Camps at the JCC of Greater Baltimore

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Camp Milldale Rated

Top Summer Camp Aquatics Program in the country

by the US Water Fitness Association





Camp Calendar Program

Incoming Grade or Age

Session Dates

Early Childhood Camps Noah’s Ark Ages 2-5 Owings Mills JCC entering & Camp Keshet Kindergarten Park Heights JCC Infant/Toddler Care Ages 3-24 months Park Heights JCC

7-week session, June 14-July 30 2, 3 or 5 days a week; mornings, or mornings & afternoons 9-week session, June 14-August 13 2, 3 or 5 days a week; mornings, or mornings & afternoons or 2, 3, 4 or 5 days a week, 7:00am-6:00pm Ongoing registration 2, 3, & 5 day options; 7:00am-6:00pm

Camp Milldale Day Camp Kindergarten 2 to 8 week sessions thru Grade 6 June 21-August 13 Maccabi Sports Grade 1-8 2 to 8 week sessions Camp June 21-August 13 Arts Camp Grade 3-8

2 to 8 week sessions June 21-August 13


Tuesday, August 3-Sunday, August 8

Grade 3-6

Teens TNT Grade 7-8 Owings Mills JCC

4 week sessions June 21-July 16 July 19-August 13

CIT Grade 9-10 Camp Milldale

4 or 8 week sessions June 21-July 16 July 19-August 13

Aquatics F.L.O.A.T. Program Owings Mills JCC

June 21-July 30

Ages 15-18

Specialty Camps Aquatics Leadership Ages 15-18 Camp Owings Mills JCC

Session 1: July 5-16 Session 2: July 19-30 Session 3: August 16-27

Aquatics Adventure Ages 11-14 Camp Owings Mills JCC

Session 1: July 5-16 Session 2: July 19-30 Session 3: August 16-27

Tennis Ages 5-14 Owings Mills JCC

Weekly sessions June 8-August 27

Martial Arts Ages 4-13 Owings Mills JCC

Weekly sessions June 21-August 27

Capital Camps Ages 7-15 Waynesboro, PA

Overnight camp 2, 3, 4 and 7 week sessions June 27-August 15

Meet Our Staff Dori Zvili, Camp Milldale Director With the JCC since 1995, has worked with kids for 20 years Camp philosophy: Camp is an opportunity for FUN! As director, my goal is to make each day at Milldale nurturing, enriching, and full of exciting and memorable experiences. Good, consistent communication with parents and staff is key to making camp a positive experience for all.

Dori Zvili (left), Lara Wellerstein (right)

Lara Wellerstein, Camp Milldale Associate Director With the JCC since 2000, has worked with kids for 18 years Camp philosophy: At Milldale, we want to give our campers a Jewish values-based summer experience in a safe, enriching, and fun environment where kids can make lifelong friendships. Nicole Schwartz, Noah’s Ark Director With the JCC since 2007, has worked with kids for 11 years Camp philosophy: An early childhood camp should be fun but also nurturing and safe with professional teachers running programs. I want our campers to come away with an appreciation for Jewish culture, an independent way of thinking, and greater self-confidence. Jodi Fishman, Keshet Director With the JCC since 1998, has worked with kids for 30 years Camp philosophy: Our camp is about creating a fun, interactive, hands-on environment where play is the focus and children are given the opportunity to guide their experiences. Jewish values and culture are fully integrated into the program so that they are a natural and fun part of each camper’s everyday encounter. Bill Kirkner, Aquatics Camp Director With the JCC since 2006, has worked with kids over 20 years Camp philosophy: Camp is about stepping out of one’s comfort zone so that you can encounter - and overcome - challenges that cause you to grow in mind, body and spirit. It’s important to back up these opportunities with solid education and coaching, in a safe environment so that these experiences become lifetime memories.

Adam Stein, Tennis Camp Director With the JCC since 1994, has worked with kids for 15 years Camp Philosophy: Camp is vacation time for kids. I want them to have a lot of fun, physical activity and learn skills that will last a lifetime. I also want parents to feel that their children are safe and enjoying their camp experience. Jen Lake, CSA Karate Camp Director With the JCC since 1989, has worked with kids for 20 years Camp philosophy: It is our philosophy to teach martial arts skills and life lessons. Every day should be new, fun, and exciting and each child should be nurtured and appreciated for their individual personalities and needs.

Early Childhood Camps

Noah’s Ark

Camp Director, Nicole Schwartz Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Ages 2-5 (entering Kindergarten)

Camp Keshet

Camp Director, Jodi Fishman Weinberg Park Heights JCC Ages 2-5 (entering Kindergarten) Each week is packed with excitement, including: instructional swim and gym, recreational swim for extended day campers (Noah’s Ark only), arts & crafts projects, drama sessions, and nature programs. Every Friday campers will enjoy a camp-wide Shabbat celebration. Programs like Carnival and Israel Day are always a favorite as are special visitor days featuring storytellers, magicians and more.

7-week session, June 14-July 30 9-week session, June 14-August 13 2, 3 or 5 days a week; mornings, or mornings & afternoons, extended day available or full day 7:00am-6:00pm, 2-5 days a week* *Limited openings available for full day, please call first for availability. Noah’s Ark camp will be closed on Thursday, August 12, 2010.

“ When I go to work it is comforting to know that my daughter is in a nurturing and safe environment”

-Camp Keshet parent

Infant/Toddler Care Camp Director, Jodi Fishman Weinberg Park Heights JCC* Ages 3-24 months Ongoing, 2, 3, & 5 day options; 7:00am-6:00pm *Space is limited for Infant/Toddler Care please call first to see if openings are available.

For more information on Noah’s Ark in Owings Mills contact: Nicole Schwartz: 410.356.5200, x508 or Camp Keshet or Infant/Toddler Care in Park Heights contact: Jodi Fishman: 410.542.4900, x264 or For FAQ’s visit: click on early childhood For all early childhood camps, prospective campers must be JCC members at the time applications are submitted and maintain membership until the end of the camp season.

Camp Milldale Camp Director, Dori Zvili Associate Director, Lara Wellerstein

Day Camp

Kindergarten-Grade 6 2- to 8-week options, 9:30am-4:00pm June 21-August 13 Day Camp At Camp Milldale, campers grow in an atmosphere that promotes integrity, self esteem, respect, and most of all... FUN! Age-appropriate daily activities include award-winning instructional swim lessons and free swim, arts & crafts, athletics, a ropes course, archery, music, cooking, Israeli culture and so much more! Special theme days, color war and a camp carnival make Camp Milldale a summer full of FUN!

Entering Kindergarten Age-appropriate activities are designed to meet the needs and interests of our newest campers. Each Kindergarten bunk is led by adult counselors, primarily teachers who know the perfect formula for a happy and safe summer in a manner best fit for younger campers. The daily activities ensure a summer of creativity, skill-building, friendship and new experiences.

Entering Grades 1 & 2 While more active than our youngest campers, close attention is paid to the pace of their day. Age-appropriate activities are designed to meet the needs and interests of these campers as well. Mixing new, with returning campers makes the summer special, new, and always exciting!

“Awesome swim program. Both my kids improved tremendously.”

-Milldale parent

Our parents aren’t the only one’s raving about our topnotch swim program. In 2009, Camp Milldale was rated the Top Summer Camp Aquatics Program in the country by the US Water Fitness Association.


Customized Camp Experience

Each week our campers in grades 3-6 get to choose from up to four different Chuggim (electives). This allows them to experience a new activity each week that they might not be exposed to during their regular camp day. Over 20 Chuggim choices are made available throughout the summer. A sample of Chuggim choices: • Water Polo • Magic • Lacrosse • Book Making • Drill Team • Archery • Dodgeball • Kayaking • Water balloon games • Yoga • Zumba

Entering Grades 3-6 Activities for these grades are a bit more challenging. Campers have their “first shot” at archery and can participate at the lake and on our Ropes Challenge Course! Our successful and popular Chuggim (electives) program gives campers the opportunity to choose a different elective each day. Fifth and sixth graders have their own special area at Milldale and go on several field trips including an overnight activity.

Milldale Express

For more information visit or contact Dianne Newborn: 410.356.5200, x340,

Save Time and Money

The Milldale Express cuts campers’ time on the bus in half. In the morning, Express buses leave from the Park Heights JCC, Owings Mills JCC, and Chizuk Amuno and make no stops along the way! In the afternoon, the buses make a nonstop return trips to the same three locations. Be sure to check this option on the camp registration form and look for extra discounts. You will not be charged for Early Drop-Off or Late-Stay if you drop-off and pickup at the designated times.

Specialty Camps at Camp Milldale


Camp Director, Dori Zvili Associate Director, Lara Wellerstein

Arts Camp

Entering Grades 3-8 2 to 8 week options Monday-Friday, June 21-August 13 9:30am-4:00pm Learn the fundamentals of drawing , painting, and printmaking. Check out what’s hot in crafting like jewelry and paper making. Try a little improv and movement. This program provides the opportunity to try it all. Campers participate in an end of summer art exhibit as well as having an opportunity to perform during the summer. A special opportunity for this summer: Arts Camp participants will have the opportunity to participate in the production of the JCC Maccabi Experience opening ceremonies! In addition to all these activities campers participate in daily instructional and recreational swim, a field trip and more!

Maccabi Sports Camp Entering Grades 1-8 2 to 8 week options Monday-Friday, June 21-August 13 9:30am- 4:00pm

While we are keeping athletically inclined campers active in games like dodgeball, two-square, gaga, newcomb, baseball and tennis, etc., we are also teaching them the Jewish values of respect, teamwork and fair play. Campers are grouped by grades to even out the playing field. Instructional and recreational swim are offered daily. Canoeing, archery and Ropes Challenge Course are available for grades 3 and up. Older campers in grades 7 and 8 can take more advanced aquatics programs like Guard Start. All campers also have the opportunity to go on sports-related trips. For more information on specialty camps at Camp Milldale contact: Dianne Newborn: 410.356.5200, x340, or visit

Sleep-a-Week – it’s back . . . and better than ever!

Sleep-a-Week @ Capital Camps

Entering Grades 3-6 Tuesday, August 3-Sunday, August 8 Give your children an amazing overnight camp experience combining the comfort and familiarity of Camp Milldale with the first-rate facilities and programs at Capital Camps! During five action-packed days, Sleep-a-week campers are introduced to the magic of Jewish overnight camp. Sleep-a-week is for Camp Milldale Campers entering 3rd-6th grade. All campers’ needs will be met as we immerse them in a world of new experiences from arts and crafts, swimming and sports, to our ropes course and lake. Counselors from Camp Milldale will be with your campers for the week! What a great way to experience overnight camp – with your very own day camp counselors! To participate in Sleep-a-Week campers must be registered for at least two weeks of Camp Milldale.

Capital Camps

Waynesboro, Pennsylvania Ages 7-15 years 2, 3, 4, or 7 week sessions June 27-July 23, July 26-August 15 Capital Camps is the JCC’s official overnight camp for children ages 7-15. This first-class, co-ed facility is located just one hour away in the Catoctin Mountains of Pennsylvania. At Capital Camps, campers have the opportunity to make independent decisions, explore new activities and meet challenges in a supportive and friendly Jewish environment. A top-flight athletics program, a culturally diverse fine arts pavilion and a state-of-the-art aquatics center are just a few of the special features found at camp. In addition, participants can explore their unique and individual interests for a portion of every day during electives. Cabins fill up quickly, for more information visit or call toll-free 866.430.2267 to request a brochure and schedule a tour. Consider Family Camp! A week of memories-in-the-making for the multigenerational family is scheduled for August 17-22, 2010.

TEENS ing n i a r T selor7 & 8 n u o C s Grade TNT

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OM JCC Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010 7:00pm Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010 7:00pm

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AquatICS Rosenbloom OM JCC

Aquatics Adventure Camp Ages 11-14 Session 1: July 5-16, Session 2: July 19-30, Session 3: August 16-27, 8:30am-4:30pm

Swimming for fitness is just a small part of this jam–packed, two-week camp that will also include skill development in boating and outdoor exploration and a new understanding of marine communications. Your camper is sure to come out of this experience with increased self-confidence and a greater respect for the environment. Late Stay from 4:30-6:00pm will be in the form of swim team activities.

Aquatics Leadership Camp

Ages 15-18 Session 1: July 5-July 16, Session 2: July 19-July 30, Session 3: August 16-27, 8:30am-4:30pm If your teen loves the water and wants to learn new skills that can turn into future job opportunities, then this camp is the perfect fit. Mornings consist of Lifeguard Certification Training while afternoons include skill development in boating, outdoor exploration, and training in marine communications. Each week features a special event. Opportunities will be available for advanced Red Cross Instructor training for campers age 16 and up who wish to participate in a second session. Late Stay from 4:30-6:00pm will be in the form of swim team activities.

F.L.O.A.T. Program Ages 15-18 June 21-July 30, 8:30am-4:30pm

(For Leadership of Aquatics Training Program)

Campers ages 15+ can be part of our F.L.O.A.T. program. Teens earn community service hours and attend camp at a reduced rate. For more information on these Aquatics programs contact, Bill Kirkner: 410.356.5200, x318, or or visit:

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Grades 7-

Weekly Sports Camps

at the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Tennis Camp &Tennis/Sports Camp with Tennis Pro, Adam Stein Ages 5-14, coed

One week sessions, June 7-August 27 (no camp Aug. 9-13) Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:00pm Veteran JCC Tennis Instructor Adam Stein and his staff will provide campers with a structured and nurturing environment to learn and play. Activities include: skill development and games, free hit time, capture the flag, Star Warz, bombardment, scooter basketball, recreational swim, and gym activities on inclement weather days. Tennis/Sports camp activities include: basketball, soccer, and flag football. For more information on Tennis Camps call Adam Stein: 410.356.5200, x389 or Sue Szembroth 410.356.5200, x307 or visit

10 weeks any combination

CSA Martial Arts Camp

with Black Belt Certified Martial Arts Instructor, Jen Lake Ages 4-13*, coed Weekly sessions: June 21-August 27 Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:00pm This diverse and fun-filled summer program includes: skill development for Karate and other styles of Martial Arts, advancement through the belts, special instructions with Master Douglas Lake, Kung Fu with Sifu Sean Marshall, yoga for kids, Wacky Wednesdays, petting zoo, moonbounce, etc., recreational and optional instructional swim, arts and crafts, nature walks, and Friday pi単ata and ice cream parties. *Campers over age 13 can be part of our Counselor-in-Training program. CITs earn community service hours and attend camp at a reduced rate. For more information contact Jen Lake: 410.356.5200, x321, or or visit the website:

General Information Facilities

Noah’s Ark, Early Childhood, Tennis and CSA campers at the Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC in Owings Mills, MD, enjoy programs in our outdoor pools, playgrounds, air-conditioned gymnasiums and more. The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC, located on Park Heights Avenue in Baltimore, is home to Camp Keshet. Here young campers utilize the center’s state-of-the art early childhood classrooms and playgrounds along with the JCC’s pools and air-conditioned gymnasium. Camp Milldale, located in Reisterstown, MD, has athletic fields for soccer, baseball, kickball, and softball; courts for playing basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, and “Ga Ga;” a sprayground for keeping cool, a large playground, a lake for canoeing, shaded structures for arts and crafts, dancing, music; and so much more! Milldale has three pools: one Olympic-sized pool and two large shallow instructional pools, one with a water slide. Campers develop an appreciation for the “great outdoors” on nature hikes, and on our team-building Ropes Challenge Course with a 300-foot long zip line. On especially hot or rainy days camp programming is held inside our two air-conditioned facilities: the Big Max and the Hess House. Arts Camp, housed on the lower level of the Big Max, enjoys the comfort of an indoor cooling system all day long.


Camp Milldale fees include bus service. Depending on where you live, and the number of campers in your area, your child will either be picked up at your door, as close to your house as possible or at centralized bus stops. Every bus has a counselor to provide supervision, and to monitor the bus routes. Camp applications received after April 1 will be assigned the closest existing bus stop. Bus pick-up times may be as early as 8:00am or as late as 9:10am, depending on your location. Express bus service from the Park Heights JCC, Owings Mills JCC, and Chizuk Amuno is available for your convenience. This non-stop direct ride cuts your camper’s time on the bus in half. You will not be charged for Early Drop-Off or Late-Stay if you drop-off and pick-up at the designated times.


In addition to our numerous staff who are trained in CPR, AED and first aid in all of our camps, we also have full-time registered nurses on staff at Owings Mills and Camp Milldale; as well as full-time licensed social workers. We conduct background checks on all staff. We also maintain an excellent staff-to-camper ratio.

Early Drop-Off and Late-Stay

We provide supervised Early Drop-Off and Late-Stay options in our camp programs, for an additional fee. For Camp Milldale, Tennis and CSA camps early drop off is as early as 7:30am and pick up is as late as 6:00pm. Noah’s Ark & Keshet camps offer 7:00am early drop off and pick up by 4:00pm. These programs fill quickly and spaces are limited.

General Information continued

Financial Assistance

The JCC of Greater Baltimore makes every attempt to assist those members who are unable to meet the established fees of Camp Milldale or our Early Childhood camps. Financial assistance is decided on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications submitted on or before February 1, 2010 will be given priority. For more information call the membership office: 410.356.5200, x331.

Host a Shaliach

Want to strengthen your family’s connection to Israel? Host an Israeli counselor this summer. If you are interested in learning more about this meaningful experience contact, Dori Zvili 410.356.5200, x387 or

JCC of Greater Baltimore Membership Information

Join the JCC today and save on camp and other great programs! While you don’t have to be Baltimore JCC members to attend many of the programs we offer, there are financial benefits to being a member. Discounted pricing for camps is just one of the pluses of membership.

10 Reasons to Join Our JCC

1. Access to both our Park Heights and Owings Mills facilities. 2. State-of-the-art fitness centers. 3. Two indoor pools, three outdoor pools and three wading pools. 4. Three gymnasiums, an indoor track, racquetball and lighted tennis courts. 5. Over 40+ free group fitness classes, including: Body Pump™, Body Step™, Turbo Kick™, Zumba®, Power Cycling, Yoga and Pilates each week. 6. Discounts on programs and classes for children, teens and adults. 7. Member-only babysitting, early childhood education, and after-school care. 8. Up to two weeks reciprocity to JCC’s outside the Baltimore/DC area. 9. A familiar environment where you can strengthen your ties to the Jewish community. 10. One-stop-shopping where your family can work out, take classes, attend events and programs. Family & Teen Rates: Couples, ages 19-69, with or without $846/year (pd in full) single, dependent children still living $73.00/month (1 yr. commitment) at home up to age 22 Single, separated, divorced or widowed $531/year (pd in full) parent living with single, dependent children $45.50/month (1 yr. commitment) up to age 22 Youth/student in grades 6-12 $324/year (pd in full) $28.00 (1 yr. commitment) Please fill out the membership form and return it with your camp application or call the membership office for a tour. JCC Membership Office: 410.356.5200, x331.

Parent Testimonials

“ Milldale is a beautiful environment, it’s fun, it’s well maintained, there’s quite a bit of variety offered to the campers, and it has a Jewish orientation. The counselors are terrific.” “ Wonderful, wonderful camp! Great communications. Great variety of activities. My child never gets bored! Great swim staff. My daughter greatly improved her skills in just a few weeks of camp.” “ We know the staff at the JCC, trust who is hired, and know that they are committed to what the JCC stands for.” “ The staff has been incredible and it is probably due to the fact that it is overseen by the JCC.”

“ My daughter is an excellent swimmer thanks to Milldale. This is definitely your competitive advantage over other camps. Swimming is a serious learning program and she ended the summer as a confident and skilled swimmer.”

Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Jewish Community Center 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900

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