August Issue 2013-2014

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The Platypus Official Newsletter of PNW Division 50 Volume I Issue IIII







Cle Elum/Roslyn West Valley Davis

In this Issue... Cover Page


Table of Contents


Hello from your Lieutenant Governor




Like us, love us, support us!


New in the PNW


International Updates


The Eliminate Project


Youth opportunities Fund


Key Leader


Eastside Rally Recap




Key Clubber of the Month


Contact Information


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Hello Division 50 How is your summer going? This past month has been filled with Pacific Northwest service. From Portland Rally to Eastside Rally, Key Clubbers all over the place has been learning how to be true key Clubbers by doing service. We all have to remember that just because school is out doesn’t mean key club is over, Key club is just a club that happens to be at the school but it is a year round club, most of you have forgotten that. We still have 3 weeks of summer left so please make the most of it, the smallest Projects can help. Have a carwash for eliminate! You may only raise 50 dollars, but you still save 28 babies from dying! Just remember doing the smallest things can still have a large impact on the world. Love is Key, Jayleen Leon

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Be Inspired‌

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Harold R. McAlindon

Leadership does not always wear the harness of compromise. Woodrow Wilson

He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander. Aristotle 4 | Page

Like us, Love us! Like us @ PNW Division 50 Like us @ Pacific Northwest District Key Club

Follow us @PNWDIVISION50

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New in the PNW! Welcome our new IT! Roshni Chandwani Check out the new PNW Website:

Seattle rally—August 12th at Hazen High School, Renton, Wa 9:00 A.M- 3:45 P.M

2013 Key club nights with the Seattle Sounders: August 25th Sounders vs. Portland Timbers @ Century Link Field 6:00 pm September 13th Sounders vs. Salt Lake City @Century Link field 6:00 pm 6 | Page

Words from our new International trustee! Hello everyone! My name is Roshni Chandwani, and I am your 2013-2014 International Trustee. The three districts that I serve are Eastern Canada, Kentucky-Tennessee, and Pacific Northwest. I wanted to start off by telling you a little bit more about myself and my goals for the year! I'm currently a senior at Cypress Falls High School in Houston, Texas. I've been a part of Key Club since my freshman year, and I can honestly say that joining Key Club was the best decision I've ever made. I'm also involved with Debate, Red Cross, and Student Council. I'm a huge fan of the movie "Mean Girls", and I probably quote it way too much. I love almost all types of music, but I can be found listening to pop or indie music the most. During the year, I will be sending all of you monthly e-mail updates on everything that International is doing. One of the main things that I will be emphasizing this year is the Youth Opportunities Fund because it's a resource that's extremely under-utilized, and I know that your clubs could really benefit from this grant. Another thing that I'm focusing on this year is Key Club week. Membership recruitment is always a priority, no matter how large your district is, and Key Club week is the perfect opportunity for your district to grow. And finally, I want you all to know that you can contact me at any time! As a club officer and as a district board member, I was always hesitant to contact my trustee, and that should never be the case. If you have a question or if you just want to say hi, send me an-email, Facebook message, or text!

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Do your part to save lives. The eliminate project by Kiwanis would like your help to eliminate MNT by 2015, 38 countries are still at risk for MNT. Together we can raise money to save 61 million mothers and their futures; it only takes $1.80 to save a life. We all can do something! The PNW has a goal of $24,000 by next year, there are 12,000 Key clubbers in the PNW if we each donate $2.00 we can reach that goal and save 13,334 babies.

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“The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. It uses interest, as well as a portion of your International dues payment, to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world around them by providing them with grants to carry out worthwhile service projects and fundraisers�- Key Club International

Information about Applying for YOF grant @: e/fund/yof/yofgrant.asp x

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Do you want to be a key leader? Key leader is a leadership program that focuses on service leadership, helping others, and leadership development. Key leader is a weekend retreat, during the retreat you will interact with other key clubbers and make new friends, while learning how to change the world. To receive more information visit

KEY LEADER NEAR YOU Location: Camp Collins Gresham, OR Date: October 18-20th, 2013

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For those of you who did not attend Eastside Rally you missed out! We had Fun DUNKING the execs and pieing LtGs! This Years theme was roaring for Service and it was awesome! We had great food, AMAZING forums led by the execs and memories that won’t fade!

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Points Sunnyside: 151 pts

How to Earn Points: 15 per DCM attendee

Prosser: 175 pts.

15 per Secretary Reports

Grandview: 50 pts.

15 pts. Per club newsletter

West Valley: 0 pts.

20 pts. per key clubber of the month

Wahluke:10 pts. Ellensburg: 130 pts. Cle Elum/Roslyn: 70 pts

25 per service project/fundraiser 50 pts. Per Dcon attendee 50 pts per Eastside attendee 2 pts. Per update 5 pts per new Facebook Member in division 50 group 10 year planning sheet 5 pts. Conference call attendee 5 pts. Per person who reads my newsletter 12 | P a g e

Good Bye! Contact Information District Governor Trang Tran District Secretary Hakikat Bains

Convention Chair Denny Lim District Administrator John Jay

District Treasurer Eric Grewal District Bulletin Editor Sara Thomas

Jayleen Leon Lieutenant governor of D-50

Facebook message me, Text me or email me the answer to this question before august 15st to prove you read the newsletter! What is Roshni’s Favorite Movie?

PHONE (509)305-9791

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