GMES brochure

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Monitoring for Environment and Security – Bavarian Competence for GMES

Bavarian Ministry of Economy Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology

TanDEM-X above Europe (Artistic View)

Editorial 01. GMES – Environment and Security


02. The Land Surface

6 -7

03. Aquatic Systems


04. The Atmosphere

10 -11

05. Climate Change – Global and in the Alps

12 -13

06. Management of Natural Catastrophes

14 -15

07. Civil Security

16 -17

08. Safe Infrastructure

18 -19

09. Space Flight Structures


10. Data Centers


11. Establishing Geodata Infrastructure Bavaria (GDI-BY)


12. Geoinformation Technology




Addresses/Imprint 2



Greetings GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) The Bavarian state government has made significant is the second flagship of European space policy along- contributions in the past to this European joint project side Galileo. With the largest concentration of aviation and will continue its involvement also in the future. In and aerospace activities in Germany, Bavaria obviously addition to investments in infrastructure for earth obhas a strong interest in this joint project of the Euro- servation facilities, Bavaria is making available financpean Union and ESA. Bavaria has outstanding compe- ing for innovative projects in the GMES context. By tence not only in satellite technology, but also in fields means of a specific financial support program, especialparticularly relevant for GMES, such as the reception, ly medium-sized companies are to be put in a position processing, archiving and utilization of earth observa- to develop in good time innovative products and sertion data. Bavarian universities and research institutes vices so that they can offer to GMES valuable improveare already involved in the GMES project in a variety ments and services. of ways. And Bavarian companies, particularly from This brochure conveys a concise overview of the the IT, geoinformation, and other geo domains are also range of expertise inherent in Bavarian companies and participating significantly in the development and ap- research institutions. I am grateful to the GMES office plication of GMES services. In association with relevant of the Cluster Platform bavAIRia for directing the highly research institutions they are already today involved in competent editorial team, which is composed of representatives of the Bavarian “GMES actors” and I hope eight of ESA’s ten GMES services. that all readers will find interesting new information in the following pages.

Martin Zeil, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs , Infrastructure, Transport and Technology

Monitoring for Environment and Security – Bavarian Competence for GMES

GMES is a space-based system which uses satellites to observe the environment and natural phenomena occurring on the planet. Satellites are connected with terrestrial, maritime and atmosphere networks of in situ dedicated measuring instruments. Data gathered and relayed by GMES help us to enhance public safety by providing early warning and real time data on natural disasters such as forest fires or floods so they can be tackled efficiently and harm prevented to the population. GMES also helps us to improve the management of earth resources and the monitoring of our marine and air environment. It also has commercial applications; for example, observing ocean streams can help our commercial fleet find the most competitive routes. Initially developed as a scientific project ten years ago, GMES needs to evolve into a fully mature operational stage. This evolution has three requirements: a specific and sustainable operational funding program, a robust governance structure and relevant data policies and legislation.

GMES infrastructures are owned either by European or national entities with their respective political and financial responsibilities. As the March 2008 European Council acknowledged, decision makers and business operators rely on information on environment and security, which is of strategic value for them. GMES is clearly a system driven by public demand, and the data it provides is a public good. A return of investment can be expected through the creation of a large downstream service industry, which will flourish provided a steady state is attained with the availability of GMES data on a sustainable basis. This brochure describes the key role that companies located in Bavaria, as well as Bavarian institutes and institutions, play in this domain.

Paul Weissenberg, Director for Aerospace, GMES, Security and Defence, European Commission Brussels


The nations of Europe have a responsibility to preserve the environment, to protect the climate and to safeguard the security of its inhabitants. Space technologies, including earth observation from orbiting satellites, are important tools for keeping track of changing environmental and climate parameters and for gathering information in situations of crisis and conflict. European plans and capabilities are being brought together in the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) program. Its purpose is to establish satellite systems in Europe for earth observation and to provide geoinformation services for its people. The GMES satellite fleet will consist of ESA and EUMETSAT satellites which focus on environment, weather and climate monitoring. These socalled SENTINEL satellites will be complemented by additional European national satellites for high resolution mapping and security-relevant tasks. The German radar satellite TerraSAR-X, launched in 2007, and the Bavarian EnMAP project are examples of such national contributions to GMES. Bavarian control centers and data centers, whose competence is undisputed worldwide, regulate these satellites and distribute their data. The data collected by the sensors on these satellites also flow into GMES geoinformation services. They are already helping us to better utilize our environment, minimize the effects of catastrophes, recognize environmental damage in time, and protect us from security risks.

The GMES services now provide reliable information on the land surface, the oceans, natural catastrophes, security and the atmosphere; other secondary services are in the preparation phase. Besides providing satellite data, it is necessary to link the various ground measurement networks and to utilize intelligent image and information processing systems. Bavarian companies and institutions are already taking a leading role—in some cases by heading a European consortium—in providing such services and systems. GMES is to be sustainably financed by the European Commission but in the long term it will be borne by the needs of the public and private sectors for information about our environment and the preservation of our security. As a European region covering a large geographic area and with considerable innovative talent and economic strength, Bavaria is not only making a major contribution to the establishment and operation of GMES, but also to its sustained utilization.

GMES – Environment and Security Global monitoring for environment and security: geoinformation services and space technologies helping to maintain the quality of human life. Services and technologies enhanced by the experience and innovations of Bavarian institutions and companies.


01 01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology


02 01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

The Land Surface Data from space help people to manage the environment and the resources of the land surface. Today’s satellite technology offers unique and cost-effective options. Bavarian companies have over 20 years of experience in this wide market.


Monitoring the land surface is one of the pilot activities of the European GMES initiative. The GMES service Forest Monitoring (www.gmes-forest. info) under the leadership of GAF AG is developing together with over 50 partners from all over Europe urgently required products and services based on satellite data for sustainable forest management on national, regional and communal levels, of course also for Bavaria. As is the case for the other fields, future GMES land surface services will be divided into socalled ”core services” and ”downstream services.” The core services offer standardized products at the European level. They are the basis for deriving more detailed and customized national and local services. The core services will make available for the first time up-to-date land use and land cover information which depicts Europe’s broad regional variety using common criteria. The European CORINE Land Cover Project can be regarded as a pioneer in this endeavor and will be continued as one of the core services. Likewise, geoinformation services for generating and updating spatial technical and planning data on land cover over wide areas will result as part of the national DeCover network. Here, too, Bavarian companies have been involved from the beginning. Impressive evidence of the economic relevance of agriculture is provided by a look at the EU budget: almost half of the Commission’s annual expenditures are in the form of agricultural subsidies. Extensive monitor-



GAF AG, Munich VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences, Wessling Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH, Munich Geodata Factory / IABG mbH, Ottobrunn

ing of the legitimacy of EU agricultural subsidy payments is carried out annually with the help of agricultural information systems and remote sensing data. Bavarian companies also play an important role in training and advising farmers and political decision makers as well as in the relevant research and development fields. But up-to-date and precise land use data based on satellite imagery are not only essential for agricultural applications. Mobile telephone operators need them for establishing and expanding their telecommunication networks. Public authorities, conservation groups and research institutions consult them as part of their transportation, structural and mission planning, when addressing ecological issues, and for climate model calculations. Bavarian companies offer technically robust turnkey solutions carefully adapted to customer requirements, worldwide and always state-of-theart. They include land use and three-dimensional maps, and information for resource exploration, street networks and infrastructure facilities, to mention only these few applications. Research institutions and universities play a leading role in developing innovative approaches to process and interpret the data.

German Remote Sensing Data Center (DLR-DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen Technical University Munich (TUM) Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (LMU) Julius Maximilians University Würzburg Bayerisches Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation, Munich

Satellite image (Landsat 5) of a tropical rain forest in Indonesia, recorded in 1990

Identical image excerpt dating from 2002; red indicates deforested areas


Aquatic Systems Comprehensive measurement of the condition of all inland waters, rivers, and coastal areas: remote sensing is an essential technology employed worldwide by Bavarian institutions and companies for water monitoring.

Inland- and coastal waters are an important resource which at least since the 20th century has suffered under massive human influence. Especially the condition of flowing waters calls for the monitoring of extensive areas, which can be achieved with the help of satellite imagery. For this task instruments with a multitude of spectral channels—so-called hyperspectral sensors—are increasingly employed. Making use of this technology over large areas requires sophisticated sensor technology and analytical capabilities. Bavarian research institutions and companies are among the leaders worldwide in possession of this expertise and they have transformed their experience into industrial and public services. For example, the EOMAP and VISTA companies have developed methodologies for monitoring inland waters, rivers and coastal zones and implemented them worldwide. One of the applications is daily mapping over a number of years of actual sediment distribution caused by off-shore con-


struction activity, another is the extensive mapping of lake beds and water depths. Sediment loads in rivers and water quality parameters for inland water bodies (such as Lake Constance) are being recorded for use by environmental authorities. International development aid projects such as WISDOM (www.wisdom. are combining the knowledge of many institutions and companies to produce an innovative inland waters information system based on remotes sensing data. Water quality and algal blooms in the North and Baltic Seas are being monitored for state and national authorities as part of the GMES MarCoast project. The necessary methodology is being optimized in the national GMES project DeMarine and supplemented by services which map the wind speeds, wave parameters, and surface currents of these waters with the help of radar sensors. Data from radar sensors can make a particularly value contribution to the safety of shipping, offshore con-

03 Distribution of suspended particulate matter in the Mekong Delta as ascertained from satellite images. Land masses are black. The highest concentrations are along the coasts and in the river bed (red)


EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG, Gilching ESG GmbH, Fürstenfeldbruck IABG mbH, Ottobrunn VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences, Wessling

01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology


Remote Sensing Technology Institute (DLR-IMF), Oberpfaffenhofen German Remote Sensing Data Center, (DLR-DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (LMU) Technical University Munich (TUM) Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Augsburg

structions and harbors because they operate independently of cloud cover. On behalf of the German Water and Shipping Administration, the ESG company is designing a system to increase shipping safety by identifying ships approaching all German coastal waters. An important component of maritime transportation security is this company’s HELCOM Gateway, which is being used to manage hazardous substances at sea, supplementing traditional coastal radar monitoring systems. In order to identify flood-prone areas around inland waterways, Bavarian companies offer services to map the topography around rivers and to generate digital terrain models. Such maps and models are used together with remote sensing data to calculate and predict the water level and outflow of water bodies.

Lake Constance near Lindau

Monitoring endangered coral reefs


04 01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

The Atmosphere Bavarian institutions have many years of experience in climate and atmosphere research. Extensive networking of science and industry in Bavaria creates ideal preconditions for making important contributions to global environmental monitoring for GMES.

The Schneefernerhaus Environmental Research Station on the Zugspitze mountain

German Weather Service metrology laboratory on Hohenpeißenberg mountain


Global monitoring of the atmosphere is essential for registering climate change. Satellites contribute by providing important information for basic and applied research, for monitoring international environmental agreements, and for rapid detection of natural hazards. These observations from space are supplemented by air and ground measurement networks. Many Bavarian research institutions, observatories and companies are engaged in national and international networks. For example, DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen is leading the European GMES atmosphere service PROMOTE, which monitors and predicts air quality, ultraviolet radiation exposure, and concentrations of ozone and greenhouse gases on behalf of ESA. On behalf of EUMETSAT, DLR produces daily maps of global ozone distribution, among other products, as one of the partners in a “Satellite Application Facility” (SAF). The acceptability of satellite data as a basis for decisions on environmental policy presumes continuous quality assurance. The environmental research station Schneefernerhaus (UFS) on Germany’s highest mountain,

Air Quality Ensemble Feb 15, 2008 Integrated Air Quality Ensemble Feb 15, 2008 e Matter (PM10), Surface Level Daily Maximum Particulate Matter (PM10), Surface Level 65˚ Daily Maximum 65˚



















Integrated service: INERIS and DLR; Models included: RIU/EURAD, INERIS/CHIMERE, Meteo-France/MOCAGE vice: INERIS and DLR; Models included: RIU/EURAD, INERIS/CHIMERE, Meteo-France/MOCAGE

0˚ ast (D+2)

b 13, 2008

-10˚ 0˚ 0˚ forecast (D+2) 10˚ 72 hour 3 PM10 [µg/m3] PM10 issued on[µg/m Feb ]13, 2008

10˚ 20˚ PM10 [µg/m3]30˚


30˚ 0 5 10 25 50 75 100 150 200 10 25 25 50 50 75 75 100 100 150 150 200 200 00 55 10

Distribution of ozone column densities over the Southern Hemisphere on September 25, 2002. Measurements from different satellites are continuously assimilated into the 3D chemical transport model ROSE/DLR.

Predicted air quality (PM10) over Europe determined by assimilating satellite-based measurements In numerical air quality models.


Kayser-Threde GmbH, Munich Solar Millenium AG, Erlangen Meteocontrol GmbH, Augsburg Outdoor Concepts GmbH, Emmerting superWise Technologies AG, Wolfratshausen

Institutions and public authorities

Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Augsburg World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (DLR-DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen

Institute of Atmospheric Physics (DLR-IPA), Oberpfaffenhofen Deutscher Wetterdienst, Hohenpeißenberg Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (FZK), Garmisch-Partenkirchen Umweltbundesamt, GAW Station “Zugspitze/Hohenpeißenberg“ Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (LMU) Technical University Munich (TUM) Augsburg University Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt (WZU), Augsburg Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze

the Zugspitze, has essential relevant responsibilities in cooperation with the World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (WDC-RSAT). As part of UFS several national and Bavarian public authorities, research centers and universities have joined together to form a virtual institute for altitude and climate research. This institute compares satellite based measurements and derived products with a wealth of very precise ground measurements. The station on the Zugspitze and a facility on Hohenpeißenberg mountain together comprise one of 24 stations of the “Global Atmosphere Watch” program of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This station provides comprehensive data on meteorology, radionuclides, radiation, ozone, reactive trace and climate-relevant gases, and aerosols. Together with stations on the Wank mountain and in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, important contributions are made to international networks such as the “Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change” and the “Network for the Detection of Mesopause Change” (NDMC), which is coor-

dinated by DLR. Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich and partners are drawing up a health index based on satellite measurements of air quality in order to point out current risks for patients with respiratory illnesses and in this way mitigate the medical consequences of climate change. Satellite-based measurements of the atmosphere are additionally used to predict the expected solar energy yield at particular locations, also as an aid in selecting optimal sites for new solar facilities. And finally, Bavarian companies are working on an optical system (GRIPS) financed by the Bavarian government which uses atmospheric infrasonic signatures for early recognition of specific natural hazards.


In order to counteract the increase in greenhouse gases, the Kyoto Protocol, a supplemental agreement to implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), was concluded in 1997. This protocol obligates the parties to monitor changes in their national carbon balance, including carbon bound in vegetation. Forests make a significant contribution to this balance because of their ability to store large quantities of carbon dioxide. The GMES forest monitoring service, led by GAF AG, is intended to support national and international authorities in fulfilling their reporting duties associated with the Kyoto Protocol. Bavarian companies such as RSS GmbH have been providing geoinformation based on satellite data concerning changes in the amount of land devoted to forests since 1990, the base year established by the Kyoto Protocol. The major role played by forests in reducing carbon dioxide emissions was specifically confirmed at the UN Climate Conference held on Bali in December 2007. Tropical deforestation and fires cause up to 20% of global greenhouse emissions. As part of the post-Kyoto mechanism REDD (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), measures to combat the destruction of tropical rain forests are to be financially supported by the industrialized nations. The GMES services to monitor the changes taking place in forests are an essential tool for verifying the implementation of these measures.


GAF AG, Munich VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences GmbH, Wessling Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH, Munich IABG mbH, Ottobrunn


German Remote Sensing Data Center (DLR-DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen Institute of Atmospheric Physics (DLR-IAP), Oberpfaffenhofen Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (LMU) Bayerisches Landesamt f端r Umwelt, Augsburg Commission for Glaciology of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze

Global Climate Change Global climate change, the increase of greenhouse gases caused by human activity, will lead to a growing number of extreme climate incidents. Access to earth observation data facilitates understanding of the underlying processes.


05 01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

Climate Change in the Alps Bavarian initiatives and GMES services support Alpine water cycle monitoring and analyze the consequences of climate change. The dynamics of snow cover and the landslides caused by receding permafrost boundaries are recorded.

Climate change directly affects the population of the entire Alpine region. Receding glaciers and changes in snow cover have a large influence on the water resources. This not only has a negative effect on tourism but also interferes with the economically and ecologically sensitive realms of drinking water supplies and hydropower utilization. Bavaria’s cooperation with its neighbors in the Alpine region is called for. Making available information on snow cover, derived from satellite earth observation data and updated daily, is part of the GMES project Polar View. In this project VISTA GmbH is providing flood prediction centers in BadenWßrttemberg and Rheinland-Pfalz as well as supraregional institutions with snow analyses for modeling and predicting runoff and waterlevels. Global change is leaving its mark on the water cycle of the Alpine region. As part of the research project GLOWA Danube, this development is being investigated and modeled also with the help of satellite data under the leadership of the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich. In order to

react to future changes in the water balance with a sustainable water management concept, a decision support system is being established for the upper Danube region. In recent years the noticeable upward migration of the lower permafrost boundary in the Alps has led to a growing number of landslides in the Alpine region. Using satellite-supported radar interferometry, the IABG company and scientists from Bavarian universities have established the monitoring and early warning system Georisk to monitor the entire Alpine region.


Management of Natural Catastrophes Satellites provide valuable information for early warning of catastrophes, evaluating the extent of damage, and coordinating humanitarian aid. Bavarian institutions and companies are actively involved in utilizing satellite data in natural catastrophes.

Bavaria does not have much to fear from volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunami. But also in central Europe forest fires and masses of snow and water can cause extensive damage and loss of life. Geostationary weather satellites are already giving us advance warning of extreme weather situations. But precise analysis of the extent of a natural catastrophe is based on data from earth orbiting satellites which can provide images at higher geometric resolution. These images can be used to map floods, even through cloud cover in the case of the German radar satellite TerraSAR-X built by EADS Astrium. Questions about the extent of wind damage in forests, the destruction of infrastructure after earthquakes, the accessibility of streets, and where refugee camps should be located can be answered with the help of satellite images. This is important information not only for rendering emergency humanitarian and logistic assistance and during reconstruction activities, but also for insurance and reinsurance companies, who use analyses of satellite data to obtain a clearer picture of the damages to be reimbursed.


Besides damage analyses and mission planning for widespread areas in Europe, satellites also make it possible to obtain information about natural catastrophes and humanitarian emergency situations from less accessible parts of the globe. Satellite data have, for example, contributed to recording the disastrous destruction of the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean and to mapping the flooding in Myanmar in 2008, making it possible to inform the public about the extent of these catastrophes. The experience with satellite images gathered during the tsunami is flowing into the GermanIndonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS). Because of its practical utility for European disaster management in the case of natural catastrophes and as a European contribution for other locations, rapid mapping during emergencies using satellite imagery has been made a core GMES service. Data are being provided by institutions and companies in Bavaria, and services are being provided from Bavaria. One of the most important actors at both European and international levels

06 01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

Satellite image of forest fires in Portugal. Ascending smoke is evident In the left half of the image.



EADS Astrium, Ottobrunn ESRI Geoinformatik GmbH, Kranzberg GAF AG, Munich IABG mbH, Ottobrunn Kayser-Threde GmbH, Munich Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH, Munich VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences, Wessling

Floods in Ohio, USA

Stieregg near Grindelwald after a landslide

Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (DLR-DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen

Storm damage in Wisconsin, USA

is the Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information at DLR-DFD in Oberpfaffenhofen (ZKI, As part of a network of international partners and EU and UN services, ZKI is a major contributor to an operational GMES service for rapid mapping associated with natural catastrophes. Already now, satellite data is being shared internationally during natural catastrophes and humanitarian crises ( Coordination of the information yield from these satellite data was initiated in Europe with the GMES pilot projects RiskEOS and RESPOND, and is currently being accompanied by the German project DeSecure.


ESG systems for use on airborne platforms

Civil Security For crisis situations, terrorist attacks and catastrophes, new approaches and solutions for civil security are required, including the use of satellite technology. Bavarian companies are important contacts for national and international authorities.



The EU has identified civil security as a central concern. This was a reaction to terrorist attacks in the USA and Europe, to a growing number of alerts by intelligence agencies, and to concrete threats to European nations. As a natural consequence, GMES is also addressing the topic of civil security. Satellites, supplemented by sensors on manned and unmanned aerial systems, provide a wealth of information that can contribute to common, timely and relevant situational awareness. Such a situation picture is a precondition for effective crisis response and for networking and coordinating the resources and joint activities of the responders. This is not only true for crisis situations after catastrophic attacks or natural disasters, but also for day-to-day monitoring of borders, major public events, critical infrastructure and sensitive biotopes. Moni-

Companies Companiesliste: · German Remote Sensing Data Center · GAFEADS GmbH Astrium, Ottobrunn · Astrium ESG GmbH GmbH, Fürstenfeldbruck · Definiens IABG AG mbH, Ottobrunn · Vista GmbH GAF AG, Munich · NNN · NNN


Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (DLR-DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen Remote Sensing Technology Institute, (DLR-IMF), Oberpfaffenhofen


toring changes which take place over large areas, pattern detection and identification make early warning possible and thus a containment of risks and damage. The Bavarian companies and research institutions participating in GMES can provide a wide range of tools for civil security. As part of the ASTRO+ project, a consortium led by EADS Astrium was able to demonstrate the usefulness of space systems and technologies for extraterritorial security missions. In addition, ESG and IABG offer crisis management training systems for national and international exercises and coordinated mission management of security and rescue services. An example is the establishment of a network of integrated Bavarian command and control centers for rescue services managed by IABG. The publicly financed BAYSATKrisis project has the purpose to automatically and securely linkcommand and control centers with response teams and providing both with relevant image and positioning data obtained from satellites. A mobile, broadband ad hoc network with satellite communication is to be used to link all actors. Police authorities, supported by imagery obtained from aerial platforms, provide valuable tactical services and protection not only during catastrophes, major public events and in connection with border control, but also as part of search and surveillance activities. In this area of mobile observation and communication for civil security, Bavarian companies are in a good position to offer services such as VIP monitoring mobile, broadband ad-hoc networks, or a system developed by ESG to help rescue teams to identify and treat casualties.

01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

Responding to catastrophes and mass public events

Border control using mobile ESG systems


Safe Infrastructure As an export-oriented and densely populated economic region with a complex infrastructure, Europe is especially vulnerable to new threats. Bavarian companies are developing innovative information and satellite technologies to monitor security-relevant infrastructure.

As one of the world’s top exporting countries with a complex and elaborately integrated infrastructure, Germany is especially vulnerable to the latest types of threats. Energy, traffic, transportation and telecommunication networks are at the nerve center of our society. The flow of goods, “just in time� logistic chains and supply infrastructure are however extremely vulnerable to interruptions and breakdowns. Even small deviations from the normal state in one area can lead to drastic consequences in another area, and even extend beyond national borders because of the existence of Europe-wide interconnections. GMES satellite data can contribute to protecting these types of critical infrastructure.


Before a critical event, satellite and aerial images of the infrastructure can be prepared and made available. Regular subsequent observation and automatic evaluation of even the smallest changes can then make early warning possible. GMES services can provide three-dimensional terrain models and substantiate simulations with geodata in order to carry out more realistic exercises or to prepare operations. These services also facilitate evaluation of the vulnerability of critical infrastructure. In the event of a catastrophe, its consequences must be promptly assessed and minimized. Satellite or aerial maps of a disaster area showing the extent of damage can make it easier to arrange for roadblocks, evacuation and decon-


Companies Companiesliste: · German Remote Sensing Data Center GmbH, Fürstenfeldbruck · GAFESG GmbH · Astrium IABGGmbH mbH, Ottobrunn · Definiens AG Kayser-Threde GmbH, Munich · Vista GmbHAstrium, Ottobrunn EADS · NNN · NNNDefiniens AG. Munich · NNNGAF AG, Munich EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG, Gilching

Secure supply infrastructure

Secure supply chains

tamination measures and to support the reconstruction effort. Follow-up observations can verify the success of such activities. Innovative approaches developed in Bavaria are already today increasing the security of critical infrastructure worldwide. For example, in the EU research project “VITA” led by IABG a crisis simulation exercise conducted together with an energy supplier involved combining satellite based weather and road information with data about electricity and telephone networks. Reactions to a concurrence of several critical international events were then rehearsed. Spaceborne and aerial systems support the monitoring of gas pipelines. ESG and partners pro-

Secure transport and traffic

01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

tect drilling rigs in the Middle East and are developing systems for planning, operating and monitoring army telecommunication systems. ESG and other Bavarian companies are devising telematics and transport solutions for monitoring security-critical logistic processes and goods, and are developing innovative, precise navigation solutions also usable under difficult reception conditions in crisis situations. EADS Astrium has acquired a reputation of expertise in the core technology of pseudo-satellites, so-called “pseudolites.”


09 01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

Space Flight Structures In additional to their technical expertise and state-of-the-art, pioneering infrastructure, Bavarian aerospace companies, test facilities and control centers have gained broad experience over the years in constructing, qualifying and controlling satellites.


Kayser-Threde GmbH, Munich EADS Astrium, Ottobrunn IABG mbH, Ottobrunn MT Aerospace GmbH, Augsburg



German Space Operations Center (DLR-GSOC), Oberpfaffenhofen Munich Technical University (TUM) Julius Maximilians University Würzburg

Bavaria is in an excellent starting position to play a key role in constructing, testing and controlling the GMES satellite fleet. The German Space Operations Center (GSOC) in Oberpfaffenhofen controls satellites and their functions and commands image acquisition. GSOC is also responsible for a European control center for the Galileo system. IABG’s space flight test center in Ottobrunn operates specialized manufacturing facilities and all categories of cleanrooms for satellite integration and testing, as well as large platforms and test chambers for simulating the loads that occur during a rocket launch as well as the environmental conditions of space. Another Bavarian strength is an institutional environment amenable to all types of space flight activities at universities and research institutions. In the two CubeSAT

programs MOVE and UWE at universities in Munich and Würzburg, respectively, even student satellite projects are being undertaken. Bavaria is also ready to take over a future key role in satellite construction and operation for the GMES program: EADS Astrium in Ottobrunn is in charge of the military communications satellite program SATCOMBw-2 as well as the Galileo navigation satellite system. With the construction of the national optical hyperspectral satellite EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program), the Kayser-Threde company was able to set an important milestone in Germany on the way to assuming a leading European role in optical remote sensing.

Control centers and data centers assure that data from earth observation satellites are recorded, that products are generated, and that geoinformation is distributed worldwide to users. Data transfer is accomplished via satellite communication and related communication hubs. This infrastructure has long been used in Bavaria for national and European satellite missions. The German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) operates a wide network of receiving stations located in the Antarctic, Mexico, Spitzbergen, and from 2009 in northern Canada. The algorithms and methodologies required to mathematically process the satellite data into physical values are to a large extent being developed at DLR’s Remote Sensing Technology Institute in Oberpfaffenhofen. At DFD they are developed further to generate useful geoinformation products. In cooperation with industry, DFD has created a special data and information management system (DIMS) which handles the archiving and delivery of this data. DFD operates a processing center (PAC) for national satellites and since 1991 one for the European satellites ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT, and houses the national satellite data archive.

On behalf of the European Space Imaging company in Munich, DFD also receives data in Oberpfaffenhofen from the IKONOS satellite. Data from Indian satellites is received by DFD in Neustrelitz (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), and then distributed Europe-wide by the Euromap company, a Neustrelitz based subsidiary of GAF in Munich.



GAF/Euromap Satellitendaten-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Munich/Neustrelitz European Space Imaging, Munich/Dubai IABG mbH, Ottobrunn Intermap Technologies GmbH, Munich


German Remote Sensing Data Center (DLR-DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen Remote Sensing Technology Institute (DLR-IMF), Oberpfaffenhofen

Data Centers

01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

Satellite data must be received, processed, archived and distributed. DLR facilities in Bavaria have a leading role in the European network of data centers, and Bavarian companies are involved in the commercial distribution of satellite-based information.


11 01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

Geodata Infrastructure Bavarian institutions make geoinformation available on Internet portals and are contributing to the networking of relevant entities and to the establishment of a European geodata infrastructure.

Institutions and public authorities


Bayerisches Staatsministerien der Finanzen (Bayerische Geodateninfrastruktur), Munich Office Geodateninfrastruktur Bayern (GDI-BY), Munich Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Augsburg Runder Tisch GIS e.V., Munich

Linking information technologies makes it possible to access distributed information and bring together timely geodata. Now that there is political agreement on a European geodata infrastructure (INSPIRE) and the establishment of a national geodata infrastructure for Germany (GDI-DE), a reliable framework of preconditions exists that can also be utilized for GMES geoinformation. At the state level, the interdepartmentally organized Geodata Infrastructure Bavaria (GDI-BY) facilitates access to both basic and cust omized geodata by industry, associations, government authorities and the public in the sense of efficient e-government. For spatially-related trends with information about living conditions and the economic, social and ecological situation in various regions of Bavaria, the spatial infor-

mation system RISby, the Bavaria Viewer, and the Integral Geodatabase (IGDB) assure logically consistent implementation of a service-oriented architecture for an e-government Web portal. Building on international standards, the portals of the German states are to be interconnected with those of the federal government and of INSPIRE. Satisfying the INSPIRE specifications requires an expansion of online services. These will provide both basic and customized geodata and support specialized applications in agriculture, forestry, environmental protection and municipal planning. Linking the satellite positioning services SAPOS and GALILEO as well as offering interoperable services—of the type planned for GMES— will make mobile use of portals possible.

12 01. GMES 02. Land Surface 03. Aquatic Systems 04. Atmosphere 05. Climate Change 06. Natural Catastrophes 07. Civil Security 08. Safe Infrastructure 09. Space Flight Structures 10. Data Centers 11. Infrastructure 12. Technology

Geoinformation Technology Powerful systems of image-based geoinformation technology assure that the right data is available at the right time and in the right place, thereby making possible sustainable decisions about the environment and security matters.

Reliable assessment of raw satellite imagery is the first link of a classic processing chain. Expertise and professional software appropriate for all sensor types (optical, radar, hyperspectral), running as automatically as possible and providing reproducible and verifiable models, are required for the purpose. With geometrical correction, image analysis, classification, object extraction, and the combining of various information layers, a basis for decision-making can be generated rapidly and precisely. Assessment of satellite data, their combination with vector data, and analyses as part of geographical information systems (GIS) are components of a comprehensive geodata management system which effectively administers geoinformation and makes it available via Web services over the Internet and intranets. Such systems

form the information technology backbone for the European GMES and INSPIRE initiatives, national geodata infrastructures and commercial geoportals. With their help terabytes of geoinformation can be described, cataloged, located and distributed in near-real-time. Innovative technologies are the foundation for accessing the right data at the right time and in the right place. So that users can make the best use of the entire available data inventory, all systems are interoperable and follow international standards (OGC, ISO). Bavarian companies are devising solutions reflecting international state-of-the-art approaches and various functional priorities.


CREASO GmbH, Gilching Definiens AG, Munich ESG GmbH, F端rstenfeldbruck ESRI Geoinformatik GmbH, Kranzberg GAF AG, Munich GEOSYSTEMS GmbH, Germering IABG mbH, Ottobrunn Intergraph Deutschland GmbH, Ismaning


Kongsvegen glacier, Svalbard in Norway: TerraSAR-X stripmap, 18 x 45 kilometers, 8 May, 2008

Monitoring for Environment and Security – Bavarian Competence for GMES Conclusion In addition to the EU institutions, the European regions are important users of the GMES system. In order to exploit the possibilities inherent in GMES for the benefit of the regions, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs initiated a “GMES bavAIRia” working group and a “Bavarian GMES Office.” The GMES office works together with GMES bavAIRia to identify relevant Bavarian expertise and establish networks which assure the effective use of GMES for Bavaria. By concentrating the competence and capacities available in industry, research and public authorities, the possibilities for cooperating with other regions in Germany and with European partners in the context of GMES activities are to be expanded. This brochure indicates that already now GMES information products and services developed in Bavaria are successfully meeting actual customer requirements. This creates ideal conditions for locating the planned


European GMES service centers in Bavaria. The establishment of GMES infrastructure is primarily financed by the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA). Building on basic products made available by the service centers, innovative and customized geoinformation products are to be provided on a commercial basis to public authorities and private industry. The expectation is that long-term a self-sustaining market for geoinformation products will be the result. The Bavarian industrial, research and public sectors are well prepared to actively participate in the further development of GMES.

Prof. Dr-Ing. Manfred Schroeder, bavAIRia e.V., GMES Office Bavaria

Companies CREASO GmbH Talhofstr. 32a 82205 Gilching Phone: +49 (0)8105 / 37 80

IABG Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH Einsteinstr. 20 85521 Ottobrunn Phone: +49 (0)89 / 60 88 30 87

Definiens AG Trappentreustr. 1 80339 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 23 11 80

Intermap Technologies GmbH Heimeranstr. 35 80339 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 309 07 99 80

EADS Astrium 81663 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 60 72 98 21

Kayser-Threde GmbH Wolfratshauser Str. 48 81379 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 72 49 51 11

EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG Sonderflughafen Oberpfaffenhofen Building 319 82205 Gilching Phone: +49 (0)8153 / 98 75 40

ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH Livry-Gargan-Str. 6 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck Phone: +49 (0)89 / 92 16 22 53

ESRI Geoinformatik GmbH Ringstr. 7 85402 Kranzberg Phone: +49 (0)8166 / 67 70

RSS - Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH Wörthstr. 49 81667 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 48 95 47 65

superWise Technologies AG Obermarkt 17-19 82515 Wolfratshausen Phone: +49 (0)8171 / 81 87 - 11

VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences Anton-Ferstl-Str. 11 82234 Wessling Phone: +49 (0)89 / 52 38 98 03

Euromap Office Munich Arnulfstr. 197 80634 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 121 52 80

European Space Imaging GmbH Arnulfstrasse 197 80634 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 130 14 20

GAF AG Arnulfstr. 197 80634 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 121 52 80

GEOSYSTEMS GmbH Riessstr. 10 82110 Germering Phone: +49 (0)89 / 894 34 30


Authorities and Institutions Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Verkehr und Technologie Prinzregentenstr. 28 80538 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 21 62 01

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Rosenkavalierplatz 2 Phone: +49 (0)89 / 92 14 00 81925 Munich

Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Finanzen Geodateninfrastruktur Bayern Odeonsplatz 4 80539 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 23 06 25 49

Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation Geschäftsstelle Geodateninfrastruktur Bayern (GDI-BY) Alexandrastr. 4 80538 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 21 29 10 02

bavAIRia e.V. Building 319 Sonderflughafen Oberpfaffenhofen D-82205 Gilching Phone: +49 (0)8153 / 88 10 98 - 25

German Aerospace Center (DLR) 82234 Oberpfaffenhofen Phone: +49 (0)8153 / 28 13 75

Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (ZKI) of the Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Münchner Str. 20 Postfach 11 16 82234 Wessling Phone: +49 (0)8153 / 28 36 78

The World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (WDC-RSAT) of the Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Münchner Str. 20 Postfach 11 16 82234 Wessling Phone: +49 (0)8153 / 28 13 12


IHK Munich Industrie- und Handelskammer für Munich und Oberbayern Max-Joseph-Str. 2 80333 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 511 67 85

Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus mbH c/o Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Rosenkavalierplatz 2 Phone: +49 (0)89 / 92 14 35 01 81925 Munich

Julius Maximilians University Würzburg Department of Remote Sensing Am Hubland 97074 Würzburg Phone: +49 (0)931 / 888 49 60

Technical University Munich (TUM) Department of Remote Sensing Technology Arcisstr. 21 80333 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 28 92 38 80

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (LMU) Department of Geography Luisenstr. 37 80333 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 21 80 66 76

Runder Tisch GIS e. V. c/o Technical University Munich (TUM) Department Geo Information Systems Arcisstr. 21 80333 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 28 92 28 57

Imprint Publisher bavAIRia e.V. Dr. Martin Haunschild Co-ordinator Aerospace and Satellite Navigation in Bavaria Building 319 Sonderflughafen Oberpfaffenhofen D-82205 Gilching (Munich) Phone: +49 (0)8153 / 98 10 88 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)8153 / 98 10 88 - 15 The content does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher Order queries Status of English edition 2nd print run February 2009 Graphic design and realization Jane Behrends, Printing RMO & Welte Druck und Repro Copyright Title: Olympiapark: istockphoto/Alexander Dunkel • Page 2: Olympiapark: istockphoto/ Alexander Dunkel • Page 5: Erde: DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen • Page 6: Wald: GAF AG • Page 7: Sumatra – Riau: Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH, München • Page 8: Chiemsee: istockphoto AVTG • Page 9: Satellitenbild Mekong Turbidit: EOMAP GmbH, Satellitenbild Lindau: IKONOS/VISTA, Satellitenbild Korallenriff: EOMAP GmbH • Page 10: Erde: DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Schneefernerhaus: Kathrin Höppner, DWD-Laboratorium: DWD 2006 • Page 11: Grafik Luftqualität: ESA GSE-PROMOTE, Grafik Ozonverteilung: WDC-RSAT, DLR-DFD • Page 12: Brennender Wald: GAF AG • Page 13: Marmolata: VISTA • Page 14: Erdbebeneinsatz: THW • Page 15: Satellitenbild Portugal: DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Überflutung: Jerry Sharp, Erdrutsch: dpa, Peter Schneider, Sturmschäden: istockphoto • Page 16: Hubschrauber am Flughafen München: ESG GmbH, Lehrleitstelle: IABG • Page 17: Feuerwehreinsatz: istockphoto, narvikk, Grenzschutz: ESG GmbH • Page 18: Flughafen München: Flughafen München GmbH • Page 19: Strommasten: istockphoto, Jason Reekie, Schienentransport: ESG GmbH, Autobahnkreuz: ESG GmbH • Page 20: Raumfahrttechnik: IABG • Page 21: Antennen: IABG • Page 22-23: Geodaten: GAF AG • Page 24: Olympiapark: istockphoto/Alexander Dunkel • Page 28: Olympiapark: istockphoto/ Alexander Dunkel

Bavaria – a Place of Excellence in Aeronautics, Space and Satellite Navigation

bavAIRia e.V. Dr. Martin Haunschild Co-ordinator Aerospace and Satellite Navigation in Bavaria Building 319 Sonderflughafen Oberpfaffenhofen 82205 Gilching Phone: +49 (0)8153 / 88 10 98 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)8153 / 88 10 98 - 15

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Verkehr und Technologie Prinzregentenstr. 28 80538 Munich Phone: +49 (0)89 / 21 62 01 Fax: +49 (0)89 / 21 62 26 70 poststelle @

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