A Newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Kids Can Kick It with Roman at Milldale’s Revamped Sports Camp
Roman’s philosophy? “I want the kids to come to camp smiling, play their sports and leave wanting more,” he says. Working with kids year-round gives Roman the advantage of knowing what they enjoy. Things like Wallball and Four Square will be incorporated, along with classics like softball, hockey and a small Olympics style event. Roman has years of experience working with kids of all ages and is very excited to take on this new role at camp. There will also be a post-camp Sports Camp option as well!
If you aren’t familiar with our year-round Sports Coordinator at the OM JCC, it’s time to get to know him. Roman Gerstovich, who runs Sports Leagues, will now be our official Sports Camp Director at Milldale. Last year, Roman oversaw Athletics and Fitness at camp and he will be coming back in this expanded role with some great new ideas! “The time is right for Sports Camp to be rejuvenated and I know that Roman will bring in some great new energy,” says Camp Director, Dori Zvili. “This is an opportunity to build on a great program and make it even better!”
Still want more? Check out our great Post-Camp options!
Sports Camp will be geared towards a range of ages. The younger kids will learn the fundamentals and play in leagues and the older kids will get to be part of challenging team oriented sports competitions. What’s
Whether you want more sports or feel like getting your hands on some great TEKnology Lego projects, we have options for you at the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC!
Post Sports Camp with Roman
Grades K-5; August 13-17 (choose any day or full week); 9:30-3:30pm Enjoy basketball, soccer, t-ball/softball, track and field, water polo and fitness. Campers will swim every day, play on our playground and enjoy camp activities. Fees per day: $20/JCC Members or Camp Milldale Campers; $50/NM Early drop off begins at 8:00am: $5per day Late stay ends at 6:00pm: $5/day
February/March 2012 Shevat/Adar/Nissan 5772 Jewish Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Children & Youth. . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Teens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Adults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10 Arts & Culture . . . . . . . . . . 11-13 Fitness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Associated Corner. . . . . . . . . . . 15
Roman and one of his fans at Camp Milldale last summer.
NEW Lego Camp! Play-Well TEKnologies LEGO Camp
Grades K-5, August 20-24 (must sign up for entire week); 9:00am-4:00pm Grades K-1 will spend each morning becoming a Play-Well Engineer! Build cities, bridges, motorized cars and planes. Morning activities for Grades 2-5 will include swimming, arts & crafts, playground and gym time. In the afternoon, campers will become Play-Well Engineers.
Fees: $200/JCC Members & Camp Milldale campers, $250/NM Early drop off begins at 8:00am-$5/day, Late stay ends at 6:00pm-$5/day SPACES FOR BOTH CAMPS ARE LIMITED!
Forms available online at www.jcc.org/forms or contact Dori Zvili at 410.559.3512 or dzvili@jcc.org for information.
Your Center for Jewish Life Wisdom for Today By Rabbi Miriam Burg
Storybook Endings I do not like suspense. Neither does my daughter. In fact, the other day we started reading a new book together. Before bed, we read the first chapter in which a young fairy has her wings bitten off by a bat. We put the book away, sang our bedtime songs and prayers, and said goodnight. About a half-hour later, she came looking for me. “Ima,” she said, “I couldn’t sleep so I read the next chapter. And I looked ahead at the pictures and read another paragraph and, just so you know, she gets her wings back at the end.” “Great,” I responded, “we have quite a story to read to find out how that happens!” Knowing that the book had a happy ending enabled her to enjoy the journey there. There is a story in our tradition that I think of every year at this season. R. Assi points out a contradiction between two verses in the Torah’s creation story. We learn that “the earth brought forth grass” on the third day, but are told on the sixth day that “no shrub of the field was yet in the earth.” So, he asks, when did grass first cover the earth? He answers, “the plants commenced to grow [on the third day] but stopped just as they were about to break through the soil, until Adam came and prayed for rain for them [on the sixth day]; and when rain fell they sprouted forth” (B. Talmud, Hullin 60b). In other words, the answer to the question – day three or day six – is “yes.” In between is suspense. It is winter. Right now, so to speak, the grass is hidden beneath the surface, the leaves concealed within the trees. Suspense. Though the dark days of this season may not be as enjoyable as the pages of a good book, try to imagine it without the promise of spring. We know, as it were, that a happy ending is on its way. But we cannot always flip to the back of the book or anticipate the arrival of spring. In fact, much of our lives is lived in suspense. We do the best we can in life but can count on few certain outcomes. If not with certainty, how do we live in the “in between?” In the Talmud it is written, “Every blade of grass has an angel that whispers to it, ‘Grow! Grow!’” (Genesis Rabbah 10:6) Though we cannot be sure of happy endings, we can live with the understanding that every blade of grass – that each one of us – has an angel offering quiet encouragement along the way. We live “in between” with hope and optimism because of it. And so, as we make our way through this season of the year and through the many seasons of our lives, may we always be able to hear the hushed and holy humming of the universe whispering to us, “Grow! Grow!”
Rabbi Miriam Burg is the Director of Jewish Educational Engagement at the Center for Jewish Education (CJE) in Baltimore. Rabbi Burg can be reached at mburg@cjebaltimore.org
Give to Get is Back! JCC members can once again take advantage of a special opportunity to receive $50 in JBucks when they make a donation of $36 or more to The Associated. These virtual JCC dollars can be used towards membership fees, camp, preschool, classes, leagues, personal training and much more. To qualify you must be a first time donor to the The Associated Annual Campaign. Your $36 dollar gift enables The Associated to provide help to those in need with services such as: one month of medication for a child with asthma, a place at a festive seder for an Ethiopian-Israeli immigrant or a home visit for a local home-bound senior.
Center News The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax
Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax
www.jcc.org MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Neil Demchick Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Jan Cardin Membership Chair Randi Buergenthal Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.
Here’s how Give $36/Get $50 works:
Once you make your new contribution to The Associated, at our cashiers’ desks or by giving online at www. associated.org/jbucks, you will receive your $50 JBucks certificate. You will have 12 months from the time your donation is received to redeem your JBucks. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to help others while helping yourself at the same time!
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
for a truly community-wide
JCC Presents: Bids for Kids Silent Auction: Sunday, April 22 through Friday, May 4, 2012 at noon Live Auction: Magooby’s Joke House Sunday, May 6 at 7:00pm In late April, the JCC will launch a twelve-day online silent auction which will be followed by a live auction and comedy event at Magooby’s Joke House. Proceeds will benefit our Early Childhood Education’s (ECE) goal for a new interactive natural playground and will also provide need-based scholarships for children attending ECE and local teens participating in JCC Maccabi Sports or ArtsFest. Some of the exciting silent auction items donated so far include a signed football from Ravens Center, Matt Birk, a round of golf for four at Piney Branch Golf Club, a two-hour consultation with one of the area’s most distinguished interior designers, and many
more items and services from around the community. For the live auction, we will have high-end items including vacation homes, tickets to exclusive cultural and sporting events and other noteworthy selections.
Yom Ha’atzmaut
“We are excited to begin a new tradition of partnership between two of our signature JCC programs,” says Paul Lurie, Teen Services Director and the Director of the JCC Maccabi Experience. “It’s going to be an amazing event thanks to the contributions of many individuals and businesses throughout the community.”
12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
With the help of our many enthusiastic volunteers and local sponsors, the JCC plans to make “Bids for Kids” a bi-annual event that will raise money for two of the JCC’s most vital communities.
Details soon at www.baltglobalimpact.org/Independence
Sunday, April 29, 2012 Israeli festivities, food and games. Featuring a special viewing of “Israel Inside,” a new documentary exploring Israeli innovation. For more information, contact advocate@baltglobalimpact.org.
Brought to you by the Baltimore Israel Coalition.
For more information about how you can donate an item or service or to get involved in this new event, call Paul at 410.559.3546 or email plurie@jcc.org
Chanukah Circus Over 800 people joined the JCC to celebrate Chanukah at our annual December 25 event. Families enjoyed art projects, games, juggling and exciting balloon creations.
February/March 2012 A Shevat/Adar/Nissan 5772
Your Center for Children & Youth Book Fair Luau!
Tot Shabbat
Birth-36 months Fridays; 11:15am -12:00 pm
It’s a Reading Celebration! Mon., February 6-Thurs., February 9 Shopping Hours: 8:30am-12:30pm & 3:30-6:00pm
Bring your little ones for a program full of Shabbat spirit, songs, candle lighting, Kiddush, and challah snack. February 10 & March 9 Weinberg PH JCC February 17 & March 16 Rosenbloom OM JCC
Family Pajama Party Event Thursday, February 9; 5:30-7:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
School’s Out
Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC February 20; 9:30am-3:30pm March 30 (1/2 day only; 12:30-3:30pm) April 2- 6 & 9
When schools are out, the JCC is in! Our School’s Out program is for elementary school-age kids during closings and vacations. Spend the day in a structured, safe and fun atmosphere with a variety of activities including: indoor/outdoor recreation, games, cooking, dance and much more! Kids Center participants : $20/day. Early drop off and extended stay available.
Inclement Weather? We make every effort to have a snow day School’s Out as long as the JCC remains open. Call Amanda around 7am that morning and listen to the instructions on the voicemail. We will call you by 7:30am to let you know if School’s Out will be held that day. School’s Out is also available to nonmembers so spread the word!
Visit www.jcc.org/schoolsout for more information or contact Amanda at 410.559.3546 or amax@jcc.org
We invite you to visit our Scholastic Book Fair and experience a celebration of reading! Reading is vital to every child’s success, and raising kids as readers means getting involved while they’re young. Now is the time!
Free for JCC Members or NM with a Parenting Center Pass; $5 /NM
For more information, contact Sharon or Linda at 410.559.3524 or email parenting@jcc.org
For more information, contact Ellen at 410.559.3555 or email eolson@jcc.org
Shabbat Spectacular
New Roles for PH Staff!
February 25 & March 24; 3:30-5:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Enjoy Shabbat Tot Time, PJ Library and Open Gym with obstacle courses and games! Children can participate in songs, stories, dancing and PJ library time. We will also have Havdallah at the end of Shabbat with bubbles and more!
For more information, contact Ron Siegel at 410.559.3532 or rsiegel@jcc.org
Mark Bonitatibus will continue overseeing Aquatics but will now also be the PH Program Director for Sports & Rec and Youth/ Teen programs. Merav Levine will now be taking on the dual role of Youth & Family Program Specialist and Administrative Support at the PH JCC.
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Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Your Center for Children & Youth
Hands on Holidays Downtown! Come and learn about the Holidays with other families in the area. Join us for free cultural program as we sing, learn and craft. These programs will feature Yofi Tofi Puppets and Becky Gordon!
Hands on HolidaysPurim March 1; 10:30 & 11:30am Jewish Museum of Maryland March 15; 10:30 & 11:30am Canton Library
Hands on Holidays -Passover March 29;11:15am Enoch Pratt Library- Central Free
New Downtown Classes Starting Soon Join us for our new session of classes Downtown starting March 18! • Hello Baby/Infant Massage • Baby Groove • Movers & Shakers • Messy & Messier
Mt. Washington & Roland Park Area Families Do you live in Mt Washington, Roland Park or nearby? Are you interested in meeting other families with young children in your neighborhood? Check out our upcoming events near you!
A Chanukah performance by the Owings Mills Early Childhood Education Center elicited smiles and applause from the parents and staff in attendance.
Got Shabbat February 24; 5:45pm Bolton Street Synagogue Perfect for uptown and downtown families! March 30; 5:45pm Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
RSVP required: www.jcc.org/ gotshabbat or cneuman@jcc.org or further info.
Hands on Holidays Children under 5 with adult Roland Park Library
PURIM - March 7:12:30 pm PASSOVER - April 4; 12:30pm Free
To RSVP or for more information, contact Cindy at cneuman@jcc.org
Classes are held in Federal Hill, Brewer’s Hill, Canton and Fell’s Point.
For more information contact Kim at kjacobsohn@jcc.org or 443.248.4219 You can also visit us at dbjcc.org or friend us on www.facebook/dbjcc
February/March 2012 A Shevat/Adar/Nissan 5772
Your Center for Teens Motzai Shabbos for Youth at PH
BBYO’s Regional Convention (RC 2011) rocked this year! The theme was This Is It: Our Time Is Now. This program is based upon spirit, advocacy and direct service.
Girls: February 4, February 25 Boys: February 11, March 3 Elementary/Middle School: 8:00-9:30pm High School: 9:30pm-11:00pm Teens from the community are welcome to hang out with their friends at the JCC on select Saturday nights. Activities include swimming, basketball, table tennis and more! $2/person
For more information contact Mark Bonitatibus at 410.500.5917 or mbonitatibus@jcc.org .
HaZamir Baltimore Will Be A Guest Choir at the Bach Concert Series! March 4; 4:00pm Christ Lutheran Church, 701 S. Charles St. Please join us for a fabulous free concert! Would you like to book HaZamir Baltimore for a concert in 2012?
Please contact Erika at 443.831.4205 or erikaschon1@comcast.net
SAT & ACT Test Prep One-on-one with 16 total hours: $1175
BBYO Events
Spring Kickoff -February 25 AIPAC Policy Conference- March 4-6 East Coast Kallah- March 16-18; March 23-25 March of the Living departs-April 15
Small group (up to 4 students) 8-two hour sessions: $925
Contact Esther Gunter at 410.559.3550 or email egunter@jcc.org
Baltimore Zionist District’s (BZD) Ultimate Summer Israel Experience in Collaboration with the JCC June 18 - July 15, 2012 This trip is open to Jewish teens currently in high school.
Informational Meeting for Parents & Teens Wednesday, February 15; 7:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Trip Highlights Include: • • • • • • • •
Bedouin hospitality in the desert Machne Yehuda Market in Jerusalem Visit the Kottel Tunnels and City of David Safed synagogues and galleries tour The Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) Kayaking in the Jordan River Climb to Masada at Sunrise And much more!
For more information, call 410.484.4510. You can also find us on Facebook: BZD Israel Teen Trip 2012
American Red Cross Babysitting Grades 6-8 Sunday, February 19-February 26; 1:30-5:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Receive American Red Cross instruction in basic infant care, first aid for burns, bleeding, choking, head injuries and stings; poison prevention and treatment and safety precautions. Certification cards are provided by the American Red Cross at course completion. $65/JCC Member
For more information, contact Sue Szembroth at 410.559.3536 or sszembroth@jcc.org
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Your Center for Teens MIDDLE SCHOOL EVENTS Middle School Mondays Mondays; 6:00-8:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Hang out in the teen lounge to play Wii, watch movies, play table tennis or pool and enjoy pizza and snacks, also enjoy the indoor pool and gym. JCC Members Only
For more information on Middle School Events, contact Brad at 410.559.3547 bkerxton@jcc.org.
Middle School Dances
Grades 6-8 February 11, March 10; 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Dance, DJ, open gym and snacks $10/JCC Members
Middle School ID required. No one will be permitted without an ID. Accepted Middle School ID includes: a report card, a class schedule with the year, your name and grade. Bus cards will NOT be accepted.
Save the Date for Jr. Maccabi May 20- Harrisburg, PA. Jewish teens ages 10-12 as of May 1,2012
JCC Maccabi Experience 2012 Jewish Teens, Ages 13-16 August 5 -10, Houston, TX & Memphis, TN August 12-17, Rockland, NY
Create memories that will last a lifetime! Each year Baltimore sends over a hundred athletes and creative teens to various host cities for competition in the JCC Maccabi Games® and JCC Maccabi ArtsFest®. Experience athletic, cultural, and social opportunities with Jews from around the world while strengthening your bond to your Jewish heritage, community and Israel! Tryouts will take place in the late winter/ early spring for the following:
Sports: Boys & Girls Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Swimming, Bowling and Boys Baseball.
For more information contact, Amanda at 410.559.3548 or amax@jcc.org
Are you a Teen Leader? Diller * STAC * TGI
Applications are now available for the
2012-2013 ASSOCIATED Teen Leadership Programs
Games: Memphis, Rockland & Houston • Girls Basketball • Boys Soccer • Inline Hockey • Golf • Softball • Swimming • Table Tennis • Tennis • Track & Field
NEW • Boys Lacrosse • Bowling • Volleyball • Girls Lacrosse • Boys basketball • Baseball • Girls Soccer
Artsfest: Houston
Make a difference. Impact the community. Change the world. February/March 2012 A Shevat/Adar/Nissan 5772
• Dance • Broadcast Journalism • Acting/Improv • Culinary Arts • Digital Photography • Musical Theater
• Rock • Visual Arts • Vocal Music • Jazz
To find out about upcoming tryouts join our Facebook page: Baltimore JCC Maccabi Club or contact Paul at plurie@jcc.org to get on our email list. You can also visit www.jcc.org/ maccabi for updates .
Your Center for Summer Camp Experience Capital Camps for $100! Capital Camps, the official overnight camp of the JCC, is thrilled to offer a Special JCC Member Discount for Yotair: Rookie Camp for only $100 (reduced from $500). This intimate program offers children an opportunity to sample the wide variety of daily activities offered at camp including sports, arts & crafts, swimming, ropes course and much more. “It is a fabulous introduction for first-time campers to the world of Jewish overnight camp” says Sam Roberts, Camp Director. “Campers who attend Capital Camps come home with great memories, strong self-confidence and a passion for Jewish life.”
TNT Camp Registration Teens entering grades 7 & 8 Camp Session 1: June 18 - July 13 Camp Session 2: July 16 - August 10
Teens who have an interest in working with children will have the opportunity to earn community service hours this summer while gaining leadership and communication skills. Afternoons will offer electives including: fitness classes, sports, leadership seminars, drama and arts classes.
To find out about available slots, contact Brad at 410.559.3547
Our Yotair program is open to boys and girls who will be in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade in the 2012-2013 academic year. The program is for new campers only, as we want participants to share their first overnight camp experience with other ‘first-timers’. Capital Camps combines superb staff with state-of-the-art facilities to ensure the best experience for campers. Our activities merge sheer summer fun with deep identity-building.
Learning IN Community
See what others are saying about the ‘Best Camp Ever’ at www.capitalcamps.org! Request a home visit at a time convenient for you to chat with our camp staff. Learn about all that our 2, 3 and 4-week camp sessions have to offer.
Don’t delay, sign up today at www.capitalcamps.org!
learning in community
Open House
Kindergarten - 7th Grade
Sign up now ROSENBLOOM SCHOOL forRELIGIOUS Fall 2012 www.chizukamuno.org/rrs of CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION Abby Woloff, Principal Please call for a personal tour. 410/486-8641
8100 Stevenson Road • Baltimore, MD 21208 • www.chizukamuno.org/rrs
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Your Center for Adults Winter Movie Series Wednesdays at 1:00pm Weinberg PH JCC Get out of the cold and come to the movies at the Park Heights JCC! February 15 - It’s Complicated March 7- Eat, Pray, Love $1 at the door includes popcorn and water.
For more information, contact Lisa at 410.500.5903 or email lshifren@jcc.org
Singles Wine and Cheese Monday, February 13; 7:00-8:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC This is your gateway to Jewish singles events and activities in Baltimore. Mix and mingle with other adults 55+. Socialize and form smaller groups of people with similar interests & hobbies. Take a chance! $5/JCC Member
For more information, contact Melissa at 410.559.3593 or email mberman@jcc.org
Piano Bar Date Night Saturday March 3; 8:00-9:30pm Weinberg PH JCC Looking for a local hotspot for a Saturday night? Join us for a night featuring a spirited keyboard player and composer, David Bach, who excites crowds with his unique musical entertainment. He is the recipient of two gold records and his group, The David Bach Consort is a winner of many music contests regionally and internationally. Snacks will be provided – BYOB! $15 per couple/JCC Member $25 per couple/ NM Don’t have somewhere to bring your children? Bring them to our babysitters! Babysitting passes will be accepted or individual passes can be purchased for $4.25 per child
For more information, contact Melissa at 410.559.3593 or email mberman@jcc.org
Savory to Sweet Cooking With Chef Bryan Tuesday March 6; 7:00-8:30 pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a master! Follow easy steps to prepare savory appetizers and sweet desserts with corporate chef, Bryan Bernstein. Chef Bryan trained at the prestigious Culinary Institute of America and has been a chef for over 20 years $37/JCC Member
For more information, contact Melissa at 410.559.3593 or email mberman@jcc.org
February/March 2012 A Shevat/Adar/Nissan 5772
Your Center for Adults Awareness Through Movement: Moshe Feldenkrais Method Ages 55+ March 8-22; 9:30am Weinberg PH JCC
Twisting the wrist, turning the head – what was once easy becomes difficult through age, injury, and stress. Discover a method to reclaim the ease of these movements with the Feldenkrais Method. These simple, gentle movements gradually evolve into greater range and complexity and enable participants to reconnect with their natural ability to move. Requirements: the ability to lie on the floor, bend the knees, and have a sense of curiosity! $20/ JCC Member
For more information and to RSVP, call Lisa Shifren 410.500.5903
Upcoming Trips! Baltimore to Broadway Sunday March 25; 7:00am-6:00pm Meet at AMF Pikesville Lanes We make it easy and fun to go from Baltimore to New York for a Broadway show! Free time for shopping and lunch too. $135/JCC Member
Questions? Contact Melissa at 410.559.3593 or mberman@jcc.org
Van Gogh Up Close April 25 The Philadelphia Museum of Art Vincent van Gogh was an artist of exceptional intensity, not only in his use of color and exuberant application of paint, but also in his personal life. This exhibition focuses on a period of feverish artistic experimentation that began when van Gogh left Antwerp for Paris in 1886 and continued until his death in Auvers in 1890. $65/JCC Member
Model Passover Seder Thursday, March 28; 5:00-7:00pm Weinberg PH JCC Celebrate Passover with us at our annual Seder, featuring a Haggadah reading and a delicious traditional Passover meal. $8/JCC Members
Free transportation available to Senior Friendly Members. RSVP to Arlene by March 16 at 410.500.5904
The Whipping Man May 10 Baltimore Center Stage Why is this night different from all other nights? For three Richmond Jews—one a former Confederate soldier, two his former slaves—gathered around a makeshift Seder table at the close of the Civil War, age-old questions find new and surprising answers. $36/JCC Member; $50/NM
Special price for both trips: $90/JCC Member $130/NM
For more information, contact Lisa at 410.500.5903
The Jewish Theatre Workshop is proud to present:
Lost In Yonkers by Neil Simon Directed by Devorah Werdesheim Sat., February 11 & 18; 8:30pm Sun., February 12 & 19; 2:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC
Save the Date
Learn Inn Experience Monday, June 11- Friday, June 15 Best Western Conference Center, Westminster Don’t miss out on this year’s exciting fiveday Learn Inn! Join us for a great array of entertainment, Jewish learning and fitness options including: • Jewish Learning with returning scholar, Rabbi Nochum Kats • Let’s Get Physical! Exercise with popular JCC instructors • Trip to D.C.: visit the National Gallery of Art, the Air and Space Museum or the Holocaust Museum. • Guest lecturer from the BMA • Dig deeper into the Jewish connection to farming and the environment with Kayam Farm. • Nightly entertainment featuring klezmer, jazz trios and more. This year’s performers include: Vladimir Fridman, Helmut Licht & Joe Ayala • Adam Gregerman, Ph.D from the Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies will speak • Lecture by Baltimore Jewish Times Editor, Neil Rubin The JCC Learn Inn Experience is made possible in part through the generosity of the Helene & Leslie Moses Memorial Fund
For details, contact Lisa at 410.500.5903
Don’t miss Neil Simon’s comedy coming-of-age story of brothers Jay and Arty, left in the care of their intimidating, immigrant Grandma Kurnitz and their sweet but mentally slow Aunt Bella in Yonkers, New York. The family learns what it means to be a family through hardship and care in this madcap comedy. Purchase tickets at the door on performance days: $15/ Adult $10/ Student/Senior- Discount requires valid ID presented at the Door
For more information and group rates, email contact@jewishtheatreworkshop.org
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Your Center for Art & Culture
March 25- April 30, 2012 Gordon Center For Performing Arts Nicky’s Family
Kaddish for a Friend
Sunday, March 25; 3:00pm Director: Matej Mináč Slovakia/Czech Republic/UK/USA/Israel/Cambodia 2011; English
Monday, April 2; 7:30pm Director: Leo Khasin Germany 2011; Arabic/German with English subtitles
A stirring tribute to the Englishman dubbed “Britain’s Schindler,” Nicky’s Family illuminates the legacy of a pre-WWII mass rescue of children. In December 1938, Sir Nicholas Winton, a London stockbroker, masterminded a series of rail-sea transports to save 669 young Czech and Slovak refugees, most of them Jewish. Not even Winton’s wife knew of his noble acts until a scrapbook detailing the mission was uncovered in 1988. This film combines newsreels and archival photos with dramatic reenactments narrated by rescued children and Sir Winton himself. The film gains added immediacy as grandchildren of the rescuees and others describe the resulting humanitarian feats Winton inspired. Revisiting the subject of two previous awardwinning films, director Matej Minác’s newest entry has claimed Audience Award prizes at the prestigious Karlovy Vary International and Montreal World Film Festivals.
Growing up in a Palestinian refugee camp, 14-year-old Ali (Neil Belakhdar) learned to hate Jews at an early age. After he and his family escape to a new life in Berlin, Ali longs to be accepted by his fellow Arab youths in the public housing project. In a test to prove himself, Ali breaks into the apartment of his neighbor Alexander (Ryszard Ronczewski, Along Come Tourists), an elderly Russian Jewish war veteran. Ali’s “friends” follow him into the apartment and vandalize it with abandon. When Alexander unexpectedly returns home, he recognizes only Ali and reports him to the police. To avoid being sentenced and deported, Ali is forced to seek out the trust and forgiveness of his enemy.
My Australia Wednesday, March 28; 7:30pm Director: Ami Drozd Israel/Poland 2011; Hebrew and Polish with English subtitles The mother of a fragmented family in a poor neighborhood in Poland in the mid 60’s spends most of her time working to provide the basic needs for her 10 and 14 year sons. Left to their own devices, the boys join a neighborhood gang with a strong Neo Nazi orientation. A Holocaust survivor, she thought that she was protecting her sons by concealing her past and origins, but now she must tell them that she is a Jew. She takes the older boy into her confidence, but the younger son is told that they are immigrating to Australia, while the truth is that they are boarding a ship to Israel. The film explores the struggle to form an identity in a new country, while trying to build a new life.
Thank you to our Media Sponsors
February/March 2012 A Shevat/Adar/Nissan 5772
David Sunday, April 15; 3:00pm Directors: Joel Fendelman and Patrick Daly USA 2011; English As the son of the Imam of the local Brooklyn mosque, eleven year-old Daud has to juggle the high expectations of his Father (Maz Jobrani) and his feelings of isolation– even from his peers in the Muslim community. Through an innocent act of good faith, Daud inadvertently befriends a group of Jewish boys who mistake him as a fellow classmate at their orthodox school, in the neighboring Jewish community. A genuine friendship grows between Daud and Yoav, one of the Jewish boys, and his family. Unable to resist the joy of a camaraderie that he has never felt before, David, as he is known to the kids, is drawn into a complicated dilemma inspired by youthful deceit and the best of intentions.
Your Center for Art & Culture An Article of Hope Tuesday, April 17; 7:30pm Director: Daniel Cohen USA; 2011; English Dawn is breaking on the morning of February 1, 2003 above West Texas when the peace of the early morning is shattered by two loud bangs. The Space Shuttle Columbia is announcing its return home. The shuttle is speeding toward a Florida homecoming, but in an instant onlookers and controllers in Houston realize that something has gone horribly wrong. The shuttle has broken up, vanished! Gone is its precious cargo of seven astronauts from around the world. Among them, Col. Ilan Ramon, Israel’s first Astronaut. Also gone is a tiny Torah scroll – smuggled into a concentration camp during the Holocaust; safeguarded by Joachim Joseph, a Holocaust survivor; and carried into space by Col. Ilan Ramon. This unique story interweaves the heights of scientific achievement, the depths of a nation’s cruelty, the private grief of a boy who came of age during the Holocaust, and the public mourning of many nations in the aftermath of the Columbia Shuttle disaster. An Article of Hope, fulfills the promise that a boy in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp made during the Holocaust- to use the Torah scroll to tell the world what happened in the camp. This film explores the journey of the Torah from pre-World War II Europe, to Israel, and then to space.
and screams with full force in front of the wind to thicken his girlish, unstable voice. His new classmates, a year older and two heads taller, bully him every chance they get and his parents barely say a word to each other and communicate through him. As if all this isn’t enough - only a week before the ceremony - his autistic brother, Tomer, 17, hidden for years in a hostel that is now shut down - returns home. This shakes not only Yoni’s life, but the unstable foundation of the entire family.
Wunderkinder Wednesday, April 25; 7:30pm Director: Markus Rosenmüller Germany 2011; German with English subtitles From the producers of Europa Europa comes this universal tale of musical prodigies whose friendship overcomes barriers of religion and nationality. Jewish siblings Larissa and Abrascha are violin virtuosos. Hanna, a young German girl, is also extremely gifted. Living in
the small Ukrainian town of Poltava in 1941, they are united by a passion for music. When the Nazis invade, the children’s Jewish and German families must save each other from the forces of both fascism and Communism. Real-life musicians Elin Kolev and Mathilda Adamik, along with child actor Imogen Burrell, give endearing performances in this mesmerizing Holocaust drama that is told from a child’s point of view.
The Time of Silence (Le Temps du Silence) Monday, April 30; 7:30pm Details coming soon! Tickets: $10
For more information, contact Nancy at 410.559.2377 or ngoldberg@jcc. org. You can also buy tickets online at www.baltimorejff.com
Tickets: www.bhcong.org or 443-524-0284
Mabul (The Flood) Sunday, April 22; 3:00pm Director: Guy Nattiv Israel 2001; Hebrew with English subtitles Yoni is almost 13, gifted, but physically undeveloped. He struggles daily to grow up before his upcoming Bar Mitzvah. He sells homework in order to secretly buy a body building wonder powder, he stretches every night with heavy weights tied to his legs BHC Executive Committee
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Your Center for Art & Culture Gordon Center For Performing Arts Winter Shows Dancers of the World U.S. Naval Academy Band Concert Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 7:30pm Free by ticket only By request, we are presenting another concert by these talented musicians. Tickets go fast, so don’t wait to request them.
Steve Solomon’s: My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish & I’m in Therapy! Wednesday, March 7; 2:00pm Thursday, March 8; 2:00pm & 7:00pm Friday, March 9; 2:00pm Saturday, March 10; 8:00pm Sunday, March 11; 1:00pm & 4:30pm This hit New York comedy was inspired by the author’s hilariously dysfunctional family, and all the people in his life whose sole purpose was to drive him into therapy…and they succeeded. One part lasagna, one part kreplach, and two parts Prozac, you don’t have to be Jewish or Italian to love this show. All you need is to know what it feels like to leave a family dinner with heartburn and a headache!
His playing and singing are deceptively simple, but the songs are deep and heartrendingly beautiful. Woody Lissauer writes, composes and produces his own songs and performs them locally and internationally. He has infused his solo CDs with his self-styled “Astro Folk” sound. His personality and excitement about music fill the room at his live performances Tickets - $10; $12 - show day & at the door
To purchase tickets:
Come to the Gordon Center box office Monday-Friday from 10:00am-4:00pm or one hour prior to a Gordon Center Show.
by Smadar Livne Through February 2012 Norman & Sarah Brown Art Gallery at the Weinberg PH JCC Smadar Livne is an award-winning, Israeli born artist who creates unique and exciting works with bold, bright colors. Many of her works incorporate historic images in a contemporary style. This exhibit will feature acrylic on canvas as well as mixed media.
Questions? Contact Smadar at livne@ smadarlivne.com or 410.382.3133
For more information, email info@ gordoncenter.com or visit www.gordoncenter.com or call 410.356. SHOW (7469)
Tickets: $40 March 7-9 & $45 March 10-11
Gordon Center Has Talent Saturday, March 17; 8:00pm Bob Hallock’s one-act cabaret show interweaves the richness of his life with the music he loves. Bob has performed at such venues as the Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap and Madison Square Garden. Gina DeLuca has raw power, seductive finesse, and shades of soul – all brought together by a single, pure, natural voice. Her natural style and deep understanding of the blues are evident in every song. John Seay writes songs that make people think, laugh, cry, smile and remember.
Visit us Battle of the Bands at Beth Israel Congregation
What: A showcase of classic rock and modern party rock.
When: Saturday, February 25, 2012 Silent Auction at 7:30 p.m. Concert begins at 8:00 p.m. Where: Beth Israel Congregation 3706 Crondall Lane, Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
Thanks to our sponsors:
Tickets: In advance — $22 per person* At the door — $25 per person Brings! d Reserve a table of 10 for $200* Frien Pub snacks included. Cash bar. Visit www.bethisrael-om.org and click on the buy tickets link or mail your check, including your name and telephone number to Beth Israel. Info: 410-654-0800 * Tickets will be held at the door. Age 21 years and older.
February/March 2012 A Shevat/Adar/Nissan 5772
Your Center for Fitness Healthy Eating Series Rosenbloom OM JCC
Eating right doesn’t have to be complicated! Join us for a series of interactive discussions on healthy eating led by Elise Rubenstein, Certified Holistic Health Coach. Elise received her training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition – the only nutrition school integrating all the different dietary theories.
Healthy Eating at Home Wednesday, February 29; 12:00- 1:00pm This session will help you to make better food choices when preparing meals at home. $10/JCC Members
Healthy Eating on the Go Wednesday, March 7; 12:00- 1:00pm Do you like to eat in restaurants? This session will help you to make better food choices when eating on the go. $10/JCC Members
Healthy Snacking Wednesday, March 14; 12:00- 1:00pm What’s a healthy snack? Elise will share some tricks to make snacks that keep you satisfied between meals. $10/JCC Members
Save when you buy the entire Healthy Eating Series! $25/JCC Member
For more information, contact Amy Schwartz at 410.559.3534.
Robyn’s Weight Loss Journey Robyn Korobkin remembers exactly when she had her aha moment. “It was February of 2009 and I realized that I was at a weight I was not comfortable with,” she says. Robyn grew up very physically active as a professional dancer and was even offered a spot in the National Cheerleading Association. After After becoming religious, getting married and having children, fitness fell by the wayside – especially since there was really no place in the Orthodox community for the level of dancing she sought. Enter ZUMBA™ and Robyn’s life changed. Only a half hour after her first class, Robyn knew that she was not only in love with Zumba, but that she was going to teach it to others. Within months of her first Zumba class, Robyn was teaching. She became a Zumba instructor at the JCC in September of 2009. “Becoming an instructor was a strategy that I knew would push me to succeed in my weight loss and fitness goals.” Robyn now teaches up to eight classes a week at the JCC. She is also certified in BODYPUMP™, BODYFLOW™ and SH’BAM™. “Exercise is like a drug,” Robyn says. “The endorphins that are released in your body are like uppers! It’s not just about losing weight, it’s about getting healthy.” Another piece of advice: “Start taking classes and when you find one that makes you happy you’ll want to keep coming back!” Find our group fitness schedule online at www.jcc. org/schedules to try out one of Robyn’s popular classes for yourself!
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Associated Corner Meet Larisa: Camp Milldale Inclusion Program Larisa has three beautiful children with bright blue eyes and enthusiastic personalities. A family picture shows them playing happily together. The oldest of her children, nine-year-old Julian, was born with autism. Finding the right fit for a boy with autism – who processes differently and acts out unexpectedly – can be a challenge. “We love Julian so much and want him to have all the experiences in which other boys his age take part,” says Larisa. Larisa felt strongly that she wanted to enroll Julian in a Jewish summer camp. She found out about the Camp Milldale inclusion program, which partners youth with special needs with individual counselors to help them integrate into the regular camp setting and experience the joy of Jewish summer camp alongside peers of their own age. “Julian had a truly amazing, fun and enriching summer,” says Larisa. “The director, Dori Zvili, and the Special Needs Coordinator, Stacey Israel, did a tremendous job in hiring absolutely amazing staff and providing the right kind of programming.” Larisa is thoughtful. She is proud of her son. She struggles. But she is also very accepting of her situation. “I don’t have a profound message about kids with special needs,” she begins, “but I do know that it is essential that programs like Milldale’s inclusion program continue to exist in Jewish Baltimore. It is imperative for autistic children to learn life skills, interact, play and develop friendships in a warm and caring environment. This will help them live independently as they grow up. Camp Milldale, a program of the Jewish Community Center and THE ASSOCIATED, is just the place.” Being ASSOCIATED is being inclusive.
Be a part of the innovation, inspiration and impact. BE ASSOCIATED by donating now to THE ASSOCIATED Annual Campaign at www.associated.org/donate.
“I don’t have a profound message about kids with special needs, but I do know that it is essential that programs like Milldale’s inclusion program continue to exist in Jewish Baltimore.” — Larisa -- Larissa Parent of of aa child child with withautism autism
Being ASSOCIATED is being inclusive. Be ASSOCIATED. Make a contribution. Get Involved.
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February/March 2012 A Shevat/Adar/Nissan 5772
Eden Café
at the Weinberg PH JCC Phone: 410.542.5185 eden.cafe@hotmail.com
February/March Hours Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Fridays in February 5:30am-4:30pm Fridays March 4 & 11 5:30am-5:00pm Fridays March18 & 25 5:30am-6:00pm Saturday at Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm Saturday at Park Heights thru March 12 7:30-11:00pm Fitness Center closes at 10:30pm Sundays 7:00am-7:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-2:00pm Saturday: 6:30-11:00pm
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215
Me • Latté
at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.559.3531 www.melatte.com Sunday: 7:30am-5:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 7:00am-2:30pm 5:30-8:00pm Friday: 6:30am-2:00pm Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885
OM Pool Closings for Swim Meets Wed., February 1 – 3:45-8:30pm Sun., February 19 – 12-5pm
The William and Irene Weinberg Family Baltimore Jewish Film Festival 2012
An Article of Hope Tuesday, April 17; 7:30pm
March 25- April 30 Gordon Center for Performing Arts All films will be followed by special Guest Speakers! See page 11 & 12 for film descriptions or visit our website at www.baltimorejff.com Nicky’s Family Sunday, March 25; 2:00pm
Wunderkinder Wednesday. April 25; 7:30pm