This Summer @ JCC Camps
JCCs of North America
Award-winning Aquatics Program Give your child a summer of great friends, exploration, activity, excitement, & values — all in a caring and Jewish environment.
Early Childhood Camps (Noah’s Ark & Keshet) Camp Milldale Day, Sports, Arts and Sleep-a-Week (at Capital Camps) Aquatics Adventure and Leadership Camps Tennis Camp CSA Martial Arts Camp Teen Camps (TNT, CIT & Summer Service w/JVC)
jewish community center of greater baltimore
Learn more about us: 410.356.5200, x340 or
Contents Spring 2010 Hours & Policies..............2 Registration.....................3 Aquatics..........................5 Fitness Information........10 Birth - 5.........................11 Early Childhood Education......................17
K - 5..............................18 Tweens & Teens . ..........21 Adults............................26 The Arts.........................33 Adult Life PLUS.............34 Special Needs...............37
CSA Martial Arts & Wellness School.........38 Membership Info............39 Officers/Board/Staff.......40
Building HOURS Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Friday 5:30am-6:00pm Saturday at Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm Sunday 7:00am-7:00pm
tement d vision sta n a t n e m te be too on sta , d was felt to rs a new missi n f a e o r b n ve o m ti re e ta fo n lly me Dear M place litera u the imple had been in are with yo t sh n e n to m d te e a it st stitution eve ission I am exc chor that in e original m n h a T . ld h u C ic o C h J sh w r and ment, for ou n institution vision state o generic. ssence of a s. Unlike a e n e io wing is our long and to it th d t llo n c o fo e c fl eally re anging are. The h id e c w ts d n o n e a h m s w te ie ts nit ec Mission sta es, opportu atement refl of challeng a mission st , irectors: D ve f ie wish life o h Note: The indoor c rd a a in the midst our Bo ngthens Je hope to y e e b tr w s d t a d ve h n ro a w p s p a te o y . pools close 30 minutes tl s m n ie e ro il c speaks to p m t, re ore d fa n statemen ater Baltim ividuals an d re in G before the buildings f r o fo r s new missio te ie n y Ce ctivit wish Communit rams and a CIATED Je close; all other Health & h g O is S ro w p S e l A J a E n e u H h T h comm ncy of T e g u g a ro t n th Fitness facilities close e s e tu consti and valu imore is a lt a B 15 minutes before the r te a f Gre re. The JCC o of Baltimo nly n o buildings close. o s ti e ic ra e rv d se e yF s and Communit ing program whether that be tement are: a d vi st ro is p th to in ited is located, key phrases e are not lim For me, the our clientele re plies that w e im h w is h to T o – g Baltimore e t we need to rk, etc. • Greater ation and th facilities, bu a r P u d o n f la o o th the oblig R lls o a r b o w h , e is ve rg a th w u h e b in J e rs h r e wit at w , Elde tion with oth is implies th n Baltimore y in coopera ish life – Th it n w in Downtow u e J m s m n o e c gth our s and stren ewish life in stitution • Promote quality of J e th t c a gth as an in p n im re st to r y u it o n t u ews in our lies tha opport – This imp sive to all J n s o ie sp it s. v re n ti o e c ti b a nd institu will strive to rograms a te with us. and that we ommunal p s, c m h ns ra g g u ro ro to participa p h e ve m ti • T o a lc configuratio re e c w ews are p of lots of people in u -J g e n in o d g a n a t m g a n is h th e y is wit ests e communit individuals It also sugg plies that th ults, teens, d im a endeavors. r is e h T ld o – s, ls ua milie . and individ le parent fa to the JCC • Families adults, sing le g n si SOCIATED s, S e A ili . e m d h fa T ile : f a g o rt in cu nce includ be severely the importa etc. his implies ency would T g e A n n o a disabilities, ti s a ra e ness hope over th h Fed our effective ent and we , TED Jewis m rt ts IA te o fi a C p t a p st O S th n su S o l m A si • gra mis nancia ea for a pro e up to our ion ir ongoing fi u have an id itution to liv st Without the yo our suggest in If in n a s. te n s o o a n ti a ty ta s ili c u b e si ve xp n a e o r le e resp exceed you or We have th e up to and ail us at info liv m e to to rs e a e ye fr l coming lease fee Memorial Day Weekend Hours statement p our mission . OM Building sk e d t n o box at the fr Sat. May 29 1:00-6:00pm Sun. May 30 7:00am-7:00pm Regards, dy” Sapolsky Louis “Bud altimore of Greater B C C J t, n e d Presi
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Ave. / Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900
Monday. May 31
OM Rec Park Sat. May 29 Sun. May 30 Monday. May 31
1:00-5:30pm 10:00am-6:30pm 10:00am-5:30pm
PH Building Sat. May 29 Sun. May 30 Monday. May 31
Closed 7:00am – 5:00pm 8:00am-5:00pm
Ben and Esther Rosenbloom JCC 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave. / Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200
MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 • E-mail: •
h o u rs & p o l i c i es
Membership Office Hours at both PH & OM
Mon-Thu Fri Sun
8:00am-5:00pm 8:00am-building closes 9:00am-5:00pm
NEW Evening Membership Hours Owings Mills Mon/Wed 5:00-9:00pm Park Heights Tue/Wed/Thu 5:00-9:00pm
Take your children ages 3 months to 5 years with you when you want to work out. Reservations required; 90 minute maximum. Owings Mills AM Sun 8:00am-12:30pm; Mon-Fri 8:30am-12:30pm PM Mon 5:30-8:30pm; Tue 6:00-8:00pm; Wed 5:30-8:30pm
Call 410.356.5200, x300. Park Heights Sun-Fri, 8:15am-12:30pm
Call 410.542.4900, x222. Fees: One session: $3.50/child for the first child; $3/each additional sibling 20 session coupon book = $55 for 1 card; $90 for 2 cards. Both cards must be purchased at the same time to receive the discount.
Family/Teen Workout & Fitness Too Hours are on page 10
Passover Shavuot
JCC Closes Monday, 3/29 at 3:30pm and reopens Thursday 4/1 at 5:30am JCC closed Sunday, 4/4 at 5:00pm and reopens Wednesday, 4/7 at 5:30am JCC closes Tuesday, 5/18 at 5:00pm and reopens Friday, 5/21 at 5:30am
NEW Guest Policy for Saturdays Now in Effect
If you wish to bring a guest to either JCC or the Shapiro Recreation Park on Saturday you will need to purchase your guest pass in advance. These can be purchased Sunday through Friday at the front desk or cashier’s office. No guests will be admitted on Saturday without a guest pass.
Guest Policy Guests are welcome: • • • • • • • • •
Sundays from 12:00pm – 6:00pm Monday and Wednesdays from 5:30am – 10:00 pm Tuesday and Thursdays from 5:30am – 2:00pm Fridays from 5:30am – Closing Saturdays during Motzi Shabbos (in order to be admitted on Saturday, guest pass MUST be purchased prior to Saturday) Guests must be accompanied by a member. No guests are permitted during summer holidays. Each member may bring only one individual guest/family at a time. A person may be a guest no more than three times in one year.
Guest Pass Fees: • • • •
Children under 5 years old: Free Children 5-10 years old: $8 Individuals ages 11+: $15 Family: $25
Kosher Food Policy 2
At both JCC locations, we maintain Jewish dietary laws, and we request your compliance. All food provided by the JCC and affiliate cafes is kosher. Non-kosher food may not be served by patrons at events hosted in the JCC or brought into the café area.
Log onto www.
1. Click the blue box that says Click here to Register Online/Make Payments. 2. If you are a first time user and a JCC Member, you must create an account by clicking Register an Account in the
upper right corner of the screen. Here you will create a user ID and password. In the future you can log into the system by clicking Sign into MemberLink.
re g i st ra t i o n
Easy Online Registration Available
3. If you are not a member and have not taken a class with us in the past year (or ever) then you will need to call or stop
by either JCC membership office to set up your JCC online account. (See page 39)
4. Once you are signed in, click on the Programs tab at the top of the screen. Enter the class ID number (found with
each listing in this program guide) this is the most direct way to find a specific class.
Once you have found the program/class that you want to register for, select the proper family member’s name from the drop down menu, then click on the Add to Cart button and it will be added to your “shopping cart.” Click on the shopping cart icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to Check out and pay.
Please note that certain programs are not available for online registration and payment. These programs will not have the “add to cart” option. These programs will require a paper registration form. If you have questions please contact the specific JCC department listed on the page you are viewing. For system problems - i.e. if you have difficulty establishing an account or if you find that the registration page isn’t loading or gives you an error message, email us with a description of your problem at Please be sure to include your full name and phone number in your email.
Let us help you register... in person or over the phone. Call or visit the JCC cashier’s desk in either building. In addition to our regular 9am-5pm hours, Monday through Friday, we will have additional staff on hand to provide in-person registration on the following dates: Sunday, April 4 Wednesday, April 7 Thursday, April 8 Sunday, April 11
9am-5pm (OM) 5pm-8pm (OM) 5pm-8pm (OM) 9am-5pm (OM)
9am-2pm (PH) 5pm-8pm (PH) 5pm-8pm (PH) 9am-2pm (PH)
Cashier’s Desk: PH x237 and OM x332
REGISTER EARLY Classes are filled on a first-come, firstserved basis. Classes may be cancelled if there is insufficient registration. Please register no later than one week prior to class or program start date.
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
re g i st ra t i o n
Drop-off Registration
Interactive Registration Forms
Late Registration
If you don’t want to register on line you can drop off completed forms at either JCC cashier’s office. After hours, please drop them off at the front desk. Registration forms will be processed in order of receipt. If paying by check, please staple payment to your registration form.
Additional forms are now available online at Fill out the form on your computer, then print it out and mail, fax or deliver to the appropriate JCC. You can also pick up extra forms at the front desk or call the JCC and ask for additional forms to be mailed to you. Full payment is required at time of registration. Current membership is required at the time of registration and throughout the session to take advantage of the member price or a memberonly offering. All payments for CSA classes must be made directly to CSA. CSA accepts Visa, Mastercard, and checks payable to CSA, Ltd.
If you are interested in a class/program just before, or soon after, it begins - or if you are concerned about class availability please contact the staff person listed for that class/program to see if you can still sign up.
Fax Registration
Cancellation & Refunds
Credit Card Payments only can be faxed directly to our Accounting Department: If your class is in Owings Mills fax to: 410.356.3192 If your class is in Park Heights fax to: 410.578.0103 Note: If faxing on the weekend please be advised that your form may not be reviewed until the following Monday, Please write all information clearly in dark ink.
The JCC reserves the right to cancel any activity due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. In such a case, a refund (full or prorated as applicable) will be given. The JCC is responsible for make-up classes only in the event of an instructor’s cancellation or a building closing. If a participant withdraws from a class or activity before the session has begun, a full refund is made. After the first class, a prorated refund plus a $5.00 processing fee will be charged (this applies to each class). No refunds are made after the second class. Refund policies for Preschool, Kindergarten, Childcare, Kids Center, and summer camps are specified on their applications. No refunds are issued for CSA; only class credits are given.
Mail-in Registration
Send in completed registration form with FULL PAYMENT (checks should be stapled to form) to the JCC facility at which the activity takes place. Mail to Registration Forms to the appropriate JCC: Rosenbloom JCC, Attn: Ellen Sztajer 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills, MD 21117 Weinberg JCC, Attn: Lilya Shafir, 5700 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215
Please PRINT all information. Use one form per class, per person. Be sure to list class by code # & name. Account #_ ________________________________
Are you a JCC member? Yes No
Participant’s Name _______________________________________________
Today’s Date _ ___________________________
Parent’s Name if under 18_ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address/City/Zip_ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (work)_______________________________ (home)________________________________ E-mail __________________________________ Date of birth_ ______________________________ Grade & school, if child__________________________________________________________ JCC Preschool/ Kindergarten Teacher’s Name _________________________________________________________________________________ CLASS NAME CODE #
total amount: $
check #
cash charge VISA mc Discover AmEx Name on card Cardholder Signature Address of Cardholder
Cred. Cd. Acct. #
OFFICE USE: Date Rec’d. Rec’d by
Full payment is due at the time of registration. Please include charge information when registering by fax. If a participant withdraws from a class or activity before the session has begun, a full refund is made. After the first class, a prorated refund plus a $5.00 processing fee will be charged (this applies to each class). No refunds are made after the second class. ALL WITHDRAWAL AND REFUND REQUESTS MUST BE MADE IN WRITING.
Send completed form to: JCC, Attn: Lilya Shafir, 5700 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215, OR JCC, Attn: Ellen Sztajer, 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills, MD 21117 Fax completed form to 410.356.3192 (OM) or 410.578.0103 (PH).
Phone # of Cardholder
Cred. Cd. Expiration Date
/ Time Rec’d. Receipt #
Additional interactive forms are available online at
Helps participants feel comfortable in the water. Skills learned include: enter & exit water (using side, ladder & steps), Blowing bubbles (nose and mouth), bobbing, opening eyes under water retrieving objects, front and back glides, back float, recover to vertical position, roll from front to back and back to front, tread water using arm and hand action, alternating and simultaneous arm and leg action (front & back), combining arm and leg action (front & back). NO CLASS- Memorial Day Weekend. Female Only PH Sun
Male Only PH Sun
2:10- 2:50pm
park heights swim lessons
Gives participants success with the fundamental skills: Skills learned include: enter water by stepping or jumping, exit water (ladder steps & side), fully submerge holding breath, bobbing, front jellyfish and tuck floats, front and back glides and back float, recover to vertical, roll over from front to back and back to front, change direction of travel while swimming on front and back, treading water using arm and leg actions, combined arm and leg action on front and back, finning on back. NO Class -Memorial Day Weekend. Female Only PH Sun
Male Only PH Sun
2:10- 2:50pm
Level Three Swim Lessons – STROKE DEVELOPMENT
Builds on skills with practice in deeper water. Skills learned include: enter by jumping in, head first entry (sitting & kneeling), bobbing to safety, rotary breathing, survival float, back float, change from vertical to horizontal positions (front & back), tread water, flutter, dolphin, and scissors kicks, front crawl & elementary back strokes. NO Class Memorial Day Weekend. Female Only PH Sun
Male Only PH Sun
2:10- 2:50pm
Level Four Swim Lessons – STROKE IMPROVEMENT
Develops confidence and improves skills. Skills learned include: headfirst entries from side in compact and stride positions, swim under water, feet first surface dive, survival swimming, front crawl and backstroke open turns, tread water using 2 different kicks, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, flutter and dolphin kicks on back. NO Class -Memorial Day Weekend. Female Only PH Sun 10:20-11:00am
Male Only PH Sun
3:00- 3:40pm
Level Five Swim Lessons – STROKE REFINEMENT Provides further coordination and refinement of strokes. Skills learned include: shallow-angle dive from the side, tread water, tuck and pike surface dives, submerge completely, front flip turn and backstroke flip turn while swimming, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, and standard scull. NO Class - Memorial Day Weekend.” Female Only PH Sun 10:20-11:00am
Male Only PH Sun
3:00- 3:40pm
For additional information please contact Mark Bonitatibus: 410.542.4900 x626 or
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
park heights swim Level Six Swim Lessons – SWIMMING AND SKILL PROFICIENCY Refines strokes so participants swim with ease. Level 6 features menu options to prepare participants for advanced activities, including water safety instructor course, competitive swimming or diving. These menu options include: fitness swimmer, personal water safety, and fundamentals of diving. NO Class -Memorial Day Weekend. Female Only PH Sun 10:20-11:00am
Male Only PH Sun
3:00- 3:40pm
Arthritis Foundation Aquatics – Women Only
Ages 21+. Exercise without putting excess strain on joints and muscles. Gentle activities in warm water with guidance from a trained instructor to help gain strength and flexibility. Instructor: Polina Spirt. PH Wed
3:10- 3:55pm
Our instructors are certified by the United States Water Fitness Association Sr. Water Aerobics Under Age 60 Winter
Resistance training for toning, strengthening and cardiovascular benefits. Free to members age 60 and up and those with special needs. PH M-F
8:45- 9:30am
For additional information about aquatics at Park Heights, please contact Mark Bonitatibus: 410.542.4900 x626 or
owings mills swim lessons Parent Child Swim
Ages 2 to 5 years. For children with two or more previous sessions of water adjustment lessons. Parents and children develop water confidence together through basic water exploration and primary swimming skills. 8 weeks. No classes on 5/9 & 5/30. OM Sun
Parent Infant Swim
Ages 6 mos to 2 yrs. Parents and infants acclimate to water through kicking, reaching and blowing bubbles. 8wks. No classes on 5/9 & 5/30. OM Sun
11:30am-12:00pm 4/11-6/13
Ages 3-5 years. Small group lessons designed to build self confidence. Water exploration and primary swimming skills. Children must be able to attend class without parents. Class size limited to six. 8 weeks. No class 5/9 & 5/30. OM Sun
Helps participants feel comfortable in the water. Skills learned include: enter & exit water (using side, ladder & steps), Blowing bubbles (nose and mouth), bobbing, opening eyes under water retrieving objects, Front and Back Glides, back float, recover to vertical position, roll from front to back and back to front, tread water using arm and hand action, alternating and simultaneous arm and leg action (front & back), combining arm and leg action (front & back). 8 weeks. No Class 5/9, /19, 5/20, 5/30.
OM Sun
5:00- 5:30pm
5:00- 5:30pm
Gives participants success with the fundamental skills: Skills learned include: enter water by stepping or jumping, exit water (ladder steps & side), Fully submerge holding breath, bobbing, front jellyfish and tuck floats, front and back glides and back float, recover to vertical, roll over from front to back and back to front, change direction of travel while swimming on front and back, treading water using arm and leg actions, combined arm and leg action on front and back, finning on back. No Class 5/9, 5/19, 5/20, 5/30. OM Sun
5:30- 6:10pm
5:30- 6:10pm
owings mills swim lessons
Level Three Swim Lessons – STROKE DEVELOPMENT
Builds on skills with practice in deeper water. Skills learned include: Enter by jumping in, head first entry (sitting & kneeling), bobbing to safety, rotary breathing, survival float, back float, change from vertical to horizontal positions (front & back), tread water, flutter, dolphin, and scissors kicks, front crawl & elementary back strokes. No Class 5/9, 5/18, 5/20, 5/30. OM Sun
6:15- 6:55pm
6:15- 6:55pm
Level Four Swim Lessons – STROKE IMPROVEMENT
Develops confidence and improves skills. Skills learned include: Headfirst entries from side in compact and stride positions, swim under water, feet first surface dive, survival swimming, front crawl and backstroke open turns, tread water using 2 different kicks, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, flutter and dolphin kicks on back. No Class 5/9, 5/18, 5/20, 5/30. OM Sun
6:15- 6:55pm
6:15- 6:55pm
Level Five Swim Lessons – STROKE REFINEMENT
Provides further coordination and refinement of strokes. Skills learned include: shallow-angle dive from the side, tread water, tuck and pike surface dives, submerge completely, front flip turn and backstroke flip turn while swimming, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, and standard scull. No Class 5/9, 5/18, 5/20, 5/30. OM Sun
5:30- 6:10pm
5:30- 6:10pm
Refines strokes so participants swim with ease. Level 6 features menu options to prepare participants for advanced activities, including water safety instructor course, competitive swimming or diving. These menu options include: fitness swimmer, personal water safety, and fundamentals of diving. No Class 5/9, 5/18, 5/20, 5/30. OM Sun
5:30- 6:10pm
5:30- 6:10pm
Teen/Adult Beginner Swim
Ages 13 and up. Introduction to water skills; submersion in water, breath control, floating on front and back with flotation support. No Class 5/9, 5/19, 5/30, 5/31. OM Sun 1:00- 1:40pm 4/11-6/13 $90/M $120/NM 22096 OM M/W
5:30- 6:10pm
5:30- 6:10pm
For additional information about aquatics at Owings Mills please contact Sue Szembroth OM x304 or e-mail at
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
owings mills classes Teen/Adult Advanced Beginner Swim
Ages 13 and up. Fundamental Aquatics Skills; elements of front and back crawl, independent floating on front and back. 8weeks. No Class 5/9, 5/19, 5/30, 5/31. OM Sun
1:50- 2:30pm
6:15- 6:55pm
6:15- 6:55pm
Teen/Adult Stroke Improvement
Ages 13 and up. Fundamental Aquatics Skills; elements of front and back crawl, independent floating on front and back. No Class 5/9, 5/19, 5/30, 5/31. OM Sun
1:00- 1:40pm
5:30- 6:10pm
5:30- 6:10pm
Teen/Adult Stroke Refinement
Ages 13 and up. Refinement of all six basic strokes. Introduction to fitness swimming, front and back flip turns. No Class 5/9, 5/19, 5/30, 5/31. OM Sun
1:50- 2:30pm
6:15- 6:55pm
6:15- 6:55pm
Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program
Ages 21+. Exercise without putting excess strain on joints and muscles. Gentle activities in warm water with guidance from a trained instructor to help gain strength and flexibility. No classes on 5/19 & 5/31. OM M/W/F
Our instructors are certified by the United States Water Fitness Association Water Aerobics
Resistance training for toning, strengthening and cardiovascular benefits. Free to members 60+ and those with special needs. No classes on 5/19, 5/20, 5/31. Over 60 OM M/W/F OM M-F
8:30- 9:15am 9:30-10:15am
4/6-6/18 4/6-6/18
$0/M $0/M
$100/NM $100/NM
22106 22107
Under 60 OM M/W/F OM M-F
8:30- 9:15am 9:30-10:15am
4/6-6/18 4/6-6/18
$75/M $75/M
$100/NM $100/NM
22108 22109
For additional information please contact Sue Szembroth OM x304 or
Guard Start
Ages 11-14 years. Learn basic water skills, improve your swimming endurance, and prepare for training as a Lifeguard. Course components may satisfy requirements for Boy Scout or Girl Scout Awards. Guart Start I (ages 11-14) OM T/Th 6:00- 8:00pm
Guart Start II (ages 13-14 or completed Guart Start I) OM T/Th 6:00- 8:00pm 5/25-6/17 $95/M
Ages 15 years and up. Upon successful completion of this course, become certified in Lifeguarding, First Aid and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. Must be able to pass swim test: 300 yard swim and a timed deep water brick retrieval. Must Pass Prerequisite Swim. 5 wks. OM T/Th
5:30- 9:30pm
OM Sun
9:30am‑ 6:30pm
certification classes
ARC Lifeguarding Female Only
Ages 15 years and up. Upon successful completion of this course, become certified in Lifeguarding, First Aid and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. Must be able to pass swim test: 300 yard swim and a timed deep water brick retrieval. PH Sun
9:30am- 4:30pm 4/11-5/9
Lifeguarding Review
The Lifeguarding Review Course allows currently certified lifeguards and lifeguards with recently expired certifications to review the content of the Lifeguard course in a classroom setting in about half the time of a full lifeguarding course. Participants who successfully complete the Lifeguarding review course will receive new certificates in Lifeguarding, First Aid and CPR/AED for the Professional rescuer. Must Pass Prerequisite Swim. OM Su/M/T
9:30am- 6:30pm 5/16-5/18
9:30am- 6:30pm 5/25-5/27
Water Safety Instructor
The American Red Cross (ARC) Water Safety Instructor Course provides instructor candidates the training needed to teach courses in the ARC Swimming and Water Safety Program by developing their understanding of how to use the course materials, how to conduct training sessions and how to evaluate participants’ progress. Prerequisites: you must be 16 years of age by the last day of the class, must either hold a current ARC Fundamentals of Instructor Training certificate, or hold a current authorization as a ARC Health and Safety Instructor, and successfully complete a test of swimming skills prior to beginning the class. OM M/W
5:30- 9:30pm
NSPF Certified Pool Operator
A two-day class that covers 14-16 hours of information from NSPF Pool & Spa Operator handbook (provided) and local codes taught by an NSPF Instructor. This dynamic setting offers direct interaction with an instructor and fellow students. Pass the open book exam and earn a CPO certification. OM Sun
10:00am- 6:30pm 4/25-5/2
Baltimore JCC Summer Aquatic Leadership Adventure Programs Aquatic Adventure Camp – For Swimmers ages 11 - 14 Aquatic Leadership Adventure – For Swimmers ages 15 - 18 • Programs for swimmers ages 11 - 18 • Sessions are 2 weeks long • Full-day program (8:30am - 4:30pm) • “Late Stay” activities available though Barracudas Swim Team • Based out of the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC and Shapiro Recreation Park • Lunch each day included in camp fees!
Campers must pass a swim test in order to register for any of our Aquatic Summer Camp Programs. These programs are intended for experienced swimmers. (Completion of at least American Red Cross Level 4 or above is recommended.) While there will be some “stroke clinic” work during the program, swimming instruction is NOT the main purpose of this camp.
For additional information on these summer programs, please contact Bill Kirkner: OM x318 or
Make a Splash™ scholarships enable you to learn to swim this summer! The Make A Splash program provides scholarships and grants to pay for swimming lessons based on demonstrated financial need. The JCC is an official Make A Splash local partner and as such will be offering financial assistance for summer swim lessons. These lessons are available for all levels of swimming abilities.
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
f i t n ess i nfo r m a t i o n
Fitness Orientation
Overwhelmed by all the machines in the Fitness Center? We can help. Let us teach you how to use our state-of-the-art equipment. This is a member-only, free service. We recommend that anyone using the JCC Fitness Center obtain a medical clearance prior to beginning an exercise program.
To set-up an appointment, call Lynn at OM x502 or Jackie at PH x247.
Fitness Too! at PH
Fully-equipped, single-gender fitness room with cardiovascular and strength training equipment. SUNDAY
Male Only 7:00-8:55am 12:30-3:55pm
Female Only 9:00am-12:25pm 4:00pm-Closing
5:30-6:45am 1:00-3:55pm 7:00-8:25pm
6:50am-12:55pm 4:00-6:55pm 8:30-9:45pm
6:50-8:55am 3:00-6:55pm 8:30-9:45pm
5:30-6:45am 9:00am-2:55pm 7:00-8:25pm
6:50-8:55am 1:30pm-Closing
5:30-6:45am 9:00am-1:25pm
Family-Teen Workout
Bring your teen, ages 12-15, to work out with you in the fitness center. One child per parent. Parent must work out with child. Owings Mills Sun; 12:00pm-close Mon/Tue; 3:00pm-close Wed/Thu; 3:00-6:00pm Fri; 3:00-close Sat; 1:00pm-close Park Heights Sun; 12:00pm-close Mon-Thu; 4:00-6:00pm, 7:30pm-close
Take your children ages 3 months to 5 years with you when you want to work out. Reservations required; 90 minute maximum. Owings Mills AM Sun 8:00am-12:30pm; Mon-Fri 8:30am-12:30pm PM Mon/Wed 5:30-8:30pm; Tue 6:00-8:00pm;
Call 410.356.5200, x300. Park Heights Sun-Fri, 8:15am-12:30pm
Call 410.542.4900, x222. Fees: One session: $3.50/child 20 session coupon book = $55 (coupon book can be used for multiple children)
Group Fitness
The JCC’s Group Fitness program is a great way to exercise and have a lot of fun. Our instructors are some of the area’s best! They are nationally certified – having completed training programs which prepare them to motivate you to do more than you could ever do alone. • Strength classes including BODYPUMP and Barre Scupt • Cardiovascular classes including ZUMBA, BODYSTEP and TurboKICK • Yoga and Pilates classes • Classes for Beginners and Older Adults
Group Fitness is FREE to our members. DROP IN FOR A CLASS! Class schedules can be found at Click on Schedules. For more information, contact Amy Schwartz at OM x510 or
Personal Training
JCC members only Your personal trainer: • designs a workout program specifically created for you, regardless of experience. • provides workout variety to help alleviate boredom, avoid plateaus, and prevent injury. • provides the motivation to take you to the next level! • 1-4 sessions @ $55/session • 5-9 sessions @ $50/session • 10+ sessions @ $45/session First time training session specially priced at $99 for 3 sessions. Rates vary by trainer. NEW! 30 Minutes for $30!
Small Group Personal Training
Think personal training is out of your price range? No problem. Just share the cost with a friend or two. This unique approach to personal training combines the individual attention of a oneon-one session with the energy of a group to help you reach your goals faster! Number of Number of Sessions Participants 1 5 10 4 $28.00 $134 ($26.80) $252 ($25.20) 3 $33.00 $150 ($30.00) $270 ($27.00) 2 $38.50 $175 ($35.00) $315 ($31.50)
For help in selecting a personal trainer, contact Jackie Foreman at PH x247 or Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502.
Massage enhances circulation, relaxes muscles, improves posture, creates body awareness and relieves neck & back pain. Park Heights Fee: $60/hour, $40/half hour. Chair massage: $1/minute; $20/20 min.
To schedule an appointment call Karen Furman, LMT: 443.418.2551, Monica Luxenburg: 301.613.8243 or Justin Rubin: 954.673.2074. Owings Mills
For fees and appointments, call Mary Cook, LMT: 443.802.8461
Hello Baby
Ages birth - 4 mos. Free introductory class for all new moms with their newborns. Members and non members welcome to join the fun as you introduce your new baby to the world. 4 wks. OM Tue
11:00am-12:00pm 4/13-5/4
OM Tue
11:00am-12:00pm 5/11-6/1
OM Thu
11:00am-12:00pm 6/8-6/29
Infant Massage
3 weeks-crawling. Join other parents for baby massage and exercise. Instructor: Cindy Neuman, Certified Infant Massage Instructor. 4 wks. OM Sun
OM Tue
Ages 6 weeks and up. Power walking combined with body sculpting exercises using exercise tubing, the stroller and the environment. Held outdoors or on the indoor track. 8 wks. OM Fri
Tot Shabbat
b i r t h to a g e 5
owings mills classes
Ages 0-36 months. Bring your little ones each week for a program full of Shabbat spirit, songs, candle lighting, Kiddush, and challah snack. Non-Members $5 drop-in fee or $20 for spring session. Ongoing. OM Fri
Great Beginnings
3-9 months. Participate in informal discussions, receive literature, learn about resources, and enjoy music, sensory and tactile stimulation activities with your baby! A great way to meet other moms and newborns. 8 wks. No class 5/20. OM Thu
Music Together
Ages Infant to Kindergarten. Music Together with It’s Groovy Baby was chosen the “Best Local Music Class in Baltimore” by the Nickelodeon Parents’ Picks Awards. It’s fun and educational! Join our internationally recognized early childhood music and movement program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and the adults who love them! Tuition includes two CD’s, DVD for new families, and a beautifully illustrated songbook. “Sibling Price”: under 8 months FREE, $95 for members & $100 for non members. 9 weeks. No class 5/20, 5/30, 5/31. To learn more about the program go to OM Sun
OM Mon
OM Mon
OM Mon
4:30- 5:15pm
OM Thu
Baby Gym
6-12 months. Have some fun with your baby as you participate in developmentally appropriate activities designed to stimulate and enhance his/her gross motor development: creative movement, songs, parachute activities, climbing equipment and more. 8 wks. Drop in Fee $8/M, $12/NM. OM Tue
Family Tot Time
12-36 months. Fun with your little one! Enjoy songs, puppets, bubbles, parachute play and simple crafts in the Parenting Center, gym and classrooms. 8 wks. No class 5/30. Drop in fee $8/M, $12/NM. OM Sun
11:00am-12:00pm 4/11-6/6
Tot Time
Fun with your little one! Enjoy songs, puppets, bubbles, parachute play and simple crafts in the Parenting Center, gym and classrooms. 8 wks. Drop in fee $8/M, $12/NM. No class 5/19. 12-18 months OM Tue 11:00am-12:00pm 4/13-6/1
18-24 months OM Wed 10:00-11:00am
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Contact Sharon or Linda in OM x347 or for more information on all these classes
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
b i r t h to a g e 5
owings mills classes Swim, Gym & Play
16-24 months.Enjoy a special morning with your little one and get ready for summer. Class includes songs puppets, crafts, gym time and pool time in our indoor pool. No class 5/20. 8 weeks. OM Thu
Messy & Messier
17-36 months. Toddlers love to experiment with finger-paint, shaving cream and everything messy! Why not make a mess in our house instead of yours? This special toddler-friendly class will start with a story followed by a craft project to match the theme of the story. Developmental and age appropriate materials are provided to enhance fine motor development, tactile stimulation and socialization. 4 wks. OM Thu
12:30- 1:15pm
Preschool Prep
24-36 months. This special new “mommy and me” class is designed to help your child transition from “toddler to preschooler.” The class will be structured like a typical day of preschool with circle time, gym time, story time and playtime. Mini field trips to the multi-purpose gym, the preschool playgrounds and the preschool library will take place during the session. This is not a drop-off class. 8 wks. No class 5/19. OM Wed
Little Chefs
Ages 2-3 yrs. Enjoy time with your toddler following simple no-bake recipes. Your child will have the opportunity for sensory feedback from touching, smelling and tasting a variety of yummy food. Thematic recipes tied to Jewish holidays, rituals and the season will be used as you and your little one measure, count, mix and eat your way to fun! 6 weeks. OM Tue
12:30- 1:30pm
park heights classes Stay & Play
Ages 0-36 months. Join this informal gathering for songs, crafts, and other fun activities. Held in Parenting Center. No class 5/31. Drop in session passes available: $25/members (book pass), $35/non-members (book pass). Drop in code #230. 8 wks. Drop in rate $5 M/$8 NM. PH Mon
PH Tue
Tot Shabbat
Ages 0-36 months. Bring your little ones each week for a program full of Shabbat spirit, songs, candle lighting, Kiddush, and challah snack. Non Member $5 drop-in fee or $20.00 for Spring Session. PH Fri
Music Together by Charm City
Ages infant-5 years. Join this “music and movement” approach to early childhood musical development designed for children and their parents or caregivers. No class 5/19, 5/30. Need information? Call 410.825.3881or visit PH Sun
PH Wed
Contact Sharon or Linda in OM x347 or
Shalom Baby Childbirth Preparation
For first-time parents, a comprehensive six-week childbirth education series taught by an experienced R.N. and Jewish communal professionals designed to prepare couples for the birth of their first child. Call for dates.
Welcome Packets
Free packet delivered by volunteers to families with infants ages 0-12 months; includes baby gifts, lists of resources and discounts. A program of the CJE in collaboration with the JCC and Jewish Community Services.
Toddler Tales Interactive Storytime Ages 2-4 years; Thursdays at 10:30am - Free NEW CLASS AT ROSENBLOOM OWINGS MILLS JCC Ages 2-4 years; Thursdays at 11:30am - Free
For more information, call 410.735.5000 or go to
b i r t h to a g e 5
ongoing programs Parenting Centers
Drop in at either JCC and spend quality time with your youngsters and other parents in a pleasant, stress-free environment. Both centers are filled with age-appropriate toys. Owings Mills: Open during regular building hours. Park Heights: Mon-Thu 8:00am-7:00pm; Fri 8:00am-2:00pm; Sun 8:00am-4:00pm
Parenting Center Spring Pass
For non-members only! Come join us for unlimited use of our playroom at either location. Includes Tot Shabbat and Free Play/OM Toddler Gym – all for $20 for the Spring Session.
Pee Wee Pizza & Play
Join us for pizza with songs, bubbles, parachute play, gym time and more. Great sibling activity. Call Parenting to register. Daytime Hours: April 13, May 4, June 1; 12-1pm NEW Evening Option: April 20, May 11, June 8; 5-6pm Fee: $6/M $9/NM
Owings Mills Open Gym (Room 116)
Don’t miss this opportunity to play in our toddler friendly gym! FREE for all JCC members and non-members enrolled in a Parent & Infant/Toddler Class. Thursdays: 12:00-1:00pm Fridays: 12:00-1:00pm NEW Evening Hours: April 13, May 4, June 1; 5:30-7:00pm
Saturday Story Time
featuring PJ Library Books at Owings Mills Saturdays; 4:30pm Enjoy a half-hour of interactive story time followed by time to play and socialize in the babysitting play room. FREE TO ALL. No reservations needed.
Need more info? Call Sharon or Linda in OM x347 or For information on birth to age 5 activities taking place in Baltimore City and Carroll County – contact Cindy at OM x344 or
Tot Shabbat
April 9 • April 30 • May 14 10:45-11:15am FREE
Hands on Holidays - Passover March 26, 10:45-11:45am FREE
For more information, call Cindy: OM x344 or
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
b i r t h to a g e 5
tennis Lunch n’ Munchkin Tennis (Quick Start)
Ages 3-4. This is a great starting point. We eat lunch, learn the basic strokes, and play tennis skill games in a fun, nurturing environment. Children must be potty trained, and bring a lunch and tennis racquet. 7 wks. OM Fri
12:00- 2:00pm
Munchkin Tennis (Quick Start)
Ages 4-5. Introduction to hitting with proper swings within fun skills games. Must bring racquet. 7 wks. OM Mon
2:00- 2:45pm
Pee Wee Tennis Monday (Quick Start)
Ages 5-7. This can be a beginning point or the next step for students who have been part of the program as a Munchkin. Must bring racquet. 7 wks. OM Mon
3:30- 4:15pm
OM Tue
3:30- 4:15pm
Advanced Pee Wee Tennis (Quick Start)
Ages 5-7. This class is for students who have already participated in a tennis program. Emphasis will be on rallying in the service boxes. Must bring racquet. 7 wks. OM Tue
4:30- 5:15pm
Contact Adam Stein at OM x389. REMINDER: Every tennis student must bring a tennis racquet to class or you may purchase a racquet from Adam.
fitness Little Dragons Boys Martial Arts
Boys ages 4-6. Learn basic martial arts techniques with Black Belt Eric Goldstein in a fun and safe environment. This course emphasizes respecting others and working together as a group. These fundamentals will be taught through a combination of fun activities and drills. 9 wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Sun
1:00- 1:30pm
sports Pee Wee T-Ball Clinic
Ages 3-5. Learn basic throwing, batting,catching, and running the bases. No class on 5/19,5/26 In Blue Gym. 7 wks. OM Wed
3:30- 4:15pm
Pee Wee Soccer Clinic
Age 3-5. Soccer skills: kicking, passing, goal keeping, etc., No class on 5/24-5/31 In Blue Gym. 7 wks. OM Mon
3:30- 4:15pm
Youth Baseball Leagues – Pee Wee
Age 4. Games will be played on Sundays, Practices will be on weeknights and scheduled by your coach. 8 wks. No class 5/30. OM Sun
1:00- 2:00pm
Contact Sol Kleiner at OM x316, or skleiner at
Kosher Food Policy At both JCC locations, we maintain Jewish dietary laws, and we request your compliance. All food provided by the JCC and affiliate cafes is kosher. Non-kosher food may not be served by patrons at events hosted in the JCC or brought into the café area.
Ages 1-3 years. Enjoy age-appropriate songs, crafts, parachute play, bubbles, and more, led by an experienced parent-infant instructor. Use the Parenting Center for playtime as well. You may book the room for 1½ hours.
For more information, call OM x347. Ages 4+ years. It’s fun and easy to have your child’s birthday party at the JCC! We have a Birthday Party Coordinator on site every Sunday to ensure that your party goes smoothly. You can choose from these packages: Sports/Gym, Recreation Park/Biblical Playground, Arts & Crafts and Martial Arts.
b i r t h to a g e 5
Celebrate your birthday at the JCC!
For more information or reservations, call Sol Kleiner at OM x316, or Israel Orange at PH x205.
p m a C y l i m Fa aton Shabb
Friday, August 20 – Sunday, August 22, 2010 Enjoy a memorable all-inclusive family vacation and Shabbat, with sports, arts, ropes course, swimming, hiking, biking, yoga, dancing, singing, great food, and fabulous accommodations. Escape to camp for the weekend and experience what everyone is raving about! for more information, call
visit camp e -mail: BJT ¼ 3-10 FamCmp.indd 1
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900 3/3/2010 10:33:54 AM
b i r t h to a g e 5
dance - park heights Beginners Ballet
Ages 3-4. By learning the fundamental techniques of this beautiful art form, students will have the base to perform any and all styles of dance. 8 wks. No class 5/30. Contact: Shira Ocken PH x 229. PH
10:00-10:45am 4/18-6/13 $60/M $90/NM 21996
Intermediate Ballet
Ages 4-5. By learning the fundamental techniques of this beautiful art form, students will have the base to perform any and all styles of dance. 8 wks. No class 5/30. Contact: Shira Ocken PH x 229. PH
11:00-11:45am 4/18-6/13 $60/M $90/NM 22010
Jr. Hip Hop
Ages 5-7. Combine many dance techniques with the style and attitude of hip-hop in a funky invigorating environment. 8 wks. No class 5/30. Contact: Shira Ocken PH x 229. PH Sun
dance - owings mills Magical Movement
Ages 3-5. Must be 3 by 4/1/10. An introduction to the world of dance through storytelling and imagery. Learn movement and music through ballet’s many beautiful stories with dress-up as princesses, princes, butterflies, and fairies, and many other characters. 5 wks. In Dance Studio. Contact Lynn in OM x502 OM Mon
3:30- 4:15pm
Mini Hip Hop-Level 1
Ages 5-7. Kids learn the best party dances of all time, step by step. Have a great time. In Group Fitness Studio. 8 wks. Contact Lynn in OM x502. OM Tue
4:00- 4:45pm
Mini Hip Hop-Level 2
Ages 5-7. Children who have completed the level 1 now move into a level 2 class that has more intricate steps and patterns. Kids learn the best party dances of all time, step by step. Have a great time. In Group Fitness Studio. 8wks. Contact Lynn in OM x502. OM Wed
4:00- 4:45pm
Friends & Blessings PJ Shabbat 6:30 pm • First Fridays Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Shabbat songs, a story, friends and blessings for your preschooler and family. And let’s not forget the donuts! You are always welcome, whether you’re a BHC member or not. If you’d like to share a casual dinner before the service, bring a pizza or some sandwiches—6 pm.
All Welcome! 16
7401 Park Heights Ave.
Plan to hang out with the PJ community for donut holes and conversation after the service.
3 Months to Kindergarten
Enriching the whole child in a nurturing environment
Infant/Toddler Program
Located at the Park Heights JCC, this program serves children ages 3 to 24 months, lovingly tended by our licensed childcare specialists. Our state-of-the-art rooms are stocked with individual cribs, changing tables, rocking chairs, and toys to entertain, engage, comfort, and soothe the little ones. The Program is open Monday through Friday, beginning at 7:00am and ending MondayThursday at 6:00pm. On Friday, closing time varies in accordance with Shabbat.
Preschool & Preschool Plus
Register Now! Space is Limited. Visit or call: Nicole Schwartz (OM) 410.356.5200, x508 or Jodi Fishman (PH) 410.542.4900, x264.
Gym • Nature • Dance • Music • Art
early childhood education
Israeli Culture • Red Cross Swim Lessons
Laughter, Learning & Love
These programs are offered at both the Park Heights and Owings Mills JCC and provide children ages two through five with a wellRosenbloom JCC, 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills rounded, age-appropriate curriculum. Experienced Weinberg JCC, 5700 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore and certified early childhood education teachers engage children in activities designed to develop emotional, social, cognitive, physical and spiritual growth. Children gain self-confidence, develop friendships, and explore new concepts. Daily activities include: energetic play, music, art, circle time, Hebrew, story time, science, cooking, physical education, swimming and creative play. We also introduce children to the customs and traditions of Jewish life, including culture, ethics, Shabbat celebrations and holidays. We offer morning and extended day programs, including an early drop-off option which begins at 7:00am. For parents who need the added benefit of extended hours and year-round childcare, the Preschool Plus program is also available during summer months.
early childhood education
JCC Early Childhood Camps
Located at the Owings Mills JCC, our Kindergarten is a full-day, state-accredited program that gives children a strong entry into first grade. An individually targeted curriculum is designed to meet the needs of each child. Jewish culture and values are integrated throughout. Subject areas include reading, math, language arts, Hebrew, science and social studies. Our program also includes physical education, swimming, music, art and computers. An early drop-off option is available beginning at 7:00am. Late pick up is available through the JCC Kids Center program.
For more information about programs at Owings Mills, contact Ilene Meister at OM x310. For more information about programs at Park Heights, contact Jodi Fishman at PH x264. Or visit
Limited Fall Openings Now Available in our ECEs Meyerhoff Early Childhood Education Center at the Park Heights JCC • Infant/Toddler Program (ages 3 to 24 months) • Preschool Plus (full day) and Preschool (ages 2-4 years)
Early Childhood Education Center at the Owings Mills JCC • Preschool Plus (full day) and Preschool (ages 2-4 years) • Full day Kindergarten (age 5)
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
g ra d es K- 5
park heights classes Ceramics I
Ages 5-8. Mold, glaze and paint your very own ceramic creations. Make gifts for your whole family, or special projects for yourself! 8 wks. No class: 5/30. Contact Shira Ocken PH x229. PH Sun
4/18-6/13 $65/M $95/NM
Ceramics II‑ Hand Building Techniques
Ages 9‑12. Students will discover the magical qualities of clay. Class demonstrations will include a variety of sculpture techniques. The class will be decorating and glazing their own work using glazes that will be fired in an electric kiln. Fee includes all materials. 8wks. No class 5/30. Contact Shira Ocken in PH x229. PH Sun
11:30am- 1:00pm
4/18-6/13 $80/M $110/NM 22015
owings mills classes Eco-Crafting for Kids
Grades K-5. A creative way of recycling and reusing everyday objects previously destined for the trash, recycle bin or donation box. Some examples of projects include bottle cap necklaces, rolled paper beads from recycled magazines, paper mache globe from recycled phonebooks & balloons. No class 5/18. 8 wkts. For more information contact Lara Wellerstein at OM x339 or OM Tue
4:15- 5:15pm
$90/M $125/NM
Mike’s Magic Class Spring 2010
Learn magic from professional magician Mike Leavey and wow your friends and family. Start learning sleight of hand technique, card tricks, coin tricks and tricks with everyday objects. For returning students, learn more advanced tricks. No class 5/20. Grades: 2-5. For more information contact Lara Wellerstein at OM x339 or OM Thu
5:00- 6:00pm
4/15-5/27 $80/M $120/NM
child care School’s Out? Send your kids to the JCC for the day!
The School’s Out program is an opportunity for elementary school-age kids to get the most out of school closings and vacations in a structured, safe and fun atmosphere. We offer a variety of activities including: indoor/outdoor recreation, games, cooking, dance aerobics and much more! Kids Center participants pay $20. Early drop off as early as 8:00am, Late Stay as late as 6:00pm. OM Thu
9:30am- 3:30pm
$25/M $50/NM 22174
OM Fri
9:30am- 3:30pm
$25/M $50/NM 22175
OM Fri
School Cosing- 3:30pm
$15/M $30/NM 22176
Kids Center - After School Care for Elementary School Students NEW programming & pricing for 2010-2011 including FREE indoor pool time & ceramics classes each week!!! Kids Center provides a home-like environment and there are classes and activities that are discounted for Kids Center participants!!! Transportation provided from many area schools.
For more information please contact Lara Wellerstein at or 410.356.5200 x339.
Little Dragons Boys Martial Arts
Boys ages 4-6. Learn basic martial arts techniques with Black Belt Eric Goldstein in a fun and safe environment. This course emphasizes respecting others and working together as a group. These fundamentals will be taught through a combination of fun activities and drills. 9 wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Sun
1:00- 1:30pm
Dance & Stretch
Ages 6-8. Enjoy fun movement followed by light yoga stretches. 6 wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Sun
12:30- 1:15pm
Tween Girls Fitness Classes
Ages 9-11. Dance and play your way to fitness! Cardio with balls & bands on Monday at 6pm. Zumba on Thursday at 5:30pm. Take one or both classes for the same price! 5 weeks. No class 5/31. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH M/Th
g ra d es K- 5
fitness - park heights
dance - park heights Intermediate Ballet
By learning the fundamental techniques of this beautiful art form, students will have the base to perform any and all styles of dance. 8 wks. No class 5/30. Contact Shira Ocken at PH x229. Age 4-5 PH Sun
Ages 6-7 PH Sun
Ages 8-10 PH Sun
1:00- 1:45pm
Jr. Hip Hop
Combine many dance techniques with the style and attitude of hip-hop in a funky invigorating environment. 8 wks. No class 5/30. Contact Shira Ocken at PH x229. Ages 5-7 PH Sun $60/M
10:00-11:00am $90/NM
Ages 8-10 PH Sun $60/M
11:00am-12:00pm 4/18-6/13 $90/NM 22013
4/18-6/13 22012
Experience Oheb
for your next
Wedding • Conference • Reception B'nai Mitzvah • Party • Meeting • Lecture
Temple membership not required. Call for details.
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
g ra d es K- 5
sports Youth Baseball Leagues – Pee Wee
Age 4. Games will be played on Sundays. Practices will be on weeknights and scheduled by your coach. 8 wks. No class 5/30. OM Sun
1:00- 2:00pm
Youth Baseball Micro League
Age 5-6. Games will be played on Sundays, there will be two weeknight games to augment the season. Practices will be on weeknights and scheduled by your coach. 8 wks. No class 5/30. OM Sun
2:15- 3:15pm
Youth Baseball Minor League
Age 7-8. Games will be played on Sunday. There will be two weeknight games to augment the season. Practices will be weeknights and scheduled by your coach. 8 wks. No class 5/30. OM Sun
3:30- 4:30pm
Contact Roman at OM x385 or
tennis Pee Wee Tennis Monday (Quick Start)
Ages 5-7. This can be a beginning point or the next step for students who have been part of the program as a Munchkin. Must bring racquet. 7 wks. OM Mon
3:30- 4:15pm
OM Tue
3:30- 4:15pm
Advanced Pee Wee Tennis (Quick Start)
Ages 5-7. This class is for students who have already participated in a tennis program. Emphasis will be on rallying in the service boxes. Must bring racquet. 7 wks. OM Tue
4:30- 5:15pm
Junior Tennis Thursday (Quick Start)
Ages 7-10. Stroke development from the baseline. 6 wks. No class 5/20. OM Thu
4:30- 5:15pm
Junior Tennis Monday (Quick Start)
Ages 7-10. Stroke development from the baseline. Must bring racquet. 7 wks. OM Mon
4:30- 5:15pm
Junior Tennis Tuesday (Quick Start)
Contact Adam Stein at OM x389 for tennis information. REMINDER: Every tennis student must bring a tennis racquet to class or you may purchase a racquet from Adam.
Ages 7-10. Stroke development from the baseline. 7 wks. OM Tue
5:30- 6:15pm
Preteen Tennis
Ages 10-13. An advanced beginner to intermediate level class, that emphasizes stroke development and game play. 6 wks. No class 5/20. OM Thu
5:30- 6:15pm
Advanced Preteen Tennis
Ages 10-13. This class emphasizes strategy and putting together competitive skills. 7 wks. OM Mon
5:30- 7:00pm
dance - owings mills Magical Movement
Ages 3-5. Must be 3 by 4/1/10. An introduction to the world of dance through storytelling and imagery. Learn movement and music through ballet’s many beautiful stories with dress-up as princesses, princes, butterflies, and fairies, and other characters. 5 wks. In Dance Studio. OM Mon
3:30- 4:15pm
Mini Hip Hop-Level 1
Ages 5-7. Kids learn the best party dances of all time, step by step. Have a great time. In Group Fitness Studio. 8 wks. OM Tue
4:00- 4:45pm
Mini Hip Hop-Level 2
Ages 5-7. Children who have completed the level 1 now move into a level 2 class that has more intricate steps and patterns. Kids learn the best party dances of all time, step by step. Have a great time. In Group Fitness Studio. 8wks. OM Wed
4:00- 4:45pm
Zumba for Kids
Ages 8-11. This fun program is designed specifically for children, that promotes a safe and healthy lifestyle through dance and fitness. 4 wks. OM Sun
1:00- 2:00pm
Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502 for more information.
Boys Martial Arts Beginners
Boys ages 7-13. Learn traditional Taekwondo and realistic self defense with Eric Goldstein, a second degree black belt with over 10 years of teaching experience. Build your child’s confidence and attitude towards life while having fun in a safe atmosphere. Belt tests and uniforms may have an additional charge. 9wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Sun
PH Sun
3:30- 4:15pm
PH Sun
4:15- 5:00pm
Jr. Weight Training – Boys
Boys ages 12-16. Learn proper techniques for using Fitness Center equipment. Completion of this course gives students access to the Fitness Center during Family/Teen Workout hours. 5wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Tue
7:00- 8:00pm
PH Tue
7:00- 8:00pm
Jr. Weight Training – Girls
Girls ages 12-16. Learn proper techniques for using Fitness Center equipment. Completion of this course gives students access to the Fitness Center during Family/Teen Workout hours. 5wks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Sun
11:00am-12:00pm 4/18-5/16
PH Sun
11:00am-12:00pm 5/23-6/20
B Better @ Basketball
Boys ages 13-18. This is the ultimate in “Sport Specific” Training! Move, dodge, explode & shoot! Become unstoppable! Learn how to take off on a dime, maneuver through & around your opposition to the basket & score! 4wks. 8 sessions. Contact Jackie at PH x247. Meets in the Gymnasium. PH M/W
6:00- 7:00pm
6:00- 7:00pm
te e n s & twe e n s
fitness - park heights
Teen Girls Fitness Classes
Girls Ages 12-15. Fitness classes JUST FOR TEENS! Zumba on Tuesday 6:30pm, Cycle on Wednesday 6:00pm, Yoga on Thursday 6pm. Experience Zumba the latest dance fitness craze. Cycle and feel those calories burn away! Get Zen with Yoga. Release those tight muscles and let the stress of the week melt away. Take one class or all 3 for the same low price! 5 weeks. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH T/W/Th
fitness - owings mills Beginning Weight Training – Boys
Ages 10-12. An introductory class for boys to learn proper form and technique in weight training. Each class will focus on different styles of training including circuit, interval, and sport specific training. Workout for 30-40 minutes, and then play a game at the end of class. 4 wks. In Fitness Center. Contact Lynn in OM at x502. OM Mon
6:00- 7:00pm
Girls Get Fit
Ages 8-11. For tween girls to improve self esteem and confidence with Zumba, Gliding, Stepping and working out in the Fitness center to build muscle strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. We will also talk nutrition such as making healthy food choices, looking at food labels to identify good and bad fats, and discuss how sugar sneaks into our food. 4 wks. In Group Fitness Studio. OM M/W
5:00‑ 5:45pm
5:00- 5:45pm
tennis Preteen Tennis
Ages 10-13. An advanced beginner to intermediate level class, that emphasizes stroke development and game play. 6 wks. No class 5/20. Contact Adam at OM x389. OM Thu
5:30- 6:15pm
Advanced Preteen Tennis
Ages 10-13. This class emphasizes strategy and putting together competitive skills. 7 wks. Contact Adam at OM x389. OM Mon
5:30- 7:00pm
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
te e n s
fitness - park heights Men’s/Teen Self Defense
Ages 15+. Personal attacks are occurring at higher rates! Learn to protect yourself and your family with Eric Goldstein. Learn boxing, Muay Thai, MMA, Hapkido, ground defense and other self-defense skills. 9 wks. PH Sun
1:30- 2:30pm
Boxing 101
Ages 15+. Boxing is not only a way to defend yourself, but it is also a great workout! Learn the basics of boxing while developing strong arms, shoulders and core with Erez Minka MMA & Boxing trainer. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. 8 sessions. No Class 5/30. PH Su/F
5:00- 6:00pm
5:00- 6:00pm
Weight Lifting 101 – COED
Ages 16+ Want to lift weights but don’t know where to begin? Learn the basics for working out on the fitness floor using free weights. This is a 4 week small group training class where participants will learn some basic weight training principles and concepts that will allow them to create a personal workout routine for home and in the gym. Hour workout followed by 1/2hr lecture. Room 2. Contact Jackie at PH x247. PH Thu
7:15- 8:45pm
PH Thu
7:15- 8:45pm
Flatter Firmer Belly – COED
Ages 16+. Summer is coming & it’s time to flatten that winter widened waistline and belly! Get ready with the most amazing abs workout ever!!!! Sculpt your abdominals, obliques and core muscles though a variety of fun and challenging exercises. 2x/week for 30 min, 6 weeks. 12 Sessions. No class 5/20. Meets in the Fitness Center. PH M/Th
6:30- 7:00pm
Krav Maga for Adults & Teens
Ages 15+. Have you heard about the intense training the Israeli army receives? Come experience it yourself with Eli Werdesheim veteran of the Israeli Army Special Forces. This self defense class incorporates cardio vascular conditioning, strength training and combat training based upon Special Forces training & Krav Maga techniques used in the Israeli army. Meets in the Gymnasium. 5wks. PH Wed
7:00- 8:00pm
PH Wed
7:00- 8:00pm
What is the Philosophy of the Cardin School? A. A “pluralistic Jewish education,” meaning one that includes all denominations and excludes none. B. An education that integrates Jewish values into a college preparatory curriculum. C. An education that encourages questioning, exploring, and discussion over rote memorization. D. An education that prepares students for real life in the real world. All of the above. Talk to our students. Talk to our teachers. Talk to our graduates. You’ll come here.
The Shoshana S. Cardin School Baltimore’s Independent Jewish High School
Above all, learning.
7310 Park Heights Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21208-5436 • (410) 585-1400 •
22 JCC WhatKind PHIL BW .indd 1
2/25/10 9:35 PM
Contact Jackie in PH at x247 for more information on fitness classes at Park Heights.
te e n s
fitness - owings mills Beginning Weight Training – Boys
Ages 10-12. An introductory class for boys to learn proper form and technique in weight training. Each class will focus on different styles of training including circuit, interval, and sport specific training. Workout for 30-40 minutes, and then play a game at the end of class. 4 wks. In Fitness Center. OM Mon
6:00- 7:00pm
Jr. Weight Training
Ages 12-15. This 5 week class teaches proper techniques used on the Fitness Center Equipment. Students who complete this course gain access to the Fitness Center without needing a guardian present during the Family/Teen workout times. OM Sun
3:00- 4:00pm
OM Wed
7:00- 8:00pm
Jr. Weight Training Extreme
Ages 12-15. For Middle Schoolers who completed Junior Weight Training and are ready for free weights and more challenging routines on the selectorized equipment. 5 wks. OM Mon
7:00- 8:00pm
Contact Lynn in OM at x502 for more information on fitness classes at Owings Mills.
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
te e n s
dance classes Hip Hop - Park Heights
Combines many dance techniques with the style and attitude of hip-hop in a funky, invigorating environment. 7 wks. No class 5/20. Contact Shira Ocken in PH X229. Grades 6-8 PH Thu
7:00- 8:00pm
Grades 9-12 PH Thu
8:00- 9:00pm
Hip Hop - Owings Mills
Grades 6-8 learn all the hot dance moves. Professional Dancer and Party Planner Evan Dahne teaches many dance techniques with the style and attitude of hip-hop in a funky fun environment. 8 wks. Contact Lynn in OM at x502 OM Wed
5:00- 6:00pm
tennis Preteen Tennis
Ages 10-13. An advanced beginner to intermediate level class, that emphasizes stroke development and game play. 6 wks. No class 5/20. OM Thu
5:30- 6:15pm
Advanced Preteen Tennis
Ages 10-13. This class emphasizes strategy and putting together competitive skills. 7 wks. OM Mon
5:30- 7:00pm
Cardio Tennis
Age 16+.This class is for all levels of fitness and playing ability. Beginners to advanced players alike will get a great cardiovascular workout, while playing tennis. 7 wks. OM Tue
6:30- 8:00pm
Tennis Conditioning
Age 16+. If you want to improve your movement on the tennis court, athletic performance in general, or tighten and tone your core and legs, welcome to the answer. After years of training, Adam Stein brings you a streamlined break from the normal workout, designed to challenge you to your fullest potential. We use fast paced tennis drills, medicine balls, resistance bands, plyometrics, speed and agility drills weights, bosu balls, etc., to etch the body you want. 7 wks. OM Tue
Contact Adam Stein 410-356-5200, x389.
babysitting American Red Cross Babysitting
Grades 6-8, ages 11-14. Receive American Red Cross instruction in basic infant care, first aid for burns, bleeding, choking, head injuries and stings; poison prevention and treatment and safety precautions. Certification cards are provided by the American Red Cross at course completion. 2 weeks. Once you have been certified you are eligible for being added to our babysitting list. Please let your instructor know at the time of class if you would like to be added. OM Sun
1:30- 4:30pm
$60/M $70/NM
For more information, contact Sue Szembroth at OM X 304 or
driver’s education Driver’s Education by Elite Driving School Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Ages 15 years, 4 months+. Elite Driving School works hard to make students the safest drivers they can possibly be. The course consists of 30 hours of classroom instruction broken down into 10 three hour sessions plus three two hour sessions of behind the wheel training.
For class information, contact Elite at 410.363.7483 or
Whether you are looking to meet new friends or see the world, BBYO has something for everyone. Baltimore Council BBYO is full of exciting, fun times and a chance to help out the community with group service projects. This year’s programming schedule includes conventions in Philadelphia and the Catoctin Mountains, travel opportunities around the world, monthly runs with Back On My Feet, sports competitions, and a chance to learn and grow. If you are looking for a new and fun time, BBYO is the place.
te e n s
For more information or to receive updates on what is going on with BBYO please contact Mitch Liebeskind at OM x370 or
Teen Connection Dances Grades 6-8 April 10 & May 8; 8:00-11:00pm
Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Dance, DJ, open gym and snacks
Fee: $10/Members; $15/Non-Members Middle School ID required. No one will be permitted without an ID. Accepted Middle School ID includes: a report card, a class schedule with the year, your name and grade. Bus cards will NOT be accepted. If the weather is questionable, please call OM JCC to make sure dance will be taking place.
For more information contact Mitch Liebeskind: or OM x370.
Rosenbloom OM JCC
May College Night!!
Monday, May 17; 7:00pm Come hear area colleges discuss their admissions process. Coffee and dessert will be served.
To RSVP and for more details, contact Mitch at OM x370 or
Essay & Résumé Secrets
Monday, May 16; 12:00pm Learn what students should emphasize in essays and résumés and what strategies to employ to successfully traverse this part of the college application process. $18/family
For more info, contact Lara at OM x339 or
PSAT Tutoring over the Summer Available through the College Center at the JCC. $50/hour/M; $60/hour/NM; $350/8 sessions
One-On-One College Assistance
Need help with your college picks and applications? Call the College Center to schedule a one-on-one appointment for your family. $50/hour/M; $60/hour/NM
Call for more information on everything the College Center offers, call Esther at OM x612.
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
dance classes - owings mills Begining Ballroom Adults
Ages: 18+. Dancing builds confidence. It’s great to be able to go to clubs, parties, weddings or any special event, and know that you can get up and dance if you want to. For couples, it can provide a shared hobby that encourages attention towards one another. For singles, it can help to build confidence. OM Thu
7:00- 8:00pm
Belly Dancing to Shape Up
Ages 16+. Experience for yourself the beauty, grace and mystery of this ancient dance! You will learn rhythmic shimmies, isolation, and fluid snake-like movements, while enjoying music from the Middle East, Turkey and North Africa. Belly dancing improves your posture, flexibility,and body awareness. It’s a great workout for the waist, hips, and thighs, plus it’s fun! Learning to belly dance relieves stress, lowers back pain, and enhances self confidence. This is truly a dance for every body. 6 wks. OM Tue
7:00- 8:00pm
Swing and Latin Dance
Age 18+. It doesn’t matter if you are new to dancing or just freshening up your old moves, Swing and Latin dance makes dancing fun as you learn techniques shared by the Jitterbug, Salsa, Cha Cha and Merengue. No partner required. Individual students will share partners, dance with the instructor, and practice moves independently. 8 wks. OM Thu
8:00- 9:00pm
Learn How To Dance (Club Style)
Ages 18+. Learn how to dance Club Style - and NEVER FEEL ANXIOUS AGAIN! Gain the self-confidence that you’ve always wished for. Learn the dance moves step by step. In just a few weeks you will know the hottest dance moves so that you can feel totally “at ease” the next time you go out. 6 weeks. OM Tue
8:00- 9:00pm
Contact Lynn in OM at x502 for more information on dance classes at Owings Mills.
4-WEEK SUMMER trim down • May 2- 30 OMG! Summer’s coming! What am I going to do? Here’s the plan: Give us 4 weeks and we’ll get you ready for summer! The Regular Plan includes:
• Weekly Weigh-in • T-shirt • Weekly Handouts • Motivational Emails • Food Diary • Free Gift! $10/JCC Members only (PH) 22380 (OM) 22379
Need a little more? The PREMIUM Plan includes The Regular Plan plus: • Monthly Measurements • Weight Loss Wars website enrollment • Half-hour personal training session • Sample 1500 and 2000 calorie menus $50/JCC Members only (PH) 22382 (OM) 22381
Want even more? The ULTRA Plan includes The Regular Plan plus:
• Monthly Measurements and Fat Calibration • Weight Loss Wars website enrollment • Two half-hour personal training sessions • 10-day Menu Plan $99/JCC Members only (PH) 22384 (OM) 22383
Contact Amy Schwartz at or 410.356.5200, x510.
Melt Down
Ages 21+. Melt the pounds off using fat burning cardio intervals. Taught by Personal Trainer and Triathlete Harold Harris and David Van Dinter. 4 wks. OM Thu
OM Thu
7:00- 8:00pm
fitness - owings mills Cycle/Run Mix
Ages: 21+. This class includes two sports in the same workout- running and cycling. This type of training is used to prepare for races or for getting and staying in fabulous cardio condition. 4 wks. Taught by Personal trainer Harold Harris. OM Tue
7:00- 8:00pm
Tabata Training
Ages 16+. A dynamic conditioning experience proven to transform your body: twenty-second bouts of high-intensity training followed by ten seconds of rest. Designed to increase athletic performance, boost VO2Max and decrease body fat. 4 wks. OM Thu
6:00- 7:00pm
Fitness Center 101
Have you been ready to get started for some time but afraid to take the next step? Maybe you’re not sure how to start and what to do? Does the Fitness Center intimidate you? Well, you’re not alone. We’ll make the Fitness Center easy to navigate. 4 wks. OM Tue
7:00- 8:00pm
OM Tue
7:00- 8:00pm
Rock Bottom
Ages 21+. Learn the correct technique, exercises and equipment to give you exquisitely toned legs, butt and hips. We’ll give you the tools to effectively continue on your own. Taught by a Personal Trainer. 4 wks. OM Tue
Life Weight to Lose Weight
Ages 21+. Learn how to efficiently build muscle without bulk, and rev up your metabolism. Taught by a Personal Trainer. 4 wks. OM Sun
OM Mon
Absolutely Abs
45 minutes of abdominal, core and back exercises to push you to the next level of fitness. Held in the Fitness Center. 4 wks. OM Wed
9:00- 9:45am
Revaz’s Circuit Training
Personal Trainer, Revaz will take you through an hour of non-stop free weights circuits that will fine-tune and rev up your body’s metabolism making it burn fat more efficiently than ever before. 16 one-hour sessions held in the Group Fitness Studio. 8 wks. OM M/W
8:40- 9:40pm
5 Weeks to a 5K
Agse 21+. Get ready for this Spring’s Bloomin’ 5K in Owings Mills. In five weeks and 10 sessions you’ll develop running endurance, learn how to keep a training log and eat and hydrate properly. OM M/W
8:00- 9:00pm
6:30- 7:30am
Fit Mix for Women
Age 18+. Shake up your workout routine and surprise your muscles using Kettlebells, Interval training, Circuit training and Balance & Ball workouts. Taught by Personal Trainer Sandi Rubin. 4 wks. OM Fri
Contact Lynn in OM at x502 for more information on fitness classes at Owings Mills.
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
Men’s 25+ Softball League Wednesday, April 28-August4; 6pm
Fee: $70/JCC Member; $90/Synagogue Member; $105/Non-member
21+ Coed Softball League Sundays, April 25-August1; 11:00am-12:30pm
10 Regular Season Double-Headers plus playoffs $70/JCC Member; $105/Non-member
Contact Roman at OM x385 for more information.
tennis classes Cardio Tennis
Age 16+.This class is for all levels of fitness and playing ability. Beginners to advanced players alike will get a great cardiovascular workout, while playing tennis. 7 wks. OM Tue
6:30- 8:00pm
H.I.I.T. Cardio Tennis
Research backs High Intensity Interval Training as one of the quickest ways to melt body fat and burn calories. H.I.I.T’s bursts of intensity followed by low intensity movement, make it a perfect fit for tennis players to improve conditioning for matches. H.I.I.T. is very intense, so it only makes up a portion of class. Warm Up, H.I.I.T.,Core Strengthening, Tennis Drills, Stretching. 6 weeks. No class on 5/20. OM Thu
Tennis Conditioning
Age 16+. If you want to improve your movement on the tennis court, athletic performance in general, or tighten and tone your core and legs, welcome to the answer. After years of training, Adam Stein brings you a streamlined break from the normal workout, designed to challenge you to your fullest potential. We use fast paced tennis drills, medicine balls, resistance bands, plyometrics, speed and agility drills weights, bosu balls, etc., to etch the body you want. 7 wks. OM Tue
Adult Intermediate Tennis
Age 18+. Class is held at Carroll Racquet and Fitness. For those who think better late than never, or have not played for a long time. Learn all of the skills to play the game. 7 wks. OM Mon
7:00- 8:00pm
OM Fri
Adult Advanced Tennis
Age 18+. Class is held at Greenspring Racquet Club. Students must be able to perform all skills proficiently. Emphasis is on strategy and advanced techniques for match play. 7 wks. OM Mon
Contact Adam Stein at OM x389 for tennis information. REMINDER: Every tennis student must bring a tennis racquet to class or you may purchase a racquet from Adam.
Krav Maga for Adults & Teens - Session 1
Adults Ages 15+. Have you heard about the intense training the Israeli army receives? Come experience it yourself with Eli Werdesheim veteran of the Israeli Army Special Forces. This self defense class incorporates cardiovascular conditioning, strength training and combat training based upon Special Forces training & Krav Maga techniques used in the Israeli army. Meets in the Gymnasium. 5 wks. PH Wed
7:00- 8:00pm
PH Wed
7:00- 8:00pm
fitness classes @ park heights
Men’s/Teen Self Defense
Ages 15+. Personal attacks are occurring at higher rates! Learn to protect yourself and your family with Eric Goldstein. Learn boxing, Muay Thai, MMA, Hapkido, ground defense and other self-defense skills. 9 wks. PH Sun
1:30- 2:30pm
Boxing 101
Ages 15+. Boxing is not only a way to defend yourself, but is also a great workout! Learn the basics of boxing while developing strong arms, shoulders and core with Erez Minka MMA & Boxing trainer. Meets in the Mind Body Studio. 8 sessions. No Class 5/30. PH Su/F
5:00- 6:00pm
5:00- 6:00pm
Fitness Fusion for Women
Ages 16+ Join Melinda Pearl, to work on achieving a longer and leaner body using yoga, pilates and barre-sculpt techniques. Exercises are fun, safe, and effective - no experience necessary! Get toned, strong, and flexible without using any heavy weights! Sculpt a strong back and core. Train your entire body with low-impact exercises that will leave you feeling stronger, leaner, and sore in places you didn’t even know existed! 10 sessions. No class 4/23. PH W/F
7:00- 8:00am
7:00- 8:00am
Weight Lifting 101 – COED
Ages 16+ Want to lift weights but don’t know where to begin? Learn the basics for working out on the fitness floor using free weights. This is a 4 week small group training class where participants will learn some basic weight training principles and concepts that will allow them to create a personal workout routine for home and in the gym. Hour workout followed by half-hour lecture. Room 2. PH Thu
7:00- 8:30pm
PH Thu
7:00- 8:30pm
Flatter Firmer Belly – COED
Ages 16+. Summer is coming & it’s time to flatten that winter widened waistline and belly! Get ready with the most amazing abs workout ever!!!! Sculpt your abdominals, obliques and core muscles though a variety of fun and challenging exercises. 2x/week for 30 min, 6 weeks. 12 Sessions. No class 5/20. Meets in the Fitness Center. PH
9:40-10:10am 4/19-6/3 $75/M
6:30- 7:00pm
4/20-6/3 $75/M
Contact Jackie Foreman at PH x247 for fitness class information.
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
Trader Joe’s Tour
Festival at Woodholme in Pikesville Ages 20+. What should YOU be buying at the grocery store? Meet Nutritionist Adriane Koslovsky at Trader Joe’s to find out what foods have too much sodium or fat for your diet and what is safe to eat if you have food allergies. It’s a Trader Joe’s experience that will change your perspective on food shopping! The tour is about 45 minutes. 8 participants max! Thu 1:30- 2:30pm
Thu 7:30- 8:30pm
For more information and to register, contact Amy at or 410.356.5200, X510.
Heart Healthy Nutrition Tuesday, May 4; 11:00am-Noon Weinberg Park Heights JCC A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons in the fight against heart disease. Our nutritionist will guide you in this entertaining and interactive session on heart-healthy eating. Heart-healthy snacks will be served. Fee: $3/JCC Member, $5/Non-member Class #22406.
For more information and to register, contact Amy at or 410.356.5200, X510.
ZUMBA Party and Spring Shopping Spree! Sunday, April 18; 9am-12pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Ages 16+. Catch ZUMBA® fever! You’ll get three exciting hours of Latin-style dancing. Anyone - any age - can ZUMBA. When you’re done dancing, we’ll also have great fitness apparel and beauty products on sale. FREE entrance with donations of pet items to be donated to the Baltimore Humane Society! OM Sun
9:00am-12:00pm 4/18
$0/M $0/NM
For more information, contact Lynn Rosen-Stone: 410.356.5200, x502 or
ZUMBA Party and JCC Open House Sunday, May 23; 9am-12pm Weinberg PH JCC
Ages 16+, women only. Catch ZUMBA® fever! You’ll get three exciting hours of Latin-style dancing. Anyone - any age - can ZUMBA. Pre-register and collect your coupon - good for door prizes and giveaways. PH Sun
9:00am-12:00pm 5/23
For more information, contact Jackie Foreman: 410.542.4900, x247 or
If you’ve ever had the urge to make pottery, use the wheel, sculpt figurines or just explore the many possibilities of personal expression through clay, then these are the classes for you! Enjoy the company of other creative adults and receive individual, hands on instruction from an accomplished clay artist. All levels are welcome, no previous experience necessary. Fee includes clay, over glazes, kiln firing and supplies. No class 5/18. With Donna Lansman OM Tue 7:00- 9:00pm
With Volker Schoenfliess OM Wed 10:00am-12:30pm 4/14-6/16
classes - owings mills
Painting & Drawing with Craig
Painting and drawing with one-on-one guidance and instruction. Students provide their own supplies. This is an 8 week session. No class on 5/19. Instructor: Craig Herron. OM Wed
12:30- 3:00pm
Introduction to Watercolor
This class will include traditional and contemporary approaches to watercolor painting. You will be working with different papers, watercolors, resists and brushes using still life, landscape and abstract references. No class on 5/18. OM Wed
10:30am- 1:30pm 4/14-6/9
Studio Painting with Deena
This session is for students with some background; contemporary approach to painting occasionally using models. Students provide supplies and tools. No class 5/20. Instructor: Deena Margolis. OM Thu
11:30am- 2:30pm 4/15-6/10
OM Tue
11:30am- 2:30pm 4/13-6/1
Cut It Out!! An Art Quilting Workshop
Please join fabric artist, Elaine Brandes, as she leads you in creating your own, unique, art quilt. Bring your scissors, scrap fabric, buttons, beads and trim and learn how to create an art quilt from start to finish. Many different techniques will be explored in this class and you are free to bring your sewing machine with you. All skill levels are welcome. OM Wed
7:00- 8:30pm
For more information on these adult classes, contact Eileen Berman at OM x324 or
Mah Jongg
Four Bam! Three Crak! Two Dot! Those marvelous sounds. Tiles clacking, women bonding and laughing and, of course, the best sound – Mah Jongg! Whether you are a beginner or past player, this is the class for you. Sign up and register now. Small classes. All ages welcome. A great way to meet new people. Come! Enjoy! Schmooze a little! OM Tue
OM Tue
7:30- 9:00pm
Beginners Bridge
Bridge is by far the greatest card game of all, and it can provide immense challenge and enjoyment for the rest of your life. This lesson is intended for the complete beginner, one who knows nothing, or almost nothing, about bridge. OM Mon
OM Mon
7:30- 9:00pm
Social Bridge
Would you like to spend the afternoon playing bridge in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere? Come on over and spend the afternoon playing your favorite game. Lunch and snacks can be purchased at our Café Teva. Don’t know how to play Bridge but always wanted to learn. Please note that this is Social Bridge with Bridge players of all levels. $5/session, pay as you attend. OM Mon
12:30 – 3:00 pm
$5/per session
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
Ebay Workshop
Learn all the attendant intricacies of Ebay- basic how to sell, using their tools, getting the most out of your sale – learn to edit and frame to put on Ebay. (Basic computer knowledge is necessary). OM Sun
1:00- 2:00pm
Jewelry Workshop
Learn the basic techniques of beaded jewelry making from crimping to loops. The skills necessary to make professional looking bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Danee Mermelstein will be offering a Jewelry Making Workshop at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, May 23. The first offering will be a Beginner Workshop where participants will learn the basic techniques of jewelry making and create a magnificent beaded pendant necklace. Come Bead and Develop Your Creativity! OM Sun
2:00- 3:00pm
Mirror, Mirror & Mosaics May 4 & 11
Discover your inner artist and decorate a 10 x 10 wood mirror frame with a mosaic design that you will create with materials provided. Students will have stained glass, Italian vitreous tile, glass beads, and/or chipped china to work with. Nippers, chippers, and other tools will be available. You will learn how to create your own unique mosaic design and have a finished work of art to hang in your home. Bring your friends and join us for two great nights of creativity and bonding. Glass artist Sarah Pick returns to the JCC for two fun nights. OM Tue
6:30- 8:30pm
For more information on these adult programs, contact Eileen Berman at OM x324 or or visit
Photo credit Kelly Hike
Meet Author Bruce Feiler Thursday, May 6; 7:30pm
Heal Yourself Sunday, April 18; 1-4pm With Dr. Rick Levy Owings Mill JCC Join us for a three-hour interactive seminar where Dr. Levy will demonstrate the infinite power of the human mind and how we can access it to heal ourselves of stress, illness, pain or emotional turmoil. $20/in advance: $25/at the door
For more information or to register, call Eileen Berman at 410.356.5200 x324 or email
Owings Mill JCC Bruce Feiler, author of Walking the Bible will share his personal story and the motivation for his new book, Council of Dads. Diagnosed with a life-threatening tumor, he reached out to six men in his life and asked them to be present in his daughters’ lives if he were unable. Q&A and book signing will follow the presentation. $5/JCC M; $8/NM
For more information or to register, call Eileen Berman at 410.356.5200 x324 or email
Summer 2010 LearnInn Experience A learning vacation for Senior Adults
Monday, June 14 – Friday, June 18 Best Western Conference Center Westminster, Maryland
Baltimore Jewish Film Festival Gordon Center For Performing Arts
Tickets: $10/film, available at both JCC locations cashiers’ desk. All films followed by a guest speaker.
Matter of Size
Lost Islands
Thursday, April 8; 7:30pm Israel, Germany, France 2009
Tuesday, May 4; 7:30pm Israel 2008
Wedding Song
Sunday, April 11; 3:00pm England, Hungary 2008
Tuesday, May 11; 7:30pm France, Tunisia 2008
The Gift To Stalin
Tuesday, April 13; 7:30pm Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Israel 2008
the arts
The 2010 William and Irene Weinberg Family
Thursday, May 13; 7:30pm Switzerland 2008
Nora’s Will
William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe
Thursday, April 15; 7:30pm Mexico 2008
At Chizuk Amuno Congregation Monday May, 17; 7:00pm U.S. 2009
Saviors in the Night
Wednesday, April 28; 7:30pm Germany/France 2009
Killing Kasztner: The Jew Who Dealt with Nazis Sunday, May 2; 3:00pm U.S. 2008
For more information on the films or to be a STAR, visit: or contact or call PH x239.
“Music from the Crooked Road” Wednesday, April 21; 7:30 pm
The “Music from the Crooked Road” tour celebrates the living musical culture of southwestern Virginia, which today not only survives, but thrives. The evening will consist of bluegrass mountain gospel and flatfoot dance. The outstanding artists participating include: Sammy Shelor, Wayne Henderson, Amber Collins & No Speed Limit, Kirk Satphin & Eddie Bond, the Whitetop Mountain Band, and Elizabeth LaPrelle. This tour has been designated an NEA American Masterpieces program representing the best of American cultural heritage and legacy. Tickets - $40; $45-show day & at the door
To purchase tickets, come to the Gordon Center box office Monday-Friday from 10:00am-4:00pm or one hour prior to a Gordon Center Show. For more information, email or visit Gordon Center For Performing Arts Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery
Works of Brina Bass Pintzuk & Kathleen Strukoff February 25 – March 31 Brina Pintzuk is a landscape painter working in the plein air tradition – painting out of doors. Her paintings are all done with soft pastel on sanded paper or sanded boards. Her inspiration comes from experiencing ordinary places in extraordinary light. Kathleen Strukoff uses a combination of palette knife and vigorous brushwork with bold colors to express her translation of a scene on location. The Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery is open to those patrons who attend performances or films at the Gordon Center.
GRACE.DIGNITY. HUMILITY. COMPASSION. PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS: The Holocaust Survivors of Baltimore by Lisa Shifren Norman and Sara Brown Art Gallery Weinberg Park Heights JCC
April 12 - May 28 Opening reception Sunday April 18; 4 - 6pm Meet the artist and the survivors. An interactive exhibition featuring portraits, biographies, and audio recordings of the local Baltimore Holocaust Survivor community.
For more information, contact Nancy Goldberg at 410.356.7469, Press 5 or email
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
a d u l t l i fe p l u s
classes - park heights Ceramics
All levels. Hands on class using clay & glazes to create artworks. Instructor: Ruth Levie. 8wks. PH Wed
7:00- 9:00pm
Portrait Drawing
Work primarily with pastels using live model. Emphasis will be on head construction, light and shadow, and composition. Instructor: Rodney Cook. Minimum 16 students. 10wks. PH Fri
10:00am- 2:30pm 4/9-6/11
Sculpture Excel
Perfect sculpting skills at any level. Students provide tools and supplies. Instructor: John Seeley. 8wks. PH Mon
4:00- 6:00pm
Celebrate Israel Independence Day Wednesday, June 2; 1:00-2:30pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC Join us in observance of Israel’s Independence Day with an Israeli-themed interactive program. Enjoy live music from the Baltimore Klezmer Orchestra Israeli-style nosh, and much more!
RSVP to Jana Klejner at PH x621 by May 15 Fee: $3/M $5/NM
Class Code: 22368
This course examines a variety of techniques and subjects. Students will explore still life and landscapes. Some classes will be held at scenic locations. Instructor: Rodney Cook. Minimum 16 students. 10wks. PH Tue
9:15am- 1:15pm 4/13-6/15
Intro to Computers
Intimidated by your computer? Don’t be. Come start from the beginning and learn the basics. No experience required. Class geared towards seniors. 8wks. PH Wed
4:30- 6:00pm
Intermediate Computers
Basic computer experience required. Students will learn how to save files, understand directory structures, view files using my computer, customize workspace. 8wks. PH Fri
Foreign Policy
Discuss American government and politics; explore issues at local, national, and international levels. PH Tue
Balance Exercise
Balance exercise is lower body training designed to strengthen the legs and improve overall balance. Join us for this fun class, which develops core strength. Instructor: Kathy Reid. 10wks. PH Tue
1:00- 2:00pm
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is gentle, focusing on fluid, circular movements that are relaxed and slow in tempo. Breathing is deep and slow, aiding concentration, relaxing the body and allowing the life force, or chi as it is known in Chinese, to flow throughout the body. Instructor: Kathy Reid. 10wks. PH Tue
2:00- 3:00pm
Gentle Yogilates
Yogilates is a combination of Gentle Yoga and Pilates. Improve flexibility, muscle tone and core strength with a blend of Yoga Asanas and Pilates moves. Most of these gentle exercises will be done with the support of a chair, however some mat work will be done in class. Bring a cushioned mat or a sticky mat. Instructor: Kathy Reid. 10wks. PH Wed
For more information on these classes at Park Heights, contact Arlene at PH x637.
class - owings mills Circuit Express and Walk
Age 55+. Active Adults. Learn circuit work on the selectorized equipment in the Fitness Center under the supervision of Personal Trainer, Rocky Rosen. Class starts on track for a warm-up and then progresses into the Fitness Center. 9 wks. Contact Lynn in OM at x502. OM T/Th
11:00am-12:00pm 4/13-6/10
Trip to Bethesda & Silver Spring
Join us for a wonderful trip to Bethesda and Silver Spring, MD to visit the inspirational Dennis and Phillip Ratner Museum as well as the breathtaking Brookside Gardens in Silver Spring. The vision of the Ratner museum is to inspire love of the scriptures through the visual arts and to revisit the great characters of children’s literature. The collection consists of sculptures and paintings that depict the Heroes and Heroines of the Hebrew Bible as well as Song of Songs Several black and white drawings frame this collection. During our visit to Brookside Gardens, in addition to the enjoying the beautiful gardens, the focus will be on enjoying the butterflies in your backyard, and the host plants that local caterpillars need in order to survive and thrive. We would be able to learn about the life cycle of these amazing creatures, and be surrounded by hundreds of North American, Costa Rican and Asian butterflies flying freely inside the Conservatory. Lunch is on your own at the premises of Wheaton Park, or a kosher boxed lunch is available upon request for additional $8. Bus departs PH JCC – 8:30am; OM JCC – 9:00am.
To RSVP with payment, contact Jana Klejner at PH x621 by May 9, 2010. PH Wed
8:30am- 5:00pm 5/12
Trip to Washington DC
Spend the day in Washington DC while we visit The National Museum of Women in Arts, the only museum in the world dedicated exclusively to recognizing the contributions of women artists. The permanent collection comprised of more than 3,000 works provides a comprehensive survey of art by women from the 16th century to the present, with new acquisitions added regularly. The work in the collection represents a wide range of styles and media-from the Renaissance paintings of Elisabetta Sirani to modern photographs by Barbara Morgan to Louise Nevelson’s contemporary sculptures. They also have several important special collections, including silver by 18th and 19th-century Irish and English women silversmiths. Weather permitting we will spend some time at the DC Harbor enjoying the magnificent scenery of the Potomac River and shopping in the boutiques of Georgetown. Lunch on your own at the museum, or a kosher boxed lunch is available upon request for additional $8. Bus departs PH JCC - 8:30am; OM JCC - 9:00am.
a d u l t l i fe p l u s
To RSVP with payment contact Jana Klejner PH x 621 by April 12, 2010 PH Wed
8:30am- 5:30pm 6/9
RSVP with payment for both trips by April 12 and receive a special rate of $67 for members and $100 for non-members for both trips. Spring Travelogue Series
Join us in the Community Room at Park Heights for a refreshing Spring Travelogue World Adventure Series. A photo essay to salve your interest in travel, photography, history, geography and culture. Narrated by world-traveler Bill Hyde. Monday, May 24 - Adventure East- A Taste of the Exotic, Part 1 PH Mon 1:00- 2:00pm 5/24 $3/M $5/NM
Monday, June 7 - Adventure East, Part 2 PH Mon 1:00- 2:00pm 6/7
Monday, June 21 - Experience Africa! PH Mon 1:00- 2:00pm
Sign up for all three shows for a special rate of $7 for members and $13 for non-members.
For more information on all these programs, call Jana Klejner at PH x621
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
special needs
Karma Dogs
Ages 5-15. This therapy program is a canine assisted intervention based program designed to help children on the autism spectrum improve their communication, social skills and fine and gross motor and vestibular and proprioceptive senses. 8 events. Dates: TBA. Location: Gross Motor Room in the Early Childhood wing of the Park Heights JCC. All participants must have an intake with the Coordinator of Special Needs before enrollment. PH Thu
7:00- 8:00pm
Sunday Funday
Ages 5-21. An afternoon of recreational and social activities for children and young adults, including games, arts & crafts, athletics and swimming. Children will also have an opportunity to participate in a recreational sports program that responds to their needs. This is a great venue for children to develop appropriate social skills and friendships, enhance coordination, increase self-esteem, and create a feeling of acceptance in the community. 8wks. Event Dates 1/17, 1/31, 2/21, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25 & 5/16. All participants must have an intake with the Coordinator of Special Needs before enrollment. OM Sun
1:00- 4:00pm
Swimming OM Sun
4:00- 5:00pm
Ceramics OM Sun
4:00- 5:00pm
Teen Time
Ages 13-24. This recreational program for teens and young adults with mild developmental or learning disabilities offers an opportunity for young people to participate in social and educational programming. Events will include community service projects, trips, Jewish learning, and athletic activities. 8wks. Event dates 2/9, 2/23, 3/9, 3/23, 4/13, 4/27, 5/11 & 5/25. Location: Owings Mills. All participants must have an intake with the Coordinator of Special Needs before enrollment. PH Tue
7:00- 8:30pm
Ages 15+. This class for teens and young adults with developmental disabilities makes fun craft and ceramic projects, and everyone always has something to take home. This program is sponsored by the JCC and Yachad, an organization that serves people with disabilities. Dates TBA. Location: Park Heights. PH Wed
6:30- 8:30pm
Getting Together Club
Ages 18+. A group for adults who want to improve their social and life skills, as well as their emotional well-being. This weekly social group offers activities both at the JCC and in the community. All participants must have registration forms on file before they attend Club activities. PH Tue
7:00- 8:30pm
Chaverim Club
A group for adults who have mild to moderate mental retardation or other developmental and/or physical disabilities. This weekly social group creates its own schedule of recreational and leisure-time activities and programs, including arts & crafts, music, cooking and holiday celebrations. All participants must have registration forms on file before they attend the Club activities. PH Thu
7:00- 8:30pm
For more information on Special Needs programs, contact Stacy Israel at OM x384 or
Featured Class ... Special Price! NEW! Kung Fu with Sifu Sean Marshall
Ages 6-12. All levels. Learn traditional Kung Fu with nationally ranked Martial Artist and accomplished instructor, Sean Marshall. Students will learn forms, kicks, self-defense techniques, punching, throwing, and joint locks with the BEST! OM Sun
Family Karate Class
All levels. Ages 4 and up. Parent & Child An exciting opportunity to work together on learning Karate. The children and adults get their own separate classes as well as a combined class of learning for all. All basics taught with full belt advancement. No Class: 1/17, 2/14 OM Sun
OM Wed
OM Thu
Full price for first person – half for additional!
Karate Lunch Class
Beginner and up. Ages 3-5. Children bring their lunch and enjoy it with friends. After lunch they have Karate fun with Ms. Jen. Learning their basics and earning belts. No Class: 1/18, 2/15 OM Mon
Kickin’ Kids
Ages 3-5. Bring them in or Ms. Jen can pick them up from the JCC Preschool. Kids will learn Karate basics and HAVE FUN! OM Wed
Beginner Children’s Karate
Beginner - White Belt 2nd Stripe. Ages 4-6. Introduction to Karate stances, strikes, kicks, blocks, and self-defense. Fine tunes skills for advancing students. No Class: 1/18, 2/15 OM Mon
OM Tue
OM Wed
OM Thu
Beginner Children’s Karate
Beginner - White Belt 2nd Stripe. Ages 6-12. Introduction to Karate stances, strikes, kicks, blocks, and self-defense. Fine tunes skills for advancing students. No Class: 1/18, 2/15 OM Wed
Intermediate Children’s Karate
Yellow - Yellow belt 2 stripes. Ages 5-12. Continued training of basics; forms, interactive self-defense techniques, advanced blocks, kicks, strike, and stances. No Class: 1/18, 2/15 OM Mon
OM Tue
OM Thu
Advanced Karate
Blue & Above. Ages 6-12. Continues the ongoing process of advanced training. More forms, sparring, weapons training, assist with instructing of beginner students. OM Tue
OM Wed
c s a m a r t i a l a r t s & we l l n ess sc h o o l
For more information on CSA classes, Birthday Parties or Camp, call Jen Lake at OM x321 or visit
NEW! Counselor-in-training Prep Course
Ages 11-16. This course will prepare future and past CIT’s for Summer Camp 2010. Participants will gain: leadership, problem solving, decision making, and teaching skills. They will learn CPR and First Aid. This course will be beneficial for camp and beyond. OM Sun
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
c s a m a r t i a l a r t s & we l l n ess sc h o o l
NEW! Martial Madness
Ages 4-10. Enjoy 45 minutes of Martial Art related games, obstacle courses, and conditioning. Improve: agility, flexibility, reaction time, and much more. A non-stop class of serious fitness fun! Earn fit points and prizes! OM Thu
NEW! T’ai Chi for Kids
Ages 5-12. Through the ancient art of T’ai Chi and Yoga your child will learn: breathing exercises, balance drills, muscle and body control, anger management, and much more. OM Tue
NEW! Yoga for Kids
Gain physical strength and flexibilitiy. Improve concentration and focus, increase sensory awareness, confidence, relaxation and selfcontrol. OM Mon
T’ai Chi with Movements and Meditations
Teen/Adult. Modified Yang Long Form offered. Emphasis on learning details of the forms. Chi Kung, therapeutic breathing and postures are used to enhance training. The perfect moving meditation for relaxation. (Older adult discount 50%) . No Class: 1/18, 2/15 OM Mon
Coed Kickboxing
Teen/Adult. The real thing…this class includes jump rope, bag work, kickboxing techniques, upper body and lower body strength training, partner work, and much more. This class is guaranteed to make you sweat and burn hundreds of calories. OM Wed
Teen/Adult Self Defense and Karate
Teen/Adult. This practical self-defense class will give you the tools to live a safer life. Learn basic evasion, blocking, and stiking techniques. You will also have the opportunity to advance through the belt system. Fulfill your goal to achieve a BLACK BELT! No Class: 1/18, 2/15 OM Mon
Women’s Kickboxing
This class will kick your butt. The real thing, CSA Kickboxing is an excellent way to enhance and tone the body through boxing and kickboxing techniques. Includes the use of light weights, jump ropes, focus pads, and heavy bags. Learn street wise techniques in awareness training, evasion, blocking, parrying and multiple strikes. Be prepared to defend yourself! OM Tue
Therapeutic Gentle Yoga
Teen/ Adult. Yoga can be dificult for many people to do, yet it has wonderful therapeutic qualities. This Yoga class is great for all ages, all levels, and all abilities. It is also a GREAT workout! OM Tue
NEW! FREE Trial Krav Maga with Eli Werdesheim Sunday, April 25; 3:00-4:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Eli joined the Israeli Defense Forces when he was 18 and was drafted into an elite unit of the paratroopers specializing in hostage rescue, urban and hand-to-hand combat. Eli was responsible for the Krav Maga Training of all new recruits to his unit. After spending three years as an operative and trainer, Eli returned to Baltimore and earned a Personal Fitness Trainer Certification from AAFA. Currently Eli is teaching Krav Maga, incorporating practical defense, strengthening and fitness into his classes. FREE!
For more information on CSA classes, Birthday Parties or Camp, call Jen Lake at OM x321 or visit All CSA registration forms must be mailed, faxed or dropped off to the attention of Jen Lake at the Owings Mills JCC. CSA accepts VISA & MasterCard. Checks should be made payable to CSA, Ltd. No refunds; class credits only. For more information: call Jen Lake at OM x321 or visit
Tell your friends! For each new member that you refer, we will extend your membership by one month. Get 12 friends to join and receive a free year of membership!
Family Memberships • • •
Couples, ages 19-69, with or without single, dependent children . .............. $846/annually still living at home up to age 22 Couples, ages 70+......................................................................................... $759/ annually Single Parent Family - Single, separated, divorced, or widowed ................ $531/ annually parent living with single, dependent children up to age 22
Individual Memberships • • • •
Ages 19-69..................................................................................................... $606/ annually Ages 70+ ....................................................................................................... $543/ annually Full-time Students, age 19-25........................................................................ $384/ annually Youth/Students in grades 6-12...................................................................... $324/ annually
Older Adult Memberships, (limited Health & Fitness usage)
$73/month ($876/year)* $65.50/month ($786/year)* $45.50/month ($546/year)*
$52/month ($624/year)* $46.75/month ($561/year)* $33/month ($396/year)* $28/month ($336/year)*
• •
Couples, ages 62+. Use of Health & Fitness facilities.................................... $402/ annually Monday-Friday, 6:00am-4:00pm only. Individuals, ages 62+. Use of Health & Fitness facilities . ............................. $336/ annually Monday-Friday, 6:00am-4:00pm only.
$34.50/month ($414/year)*
*Monthly membership costs are based on a full year/12 month commitment and include credit card processing fee.
$29/month ($348/year)*
Please speak with one of our Membership Coordinators at either building for more about the benefits of JCC membership!
Membership Cards
All JCC members are provided membership cards. New members receive cards for free, with replacement cards costing $5. Members must carry their cards with them and be prepared to show them at entry to the building and to enter the Health & Fitness facilities.
Need membership information? Membership: Gail Zuskin, OM x414 Membership Coordinators: Melanie Schatten, PH x224 Debbie Schwartzman, OM x331
m e m b e rs h i p i nfo r m a t i o n
The JCC offers a variety of membership plans to suit your needs. You may pay your annual dues in full or monthly by credit card.
Karyn Smith, PH x224 and OM x331 Abbe Zuckerberg, PH x224 and OM x331
At the Weinberg PH JCC
Scheduling / Rental Coordinator:
Phone: 410.542.5185
David Lapin, PH x630 and OM x522
Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Kosher Guidelines
At both JCC locations, we maintain Jewish dietary laws, and we request your compliance. All food provided by the JCC and affiliate cafes is kosher. Non-kosher food may not be served by patrons at events hosted in the JCC or brought into the café area.
At the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.3347 Sunday: 8:00am-6:30pm Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00am-8:00pm Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm
Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Park Heights: 410.542.4900
off i ce rs / b o a rd / sta ff 40
Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Neil Demchick 1st Vice Chair Sue Kohn Vice Chair Will Minkin Vice Chair Elise Rubenstein Vice Chair Debbie Vogelstein Vice Chair Jon Lewis Treasurer Randi Hertzberg Secretary
Andy Attman Randi Buergenthal Dr. Andy Cardin Jan Cardin Marty Cohen Dr. Howard Davidov Suzette Desser Maury Garten Lori Gerstley Dr. Randal Getz Rabbi Jay Goldstein David Greenberg Tammy Heyman Kenneth Katz Tom Kohn Harry Kozlovsky Claire Landers Suzanne Silverman Lapides Alice Mann Carol Noel Larry Plant Mitchell Platt Royal Pollokoff Dr. Robert Riederman Howard Rosenbloom Sandy Rosenbloom Joanne Rosenthal Laura Rubenstein Ellen M. Saval Annette Saxon Jerome Schnydman Sandy Silberman Randall Singer Dr. Stuart Varon Robert Wertheimer Morry Zolet
Past Chairmen of the Board
Louis J. Fox, 1951-53z”l Bernard Manekin, 1953-55z”l George Gump, 1955-58z”l Charles Mindel, 1958-61z”l Betty Hamburger, 1961-64z”l Jack H. Pearlstone, Jr., 1964-66z”l Marvin C. Wahl, 1966-68 Robert W. Catzen, 1968-70 Wilbert H. Sirota, 1970-72 John H. Heller, 1972-74 Pacy A. Oletsky, 1974-76 Michael K. Hettleman, 1976-77 Robert M. Hankin, 1977-79 Sue Glick Liebman, 1979-81 Charles Heyman, 1981-83 Jacob Cohen, 1983-85 Monte Fried, 1985-87 Peggy K. Wolf, 1987-89 Robert A. Manekin, 1989-91 Bruce S. Hoffberger, 1991-93 Myrna E. Cardin, 1993-95 Joseph Meyerhoff II, 1995-97 Marcy K. Kolodny, 1997-99 Michael S. Saxon, 1999-2001 Arthur H. Adler, 2001-03 David M. Max, 2003-05 Lawrence I. Rosenberg, 2005-07 Beth Mayers, 2007-09 z”l, of blessed memory
Executive Leadership
Adult Services
Fitness & Wellness
Jana Klejner, PH x621
Paul Lurie, Sports & Recreation Director, OM x365
Lisa Shifren, Adult Life Director, PH x249 Arlene Abrams, PH x637 Eileen Berman, LearnInn OM x324
Solomon Kleiner, OM x316 Lynn Rosen-Stone, OM x502
Gayle Newman, Weinberg Village OM x315
Adam Stein, OM x389
Israel Orange, PH x205
Sue Szembroth, OM x304
Nancy Goldberg, Director, Gordon Center For Performing Arts, OM x334
Bill Kirkner, Aquatics Director OM x318 Mark Bonitatibus, PH x626
Jackie Foreman, PH x247
Gordon Center
Children & Teens
David Lapin, PH x630 and OM x522
Dori Zvili, Camp Milldale Director, OM x387 Lara Wellerstein, Children’s Services Director, OM x339 Shira Ocken, Children & Teen Services Coordinator, PH x229 Esther Gunter, College Center OM x612 Paul Lurie, Maccabi Games & ArtsFest, OM x365
Gail Zuskin, VP of Membership, OM x414
Melanie Schatten, PH x224 Debbie Schwartzman, OM x331 Karyn Smith, PH x224 and OM x331 Abbe Zuckerberg, PH x224 and OM x331
Mitch Liebeskind, Director of BBYO & Teen Connection OM x370
Early Childhood Education
Linda Lapidus, OM x624
Louis “Buddy” Sapolsky, President, OM x301
Ilene Meister, Director, Early Childhood Education OM x310
Dale Busch, Executive Vice President, OM x356
Jodi Fishman, Park Heights ECE Director, PH x264
Ken Karsh, Senior Vice President, Finance, OM x409
Ellen Olson, ECE Associate Director, OM x306
Phil Miller, VP/Park Heights Building & Outreach Supervisor, PH x246
Nicole Schwartz, Noah’s Ark Director/ECE Coordinator, OM x508
Ron Siegel, VP/Fitness, Wellness & Aquatics Supervisor, OM x322
Film Festival
Gail Zuskin, VP/Owings Mills Membership & Adult Life Supervisor, OM x414
Amy Schwartz, Fitness & Wellness Director, OM x510
Claudine Davison, Director Baltimore Jewish Film Festival PH x239
Sharon Seigel, Director of Parent Infant Toddler Services, OM x347 Cindy Neuman, OM x344
Special Events
Eileen Berman, Director, OM x324
Special Needs Stacy Israel, OM x384
BE A PART OF THE JCC MACCABI EXPERIENCE! August 8-13, 2010 • Baltimore, MD VOLUNTEER Opportunities Include: • Arrivals and Registration • Athletics • Evening Events • Food Service • Hospitality/Information • Jewish Programming • Day of Caring and Sharing • Medical • Security • Transportation
BE A HOST FAMILY • House at least two teens • Provide bedding • Feed them breakfast and two dinners • Drop off and Pick up at the Owings Mills JCC or sports venue. • Orientation provided
Interested? Visit OR contact Amanda: 410.356.5200, x361 or Thank you to our sponsors for helping to make the JCC Maccabi Experience possible: Elite Team Sports Coca-Cola The Cordish Company The Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds M&T Bank Lowell and Harriet Glazer Family Foundation Lothorian Pools Armada Employer Services The Morton B. and Tamara S. Plant Family Foundation Pacy and Bonnie Oletsky Just Posters MTM Productions Jewish Times Insider Jack and Marilyn Pechter Carole and Hanan (Bean) Sibel The Poppy Schapiro Philanthropic Fund
Ben Greenwald Mark Bearman Sandra Gerstung Eric and Stephanie Nislow Neil and Barbara Demchick David and Catherine Max Jon and Susan Levinson Harkins Builders Stanley S. and Lania D. Ullman Foundation Jordan and Beverly Max Buddy Sapolsky Dr. David Liebman Odorite Leonard Paper Superior Products Hereford Refrigeration Services Shellie Curry Architects
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215
Spring Classes start APRIL 11 DON’T WAIT – register online today at
JCC SPRING Events at a glance
May April
1 & 2 – School’s Out Child Care 2 – Summer Trim Down Begins 8 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 9 – Tot Shabbat at JMM 10 – Teen Connection Dance 11 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 13 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 15 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 16 – School’s Out Child Care 18 – Heal Yourself with Dr. Rick Levy 18 – ZUMBA Party & Spring Shopping Spree at OM 18 – Meet artist Lisa Shifren at PH 21– Gordon Center 25 – Milldale Sports Day at OM 25 – Coed Softball League Begins 28 – Men’s Softball League Begins 28 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 30 – Tot Shabbat at JMM
2 – Lag B’omer Celebration at Camp Milldale 2 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 4 – Heart Healthy Nutrition Lunch 4 – Mirror & Mosaics Workshop 4 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 6 – Author Bruce Feiler at OM 8 – Teen Connection Dance 9 – Havdallah Ballgame with the JCC & Baltimore Hebrew 11 – Mirror & Mosaics Workshop 11 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 12 – Trip to Bethesda & Silver Spring 13 – Balt. Jewish Film Festival 14 – Tot Shabbat at JMM 16 – Essay & Résumé Secrets 17 – College Night 17 – Aquatics Certification Classes Begin 23 – ZUMBA Party & Open House at PH 23 – Ebay & Jewelry Workshops
2 – Israel Independence Day Celebration at PH 9 – Trip to Washington D.C. 14-18 – LearnInn at Best Western in Westminster 21 – Summer Camp Begins
More details inside