pro 2016 | pablo k端min
lab produced by j beverly hills
#jbeverlyhillsprolab Photographer: Pascal Heimlicher Hair: Pablo K端min Make up Jacqueline Penza Model: Angeline Suppiger Spec. Una Burke
contents | #jbeverlyhillsprolab pablo k端min guidelines booking
2016 | pablo k端min
pablo k端min
the j beverly hills pro lab is a new and exclusive event featuring hair couture by pablo k端min.
p h toogr aph e r: m ari e-l o o us i e cado s ch m od e l : al i n a bo yk o m a k e u p: l i l i t h am rad h a i r a ss i s an t : m arco nat al i h a i r & d re s s : pabl o k端m i n
this event is limited and will only pop up in select cities around the united states in 2016. it will include either a three day or two day program of education, activities and more. attendees will have the opportunity to express their creativity while learning original hair styles, techniques and elite trends. dates and event itinerary will vary in each city.
lab pro
available in the usa / internationally produced by j beverly hills | 2016 copyright. all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any from without prior written permission of j beverly hills.
pablo kümin born and raised in switzerland, pablo kümin started his career in 2008 in one of the best known salons with its own academy. he started to assist well known industry personalities as well as holding his first local and international seminars. after his apprenticeship and long intensive training by vidal sassoon academy in london, he took over a leading position within the academy, to which he dedicated most of his time, while still working on editorials and at the salon. in 2011 he was able to join an agency, becoming so the youngest agency represented hairstylist. 2013 set a new benchmark: he joined tony&guy (london/zurich) and at the same time became official ambassador for balmain hair and art director at haar vital(wig department). since then he has traveled regularly to la and within europe to work on shows & photo shoots. during the years he found much recognition within the industry, being awarded swiss hairdresser of the year two times in a row and even joining the “hall of fame” for his third avantgarde collection of the year (as the youngest hairdresser worldwide). based in london at the moment, pablo travels the world between commercials, editorial and advertising photo shoots. under the label pablo kümin hair couture (pkhc), he creates dresses and headpieces made with human hair. his creations have been published in magazines all over the world and shown in different important exhibitions in collaboration with the agency “blow“ in london.
pablo k端min
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distributor guidelines
pro lab w/ pablo k端min 2016 d i stributor mus t provide: tripods lon g h ai r mannequins (brown) 1 t ab le for instructors equipment 1 t ab le for in structors product and tools 1 t ab le of p r oduct and tools for attendees s c r een for projector projector e le c t r ical back up for dryer w ir eless microphone music speakers all s t ylin g p r od ucts for instructor and attendees towels 1 liv e model (long hair) a tte n dee required items : full working bag combs sheares curling iron water spray hair dryer brushes round brushes clips pintail bomb pins room setup: in s t r uc t or area with screen and tables t r ip od s tand for each attendee bright lighting
book pro lab
@jb ev erly hillsprolab available in the usa | internationally 800.980.0098
pro lab ÂŚ 2 0 1 6
pablo kĂźmin f/jbeverlyhillsco ig/jbeverlyhills @jbeverlyhills 800.980.0098