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MY TESTIMONY December 8, 1977 - December 9, 2016

Jeremiah 12:5

“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses?” “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. O Lord, truly I am your servant; I am your servant, the son of your maidservant. You have freed me from my chains.” (Psalm 116)

k As I look over the threshold of Heaven I see you. I hear the music and the familiar voices raised in praise and worship, and it warms my heart. As you celebrate my life and legacy, know that I am well. It is beautiful beyond imagination here, and I am at peace and so very happy. It is good to be back home. My life was a blessed one. I was born into a family that taught me to live by the principles of God and to put Him first in all things. My father was a powerful man of God, leading his family in the ways of the Lord, and operating under the mighty legacy of his parents. He was a strong tower in my life, my mother always at his side. From childhood, my sister was my best friend, always there for me. Together they all had a part in making me the man that I am, training me in the ways of the Lord and ensuring that I lived a life of integrity, treating others with a heart of love and kindness. My life has from birth been connected to the Holy Spirit, my very steps ordered by the Lord. Music and ministry have always been a part of me, even as a child worshipping with the Joys, to my extension as Minister of Music at the City of Praise Family Ministries. I am proud to have been ordained by God to carry the mantel of my father, Elder John Robert Peebles, Sr., who led the Music Ministry in this great Branch of Zion. It was my honor as his firstborn to take his place when he went home. Beyond compare, the best part of my life was when God brought to me my Dionna. My beautiful wife, you are my treasure, my confidant, my friend, my very heart. Although you cannot see me now, my love, or feel my touch, know that my arms are wrapped around you in loving comfort. God has told me that all will be well. To my mom, Minister Yarnetta Peebles, who raised and loved me, and to my sister and brothers-in-law, Yolanda and Preston James and Antoine Haynie, remember that I love you and I want you to continue in Christ always. To my family and friends of the City of Praise, and to the awesome and magnificent Voices and Sounds of the City, I love you all. Each of you has played a special part in turning my dreams and visions of a powerful and heartfelt praise and worship into reality. You helped take our praise to a new level as you raised your hands, lifted your voices, played your instruments and ministered in song. My heart leapt as your worship enveloped the sanctuary and the Glory of God filled the temple. I watched as some of you moved from the outer courts into the inner courts, then into the Holy of Holies. I am grateful for the favor of God in my life, and for the honor of fulfilling my calling in Him. Now I join my father, Elder John R. Peebles, Sr.; my grandparents, Bishop James and Apostle Betty Peebles and Sister Alice E. Brown; and my uncles, Pastor James R. Peebles, Jr., Robert Thomas, Sr. and Ernest K. Thomas Jr. I now take my place among a Great Cloud of Witnesses. Although I have finished my course on earth, yours is not done yet. Continue to worship with power and authenticity. Always remember, you are God’s chosen. And His Love will always surround you.







ORDER OF WORSHIP SERVICE Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Elder Bobby G. Henry, Jr. • Officiating Organ Prelude Prayer....................................................................................................................................................................Brother Michael Harrison Confessions.............................................................................................................................. Elder Clayton and Minister Janice Hunter My Testimony......................................................................................................................................................Deacon Stanley Hardy, Sr. Selection................................................................................................................................................................... Voices of the City Choir Reading from the Old Testament............................................... (Psalm 90:1-12).................................................Elder Preston Johnson Reading from the New Testament.........................................(II Corinthians 5:1-10......................................... Minister Janice Johnson Praise Dance............................................................................................................................................................ COPFM Praise Dancers Acknowledgment of Visiting Clergy..............................................................................Bishop Joby Brady | The Potter’s House of North Dallas Bishop Anthony Muse | Ark of Safety Ministries Bishop Steve Young Selection................................................................................................................................................................... Voices of the City Choir Special Tributes........................................................................................................................................ Chairman, William A. Meadows Minister JJ Hairston Praise Dance............................................................................................................................................................ COPFM Praise Dancers Tribute from Immediate Family........................................................................................ Sister Dionna and Minister Yarnetta Peebles Eulogy..................................................................................................................... Bishop Joel R. Peebles, Sr. & Pastor Ylawnda Peebles Selection...................................................................................................................................................................................Reunion Choir Benediction Repast held at the City of Praise Family Ministries

THE OBITUARY December 8, 1977 - December 9, 2016

Elder John Robert Peebles, Jr. was born on Thursday, December 8, 1977 to Elder John R. Peebles, Sr. and Minister Yarnetta E. Peebles at Columbia Hospital for Women in Washington, DC. He attended Kenilworth Elementary, Columbia Park Elementary, Jericho Christian Academy, Kenmore Middle School and Eastern High School. He sought his higher education in Business Management at University of Maryland University College, finishing his studies and becoming a teacher at the Jericho Christian Training Center College. His early employment was with BlockBuster Video. In 1999 he began working for the United States Postal Service, moving in 2000 to Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc. In 2001, he was hired by Comcast Communications, where he remained a faithful and dedicated employee until his passing. John was a personable, enthusiastic employee, and enjoyed his time at Comcast. Music has been a part of Elder John’s life since childhood, as he began singing with the Joys at Jericho. In his teenage years he sang with the Eastern High School choir. The choir sang for the Inauguration of President Bill Clinton, later traveling to Paris to sing for the Allied Musical Salute for the Liberation of France. They performed several times at the White House for Christmas In Washington. Elder John also was blessed to perform with Kenny Loggins, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Kenny G, Gloria Estefan, Natalie Cole and many more celebrities. Elder John has always had a strong love for the Lord. He was christened and baptized at Jericho, now the City of Praise Family Ministries, where was a life-long member. He was

a worshipper and a mighty Praise Warrior for God. After his father, who was the Minister of Music, transitioned to glory, Elder John was given the honor of carrying his father’s mantle, and became the dynamic Minister of Music for the City of Praise Family Ministries, leading the congregation to higher heights in praise and worship. He married the love of his life, Dionna Peebles, on Saturday, May 14, 2016. Although they were only married a short time before God called him home, they were friends for years, and had a powerful and strong love for each other. After a very active life, Elder John transitioned to Glory on Friday, December 9, 2016, at the age of 39. He was preceded in death by his father Elder John R. Peebles, Sr; grandparents, Bishop James R. Peebles, Apostle Betty P. Peebles and Alice E. Brown; uncles, Earnest Thomas and Robert Thomas; Mother-in-Law, Vicki Grant. He leaves to cherish his life and memories his wife, Mrs. Dionna L. Peebles; his mother, Minister Yarnetta E. Peebles; one grandfather, Alfourd Brown; one sister, Yolanda M. James; two brothers-in-law, Preston James and Antoine Haynie; eight aunts and uncles, Bishop Joel and Pastor Ylawnda Peebles, Eddie and Portia and Eddie Fernanders, Alice E. Q. Jones, Pamela Peebles, and Steven and Stormy Morten, Sr.; one Godfather, Chairman William Meadows; three nieces, Paris, Paige and Priyana James; and a host of cousins, family and friends. John walks the Streets of Gold now, surrounded by his loved ones gone before Him, and the Heavenly sound of music is a little sweeter because he is there.

A TRIBUTE FROM YOUR UNCLE & AUNT... So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. – 2 Corinthians 5:9 While deeply crestfallen at the departure of our nephew, John Jr., we also appreciate that God gave him to us. John was, and still is, a powerful, inspirational man of God. His wisdom has always been far beyond his years, and his charm, wit and grace were infectious to all. As a young man, it was obvious that John was full of talent, and his anointing was undeniable. Whenever John entered a room, his piercing smile and jubilant presence would warm the hearts of everyone there.

While we mourn his departure, we celebrate his impact. As his aunt and uncle, we treasure each moment we shared with John. He was blessed by God with a heart of gold, and each of us is bettered having known him. As a minister of music, John operated in a level of anointing that caused all of us to feel the

power and presence of God. He constantly ushered us into the throne room, and through praise and worship, blessings and healing flowed through him. Today, John is reunited with other precious members of our family, and while we cry on this side, there is a thunderous celebration in Glory.

John, you are, and forever will be, beloved.

Your loving Uncle & Aunt, Bishop Joel & Pastor Ylawnda Peebles

A TRIBUTE FROM YOUR WIFE... To My Baby Love, As I sit here writing this letter I can hear your voice saying “Keep Going Babe! Continue to walk and fight the good fight of faith. You Can Do This! I still and always will have your back!” So for you honey, I will do just that. John, there are not enough words to express how much I Love You. From the moment we met I knew that you were someone special. It’s in your make up. It was in your eyes, the way that you smile, the calming of your voice, the touch of your hand, the love in your heart for Christ, Me, and Our Family. I was finally able to inhale a deep breath and exhale slowly. Over the course of 10 plus years the Lord began to move. He has remained faithful. He worked on you. He worked on me. We built a friendship.

We fell in love and laid the foundation (God + Us = Victory ).

This equation was fire proof. And now our journey begins. John, you are an Amazing Husband and it’s an Absolute Honor to be YOUR Wife. We share a love like no other. We are wrapped together of one flesh, one breath, one heartbeat. My soulmate. You opened up and let me into the very depth you, and at your core I found favor. I have been able to experience the true meaning of Ephesians 5:22-28 live and in living color. God has really smiled on us, really smiled on me. Just to know that in this lifetime I could meet, love and marry the very man from who’s rib I was formed. So to that I say Lord I Thank You! And to you my precious Baby Love this is not good bye for we will definitely meet again. Until then I have a lifetime of memories to treasure and a love that remains eternal. With All My Love, Hugs & Kisses! Your Wife, Mrs. Dionna Peebles p.s. Save a game of thumb wars for me (lol)


As I sit in heaven And watch you every day I try to let you know with signs I never went away I hear you when you’re laughing And watch you as you sleep I even place my arms around you To calm you as you weep I see you wish the days away Begging to have me home So I try to send you signs So you know you are not alone

Don’t feel guilty that you have Life that was denied to me Heave is truly beautiful Just you wait and see So live your life, laugh again Enjoy yourself, be free Then I know with every breath you take You’ll be taking one for me Author — The Social Butterfly

A TRIBUTE FROM YOUR SISTER... My Dear Brother John, Ever since I can remember we have been together. As kids we would dress alike and people would ask are we twins. This past week I have lost my brother and my best friend. Words cannot express the heaviness that is in my heart when I think of not having you around anymore. But instead I hold on to so many great memories that I had with you. We were inseparable and each other’s protectors. One of the most memorable moments as a child was when I had hit my eye on the brick wall while playing at the church and you came to my rescue. When I went to the hospital you were so protective of me that you said to the doctor as he was holding me down “I am the Incredible Hulk, leave my sister alone”. It took 3 nurses and Daddy to contain you.

That is my big brubby, my protector.

Now you have graduated and gone on to Glory with Dad. Give him a big hug for me, Preston, Paris, Paige and Priyana. Big brother I hurt so bad today but I will always remember and love you. Forever and ever and ever. Your Sister Yolanda & Family I love you My Baby Boy Blue and I will forever miss you.

A TRIBUTE FROM YOUR COUSIN... To my Cousin John, I never would have imagined that when I saw you last Thursday morning it would be my last time, and that I wouldn’t get a chance to say “Happy Birthday John”. You weren’t just my cousin, you were my brother, my friend, and, quiet as it‘s kept, you were my “Father John”. I can’t begin to tell you how much joy and laughter I’ve experienced since I moved in with you and Aunt Netta.

You taught me so much.

You had a way of holding me accountable, yet without judgment. I remember you used to tell me, “Danielle, what you do doesn’t just affect you, but it affects all of those around you.” I have so many questions right now. I know that I should be happy because you have received your award in heaven, but boy do I wish you were still down here with me on earth. I love you, Father John!

Your cousin, Danielle Peebles

Well DONE ...good & faithful S E RVA N T

The City of Praise Family Ministries Bishop Joel & Pastor Ylawnda Peebles

8501 Jericho City Drive • Landover, MD 20785 • www.cityofpraisechurch.com

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