July Issue 2013-2014

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The Platypus Official Newsletter of Division 50 Volume I Issue IIII July 2013





Cle Elum/Roslyn



West Valley


Dear Key Clubbers, Hello! How is your summer going? I hope you are all are enjoying your time off of school to relax! Some of you may have forgotten about service, but even the small things you do can impact so much! For a lot of you that don’t feel motivated or need help with Key club or need any help because your club is down members or you are having trouble feel free to contact me anytime any day! I am always available to help with Key Club; it has become my life and a top priority! I hope you all really love key club those of you that I have spoken to seem truly awesome and I hope to speak some more with you! I will be starting club visits in august. Something to keep in mind is that you are Key Club member because you are truly passionate about helping people, not because you will be the only one benefiting from it. Love is Key, Jayleen Leon

Quotes of the Month!

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“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” ― Mother Teresa

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” ― Mother Teresa

One baby dies every 9 minutes from neonatal tetanus

160 babies die every day from neonatal

38 countries remain at a high risk for MNT

We will help protect or save 61 million mothers and their futures

It only takes $1.80 to save a life.

Congratulations! !! 2013-2014 International Board:


International President- Raeford Penn International Vice President- Rachel Benoit International trustees: Alberto Berrizbeitia Roshni Chandwani Renisha Daley Avery Hitchcock Kelsie Hoppes Madison Kemker Casey O'Neill Maria Palazzolo Michelle Petersen Zachary Waldorf Eric Yoon

Do you want to be a key leader? Key leader is a leadership program that focuses on service leadership, helping others, and leadership development. Key leader is a weekend retreat, during the retreat you will interact with other key clubbers and make new friends, while learning how to change the world. To receive more information visit key-leader.org.

“The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. It uses interest, as well as a portion of your International dues payment, to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world around them by providing them with grants to carry out worthwhile service projects and fundraisers�

WORDS OF WISDOM Key Club, more to it then you thought 4. Key Club isn’t as big as you imagined –it’s bigger. Sometimes it feels as if key club doesn’t exist outside of your school but it does. Learn as much as you can about key club because all the different experiences , people you can meet , and events you can join will blow you away ; so always have a ear open for info about Key Club and how you can get your club more involved. Easiest way to do this? Talk to your Lt. G ;) You are blessed 3. Remember you have been blessed to have people that not only believe in you but have elected you into your office position(even those who had no competition), don’t let them down! If you’re impatient, snappy, and not willing to get to know others, then you’re doing a HUGE disserve to your fellow Key Clubber who could otherwise be inspired by Key Clubs positive message. If you raise up to be awesome –which is as simple as being kind to everyone and completing your duties- then chances are people will not only respect you , but follow your lead. Truly ask yourself “I’m I being a good officer?” If yes carry on. If the answer no then next question is “Can I change?” If this is no once again then there is the most important questioned of all, “I’m I willing to let others fall so that I can hold on to a title?” Come on, at least one thing 2. Try to do at least one thing to improve your club outside of your regular duties as officers. Introduce a game to play during a meeting, serve you community in a new way, find a key club event in your area,update some posters, you name it you can do it. Encourage your next officer and members to do the same. Do you know what happens to Key Clubs that continually add a small improvement towards there club again and again? THEY GET A HEATLTHY DOTH OF AWSOMNESS.“Remember there are no small parts, only small actors.”- Konstantin Stanislavsky And finally the most important ….*DRUMROLL*…. 1. Key Club helps others, period. It’s that simple. Everything else like title position, drama, awards, etc. ,should come in second. Sometimes things get a little hectic and we forget the true meaning of this great club, I mean who doesn’t like the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you help someone, am I right? Keep this in perspective, treat everyone with respect and you can’t go wrong. <3 Good Luck!

- Linda Achelpohl

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