May Issue 2013-2014

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May 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2

In This Issue... Whats happening........................................................Page 3 President/Vice duties..................................................Page 4 Secretary/ Treasurer....................................................Page 5 Editor..........................................................................Page 6 Key clubbers of the month.........................................Page 7 The Eliminate Project.................................................Page 8 Point System...............................................................Page 9 Kiwanis.......................................................................Page 10 CKI.............................................................................Page 11 Goodbye!....................................................................Page 12

What's Happening?? HELLO Hey guys its Jayleen your Lieutenant Governor! Well I just want to start off this Newsletter by saying congratulations to all you new officers! I cant wait to see all your beautiful faces when I visit your clubs and see you ALL at Divisional Council Meetings!

DCM DCM's also known as divisional council meetings are when key clubbers from our division get to know each other, exchange ideas, talk about our service projects, officers are trained, discuss club status and most importantly we have fun!

OFFICER INSTALLATION According to Key Club bylaws officers are not official until they have an officer installation ceremony! I will be sending emails to all of you to inform you and keep you up on the proper installation.

KEY DATES Key clubbers you all need to be aware of the dates everything is due last month I let somethings pass but this month I expect all reports turned in, not doing so will result in point loss. EVERY 5th - Secretary Report EVERY OTHER 10th – Editors newsletter (optional, more newsletters more points)


New Officers, New Duties Your Role As Club President/Vice President....... 1. Make sure all officers are doing their jobs correctly. 2. Attend committee meetings and DCM's. 3. Improve meetings, Projects and attendance. 4.Set goals for your club. 5. Motivate all members! 6. Prepare an agenda for EVERY meeting. 7. Solve problems(if any occur) 8. Recruit new members!! 9. Make sure all club reports are sent to your Lieutenant Governor and District Secretary! 10. Train all officers and keep in CONSTANT contact with your Lieutenant governor. For Vice: Assist president with all their duties


Secretary & Treasurer

As club secretary you should record everything!! This includes: ~Club Bylaws ~Key Club Guidebook ~District Constitution and Bylaws ~Minutes of all Club Meetings ~ Committee Reports ~List of committee chairs and members ~Club Roster ~The esPRESSo ~All officer contact information

Also do Secretary Reports! On time Reports get you points!

As treasurer you are in charge of... Collecting Dues Preparing the Clubs Budget Maintaining financial records Informing Kiwanis of key club finances Submitting forms to the Internal Revenue system Pay bills Deposit club funds Bill members for unpaid dues



As editor you will be in charge of... Creating a monthly newsletter Market key club; putting up signs flyers, etc. Send newsletters to the district board and LtG Make public service announcements Call newspaper Maintain a club website or Facebook page and take photos!


Key Clubbers of the Month! Name: Odalys Lopez School: Prosser High School Graduation year:2015 Favorite Food: Seafood Favorite Color:Yellow Favorite Movie: (500) Days of Summer Favorite Song:Otherside by Macklemore Favorite Quote: “Not all who wander are lost” Why she was chosen: I (Jayleen) chose Odalys because she has been the only officer out of all of division 50 that has kept me updated with her clubs contact information, their upcoming service projects and more.

Name: Lia Butterfield School: Ellensburg High School Graduation year:2015 Favorite Food: Greek feta al forno Favorite Color:Turquoise Favorite Movie(s): Lord of the Rings Trilogy Favorite Song:Mr. Brightside by the Killers Favorite Quote: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible!”-Audrey Hepburn Why she was chosen: I (Jayleen) chose Lia because since the day we all got back from DCON she has been texting me sending me information and keeping me up to date on her club! She is showing leadership and she is doing the job as an officer when she is just a member!Great job!


The Eliminate Project What is The Eliminate Project? The eliminate Project is the collaboration of Kiwanis International and UNICEF trying to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal tetanus. MNT Causes babies to be extremely sensitive to light and touch. It steals a mothers right to enjoy her child, and the child’s right to be well nourished by its mother.


Point System Clubs Sunnyside- 15 pts. Prosser-20 pts Grandview-25 pts. West Valley-0 pts. Wahluke-0 pts. Ellensburg-30 pts. Cle Ellum / Roslyn-0 pts.

How to earn points! 15 pts. Per member at DCM 10 pts. for secretary report 15 pts. Newsletter 20 pts. Key Clubber of the month 25 pts. Service project 10 pts. Contact information COMPLETE 50 pts. Per DCON attendee 30 pts. Per Eastside Rally Attendee 5 pts. For each new member


Hey Key clubbers! Do you know your Kiwanis?? Well if you don't you should! Kiwanis is a wonderful organization that helps us! Without the support of Kiwanis International Key club would not be as successful as it is! Have you thanked your Kiwanis Club recently? Do it! They are the ones who help financially support you and help you in times in need! They are your K-Family! So go ahead, show them some love!

SENIORS Hello Seniors! Did you have a magnificent year in Key Club? Wouldn't you want to be part of Kiwanis International to serve your community and help give kids the opportunity you did in key club? Well if youre intrested talk to your local Kiwanis club about possibly becoming a member.


JOIN CKI Enjoyed key club in high school? Then why not continue in college!Circle K is a great way to meet former key clubbers like yourself that want to serve. You will build friendships that last a lifetime and gain leadership skills. Visit to learn more.


Hello key clubbers! My name is Jayleen Leon and I am your 2013- 2013 Lieutenant Governor. This year our division faced many struggles one of the main ones being lack of communication, this upcoming year I am planning to change that! I would love it if all of the clubs attended DCON 2014 in Seattle with me and the rest of the PNW next year! But to reach my goal, we have to work together! I understand that some new officers do not exactly know what to do yet, but thats okay! We can help each other! By everyone showing up to DCMs you will get proper training and allow me to learn as a Lieutenant Governor what each individual person or club needs!We can overcome difficulties and become the best that Division 50 has ever been! In caring and service, Jayleen Leon


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