Urban Design Studio Portfolio by Jay Mistry [ARCH 3554 | SPRING 2020 UTA]

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Jay Mistry

Architecture Studio 3554 Professor Bijan Youssefzadeh Semester Portfolio

- shoP Architects rehabilitated old defunct piers as well as JFK highway by creating green spaces, parks on the piers, restaurants, cafes and retail shops under the highway - Connecting Battery park and other pre-existing parks to the riverfront and bringing the pedestrian traffic of the financial district

Precedent Study

East River Waterfront Esplande shoP Architects Key idea is that of architectural promenade/esplande

- Bike and pedestrian lanes were added as well as waterfront seating and activity/exercise play areas - Parks have folded topographies almost like a fabric or blanket to push the landscape further into the river

Precedent Study Model Photos

Urban Design

Figure Ground

Urban Design Model Photos

Landscape Analysis

Urban Renders


International Film Institute

Dallas Site Analysis


The design began with expirmentation in addition, subtraction and incision into the square/ cube which resulted in a 5x5 grid that would allow it’s core to be pierced through a series of double volumes and atriums. As the cube began to devolve the structure began to extrude out to support these additional elements which in turn created an external structure which rose above to become an armor-like parasol to protect the roof elements and the glass box that houses the central atrium. Through the rising levels a series of roof terraces and balconies were placed utilizing the protrusions created by the extending structure that would also help shield entry and exit by creating pilotes below. Taking ques from the urban design notion of promenade the cantlevered condition supported by pilotes would act as an intermediary condition passing through from the site’s own plaza onto the grander piazza. A series of precedent’s were investigated but the two most influential were the Villa Shodhan by Le Corbusier, and Centre Pompidou by Piano & Rogers. The Villa Shodhan to explore how these roof terraces would form protected by the parasol and the Centre Pompidou to further explore the idea of external structure and how it would celebrate elements and bring life to something such as a the external fire stair.

The Cube


Design/Devolpment Iterations



East-Facing Section


Night Renders


Jay Mistry Professor Bijan Youssefzadeh Arch 3554

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