A Newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore May 2010 Iyar / Sivan 5770
Inside: Jewish Life 2 FYI 3 Children & Youth 4 JCC Scouts 5 Camp & Teen Programs 6 College Center 7 The Arts 8 Adult Life Plus 9 Adults 10 Fitness 10-11 Aquatics 12 Maccabi 13 Associated Corner 13
JCCs of North America
Chai Lights 14-15
After School or No School – Kids Can Come to the JCC If you haven’t heard about the JCC’s Kids Center yet, Neil Kempler’s then here’s the scoop. Kids Center is an after school daughter, Sophie program at the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC that (age seven), has runs five days a week from school closing time to been attending 6:30pm. Kids Center staff members come highly Kids Center qualified and many have backgrounds in education since she started or family studies. Staff are generally college age or first grade. Neil college graduates. The JCC also offers the Schools says that the JCC Out program on days that Baltimore County schools is a place where are off, run by the same group of talented and Sophie feels experienced staff. comfortable. She loves taking Lara Wellerstein, Children’s Services Director, cooking and emphasizes that the goal and commitment of ceramics at Kids Center is to be a home away from home for Kids Center participants to go to after school. “The kids have and also enjoys had a long day and they are unloading. We have the Biblical the opportunity to help them with any challenges playground (which her father claims is one of the and be a support system to them and their families. best playgrounds in the entire area!) Father and We have the chance to build their self esteem in daughter both love the wide array of activities and a Jewish environment.” Lara adds that staff also Neil knows that his daughter is in great hands. acts as the eyes and ears for Kids Center parents, He says that “Kids Center has a well-trained and “Communication is key with the kids and with the dedicated staff. Kids Center participants benefit parents as well”. from the tremendous resources that are offered at the Lori Rosenzwieg, JCC that are not available through other after school whose daughter, programs. Yet Kids Center remains affordable.” Neil Kelsey is now in says that he could not be more pleased with Sophie’s her second year at JCC experience, as Mr. Kempler puts it, “The JCC Kids Center, feels and Kids Center provide Sophie with a clean, safe, that Lara and her friendly and enriching environment which has staff do a great allowed her to grow and mature while having fun… job of living up to Kids Center rocks!” their philosophy. In addition to all the regularly scheduled activities, “Undoubtedly, Kids Center is stepping it up even more this spring! what separates Kids Participants will now have a chance to go swimming Center from other programs is the care and concern and take ceramics classes for free on a weekly basis. that Lara and her staff have for the children,” says Additionally, there will be more of a leadership focus Lori. “They make sure that the safety of the kids for the 4th and 5th graders. Theme weeks will also comes first and if there are any issues, they notify the be added to the mix. Registration perks will now parents without hesitation.” Lara and her staff stay include a discount of 15% on this year’s rates and in constant contact with Lori and keep her updated an additional discount on JCC classes for all Kids regarding her child’s behavior, progress, abilities, Center participants. etc. Lori adds that her daughter also really loves seeing the friends she has made at Kids Center Kids Center Hours that do not go to her school. Before attending Monday-Thursday: School dismissal-6:30pm Kids Center, Kelsey was a JCC Preschool Plus Friday: School dismissal-6:00pm participant for three years and she frequently (or JCC closing time) attends events that both Kids Center and the JCC offer with the rest of her family. Both mom and For more information or to take a tour and see Kids daughter highly recommend this program. Center in action, please contact Lara Wellerstein at 410.356.5200 x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org
Jewish Life
Center news
The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Wisdom for Today Rabbi Yaakov Chaitovsky
It used to be that Shavuot was the Rodney Dangerfield of Jewish holy days…it got no respect! That always bothered me because when you really think about it, Shavuot is the holiday of holidays marking the event of events – the Revelation of God and the giving and receiving of Torah at Mt. Sinai. In essence, Shavuot is the most important of all our chagim and it is one deserving of our utmost respect. Fortunately each year, it seems that more and more Jews across and beyond Judaism’s denominational spectrum are starting to celebrate the chag with tefillah/worship, family (dairy) meals and Torah study, often in the form of an all night Torah-thon called Tikkun Lel Shavuot. Perhaps seeing Shavuot in relation to Passover may help. The Torah has us actually count the days between the two holidays. Each night, for seven full weeks, traditional Jews count the omer. It may not seem like the most significant ritual but it is both significant – and fundamental. The Exodus is a great story and more importantly, it is our story. It tells of how a crushed and afflicted group of slaves could triumph over tyranny and oppression. It elevated human dignity and freedom into ultimate values cherished by all who would consider themselves civilized. We count the omer, because our freedom story does not end with Exodus. It culminates seven weeks later, on Shavuot, when we stood at Sinai in covenant with God. Allow me to quote these words from Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, a most erudite and eloquent spokesmen. In discussing the relationship between Pesach and Shavuot, he writes, Freedom...is not just the overthrow of a regime, the end of a period of persecution. It is the long slow process of building a society that respects the human person, built on the foundations of law and righteousness, justice and compassion. No people, no faith, have had a more exalted vision of law as the architecture of freedom - law as the word of God, the defence of liberty, and the guarantor of the equal dignity of rich and poor, strong and weak. Without law and the ethics it embodies, freedom becomes the possession of the few, not the many, the manipulative but not the vulnerable. There is all the difference between winning freedom and sustaining it. Societal freedom needs a constant effort of education and self-restraint. It is and always will be a moral undertaking. That was the towering insight of the Torah. It was as if God had said, “By bringing you out of Egypt, I have given you the possibility of freedom, but now you must make it a reality. I cannot do it for you, but I can show you how it is to be done. Here are My laws, My statutes and commands. Live by them and you will create a great society. Abandon them and you will become like every other nation in history. You will flourish for a while, but then others will arise, stronger than you, and they will defeat you. That is what has happened to every nation in history. Don’t think you will be an exception; you won’t be. You have only one thing that makes you different - My Torah, your constitution as a people.” This is the deeper significance of Shavuot. This is the essence of Judaism, the key to Judaism’s and the Jewish People’s survival. Yes, indeed…Shavuot is IT! Rabbi Yaakov Chaitovsky teaches Judaic Studies at the Shoshana S. Cardin School. He can be reached at ychaitovsky@shoshanascardin.org
JCC Open House
Open House 2
Sunday, May 23; 9:30am-12:30pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Bring your friends in for a tour so we can show them all the wonderful facilities and services we have here at the JCC. If they join (with a full paying annual membership) we will give you a free month upon your renewal.
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax
Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax
Web site: www.jcc.org MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor
The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.
For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site www.jcc.org
For more information call our membership department at 410.356.5200, x331
JCC A Center News
Jewish community center of greater baltimore
FYI Dale Busch, JCC Executive Vice President Receives Distinguished Jewish Communal Service Award Congratulations to our very own Executive Vice President, Dale Busch, for being awarded the Daniel Thursz Distinguished Jewish Communal Service Award! This award recognizes outstanding work and lifelong commitment of an individual to Jewish communal service. Dale is being recognized for her committed service to the community, her impact on the staff she has supervised and her ability to see the bigger picture as well as her role in a myriad of successful collaborations and partnerships. She has also played key roles in developing services for individuals with special needs, frail elderly and teens at risk. The Award will be presented at the Darrell D. Friedman Institute’s annual meeting celebrating volunteers and lay and professional leadership on Wednesday, June 9, 5:30pm at the Weinberg Park Heights Jewish Community Center. This award honors the memory of Dr. Daniel Thursz, former Dean of the University of Maryland School of Social Work. It recognizes his achievements as co-founder of the Darrell D. Friedman Institute for Professional Development (formerly BIJCS) and former executive vice president of B’nai Brith International and president of the Jewish Communal Service Association (JCSA).
We Get Letters … This letter was sent to our in-house print shop located at the Park Heights JCC. It offers printing and mailing services to area nonprofits at very reasonable rates. Thank you so much for all of your efforts to help us execute this major mailing. It was a pleasure to work with your office and I will happily refer other organizations to you! Looking forward to hearing from you. - Mrs. T (Mesivta) To get a price quote on print job contact Mark Newton at 410.542.4900, x260 or mnewton@jcc.org.
Summer Membership Returns Want your friends to join you at the JCC this summer? Tell them about our summer membership. Running from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend this membership includes full use of both facilities including our great outdoor pools, tennis courts and playgrounds in Owings Mills. Rates for Summer 2010 $410 for an individual $360 for a Single Parent Family $570 for a Family
June 3, 2010 7:30 PM Beth Tfiloh Honoring
Phyllis & Leonard Attman
Parking Lot Safety REMINDER • The speed limit in our parking lots is 10 miles an hour. Consider the fact that the extra speeding in the lot will only save you 10 seconds - is it really worth the risk of an accident? • Traffic through our ECE parking areas is all one-way. Please follow the directional arrows to avoid a possible head-on accident. • Please be considerate of others less fortunate then you, do not park in a handicapped spot even if it’s just for 15 minutes • Don’t park in the fire lane – that space is reserved for Emergency vehicles. Your car WILL be towed. • Do not talk on your cell phone while driving in our parking lot. You will need your full attention to look out for pedestrians and oncoming cars.
May 2010 A Iyar / Sivan 5770
Michael Cavanaugh is the Tony Awardnominated performer for his starring role in Billy Joel’s hit Broadway musical, Movin’ Out, performing classics from Billy Joel and other legendary rock n’ roll greats!
For ticket prices and more information call 410-413-2233 or visit www.BethTfiloh.com/Spotlight
Children & Youth Havdalahball
Tot Shabbat
Sponsored by Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Friday, May 14; 10:45am Jewish Museum of Maryland • 15 Lloyd Street
Saturday, May 8; 4:00-6:00pm Families with children in grades K-5 Rosenbloom OM JCC Stadium
Come enjoy the spring weather and have some fun. Join Baltimore Hebrew congregants for a Kickball game followed by a spiritual Havdalah service outside. For more information contact Andy Wayne: 410.764.1587 x246 or email awayne@bhcong.org
Celebrating Every Body Monday, May 17; 6:00-8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Biblical Playground
Bring the kids for an evening of fun on the JCC’s Biblical Playground. We will be celebrating Physical Fitness and Nutrition. There will be various exciting health and fitness stations for everyone to play and learn. Sponsor a child for $18 and they will receive a plaque. All funds will be split between Juvenile Diabetes and the JCC Playground. $10 in advance; $12 at the gate For more information, please contact Emily Peisach: 410.356.5200 x302 or email epeisach@jcc.org.
PJ Library Story Time! Ages 5 and under Saturdays at 4:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Join us on the steps in front of the CSA studio for a half hour interactive story time. We will be reading Jewish-themed books geared toward our JCC families with young children. Following storytime, the babysitting playroom will be open for free play.
Pee Wee Pizza & Play Parties Tuesday, May 4; 12:00-1:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
NEW Evening Hours for Pee Wee Pizza & Play Tuesday, May 11; 5:00-6:00pm
Join us for pizza, songs, bubbles, parachute play, gym time and more. For more information, contact Sharon or Linda: 410.356.5200, x347 or email parenting@jcc.org
Come join us downtown for this exciting Shabbat program which includes candle lighting, songs, Kiddush, challah and more!
Got Shabbat Friday, May 14 Beth Am Synagogue • 2501 Eutaw Place in Reservoir Hill
Join us with your young children for a wonderful family Shabbat celebration including Candle lighting, songs and Kiddush. Children will participate in an age-appropriate Tot Shabbat followed by a delicious Shabbat dinner. See what its all about- reserve your spot now! Beth Am is an urban, egalitarian congregation affiliated with the Conservative movement. Its warmth, open embrace of children, and its pluralism make it a place so comfortable that many members say it “feels like home”. In home options available, call for details!
New Downtown Parenting Classes! Hello Baby and Infant Massage classes are forming at the Jewish Museum of Maryland and other downtown locations. For more information on these programs, contact Cindy Neuman: 410.356.5200 x344 or email cneuman@jcc.org.
Schools Out Whether there is snow or a water main break-we are here for you! The School’s Out program is an opportunity for elementary school-age kids to get the most out of school closings and vacations in a structured, safe, and fun atmosphere. We offer a variety of activities including indoor/ outdoor recreation, games, cooking, dance, aerobics and much more!
Schools out is for children in grades K-5 from 9:30am - 3:30pm (this service is available to members and non-members.)
For more information or to take a tour and see Kids Center in action, please contact Lara Wellerstein at 410.356.5200 x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org
Vendors Needed • Parenting’s Annual Yard Sale (rain or shine) Sunday, June 27; 8:00am-12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
We are now accepting vendors for our second annual Parent Infant Toddler department’s Yard Sale. Last year’s flea market attracted more than 40 vendors selling kids toys, clothes, crafts, jewelry, candles, etc. If you are interested in selling new or gently used items, secure your space now. Vendors rent the space/table and keep all profits. Parents – save the date! You’ll find lots of great deals, all in one place. $15 bring your own table $20 if you sign up after June 1st $20 JCC supplies the table $25 if you sign up after June 1st For more information, contact Sharon or Linda: 410.356.5200, x347 or parenting@jcc.org
JCC A Center News
JCC Scouts Boy Scouts Pack 18 Like Adventure? Think Scouting! Ages 10-18
Mike Rogers and his Boy Scouts are true outdoorsmen. Sleeping outside and repelling down cliffs are par for the course for this adventurous group! Every week they meet at the Owings Mills JCC to build fires and plan upcoming activities including trips, community service and more. One of the troop’s latest adventures was a trip to a Norfolk Navy base where they were given a tour of a guided missile destroyer that had just come back from catching pirates. The boys had free reign of the ship, a chance to check out the weaponry and even got a chance to sit in the captain’s chair! This boy-run organization has taken on various community projects as well. Recently, the group collected over 400 pounds of food and personally delivered 270 pounds of it to the Hannah More House for Woman in Reisterstown. Mike Rogers, Scoutmaster, says “The boys take initiative, they plan everything and I am there for guidance and to help facilitate.” He adds that participating in Boy Scouts plays a huge part in helping the boys gain leadership, confidence and independence. “These guys are truly learning to be the men that they want to be.”
New Scout Meeting Sunday, May 23
For more information or to join Boy Scouts, contact Scoutmaster, Mike Rogers: 410.902.1466 or mrogers@securityhunter.com.
Cub Scout Pack 18 Ages 7-11
Moshe Dreyfuss, Cub Master of Pack 18, presents a Certificate of Appreciation to JCC President Buddy Sapolsky for 25 years of JCC sponsorship of Pack 18
Cub Scout Pack 18 making slime
Yitzhak Oshry and his mother as he “bridged” from Cub Scout to Boy Scout at the 25th Anniversary Blue and Gold Event A group photo of the boys
For more information or to join Cub Scouts, contact Moshe Dreyfuss: 410.764.1533 or mdreyfuss@verizon.net.
May 2010 A Iyar / Sivan 5770
Camps & Teen Programs Milldale Campers Turned Counselors
Meet the JCC Camp Directors
Meet Sara & Haley
Sunday, May 2, 4:00-5:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Getting to know new kids, seeing familiar faces and making long lasting memories are some of the things that Sara Magaziner looks forward to each year when returning to Camp Milldale. She was a Milldale camper for many years before becoming a CIT and later a junior counselor. This summer will be her third as a senior counselor. “Since I have been at Milldale for many years, I know the ropes, so if the kids haven’t done something before- I am able to show them something new!” The sprayground is one of the newer upgrades at camp and, according to Sara, it is the perfect activity on very hot days! Another Milldale specialty that Sara loves is the great taste of Israel which comes from the Israeli schlichim (counselors) who work at camp each summer “It gives everyone the opportunity to experience and learn about Israeli and its culture.” According to Camp Director, Dori Zvili, Sara is a trustworthy and responsible counselor who is full of energy. She loves working with children of all ages. Sara admits, “I am just as excited as the kids are when I see them.” Starting as a five year old camper, Haley Bach has seen the addition of a water slide and an additional pool since she first came to Milldale. She loves some of the new programs like the camp’s amazing race, lollipop day and sports day with the Oriole bird. Haley has had experience as an Inclusion (Special Needs) counselor and feels that her ability to work well with kids with disabilities is an important asset to the bigger picture of camp. This outgoing and energetic counselor loves to keep the kids active and excited. “Camp Milldale is the only camp I have ever attended. To this day, I still love this camp like I did when I was younger. If it was not for Milldale I would not be the person I am today- I fell in love with working with kids with special needs. I also work year round at the JCC at Kids Center and at Sunday Funday.”
What’s in store for Milldale this Summer?
According to a top secret, highly confidential, super secret source there are some extremely exciting special days planned for this summer at Milldale. In addition to the very popular Wacky Lunch Wednesdays, Chocolate Milk Day and Crazy Dress Up Day, staff is planning an incredible truck day and the return of the Ice Cream truck as well. More details will be revealed as the summer progresses!
Join the JCC Camp Directors for the Festive Israel Celebration after the Amazing UnRace and enjoy music, food and family activities. For more Amazing UnRace info, visit www.jcc.org/UnRace. For more information, contact Lara Wellerstein at 410.356.5200 x339 or lwellerstein@jcc.org.
Israeli Cafe Night Wednesday, May 3; 8:00-9:30pm Grades 8-11 Rosenbloom OM JCC
Hang out with Natan and Hadar, our community Shinshinim from Ashkelon, as they host Israeli cafe night at the “J”. There will be coffee, music, and mingling for everyone. For more information, please contact Lara Wellerstein at 410.356.5200 x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org.
TNT-Limited Spots Available for Session II Grades 6-8
Session II runs from July 19-August 13th at the Rosenbloom OM JCC
Teens who have an interest in working with children will have the opportunity to be assistants in our morning Noah’s Ark early childhood camp. Teen participants can earn community service hours while gaining leadership and communications skills. Afternoons offer electives including: fitness classes, sports, leadership seminars, drama and arts classes. To apply or for more information, visit www.jcc.org/camps or contact Lara Wellerstein: 410.356.5200 x339 or lwellerstein@jcc.org.
BBYO Teen Connection Dance
Grades 6-8 Saturday, May 8; 9:00-11:30pm (NOTE NEW TIME) Rosenbloom OM JCC
A great way to hang out with your friends and make new ones. Awesome DJ, amazing energy - it’s incredible. Middle School ID required. $10/JCC Member; $15/NM For details, contact Mitch Liebeskind: 410.356.5200, x370 or email mliebeskind@jcc.org
JCC A Center News
College Center
Rosenbloom OM JCC
JCC Maccabi ArtsFest Auditions You must be entering 8th-12th Grade to tryout for ArtsFest
There are still spaces available for the following Arts Specialties for the 2010 JCC Maccabi Experience: Acting/Improv, Creative Writing/ Journalism, Dance, Digital Media, Jazz, Musical Theater, Visual Arts and Vocal Music. For tryout information, please contact Mitch Liebeskind ASAP: 410.356.5200 x370 or email mliebeskind@jcc.org. Visit our JCC Maccabi Experience website at www.baltimoremaccabi2010.org
May College Night Monday, May 17; 7:00pm
Come hear area colleges discuss their admissions process at our College Info Night. Find out about paying for college and preparing for college at this seminar. Coffee and dessert will be served. For details, contact Mitch Liebeskind: 410.356.5200, x370 or email mliebeskind@jcc.org
College Prep Need help with your college picks and applications? Call the College Center to schedule a one-on-one appointment for your family. $50/hour JCC Member ; $60/hour NM
PSAT Summer Tutoring Includes eight hours of Math & English tutoring $350/JCC Member; $420/NM For more information please call Esther Gunter at 410.356.5200, x612 or email egunter@jcc.org.
Chizuk Amuno CongregAtion
That’s how many students will graduate from our schools this spring, ranging in age from 5 to 78.
The JCC and Tactical College Consulting Present: Essay & Résumé Secrets Sunday, May 16; 12:00pm
Essays and résumés can make or break one’s chances of getting into college. College admissions expert Craig Meister of Tactical College Consulting will help attendees understand what students should be emphasizing in essays and on résumés. Parents and students will leave armed with the knowledge, strategies, and expertise to successfully traverse one of the most difficult parts of the college application. FREE For more information, contact Lara Wellerstein: 410.356.5200 x339 or lwellerstein@jcc.org.
Be counted in our dynamic and engaging educational programs for all ages. Register now for Fall 2010.
8100 Stevenson Road • Baltimore, MD 21208 • 410/486-6400 • www.chizukamuno.org
May 2010 A Iyar / Sivan 5770
The Arts Norman and Sara Brown Art Gallery
Baltimore Jewish Film Festival
Grace. Dignity. Humility. Compassion. Photographic Portraits: The Holocaust Survivors of Baltimore
You won’t want to miss these Baltimore premieres from around the world. Tickets: $10 at both JCC locations’ cashier’s desk. Killing Kasztner: The Jew Who Dealt with Nazis (not part of the STAR series)
Weinberg PH JCC
by Lisa Shifren Thru May 28
This unique show will exhibit photographs of local Baltimore Holocaust survivors as well as biographies and personal photos of them when they were young. School groups are welcome to make an appointment to use the gallery space for teaching purposes. For more information, contact Lisa Shifren: 410.542.4900, x249 or visit www.lisashifren.com
Gordon Center For Performing Arts Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery “Works of Brina Bass Pintzuk and Kathleen Strukoff” Through Thursday, June 24
Brina Pintzuk is a landscape painter working in the plein air tradition. The exhilaration of working outdoors is her muse as well as her challenge as she responds to the fluctuating landscapes. Her paintings are all done with soft pastel on sanded paper or sanded boards. Her inspiration comes from experiencing ordinary places in extraordinary light. Kathleen Strukoff uses a combination of palette knife and vigorous brushwork with bold colors to express her translation of a scene on location. Her love for painting landscapes began as a young girl growing up in New Mexico and being moved by the spectacular vistas and colors that you see in nature. In recent years, she has become obsessed with the spirit and challenge of plein air painting. The Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery is open to those patrons who attend performances. For more information, or to schedule a gallery tour, call Nancy Goldberg at 410.356.7469, Press 5.
HaZamir Tuesday, May 11; 7:30pm Ner Tamid • 6209 Lincoln Avenue
Don’t miss as HaZamir sings at Ner Tamid to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim. The Baltimore chapter of this International Jewish Teen Chorale group is housed in the JCC and performs a variety of Jewish music (from traditional to contemporary) around the community and in major concert halls in New York City including Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall. To find out more about Hazamir visit www.zamirfdn.org or to schedule an audition, contact Erika Schon at erikaschon1@comcast.net.
Gordon Center For Performing Arts
Sunday, May 2; 3:00pm U.S. 2008 Director: Gaylen Ross
The historic mystery of the Kasztner figure and of the Kasztner scandal that ripped Israel is worthy of a Shakespearian plot. Did he sell his soul to the devil? Guest Speakers: Gaylen Ross, filmmaker and director and Robert O. Freedman, author and political science professor, Johns Hopkins University Lost Islands-SOLD OUT Tuesday, May 4; 7:30pm Israel 2008
Wedding Song-SOLD OUT Tuesday, May 11; 7:30pm France/Tunisia 2008; Director: Karin Albou
Brothers Thursday, May 134; 7:30pm Switzerland 2008 Director: Igaal Niddam.
In this award-winning suspenseful film Aaron arrives in Israel to represent Yeshiva students who refuse military service and to reunite with his brother Dan, a Kibbutznik. Guest Speaker: Igaal Niddam, filmmaker and director, and panelist Rabbi Jay Goldstein, Beth Israel Congregation William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe (not part of the STAR Series) Monday, May 17; 7:00pm *At Chizuk Amuno Congregation United States 2009
In partnership with Chizuk Amuno Congregation What drove this young lawyer of the 60’s to take on unpopular causes and to give new relevance to social justice and civil rights? Mesmerizing and provocative, this film is as tumultuous and gripping as the times and as the famous and infamous Kunstler trials. Guest Speaker: Emily Kunstler, filmmaker and director, and Stephen H. Sachs, former Attorney General of Maryland, Catonsville Nine Federal Prosecutor, William M. Kunstler, defense. For tickets or more information , Contact Claudine Davison: cdavison@jcc.org or 410.542.4900 x239. For updates: www.baltimorejff.com
JCC A Center News
Adult Life Plus Trip to Bethesda & Silver Spring Wednesday, May 12, 8:30am-5:00pm Bus departs Weinberg PH JCC at 8:30am; Rosenbloom OM JCC at 9:00am.
Join us for an inspirational visit to the Dennis and Phillip Ratner Museum in Bethesda as well as the breathtaking Brookside Gardens in Silver Spring. The vision of the Ratner museum is to inspire love of the scriptures through the visual arts and to revisit the great characters of children’s literature. The collection consists of sculptures and paintings that depict the Heroes and Heroines of the Hebrew Bible as well as Song of Songs. The focus of our visit to Brookside Gardens will be the butterfly exhibit where we will learn about the life cycle of these amazing creatures, and be surrounded by hundreds of North American, Costa Rican and Asian butterflies flying freely inside the Conservatory. Lunch is on your own at the premises of Brookside Gardens, or a kosher boxed lunch is available upon request for additional $8. $35/JCC Member; $53/NM
Trip to Washington DC Wednesday, June 9; 8:30am -5:30pm Bus departs PH JCC at 8:30am; OM JCC at 9:00am.
We will spend the day visiting The National Museum of Women in Arts. The permanent collection comprised of more than 3,000 works provides a comprehensive survey of art by women from the 16th century to the present, with new acquisitions added regularly. The work in the collection represents a wide range of styles and media – from Renaissance paintings to modern photography to contemporary sculptures to silver by 18th and 19th century Irish and English women silversmiths. Weather permitting we will spend some time at the D.C. Harbor enjoying the magnificent scenery of the Potomac River and shopping in the boutiques of Georgetown. Lunch on your own at the museum, or a kosher boxed lunch is available upon request for additional $8. $38 JCC Members; $58 Non Members For more details on these trips visit www.jcc.org/adults - click on the day trip link. To RSVP with payment for these trips, contact Jana Klejner at 410.542.4900 x621 by May 9.
Spring Travelogue Series
Weinberg Park Heights JCC Community Room Mondays from 1:00-2:00pm
Join us for an exciting World Adventure Series! Each gathering will feature a photo essay to salve your interest in travel, photography, history, geography and culture. Narrated by world-traveler Bill Hyde. $3/JCC Member & $5/Non-member for each date May 24 - Adventure East: A Taste of the Exotic, Part 1 June 7 - Adventure East, Part 2 June 21 - Experience Africa! Sign up for all three shows at a special rate of $7 for members and $13 for non-members. For more information on these programs, call Jana Klejner: 410.542.4900 x621.
Israel Independence Day Celebration Wednesday, June 2; 1:00-2:30pm Weinberg PH JCC Straus Auditorium
Join us in observance of Israel’s Independence Day for an Israeli themed interactive program. Enjoy live music from the Baltimore Klezmer Orchestra, an Israeli-style nosh and much more! $3/JCC M; $5/NM RSVP to Jana Klejner: 410.542.4900 x621 by May 15.
May 2010 A Iyar / Sivan 5770
Fitness FITNESS at OWINGS MILLS What Can Our Fitness Floor Staff Do For You?
Bestselling Author, Bruce Feiler On “Council of Dads” Thursday, May 6; 7:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
The New York Times bestselling author, Bruce Feiler, will discuss his brand new book which tells his story of confronting a life-threatening illness and reaching out to six men to be present in his daughters’ lives. Join us for a lecture, Q&A and book signing. A portion of the benefits will go to the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center. $5/JCC Member; $8/NM For more information, contact Eileen Berman: 410.356.5200 x324 or eberman@jcc.org.
We Get Letters … in OM! Dear Amy, It wasn’t until I was unable to participate in her classes due to the February snow storms that made me realize how much I missed and relied on Elaina’s “Forever Fit “ fitness classes on Mondays and Fridays at the Owings Mills JCC. I am someone who has never enjoyed fitness exercise of any kind – ever. Using the machines was too boring, personal trainers were too intimidating, and taking classes made me feel exhausted, embarrassed, light-headed and in pain. Then, out of desperation, I tried Elaina’s Forever Fit class that was classified as a seniors or beginners class. Never before have I tried this approach nor did I know that such classes existed. I love it. It has changed my life. Each class uses different music to “gently” give you cardio fitness, weights and stretching. When you first attend, Elaina starts by asking if you have any physical issues so that she can guide your workout and make sure you don’t hurt yourself. Based on what you tell her, she will individually make recommendations as to how you should alter each exercise as well as provide you with low impact and higher impact options. No one in the class looks at you or judges you - only Elaina will watch you to make sure you are doing things properly so as not to result in injury and yet achieve the most benefits. After attending the class I am much more productive during the day, more upbeat, and even think better. I just feel good. It has been a very positive change in my life, not to mention that Elaina, the teacher, is lovely, supportive, and fun. I just can’t say enough about my experience there. Yours truly, Dana S.
• They can show you how to set up machines for your height/weight • They can show you how to work settings for our variety of cardio machines • They can spot you and let you know if you are doing a particular exercise correctly For more extensive, personalized assistance, we have a variety of personal trainers that can work with you one-on-one or in a small group. For more information on personal training at Owings Mills contact Lynn Rosen-Stone 410.356.5200, x510 or at Park Heights, contact Jackie Foreman 410.542.4900, x247.
Do You Need Physical Therapy? Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
If you are recovering from an injury or surgery and require physical therapy, you can obtain these services at the JCC with the expertise of Sinai Hospital physical therapists. Members and guests can enjoy the convenience of finding excellent care right in the neighborhood. Upon completion, members have the added advantage of maintaining their newly acquired strength and mobility in our Fitness Center! To learn more or make an appointment, contact Eileen Kupfer-Askin, PT at 410.356.5200, x615.
Massage Therapy Rosenbloom OM JCC
Gift yourself or someone else the gift of relaxation! For fees and to schedule a massage, please contact Mary Cook, LMT: 443.802.8461 or email piwmtc@aol.com.
CSA Annual Karate Tournament Sunday, May 16; 2:00- 4:00 pm Blue Gym at the Owings Mills JCC
See the stars of CSA Shine at our Annual Tournament. We are excited to welcome back the Wong People to perform our opening ceremony along with Shifu Sean Marshall. Check out our board breaking station, raffles, demonstrations, giveaways, and more. Don’t miss this spectacular event! FREE For more information, contact Jen Lake: 410.356.5200 x321 or email Jen@CSAKarate.com. You can visit the CSA website at www.CSAKarate.com
JCC A Center News
Fitness FITNESS at PARK HEIGHTS Heart Healthy Nutrition
Be Better @ Basketball
Tuesday, May 4; 11:00am-12:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC
Boys Ages 13-18 Mondays & Wednesdays; May 10-June 9; 6:00-7:00pm
A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons in the fight against heart disease. Our nutritionist, Adriane Kozlovsky, will guide you in this entertaining and interactive session on hearthealthy eating. Heart-healthy snacks will be served. $3/JCC Member $5/Non-member Register online at www.jcc.org/register or at the cashier’s office. For more information, contact Amy Schwartz at 410.356.5200 x510 or email aschwartz@jcc.org.
Move. Dodge. Explode. Shoot! Become unstoppable! Learn how to take-off on a dime, maneuver through and around the opposition to the basket and score! $60 JCC Member $90 NM
Boxing 101
Ages 15+ Sundays & Fridays, May 16-June 13; 5:00-6:00pm
Boxing is not only a way to defend yourself. It’s also a great workout! Learn the basics of boxing while developing strong arms, shoulders, and core. Erez Minka, MMA and Boxing Trainer, will keep you on your toes! $75 JCC Member
Flatter Firmer Belly Women Only ZUMBA Party Sunday, May 23; 9:00am-12:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC
Catch ZUMBA® fever! You’ll get three exciting hours of Latinstyle dancing. Anyone – any age – can ZUMBA. Pre-register and collect your coupon – good for door prizes and giveaways. FREE for Members & Non-Members For more information, contact Jackie Foreman: 410.542.4900, x247 or jforeman@jcc.org.
4 Week Summer Trim Down Sunday, May 2-Friday, May 28 Weinberg PH JCC & Rosenbloom OM JCC
Get fit for summer! This 4-week weight loss program has three different levels to choose from. Starting from only $10, you can choose your level of participation including measurements, personal training and diet plans. For more information at Owings Mills contact Lynn Rosen-Stone 410.356.5200, x510 or at Park Heights, contact Jackie Foreman 410.542.4900 x247.
Ages 16+ Mondays & Thursdays, April 19-June 3; 9:40-10:10am Tuesdays & Thursdays, April 20-June 3; 6:30-7:00pm
Summer is coming and its time to flatter that winter widened waistline and belly! Get ready with the most amazing abs workout ever! Sculpt your abdominals, obliques and core muscles through a variety of fun and challenging exercises. Registrations will still be taken through May for this class. $75 JCC Member
Weight Lifting 101 – Coed
Ages 16 + Thursdays, May 27-June 17; 7:15-8:45pm
Want to lift weights but don’t know where to begin? Learn the basics for working out on the fitness floor using free weights. Participants will learn some basic weight training principals and concepts that will allow them to create a personal workout routine for home and in the gym. $75 JCC Member For more information on these classes, contact Jackie Foreman at 410.542.4900 x247 or email jforeman@jcc.org
Coupon for Women Only Massage at PH
$10 off a full hour session $5 off a half hour session Good through end of May. Cannot be applied towards packages. Coupons must be presented to the Cashier when paying for the massage. One coupon per person.
To make an appointment, contact Karen Furman, LMT at 443.418.2551
May 2010 A Iyar / Sivan 5770
Aquatics Go Barracudas! Congratulations to the following Barracuda swim team members on end-of -season Team Awards! Spirit Award (Male), Justin Burnette Spirit Award (Female), Katherine Warfield Rookie of the Year (Male), Asher Baraban Rookie of the Year (Female), Molly Schneider Rookie of the Year (Female), Amy Wasserman Team Momentum (contribution to team points) (Male), William Zvagelsky (Female), Chana Frand Oustanding Junior Barracuda (Male), Daniel Wise Oustanding Junior Barracuda (Female), Felecia Zvagelsky Most Valuable Swimmer (Male), Vicente Garcia Most Valuable Swimmer (Female), Carrie Ramirez Swimmer of the Year (Male), Daniel Barakh Swimmer of the Year (Female), Jensen Friedman
Safe Water Initiative: Maryland (SWI:M) Monday, May 24-Thursday, May 27
The JCC of Greater Baltimore’s award-winning water safety program returns during the week leading up to Memorial Day led by none other than the Barracudas’ Coach Audrey. With support for the program from the USA Swimming Foundation and corporate sponsors Enterprise vehicle rentals and American Pools, we can teach a lot of people who have never learned to swim! More info can be found at www.jcc.org/SWIM.
Get ready for summer at the Rec Park Pool Safety & Etiquette
Summer Barracudas Registration Rosenbloom OM JCC Get ready for a new swim team season! We are now accepting registration for the Summer Swim Team. This year, the Barracudas have been accepted for full membership into the Central Maryland Swim League, and we have a full slate of Swim Meets! Practices start on Tuesday, June 1 and the last scheduled meet will be on July 25th. Individual Championships will be held on July 28. Practice Schedule: Age 8 & Under Monday-Thursday; 5:30-6:15pm
We want all of our members to enjoy a safe and pleasant summer at the pool. This means following some important rules and being considerate of other members. While all of our Pool Rules are important, the following bear repeating each year. • Children ages 8 and under who are in, or near, the water, must be actively supervised by an adult or guardian within arms reach • Bathers should rinse off in a shower before entering the pool • Running, dunking, pushing, or throwing persons into the pool is not permitted. No horseplay, riding on shoulders, excessive splashing or dunking allowed. • Non-swimmers must stay in the shallow water • Look before you leap! Diving is only permitted in water deeper than nine feet. Please be aware of what (or who) may be beneath you when entering the water. • Prolonged underwater swimming or breath holding is not allowed. For more information on these Aquatics programs, contact Bill Kirkner: 410.356.5200, x318 or bkirkner@jcc.org
(No practice on Thursdays when meets are scheduled.) Age 9 & Older Monday-Thursday; 6:15-7:15pm
(No practice on Thursdays when meets are scheduled.) Fee: $100 Stay tuned for June/July Swim Meet Schedule. To register, call Coach Audrey: 410.356.5200, x319 or swimteam@jcc.org.
JCC A Center News
Maccabi Maccabi Hosts Families Still Needed “Fabulous” was the first word that came to Ellen Saval’s mind when she was asked about being a host family for Baltimore’s Maccabi Games. Since 1992, she has hosted at each opportunity. She said her own children have made life-long friends with the athletes and that she has forged wonderful relationships, too. Saval, who currently serves as the Housing Committee Chair for this year’s JCC Maccabi Experience, reminisced about her last JCC Maccabi hosting experience in 2002. She took in a pair from Australia. She closely connected with one of the students and has maintained a relationship; the girl has traveled to Baltimore several times to visit the Savals and continues to extend an invitation to the family to visit her “down under.” This August, Baltimore will host the 29th annual Maccabi Games, in addition to Maccabi ArtsFest. Upwards of 1,500 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 are expected to participate, necessitating some 500 Jewish host families for the 1,000 teens from out-of-state. It’s a week-long commitment that essentially entails carpool duty and making the youth feel welcomed and loved. However, explained Saval, it is a lifetime of memories that can positively impact both the athletes/artists and your own family. For more information on hosting, please contact Amanda Max at 410.356.5200 x361 or email amax@jcc.org. To register to be a host family, go to www.jccmacreg.org.
Promise Made:
To respond with immediacy and compassion to our community’s pressing needs and, at the same time, plan for a bright and vibrant future for generations to come.
Promise Kept:
The Associated Corner Dollars go even further with a matching grant at THE ASSOCIATED After one of the harshest winters in history, spring has finally sprung! The time for enjoying beautiful weather, simchas like weddings and graduations, cook-outs and baseball games is here! Spring – it’s a time of rebirth and rejuvenation. It is also the perfect time to increase your gift, or to give a new gift to THE ASSOCIATED. Because between now and May 15, every new or increased gift to THE ASSOCIATED’s Annual Campaign will be matched by a generous donor. Imagine – this month - your gift will be twice as valuable to our community! As we all know, our Jewish community has not escaped the devastating effects of the ailing economy. Like all Americans, our community has been impacted by record unemployment, bankruptcies, housing foreclosures, hunger, and the resulting physical, spiritual and psychological hardships. In fact, the needs of our Jewish community have never been greater. More Baltimore Jews have utilized the services of THE ASSOCIATED and its agencies than ever before. Longtime supporters of THE ASSOCIATED are finding themselves, sometimes for the first time in their lives, turning to their community for assistance. For 90 years, THE ASSOCIATED has made a promise to our community to serve the urgent needs of the most vulnerable among us while still planning ahead for a brighter tomorrow for our children and grandchildren. By making a gift to THE ASSOCIATED’s Annual Campaign, you are helping to keep THE ASSOCIATED’s promise to our community. And with the benefit of the match, we are able to extend the impact of every dollar raised. For information about making a new or increased gift to THE ASSOCIATED, visit www.associated.org/donatenow.
For 90 years, THE ASSOCIATED has provided a communal safety net, offering assistance to the most vulnerable among us. The programs and services made possible by THE ASSOCIATED engage Jews of all ages and ensure the continued growth and health of our community. For more information about THE ASSOCIATED, visit www.associated.org.
May 2010 A Iyar / Sivan 5770
Chai Lights
Lisa Shifren with some of the survivors at the opening reception of her exhibit at the Norman and Sara Brown Art Gallery at the Weinberg PH JCC. The exhibit, titled, Grace, Dignity, Humility, Compassion. Photographic Portraits by Lisa Shifren: The Holocaust Survivors of Baltimore will run through Friday, May 28.
p m a C y l i m Fa aton Shabb
Friday, August 20 – Sunday, August 22, 2010 Enjoy a memorable all-inclusive family vacation and Shabbat, with sports, arts, ropes course, swimming, hiking, biking, yoga, dancing, singing, great food, and fabulous accommodations. Escape to camp for the weekend and experience what everyone is raving about! for more information, call
visit www.capitalcamps.org/family camp e -mail: info@capitalcamps.org
What Kind Of Student Goes To The Cardin School?
BJT ¼ 3-10 FamCmp.indd 1
3/3/2010 10:33:54 AM
A. The student who is intellectually curious. B. The student raised in a highly traditional Jewish household. C. The student raised in a less traditional Jewish household. D. The student who doesn’t want to get lost in a big public school.
All of the above. Come see the school people are talking about.
Children from the Weinberg PH JCC’s Early Childhood Center enjoyed themselves at the Family Pesach Seder this year!
The Shoshana S. Cardin School Baltimore’s Independent Jewish High School
Above all, learning.
7310 Park Heights Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21208-5436 • (410) 585-1400 • www.shoshanascardin.org
JCC WhatKindStudent.indd 1
3/26/10 6:42 PM JCC A Center News
Chai Lights
Memorial Day Weekend HOURS OM Building
Sat. May 29 Sun. May 30 Monday. May 31
Farmers Market at the OM JCC Sunday, May 23; 9:00am -1:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Bringing you the freshest locally grown produce, all originating within 100 miles of the JCC. Shopping at the Owings Mills Farmer’s Market at the JCC is a pleasant way to reward yourself after your Sunday morning workout. For Farmers Market details, contact Gail Zuskin: 410.356.5200, x414 or gzuskin@jcc.org or visit www. owingsmillsfarmersmarket.com.
Annual Meeting
1:00-6:00pm 7:00am-7:00pm 8:00am-6:00pm
OM Rec Park
Sat. May 29 Sun. May 30 Monday. May 31
1:00-5:30pm 10:00am-6:30pm 10:00am-5:30pm
PH Building
Sat. May 29 Closed Sun. May 30 7:00am – 5:00pm Monday. May 31 8:00am-5:00pm
THE ASSOCIATED’s 90 years of Promises Kept THE ASSOCIATED Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore
2010 Annual Meeting Thursday, June 24, 2010 5:00–6:30 p.m. Beth El Congregation 8101 Park Heights Avenue
JCC Instructors strike a pose at the Les Mills Launch-March 2010.
Reservations requested by Friday, June 18, 2010. RSVP to Carolyn White at 410-369-9309 or email cwhite@associated.org. No solicitation of funds. Light refreshments served. Dietary laws observed.
Photographs courtesy of The Jewish Museum of Maryland and Jewish Volunteer Connection
May 2010 A Iyar / Sivan 5770
May JCC Hours Sunday 7:00am-7:00pm Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Friday 5:30am-6:00pm Saturday – Park Heights Closed Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm
Eden Café
at the Weinberg PH JCC Phone: 410.542.5185 eden.cafe@hotmail.com Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Café Teva
at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.5200 x560 cafeteva@jcc.org Sunday: 8:00am-6:30pm Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00am-8:00pm Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885
5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215
May Holiday Hours Shavuot
Tuesday, May 18 JCC Closes at 5:00pm Wed., May 19 & Thurs., May 20 JCC Closed
Memorial Day Weekend Hours See page 15
Shapiro Rec Park Opens May 25 Rosenbloom OM JCC
Please keep in mind the following schedule adjustments: • Wading pools will open and close with the family pool Mondays-Fridays. • Lanes will be periodically reduced in the lap pool to accommodate classes. • Instructional pool may be closed at anytime to accommodate classes, camps or parties.
REMINDER: No Guest Passes Will Be Sold On Saturdays. Passes must be purchased in advance!
Indoor, Lap & instructional Pool Schedules Saturday, May 28 – Monday, September 6
Indoor Pool Lap Pool Instructional Pool* Mon.-Thurs. 5:30am-9:30pm 7am-9:30pm 3pm-6pm Friday 5:30am-5:30pm 7am-5:30pm 3pm-5:30pm Saturday 1pm - 5:30pm 1pm-5:30pm 1pm-5:30pm Sunday 7am - 6:30pm 8am-6:30pm 1pm-6:30pm *Instructional Pool will open at 1pm Mon.-Sun. 6/21/09 to 8/15/09
Family & Wading Pool Schedule Only May 25 – June 20 & Aug. 16 - Sept. 6 Mon.-Thurs. Friday Saturday Sunday
3pm-9:00pm 3pm-5:30pm 1pm-5:45pm 10am-6:30pm
Mon., June 21 – Sat., Aug. 15 Mon.-Thurs. Friday Saturday Sunday
11:30am-9pm 11:30am-5:30pm 1pm-5:45pm 10am-6:30pm