A brief chronology of Black rebeliion since 1441

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1496 1499

Start of European slave trading in Africa. The Portuguese captains Antao Gon~alves and Nuno Tristao capture 12 Africans in Cabo Branco (modem Mauritania) and take them to Portugal as slaves. The Africans work as servants but are also used to supply strategic information about Africa. Slavery and Christianity. Church authorities frames the edict called Illius qui, which promised all those who would join the slave raiding parties spiritual reward and eternal salvation. Lan~arote de Freitas, a Portuguese tax-collector, forms a company to trade with Africa. He acquires 235 kidnapped and enslaved Africans in Lagos, the first large group of African slaves brought to Europe. When the Portuguese seek confirmation that they can enslave infidels seized in the crusade, the Pope responds with Dum Diversus, which allows them to conquer and reduce to "perpetual slavery" all "Saracens and pagans and other infidels and enemies of Christ," in West Africa. Pope Nicholas V issues Romanus Pontifex, a Papal bull .granting the Portuguese a perpetual monopoly in trade with Africa. Nevertheless, Spanish traders also begin to bring slaves from Africa to Spain. Carlos de Valera of Castille in Spain brings back 400 slaves from Africa. Despite Papal opposition, Spanish merchants begin to trade in large numbers of slaves in the 1470s. Christopher Columbus becomes the first European since the Viking era to discover the New World, setting foot on an unidentified island he named San Salvador (modem Bahamas). On his second voyage, Columbus again reaches the New World (modem Dominica). On this voyage he initiates the first transatlantic slave voyage, a shipment of several hundred Taino people sent from Hispaniola to Spain. Columbus returns from his second voyage, carrying around 30 Native American slaves. More than 200 slaves taken from the northern coast of South America by Amerigo Vespucci and Alonso de Hojeda are

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