Where Are They Now? Meet These Maccabi Athletes Turned Coaches! Maccabi is one of the greatest opportunities a Jewish teenager can have. Aside from the actual games, the relationships with teammates and coaches are central to the experience. To find out more about these dynamic relationships, we interviewed some former Maccabi participants who are now Maccabi coaches!
Ben Rabin
Tennis Coach for Team Baltimore 2010 JCC Maccabi® Games Athelete: Tennis 2001(Atlanta) 2002 (Baltimore) 2003 (St. Louis) Q: Does being a former Maccabi participant give you a coaching advantage? Ben: Being a former participant definitely gives me an advantage in terms of
Ben (middle) with his athletes.
coaching. I remember what my coaches taught me and I try to emphasize having fun even though it’s a competition. I want my athletes to enjoy the entire experience. You need to play hard but also have fun! Q. How does it make you feel to be on the “other side” and not be a player?
Ben: The first year I coached, I really did want to get out on the courts and compete as an athlete again! After that first year though, I realized I still get to take part in Maccabi, just in a different role. Q. What do you like best about coaching? Ben: Hanging out with the athletes while they watch their teammates compete is really great. Since the athletes compete at different times during the day, there is a lot of time to support each other. Throughout the entire Maccabi experience, from tryouts to the games, we spend so much time together that I grow close to my athletes. Some of my athletes I will have for four years so I really get to know them and enjoy being around them! Maccabi Coaches continued on page 14
Limited Facility Usage and Building Closure for JCC Maccabi Experience – August 8-13, 2010
By now we hope you are aware that the Baltimore JCC Maccabi® Games and JCC Maccabi® Artsfest are just days away. Before you head out to the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC – which is the main hub for JCC Maccabi activities - we strongly suggest that you review our list of closures. While the fitness center will be open and fully functional on all the days that the JCC is open, our group fitness and pool schedule will be lighter, and our gyms, playgrounds, babysitting and Parenting Center will be closed all week. We encourage you to take advantage of our Weinberg Park Heights JCC during this period as it will be fully accessible and available during normal business hours. To find the gym, group fitness and pool schedules for Park Heights visit www.jcc.org/schedules or call 410.542.4900 and press “0” for assistance. Please also note that during this time there will be no vehicular access to the JCC via Associated Way. All cars must enter at our Gwynnbrook Avenue entrance. Please be sure to bring your JCC Member ID as all drivers will be stopped by our JCC Maccabi Security team.
Av/Elul 5770
Jewish Life...............................2 FYI...........................................3 Children & Youth......................4 Teens.......................................5 Maccabi...................................6 Camp 2010..............................7 Adult Life Plus..................... 8-9 The Arts.................................10 Fitness............................. 11-12 Aquatics................................13 Member Services..................14 Staff News ............................14 Associated Corner.................15
(See page 3 for Schedule of Closures at Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC)
Jewish Life
Center News Time After Time Rabbi Steven Schwartz
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, delivered on the 19th of November 1863, is perhaps the best known speech ever given in the United States, and commonly considered one of the greatest speeches of all time. But if almost everyone knows about the Gettysburg Address, very few people know its true story. Lincoln’s speech that day was intended to be almost an afterthought. He was supposed to make a few concluding remarks after the main speaker, one Edward Everett, gave the primary address. Everett was known as one of the great orators of his day. When he stepped to the podium he delivered a well prepared and by all accounts moving speech about the sacrifices of the Civil War. The speech lasted for two full hours. When Everett concluded and sat down, Lincoln unfolded his tall frame from a chair and strolled to the spot Everett had just occupied. He took out a single sheet of paper on which he had written exactly 272 words and began to talk: “Four score and seven years ago…” Within two minutes he had concluded his remarks, and he sat down. The rest, as they say, is history. It was the speech after the speech – the moment after the supposed “great moment” - that captured the imagination of the nation in the days that followed and helped to begin the process of healing the deep wounds that the Civil War had exposed. Life is often like this as well. Think of a wedding, for example. So much time, effort, and energy is put into making a wedding absolutely perfect. And yet a wedding lasts four or five hours, while the marriage it celebrates, God willing, will last for many years. And yet I have officiated at many marriages where every detail was magnificently planned and perfectly executed, only to find out that a year or two later the couple had decided they were not right for each other. A bar or bat mitzvah celebration makes for a wonderful weekend for the entire family, but what is most important ultimately is how the child will live Jewishly as he or she grows into adulthood. As you read this column in early August you are probably aware that the fall holidays come in very early this year. We know how packed congregations are on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, how much spiritual energy Jews muster for those sacred days. But what about the months after the holidays? Are people still coming to shul? Are they still feeling close to the tradition the way they do in the fall season? So often it truly is the moment after the “big” moment that determines the quality of our lives. We live in a culture today where the “big moment” is emphasized more and more. We would do well to remember that big moments come and go fairly often and easily. If we can keep that lesson in our minds, then we can bring our loyalty, dedication, commitment, and caring to bear on the day to day unfolding events that make up the true substance of our lives. Rabbi Steven Schwartz is the Senior Rabbi at Beth El Congregation. He can be reached at steven@bethelbalto.com.
2 0 1 1 Next Year in Israel! Next summer will be the first time that teen athletes and artists will be able to participate in the JCC Maccabi Experience in Israel. In addition to playing and performing in the JCC Maccabi Games® and JCC Maccabi ArtsFest® participants will have the chance to experience the magic of Israel. The JCC Maccabi Games will be held in Philadelphia and Springfield, MA next summer as well. For more information, call Assaf Goren at 212.786.5121, or contact him at assaf@jcca.org.
The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax
Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax
www.jcc.org MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.
For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site www.jcc.org
Jewish community center of greater baltimore
FYI August JCC Maccabi Closing Schedule OM JCC Building
Closed Aug.12
Glazer Wood Gym
Closed Aug. 8-12
Blue Gym
Closed Aug. 6-13
Closed Aug. 6-13
Parenting Center
Closed Aug. 8-13
Outdoor Lap lanes
Closed 7am-1pm, Aug. 9-12 2-3 Lap lanes will be available in the Family “Z” pool Aug. 9-11
Indoor Pool
Open but no swim lessons Aug. 9-13
Massage Therapy
Not available Aug. 8-13
Locker Rooms
Expect crowded facilities from 2-5pm Aug. 9-11
Parking Lot
Please park in Member designated parking areas.
Limited parking Aug. 8 & 13
Expect significant traffic flow at the following times: 7-8:30am, Aug. 8-11 and 4:30-6:30pm, Aug. 9-11
Ready for Renewal? Have We Got a Rabbi for You?! Join us for the High Holydays and find out what everyone is talking about. Rosh Hashanah starts Sept. 8 Yom Kippur starts Sept. 17 For ticket information and our special offer for newcomers, email jcc@bethambaltimore.org or call 410.523.2446. Introducing Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg
Located at 2501 Eutaw Place in Historic Reservoir Hill
Sundays, 9:00am-1:00pm Thru Oct. 24 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Bringing you the freshest locally grown produce, all originating within 100 miles of the JCC. Shopping at the Owings Mills Farmer’s Market at the JCC is a pleasant way to reward yourself after your Sunday morning workout. For details, contact Ryan Couto 410.905.8030, or visit www. owingsmillsfarmersmarket.com.
Power Outages at the OM JCC? Not anymore! Have you noticed the big green metal box next to the restrooms by the athletic fields’ at the Rosenbloom OM JCC? This box holds the new generator that the Owings Mills JCC will use if there are power outages in the area. This generator has the capability to power the entire Owings Mills JCC in the event of a power loss due to electrical issues or weather related issues. It should also save us money on our electric bills as it can be used to lower our electricity usage on days when rates for next year are being set (a complicated process for which we are utilizing an energy consultant and working with The Associated). The generator was purchased with funding from the State of Maryland so that the JCC can also be used as an evacuation location in case of emergencies. For our daily existence it means that the JCC can now stay open in the event of an Owings Mills-area power outage!
August 2010 A Av / Elul 5770
Children & Youth Wonder Wednesdays
Model Rocket Launch and Ice Cream Social
Ages 2-7 Wednesdays, August 4 & 11 Weinberg PH JCC
August 29; 2:00-4:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Don’t miss the last few super fun and entertaining Wonder Wednesdays of the summer! Bring your friends, family or your whole camp.
If you have a boy in grades 1-5 and want to learn more about Jewish Cub Scouting, please contact new Cub Master David Green at dgreen@btfiloh.org or 410.602.2622.
Schedule of Programs: Animal Adventures Wednesday, August 4; 4:30pm
Wild Willy Carnival and Magic Wednesday, August 11; 4:00pm
$4/child (age 2 and up). Free adult admission with paying child. Come for Wonder Wednesdays and enjoy open gym with your kids until 6pm! Balls and equipment will be provided. Free to members and non-members. For more information and for group rates call 410.542.4900, x205.
Tot Shabbat
Pack 18’s Summer Adventures
August 13; 10:45am Jewish Museum of Maryland
Come join us for this exciting Shabbat program which includes candle lighting, songs, Kiddush, challah and more! We will hold this event outdoors in the shaded courtyard, weather permitting. For more information on downtown programs, contact Cindy Neuman at 410.356.5200 x344 or email cneuman@jcc.org
Pack 18 joined hundreds of other scouts from across the Baltimore Metropolitan Area to plant approximately 30,000 American flags at veteran’s graves to mark Memorial Day. They also participated in a moving ceremony to remember American service personnel who have died in defense of our country. They also served as the color guard during the National Anthem at a recent Aberdeen Ironbird game.
With amazing sports, games, arts & crafts, and activities, the kids at all of the JCC Camp’s are having a blast this summer! All our campers are enjoying a summer full of friendships, personal growth, appreciation for their Jewish heritage, and special camp memories.
JCC A Center News
Teens Teen Lounge Gets A Fresh Look For Fall! Rosenbloom OM JCC
At the JCC we provide a safe and stimulating place for teens to come and socialize, learn, and make a difference in the world. Starting this November (or before), we will have an even cooler, updated space for teens to come kick back and relax. Our monthly Middle School Night will resume in the fall with pizza, gym and pool time, movies, snacks and Wii! Be sure to stay tuned for details on all our great teen programs coming up. Upcoming Teen Lounge renovations will include: • Huge movie projection screen • Updated furniture • New flooring and paint • Coffee station and vending machines Want to get on our email list for upcoming Middle School programs? If so contact Amanda Max at amax@jcc.org.
Fall Fitness September 2010 Weinberg PH JCC
Teen & Tween Fitness will return in the fall – beginning after the holidays! Meanwhile, your kids can get a taste of what will be offered by checking out a sample class of the following: • B Better @ Basketball • Weight Lifting for Teens • Zumba Kids For more information, contact Jackie Foreman 410.542.4900 x247 or email jforeman@jcc.org
Hazamir The HaZamir Baltimore Jewish High School Choir (based out of the Weinberg PH JCC) is entering its sixth year! Students in grades 9-12 who love to sing and have a passion for Jewish unity are invited to audition. Next year’s concert roster includes two special events in New York City with HaZamir teens from around the country. To audition, contact Erika Schon erikaschon1@comcast.net
BBYO Teen Connection Dance Grades 6-8 Saturday, September 11; 8:00-11:00pm Saturday, October 2; 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
A great way to hang out with your friends and make new ones. Awesome DJ, amazing energy - it’s incredible. Middle School ID required. $10/JCC Member $15/NM For details, contact Amanda Max at 410.356.5200, x361 or email amax@jcc.org
BBYO Council Kickoff-Rock and Bowl! Grades 9-12 Saturday, August 28; 7:00pm-10:00pm Stoneleigh Lanes 6703 York Road, Towson
Our Baltimore Council offers exciting, fun times and a chance to help out the community with group service projects. We are kicking off this year with a Rock and Bowl. Whether you are looking to meet new friends or see the world, BBYO has something for everyone so come on out! For more information or to receive regular updates on what is going on with BBYO, please contact Mitch Liebeskind: 410.356.5200 x370 or mliebeskind@jcc.org
JCC Camps are in full swing!
August 2010 A Av / Elul 5770
Maccabi Experience 2010 The Baltimore JCC Maccabi delegation will have 180 local teens participating in Baltimore, and we will be sending 60 teens to Denver. Congratulations to all these talented teens! BALTIMORE Boys Basketball Team #1 Ages 15-16 Zachary Marks Oliver Miller Jarrod Nagurka Eric Proper Austin Rief Ethan Shapiro Jordan Summerfield Adam Venick Alex Wagman Boys Basketball Team #2 Ages 15-16 Reid Danels Seth Danels Ben Fink Nick Goldman Adam Harriri Oren Harriri Doni Raskes Jake Shapiro Julian Sless Dani Strauss Girls Basketball Ages 15-16 Nataly Benamor Erika Brager Lindsay Hurwitz Shoshana Marks Zoe Mayers Yuval Mei-tal Isabella Shapiro Ali Summerfield Tali Vogelstein Sonya Howell Coaches: Rebecca Chinksy & Sonya Howell Inline Hockey Jacob Arden Zachary Arden Joshua Cohen Aaron Gordon Josh Mandell Gregory Paris Matt Paris Zachary Satin Griffin Stulman Coaches: Justin Stappler, Mike Stappler, & David Fleishman
Girls Lacrosse Kelsie Ahern Riley Brager Sarah Brock Noa Cardin Emily Eisner Lauren Eisner Nicole Friedlander Ilana Goldberg Alexandra Green Arielle Hamburg Emily Hamburger Alex Kasoff Allison Kramer Dara Kramer Erin Kuntz Charley Lenovitz Samantha Pavsner Rachel Peters Rachel Rottenberg Ashley Sefret Coaches: Andy Heller, Michelle Safferman, and Robin Cardin-Lowe Girls Soccer Kaitlyn Benedek Debbie Brill Danielle Fallon Kelsey Glazer Morgan Glazer Emily Jaffe Marisa Kalkstein Kayla Litofsky Hallie Miller Abigail Molofsky Kamber Parker Amaya Phillips Rebekka Rosen Emily Rosenfield Rachel Safferman Rebecca Schwartz Erin Smedley Arianna Strome Rebekah Waltemeyer Sydney Weiss Coaches: Erica Diener, George Erods, Stephen Knable, Montana Lichter, and Mike Snitzer Boys Soccer Ages 15-16 Dylan Bekar Louis Bookoff Eli Davis Aaron Finglass Jacob Greenberg Harrison Hoffman Ian Lever Brandon Sacks Joseph Troy
Andrew Walker Ethan Wolff Coaches: Larry Stahl and Brian Stahl Softball Melissa Brodksy Callie Caplan Emily Friedlander Allison Jaffe Sarah Karsh Ilana Kornblatt Sheri Kornblatt Brett Rosner Jessica Rubin Rebecca Zeitlin Coaches: Tracey Carroll, Tricia Carroll, and Brittany Hankoff Swimming Dena Appleby Sophie Caplan Lee Friedman Brooke Kasoff Adam Katzenberg Julia Pinksy Nolan Platt Molly Schneider Molly Weinstock Coaches: Megan Hodes and Lauren Kasoff Table Tennis Harrison Cohn Aaron Fine Zachary Friedman Yoni Hoffman Alan Kossoy Rivka Nessis Amit Shkuri Harrison Sotoloff Talia Weiner Zachary Weiner Matt Zerolnick Coaches: Joey Goldstein and Brian Ponczak
Julia Potter Joshua Segal Seth Sholk Zach Silverman Allison Spector Maddie Terrill Chase Weinberg Coaches: Lindsay Katz, Ben Rabin, and Erika Reif
Rock Music Kevin Goren Alexander Jerome Jacob Lapidus Joshua Rubin Jared Weiner
ArtsFest Acting/Improv Arielle Ashpes Daniel Greenberg Solomon Swerling
Visual Art Abagail Bleakney Doria Bolton Valerie Gendelsman Lindsey Zuskin
Creative Writing/ Journalism Shannon Atran Sara Nachman Tobias Vogelstein
Vocal Music Alexa Bruck Adina Shanholtz Elise Shanholtz
Dance Rebecca Cohen Lidor Dayan Jennifer Franklin Julie Friedman Sarah Greenberg Alexa Kushner Eliana Locke Rebecca Shapiro Film/Television Jacob Hyatt Neta Schwartz Jazz Ensemble Gal Bental Ronny Cohen Shacher Edry Amir Mishael Andrew O’Donnell
Musical Theater Alexandra Ellin Hadar Geva Ellie Goldenberg Rebecca Hefter Jake Hertzberg Tennis Ofir Oshri Eliza Buergenthal Benjamin Fleishchmann Liraz Ozeri Jessica Preactor Sam Friedman Asher Varon Alex Goldstein Ari Goldstein Carly Greenberg Eric Hurwitz Mackenzy Kaplan Julia Kaufman Mollye Komins Joseph Kuttler Miriam Pomerantz
Sports Broadcasting Elliot Heller Alex Rosenswog
Denver Boys Baseball Ages 15-16 Ethan Brodksy Jared Flax Evan Griffin Scott Kaufman Bradley Kronthal Josh Mandell Jake Max Kyle Norman Adam Sharp Michael Silber Dani Strauss Alex Taylor Jeremy Weinapple Coaches: Zach Caplan and Mickey Cohen Boys Baseball Ages 13-14 Bailey Ehrenpreis Jordan Goldberg Alexander Hill Jake Horowitz Seth Kopel Spencer Kronthal Bennett Nagurka Austin Rabinovitz Samuel Schuman Ross Silver Landon Sklar Isaac Steinmetz Coaches: Allan Sanders and Brett Sanders
Boys Basketball Ages 13-14 Jordan King Jacob Krens Jacob Lapidus Robert Monfred Gary Sandler Sam Shapiro Avi Shnidman Aaron Wan Matthew White Coaches: Eli Creeger and Josh Schmerling Boys Soccer Ages 13-14 Brandon Bekar Evan Fisher Brandon Gelfen Marcelo Grosberg Daniel Gross Raanan Gurewitsch Matthew Jaffe Eden Jakob Jory Parson Anthony Prezenchuk Coaches: Jon Nelson and Mitch Singer Volleyball Sarah Adelsberg Toby Dubin Anna Hornstein Rachael Kershner Elana Lesser Rachel Lynn Nicole Max Emily Miller Ali Sugarman Coaches: Lynn Baklor and Sophie Snyder Golf Ryan Berg Lous Fleischmann Matt Oshrine Will Rosenfield Coach: Steve Weinstein Bowling Bradley Cohen Micah Klewe Ryan Markowitz Coach: Terry Tingler Track & Field Kevin Rosofsky Shawn Rosofsky Coach: Shawnise Crawford
JCC A Center News
Truck Day at Camp Milldale
We had some super special vehicles at Camp Milldale – campers were able to see them up close including a Police motorcycle, Swat Team Truck, Moving Truck and even a Concrete Truck!
August 2010 A Av / Elul 5770
Adult Life Plus Betty Meyers From The GI Generation to Gen X Whoever said “youth is wasted on the young” has obviously never met Betty Meyers. Betty is an energetic woman who lives in the Weinberg Village seniors’ community on our Owings Mills campus. She came to Weinberg Village five years ago with her late husband and started attending classes and programs at the Owings Mills JCC. Betty says, “The JCC definitely caters to my generation, they even offer three months of free membership to new Weinberg Village residents! A dynamic and on-the-go resident, Betty participates in Tai Chi, takes classes on Judaism and even does Wii bowling! Betty is a natural leader. She is on the Council of Residents at Weinberg Village, has served as the Council President, organizes Friday night services and meals and has even started a Weinberg Village knitting club that knits projects for charity. That’s only a glimpse of Betty’s active lifestyle! In addition, Betty enjoys participating in Water Aerobics class three mornings a week at the “J”-she enjoys the teacher and loves that the class works out every part of her body. Meyers and her friends have also participated in the JCC’s older adult trips to Pennsylvania and Washington. Following in their grandmother’s footsteps, Betty’s grandsons are long terms JCC’ers as well! Not only did her three grandsons all go to the JCC’s Camp Milldale, her grandson who lives in Israel comes each summer to work at the CSA Karate Camp at the JCC. Betty and her family are a great example of how JCC members of every generation can be involved and have an impact on those around them.
Travel this Fall with the JCC! Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens and Union Station, Washington D.C. Wednesday, October 13 Bus leaves: PH JCC – 8:30 am; OM JCC – 9:00 am.
RSVP with payment by Sept. 17: Join us for a visit to the Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens which has one of the most comprehensive collections of eighteenth and nineteenth-century Russian Imperial art outside of Russia, as well as an extensive collection of eighteenthcentury French decorative arts and a collection of costumes and accessories worn by Marjorie Merriweather Post or her family. We will also stroll through Hillwood Gardens which features a lush and varied landscape. Next stop: Union Station. Completed in 1908, Union Station is considered to be one of the finest examples of the Beaux-Arts style of architecture in the country. Fee: JCC & SFN M/ $39, NM: $54 New Hope, PA and “Hello, Dolly!” at the Bucks County Play House Wednesday, November 17 Bus leaves PH JCC: 7:30 am; OM JCC: 8:00 am
RSVP with payment by Oct. 15 Return with us to one of our favorite trip destinations: New Hope Pennsylvania. This charming artsy town on the water has great shopping, antiques, and art galleries. After strolling trough New Hope and having lunch in one of the many cafes, we will head to the Bucks County Play House to see a live performance of Hello, Dolly! JCC &SFN M/ $59 NM/ $82 Pay for both trips by September 17 and receive a special package rate: JCC& SFN M/$89 NM/$127
Summer Movie Series Mondays, August 16 & 30; 1:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC Community Room
Come in out of the heat and join us in our cool “theatre” for a viewing these cinematic hits. Grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show! Keeping the Faith: Monday, August 16 Waitress: Monday, August 30 $1 – includes popcorn and water. For more information on these programs, please contact Jana Klejner at 410.542.4900 x 621. Betty Meyers, with the knitting group she started at Weinberg Village, holds up the dolls knitted for children in local hospitals
JCC A Center News
Adult Life Plus
Rosh Hashanah Senior Friendly Dinner Wednesday, September 1, 5:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC Don’t miss our annual Rosh Hashanah Dinner, with a lovely meal and musical entertainment by Baltimore Klezmer Orchestra. $10/M $15/NM RSVP with payment to Jana Klejner at 410.542.4900 x 621.
Rocky Rosen leads an exercise class at Weinberg Village using pool noodles as weights!
Lisa Shifren, Adult Life Director, poses with one of the survivors at her exhibit, Grace, Dignity, Humility, Compassion. Photographic Portraits by Lisa Shifren: The Holocaust Survivors of Baltimore at the Norman and Sara Brown Art Gallery at the Weinberg PH JCC.
August 2010 A Av / Elul 5770
The Arts Contemplate August 3- September 30, 2010 Meet the Artist Reception Tuesday, August 10; 6:00-8:00pm Weinberg PH JCC Norman and Sarah Brown Art Gallery
Russian Photographers Alex Stefan and Genna Gurvich will have their work on display along with the work of Marilyn Goldstein. Stefan uses a non-digital approach to photography and is known as a traditional photographer. He uses color transparency as his photographic medium. Gurvich’s photography uses light and dark in an innovative and creative way. Goldstein’s exhibit consists of fabric dolls and is called Fabric Creations. For gallery information, contact Smadar Livne at 410.382.3133 or email livne@smadarlivne.com
Fabric doll by Marilyn Goldstein
You Can’t Take It With You By Moss Hart & George S. Kauffman Directed by Gavriel Lewin Three Performances Only: Thursday, August 12; 7:00pm Sunday, August 15; 2:00pm Monday, August 16; 2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC
At first the Sycamores seem mad, but it is not long before we realize that if they are mad, the rest of the world is madder. In contrast to these delightful people are the unhappy Kirbys. The plot shows how Tony, attractive young son of the Kirbys, falls in love with Alice Sycamore and brings his parents to dine at the Sycamore home on the wrong evening. The shock sustained by the Kirbys, who are invited to eat cheap food, shows Alice that marriage with Tony is out of the question. The Sycamores, however, though sympathetic to Alice, find it hard to realize her point of view. Meantime, Tony, who knows the Sycamores are right and his own people wrong, will not give her up, and in the end Mr. Kirby is converted to the happy madness of the Sycamores. $15 General Admission $10 Students/Seniors For more information and tickets, visit www.jewishtheatreworkshop.org .
Save the date!
Coming in October – Cinefest Gordon Center For Performing Arts
JCC A Center News
Fitness Meet The JCC’s Early Morning Fitness Crew!
Justin Rubin-
Denard Smith
Justin Rubin is one of the openers at the Owings Mills JCC’s Fitness Center. He’s been a personal trainer for just about a year, but that’s not the only thing he does. One of Justin’s specialties is massage. He’s been practicing massage for eight years and is a certified masseuse. Justin is also a certified Physical Therapist Assistant, so he has solid knowledge about the body. Justin has grown to have an affinity for cardiovascular fitness, long-distance running, and strength training. In his spare time he is studying to become a nurse, “In our busy and fast-paced lives it is crucial to remain steadfast with our fitness routines to have the best quality of life possible, because without our health, we have nothing,” says Justin.
Yes, Denard Smith is a guy with big muscles-but there’s much more to him than that! Denard graduated from Morgan State University with a degree in Physical Education and a concentration in Recreation and Parks. This is his second year as a staff member in the fitness center at the Park Heights JCC. In his spare time, Denard is working towards earning his personal training certification through the International Sports Science Association (ISSA). One fun fact about Denard is that he played three years of semi-professional football. He got his football experience from playing linebacker and running back for Cardinal Gibbons High School. Denard says, “My favorite part of working at the JCC is the environment. I meet a lot of nice people and I love interacting with the members”. Denard currently teaches three classes at the Park Heights JCC Fitness Center: Momentum, Be Better @ Basketball (for Youth) and Junior Weightlifting. Josh Handwerger If you work out in the early morning at the Weinberg PH JCC, chances are you will see Josh Handwerger. Josh opens up the Fitness Center three days a week at 5:30am. Josh is a certified personal trainer at the Weinberg PH JCC. He earned his certification through the American Council on Exercise (ACE). The ACE is the world’s largest nonprofit fitness certification organization and gaining certification through them is a major accomplishment! Josh really enjoys working at the JCC. He says, “It’s a great fitness atmosphere and I like seeing all of the members work as hard as they can!” Josh is a local guy who went to Pikesville High and was a big-time athlete. When asked if he played sports in high school, Josh’s response was, “Oh yeah!” Throughout his high school career Josh played football, basketball, and baseball. After high school, Josh trained to be a Marine. Unfortunately during Bootcamp, Josh got injured and could not continue his training. However, the Marine’s loss is our gain and we are proud to have him as part of our crew.
Celebrate the
High Holidays with us! We’re an egalitarian Conservative synagogue that provides a traditional yet modern High Holiday experience. We have childcare, Junior Congregation, and a Youth Service. College students attend for free!
Located @ Edward A. Myerberg Center, 3101 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore 21209 For more information, visit our website at www.chevreitzedek.org or call Elaine at 410-466-8286.
Chevrei Tzedek is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
August 2010 A Av / Elul 5770
Fitness The “Fat-Burning Zone” Myth
Get Movin With Our New FreeMotion Strider! There is a new piece of fitness equipment in the JCC’s Fitness Centers. The FreeMotion Strider is a top-of-the-line cross trainer that blends the low-impact stride of ellipticals and the calorie burn from incline training. The best part of the FreeMotion Strider is that it defines your stride. The Strider gives you up to 44” of natural striding motion allowing you to engage your hamstrings and glutes for more muscle activation and calorie burning than walking and running. This elliptical even has an iPod dock on the console’s shelf so your iPod can charge while you are working out! Next time you’re at the gym, give it a try!
Updated HVAC System for Fitness Rooms We are very excited to let you know that we have installed a new independent Air Conditioning system in the Park Heights Group Fitness Studio and Mind/Body Studio! This new system means cooler and more comfortable classes for our members!
What members are saying about the new FreeMotion Strider: “I really like it because it hits the same spots as the stair master.” (Ti Jr.)
Do you get on a piece of cardiovascular equipment – treadmill, elliptical, cross-trainer, or bike – and pick the “fat burning zone” program? It does exist, but it is generally misinterpreted. The fat burning zone is a concept that the body burns a greater percentage of fat at lower-intensity exercise (50-80%) than it does at higher intensities (30-35%). But what people don’t consider is that they will burn way more total calories at higher intensities – and, therefore, more fat overall – than at lower intensities. For example, 30 minutes of low intensity exercise on a treadmill may burn 150 calories, 80% or 120 calories of fat. The same 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity may burn 400 calories, only 35% from fat, or 140 calories. As you can see, even though the percentage of fat differs, exercising for 30 minutes at a low intensity vs. exercising at a moderate to vigorous intensity will burn nearly the same amount of fat. However, the moderate to vigorous exercise intensity workout burns more than double the total calories! In addition, higher intensity workouts result in greater changes in muscle structure and function, as well as cardiovascular system structure and function. These changes improve overall fitness, and this is GREAT news because fitter bodies use a greater percentage of fat calories throughout the day – both during exercise and at rest! So, being fit allows you to exercise at higher intensities for longer, resulting in increased calories burned during your workouts. So take the focus off of working out in the low-intensity “fat burning” zone, and focus on the overall quality of your workout. If you are a beginner, you’ll need to start with low-intensity exercise. However, as you become more fit and get used to exercising, you can start incorporating higher intensity bouts into your workouts, thus reaping more benefits. For more information about Fitness contact Amy Schwartz at 410.356.5200 x510 or email aschwartz@jcc.org .
“I really like the variable length of the stride.” (John) “It’s the only machine that makes me sweat!” (Jill)
Massage Therapy Summer is the time for family, vacations, and fun. Don’t forget to take care of yourself in the midst of all the summer fun! Stress, aches, and pains don’t take a vacation-a massage can help! For fees and to schedule a massage at the Rosenbloom OM JCC, please contact Mary Cook, LMT at 443.802.8461.
JCC A Center News
Aquatics POOL CLOSINGS FOR AUGUST Outdoor Lap Pool to Open at 1:30pm Monday-Wednesday, August 8-11
See page 3 for more information on the pool schedules during Maccabi.
Indoor Pool Closed Saturday, August 14 -Sunday, August 29
Cleaning and resurfacing of the indoor pool will take place during the last two weeks of August and the pool will be closed during that time. If you have any questions about the Pool Schedule, contact the Aquatics Office at 410.356.5200 x304. Kids learn new swimming skills with JCC Aquatics staff this summer.
r s Fo ts rvice e e l S ilabl a Av
JCC of Greater Baltimore BARRACUDAS Swim Team
How To Put More Meaning Into Your Jewish Life
The Berner Family
Photography by Ellen Cohen
Open HOuses
saturday, August 14 Shabbat Service & Open House Services begin at 9:30am
Begin your new year at Beth Israel Congregation. Join us for the High Holidays and discover why so many individuals and families call Beth Israel home. Attend our Sanctuary Service, Family Service, Youth Service, or popular Chag for Tots program. Or choose our smaller Parallel Service, featuring open seating. Come together to reflect, renew, and connect with our faith. sunday, August 29 Meet Beth Israel members and tour the synagogue 2:00-4:00pm
Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur High Holyday Tickets Available Rabbi Jay R. Goldstein and Cantor Roger B. Eisenberg
We are now accepting registrations for the Fall League for the Barracudas Swim Team. Practice and meet schedules have not been finalized. If you’re interested, visit www.jcc.org/barracudas.
Join the Swim Team for Splash Bash Sunday, August 22; 2:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Help us to cheer on the United States swim team prior to their trip to the Pan Pacific games held in California from August 18-22. Meet the Barracudas for some afternoon fun. Go Team USA! Need more information? Visit www.jcc.org/splashbash.
Lifeguard Certification Class Monday-Friday, August 16-20; 9:30am-5:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Visit www.jcc.org/lifeguard for details!
For information about High Holiday tickets, please contact David Rothenberg, 410-654-0800 3706 Crondall Lane • Owings Mills, MD 21117 • http://www.bethisrael-om.org
August 2010 A Av / Elul 5770
Member Services
Admissions Team: Viola Wise & Marcy Silver 7 Sudbrook Lane Pikesville, MD 21208
410-486-8771 410-484-3080 Fax
Attention Business Owners... New Advertising Opportunities at the JCC The JCC is excited to introduce a new Advertising sales person, Dave Pyser, to help launch several new Advertising opportunities at the JCC. Having been a long time lay leader here at the JCC, Dave is very familiar with our organization. With his help, we will continue to offer ad space to non-profit organizations as well as new opportunities for “for-profits” organizations. This is a great chance for JCC members to market their businesses to each other at affordable rates. Advertising venues include: our monthly newsletter, quarterly program guide, monthly e-blasts, website advertising and large advertising boards at both JCC locations. We also have new digital sign boards that members see as they walk in to either of our facilities. Special member discounts are available. There is limited space, so take advantage as soon as possible and spread the word to your friends and colleagues! For more information on how your business/organization can advertise with us, contact Dave Pyser at 410.356.5200 x396, or email dpyser@jcc.org
Kids Center After School Care for Grades K-5 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Kids Center is a safe place for kids to come after school. Under the supervision of our experienced staff, they can: • swim in the indoor pool • exercise creativity with clay in ceramics • let out that afterschool energy in the gym and on the playground • spend time in the quiet of the Homework Room where they’ll receive staff assistance Transportation is available from most public and private schools depending on geographic location. Kids Center Location: 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue • Owings Mills Kids Center Hours: Monday-Thursday: School dismissal-6:30pm Friday: School dismissal-6pm/JCC Close Contact us: 410.356.5200, x339 or lwellerstein@jcc.org Want more details? Visit www.jcc.org/kidscenter
Jonathan Nelson poses (right) with his team
Maccabi Coaches from page 1 Jonathan Nelson
Soccer Coach for Team Baltimore 2010 JCC Maccabi® Games Athlete: Soccer, 1997 (Kansas City) 1998 (Detroit) and 1999 (Houston) Q. What do you think makes Maccabi so remarkable? Jon: At its best, the Maccabi program is great. It meshes athletic competition and social interaction under the umbrella of Jewish identity. Maccabi Games are not a summer camp, they are something different and something more. Sports are popular because of the parallels to life in general. In the scarce amount of time I have with the athletes I try to teach them what I know about soccer and to field a winning squad. Q. How About Coaching vs. Playing? Jon: It has been a huge pleasure to coach alongside the likes of Avi Amoyal and George Erdos, both of whom I played for as an athlete! But the Games are for the players, and they are the luckiest of us all.
Brett Sanders Baseball Coach for Team Baltimore 2010 JCC Maccabi® Games Athlete: Baseball 2002-2005 Q. Why did you decide to coach? Brett: If you can’t play any more, the next best thing to do is coach! Since I am young, I feel that I am able to relate to my players and get through to them when I teach. It is very rewarding when something I have taught my players positively affects our team. Q. Do you have a favorite Maccabi moment? Brett: I hope that my understanding of the game helps the players become better athletes. During my second year of coaching baseball, a parent came up and told me that his son had learned more in a month from me than from any other coach in his life! This meant a lot to me because someone else appreciated what I had to offer through my knowledge of the game.
JCC A Center News
Staff News
The Associated Corner
Jon Teter
We are happy to formally introduce Jon Teter as an addition to the JCC staff. Jon has spent the last couple of years coordinating programming for The Morstein Performa in the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC. He will now assume the position of Jewish Film coordinator. John has experience coordinating performances and programs for the JCC and elsewhere, and we are certain that the 2011 Jewish Film Festival, as well as the CineFest will continue to flourish with his expertise.
As we look back over THE ASSOCIATED’s 90th anniversary year - one of our organization’s most successful - we would like to extend a hearty mazel tov, and a heart-felt thank-you to our community. Despite the challenges of our economy, and the fact that the ranks of the needy rose to the highest levels in recent history, once again, our incomparable community stepped up to the plate, and ensured that the many individuals and families who need our support are not forgotten. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of our community, THE ASSOCIATED’s Annual Campaign met its goal of $31 million, allowing us to maintain vital services and programs throughout our community. Our community continues to rise to the needs of our time in both financial support and hands on efforts. This year’s 90,000 Hours campaign, sponsored by THE ASSOCIATED and Jewish Volunteer Connection was a rousing success. Volunteers in our community were asked to log their hours of volunteer service with the goal of reaching a collective total of 90,000 volunteer hours. Schools, synagogues, agencies and other organizations participated in our group volunteer challenge and awards were given to groups who logged the greatest number of hours in their group categories. Winners of the contest for their categories were:
Ellen Fox Welcome to Ellen Fox, the newest member of the Park Heights front desk staff. You may already recognize Ellen- as she has been subbing at the front desk for several months. She is now covering our desk on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. We look forward to seeing Ellen’s smiling face more often!
The Marketing Department is excited to have two great interns this summer Yehudis Schecter graduated from Towson University with a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications/ Public Relations. Her entire family has been members of the JCC ever since she can remember! As a high school English teacher at Bais Yaakov of Baltimore, this internship gives Yehudis a chance to be on the other side of the writing/teaching experience. Yehudis loves writing about our members and meeting with them to take their photos. Sam Noel is a rising sophomore in the Marketing program at the University of Delaware. He was a camper at Camp Milldale when he was young and later participated in a Teen Leadership program through the JCC and took part in the JCC Teen Summit as well. Sam’s absolute favorite JCC memories are the four years that he played basketball in the JCC Maccabi Games. “Every time people talk about Maccabi, it brings back great memories of teammates, host families, competition, and hard work,” said Sam. He hopes to gain a lot from this internship and so far he is really enjoying what he is doing.
August 2010 A Av / Elul 5770
• ASSOCIATED Agency: Sinai Hospital • Jewish Day School: Bais Yaakov School for Girls • Jewish Community Organization: Weinberg Senior Living • Synagogue: Beth Israel Congregation • Youth Group: Beth El Baltimore Youth Groups • And in the Preschool category: The Owings Mills Rosenbloom JCC Early Childhood Department with an impressive 2,395 hours!
The 90 K Hours Campaign was another way of showcasing our community’s unbelievable commitment to helping others. The ASSOCIATED looks forward to celebrating the marvelous spirit of our community for many years to come!
August Hours Sunday at Park Heights 7:00am-5:00pm Sunday at Owings Mills 7:00am-7:00pm Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Friday 5:30am-6:00pm Saturday – Park Heights Closed Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm
Eden Café
at the Weinberg PH JCC Phone: 410.542.5185 eden.cafe@hotmail.com Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Café Teva
at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.5200 x560 cafeteva@jcc.org Sunday: 8:00am-6:30pm Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00am-8:00pm Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885
Thursday, August 12 Owings Mills JCC CLOSED ALL DAY for Maccabi Closing Programs OTHER CLOSINGS SEE PAGE 3
JCC Maccabi Experience Closing Events & Festival Thursday, August 12; 1:00-6:30pm Lower field & Parking Lot (Rosenbloom OM JCC) & Gordon Center Free, but Spectator pass REQUIRED (see below for details)
JCCs of North America
JCC Maccabi athletes/artists, host families, volunteers and spectators are all invited to this culmination and celebration of the 2010 JCC Maccabi Experience! The afternoon will feature a chance to see what our ArtsFest participants have been working on all week as they perform on stage in the Gordon Center and on our outdoor Stage. You’ll see musical theater, dance, vocal music, jazz and rock music, a permanent mural installed by our visual artists and more. The outdoor festival will include a Velcro climbing wall, obstacle course, log roll, ga-ga court, seated massages and concessions sold by Café Teva. There will be a paint by numbers Israel map on the blacktop as well. To ensure that you get your Spectator Pass in time you must register by August 10. Spectator parking will be at Stevenson University’s Owings Mills campus in front of the new athletic center. Shuttlebuses will take you to the OM JCC campus. To register as a spectator, contact Amanda Max at 410.356.5200, x361; email amax@jcc.org or visit www.BaltimoreMaccabi2010.org .