Professional Advancement for Corporate Effectiveness

As the CEO of Keys to Lead™, I am elated to take this journey with all of you and witness our growth as professionals, but also on a personal level. My name is Makeeta Keys, and I’m enthusiastic about being an agent for change among individuals and organizations alike. It’s my joy to connect with people who have a deep-seated motive to reach their highest potential - let’s get ready together!
Our team has developed a unique solution for your organization to launch it to new heights of success and proficiency. We’re thrilled to join forces with you, in order to cultivate an atmosphere characterized by trust, collaboration, and advancement that will boost growth opportunities for everyone involved.
This workbook will serve as a guide to our discussion and provide space for you to take notes during our interactive learning sessions. I can’t wait to dive into this journery with you!
MAKEETA KEYS CEO & Lead ConsultantKeys to Lead™ Consulting Group
“Let’s Get Ready to Unlock More Potential”
Knowing your communication style and being ______________________________ to learn others can help you be more successful when communicating.
• Likes hard data, real _______________.
• Analytical communication style often have little patience for lots of _________________ and emotional words in communication.
• Like _______________ _______________.
• Intuitive communicators avoid getting bogged down with _______________.
• Likes processes, _____________, timelines and well-thought-out _____________.
• Functional communicators like to communicate in a _______________ by _______________ fashion so nothing gets missed.
• As a Personal Communicator, you value _______________ language and _______________.
• You find value in assessing not just how people _______________, but how they _______________.
• Active listening is giving our full attention to someone else through our _______________, our non-verbal cues.
• In communicating, we must be mindful of our:
1. Listening ______________________ ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
• Pausing before responding or asking a question allows time for _______________ and _______________ communication.
What are you communicating without using words?
It , establishing a unified understanding of tasks and goals.
It , in the flow of activities, minimizing gaps of e ectiveness.
It , bringing about peaceful solutions if breakdown occurs.
It , giving way for creativity and innovation to happen.
It of community amongst people and teams, building healthy relationships.
10% OF THE MESSAGE WORDS –Verbiage –Vocabulary –Imagery
WHAT YOU SEE OR FEE L –Facial Expressions –Dress and Grooming –Posture –Eye Contact –Touch –Gestures
–Verbal Expressiveness OF THE MESSAGE
WHAT YOU HEAR –Tone of Voice –Vocal Clairty
• The best of the best _______________ their lives upon their greatest strength or talent.
• They _______________ weakness.
• They _______________ to take their _______________ into area where they want to _______________ increase performance.
1. People that know their strengths are _______________ more likely to be engaged at work.
2. People that know their strengths are _______________ more productive in their role.
3. People that know their strengths are _______________ as likely to have an excellent quality of life.
4. People that know their strengths are _______________ likely to do what they do best every day.
• Before you can have a _______________ partnerships with people, you have to understand _______________ _______________ _______________ to the combination, and _______________ important, _______________ _______________ _______________.
• The key to achieving success is _______________ trying to be someone else or striving to be as a good as someone else.
• You must _______________ _______________ _______________, _______________ your _______________ and understand how someone else’s abilities _______________ your own.
• When you leverage your strengths, true _______________ can happen!
• Many people _______________ collaboration with _______________, but it is not the same thing.
• When people get along it is important, but if you always team up with someone whose strengths does not complement your own, _______________ _______________ _______________ if you find yourself being _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________.
• One of the most important _______________ tools that any organization can benefit from.
• Showing _______________ time.
• Priceless and can _____________ performance and _______________ behavior.
• Vital to our organization and is a _______________ component to our success
• Being liked
• Being popular
• Easily when _______________.
When people get along it is important, but if you always team up with someone whose strengths does not complement your own, if you find yourself being
. from.
• One of the most important tools that any organization can benefit over time
• Showing over
• Priceless and can performance and behavior.
• Vital to our organization and is a component to our success
• Being popular
• Easily _____________.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter the most”
Research reveals that there are FIVE COMMON REASONS why individuals shy away from engaging in di cult conversations or avoiding participation in any discussion involving contention.
1. There are high stakes and potential consequences.
2. There are opposing viewpoints.
3. There is uncertainty about how the conversation will play out.
4. There is often historical baggage.
5. There are powerful emotions involved
• Didn’t want to create a bad atmosphere
• To avoid confrontation
• Didn’t know how to say it
• Worried about retaliation
• Thought it might make the situation worse
• Didn’t want to upset someone
• Other reasons (lake of time)
• The issue resolved itself
• The issue became worse
• The issue stayed the same
• Someone else tackled the issue
• Improved Communication
• Less Workplace Conflict
• Better Problem-Solving Skills
This involves listening to people so that they feel heard and so that their built-up emotions are di used. People are rarely ready to move on to solutions until they have had the opportunity to fully vent their feelings.
When it appears that feelings have been expressed and all di erent views have been heard and acknowledged, help members resolve the issues.
This involves taking a structured approach to help group members reach solutions. Instead of talking about conflict, talk about di erent views.
Always have a STRUCTURED APPROACH when you are Managing Conflict.
• Slow things down
• Stay totally neutral
• Stay calm
• Emphasize listening
• Be assertive
• Record keys ideas
• Seek permission to move on
1. The of problem
Asks: What is the problem, really?
2. Data
Asks: What is the e ect of the problem?
3. analysis
Asks: Why is the problem happening?
planning and Asks: How should the problem be fixed?
of Asks: Did the solution implemented solve the problem?
Asks: Can the solution solve or prevent other problems?
7. Evaluation of Asks: What was learned from the process of solving the problem?
1. When people have a problem-solving mindset, they have a to the organization.
2. When people have a problem-solving mindset, they have less tendency to .
3. When people have a problem-solving mindset, they have amongst their team members.
4. When people have a problem-solving mindset, they have amongst their team members.
5. When people have a problem-solving mindset, they have an in their .
What happened?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place?
Why did it happen
Who is it about?
How do we do it?
o Never love your more than your o Nurturing is not about your need to be
o Assets make things possible, but people make things happen.
o Hear their and their
o Be about connecting with people
o Questions to consider about others
– What do you laugh about? (What makes you happy?)
– What do you cry about? (What makes you sad?)
– What do you dream about?
– How are you feeling?
– What are your concerns?
– What kind of support do you need from me?
o Be the first partakers in opportunities
o Commit personally to growth
o Help people by directing and preparing them for what’s ahead
o You cannot lead people if you are unwilling to go first
o Use foresight and awareness to know and prioritize their needs
o What matters to them must matter to you
o Inspire organizational growth beyond individual growth
o Visually and verbally show your support
o Give them the public credit when successful
o Leadership is , not _______________.
o The goal of influencer leaders is to influence other leaders
o Use “I do. We do. You do.” model in training and development
1. _______________ _______________ with those you lead.
2. Give them a _______________ by consistently creating a safe place.
3. _______________ e ective communication _______________.
4. Attempt to see things _______________ _______________ _______________.
5. Invest your _______________ and _______________.
6. _______________ leadership _______________ and qualities that you have seen over time.
Even after growth, people still change. erefore, in uence is a never-ending process. However, failure to change at the right moment will provide the wrong result.
This corporate development training manual is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed.
The reader acknowledges that any reliance placed on the materials presented in this manual will be at his or her own risk. The reader agrees to hold the authors and publishers harmless from any losses, liabilities, damages, costs, claims or expenses arising out of the use of this manual.
This manual is not intended as a comprehensive guide to corporate development. Rather it provides an overview of essential topics and o ers practical tips for those seeking to improve their knowledge and skills. The materials presented here will help the reader in building a strong foundation for their own corporate development practice.
Keys to Lead™ Consulting Group. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or shared without express, written consent of the authors.
If there are any questions or concerns, reach out to us at We would love to hear from you.