EFFECTIVE STAFF DEVELOPMENT HAPPENS WHEN: 1. District leadership is committed to the program. - believe that the program emphasised professional and personal growth and development rather than remediation, - are aware of the aims of the program, - participate in it, - budget money and time for it, - make logistical arrangements for the program, - get and provide special training (when necessary) to develop leadership skills, - protect those involved in the change from competing demands - assure teachers that they will have plenty of time to learn the new practices before they are expected to be using them during evaluation visits, - publicise and recognise the program enthusiastically. (Rand, Loucks)
2. The program is long-term, with the recognition that it will take a long time (3-5 years) to develop fully. The first year may be only for readiness and planning activities, the second year for training a pilot group and getting feedback, the third year for training of trainers, and so on. (Rand, Loucks)
3. The program is integrated by representative groups . (Rand, Wood) 4. A systematic change process is used, including: needs assessment, goal setting, integrated planning, energetic action, evaluation, modification and replanning. (Wood, NWREL) 5. The content is research-based and has been shown to be effective. (Sparks) 6. The content is relevant to the needs of the participants - personal needs, professional needs, and work-related needs. (Krupp, Stachowski)
7. The staff development includes both elementary and secondary teachers if possible. (Wade)
8. Participants are given special recognition for their involvement, are selected on a competitive basis, or are designated to participate. (Wade) 7 Educator Professional Learning