JCC Baltimore Fall 2010 Guide

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2010/2011 SEASON OCTOBER 2010 April Verch Band October 9 • 8pm Janis Ian & Tom Paxton October 28 • 7:30pm NOVEMBER 2010 A Portrait of Lady Day A Tribute to Billie Holiday November 6 • 8pm

Janis Ian

Eddie From Ohio November 13 • 8pm A Portrait of Lady Day

Robbie Schaefer November 14 • 3pm JANUARY 2011 International Guitar Night January 15 • 8pm FEBRUARY 2011 SteveSongs February 13 • 3pm

International Guitar Night

MARCH 2011 “an evening with” John McCutcheon March 12 • 8pm

For more information, visit www.gordoncenter.com or call 410.356.7469 or email info@gordoncenter.com.

Contents — Fall 2010 Registration.....................2 Fitness Information..........4 Birth - Age 5....................6 Early Childhood Education......................11 After School Care..........12

Grades K-5....................13 Tweens & Teens . ..........16 Special Needs...............19 Adults............................20 Adult Life PLUS.............24 Art & Culture..................26

Aquatics........................27 CSA Martial Arts & Wellness School.........32 Membership Info............34 Hours & Policies............35 Board/Staff....................36

Dear Members,

and non-profit agencies, the JCC has faced During the past two years, like many businesses s dried up, demand for financial assistance difficult challenges. Membership was stagnant, grant ed. Fortunately, through careful management, dramatically increased and program revenue declin from our Board and staff and support from you, painful staff retrenchments, strategic leadership ic future. our members, we look forward to a bright and dynam support of The Associated: Jewish Federation A major contributing factor has been the ongoing surpassed last year’s total raising over of Baltimore. Incredibly, The Associated’s Campaign the country with an increased campaign two $31,000,000. Baltimore is the only community in one of the only JCCs in the country to receive an years in a row. Significantly, for the JCC, we are important to note that we receive approximately increase in our allocation for fiscal year 2011. It’s s us to maintain membership fees that are 20% of our budget from The Associated. This allow s annually to help those unable to afford reasonable, provide hundreds of thousands of dollar lations (frail elderly, people with special needs, services and make sure our most vulnerable popu unity. teens at risk, single parents) remain part of our comm incredible partner as we work together to make The Associated has been, is, and always will be an it can be. the Jewish Community Center of Baltimore the best consider supporting The Associated if you do We hope as we enter into a new year that you will not already do so. ones a healthy and wonderful Shana Tova. We also want to wish you and your family and loved Regards,


Building HOURS Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Fridays in September 5:30am-6:00pm Fridays in October 5:30am-5:30pm Fridays in Nov. & Dec. 5:30am-4:00pm Saturday at Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm Saturday at Park Heights Starting November 13 Fitness Center 7:30-10:30pm Café 7:30-11:00pm Sunday at Owings Mills 7:00am-7:00pm Sunday at Park Heights 7:00am-7:00pm (starting 9/12) Note: The indoor pools close 30 minutes before the buildings close; all other Health & Fitness facilities close 15 minutes before the buildings close.

Inclement Weather info Get the most up-to-date information on JCC hours by calling the JCC or visiting our website, www.jcc.org/hours

Louis “Buddy” Sapolsky President, JCC of Greater Baltimore

Holiday Hours

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Ave. / Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900

Labor Day

JCC open 8:00am-6:00pm

Rosh Hashanah

JCC closes on Wed., 9/8 at 3:30pm Reopens Sat., 9/11 at 1:00pm (OM only)

Yom Kippur

JCC closes on Fri., 9/17 at 3:30pm Reopens Sun., 9/19 at 7:00am


JCC closes on Wed., 9/22 at 5:00pm Reopens Sat., 9/25 at 1:00pm (OM only)

Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah

JCC closes on Wed., 9/29 at 5:00pm Reopens Sat., 10/2 at 1:00pm (OM only)


JCC is closed on Thursday, 11/25

Ben and Esther Rosenbloom JCC 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave. / Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200

MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 • E-mail: info@jcc.org • www.jcc.org


2010 fall guide

Easy Online Registration Available Log onto www. jcc.org/register

1. Click the blue box that says Click here to Register Online/Make Payments. 2. If you are a first time user and a JCC Member, you must create an account by clicking Register an Account in the

upper right corner of the screen. Here you will create a user ID and password. In the future you can log into the system by clicking Sign into MemberLink.

3. If you are not a member and have not taken a class with us in the past year (or ever) then you will need to call or stop

by either JCC membership office to set up your JCC online account. (See page 34)

4. Once you are signed in, click on the Programs tab at the top of the screen. Enter the class ID number (found with

each listing in this program guide) this is the most direct way to find a specific class.


Once you have found the program/class that you want to register for, select the proper family member’s name from the drop down menu, then click on the Add to Cart button and it will be added to your “shopping cart.” Click on the shopping cart icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to Check out and pay.

Please note that certain programs are not available for online registration and payment. These programs will not have the “add to cart” option. These programs will require a paper registration form. If you have questions please contact the specific JCC department listed on the page you are viewing. For system problems - i.e. if you have difficulty establishing an account or if you find that the registration page isn’t loading or gives you an error message, email us with a description of your problem at memberlinksupport@jcc.org. Please be sure to include your full name and phone number in your email.

Let us help you register... in person or over the phone. Call or visit the JCC cashier’s desk in either building. In addition to our regular 9am-5pm hours, Monday through Friday, we will have additional staff on hand to provide in-person registration on Sunday, September 12: 9am-5pm (OM) Sunday, October 10: 9am-2pm (PH)

Cashier’s Desk: PH x237 and OM x332

REGISTER EARLY Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes may be cancelled if there is insufficient registration. Please register no later than one week prior to class or program start date.


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide


Drop-off Registration

If you don’t want to register on line you can drop off completed forms at either JCC cashier’s office. After hours, please drop them off at the front desk. Registration forms will be processed in order of receipt. If paying by check, please staple payment to your registration form.

Late Registration

If you are interested in a class/program just before, or soon after, it begins, or if you are concerned about class availability please contact the staff person listed for that class/program to see if you can sign up.

Fax Registration

Interactive Registration Forms

Additional forms are now available online at www.jcc.org/regform. Fill out the form on your computer, then print it out and mail, fax or deliver to the appropriate JCC. You can also pick up extra forms at the front desk or call the JCC and ask for additional forms to be mailed to you.


Full payment is required at time of registration. Current membership is required at the time of registration and throughout the session to take advantage of the member price or a member-only offering. All payments for CSA classes must be made directly to CSA. CSA accepts Visa, Mastercard, and checks payable to CSA, Ltd.

Cancellation & Refunds

Credit Card Payments only can be faxed directly to Accounting: If your class is in Owings Mills fax to: 410.356.3192 If your class is in Park Heights fax to: 410.578.0103

Note: If faxing on the weekend please be advised that your form may not be reviewed until the following Monday, Please write all information clearly in dark ink.

Mail-in Registration

Send in completed registration form with FULL PAYMENT (checks should be stapled to form) to the JCC facility at which the activity takes place. Mail to Registration Forms to the appropriate JCC: Rosenbloom JCC, Attn: Ellen Sztajer 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills, MD 21117 Weinberg JCC, Attn: Lilya Shafir, 5700 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215

The JCC reserves the right to cancel any activity due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. In such a case, a refund (full or prorated as applicable) will be given. The JCC is responsible for makeup classes only in the event of an instructor’s cancellation or a building closing. If a participant withdraws from a class or activity before the session has begun, a full refund is made. After the first class, a prorated refund plus a $5.00 processing fee will be charged (this applies to each class). No refunds are made after the second class. Refund policies for Preschool, Kindergarten, Childcare, Kids Center, and summer camps are specified on their applications. No refunds are issued for CSA; only class credits are given.

Please PRINT all information. Use one form per class, per person. Be sure to list class by code # & name. Account #_ ________________________________

Are you a JCC member?  Yes  No

Participant’s Name _______________________________________________

 Male

Today’s Date _ _____________________________  Female

Parent’s Name if under 18_ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address/City/Zip_ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (work)_______________________________ (home)________________________________ E-mail __________________________________ Date of birth_ ______________________________ Grade & school, if child__________________________________________________________ JCC Preschool/ Kindergarten Teacher’s Name _________________________________________________________________________________ CLASS NAME CODE #

total amount: $


 check #

 cash  charge  VISA  mc  Discover  AmEx Name on card Cardholder Signature Address of Cardholder

Cred. Cd. Acct. #

OFFICE USE: Date Rec’d. Rec’d by




Full payment is due at the time of registration. Please include charge information when registering by fax. If a participant withdraws from a class or activity before the session has begun, a full refund is made. After the first class, a prorated refund plus a $5.00 processing fee will be charged (this applies to each class). No refunds are made after the second class. ALL WITHDRAWAL AND REFUND REQUESTS MUST BE MADE IN WRITING.

Send completed form to: JCC, Attn: Lilya Shafir, 5700 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215, OR JCC, Attn: Ellen Sztajer, 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills, MD 21117

Phone # of Cardholder

Cred. Cd. Expiration Date


Fax completed form to 410.356.3192 (OM) or 410.578.0103 (PH).

/ Time Rec’d. Receipt #

Additional interactive forms are available online at www.jcc.org/regform.


Fitness Information

2010 fall guide

Fitness Orientation

Overwhelmed by all the machines in the Fitness Center? We can help. Let us teach you how to use our state-of-the-art equipment. This is a member-only, free service. We recommend that anyone using the JCC Fitness Center obtain a medical clearance prior to beginning an exercise program.

To set up an appointment, call Lynn at OM x502 or Jackie at PH x247.

Fitness Too! at Park Heights

Fully-equipped, single-gender fitness room with cardiovascular and strength training equipment.

Male Only

Female Only


7:00-8:55am 12:30-3:55pm

9:00am-12:25pm 4:00pm-Closing

MONDAY 5:30-6:45am & WEDNESDAY 1:00-3:55pm 7:00-8:25pm

6:50am-12:55pm 4:00-6:55pm 8:30-9:45pm


6:50-8:55am 3:00-6:55pm 8:30-9:45pm

5:30-6:45am 9:00am-2:55pm 7:00-8:25pm


6:50-8:55am 5:30-6:45am 1:30pm-Closing 9:00am-1:25pm

Family-Teen Workout

Bring your teen, ages 12-15, to work out with you in the fitness center. One child per parent. Parent must work out with child. Owings Mills Sun; 12:00pm-close Mon/Tue; 3:00pm-close Wed/Thu; 3:00-6:00pm Fri; 3:00-close Sat; 1:00pm-close Park Heights Sun; 12:00pm-close Mon-Thu; 4:00-6:00pm, 7:30pm-close


Take your children ages 3 months to 5 years with you when you want to work out. Reservations required; 90 minute maximum. Owings Mills AM - Sun 8:00am-12:30pm; Mon-Fri 8:30am-12:30pm PM - Mon/Wed 5:30-8:30pm; Tue 6:00-8:00pm

Call OM x300. Park Heights Sun-Fri, 8:15am-12:30pm

VISIT www.jcc.org/fitness for complete information on our classes & programs! Or contact Amy at OM x510 or email aschwartz@jcc.org.

Call PH x222. Fees: One session: $4/child 20 session coupon book = $55 (coupon book can be used for multiple children)


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Fitness Information Group Fitness Classes

The JCC’s Group Fitness program is a great way to exercise and have a lot of fun. Our instructors are some of the area’s best! They are nationally certified – having completed training programs which prepare them to motivate you to do more than you could ever do alone. • Strength classes including BODYPUMP® and Barre Sculpt • Cardiovascular classes including ZUMBA™, BODYSTEP® and TurboKICK® • Yoga and Pilates classes • Classes for Beginners and Older Adults

Group Fitness is FREE to our members. DROP IN FOR A CLASS!

Personal Training

VISIT www.jcc.org/schedules for all the up-to-date class information!

JCC members only Your personal trainer: • designs a workout program specifically created for you, regardless of experience. • provides workout variety to help alleviate boredom, avoid plateaus, and prevent injury. • provides the motivation to take you to the next level! • 1-4 sessions @ $60/session • 5-9 sessions @ $55/session • 10+ sessions @ $50/session

Or contact Amy at OM x510 or email aschwartz@jcc.org.

First time training session specially priced at $99 for 3 sessions. NEW! 30 Minutes for $35! (Rates vary by trainer)

Small Group Personal Training

Think personal training is out of your price range? No problem. Just share the cost with a friend or two. This unique approach to personal training combines the individual attention of a one-on-one session with the energy of a group to help you reach your goals faster!

Number of Sessions

Number of Participants 4 3 2



$28.00 $33.00 $38.50

$134 ($26.80/session) $150 ($30.00/session) $175 ($35.00/session)

10 $252 ($25.20/session) $270 ($27.00session) $315 ($31.50/session)

For help in selecting a personal trainer, contact Jackie Foreman at PH x247 or Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502.

Massage at Owings Mills

Massage enhances circulation, relaxes muscles, improves posture, creates body awareness and relieves neck & back pain.

For fees and appointments, call Mary Cook, LMT: 443.802.8461

Register Online www.jcc.org/register


Birth to Age 5

2010 fall guide

Parent & Infant/Toddler Classes AT PARK HEIGHTS

VISIT www.jcc.org/parenting for complete information on our upcoming programs!

Stay & Play Ages 0-36 months. Join this informal gathering for songs, crafts, and other fun activities. Held in Parenting Center. Drop in session passes available: $35/members (book pass), $45/ non-members (book pass). 10 wks. Drop in rate $5 M/$8 NM. PH Mon 10:30-11:30am 9/20-11/22 $35/M $45/NM 23057 PH Tue 10:30-11:30am 9/21-11/23 $35/M $45/NM 23058

Or contact Sharon or Linda at OM x347 or email parenting@jcc.org. Tot Time Fun with your little one! Enjoy songs, puppets, bubbles, parachute play and simple crafts in the Parenting Center, gym and classrooms. No class 11/26. Drop in fee $10/M, $15/NM. Ages 12-18 months OM Mon 12:00- 1:00pm $95/M $145/NM 23212

AT OWINGS MILLS Hello Baby Ages birth - 4 mos. Free introductory class for all new parents with their newborns. Members and non members welcome to join the fun as you introduce your new baby to the world. 4 wks. OM Tue 11:00am-12:00pm 9/7-9/28 $0/M $0/NM 23197 OM Mon 11:00am-12:00pm 10/4-10/25 $0/M $0/NM 23284 OM Mon 11:00am-12:00pm 11/1-11/22 $0/M $0/NM 23285

Infant Massage Ages 3 weeks-crawling. Join other parents for baby massage and exercise. Instructor: Cindy Neuman, Certified Infant Massage Instructor. 4 wks. OM Wed 11:00am-12:00pm 10/6-10/27 $55/M $80/NM 23282

OM Fri $80/M $120/NM Ages 18-36 months OM Mon $95/M $145/NM


10:30-11:30am 23287


10:00-11:00am 23204


Messy & Messier Ages 18-36 months. Toddlers love to experiment with fingerpaint, shaving cream and everything messy! Why not make a mess in our house instead of yours? This special toddlerfriendly art class will start with a story followed by a craft project to match the theme of the story. Developmental and age appropriate materials are provided to enhance fine motor development, tactile stimulation and socialization. 6 wks. OM Wed 12:30- 1:30pm 9/22-10/27 $60/M $90/NM 23201

Strollerbabies Ages 6 weeks and up. Power walking combined with body sculpting exercises using exercise tubing, the stroller and the environment. Held outdoors or on the indoor track. 6 wks. OM Tue 9:30-10:15am 9/21-10/26 $60/M $90/NM 23203

Celebrate Your Birthday at the JCC!

Baby Gym

Parties for Ages 1-3

Ages 6-12 months. Have some fun with your baby as you participate in developmentally appropriate activities designed to stimulate and enhance his/her gross motor development: creative movement, songs, parachute activities, climbing equipment and more. 10 wks. Drop in Fee $10/M, $15/NM. No Class 11/25. OM Thu 9:30-10:15am 10/7-12/16 $75/M $110/NM 23290

Tot Shabbat

Ages 0-36 months. Bring your little ones each week for a program full of Shabbat spirit, songs, candle lighting, Kiddush, and challah snack. Non Member $5 drop in fee or FREE with a Parenting Center Pass. OM Fri 11:15am-12:00pm 10/8, 11/12, 12/10 $0/M $5/NM 23295 PH Fri 11:15am-12:00pm 10/15, 11/19, 12/17 $0/M $5/NM 23116


Enjoy age-appropriate songs, crafts, parachute play, bubbles, and more, led by an experienced parent-infant instructor. Use the Parenting Center for playtime as well. You may book the room for 1½ hours. For more information, call OM x347.

Parties for Ages 4+

It’s fun and easy to have your child’s birthday party at the JCC! We have a Birthday Party Coordinator on site every Sunday to ensure that your party goes smoothly. You can choose from: Sports/ Gym, Recreation Park/Biblical Playground, Arts & Crafts and Martial Arts themes. For more information or reservations, call Sol Kleiner at OM x316, or Israel Orange at PH x205.

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Birth to Age 5

Little Chefs Ages 2-3 yrs. Enjoy time with your toddler following simple no-bake recipes. Your child will have the opportunity for sensory feedback from touching, smelling and tasting a variety of yummy food. Thematic recipes tied to Jewish holidays, rituals and the seasons will be used as you and your little one measure, count, mix and eat your way to fun! 6 weeks. OM Thu 11:00-11:45am 10/7-11/11 $60/M $90/NM 23208


Preschool Prep

Sun., September 12 – Thurs., September 16 Bring a friend and try out our fall classes at NO CHARGE!

Music Together

Sun., 9/12 – 9:30-10:15am

Open Gym - under 5 years

Ages 24-36 months. This special new “mommy and me” class is designed to help your child transition from “toddler to preschooler”. The class will be structured like a typical day of preschool with circle time, gym time, story time and playtime. Mini field trips to the multipurpose gym, the preschool playgrounds and the preschool library will take place during the session. This is not a drop off class. 12 wks. OM Tue 9:30-11:00am 9/21-12/17 $145/M $195/NM 23207

Mon, 9/13 – 10:30-11:30am

Tot Time - 12 mos.+ Tue., 9/14 – 9:30-10:30am

Baby Gym - 6-12 mos. Tue., 9/14 – 10:30-11:30am

Toddler Tales - under 5 years Tue., 9/14 – 4:00-4:30pm

Music Together by Its Groovy Baby Infants to age 5

VISIT www.jcc.org/parenting for complete information on our upcoming programs!

Wed., 9/15 – 10:00-10:45am

Or contact Sharon or Linda at OM x347 or email parenting@jcc.org.

Strollerbabies - 6 wks.+ Thu., 9/16 – 9:30-10:15am

To register, contact Sharon or Linda at OM x347 KAH



Music Together



Hands-On Holidays







Fall Jewish Holiday Fun


Ages 12-36 mos. Holiday stories, crafts, snacks and a sing-a-long. 9/16 OM 10:30-11:30am Fee: $6/M $8/NM $10/Family





To learn more about the program go to www.itsgroovybaby.com. OM Sun 10:30-11:15am 9/19-12/5 $185/M $195/NM 23283 OM Sun 9:30-10:15am 9/19-12/5 $185/M $195/NM 23286 OM Wed 10:30-11:15am 9/22-12/8 $185/M $195/NM 23209 OM Wed 12:15- 1:00pm 9/22-12/8 $185/M $195/NM 23210 OM Wed 9:30-10:15am 9/22-12/8 $185/M $195/NM 23211 OM Thu 10:00-10:45am 10/7-12/16 $172/M $182/NM 23194 OM Fri 10:00-11:15am 10/8-12/17 $172/M $182/NM 23188




Ages 12-36 mos. Holiday stories, crafts, snacks and a sing-a-long. 11/30 PH 10:30-11:30am TBA OM 10:30-11:30am Fee: $6/M $8/NM $10/Family


Chanukah Party

Ages Infant to Kindergarten. Music Together with It’s Groovy Baby was chosen the “Best Local Music Class in Baltimore” by the Nickelodeon Parents’ Picks Awards. It’s fun and educational! Join our internationally recognized early childhood music and movement program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and the adults who love them! Tuition includes two CD’s, DVD for new families, and a beautifully illustrated songbook. No class 11/24, 11/25, 11/26, 11/28.


Register Online www.jcc.org/register


Birth to Age 5

2010 fall guide

Ongoing Programs for Parents & Infants/Toddlers Parenting Centers

Drop in at either JCC and spend quality time with your youngsters and other parents in a pleasant, stress-free environment. Both centers are filled with age-appropriate toys. Owings Mills: Open during regular building hours. Park Heights: Mon-Thu 8:00am-7:00pm; Fri 8:00am-2:00pm; Sun 8:00am-4:00pm

Parenting Center Pass

VISIT www.jcc.org/parenting for complete information on our upcoming programs! Or contact Sharon or Linda at OM x347 or email parenting@jcc.org.

Saturday Story Time - Starting Sept. 25 featuring PJ Library Books at Owings Mills

Non-members may purchase a seasonal pass for $25 that entitles them to unlimited play in the OM or PH Parenting Center, Toddler Tales, Tot Shabbat and member pricing for holiday parties.

Saturdays; 4:30pm Enjoy a half-hour of interactive story time followed by time to play and socialize in the babysitting play room.

Toddler Tales - Starting September 21 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Pee Wee Pizza & Play

Tuesdays; 4:00pm Enjoy a half-hour of interactive story time followed by time to play and socialize in the babysitting play room. Free to JCC members or non-members with a Fall Pass.

Join us at OM for pizza, dessert and open gym time. Invite other families with young children to join you for an hour of fun! Extra pizza for parents can be ordered at $2.00 a slice or $13/ pizza pie. $6/M; $9/NM per pizza eating child.

October 7 – 12:00-1:00pm November 4 – 12:00-1:00pm December 2 – 12:00-1:00pm

To RSVP, contact Sharon or Linda at OM x347 or email parenting @jcc.org.

JCC Programs at NEW Downtown Locations Share the fun of your favorite JCC classes with friends or family downtown – invite them to join you for one of these events! Hands-On-Holidays – Sukkot and Chanukah Jewish Museum of MD Enoch Pratt Libraries in Canton & Roland Park Tot Shabbat at the Jewish Museum of MD Hello Baby & Infant Massage in Federal Hill and Canton Get all the details online, visit www.jcc.org/offsite or you can email cneuman@jcc.org.


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Birth to Age 5


Kinder Ballet Full Year

Pre Ballet Half Year Ages 3-4. Must be 3 by 9/1/10. Children learn the basics of Ballet in a fun atmosphere. Girls must wear pink tights, pink ballet slippers and leotard with no removable skirt. Taught by Miss Jodi. In Dance Studio. 12 wks. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Tue 3:30- 4:15pm 9/28-12/14 $135/M $199/NM 23520

Pre-Ballet Full Year Ages 3-4. Must be 3 by 9/1/10. Full Year. Children learn the basics of ballet in a fun atmosphere. Girls must wear pink tights, pink ballet slippers and leotard with no removable skirt. Recital is in May 2010. Taught by Miss Jodi. 31 wks. No class 12/28, 4/18, 4/26. In Dance Studio. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Tue 3:30- 4:15pm 9/28-5/17 $300/M $450/NM 23361

Dance Party Lunch Class Ages 3-5. Children bring their lunch and enjoy it with their friends. After lunch they explore the world of dance and theatre through games, fun drills, story-telling and improvisation. 8 wks. No class 11/26. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Fri 12:00- 1:30pm 10/8-12/3 $120/M $180/NM 23526

Magical Movement Half Year Ages 3-5. Must be 3 by 9/1/10. An introduction to the world of dance through storytelling and imagery. Learn movement and music through ballet’s many beautiful stories with dress-up as princesses, princes, butterflies, fairies and many other characters. Taught by Miss Jodi. In Dance Studio. 12 wks. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Mon 3:30- 4:15pm 9/27-12/13 $135/M $199/NM 23187

Magical Movement Full Year Ages 3-5. Must be 3 by 9/1/10. Full Year. An introduction to the world of dance through storytelling and imagery. Learn movement and music through ballet’s many beautiful stories with dress-up as princesses, princes, butterflies, fairies and many other characters. Taught by Miss Jodi. 30 wks. No class 12/27, 4/18, 4/25. In Dance Studio. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Mon 3:30- 4:15pm $300/M $435/NM 23521


Bop ‘n Hip Hop Ages 4-5. An upbeat, fun-filled, energetic 30 minute class for youngsters who want to move. 8 wks. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Tue 3:30- 4:00pm 9/28-11/16 $56/M $80/NM 23522

Kinder Ballet Half Year Ages 4½-6. Must be 4½ by 9/1/10. Children learn the basics of ballet and develop poise, confidence and self-esteem. Girls must wear pink tights, pink ballet slippers and leotard with no removable skirt. Recital is in May 2011. Taught by Miss Jodi. 12 wks. In Dance Studio. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Tue 4:15- 5:00pm 9/28-12/14 $135/M $199/NM 23557

Register Online www.jcc.org/register

Ages 4½-6. Must be 4½ by 9/1/10. Children learn the basics of ballet and develop poise, confidence and self-esteem. Girls must wear pink tights, pink ballet slippers and leotard with no removable skirt. Recital is in May 2011. Taught by Miss Jodi. In Dance Studio. 30 wks. No class 12/28, 4/19, 4/26. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Tue 4:15- 5:00pm 9/28-5/17 $300/M $435/NM 23362

Mini Hip Hop-Level 1 Ages 5-7. Kids learn the best party dances of all time, step by step. Have a great time. 12 wks. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Tue 4:00- 4:45pm 9/28-12/14 $96/M $144/NM 23266

Mini Hip Hop-Level 2 Ages 5-7. Children who have completed the level 1 now move into a level 2 class that has more intricate steps and patterns. Kids learn the best party dances of all time, step by step. Have a great time. 11 wks. No class 11/24. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Wed 5:00- 6:00pm 9/29-12/15 $88/M $132/NM 23267

Musical Theatre Workshop Ages 5-7. This class focuses on the three fundamentals of stage work... singing, dancing and acting... while making it fun! 9 wks. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Sun 2:00- 2:45pm 9/26-11/21 $54/M $81/NM 23527

AT PARK HEIGHTS Girls Ballet Age 3 (Students must be 3 at the start of the session). Introduction to the structure of a ballet class, ballet etiquette, and basic ballet terminology with developmentally appropriate exercises that emphasize musicality and incorporate props and variation for the young attention span. 8wks class, plus recital. Fee includes recital costume provided by JCC. Class attire is pink leather ballet slippers, pink footed tights, pink leotard of any style. No class 11/28. Contact PH x229. PH $90/M

Sun 11:00-11:45am $130/NM 23059


Girls Ballet I Ages 4-5. Focus on developing basic ballet positions, port de bras (carriage of the arms), and posture. Emphasis will be placed on basic barre exercises, center work and steps in sequence with attention to musicality and grace. New and returning students are encouraged to participate as dance routines will include new choreography. 8wks class, plus recital. Fee includes recital costume provided by JCC. Class attire is pink leather ballet slippers, pink footed tights, pink leotard of any style. No class 11/28. Contact PH x229. PH Sun 10:00-10:45am 10/10-12/12 $90/M $130/NM 23093

Girls Jr. Hip Hop Ages 4-7. Combines various dance styles with creative body movement. Focus on rhythm and beat with jumps and rolls to hip hop style music. 8wks. No class 11/28. Contact PH x229. PH Sun 10:00-10:45am 10/10-12/5 $90/M $130/NM 23094


2010 fall guide

Birth to Age 5

Fitness • Tennis • Leagues AT OWINGS MILLS Pee Wee Soccer Clinic Age 3-5. Soccer skills: kicking, passing, goal keeping. In Blue Gym. 14 wks. Contact Sol at OM x316 or skleiner@jcc.org. OM Mon 3:30-4:15pm 9/13-12/13 $168/M 23250

Pee Wee Hoops Clinic Ages 3-5. Develop basketball skills: Dribble, catch, shooting and passing. In Blue Gym. 14 wks. Contact Sol at OM x316 or skleiner@jcc.org OM Wed 3:30- 4:15pm 9/15-12/15 $168/M 23478

Mighty Muscle Movers Ages 4-5. Get your kids moving with fun fitness games set to music. This fun and effective program encourages healthy habits beginning at this young age and provides a friendly atmosphere for children to exercise and socialize. 7 wks. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Thu 3:30- 4:15pm 10/7-11/18 $42/M 23537

AT PARK HEIGHTS Little Dragons Boys Martial Arts Boys Ages 4-6. Learn basic martial arts techniques with Black Belt Eric Goldstein in a fun and safe environment. This course emphasizes respecting others and working together as a group. These fundamentals will be taught through a combination of fun activities and drills. 8 wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. PH Sun 1:00- 1:30pm 10/10-11/28 $105/M $155/NM 23073

Lunch n’ Munchkin Tennis (Quick Start) Ages 3-5. This is a great starting point. We eat lunch, learn the basic strokes, and play tennis skill games in a fun, nurturing environment. Children must be potty trained, and bring a lunch and tennis racquet. No class 11/26. Contact Adam at OM x389. OM T/F 12:00- 2:00pm 10/7-12/16 $250/M $375/NM 23255 OM Tue 12:00- 2:00pm 9/14-12/14 $350/M $525/NM 23251

Munchkin Tennis (Quick Start) Ages 4-5. Introduction to hitting with proper swing within fun games. Must bring racquet. 14 wks. For more information contact Adam Stein OM x389. OM Mon 2:00- 2:45pm 9/13-12/13 $252/M $378/NM 23256


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Birth to Age 5

Early Childhood Education Enriching the whole child in a nurturing environment

Infant/Toddler Program

Located at the Park Heights JCC, this program serves children ages 3 to 24 months, lovingly tended by our licensed childcare specialists. Our state-of-the-art rooms are stocked with individual cribs, changing tables, rocking chairs, and toys to entertain, engage, comfort, and soothe the little ones. The Program is open Monday through Friday, beginning at 7:00am and ending Monday-Thursday at 6:00pm. On Friday, closing time varies in accordance with Shabbat.

Preschool & Preschool Plus

These programs are offered at both the Park Heights and Owings Mills JCC and provide children ages two through five with a wellrounded, age-appropriate curriculum. Experienced and certified early childhood education teachers engage children in activities designed to develop emotional, social, cognitive, physical and spiritual growth. Children gain self-confidence, develop friendships, and explore new concepts. Daily activities include: energetic play, music, art, circle time, Hebrew, story time, science, cooking, physical education, swimming and creative play. We also introduce children to the customs and traditions of Jewish life, including culture, ethics, Shabbat celebrations and holidays. We offer morning and extended day programs, including an early drop-off option which begins at 7:00am. For parents who need the added benefit of extended hours and year-round childcare, the Preschool Plus program is also available during summer months.


Located at the Owings Mills JCC, our Kindergarten is a full-day, state-accredited program that gives children a strong entry into first grade. An individually targeted curriculum is designed to meet the needs of each child. Jewish culture and values are integrated throughout. Subject areas include reading, math, language arts, Hebrew, science and social studies. Our program also includes physical education, swimming, music, art and computers. An early drop-off option is available beginning at 7:00am. Late pick up is available through the JCC Kids Center program.

VISIT www.jcc.org/ECE for complete information on the 2010/2011 school year. At OM, contact Ilene Meister at OM x310 At PH, contact Jodi Fishman at PH x264

Register Online www.jcc.org/register


2010 fall guide

Grades K - 5

After School Care Kids Center - After School Care for Elementary School Students at Owings Mills NEW programming & pricing for 2010-2011 including FREE indoor pool time & ceramics classes each week!!! Children are grouped by grade for age appropriate activities and homework assistance. Look for new programming for our Kids Center Seniors (4th & 5th graders) in Fall 2010.

Kids Center is a safe place for kids to come after school. Here they can: • swim in the indoor pool • construct masterpieces in arts & crafts • exercise creativity with clay in ceramics • create a delicious snack in cooking • let out that after-school energy in the gym and on the playground • spend time in the quiet of the Homework Room • play organized and structured games in the gym where they’ll receive staff assistance

EXPERIENCED STAFF Kids Center is a licensed childcare facility with the State of Maryland. Director Lara Wellerstein has a Masters in Social Work and nearly a decade of experience with children and teens. Our staff is made up of high school, college and post-college students with backgrounds in childcare and education. They receive ongoing training in child development, behavior modification and first aid.

VISIT www.jcc.org/kidscenter for complete information on the 2010/2011 school year. Or contact Lara at OM x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org.


after school jcc classes at a discount Take additional classes at the JCC at a discount – only for Kids Center participants! Leave the coordination to us. We’ll accompany your child to the appropriate room for after-school classes and bring them back to Kids Center after the class is complete. Transportation Transportation to the JCC is available from most area public and private schools depending on geographic location (or minimum required registration.)

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Grades K - 5

Classes at Owings Mills DANCE CLASSES


Mini Hip Hop-Level 1

Pee Wee Tennis (Quick Start)

Ages 5-7. Kids learn the best party dances of all time, step by step. Have a great time. 12 wks. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Tue 4:00- 4:45pm 9/28-12/14 $96/M $144/NM 23266

Ages 5-8. This can be a beginning point or the next step for students who have been part of the program as a Munchkin. Must bring racquet. 14 wks. Contact Adam Stein OM x389 OM Mon 3:30- 4:15pm 9/13-12/13 $252/M $378/NM 23257 OM Tue 3:30- 4:15pm 9/14-12/14 $252/M $378/NM 23258

Mini Hip Hop-Level 2 Ages 5-7. Children who have completed the level 1 now move into a level 2 class that has more intricate steps and patterns. Kids learn the best party dances of all time, step by step. Have a great time. 11 wks. No class 11/24. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Wed 5:00- 6:00pm 9/29-12/15 $88/M $132/NM 23267

Musical Theatre Workshop Ages 5-7. This class focuses on the three fundamentals of stage work... singing, dancing and acting... while making it fun! 9 wks. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Sun 2:00- 2:45pm 9/26-11/21 $54/M $81/NM 23527

Hip Hop Ages 8-11. Learn all of the hot dance moves. Professional Party Entertainer Evan Dahne teaches hip hop, the latest dances, line dances, and lots of fun combinations that will make you sweat and give you lots of fun moves to use on the dance floor. 12 wks. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Tue 5:00- 6:00pm 9/28-12/14 $96/M $144/NM 23523

Broadway Kids, Musical Theatre for Kids Ages 8-11. This class is designed to help the student become a “triple threat”, with acting, singing and dancing. Class includes audition preparation, improvisational theater, and exciting dance routines fit for the Broadway Stage! 9 wks. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Sun 3:00- 4:00pm 9/26-11/21 $63/M $95/NM 23524

ZUMBA for kids - Zumbatomics Ages 9-11. Zumbatomics is a safe and effective fitness/dance class for kids! It’s a fusion of the ZUMBA program’s moves - salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, hip-hop and more. The workout is designed to let kids maxout on fun and fitness all at the same time. 12 wks. In Dance Studio. Contact Lynn at OM x502 OM Sun 1:00- 2:00pm 9/26-12/12 $84/M 23278 OM Mon 4:30- 5:30pm 9/27-12/13 $84/M $126/NM 23528

ART CLASSES Children’s Ceramics Ages 6-10. Mold glaze and paint your very own ceramic creations. Create your own ceramic pieces of art to give as a gift for your family or special projects for yourself. No class 11/2. For more information contact Lara at OM x339 or lwellerstein@jcc.org OM Tue 4:15- 5:15pm 9/21-11/23 $145/M $220/NM 23244

Register Online www.jcc.org/register

Advanced Pee Wee Tennis (Quick Start) Ages 5-8. This class is for students who have already participated in a tennis program. Emphasis will be on rallying in the service boxes. Must bring racquet. 14 wks. Contact Adam Stein OM x389 OM Tue 4:30- 5:15pm 9/14-12/14 $252/M $378/NM 23252

New! Pee Wee Team Tennis Beginner Ages 5-8. Using the USTA’s QuickStart “”practice and play”” format, kids learn FUNdamentals of the game - serving, rallying, and scoring by doing. QuickStart features smaller racquets, shorter courts, lower bouncing balls, and simplified scoring. It makes it easy and fun for kids as young as age 5 or 6 to learn the game and good sportsmanship. Each week co-ed teams will practice and play based on age and skill level. Parents are encouraged to come out and watch matches, plus lend a hand helping younger kids keep score. We’ll wrap up the season with a Pee Wee Team Tennis Tournament! 11 weeks. No class 9/23, 9/30, 11/25. Contact Adam Stein OM x389. OM Thu 3:30- 4:15pm 9/16-12/16 $198/M $297/NM 23259

New! Pee Wee Team Tennis Intermediate Ages 9-10. Using the USTA’s QuickStart “”practice and play”” format, this group continues to develop motor skills, balance, and agility. Kids progress to match play on a 60’ court using special scoring and QuickStart low compression red/yellow balls and yellow/green balls. 11 weeks. No class 9/23, 9/30, 11/25. Contact Adam Stein OM x389. OM Thu 4:30- 5:15pm 9/16-12/16 $198/M $297/NM 23260

Junior Tennis (Quick Start) Ages 9-10. Stroke development from the baseline. Must bring racquet. 14 wks. Contact Adam Stein at OM x389. OM Mon 4:30- 5:15pm 9/13-12/13 $252/M $378/NM 23253 OM Tue 5:30- 6:15pm 9/14-12/14 $252/M $378/NM 23254

Pre/Teen Tennis Ages 11+. An advanced beginner to intermediate level class, that emphasizes stroke development and game play. 11 wks. No class 9/23, 9/30, 11/25. Contact Adam Stein OM x389. OM Thu 5:30- 6:15pm 9/16-12/16 $198/M $297/NM 23181

Advanced Preteen Tennis Ages 11+. This class emphasizes strategy and putting together competitive skills. 14 wks. Contact Adam at OM x389. OM Mon 5:30- 7:00pm 9/13-12/13 $252/M $378/NM 23178


2010 fall guide

Classes at Owings Mills

Classes at Park Heights

Grades K - 5

FITNESS CLASSES Kid Fit Ages 6-8. Kids will love this NEW fitness program designed by experts in youth fitness. Kid Fit incorporates strength training, cardio fitness, flexibility, and nutrition using steps and gliders, and more! 7 wks. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Wed 4:15- 5:00pm 10/6-11/17 $42/M 23127

Sports Conditioning Ages 9-11. Calling all young athletes ! For pre-teens looking to better their running times or help get ready for competitive sports teams. The emphasis is placed on speed, agility, plyometrics, balance, coordination, and flexibility. 8 wks. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM Sun 2:00- 3:00pm 10/3-11/21 $64/M 23539

FITNESS CLASSES Zumba Kids 4 Girls Ages 6-8. It’s Zumba! The latest dance fitness craze made just for kids! Sunday Meets in the Group Fitness Studio, Tuesday meets in the Mind Body Studio 4 weeks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Su/T 5:30- 6:15pm 10/10-11/2 $35/M $55/NM 23105 PH Su/T 5:30- 6:15pm 11/7-11/30 $35/M $55/NM 23517

Boys Martial Arts WANTED! Boys ages 7-13 who want to learn the martial arts! Learn traditional Taekwondo and realistic self defense with Eric Goldstein, a second degree black belt with over 10 years of teaching experience. Build your child’s confidence and attitude towards life while having fun in a safe atmosphere. Belt tests and uniforms may have an additional charge. 8wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. PH Sun 2:30- 3:15pm 10/10-11/28 $120/M $180/NM 23070

Tween Girls Fitness

ZUMBA for kids - Zumbatomics Ages 9-11. Zumbatomics is a safe and effective fitness/dance class for kids! It’s a fusion of the ZUMBA program’s moves salsa, cumbia, reggaeton, hip-hop and more. The workout is designed to let kids max-out on fun and fitness all at the same time. 12 wks. In Dance Studio. Contact Lynn at OM x502 OM Sun 1:00- 2:00pm 9/26-12/12 $84/M 23278 OM Mon 4:30- 5:30pm 9/27-12/13 $84/M $126/NM 23528

Get Fit Ages 9-11. Tweens enjoy Zumba on Mondays and Core And More on Thursdays. Zumbatomics is a safe and effective fitness/ dance class fusing lots of dance moves. Core And More is a fun ab flattening strengthening class with fun cardio using the Bosu ball, gliders and step. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM M/Th 4:30- 5:30pm 9/27-12/16 $94/M 23538


Ages 9-11. Dance and play your way to fitness! Cardio with balls & bands on Monday 5:30-6:15pm, Zumba on Thursday 5:306:15pm! Take one or both classes for the same price! 4 weeks. No class 11/25. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH M/Th 5:30- 6:15pm 10/7-11/1 $35/M $55/NM 23114 PH M/Th 5:30- 6:15pm 11/4-12/2 $35/M $55/NM 23115

Basketball Anyone? Ages 4-10 at OM JCC Warm-Up League (2 weeks) Sun., November 14 & 21 JCC Youth League (8 weeks) December 5 - February 6 Interested? Contact Roman at OM x385 or rgertsovich.com

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Grades K - 5

Classes at Park Heights DANCE CLASSES


Girls Ballet II

Art Start

Ages 6-7. Further develops ballet foundation by emphasizing barre exercises, center work and steps in sequence of increasing difficulty. Memorization of ballet terminology and routines will be stressed. New and returning students are encouraged to participate as dance routines will include new choreography. 8wks class, plus 1 recital. Fee includes recital costume provided by JCC. Class attire is pink leather ballet slippers, pink footed tights, pink leotard of any style. No class 11/28. Contact PH x229. PH Sun 12:00-12:45pm 10/10-12/12 $90/M $130/NM 23092

Ages 5-8. Explore various art techniques, such as drawing, painting, pastels and collage. Learn about famous artists and styles of work. Bring home your own masterpieces! 8wks. No class 11/28. Contact PH x229. PH Sun 11:00-11:45am 10/10-12/5 $90/M $130/NM 23120

Girls Broadway Jazz Ages 7-12. Learn basic jazz technique with an emphasis on isolations. Character and style will be explored throughout various dance routines. 8wks. Class attire is black jazz shoes without laces, pink footed tights, and black leotard of any style. No class 11/28. Contact x229. PH Sun 12:00-12:45pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $130/NM 23504

Girls Jr. Hip Hop Ages 4-7. Combines various dance styles with creative body movement. Focus on rhythm and beat with jumps and rolls to hip hop style music. 8wks. No class 11/28. Contact PH x229. PH Sun 10:00-10:45am 10/10-12/5 $90/M $130/NM 23094

Basic Ceramics Ages 6-8. Mold, glaze and paint your very own ceramic creations. Make gifts for your whole family, or special projects for yourself! 8wks. No class 11/28. Contact x229. PH Sun 10:00-11:00am 10/10-12/5 $90/M $130/NM 23119

Ceramics Plus-Hand Building Techniques Ages 9-12. Discover the magical qualities of clay. Learn a variety of sculpture techniques. Decorate and glaze projects that will be fired in an electric kiln. Fee includes all materials. 8wks. No class 11/28. Contact x229. PH Sun 11:30am- 1:00pm 10/10-12/5 $110/M $165/NM 23047

SUPER Sundays

at Park Heights

Looking for ways to keep your kids busy on Sundays? Sundays, 9:30am-12:00pm Boys and girls ages 4-8 are welcome.

Now you can drop off your kids at the Park Heights JCC for a morning full of fun! Activities include swimming, crafts, sports and more!


Sun Sun Sun Sun

9:30am-12:00pm 9:30am-12:00pm 9:30am-12:00pm 9:30am-12:00pm

10/10-10/31 11/7-11/21 12/5-12/19 10/10-12/19

$52/M $39/M $39/M $120/M

$80/NM $60/NM $60/NM $180/NM

23500 23501 23502 23503

For more information, call PH x229.

Register Online www.jcc.org/register


2010 fall guide

Tweens & Teens

Classes at Owings Mills DANCE CLASSES


Hip Hop for Teens

Jr. Weight Training

Grades 6-8. Learn all the hot dance moves. Professional Dancer and Party Planner Evan Dahne teaches many dance techniques with the style and attitude of hip-hop in a funky fun environment. 11 wks. No class 11/24. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Wed 5:00- 6:00pm 9/29-12/15 $110/M $165/NM 23225

Ages 12-15. This 5 week class teaches proper techniques used on the Fitness Center Equipment. Students who complete this course gain access to the Fitness Center without needing a guardian present during the Family/Teen workout times. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at 410.356.5200 x502. OM Sun 3:00- 4:00pm 10/3-10/31 $50/M 23189 OM Mon 7:00- 8:00pm 10/4-11/1 $50/M 23190 OM Thu 4:00- 5:00pm 10/7-11/4 $50/M 23530

Zumba for Teens Ages 12-16. Ditch the routine, JOIN THE PARTY! Inspired by traditional salsa, samba and hip hop set to great Latin rhythms. Great fun! Contact Lynn in OM at x502. OM Thu 4:00- 5:00pm 10/7-12/16 $50/M $75/NM 23525

Belly Dancing to Shape Up Ages 16+. Experience for yourself the beauty, grace and mystery of this ancient dance! You will learn rhythmic shimmies, isolation, and fluid snake like movements. Belly dancing improves your posture, flexibility, and body awareness. It’s a great workout for the waist, hips, and thighs, plus it’s fun! Learning to belly dance relieves stress, lowers back pain, and enhances self confidence. This is truly a dance for every body. 6 wks. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Tue 7:15- 8:15pm 10/5-11/9 $60/M $90/NM 23183

Teen Fitness Boxing Ages 12-16. Fitness boxing is one of the best forms of exercise because it conditions the total body and provides a complete workout for your cardiovascular and endurance systems. Benefits include: increased stamina, strength, speed, and coordination. 7 wks. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at 410.356.5200 x502. OM Wed 6:00- 7:00pm 10/6-11/17 $70/M 23540

BABYSITTING American Red Cross Babysitting Grades 6-8, ages 11-14. Receive American Red Cross instruction in basic infant care, first aid for burns, bleeding, choking, head injuries and stings; poison prevention and treatment and safety precautions. Certification cards are provided by the American Red Cross at course completion. 2 wks. For more information, contact Sue Szembroth at OM x 304 or sszembroth@jcc.org. Once you have been certified you are eligible for being added to our babysitting list. Please let your instructor know at the time of class if you would like to be added. OM Sun 1:30- 5:30pm 10/10-10/17 $60/M $70/NM 23174 OM Sun 1:30- 5:30pm 11/7-11/14 $60/M $70/NM 23175 OM Sun 1:30- 5:30pm 12/5-12/12 $60/M $70/NM 23569


TENNIS CLASSES Pre/Teen Tennis Ages 11+. An advanced beginner to intermediate level class, that emphasizes stroke development and game play. 11 wks. No class 9/23, 9/30, 11/25. Contact Adam Stein OM x389. OM Thu 5:30- 6:15pm 9/16-12/16 $198/M $297/NM 23181

Advanced Preteen Tennis Ages 11+. This class emphasizes strategy and putting together competitive skills. 14 wks. Contact Adam at OM x307. OM Mon 5:30- 7:00pm 9/13-12/13 $252/M $378/NM 23178

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Tweens & Teens



Ceramics II- Hand Building Techniques

Tween Girls Fitness

Ages 9-12. Students will discover the magical qualities of clay. Class demonstrations will include a variety of sculpture techniques. The class will be decorating and glazing their own work using glazes that will be fired in an electric kiln. Fee includes all materials. 8 wks. No Class 5/30. Contact PH x229. PH Sun 11:30am- 1:00pm 9/13-12/18 $80/M $110/NM 23048

Beginner Photography In this photography class, the students will learn all about the basics of photography, lighting, white balance, and the right way to use a camera, and to shoot like a pro. 8 weeks. Contact Israel Orange PH x205. Participants must have some kind of camera to attend classes. Ages 12-15 PH Mon 7:15- 8:00pm 10/25-12/13 $45/M $55/NM 23561 Ages 16-19 PH Mon 8:15- 9:00pm 10/25-12/13 $45/M $55/NM 23562

Wood Work for Beginners Ages 12-15 8 weeks. Contact Israel Orange at PH x205. PH Tue 7:15- 8:00pm 10/26-12/14 $55/M $65/NM 23563

Wood Work for Beginners Ages 16-19. Contact Israel Orange at 410.542.4900 x205. PH Tue 8:15- 9:00pm 10/26-12/14 $55/M $65/NM 23564

Ages 9-11. Dance and play your way to fitness! Cardio with balls & bands on Monday 5:30-6:15pm, Zumba on Thursday 5:30-6:15pm! Take one or both classes for the same price! 4 weeks. No class 11/25. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH M/Th 5:30- 6:15pm 10/7-11/1 $35/M $55/NM 23114 PH M/Th 5:30- 6:15pm 11/4-12/2 $35/M $55/NM 23115

Girls Teen Fitness Girls Ages 12-15. Fitness classes JUST FOR TEENS! Zumba on Tuesday 5:30pm, Cycle on Wednesday 5:30pm, Yoga on Thursday 5:30pm. Experience Zumba the latest dance fitness craze. Cycle and feel those calories burn away! Get Zen with Yoga. Release those tight muscles and let the stress of the week melt away. Take one class or all 3 for the same low price! 4 weeks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH T/W/Th 5:30- 6:15pm 10/6-11/2 $40/M $60/NM 23103 PH T/W/Th 5:30- 6:15pm 11/3-11/30 $40/M $60/NM 23104

Jr. Weight Training Girls Ages 12-16. Learn proper techniques for using Fitness Center equipment. Completion of this course gives students access to the Fitness Center during Family/Teen Workout hours. 5 wks. Contact Jackie at PH x 247. PH Sun 1:00- 2:00pm 10/10-11/7 $50/M 23067 PH Sun 1:00- 2:00pm 11/14-12/12 $50/M 23518

FITNESS - BOYS Boys Martial Arts WANTED! Boys ages 7-13 who want to learn the martial arts! Learn traditional Taekwondo and realistic self defense with Eric Goldstein, a second degree black belt with over 10 years of teaching experience. Build your child’s confidence and attitude towards life while having fun in a safe atmosphere. Belt tests and uniforms may have an additional charge. 8wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. PH Sun 2:30- 3:15pm 10/10-11/28 $120/M $180/NM 23070

Jr. Weight Training Boys

DANCE Girls Teen Hip Hop Ages 12-17. Improves physical conditioning in a fast-paced, fun environment. Develops rhythm and body alignment while learning various jazz styles mixed with hip hop techniques with age appropriate pop music. 8wks class, plus one women-only recital. No class 11/28. Contact x229. PH Thu 8:00- 8:45pm 10/7-12/8 $90/M $130/NM 23049

Ages 12-16. Learn proper techniques for using Fitness Center equipment. Completion of this course gives students access to the Fitness Center during Family/ Teen Workout hours. 5wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. Meets in Fitness Center. PH Sun 2:30- 3:30pm 10/10-11/7 $50/M 23118 PH Tue 7:00- 8:00pm 10/12-11/9 $50/M 23066 PH Sun 2:30- 3:30pm 11/14-12/12 $50/M 23068 PH Tue 7:00- 8:00pm 11/16-12/14 $50/M 23069

Boxing 4 Teen Boys Ages 12-16 Boxing is not only a way to defend yourself, but is also a great workout! Learn the basics of boxing while developing strong arms, shoulders and core with Eric Goldstein, boxing trainer & 3rd Degree Black Belt. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. 8 sessions. Contact Jackie at PH x 247. PH Thu 7:30- 8:30pm 10/7-12/2 $100/M 23088

Teen Boys Fitness Classes Boys Ages 12-16. Fitness Classes just for TEEN BOYS! Build muscle & build strength & stamina! Weightlifting meets Tuesday in the Mind Body Studio, Mixed Strength & Cardio meets Thursday in RC #4. 4wks. No class 11/25. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH T/Th 8:30- 9:15pm 10/12-11/4 $35/M $55/NM 23101 PH T/Th 8:30- 9:15pm 11/9-12/7 $35/M $55/NM 23102

Register Online www.jcc.org/register


2010 fall guide

Tweens & Teens

Middle School Activities Grades 6-8

Middle School Nights – Starting in October Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm

Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC JCC Members only Hang out in the teen lounge to play Wii, watch movies, play table tennis or pool and enjoy pizza and snacks, also enjoy the indoor pool and gym.

Teen Lounge Grand Re-opening November 2010 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC At the JCC we provide a safe and stimulating place for teens to come and socialize, learn, and make a difference in the world. Starting this November (or before), we will have an even cooler, updated space for teens to come kick back and relax. Our monthly Middle School Night will resume in the fall with pizza, gym and pool time, movies, snacks and Wii! Be sure to stay tuned for details on all our great teen programs coming up.

Teen Connection Events

Middle School Dances

Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Saturdays, 8-11pm

Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Grades 6-8. Dance, DJ, open gym and snacks. Fee: $10/Members; $15/Non-members September 11 October 2 November 6 December 18 Middle School ID required. No one will be permitted without an ID. Accepted Middle School ID includes: a report card, a class schedule with the year, your name and grade. Bus cards will NOT be accepted. If the weather is questionable, please call OM JCC to make sure dance will be taking place.

High School Activities

Sept. 19

Color Wars

Oct. 17

Day at Bauger’s Farm

Nov. 21

Movie Marathon w/Pizza & Popcorn

Dec. 19

Laser Tag @ Owings Mills Sportsplex

VISIT www.jcc.org/teens for complete information on the 2010/2011 events. Or contact Mitch: OM x370 or email mliebeskind@jcc.org or Amanda: OM x361 or email amax@jcc.org

Grades 9-12


For details, visit www.jcc.org/collegecenter

Whether you are looking to meet new friends or see the world, BBYO has something for everyone. Baltimore Council BBYO is full of exciting, fun times and a chance to help out the community with group service projects.

NEW BBYO PARENTS! Parent Orientation

BBYO Teens & Family Events Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Sept. 24

Shul of the Month

Oct. 8

Family Shabbat Dinner

Oct. 14

March of the Living Night

Interested? Contact Mitch Liebeskind at OM x370 or mliebeskind@jcc.org. 18

Get one-on-one tutoring for both SAT and ACT tests. Need help with the college timelines, applications and your essay? Schedule an appointment before the deadlines are here.

Contact Esther at OM x612 or egunter@jcc.org

Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Sept. 16

SAT & ACT Prep & Admission Assistance

College Fair 2010 Sunday, November 14 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC 11am to 1pm – Workshops 1pm to 3pm – College Fair

FREE and Open to the public!

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

NEW! Toddlers in Motion Ages 18 mos - 3 yrs. This program is for toddlers with different learning styles and their parents. Each session will consist of either cooking, gym activity, are finger paint play. In addition to large motor play for children, parents are provided with community resources. Dates: 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14 OM Sun 3:00- 4:00pm 10/10-11/14 $60/M $60/NM 23514

Sunday Funday An afternoon of recreational and social activities for children and young adults, including games, arts & crafts, athletics and swimming. Children will also have an opportunity to participate in a recreational sports program that responds to their needs. This is a great venue for children to develop appropriate social skills and friendships, enhance coordination, increase self esteem, and create a feeling of acceptance in the community. All participants must have an intake with the Coordinator of Special Needs before enrollment. Dates: 9/26,10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19. OM Sun 1:00- 4:00pm 9/26-12/19 $125/M $125/NM 23510

NEW! Art Made With Heart Art With Heart gives special needs children the opportunity to engage in art projects such as ceramics, papier-mâchÊ, and crafts. All projects will be displayed in a show at the end of each session Dates: 9/26,10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19. OM Sun 4:00- 5:00pm 9/26-12/19 $55/M $55/NM 23515

Karma Dogs This therapy program is a canine assisted intervention based program designed to help children on the autism spectrum improve their communication, social skills and fine and gross motor and vestibular and proprioceptive senses. All participants must have an intake with the Coordinator of Special Needs before enrollment. Dates: 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18, 12/2 PH Thu 7:00- 8:00pm 10/7-12/2 $130/M $130/NM 23509

Ceramics/Crafts This class for teens and young adults with developmental disabilities makes fun craft and ceramic projects, and everyone always has something to take home. This program is sponsored by the JCC and Yachad, an organization that serves people with disabilities. Dates: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 PH Wed 6:30- 8:30pm 10/6-11/17 $42/M $42/NM 23506

Getting Together Club Ages 18+. A group for adults who want to improve their social and life skills, as well as their emotional well-being. This weekly social group offers activities both at the JCC and in the community. All participants must have registration forms on file before they attend Club activities. PH Tue 7:00- 8:30pm 9/7-12/14 $2/M $2/NM 21678

Special Needs VISIT www.jcc.org/specialneeds for more information on the fall programs. Or contact Stacy at OM x384 or email sisrael@jcc.org. NEW! Lights Camera Action Lights Camera Action! This is a recreational program for teens with mild developmental or learning disabilities. This social group is based around creating a reality film while participating in exciting activities such as karate, dance, cooking, and much more. The program will invite families to a premier night on the last night of the program. All participants must have an intake with the Coordinator of Special Needs before enrollment. Dates: 9/28, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9, 11/23, 12/7, 12/21 OM $60/M

Tue $60/NM

7:00- 8:30pm 23516


Chaverim Club A group for adults who have mild to moderate mental disabilities or other developmental and/or physical disabilities. This weekly social group creates its own schedule of recreational and leisure time activities and programs, including arts & crafts, music, cooking and holiday celebrations. All participants must have registration forms on file before they attend the Club activities. PH Thu 7:00- 8:30pm 9/16-12/16 $2/M $2/NM 23507

NEW! KLAL For Every Season KLAL (Keep Living And Learning) is a Sunday full of vocational and life skills activities. This new program is for adults 19-30 with learning, developmental, social, emotional, and physical disabilities. In small groups, adults will engage in life skill training, vocation activities, and communication games. KLAL For Every Season provides a place for adults with a wide range of special needs to develop appropriate social skills and friendships, increase self-esteem, and develop a feeling of connection with the Jewish community. Dates: 9/26,10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19 OM Sun 12:00- 4:00pm 9/26-12/19 $140/M $140/NM 23511

NEW! City Hoppers An exciting Sunday trip out once a month for young adults with moderate special needs. This is a wonderful way for clients to make new friends and experience Baltimore at its best. Events vary from, baseball game, miniature golf, bowling, eating out, and museums. There is no transportation provided for this program. Dates: 9/19, 10/17, 11/14, 12/5 PH Sun 1:00- 4:30pm $72/M $72/NM 23512


NEW! Documentary Digest A discussion group for adults with mental health issues. Once a week adults will meet to watch a controversial documentary followed by a discussion. This group is great for people with mental health issues to form connections and exercise their mind. Dates: 10/11,10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29, 12/6 PH Mon 7:00- 8:30pm 10/11-12/6 $4/M $4/NM 23513

Register Online www.jcc.org/register


2010 fall guide


Classes at Owings Mills FITNESS

Weight Loss Boot Camp

Indoor Boot Camp Adults. Get all the cardio conditioning and strength training you need in one class! Powerful cardio segments followed by high intensity conditioning intervals challenge your physically and mentally! It is the best of both workouts in one class. Minimum 5 participants. Led by Personal trainers. 7 wks. No class 11/25. With Tim O’Connell OM T/Th 12:00- 1:00pm 10/19-12/9 $150/M 23543 With David Van Dinter OM Fri 10:00-11:00am 10/8-11/19 $60/M 23542 With Harold Harris OM Wed 7:00- 8:00pm 10/6-11/17 $60/M 23541 With Harold Harris OM T/Th 7:00- 8:00pm 10/19-12/7 $150/M 23544

Adults. Get down to the size that you have always thought unreachable until now! Weekly weigh-ins, body measurements, and body fat percentages will be recorded. Food diaries and journals will be issued weekly. Minimum 5 participants. A different workout every weekday for 3 weeks. Monday: Outdoor Boot Camp; Tuesday: Glide n’ Step; Wednesday: Strength Training; Thursday: Core & More; Friday: Strictly Cardio. OM M-F 10:00-11:00am 10/4-11/22 $150/M 23534

2 by 2 - Fat Burner Adults. 2 by 2 is two modes of fat burning,cardio and strength taught by two fabulous instructors; Kari Richmond and Larisa Unger. The combination of both cardio and strength will maximize your fat loss! With two trainers you will double the fundouble the results! 6 wks. OM Mon 10:00-11:00am 10/25-11/29 $60/M 23552

Fitness Boxing

Outdoor Boot Camp Adults. Give us 5 weeks and we will pump up your health and vitality to a level that you previously thought unreachable. You will lose weight, tone up and increase strength and endurance while having a blast with other supportive people just like you. Adults of all fitness levels will be challenged with activities such as circuit training, obstacle courses, relay races, trail days, games and more. Each week body composition will be taken, nutrition tips and training tips will be taught. Good hard fun! Minimum 8 participants. Led by Personal Trainer Harold Harris. 5 wks. No class 9/23, 9/30. OM T/Th 7:00- 8:00pm 9/7-10/19 $100/M $150/NM 23551 OM T/Th 6:30- 7:30am 9/14-10/21 $100/M $150/NM 23550 OM M/W 10:00-11:00am 9/13-10/13 $100/M $150/NM 23545

Zoomer Boot Camp Adults. For active baby boomers who want variety in their workouts and the camaraderie of working in a group. We will strengthen all your major muscle groups, help keep your bones and heart strong, help you to reduce your fall-risk, and work on your flexibility to maintain and enhance mobility. Minimum 5 participants. 7 wks. With Emily Goren OM Sun 11:00am-12:00pm 9/26-11/7 $70/M 23536 With Bernie Bondroff OM Mon 11:00am-12:00pm 10/11-11/22 $70/M 23535

Adults. Boxing shreds calories, delivers ultra-fast results, and is a superior stress buster. It’s one of the best forms of exercise because it conditions the total body and provides a complete workout for your cardiovascular and endurance systems. It’s a high fat burner and it increases your stamina, strength, speed, and coordination. 8 wks. OM Mon 8:00- 9:00pm 9/27-11/15 $80/M 23548

Revaz’s Circuit Training Adults. Looking to boost your metabolism and become a lean, mean, fat-burning machine? Revaz will take you there with this non-stop free-weight circuit class. Meets 2x per week. 8 wks. OM M/W 8:40- 9:40pm 10/4-11/24 $160/M 23228

Run-ditioning Adults. Rev up and refine your running technique. Learn the “how-to” of running including proper form, posture, and learning running-specific movements that emphasize good form and how to reduce injuries. Increase your speed and endurance. Track work, both inside and out, along with cardio interval work on Fitness Center Cardio equipment. Minimum 5 participants. Taught by Personal Trainer and expert runner, David Van Dinter. 7 wks. OM T/Th 9:30-10:30am 10/5-11/18 $140/M 23547

For more information, contact Lynn at OM x502 or email lrosenstone@jcc.org.


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide TENNIS Adult Intermediate Tennis Ages 18+. Class is held at Carroll Racquet and Fitness. For those who think better late than never, or have not played for a long time. Learn all of the skills to play the game. 10 wks. (November class moves to Carroll Racket). No class 11/26. Contact Adam Stein at OM x389. OM Fri 9:30-10:30am 10/8-12/17 $200/M $300/NM 23177

H.I.I.T. Cardio Tennis Research backs High Intensity Interval Training as one of the quickest ways to melt body fat and burn calories. H.I.I.T’s bursts of intensity followed by low intensity movement, make it a perfect fit for tennis players to improve conditioning for matches. H.I.I.T. is very intense, so it only makes up a portion of class. Warm Up, H.I.I.T.,Core Strengthening, Tennis Drills, Stretching. 11 weeks. No class on 9/23, 9/30, 11/25. (November class moves to Carroll Raquet). Contact Adam Stein OM x389. OM Thu 9:30-11:00am 9/16-12/16 $165/M $250/NM 23179

Tennis Conditioning Ages 16+. If you want to improve your movement on the tennis court, athletic performance in general, or tighten and tone your core and legs, welcome to the answer. After years of training, Adam Stein brings you a streamlined break from the normal workout, designed to challenge you to your fullest potential. We use fast paced tennis drills, medicine balls, resistance bands, plyometrics, speed and agility drills weights, bosu balls, etc., to etch the body you want. 14 wks. (November class moved to Carroll Raquet). Contact Adam Stein OM x389. OM Tue 9:30-11:00am 9/14-12/14 $210/M $315/NM 23180

DANCE Beginning Swing, Latin and Ballroom Adults. Learn two of the most popular styles of social dancing, Swing & Latin and Ballroom. It doesn’t matter if you are new to dancing or just freshening up your old moves, Swing and Latin dance makes dancing fun as you learn techniques shared by the Jitterbug, Salsa, Cha Cha and Merengue. No partner required. Individual students will share partners, dance with the instructor, and practice moves independently. No class 11/24. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Wed 7:00- 8:00pm 10/6-12/15 $100/M $150/NM 23184

Belly Dancing to Shape Up Ages 16+. Experience for yourself the beauty, grace and mystery of this ancient dance! You will learn rhythmic shimmies, isolation, and fluid snake like movements. Belly dancing improves your posture, flexibility, and body awareness. It’s a great workout for the waist, hips, and thighs, plus it’s fun! Learning to belly dance relieves stress, lowers back pain, and enhances self confidence. This is truly a dance for every body. 6 wks. Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502. OM Tue 7:15- 8:15pm 10/5-11/9 $60/M $90/NM 23183

Register Online www.jcc.org/register

Adults Les Mills Launch Sunday, October 10 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Weinberg Park Heights JCC

FREE to Members and Non-members 8am - BODYPUMP™

Come try the latest new moves in BODYPUMP™ – the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This 60-minute workout challenges all your major muscle groups. Great music and inspiring instructors will challenge you to do more! Class #23195-OM, #23599-PH

9:15am - BODYSTEP™

Come try the latest new moves in BODYSTEP™ – the energizing step workout that makes you feel liberated and alive. Using a heightadjustable step and simple movements on, over and around the step you get huge motivation from sing-a-long music and approachable instructors. Class #23196-OM, #23600-PH.

10am - BODYPUMP™

Come try the latest new moves in BODYPUMP™ – the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This 60-minute workout challenges all your major muscle groups. Great music and inspiring instructors will challenge you to do more! Class #23533-OM, #23598-PH.

Les Mills BODYFLOW™ Launch Sunday, October 31• 10am-12pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

FREE to Members and Non-members BODYFLOW™ is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Controlled breathing, concentration and a carefully structured series of stretches, moves and poses to music create a holistic workout that brings the body into a state of harmony and balance. Like all the LES MILLS™ programs, a new BODYFLOW™ class is released every three months with new music and choreography. Each class is made up of 45 minutes of simple but challenging exercises, followed by 10 minutes of relaxation and meditation. 10:00-11:00am Class #23531 11:00am-12:00pm Class # 23532

SPACE IS LIMITED FOR BOTH LAUNCH DATES. Members should pre-register to guarantee their spot. Non-members must pre-register. Contact Amy at OM x510 or aschwartz@jcc.org. 21

2010 fall guide


Classes at Owings Mills MAH JONGG & BRIDGE Mah Jongg AM Four Bam! Three Crak! Two Dot! Those marvelous sounds. Tiles clacking, women bonding and laughing and, of course, the best sound--Mah Jongg! Whether you are a beginner or past player, this is the class for you. Sign up and register now. Small classes. All ages welcome. A great way to meet new people. Come! Enjoy! Schmooze a little! Contact Marilyn Zvili at OM x328 OM Tue 10:00-11:30am 10/12-11/16 $55/M $75/NM 23234 OM Tue 7:30- 9:00pm 10/12-11/16 $55/M $75/NM 23235

Beginners Bridge Bridge is by far the greatest card game of all, and it can provide immense challenge and enjoyment for the rest of your life. This lesson is intended for the complete beginner, one who knows nothing, or almost nothing, about bridge. Contact Marilyn Zvili at OM x328 OM Mon 10:00-11:30am 10/4-11/8 $60/M $85/NM 23268 OM Mon 7:30- 9:00pm 10/4-11/8 $60/M $85/NM 23269

Free ZUMBA Party and Chanukah Bazaar

Sun., November 14 • 9am-2pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC ZUMBA Party 9am-11am Chanukah Bazaar 10am-2pm Time to think about gifting and DANCING!!!! Shop for yourself and others; the dancing is just for you!!!! Women only. Catch ZUMBA® fever! You’ll get three exciting hours of Latin-style dancing. Anyone, any age, can ZUMBA. Pre-register and collect your coupon - good for door prizes and giveaways. Class #23086.

For more information, contact Jackie: PH x247 or jforeman@jcc.

Free ZUMBA Party and Healthy Chanukah Fair Sun., November 14 • 9am-2pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC ZUMBA Party 9am-11am Chanukah Fair 10am-2pm Catch ZUMBA® fever! The Zumba® program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away! Anyone, any age, can ZUMBA. When you’re done dancing, we’ll also have great fitness apparel and beauty products on sale and several healthcare and wellness vendors to visit. Class #23199.

For more information, contact Lynn: OM x502 or lrosenstone@jcc.org. 22

ART Ceramics with Donna If you’ve ever had the urge to make pottery, use the wheel, sculpt figurines or just explore the many possibilities of personal expression through clay, then these are the classes for you! Enjoy the company of other creative adults and receive individual, hands on instruction from an accomplished clay artist. All levels are welcome, no previous experience necessary. Fee includes clay, over glazes, kiln firing and supplies. Instructor: Donna Lansman. Contact Marilyn Zvili at OM x328 OM Tue 7:00- 9:00pm 10/5-11/23 $160/M $225/NM 23239

Painting with Noi Classic painting as well as contemporary techniques. Instructor: Noi Volkov. 8 weeks. No class 10/26, 10/28, 11/25, 11/30, 12/9. Contact Marilyn Zvili at OM x328. OM Tue 11:30am- 2:30pm 10/5-11/23 $200/M $280/NM 23242 OM Wed 11:30am- 2:30pm 10/6-12/1 $200/M $280/NM 23555 OM Thu 11:30am- 2:30pm 10/7-12/2 $200/M $280/NM 23241

Ceramics/Sculpture with Volker If you’ve ever had the urge to make pottery, use the wheel, sculpt figurines or just explore the many possibilities of personal expression through clay, then these are the classes for you! Enjoy the company of other creative adults and receive individual, hands on instruction from an accomplished clay artist. All levels are welcome, no previous experience necessary. Fee includes clay, over glazes, kiln firing and supplies. For sculpting, you will need your own armatures. Instructor: Volker Schoenfliess. Contact Marilyn Zvili at OM x328 OM Wed 10:00am-12:30pm 10/6-11/24 $160/M $225/NM 23297

Drawing with Noi Classic drawing techniques including figure drawing. Instructor: Noi Volkov. 8 weeks. No class 10/25. Contact Marilyn Zvili at OM x328 OM Mon 10:00am- 1:00pm 10/4-11/29 $140/M $180/NM 23554

Ceramics/Sculpture with Noi The figure in clay. Contemporary sculptures techniques. For sculpting, you will need your own armatures. Instructor Noi Volkov. 8 weeks. No class 10/28, 11/25. Contact Marilyn Zvili at OM x328 OM Thu 7:00- 9:00pm 10/7-12/8 $160/M $225/NM 23556

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide


Classes at Park Heights Email/Internet Techie Workshop Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience required. Learn how to download and upload pictures from email, on the internet, printing photos and making photo albums using Snapfish, etc. For more information call Arlene at PH x637. PH Wed 4:30- 6:00pm 10/5-10/19 $36/M $46/NM 23085

Keeping It Organized Techie Workshop Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience required. Learn how to manage and organize your files, folders, and understand directories. For more information call Arlene at PH x637. PH Wed 4:30- 6:00pm 12/14-12/28 $36/M $46/NM 23106

HEBREW LANGUAGE CLASS Aleph To Tov Isn’t Tough Ages 18+. Do you want to learn how to read Hebrew in 12 weeks? Do you want to learn Hebrew that is used in Jewish life, ritual, prayers, and tradition? Do you want to be familiar with the modern language of Israel? Do you want to have a challenging, non-threatening, enjoyable experience? This course is designed for adult learners without any previous knowledge of Hebrew, and promises to be a fascinating adventure in language discovery. Includes book. Contact Linda or Sharon in OM x347 or parenting@jcc.org PH Wed 7:00- 8:15pm 10/6-12/29 $100/M $130/NM 23553

Social Networking Techie Workshop Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience required. Learn how to connect with your friends and family and meet new people online using Facebook, Twitter, Linked iN, and JDate. For more information call Arlene at PH x637. PH Wed 4:30- 6:00pm 11/2-11/16 $36/M $46/NM 23107

FITNESS Men’s Self Defense Ages 16+. Personal attacks are occurring at higher rates! Learn to protect yourself and your family with Eric Goldstein. Learn boxing, Muay Thai, MMA, Hapkido, ground defense and other self-defense skills. 8 wks. Contact Jackie at PH x 247. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. PH Sun 1:30- 2:30pm 10/10-11/28 $180/M $270/NM 23065

Core Training for Women Ages 16+ The key to balance and overall strength lies in your CORE. Learn a variety of exercises designed to strengthen your abdominals & back and flatten your stomach. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. 8 wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Wed 8:40- 9:10pm 10/6-12/1 $50/M 23099

A A A A A A Stars and Stripes:

A Tribute to Jewish War Veterans October 6, October 27 & November 10 1:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC This series is a celebration of and tribute to Jewish War Veterans in the Greater Baltimore area.

Wed., October 6 • Rabbi Seth D. Phillips Wed., October 27 • Rabbi Tzvi Karp Wed., November 10 • Erwin Burtnick Fee: $3/M $5/NM for the series Please RSVP to Jana at PH x621.

Core Training for Men Ages 16+ The key to balance and overall strength lies in your CORE. Learn a variety of exercises designed to strengthen your abdominals & back and flatten your stomach. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. 8 weeks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Thu 7:00- 7:30pm 10/7-12/2 $50/M 23100

Register Online www.jcc.org/register


Adult Life PLUS

2010 fall guide

Classes at Park Heights Foreign Policy Discuss American government and politics; explore issues at local, national, and international levels. Contact: Arlene PH x637. PH Tue 10:00-11:30am 9/7-1/4 $0/M $0/NM 23052

FITNESS Balance Exercise Balance exercise is lower body training designed to strengthen the legs and improve overall balance. Join us for this fun class, which develops core strength. Instructor: Kathy Reid. 10wks. No class 9/23, 9/30, 11/25. Contact Arlene PH x637. PH Tue 1:00- 2:00pm 9/7-11/9 $30/M $42/NM 23053 PH Thu 1:00- 2:00pm 9/16-12/9 $30/M $42/NM 23055

Tai Chi Tai Chi is gentle, focusing on fluid, circular movements that are relaxed and slow in tempo. Breathing is deep and slow, aiding concentration, relaxing the body and allowing the life force, or chi as it is known in Chinese, to flow throughout the body. Instructor: Kathy Reid. 10wks. Contact: Arlene PH x637. PH Tue 2:00- 3:00pm 9/7-11/9 $30/M $42/NM 23054

ART Ceramics All levels. Hands on class using clay & glazes to create artworks. No class 11/24. Instructor: Ruth Levie. 8wks. Contact: Arlene PH x637. PH Wed 7:00- 9:00pm 10/6-12/1 $130/M $185/NM 23060

Portrait Drawing Work primarily with pastels using live model. Emphasis will be on head construction, light and shadow, and composition. No class 9/24, 10/1, 11/26. Instructor: Rodney Cook. Minimum 16 students. 10wks. Contact Arlene PH x637. PH Fri 10:00am- 2:30pm 9/17-12/10 $68/M $68/NM 23061

Sculpture Excel Perfect sculpting skills at any level. Students provide tools and supplies. Instructor: John Seeley. 8wks. Contact Arlene PH x637. PH Mon 4:00- 6:00pm 9/13-11/1 $130/M $185/NM 23062

Watercolor This course examines a variety of techniques and subjects. Students will explore still life and landscapes. Some classes will be held at scenic locations. Instructor: Rodney Cook. Minimum 16 students. 10wks. Register with Arlene PH x637. PH Tue 9:15am- 1:15pm 9/14-11/16 $68/M $68/NM 23063


COMPUTERS Intro to Computers Intimidated by your computer? Don’t be. Come start from the beginning and learn the basics. No experience required. Class geared towards seniors. 8wks. No class 11/26. Contact Arlene PH x637. PH Fri 9:30-11:00am 10/8-12/3 $50/M $60/NM 23051

Intermediate Computers Basic computer experience required. Students will learn how to save files, understand directory structures, view files using my computer, customize workspace. 8wks. Contact: Arlene PH x637. PH Mon 3:00-4:30pm 10/4-11/29 $50/M $60/NM 23050

Email/Internet Techie Workshop Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience required. Learn how to download and upload pictures from email, on the internet, printing photos and making photo albums using snapfish, etc. Contact: Arlene PH x637. PH Wed 4:30- 6:00pm 10/5-10/19 $36/M $46/NM 23085

Keeping It Organized Techie Workshop Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience required. Learn how to manage and organize your files, folders, and understand directories. Contact: Arlene PH x637. PH Wed 4:30- 6:00pm 12/14-12/28 $36/M $46/NM 23106

Social Networking Techie Workshop Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience required. Learn how to connect with your friends and family and meet new people online using Facebook, Twitter, Linked iN, and JDate. Contact: Arlene PH x637. PH Wed 4:30- 6:00pm 11/2-11/16 $36/M $46/NM 23107

AT OWINGS MILLS Circuit Express: Trim, Tone, & Build Bone Ages 60+. A gentle introduction to strength training, balance and bone-loading exercises utilizing the selectorized equipment in the Fitness center. Taught by Personal trainer Rocky Rosen. 17 wks. No class 9/9, 9/23, 9/30, 11/25. Contact Lynn at OM x502. OM T/Th 11:00am-12:00pm 9/7-12/30 $0/M 23206

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Adult Life PLUS

Trip to Washington DC • October 13 Bus leaves PH 8:30am; OM 9:00am Join us for a visit to the Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens which has one of the most comprehensive collections of eighteenth and nineteenth-century Russian Imperial art outside of Russia, as well as an extensive collection of eighteenth-century French decorative arts and a collection of costumes and accessories worn by Mrs. Marjorie Merriweather Post or her family. Next stop: Union Station, considered one of the finest examples of the Beaux-Arts style of architecture. Architect, Daniel Burnham designed the building to be monumental in every respect and to serve as a gateway for the capital city. With over 100 places to eat, drink and shop, Union Station is a perfect destination in Washington DC. RSVP with payment by Sept. 17: M/JCC/SFN $39, NM/$54 Class #23109

Union Station

Trip to Bucks County Play House for Hello Dolly • November 17 Bus leaves PH 7:30am; OM 8:00am Return with us to one of our favorite trip destinations: New Hope Pennsylvania. This charming town on the water has great shopping, antiques, and art galleries. Next we’ll head to the Bucks County Play House to see a live performance of Hello, Dolly!, first produced on Broadway by David Merrick in 1964, winning the Tony Award for Best Musical and nine other Tonys. RSVP with payment by Oct. 15: M/JCC/SFN /$59, NM/$82 Class #23110

Fall Trips Package - Pay for both trips by September 17 and receive special pricing – $89/M, $127/NM. Class #23111.

For more information call Jana Klejner at PH x621.

Screening & Discussion of Sluzhenie (Service) Sunday, October 24 • 2:00-4:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC Movie in Russian with English subtitles, discussion in Russian.

Alexander Gershtein, an independent producer and director from Toronto, will present and discuss his movie, Sluzhenie (Service). $2 at the door. Class #23602

JCC Book Club Read any good books laterly? Join the JCC Book Club which usually meets the first Sunday of the month at the Park Heights JCC.

Contact Lisa Shifren for more information at PH x249.

Eating Together Grandparents Day

Wednesday, December 29 • 1:00-3:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC - Straus Auditorium Bring your grandchild, great-great child, or your favorite youngster to the JCC for a fun filled afternoon during winter break. We’ll have a pizza party followed by a screening of “Aaron’s Magic Village”, an animated hit film that was a favorite at the Baltimore Jewish film festival. Fee: $5 per person Class #23606

Monday - Friday • 11:30am-1:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC Older adults are invited to enjoy a nutritious, kosher meal, thanks to the Eating Together program in conjunction with the Baltimore City Commission on Aging Retirement Education.

For reservations or more information, call PH x283.

RSVP to Jana Klejner by December 22.

Register Online www.jcc.org/register


Art & Culture

2010 fall guide

Yiddish Theatre Sunday, December 5 • 3:00-5:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC Folksbiene New York National Yiddish Theatre, the longest running professional theatre in America, brings their troupe to the JCC for a new performance of Makht a Tsimes! (Make a Fuss!), a Yiddish Production with English and Russian Subtitles. Tickets are limited and available on a first come first serve basis. Fee: $20/M; $30/NM Class #23601

RSVP by Nov. 1 to Jana: jklejner@jcc.org or PH x621.

A Life in Letters: Clara Schumann & Johannes Brahms

An Evening of Irving Berlin

Sunday, Nov. 21; 2:00pm

Morstein Performa in the Adalman Auditorium Stan Weiman stars in this evening of song and dialogue. Tickets: $10

Gordon Center For Performing Arts A concert and dramatic reading featuring piano duo Saar Ahuvia and Stephanie Ho, with performances by Stanley I. Morstein and Patricia Ann Coleman. Free to all but RSVP and ticket required This program is underwritten through the generosity of Howard S. Brown.

Thursday, Nov. 18; 7:30pm

For more information on either of these events, contact Marilyn: mzvili@jcc.org or OM x328.

CINEFEST 2010 Gordon Center For Performing Arts


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 7:30pm

Argentina 2009. Spanish with subtitles. A terrorist bombing in Buenos Aires upends the world of a girl with Down syndrome and propels her on a life-changing journey in this poignant family drama.

Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 7:30pm

English 2009. This film portrays the contributions of Jewish major leaguers and the special meaning that baseball has had in the lives of American Jews.


Date To Be Announced

English, French, Hebrew 2009. With English subtitles. The Persian Gulf War and its effect on a French couple living in Israel, their friends and family, forms the matrix of ULTIMATUM, a tense melodrama.

For more information, contact Jon Teter at PH x239. 26

A Staged Reading of A Modest Suggestion Saturday, November 20; 8:00pm Weinberg PH JCC Straus Auditorium Four business men sit in the conference room looking at the newest item on the docket: do they kill all of the Jews or not? This satirical new play, directed by Etan Weintraub and performed for the first time in Baltimore, takes a seriously funny look at one of the un-funniest aspects of humanity: hatred and murder. Playwright Ken Kaissar asks humanity to look at itself in the mirror to consider the absurdities of genocide in any form. The performance will be followed by a discussion of the issues raised in the play.

For more information, visit www. jewishtheatreworkshop.org.

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

Classes at Owings Mills


Parent Infant Swim


Ages 6 mos to 2 yrs. Parents and infants acclimate to water through kicking, reaching and blowing bubbles. OM Sun 11:30am-12:00pm 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23153 OM Sun 11:30am-12:00pm 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23585

Gives participants success with the fundamental skills: Skills learned include: enter water by stepping or jumping, exit water ( ladder steps & side), fully submerge holding breath, bobbing, front jellyfish and tuck floats, front and back glides and back float, recover to vertical, roll over from front to back and back to front, change direction of travel while swimming on front and back, treading water using arm and leg actions, combined arm and leg action on front and back, finning on back. OM Sun 10:45-11:25am 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23132 OM Sun 10:45-11:25am 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23589 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 10/5-10/28 $90/M $125/NM 23133 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 11/2-11/30 $90/M $125/NM 23134 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 12/3-12/23 $90/M $125/NM 23135

Parent Child Swim Ages 2 to 5 years. For children with two or more previous sessions of water adjustment lessons. Parents and children develop water confidence together through basic water exploration and primary swimming skills. 8 weeks. OM Sun 9:30-10:00am 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23152 OM Sun 9:30-10:00am 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23586

Tadpoles Ages 3-5 years. Small group lessons designed to build self confidence. Water exploration and primary swimming skills. Children must be able to attend class without parents. Class size limited to six. OM Sun 9:30-10:00am 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23154 OM Sun 9:30-10:00am 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23587

ARC Level 1 Swim - INTRODUCTION TO WATER SKILLS Helps participants feel comfortable in the water. Skills learned include: enter & exit water (using side, ladder & steps), Blowing bubbles (nose and mouth), bobbing, opening eyes under water retrieving objects, front and back glides, back float, recover to vertical position, roll from front to back and back to front, tread water using arm and hand action, alternating and simultaneous arm and leg action (front & back). No class 11/25. OM Sun 10:00-10:40am 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23128 OM Sun 10:00-10:40am 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23588 OM T/Th 5:00- 5:30pm 10/5-10/28 $90/M $125/NM 23129 OM T/Th 5:00- 5:30pm 11/2-11/30 $90/M $125/NM 23130 OM T/Th 5:00- 5:30pm 12/3-12/23 $90/M $125/NM 23131

Swimming Lesson Policy Sometimes the pool becomes unavailable for swimming lessons due to circumstances beyond our control. If the pool is unavailable for swimming lessons due to inclement weather or health & safety related issues; our instructors will conduct a land-based session including either water safety and/or land-based stroke drills at the instructor’s discretion. Make-up lessons will not be scheduled if a water session needs to be missed for one of these reasons. The JCC does not provide refunds for missed water sessions.

Register Online www.jcc.org/register

ARC Level 3 Swim - STROKE DEVELOPMENT Builds on skills with practice in deeper water. Skills learned include: enter by jumping in, head first entry (sitting & kneeling), bobbing to safety, rotary breathing, survival float, back float, change from vertical to horizontal positions (front & back), tread water, flutter, dolphin, and scissors kicks, front crawl & elementary back strokes. No class 11/25. OM Sun 10:00-10:40am 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23136 OM Sun 10:00-10:40am 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23590 OM T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm 10/5-10/28 $90/M $125/NM 23137 OM T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm 11/2-11/30 $90/M $125/NM 23138 OM T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm 12/3-12/23 $90/M $125/NM 23139

ARC Level 4 Swim - STROKE IMPROVEMENT Develops confidence and improves skills. Skills learned include: headfirst entries from side in compact and stride positions, swim under water, feet first surface dive, survival swimming, front crawl and backstroke open turns, tread water using 2 different kicks, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, flutter and dolphin kicks on back. No class 11/25. OM Sun 10:45-11:25am 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23140 OM Sun 10:45-11:25am 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23591 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 10/5-10/28 $90/M $125/NM 23141 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 11/2-11/30 $90/M $125/NM 23142 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 12/3-12/23 $90/M $125/NM 23143

VISIT www.jcc.org/aquatics for more information on the fall programs. Or contact Sue at OM x304 or email sszembroth@jcc.org. 27

2010 fall guide


Classes at Owings Mills ARC Level 5 Swim - STROKE REFINEMENT Provides further coordination and refinement of strokes. Skills learned include: shallow-angle dive from the side, tread water, tuck and pike surface dives, submerge completely, front flip turn and backstroke flip turn while swimming, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, and standard scull. OM Sun 10:00-10:40am 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23144 OM Sun 10:00-10:40am 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23592 OM T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm 10/5-10/28 $90/M $125/NM 23145 OM T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm 11/2-11/30 $90/M $125/NM 23146 OM T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm 12/3-12/23 $90/M $125/NM 23147

ARC Level 6 Fitness Swim - SWIMMING AND SKILL PROFICIENCY Refines strokes so participants swim with ease. Level 6 features menu options to prepare participants for advanced activities, including water safety instructor course, competitive swimming or diving. These menu options include: fitness swimmer, personal water safety, and fundamentals of diving. OM Sun 10:45-11:25am 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23148 OM Sun 10:45-11:25am 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23593 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 10/5-10/28 $90/M $125/NM 23149 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 11/2-11/30 $90/M $125/NM 23150 OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm 12/3-12/23 $90/M $125/NM 23151

Teen/Adult Beginner Swim Ages 13 and up. Introduction to water skills; submersion in water, breath control, floating on front and back with floatation support. OM Sun 1:00- 1:40pm 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23160 OM Sun 1:50- 2:30pm 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23595 OM M/W 5:30- 6:10pm 10/4-10/27 $90/M $125/NM 23159 OM M/W 5:30- 6:10pm 11/1-11/24 $90/M $125/NM 23157 OM M/W 5:30- 6:10pm 11/29-12/22 $90/M $125/NM 23158

VISIT www.jcc.org/aquatics for more information on the fall programs. Or contact Sue at OM x304 or email sszembroth@jcc.org.


Teen/Adult Adv Beginner Swim Ages 13 and up. Fundamental Aquatics Skills; elements of front and back crawl, independent floating on front and back. OM Sun 1:50- 2:30pm 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23155 OM Sun 1:00- 1:40pm 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23594 OM M/W 6:15- 6:55pm 10/4-10/27 $90/M $125/NM 23270 OM M/W 6:15- 6:55pm 11/1-11/24 $90/M $125/NM 23156 OM M/W 6:15- 6:55pm 11/29-12/22 $90/M $125/NM 23549

Teen/Adult Stroke Improvement Ages 13 and up. Fundamental Aquatics Skills; elements of front and back crawl, independent floating on front and back. OM Sun 1:00- 1:40pm 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23164 OM Sun 1:00- 1:40pm 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23596 OM M/W 5:30- 6:10pm 10/4-10/27 $90/M $125/NM 23163 OM M/W 5:30- 6:10pm 11/1-11/24 $90/M $125/NM 23161 OM M/W 5:30- 6:10pm 11/29-12/22 $90/M $125/NM 23162

Teen/Adult Stroke Refinement Ages 13 and up. Refinement of all six basic strokes. Introduction to fitness swimming, front and back flip turns. OM Sun 1:50- 2:30pm 9/12-10/31 $90/M $125/NM 23168 OM Sun 1:50- 2:30pm 11/7-12/19 $90/M $125/NM 23597 OM M/W 6:15- 6:55pm 10/4-10/27 $90/M $125/NM 23167 OM M/W 6:15- 6:55pm 11/1-11/24 $90/M $125/NM 23165 OM M/W 6:15- 6:55pm 11/29-12/22 $90/M $125/NM 23166

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide


Certification Classes

Adult Water Fitness Classes

Water Safety Instructor The American Red Cross (ARC) Water Safety Instructor Course provides instructor candidates the training needed to teach courses in the ARC Swimming and Water Safety Program by developing their understanding of how to use the course materials, how to conduct training sessions and how to evaluate participants’ progress. Prerequisites: you must be 16 years of age by the last day of the class, must either hold a current ARC Fundamentals of Instructor Training certificate, or hold a current authorization as a ARC Health and Safety Instructor, and successfully complete a test of swimming skills prior to beginning the class. OM T/Th 5:30- 9:30pm 10/5-11/11 $350/M $400/NM 23248

Water Aerobics Resistance training for toning, strengthening and cardiovascular benefits. Free to members 60+ and those with special needs. No classes on 9/6,9/9,9/10,9/23,9/24,9/30,10/1 & 11/25. Over 60 OM M/W/F 8:30- 9:15am 8/30-12/31 $0/M $105/NM 23170 OM M-F 9:30-10:15am 8/31-12/31 $0/M $105/NM 23171 Under 60 OM M-F 9:30-10:15am 8/31-12/31 $75/M $105/NM 23173 OM M/W/F 8:30- 9:15am 8/31-12/31 $75/M $105/NM 23172

Lifeguarding Ages 15 years and up. Upon successful completion of this course, become certified in Lifeguarding, First Aid and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. Must Pass Prerequisite Swim of 300 yards and a timed brick retrieval. 5 wks. OM Sun 9:30am- 6:30pm 9/13-12/18 $275/M $350/NM 23226 OM Sun 9:30am- 6:30pm 11/7-12/12 $275/M $350/NM 23227

Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program Ages 21+. Exercise without putting excess strain on joints and muscles. Gentle activities in warm water with guidance from a trained instructor to help gain strength and flexibility. No classes on 9/6,9/10,9/24 & 10/1. OM M/W/F 10:30-11:15am 8/31-12/31 $75/M $105/NM 23169

I Was Accepted at Three Independent Schools. I Chose Cardin. Why? Cardin offers a “pluralistic Jewish education,” meaning one that doesn’t teach the tenets of one denomination over another, but embraces them all. Cardin integrates Jewish values into a college preparatory curriculum. It fits me.

The Shoshana S. Cardin School Baltimore’s Independent Jewish High School

Above all, learning.

7310 Park Heights Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21208-5436 (410) 585-1400 • www.shoshanascardin.org

Register Online www.jcc.org/register JCC Sept10 #1.indd



6/29/10 3:42 PM

2010 fall guide


Classes at Park Heights Preschool Level A - Mini Session - COED Orients children to the aquatic environment and helps them gain basic aquatic skills. Skills include: entering and exiting the pool, blowing bubbles, submerging (mouth, nose and eyes), opening eyes under water, front and back glides, standing up from glide position, rolling over, introductory arm and leg actions on front, back and treading. NO CLASS - 11/28 PH Sun 10:35-11:05am 10/10-12/5 $75/M $115/NM 23323

Preschool Level B - Mini Session - COED Ages 3-5. Helps children gain greater independence in their skills and develop more comfort in and around water. Skills learned include entering the water by stepping in, exit using side, ladder and steps, bobbing, opening eyes under water, front and back glides and floating, recovering to vertical from front and back, rolling over in the water from front to back and back to front, combined arm and leg actions on front and back, finning, and treading water. NO CLASS - 11/28 PH Sun 10:35-11:05am 10/10-12/5 $75/M $115/NM 23328

Preschool Level C - Mini Session - COED Ages 4-5. Helps children start to gain basic swimming propulsive skills to be able to be comfortable in and around the water. Skills learned include entering the water jumping in, fully submerging entire head, holding breath, bobbing, front jellyfish and tuck floats, recovering from front and back floats and glides, back float and glide, change direction of travel while swimming on front and back, tread water using arms and legs action, combined arm and leg action on front and back, finning on back. NO CLASS - 11/28 PH $75/M

Sun 10:35-11:05am $115/NM 23322


Level 1 Swim - INTRODUCTION TO WATER SKILLS Helps participants feel comfortable in the water. Skills learned include: enter & exit water (using side, ladder & steps), Blowing bubbles (nose and mouth), bobbing, opening eyes under water retrieving objects, front and back glides, back float, recover to vertical position, roll from front to back and back to front, tread water using arm and hand action, alternating and simultaneous arm and leg action (front & back), combining arm and leg action (front & back). NO CLASS - 11/28 Female PH Sun 11:20am-12:00pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $125/NM 23040 Male PH Sun 5:20- 6:00pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $125/NM 23041

VISIT www.jcc.org/aquatics for more information on the fall programs. Or contact Mark at PH x626 or email mbonitatibus@jcc.org.


Level 2 Swim - FUNDAMENTAL AQUATIC SKILLS Gives participants success with the fundamental skills: Skills learned include: enter water by stepping or jumping, exit water ( ladder steps & side), fully submerge holding breath, bobbing, front jellyfish and tuck floats, front and back glides and back float, recover to vertical, roll over from front to back and back to front, change direction of travel while swimming on front and back, treading water using arm and leg actions, combined arm and leg action on front and back, finning on back. NO CLASS - 11/28 Female PH Sun 11:20am-12:00pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $125/NM 23044 Male PH Sun 5:20- 6:00pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $125/NM 23038

Level 3 Swim - STROKE DEVELOPMENT Builds on skills with practice in deeper water. Skills learned include: enter by jumping in, head first entry (sitting & kneeling), bobbing to safety, rotary breathing, survival float, back float, change from vertical to horizontal positions (front & back), tread water, flutter, dolphin, and scissors kicks, front crawl & elementary back strokes. NO CLASS - 11/28 Female PH Sun 11:20am-12:00pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $125/NM 23042 Male PH Sun 5:20- 6:00pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $125/NM 23043

Level 4 Swim - STROKE IMPROVEMENT Develops confidence and improves skills. Skills learned include: headfirst entries from side in compact and stride positions, swim under water, feet first surface dive, survival swimming, front crawl and backstroke open turns, tread water using 2 different kicks, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, flutter and dolphin kicks on back. NO CLASS - 11/28 Female PH Sun 11:20am-12:00pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $125/NM 23079 Male PH Sun 5:20- 6:00pm 10/10-12/5 $90/M $125/NM 23076

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide



Resistance training for toning, strengthening and cardiovascular benefits. Free to members age 60 and up and those with special needs. For questions call Mark Bonitatibus @ 410-542-4900 ext. 626 or email mbonitatibus@jcc.org Over 60 PH M-F 8:45- 9:30am 8/16-12/31 $0/M 23570 Under 60 PH M-F 8:45- 9:30am 8/16-12/31 $75/M 23056

Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Women Only Ages 21+. Exercise without putting excess strain on joints and muscles. Gentle activities in warm water with guidance from a trained instructor to help gain strength and flexibility. Instructor: Polina Spirt. PH T/Th 9:35-10:20am 9/13-12/18 $50/M $100/NM 23045

PH Single Gender Swim Teams

Male and female swimmers interested in joining the Park Heights Penguins single gender swim teams will need to try-out for the team. All Swimmers will be required to demonstrate that they can successfully swim 25 continuous yards of both Freestyle (Front Crawl) using rhythmic or rotary breathing and swim 25 continuous yards of Back Stroke (Back Crawl). All swimmers will also be evaluated on their ability in the other two competitive strokes (Breaststroke and Butterfly). The fee for participating is $300/swimmer.

Tryouts will be held in October - contact Mark at PH x626 if you are interested!

Swim Team Readiness

This program is for kids planning on trying out for the swim team, or for those looking to refine the four competitive strokes mechanics, including work on starts and turns. It will be a mixture of stroke development and building endurance.

Groups will be forming soon. Contact Mark at PH x626 if you are interested!

Tweens • Teens • Adults

Want to learn to swim? We can arrange a class just for your age group.

Looking for a class for Parents & Children? We can arrange that too!

Just call Mark at PH x626 or email mbonitatibus@jcc.org.

Register Online www.jcc.org/register

VISIT www.jcc.org/aquatics for more information on the fall programs. Or contact Mark at PH x626 or email mbonitatibus@jcc.org.


CSA Martial Arts & Wellness School

2010 fall guide

Beginner Children’s Karate Beginner - White Belt 2nd Stripe. Ages 6-12. Introduction to Karate stances, strikes, kicks, blocks, and self-defense. Fine tunes skills for advancing students. No Class: 9/28 OM M 4:30-5:15pm 10/4-12/13 $154/NM $231/NM 5831213 OM W 4:30-5:15pm 10/6-12/15 $154/NM $231/NM 5831441

NEW! Martial Madness

NEW! After School Karate Camp Ages 4-12. Make a smooth transition from Summer to Fall with CSA. Join us for a fun filled After School Camp Program including: Karate and Martial Arts training, Homework time, Problem Solving and Self-defense, Martial Arts and Crafts, T’ai Chi and Yoga, healthy snacks, and much more. Close at 5pm on 9/22 & 9/29. Dates: 9/13,9/14,9/15,9/16,9/20,9/21,9/22,9/27,9/28,9/29 OM M - Th 3:30-6:30pm $40/M Day $60/NM Day 5831001 $350/M 10 Days $525/NM 10 Days

Family Karate Class All levels. Ages 4 and up. Parent & Child An exciting opportunity to work together on learning Karate. The children and adults get their own separate classes as well as a combined class of learning for all. All basics taught with full belt advancement. Full price for first person. Half price for all additional. OM S 12:00-1:00pm 10/10-12/19 $140/M $210/NM 5831107 OM W 7:00-8:00pm 10/6-12/15 $154/NM $231/NM 5831449

Karate Lunch Class Beginner and up. Ages 3-5. Children bring their lunch and enjoy it with friends. After lunch they have Karate fun with Ms. Jen. Learning their basics and earning belts. No Class: 9/28 OM M 12:00-1:30pm 10/4-12/13 $198/NM $297/NM 5831112

Kickin’ Kids Ages 3-5. Bring them in or Ms. Jen can pick them up from the JCC Preschool. Kids will learn Karate basics and HAVE FUN! OM W 2:00-2:45pm 10/6-12/15 $154/NM $231/NM 5831447

Ages 4-12. Through games, obstacle courses, and challanging activites participants will improve: agility, flexibilty, strength, and stamina while having FUN! OM Th 4:30-5:15pm 10/7-12/16 $154/NM $231/NM 5831561

Intermediate Children’s Karate Yellow - Yellow belt 2 stripes. Ages 5-12. Continued training of basics; forms, interactive self-defense techniques, advanced blocks, kicks, strike, and stances. No Class: 9/28 OM M 5:15-6:00pm 10/4-12/13 $154/NM $231/NM 5831215 OM T 4:30-5:15pm 10/5-12/14 $154/NM $231/NM 5831329 OM Th 5:15-6:00pm 10/7-12/16 $154/NM $231/NM 5831563

Advanced Karate Blue & Above. Ages 6-12. Continues the ongoing process of advanced training. More forms, sparring, weapons training, assist with instructing of beginner students. OM T 5:15-6:00pm 10/5-12/14 $154/NM $231/NM 5831333 OM W 5:15-6:00pm 10/6-12/15 $154/NM $231/NM 5831445 OM Th 6:00-6:45pm 10/7-12/16 $154/NM $231/NM 5831567

NEW! T’ai Chi, Yoga and Meditation for Kids Ages 5-12. Through the ancient art of T’ai Chi &yoga, your child will learn breathing exercises, balance drills, muscle and body control, anger management, and much more. OM T 6:00-6:45pm 10/5-12/14 $154/NM $231/NM 5831359

Beginner Children’s Karate Beginner - White Belt 2nd Stripe. Ages 4-6. Introduction to Karate stances, strikes, kicks, blocks, and self-defense. Fine tunes skills for advancing students. No Class: 9/28 OM M 3:30-4:15pm 10/4-12/13 $154/NM $231/NM 5831207 OM T 3:30-4:15pm 10/5-12/14 $154/NM $231/NM 5831327 OM W 3:30-4:15pm 10/6-12/15 $154/NM $231/NM 5831437 OM Th 3:30-4:15pm 10/7-12/16 $154/NM $231/NM 5831557


VISIT www.CSAkarate.com for more information on the fall programs. Or contact Jen at OM x321.

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide

CSA Martial Arts & Wellness School

T’ai Chi with Movements and Meditations

Women’s Kickboxing

Teen/Adult. Modified Yang Long Form offered. Emphasis on learning details of the forms. Chi Kung, therapeutic breathing and postures are used to enhance training. The perfect moving meditation for relaxation. (Older adult discount 50%) OM M 6:00-7:00pm 10/4-12/13 $154/NM $231/NM 5831312 OM Th 11:00-12:00am 10/7-12/16 $154/NM $231/NM 5831402

This class will kick your butt. The real thing, CSA Kickboxing is an excellent way to enhance and tone the body through boxing and kickboxing techniques. Includes the use of light weights, jump ropes, focus pads, and heavy bags. Learn street wise techniques in awareness training, evasion, blocking, parrying and multiple strikes. Be prepared to defend yourself! OM T 9:30-10:30am 10/5-12/14 $154/NM $231/NM 5831325 OM Th 10:00-11:00am 10/7-12/16 $154/NM $231/NM 5831525

Coed Kickboxing Teen/Adult. The real thing…this class includes jump rope, bag work, kickboxing techniques, upper body and lower body strength training, partner work, and much more. This class is guaranteed to make you sweat and burn hundreds of calories. OM W 6:00-7:00pm 10/5-12/15 $154/NM $231/NM 5831223

Teen/Adult Self Defense and Karate Teen/Adult. This practical self-defense class will give you the tools to live a safer life. Learn basic evasion, blocking, and stiking techniques. You will also have the opportunity to advance through the belt system. Fulfill your goal to achieve a BLACK BELT! No Class: 9/28 OM M 7:00-8:00pm 10/4-12/13 $154/NM $231/NM 5831571

Therapeutic Gentle Yoga Teen/ Adult. Yoga can be dificult for many people to do, yet it has wonderful therapuetic qualities. This Yoga class is great for all ages, all levels, and all abilities. It is also a GREAT workout! OM T 7:00-8:00pm 10/5-12/14 $154/NM $231/NM 5831339

VISIT www.CSAkarate.com for more information on the fall programs. Or contact Jen at OM x321.

All CSA registration forms must be mailed, faxed or dropped off to the attention of Jen Lake at the Owings Mills JCC. CSA accepts VISA & MasterCard. Checks should be made payable to CSA, Ltd. No refunds; class credits only.

Register Online www.jcc.org/register


Membership Information

2010 fall guide

Interested in taking advantage of all the JCC has to offer? The JCC offers a variety of membership plans to suit your needs. You may pay your annual dues in full or monthly by credit card. Tell your friends! For each new member that you refer, we will extend your membership by one month. Get 12 friends to join and receive a free year of membership!

New Three Tier Membership Pricing Effective July 1, 2010


Standard Rate Annual Monthly $875 $900/$75

Help Others Rate Annual Monthly $925 $960/$80

Couples (ages 65+) Single Parent Family

$785 $816/$68 $550 $576/$48

$835 $864/$72 $600 $624/$52

$759 $786/$65.50 $531 $546/$45.50

Individual (age 19-64) Individual (age 65+) Youth (grades 6-12) Full Time Student (age 19-25) Older Adult Couple Older Adult Individual

$625 $560 $335 $395 $415 $345

$675 $610 $385 $445 $465 $395

$606 $543 $324 $384 $402 $336

Couples, ages 19-64, with or without single, dependent children living at home up to age 22

Single, separated, divorced or widowed parent living with single, dependent children up to age 22

$660/$55 $588/$49 $360/$30 $420/$35 $444/$37 $372/$31

$696/$58 $636/$53 $408/$34 $468/$39 $492/$41 $420/$35

A Little Help Rate* Annual Monthly $846 $876/$73

$624/$52 $561/$46.75 $336/$28 $396/$33 $414/$34.50 $348/$29

*A Little Help Rate is for JCC members who joined before June 30, 2010. Monthly membership costs are based on a full year/12 month commitment and include credit card processing fee. All JCC members are provided membership cards. New members receive cards for free. Replacement cards cost $5. Members must carry their cards with them and be prepared to show them at entry to the building and to enter the Health & Fitness facilities.

QUESTIONS? Give our Membership Coordinators a Call: Melanie Schatten, PH x224 Debbie Schwartzman, OM x331 Karyn Smith, PH x224 and OM x331 Abbe Zuckerberg, PH x224 and OM x331

Scheduling / Rental Coordinator: David Lapin, PH x630 and OM x522


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

2010 fall guide Building Hours

Fitness Too! at Park Heights



Fridays in September Fridays in October Fridays in Nov. & Dec.

5:30am-6:00pm 5:30am-5:30pm 5:30am-4:00pm

Saturday at Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm Saturday at Park Heights Starting November 13 Fitness Center 7:30-10:30pm Café 7:30-11:00pm Sunday at Owings Mills 7:00am-7:00pm Sunday at Park Heights 7:00am-7:00pm (starting 9/12) Note: The indoor pools close 30 minutes before the buildings close; all other Health & Fitness facilities close 15 minutes before the buildings close.

Membership Office Hours Monday-Thursday Friday Sunday

Hours & Policies

8:00am-5:00pm 8:00am-building closes 9:00am-5:00pm

Evenings: Owings Mills Monday/Wednesday 5:00-9:00pm Park Heights Monday/Tuesday/Thursday 5:00-9:00pm

Babysitting Hours

Take your children ages 3 months to 5 years with you when you want to work out. Reservations required; 90 minute maximum. Owings Mills AM Sun 8:00am-12:30pm; Mon-Fri 8:30am-12:30pm PM Mon 5:30-8:30pm; Tue 6:00-8:00pm; Wed 5:30-8:30p Park Heights Sun-Fri, 8:15am-12:30pm Fees: One session: $4/child 20 session coupon book: $55 (coupon book can be used for multiple children)

Kosher Food Policy

At both JCC locations, we maintain Jewish dietary laws, and we request your compliance. All food provided by the JCC and affiliate cafes is kosher. Non-kosher food may not be served by patrons at events hosted in the JCC or brought into the café area.

Inclement Weather Info Get the most up-to-date information on JCC hours by calling the JCC or visiting our website, www.jcc.org/hours

Register Online www.jcc.org/register

Fully-equipped, single-gender fitness room with cardiovascular and strength training equipment. Sunday Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Friday

Male Only 7:00-8:55am 12:30-3:55pm 5:30-6:45am 1:00-3:55pm 7:00-8:25pm 6:50-8:55am 3:00-6:55pm 8:30-9:45pm 6:50-8:55am 1:30pm-Closing

Female Only 9:00am-12:25pm 4:00pm-Closing 6:50am-12:55pm 4:00-6:55pm 8:30-9:45pm 5:30-6:45am 9:00am-2:55pm 7:00-8:25pm 5:30-6:45am 9:00am-1:25pm

Family—Teen Workout

Bring your teen, ages 12-15, to work out with you in the fitness center. One child per parent. Parent must work out with child. Owings Mills Sun; 1:00pm-close Mon/Tue; 3:00pm-close Wed/Thu; 3:00-6:00pm Fri; 3:00-close Sat; 1:00pm-close Park Heights Sun; 12:00pm-close Mon-Thu; 4:00-6:00pm, 7:30pm-close

Guest Policy If you wish to bring a guest to either JCC or the Shapiro Recreation Park on Saturday you will need to purchase your guest pass in advance. These can be purchased Sunday through Friday at the front desk or cashier’s office. No guests will be admitted on Saturday without a guest pass. Guests are welcome: • Sundays from 12:00pm – 6:00pm • Monday and Wednesdays from 5:30am – 10:00pm • Tuesday and Thursdays from 5:30am – 2:00pm • Fridays from 5:30am – Closing • Saturdays - in order to be admitted on Saturday, guest pass MUST be purchased prior to Saturday • Guests must be accompanied by a member. • No guests are permitted Memorial Day, July 4th or Labor Day. • Each member may bring only one individual guest/family at a time. • A person may be a guest no more than three (3) times in one (1) year. Guest Pass Fees: • Children under 5 years old: Free • Children 5-10 years old: $8 • Individuals ages 11+: $15 • Family: $25


Leadership / Staff

Board of Directors/Staff



Eric Nislow, Chairman of the Board Neil Demchick, 1st Vice Chair Sue Kohn, Vice Chair Will Minkin, Vice Chair Elise Rubenstein, Vice Chair Debbie Vogelstein, Vice Chair Jon Lewis, Treasurer Randi Hertzberg, Secretary

Board Andy Attman Randi Buergenthal Dr. Andy Cardin Jan Cardin Marty Cohen Dr. Howard Davidov Suzette Desser Maury Garten Lori Gerstley Dr. Randal Getz Rabbi Jay Goldstein David Greenberg Larry Hettleman Tammy Heyman Ellie Kagan Kenneth Katz Tom Kohn Harry Kozlovsky Suzanne Silverman Lapides Alice Mann Simon Marciano Carol Noel Larry Plant Mitchell Platt Dr. Robert Riederman Howard Rosenbloom Sandy Rosenbloom Joanne Rosenthal Laura Rubenstein Ellen Saval Annette Saxon Jerome Schnydman Sandy Silberman Randall Singer Dr. Stuart Varon Robert Wertheimer Morry Zolet

Past Chairmen of the Board Louis J. Fox, 1951-53z”l Bernard Manekin, 1953-55z”l George Gump, 1955-58z”l Charles Mindel, 1958-61z”l Betty Hamburger, 1961-64z”l Jack H. Pearlstone, Jr., 1964-66z”l Marvin C. Wahl, 1966-68 Robert W. Catzen, 1968-70 Wilbert H. Sirota, 1970-72 John H. Heller, 1972-74 Pacy A. Oletsky, 1974-76 Michael K. Hettleman, 1976-77 Robert M. Hankin, 1977-79 Sue Glick Liebman, 1979-81 Charles Heyman, 1981-83 Jacob Cohen, 1983-85 Monte Fried, 1985-87 Peggy K. Wolf, 1987-89 Robert A. Manekin, 1989-91 Bruce S. Hoffberger, 1991-93 Myrna E. Cardin, 1993-95 Joseph Meyerhoff II, 1995-97 Marcy K. Kolodny, 1997-99 Michael S. Saxon, 1999-2001 Arthur H. Adler, 2001-03 David M. Max, 2003-05 Lawrence I. Rosenberg, 2005-07 Beth Mayers, 2007-09 z”l, of blessed memory

2010 fall guide

Executive Leadership

Early Childhood Education

Louis “Buddy” Sapolsky, President, OM x301 Dale Busch, Executive Vice President, OM x356 Ken Karsh, Senior Vice President, Finance, OM x409 Phil Miller, VP/Park Heights Building & Outreach Supervisor, PH x246 Ron Siegel, VP/Fitness, Wellness & Aquatics Supervisor, OM x322 Gail Zuskin, VP/Owings Mills Membership & Adult Life Supervisor, OM x414

Ilene Meister, Director, Early Childhood Education OM x310 Jodi Fishman, Park Heights ECE Director, PH x264 Ellen Olson, ECE Associate Director, OM x306 Nicole Schwartz, Noah’s Ark Director/ECE Coordinator, OM x508

Adult Services Lisa Shifren, Adult Life Director, PH x249 Jana Klejner, PH x621 Arlene Abrams, PH x637 Gayle Newman, Weinberg Village OM x315

Aquatics Bill Kirkner, Aquatics Director, OM x318 Sue Szembroth, OM x304 Mark Bonitatibus, PH x626

Camps Dori Zvili, Camp Milldale Director, OM x387 Nicole Schwartz, Noah’s Ark OM Director, OM x508 Jodi Fishman, Noah’s Ark PH Director, PH x264 Adam Stein, Tennis Camp Director, OM x389 Bill Kirkner, Aquatics Camp Director, OM x318

Children & Teens Lara Wellerstein, Children’s Services Director, OM x339 Esther Gunter, College Center, OM x612 Paul Lurie, Teen Director, OM x365 Mitch Liebeskind, BBYO and Teen Connection Director OM x370 Amanda Max, Middle School Coordinator, OM x361 Israel Orange, PH Youth Sports Coordinator, PH x205

Fitness, Wellness & Recreation Amy Schwartz, Fitness & Wellness Director, OM x510 Paul Lurie, Teen Director, OM x365 Solomon Kleiner, OM x316 Lynn Rosen-Stone, OM x502 Roman Gertsovich, OM x385 Adam Stein, OM x389 Jackie Foreman, PH x247 Mark Bonitatibus, PH x626

Gordon Center Nancy Goldberg, Director, Gordon Center For Performing Arts, OM x334 Jon Teter, Film Coordinator, PH x239

Membership Gail Zuskin, VP of Membership, OM x414 David Lapin, PH x630 and OM x522 Melanie Schatten, PH x224 Debbie Schwartzman, OM x331 Karyn Smith, PH x224 and OM x331 Abbe Zuckerberg, PH x224 and OM x331

Parent/Infant/Toddler Sharon Seigel, Director of Parent Infant Toddler Services, OM x347 Linda Lapidus, OM x624 Cindy Neuman, OM x344

Special Needs Stacy Israel, OM x384

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 Park Heights: 410.542.4900

Gallery Tours • Dolphin Encounters • Breakfast with the Dolphins • Sleepovers • MORE!


with our exclusive Immersion Tours to discover a world behind the glass that is full of surprises. Visit aqua.org/immersiontours for more details. Photos by David Bonnichsen

’      Host your event at the Aquarium and we’ll provide the live entertainment! To start planning your celebration, call 410-576-3869 or visit aqua.org/catering.

Official Caterer:

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215

October cont.


11 – Middle School Dance 12-16 – FREE Demo Classes for Parenting at OM 16 – BBYO Parent Orientation 16 – Hands On Holidays 19 – Teen Connections Color Wars 24 – BBYO Family Event


2 – Middle School Dance 6 – Stars & Stripes Tribute to Jewish War Veterans 7 – Pee Wee Pizza & Play 8 – BBYO Family Event 9 – April Verch at Gordon Center

10 – Les Mills Launch 10 – Super Sundays Begins at PH 13 – Trip to Washington, D.C. 14 – BBYO Event 17 – Teen Connections at Bauger’s Farm 19 – CINEFEST at Gordon Center 26 – CINEFEST at Gordon Center 28 – Janis Ian at Gordon Center 27 – Stars & Stripes Tribute to Jewish War Veterans 31 – Les Mills BODYFLOW™ Launch


4 – Pee Wee Pizza & Play 6 – Tribute to Billie Holiday at Gordon Center 6 – Middle School Dance 10 – Stars & Stripes Tribute to Jewish War Veterans 13 – Eddie From Ohio at Gordon Center 14 –College Fair 2010 14 – ZUMBA Party & Chanukah Bazaar 14 – Robbie Schaefer at Gordon Center

November cont.

14 – Youth Basketball Begins 17 – Trip to Bucks County Play House, PA 18 – An Evening of Irving Berlin 20 – Jewish Theatre Workshop Performance 21 – A Life in Letters: Clara Schumann & Johannes Brahms 21 – Teen Connections Movie Marathon 30 – Hands On Holidays


2 – Pee Wee Pizza & Play 5 – Yiddish Theatre 18 – Middle School Dance 19 – Teen Connections Laser Tag 29 – Grandparent’s Day Celebration

More details inside!

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