Final Book Text

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Text for Final Book (Uni Printing) Front Cover Blank Inside Page Blank Inside Page Give Em Hull Series Title Page w/ Names Blank Page “We need to make the time. Life's too short to miss cool shit and not hang with cool fuckers” - Dedication Page Blank Page Page 1. I’ve been in the Hull punk scene for just over 10 years now. Me and my bro started our first band in 1993, and recorded our first tape demo as Freaks Union in 1995 at The Warren. We used to make copies of our cassettes and send them out to places like Silhouette, Welly, Adelphi, Room (that later became Attic) etc. for some promotion. Page 2. I remember we used to write out letters to places and promoters in Leeds. My mam couldn’t afford to pay the landline so we used to give them a telephone box number to ring at a specific time and date. The letter would say “ring this number at 4pm on Monday” and we’d wait outside the box hoping that it rang. Page 3. If we got to the box and someone was using we’d be knocking on the door, “Come on mate, you’ve had your time, get off the phone!” haha! Sometimes kids’ll come up to me now saying “Stew, I can’t get a gig anywhere.” and I think if I could get a gig in Leeds writing letters and waiting outside phone boxes, you can definitely get one now. Page 4. That’s not to say it’s easier now. In a lot of ways it’s harder, there’s a bit of a saturated market. Everything’s on the internet so it’s easier for people to feel discouraged. You think you get a great idea for a band and then you hop on bandcamp or Soundcloud and there’s already a hundred bands that sound like that. When I first started you didn’t have all of that; people felt a lot more confident and legendary. Not knowing your competition made you feel a lot braver. It’s a lot easier now to circulate your music, but you still need that hard graft to make it.

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