ENIS' SPAGETTI RECIPE (Actually this recipe is Turgut's. He learned it from his two Italian student friends , staying at his dorm "Eich Kamp" at Universiy of Berlin, when he was studying for architecture in the early sixties and Enis perfected it)
Ingredients 1 lb.ground beef 4 garlic cloves,chopped 1 grated carrot 2 large tomatoes,chopped 1 small can of tomato paste 3 teaspoonful sugar 3 tablespoonful catchup 1 teaspoonful oregano 1 large onion,chopped 3 teaspoonful dried basil 2 tablespoonful butter salt and pepper to taste 2 teaspoonful cayenne pepper (hotter the better !!!)
In a skillet, melt the butter,then brown chopped onion , garlic and grated carrot. Then add all the other ingredients , mix well . Cook/simmer in slow heat for several hours, stirring occasionally, adding water if need to . Serve with real italian spagetti pasta , topping with shaved "Reggiano Parmesano".