller, “will be able to concentrate on an improved support base where stock orders and daily back-up stock delivery to dealers can be improved upon.” For more information call +27 (011) 962 1552/1644.

Seen here are Neil Muller (left) with Technical Sales Manager Neil Jansen van Rensburg.




eBeer Refinish has guaranteed quality, reliability, colour accuracy and craftsmanship for over 100 years. The complete, high-quality systems allow car refinish companies to improve their profitability. To visualise the brand values, the DeBeer Refinish corporate identity will be renewed and made more dynamic. The restyled logo will be launched in the autumn of 2014 and rolled out in this period on the product labels as well as in the entire communications package. The characteristic bear has been the most striking aspect of the DeBeer Refinish logo for years. This visual element has featured on all packaging ever since the introduction of the brand in 1910. For users of DeBeer Refinish products, the bear symbolises reliability. In the renewed logo, the bear has been styled more dynamically. The font has been changed as well. The corporate colour will be a deep, warm blue shade that matches the DeBeer Refinish brand values. The launch of the new corporate identity will be supported by a comprehensive communications package. About DeBeer DeBeer Refinish offers a compact, complete and high-quality range of car refinishes in over 100 countries. The mixing colour systems are used across the globe by car refinish companies that opt for colour reliability, ease of application and optimal operating


returns. The programme also comprises products such as cleaning agents, primers, fillers, surfacers, hardeners, and thinners that allow users to make their ideal choice. Recently, the Mysterious Colours series was launched. This is a range of five concentrated toners that give particular OEM colours the desired effect. Part of Valspar De Beer Refinish is part of Valspar, a global producer of coatings for use in various industrial and consumer markets. DeBeer Refinish systems are marketed by Valspar Automotive. The division focuses specifically on car refinishes for cars, commercial vehicles and light industrial applications. In addition to these systems, Valspar Automotive provides numerous services, including training and technical advice. Valspar strives to minimise the environmental impact of the manufacturing processes of our automotive refinishes. For more information about De Beer products email them on or call them on +27 (0)78 782 9618.


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The Clear Coats of De Beer Refinish are the crown on your work. These excellent products will give your car a glossy look. All De Beer Refinish Clear Coats are based on the most modern hydroxyacrylate resins. This gives a high quality varnish in terms of durability, chemical resistance and UV protection. This productline consists of both VOCcompliant and non VOC-compliant clear coats. The application of the clear coat, depending on object size and temperature, can be tuned by mixing the clear coat with the right De Beer Refinish hardener. Call for distribution opportunities in your area. Sole Importer Cowley Automotive Products Tel: (016) 933 2233 email: COWLEY AUTOMOTIVE & INDUSTRIAL COATINGS (PTY) LTD

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“PATENT TROLLS” Ford Evos Concept


ord Motor Co was sued for patent infringement more than a dozen times between 2012 and 2014, but not by jilted suppliers or rival automakers. It was the “patent trolls.” These outfits, also known as patent assertion companies, initiate patent cases but don’t sell products of their own. By buying patents and filing lawsuits to allege misuse of intellectual property, they have won billions of dollars in licensing fees and court judgments. They have been a consistent thorn in the side of technology companies since the dot-com boom of the 1990s. And the auto industry is their newest target. To its practitioners, patent assertion is merely the exercise of a legal right. Patents are an asset, they argue, suing a company over its use of intellectual property is no different from buying a parcel of land and asking the people using it to pay rent. But patent lawsuits remain extremely frustrating to companies such as Ford. Patent assertion companies filed 107 lawsuits against automakers and suppliers in 2014, up from 17 lawsuits in 2009, according to San Francisco based RPX Corp, which bills itself as helping corporations fend off trolls. Now Ford is pushing back. The company told Automotive News that it recently inked a contract with RPX which has spent nearly $1 billion amassing a portfolio of patents that could otherwise pose a threat to members such as Intel Corp, Microsoft Corp and Samsung Group. “We take the protection and licensing of patented innovations very seriously,” a Ford spokesman wrote in an e-mail. “And as many smart businesses are doing, we are taking proactive steps to protect against those seeking patent infringement litigation”. Automakers may not be willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying patents solely for legal defence. RPX hopes they will instead join Ford in signing up with the firm, whose members pay an average of $1.5 million annually for access to a shared portfolio of patents. Most of the current portfolio is geared toward information technology, but RPX plans to add automotive patents as well. “At the end of the day it’s a cost, it’s highly unpredictable, and because it’s highly unpredictable, it’s a lot more of a distraction than it would be,” John Amster, the CEO of RPX said in an interview. Automakers’ exposure to patent lawsuits could increase in


coming years as cars rely more heavily on software. It’s easier to get a patent on software than on a manufacturing process or a physical device, so there are more of these patents to be used as ammunition in a court case, said Robert Resis, a Chicago-based patent attorney at Banner & Witcoff. But many patents being used to sue automakers come from within the industry. One case, a patent assertion company called Signal IP Inc sued Ford along with BMW, Fiat, Honda, Jaguar-Land Rover, Kia, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Porsche, Subaru, Volkswagen and Volvo. It claimed these automakers were violating patents on a wide range of electronic features, from keyless entry to airbag sensors and lane departure warning systems. The patents in question had been registered in the 1990s and 2000s by Delphi Corp, the former supplier arm of General Motors, and by Delphi’s predecessor, Delco Electronics Corp. How they ended up with Signal IP is unclear, but less than six months before filing the lawsuit, Signal IP bought a group of patents from Delphi for $1.7 million, according to disclosures by its parent company, Marathon Patent Group. Simply defending against such a lawsuit can cost an automaker millions of dollars. Losing in court can cost significantly more. Ford has a long history of fighting what is sees as patent abuse. In 1879, a New York attorney, George Selden filed a patent application for a “road engine” based on his idea for an automobile powered by an internal combustion engine. He delayed the application for 16 years by filing revisions and in 1895 secured his patent, though he had never built an automobile. Backed by a wealthy investor, Selden threatened to sue US automakers. Most of them, including Packard, Olds and Cadillac, paid royalties, rather than go to court. The exception was Henry Ford, who prevailed in court by arguing Selden’s patent was limited to two-stroke engines, not the fourstroke engines in his cars. “No man has a right to profit by a patent only,” Ford said in 1925, reflecting on the episode. “That produces parasites, men who are willing to lay back on their oars and do nothing. If any reward is due the man whose brain has produced something new and good, he should get enough profits from the manufacture and sale of that thing.”


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CHIEF IMPULSE® E/VHT PULLING RACK WITH VARIABLE HEIGHT TECHNOLOGY Power and performance in one affordable package. Chief® is proud of the impulse®-E/VHT and invites you to compare what impulse offers next to any other pulling rack on the market. The impulse offers the quality, durability and innovative features you need at a price that will keep you light years ahead of the competition. The multiple configuration options let you customise the design to specifically match your needs: you decide the length, width and how many towers are right for you. Features: l Simultaneous multiple pulling capability to precisely reverse damage for faster, higher quality repairs. l True 360-degree pulling with the ability to gang towers – even at the corners. l Self-levelling deck with six variable heights from 19”-40”. l Electric-over-hydraulic for smoother, quieter operations while generating 10 tons of pulling power and 10 000 lbs of lift capacity. l Patented Sure-Lock® mechanism pins and secures towers with one easy movement for added speed, accuracy and safety. l All height and pull functions are controlled from a single hand-held pendant. No more hassles with foot pumps or changing lines! Only Chief® could offer you so much for so little. “Y.E.S. – Your Equipment Supplier” is the sole distributor for Chief Automotive Technologies in South Africa. Contact either Darrel van der Kolff on 083 926 7101 or Alex van Haute on 079 536 4574 for further information on their products.

TEROSON UNIVERSAL BODY FILLER UP 450 With Teroson’s UP 450 Universal body filler you will enjoy easy sanding for all your repairs. This 2K polyester resin is for general purpose dents, scratches and small holes. It is semi-flexible and a sanding grit of up to P120 can be used. Contact Craig on +27 (0)79 504 4563 for more information on this product as well as their wide range available for collision repairers.



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RODCRAFT DUST EXTRACTION UNITS The Rodcraft Dust Extraction Units comply with class “L” requirements for filters (according to EN 60335-2-69: 199-08). The air tools and electrical tools can be attached directly on to the energy supply from the vacuum unit to enable a safer and more orderly workshop. The units have an automatic on/off capability, but can also be switched to manual operation, if required. It has an easy remote control start as soon as you start one of the connected tools. The automatic stop for the vacuum has a 10-second delay after switching off all of the connected tools. It is equipped for both wet and dry applications with an integrated sensor. The extraction units are available in two versions: Part number RC 7905: C ompact version with a 21-litre tank, which features: l 1 motor by-pass cooled l 1 electrical socket l 1 suction hose model 7900/10SC with a nylon bag and class “L” fleece filter Part number RC 7910: Large version with a 77-litre tank, which features: l 2 motors two-step (it is possible to operate the unit with one motor to save energy) – bypassed, cooled. l 2 electrical sockets. l Ready with vacuum diverter for two suction hoses with a nylon bag and class “L” fleece filter. l Basket for accessories or sander and practical joint to tilt the tank for fast and easy emptying, for instance, into a drain. l Produces sufficient vacuum to work with two sanders simultaneously. The Rodcraft Dust Extraction Units are available from Bulldog Abrasives Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. Contact their sales team on +27 (0)11 786-5991 or for more information on this product as well as the rest of the Rodcraft range of air and workshop tools.

SPANJAARD BITUMEN PRIMER This is a liquid bitumen solution designed to penetrate and seal porous surfaces, protect bare metal surfaces from corrosion and act as an industrial waterproofing agent. Bitumen Primer protects the chassis, undercarriage and the inside of wheel arches against stone chipping and corrosion. It is suitable for cars, trucks, trailers and caravans. To apply, ensure surfaces to be primed are free from oil, dirt, dust and any loose debris. On metal surfaces remove all loose rust with a wire brush. Any areas showing severe corrosion must first be treated with a suitable rust inhibitor or rust converter. Surfaces must be dry for best results, although the product will adhere to damp surfaces. Contact Spanjaard on +27 (0)860 772 652 about their Bitumen Primer. Visit for more on their product range.

AER-O-CURE GYS EASYLINER DENT PULLER Easyliner is the complete solution for dent pulling essential for repairing small, medium and big dents in sills, wings, doors and bonnets. Easyliner enables one to: l Remove dents without disassembling l Repair without replacing l Reduce the down-time l Increase margin l Improve profitability. Contact Aer-o-cure on +27 (0)11 444 6454 about these and other dent pullers as well as much more on the comprehensive GYS range.



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NEW PRODUCTS 3M WETORDRY ABRASIVE The all-new 401Q 3000 WetorDry abrasive is a premium quality abrasive that will take your finish up to the next level. The product is electrostatically coated to ensure even coating of the abrasive to the specially treated paper backing. The even coating is critical to produce a finish that is free of unwanted deep, wild scratches. The process also enhances the cut performance of these products. The harder silicon carbide abrasive used in the manufacture outperforms the aluminium oxide found on other products, ensuring a price/performance benefit. Contact your nearest 3M agent to find out more or see for more details.

AUTOGLYM SILICONE FREE PROFESSIONAL PLASTIC RECONDITIONER This new silicone free protective gel from Autoglym has many uses in the final finish of repair. It can counteract the aging and blackening process seen on exterior plastics after long exposure to sunlight. It is also capable of removing water stains and traffic film, bringing back a new look to plastic trim parts. The process is easy to follow once plastic parts are detergent washed. Simply apply the gel with a tint cloth because the formula is silicone free. The problems of paint contamination in the spray painting stage are totally eliminated with this plastic conditioner. For more details call Autoglym on +27 (0)11 908 5446.

KANYE VIMBA LAUNCH SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Kanye Vimba are the sole distributors of the American refinish giant Sherwin-Williams. The ATX solvent borne range offers a complete range consisting of undercoats, basecoats, spot and overall clearcoats that meet and exceed all the latest VOC international requirements in their medium and high solids formula’s. They will be showcasing all the Sherwin-Williams cutting edge technology at the upcoming Automechanika trade show from 6 - 9 May at Nasrec, Johannesburg. For more information on dealer opportunities call Kanye Vimba on +27 (0)11 396 1161. 82


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SATAJET 5000B ERGONOMICS AT ITS FINEST Painting has become a piece of cake! The design of SATAjet 5000B has been created by the experts at the Porsche Design Studio who have, together with the specialists at SATA, translated pure functionality into creative form. Due to the optimised shape of the gun handle, the spray gun fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. In addition, the gun handle of the SATA high-performance spray guns feature a digital pressure display integrated in the gun handle. What is pressure Indication required for? To ensure best possible colour matching, you should follow exactly the parameters recommended by the respective paint manufacturer. SATA’s quest for excellent ergonomics however has not only influenced the development of the gun handle, but equally the design of spray fan control, material flow control as well as the air micrometer. Robust but still low in weight, this spray gun offers a perfect combination of ease of application and durability. The SATAjet 5000B is the ultimate choice in spray equipment – exclusively available from Bulldog Abrasives. Contact details: +27 (0)11 786 5991 or

ARROW TRADING AUTOMECHANIKA SHOW SPECIAL National and local government regulations are specific in their protection of municipal sewer and storm water drains against grease and oil pollution. Contaminated water must pass through a grease trap or the oil separator before discharging into the sewer system. Make sure you comply with these legislations to avoid fines and penalties. Arrow Trading has a low-cost Grease Trap & Oil Separator system developed for the automotive industry, panelbeaters, service stations, garages, wash bays etc. Go green, order your Grease Trap & Oil Separator today from Arrow Trading on +27 (0)11 793 1251 or visit Get a 10% discount when you order this system from them at the Automechanika Show.


Virgin Plastics has high quality double-sided tapes. Guaranteed professional finish with no comebacks. There are 30 metre rolls in the popular sizes of 0.8mm width. Included in the range is the mirror white form tape 10m or 30m easy application onto number plates. The trim mask tape is a dream product saving you time and money. For more information or to order please call +27 (0)83 251 9442 or +27 (0)72 380 3020 or the office on +27 (0)11 616 2870, or email them on 83 AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R

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SILICONE SPRAY PROTECTION THAT’ S BUILT TO LAST A high quality silicone based lubricant spray for use on all rubber, plastic and wooden surfaces. It is safe and non-toxic. Special Lubricants and Allied Chemical Products

tel: +27 (0)860 772 652 l email: l


Call us on

076 142 7263 082 452 6631


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o start off, the day was bliss as the Boss was driving along the historic Main Reef Road in his new BMW. He and his mate, tourist Commander Kettle were touring historic gold mines that now more often than not lie in ruin as their owner’s transferred all the wealth to the stock market in London, while everything else took a back seat. Rumbling from Krugersdorp to Springs takes a bit of time and by now with all the commemorative brass plaques removed to some local scrap metal merchant the history was invisible to the eye. It would be wishful thinking to see Johannesburg’s history maintained. The two old codgers grumbled on and on as they moved through the derelict remains of 100 years of heritage, in an uncanny number of old mine shafts. They rummaged through the famous mines like Durban Deep, Crown Mines, the cabbage patch in Fordsburg and City Deep which took up most of the glorious Saturday weather. By about four in the afternoon the Boss got a real burst of imagination in his over active life by wanting to take the new BMW 5 Series right into the middle of the squatter camp at the end of Victoria Street in Germiston. Why? Well he wanted to pop a few pictures off on his expensive camera on 86

the plight of poverty-stricken squatters viewed against the other life of the sophisticated modern world, that being the new car he was driving around in. He said he knew a secret place smack in the middle of a bunch of homeless and vagrant people. When they stopped the vehicle, instantly they knew that they hadn’t exactly been invited in. Commander Kettle feared the worst as a quiet but inquisitive bunch of locals gathered around the pristine 5 Series for a look-see. As the quick photoshoot was underway the Boss really excelled himself by locking the keys in the boot and the car became deadlocked. Both of them became visibly upset and perplexed at the developing situation of evening looming in the dead centre of a squatter camp. Being dressed in short pants and highly visible in the wrong place it was all turning into a nightmare for the two old men. With just one inch of sunroof open, a glimmer of hope was however in sight when out of the blue one of the young lads said they would go and get Amos to open it up. He was their local car thief and could get anything open. Stepping into the dark shack that Amos called home, the Boss made a plea for help and Amos came out. Armed with wire and

by Ian Groat

other tools of the trade to do his thing he said he could take out the rear door window but that it would work with the wire to unlock the door instead. That said, within 30 seconds the car was open and keys retrieved from the boot. It took a R50 note to smooth things out and the team were once again mobile and leaving behind the prospect of a night in the squatter camp once and for all. As they came to the edge of the informal settlement a couple of cops were on duty under a tall blue gum tree. They stepped out and stopped the car. “Have you been in that mad house of a place?” the sergeant asked them both. “Well we were perusing a photo opportunity,” said the Boss. The sergeant quickly replied, “You must be barking mad to go in their with a new car, we don’t go in there, ever. So you are lucky you didn’t get robbed, raped or short changed in anyway.” Then Commander Kettle laughed out loud saying the locals had been most helpful and hospitable to them and helped them on their way as they were out touring for the day. Continuing the trip with Willie Nelson’s track of ‘On the Road Again’ the Boss turned to Commander Kettle and said with a touch of relief in his voice, “Yes, but only just.”


3M PPS AD M-A 2015_Layout 1 2015/03/17 9:12 AM Page 1

Telephone: +27 (0)83 604 2395 Em ail: Website:

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