ESRI Story Map by Jay Mistry [ARCH 4307 | FALL 2020 UTA]

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Sl i de1Sour ce: TheEdi t or sofEncy cl opaedi aBr i t anni ca, ed.“ Agr aI ndi a: Taj Mahal . ”Ency cl opædi aBr i t anni ca.Ency cl opædi aBr i t anni ca, i nc. , Mar ch13, 2020. ht t ps: / / www. br i t anni ca. com/ t opi c/ Taj Mahal .

Sl i de6Sour ce: UNESCOWor l dHer i t ageCent r e.“ Taj Mahal . ”UNESCOWor l dHer i t ageCent r e. AccessedOct ober5, 2020. ht t ps: / / whc. unesco. or g/ en/ l i st / 252/ .

Sl i de2Sour ce: TheEdi t or sofEncy cl opaedi aBr i t anni ca, ed.“ Agr aI ndi a: Taj Mahal . ”Ency cl opædi aBr i t anni ca.Ency cl opædi aBr i t anni ca, i nc. , Mar ch13, 2020. ht t ps: / / www. br i t anni ca. com/ t opi c/ Taj Mahal .

Sl i de7Sour ce: UNESCOWor l dHer i t ageCent r e.“ Taj Mahal . ”UNESCOWor l dHer i t ageCent r e. AccessedOct ober5, 2020. ht t ps: / / whc. unesco. or g/ en/ l i st / 252/ .

Sl i de3Sour ce:

Sl i de4Sour ce:

Bhandar i , Ri ddhi ." Tr ust edAl l i ances: Ent r epr eneur i al Ri sksandSt r at egi esi na Tour i sm Mar k eti nAgr a, I ndi a. "Or der No.10103156, Amer i canUni v er si t y , 2016. ht t ps: / / l ogi n. ez pr ox y . ut a. edu/ l ogi n? ur l = ht t ps: / / wwwpr oquest com. ez pr ox y . ut a. edu/ docv i ew/ 17 87153147? account i d=7117.

Si ngh, A.K. , S.Kal a, S.K.Dubey , V.C. Pande, B.K.Rao, K.K.Shar ma, andK.P . Mahapat r a." Technol ogyf orRehabi l i t at i onofYamunaRav i nes–Cost ef f ect i v e Pr act i cest oConser v eNat ur al Resour cest hr oughBambooPl ant at i on. " Cur r entSci ence108, no.8( 2015) : 1527533.AccessedOct ober12, 2020. ht t p: / / www. j st or . or g/ st abl e/ 24905399.

Sl i de8Sour ce: UNESCOWor l dHer i t ageCent r e.“ Taj Mahal . ”UNESCOWor l dHer i t ageCent r e. AccessedOct ober5, 2020. ht t ps: / / whc. unesco. or g/ en/ l i st / 252/ .

Sl i de9Sour ce: Akht ar , Sal i m Jav ed." TOMBSAND MOSQUESI NTHEMUGHALCI TYOF AGRA. "Pr oceedi ngsoft heI ndi an Hi st or yCongr ess70( 2009) : 97586. AccessedOct ober5, t p: / / www. j st or . or g/ st abl e/ 44147743.

Phot oaccr edat i ont agsoni magest hemsel v es( t heywer ewor ki ngl i nksbutwi t hmyEsr i accountdel et edt heydon’ twor ki nt hi sf or mat )

Sl i de5Sour ce: Akht ar , Sal i m Jav ed." TOMBSAND MOSQUESI NTHEMUGHALCI TYOF AGRA. "Pr oceedi ngsoft heI ndi an Hi st or yCongr ess70( 2009) : 97586. AccessedOct ober5, t p: / / www. j st or . or g/ st abl e/ 44147743.

Sl i de10Sour ce: Akht ar , Sal i m Jav ed." TOMBSAND MOSQUESI NTHEMUGHALCI TYOF AGRA. "Pr oceedi ngsoft heI ndi an Hi st or yCongr ess70( 2009) : 97586. AccessedOct ober5, t p: / / www. j st or . or g/ st abl e/ 44147743.

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