A Newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
JCC Cinefest 2011
Fall 2011 September/October Elul 5771 • Tishei/Cheshvan 5772 Jewish Life.......................................2 FYI.............................................3, 14 Children & Youth.......................... 4-5 Teens........................................... 6-7 Adults..............................................8 Arts & Culture ...........................9, 13 Fitness..................................... 10-11 Aquatics........................................11 Associated Corner..........................12 Chai Lights....................................15
Gordon Center For Performing Arts
We are excited to announce the lineup for CineFest 2011 at the JCC this fall. Don’t miss out as these captivating films make their Baltimore debut!
Spring 1941(Opening Night) Monday, October 3, 2011; 7:30pm Israel/Poland 2008; Director: Uri Barbash English; 2 hours
Rated R for some violent content and brief sexuality. No one under 16 will be admitted without an adult. the 19th century, with an unusual love story between Fania, a young Russian immigrant, and Yechiel, a native Jew. Fania is burdened by a harrowing secret and unless her husband Yechiel shares this secret, their marriage cannot be consummated.
A True JCC Leader
Dale Busch, Executive Vice President of the JCC Retires This Month Although this September marks Dale Busch’s retirement after 40 plus years of JCC professional work, she knows her journey is not over. “I hope to be able to continue my ‘little drop in the bucket’ by looking for either volunteer or professional opportunities that enable me to contribute to the community.” says Dale. “This kind of work seeps into your pores. Your personal and professional life merges into who you are.” (continued on page 3)
Successful doctor Artur Planck, his wife Clara and their two daughters are seeking shelter from the Nazis storming Poland. They find a safe house on the farm of Emilia, a local grocer. Amidst the horrors of the war that surrounds them, an impossible love triangle erupts as Emilia uncontrollably falls in love with Artur.
Gei Oni Monday, October 10, 2011; 7:30pm Israel 2010; Director: Dan Wolman Arabic/Hebrew/Russian/Turkish/Yiddish with English subtitles;1 hour 45 min
Precious Life Monday, October 17, 2011; 7:30pm Israel 2010; Director: Shlomi Eldar Arabic/Hebrew with English subtitles; 1 hour 30 min
After losing two infants due to complications with their immune systems, a Palestinian woman works This historical epic interweaves the story with Israeli doctors and a Gaza reporter of the first wave of Jewish European migration to Palestine, at the end of (continued on page 13)
Jewish Life
Center News The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Wisdom for Today Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton What could our observances of the Yamim Nora’im, the High Holy Days, possibly have to do with a school in a fishing village on the coast of Ghana? The Jewish New Year celebrates the birthday of the world, harat olam, the beginning of all. This summer, I traveled with American Jewish World Service’s Young Rabbis’ Delegation to Winneba, Ghana. There, an NGO called Challenging Heights provides education to former child slaves, and resources for families whose children are at risk for slavery and human trafficking. We spent our mornings mixing and pouring cement, carrying bricks, and making mortar for the foundation and walls for a new IT Center. Afternoons and evenings were spent learning about social justice and global responsibility from Jewish texts and traditions. There is so much about our lives here, and the lives of the children and adults in that community, which is so profoundly different. At the same time, what I realized there is that the lives of all of us in the Global North are deeply connected with all who reside in the Global South, whether or not we are personally prosperous or desperately poor. The nature of the connection between us rabbis and the residents of that place became clear to me early on Shabbat morning. I awoke at dawn to see a huge amount of trash in our courtyard being swept up by a woman and a girl from our host’s family. Clearly, the goats got to our trash before we made sure it was safely stored, and before we took care of burning it. We had enjoyed a delicious Shabbat dinner, sang songs, told stories, and ate extra treats. Yet others were now being forced to take on extra work because of our Shabbat oneg, sweeping up the rabbis’ garbage while we slept in on Shabbat morning. From among the many complex and difficult things I saw and grappled with on that service learning trip, the one that I feel the most deeply is that of a young girl holding her back while bent over my trash, sweeping it up more neatly, making the hard brown dirt of her courtyard clear once again. For every dinner we eat, every day of the year, we are inextricably intertwined with so many unknown folks across the globe, from the planter and gleaners, the packers and shippers, the vendors, builders, trash collectors, their families, and so on. How - and whether - we eat is connected to how - and whether - others do as well. Each Jewish holy day – indeed, each day – presents an opportunity for kedusha, for holiness, and tikkun olam, the repair of the world. If our celebrations at the New Year can inspire us to be aware of our sacred duty to care for the kol yoshvey tevel, all who dwell on the planet, then it will indeed usher in a sweet good year for all. Shana tova umetuka! Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton is the Rabbi of Congregation Beit Tikvah. She can be reached at rabbi@beittikvah.org. To learn more about AJWS and their global activities, visit their web site at www.ajws.org
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax
Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax
www.jcc.org MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Neil Demchick Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Jan Cardin Membership Chair Randy Buergenthal Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.
Farmer’s Market at OM Sundays, 8:30-2:00 through October Rosenbloom OM JCC
You’ll find a full line of fresh produce, breads and muffins, Amish baked goods, gourmet coffee and more. Check out www. owingsmillsfarmersmarket.com and “like” New! Farmers’ Market in Owings Mills on facebook for updates.
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
For the most up-to-date information — visit www.jcc.org
FYI Dale Busch continued from page 1 During the last 16 years, as Executive Vice President of the JCC, Dale’s little “drops in the bucket” have added up to a whole lot of impact- on the community and on those around her. “A consummate professional” is the term used by Buddy Sapolsky, President of the JCC, to describe Dale. “She has been instrumental in bringing professionalism to the agency. She has really raised the bar and the standards here,” says Buddy. Dale has been a mentor to countless Jewish Communal Professionals throughout THE ASSOCIATED (Jewish Federation) system and beyond. “As a leading educator in the field of Supervision, she has been able to help many managers in the community improve the professionalism of their staff,” Buddy explains. Leslie Pomerantz, now the Senior Vice President of THE ASSOCIATED, was supervised by Dale during her time at the JCC. She knows that Dale’s teachings have had a lasting impact on her. She even catches herself using “Dale-isms” when coaching her own staff. “She taught everyone to hold true to what we valued and to realize our role as agents for change. Dale also showed me that it was possible to simultaneously be a great professional AND a great mother.” says Leslie. Phil Miller, Vice President in charge of the Park Heights JCC, has had Dale as a Supervisor since he arrived at the JCC five years ago. In that time, she has imparted some vital lessons. “She taught me the necessity of bringing up important and hard issues, not to shy away from them.” Most importantly, though, she has taught him to do so with compassion. “I haven’t met too many people who care as much about the welfare of another as Dale does,” says Phil. Great Partners From witnessing the physical growth of the JCC buildings to running four incredible JCC Maccabi Games (and the first ArtsFest!), Buddy Sapolsky and Dale Busch have been true partners in the agency for the past 16 years. Admittedly, choosing Dale was one of the most important decisions he made as President of the JCC. “The agency is in a much better place because of her,” he says. “We have been good sounding boards for each other.” “In this business,” Dale agrees, “there may not be many who have had the opportunity for such a long, successful partnership.” She says of Buddy: “He has truly helped me become all I can be.” According to Buddy, it is Dale’s ability to affect the “intangible” aspects of the JCC that will last well past her time here. He comments that, “Dale brought a passion and joy to work every day and imparted her knowledge and skills to others. It became infectious.”
Dale’s Impact and the JCC’s Future Dale has high hopes for the future of Baltimore’s JCC and our Jewish community. “Baltimore has what it takes to stay vibrant,” she says. “The growth, especially in the Orthodox community, is on fire. It is such a powerful, amazing and committed community..” Dale has always seen her position at the JCC as her calling. She has had the opportunity to work with many committees and task forces and has helped bring about Special Needs programs, as well as programs for teens at risk and the frail elderly. She recently reintroduced the idea of the JCC as an Arts and Culture center. Known for her ability to focus on the “big picture,” Dale’s vision for this project is broad. “Our job is to continue tapping into the kinds of services people want. The new Arts and Culture Initiative is going to be a blueprint for how the JCC can create partnerships within the community as well as with relevant organizations outside the community.” She would like to remind those Jewish Communal Professionals entering this field to be receptive to possibilities. “You have to be willing to learn in the field and take advantage of all the opportunities you can for professional development,” says Dale. “You can become extremely skilled if you are willing to commit yourself fully to this work.” Affirming her mission, Dale states, “There is no other profession that lets you be involved like this. You can help to build buildings, camps and senior programming. Or you can do community building and strategic planning. The opportunity is there for everybody!”
Dalel Busch and Buddy Sapolsky outside the OM JCC.
September/October 2011 A Elul 5771 / Tishrei/Cheshvan 5772
Children & Youth Sukkot Pizza Party For ages 16 months - 3 years Tuesday, October 18; 12:00pm-1:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
$6/JCC Members
For more information on these programs, contact Parenting at 410.559.3524 or email parenting@jcc.org
School’s Out
Grades K-5 Friday, November 4 and Monday, November 21; 9:30am- 3:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Meet New PH ECE Director, Melanie Balakirsky A confident and poised University of Maryland graduate with 20+ years of Early Childhood Education experience under her belt, Melanie Balakirsky is thrilled to be the new PH ECE Director. Not only is Melanie licensed in Early Childhood Education, she is also certified by the State of Maryland to train educators, making her a natural for this role. Melanie started in mid June and already feels at home at the JCC. “I know that I am part of a family here and I am excited to start building relationships with the parents”. “I believe that children learn best when their environment becomes their teacher” says Melanie. She is an advocate of learning through play and will incorporate this into the curriculum. “The school was in great shape when I got here and I am looking ahead to where else I can take it,” she says. Melanie believes that parents are looking for a nurturing and natural atmosphere. They want a school that is going to be partners in raising their kids. “Our JCC ECE teachers have a lot of experience,” says Melanie. “They make the children very comfortable. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing, for the kids to be happy and feel at home”. One new addition to the ECE this year will be a new program for four years olds that focuses on preparing children for day school. Although both the existing 4’s class and the new class will still learn Hebrew and holidays, the goal of the new program will be to incorporate more Torah portions etc.. Melanie and her husband Jay live in Columbia and between the two of them have five children ranging from ages 15 -21. To meet Melanie and schedule a tour call: 410.500.5936
Tot Shabbat
The School’s Out program is an opportunity for elementary school-age kids to get the most out of school closing and vacations in a structured, safe and fun atmosphere. Kids Center participants pay only $20. Early drop off and extended stay available: $25/JCC Members $50/NM For more information, call Lara Wellerstein at 410.559.3547 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org .
Kids Space Sundays at PH
For more Sunday morning fun, register for KidSpace – a supervised play space with staff to escort children to and from JCC programs. Children enrolled in a class or swim lesson may stay for 1 or 2 hours if registered for more than one program. KidSpace gives parents more flexibility to enjoy adult health & fitness classes, Eden Café, or time outside the JCC. Sunday kids classes include ballet, ceramics and swimming. For a complete listing of PH Sunday morning classes, visit www.jcc.org/guide. For more information, contact Lisa Ziv at 410.500.5906 or email lziv@jcc.org.
Cub Scout Pack 18
In May, just prior to Memorial Day, the boys of Pack 18 planted flags in honor of our nation’s veterans at the Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery.
If you have a son in grades 1-5 who is interested in cub scouts, please contact David Green at 410.602.2622 or dgreen@btfiloh.org.
Ages 6 Months-5 years Fridays, September 23 & October 28; 11:15am-12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Looking for fun and hands on-ways to teach your kids about Shabbat? Join us for candle lighting, songs, juice and challah. Free for JCC Members and Parenting Center pass holders $5/NM
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Children & Youth Hands-on Holidays Friday, September 23; 10:30am Jewish Museum of Maryland • 15 Lloyd Street
Join us as we explore the fall Jewish Holidays with music, dancing, crafts and more. $5 per child
Chai-O-Ween – Save the Date Sunday, October 30; Time TBD Jewish Museum of Maryland • 15 Lloyd Street
Join us for a fun day as we explore healthy food choices with Kayam Farms and more! This event is co-sponsored by The Jewish Museum of Maryland.
JCC Programs Downtown! Jewish Party in the Park Sunday, September 18; 11:00am-3:00pm Druid Hill Park Conservatory
The JCC will be a cosponsor at this event and we look forward to seeing you there. Bring your blankets and food and enjoy a picnic, entertainment and games! For more information, contact Aleeza Oshry at aoshry@pearlstonecenter.org
To learn more about downtown programs please contact Kim Jacobsohn, Family Program Coordinator at 443.248.4219 or email kjacobsohn@jcc.org You can also check out the Downtown Baltimore JCC (DBJCC) at www.DBJCC.org or “like” DBJCC on facebook.
Holiday Prep Class September 15; 6:00-8:00pm The Jewish Museum of Maryland • 15 Lloyd Street September 22; 6:00-9:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
A program of the Jewish Outreach Institute, The Mothers Circle helps women of other religious backgrounds raise Jewish children. This class will teach you about the High Holidays and what they mean in the Jewish home. For more information on The Mothers Circle Holiday Prep Classes and other Mothers Circle programs, please visit www.motherscircle.org
Kids Center After School Care Owings Mills Kids Center Hours: Kids Center is an after-school program for children of JCC Members in Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Monday-Thursday: School dismissal-6:30pm Friday: School dismissal-6:00pm (or JCC closing time)
At Kids Center, kids will enjoy: • Swimming • Ceramics • Cooking • A Homework Room
• Gym games • Arts & crafts • Snacks
KIDS CENTER PLUS KARATE CSA has teamed up with Kids Center to offer amazing after-school Martial Arts programming at a special reduced rate. Children can attend up to 4 classes per week, including T’ai Chi and Yoga!
Transportation to the JCC is available from most area public and private schools depending on geographic location. For a complete list, just check our website. Transportation to Beth Israel Hebrew School is also available.
For more information, call Children’s Services Director, Lara Wellerstein at 410.559.3547 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org.
September/October 2011 A Elul 5771 / Tishrei/Cheshvan 5772
If you are a talented teen singer, please join us! The JCC’s resident teen choir HaZamir Baltimore is a chapter of HaZamir: the International Jewish High School Choir. We are currently auditioning new singers - all voice parts welcome! Don’t miss out on our exciting concert schedule starting this fall.
BBYO Weekend at Capital Camps
Hazamir Baltimore Presents: Winter Regional Intervisitation & Chamber Choir Retreat
Friday-Sunday; October 28-30
New Member Weekend
Sunday& Monday, January 15& 16
The HaZamir “Intervisitation” event provides an opportunity for HaZamir members to become better acquainted with each other and their music. For two intense days, over 160 teens from the Eastern Region Hazamir Chapters and the American members of the HaZamir chamber choir will rehearse the repertoire they will sing at the Gala 19th Anniversary Concert at Lincoln Center!
For Teens in 9th Grade
Regional Leadership Training Institute Grades 10-12
BBYO Members Only For more information, contact Mitch at 410.559.3549 or email mliebeskind@jcc.org.
Interested teens please contact Erika Schon at 443.831.4205 or email erikaschon1@comcast.net
Be Part of Our Team! Teens perform at the June 5 Gala Concert at the Gordon Center for Performing Arts
Join Chizuk Amuno and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Sunday, October 23 Run, walk, or simply donate to support the fight against breast cancer.
Sign up today, by going to http://www.komenmd.org and register with the Chizuk Amuno Congregation team. Chizuk Amuno Congregation • 8100 Stevenson Road • Baltimore, MD 21208 410/486-6400 • www.chizukamuno.org
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Middle School Mondays Mondays, Starting September 12; 6:00-8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Hang out in the teen lounge to play Wii, watch movies, play table tennis or pool and enjoy pizza and snacks. Feel free to use the indoor pool and gym too. JCC Members Only
Middle School Dances
Grades 6-8 Saturdays, September 17, October 22, November 19, December 17; 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Join us for dancing, a DJ, open gym and snacks. Middle School ID required Visit www.jcc.org/teens and download the VIP dance form to bring to the next dance and you can cut the line at the entrance! $10/JCC M $15/NM For more information on teen programs, contact Amanda at 410.559.3548 or email amax@jcc.org.
Dishing It Out | Ilene Spector
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For more information, contact Esther Gunter at 410.559.3550 or email egunter@jcc.org
Crash Course on Completing Your College Applications
To register contact Esther Gunter at 410.559.3550 or email egunter@jcc.org
Tips & Tricks
Fabulous Cuscus Cakes (Pareve)
This well-established, interactive college fair lets you talk with representatives from 60+ colleges and universities from across the United States. All high school students (even freshmen!) & parents are welcome! FREE
Supercharge your college applications with the help of college admissions expert, Craig Meister of Tactical College Consulting. This course will teach students to write strong essays with a focus that will expand their chances of college admission. Learn about application deadlines, the Common App, and teacher/counselor recommendations. Space is limited, so reserve now! $50/family/JCC Member $75/family/NM
The JT has always served up meaty stories that give you plenty to chew on. But now you’ll find more easy-to-digest tidbits on topics like business, going green, travel, trends, parenting, fashion – oh, and food. All with a distinctly Jewish flavor.
Hummus Stuffed Chicken Breast (Meat)
Sunday, November 6; 1:00-3:00pm Workshops from 11:00am-1:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
High School Seniors & their Parents Sunday, September 25; 11:00am-1:00pm
TASTY morsels
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JCC 8th Annual College Fair
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This week’s chapter of a story 3,000 years in the making. Customer Service Center: subscriptions@jewishtimes.com | 410-752-3504 1040 Park Avenue, Suite 200 | Baltimore, Maryland 21201 | jewishtimes.com
September/October 2011 A Elul 5771 / Tishrei/Cheshvan 5772
Adults The SPHAS: Basketball’s Greatest Jewish Team Meet Author Doug Stark
Introduction to Poetry Workshop Monday, October 24- November 14, 1:00-2:30pm Weinberg PH JCC
Tuesday, October 4; 7:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
JCC M/$8
Explore the significance of basketball to the Jewish Community during the game’s early years with Doug Stark, Director at the International Tennis Hall of Fame & Museum in Newport, Rhode Island. Enjoy a book talk and signing. $12/NM
For more information, contact Melissa Berman at 410.559.3593 or email mberman@jcc.org.
TRIPS Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Wednesday, November 9 Bus leaves PH JCC at 8:45am & OM JCC at 9:15am
Experience the world’s largest collection of knowledge, culture, and creativity. Enjoy a guided one-hour walking tour of the historic Thomas Jefferson Building, as well as time on your own to explore. Next stop: Lunch and shopping Union Station, one of our favorite D.C. destinations! JCC M/SFN $36 NM/$48 To RSVP or for more information on these trips, contact Lisa Shifren at 410.500.5903
For more information, call Lisa Shifren 410.500.5903
Awareness Through Movement: Moshe Feldenkrais Method Facilitator: Jane Goldseker Thursdays, Nov. 3-17; 9:30am Weinberg PH JCC
Do you have trouble twisting your wrist or turning your head? Discover a method to reclaim the ease of these movements through the Feldenkrais Method. Through simple, gentle movements that gradually evolve into greater range and complexity, participants reconnect with their natural abilities to move. Lessons appropriate for any level of fitness. $20/ JCC M $30/NM For more information, call Lisa Shifren 410.500.5903
Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership Virtual Community
What’s Hot in Baltimore Bus Tour Wednesday, October 26, 9:00 am-4:00pm Meet at the Weinberg PH JCC
Join us for an exciting guided coach bus tour of New Baltimore neighborhoods including Harbor East, Canton and Fells Point. Enjoy lunch on your own at the new Lenny’s Deli. Next, take a guided tour of the new Jewish Museum Exhibit: Food and Memory. $25/ JCC M $45/NM RSVP by October 3. For more information, call Lisa Shifren 410.500.5903
Learn how to express yourself through poems with instructor, Elaine Krauss. No experience necessary. $10/ JCC M $15/NM
Launch Party Monday, September 19, 2011 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Weinberg Park Heights JCC | Community Room 5700 Park Heights Avenue | Baltimore, MD
Help us launch www.baltimoreashkelon.org, our new virtual community, to connect with Ashkelonim through forums, blogs, photos, videos and more! Israeli food. Prizes. Networking.
Sukkot Dancing With the Stars Tuesday, October 11; 7:00-8:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Enjoy a night of learning about the stars, trying new dance styles, and refreshments in the sukkah. $12 JCC M
For more information, contact Melissa Berman at 410.559.3593 or email mberman@jcc.org.
RSVP: Rivka Schwebel at rschwebel@associated.org or 410-369-9253.
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Arts Center The Music of Bill Monroe featuring Peter Rowan, Tony Rice and the Travelin’ McCourys Wednesday, November 9; 7:30 pm
Gordon Center For Performing Arts Fall & Winter Shows David Wilcox Saturday, October 1, 2011; 8:00pm
Some musicians travel in order to play music. David Wilcox plays music in order to travel. He says that music has been a way to offer a trade for all the inspiration he gets from the people and places he visits. Wilcox is known for his open tuning acoustic guitar, sawed-off capos, storytelling wit, and insightful metaphors. Tickets - $20 $23 - show day and at the door Debbie and Friends Recommended for children 2-7 years Sunday, November 6, 2011; 3:00pm
Debbie Cavalier of “Debbie and Friends” uses original songs to tell stories that children know and love. Her songs are joyful, the music is catchy and singable, the stories are fresh, and she and her band’s energy on stage brings out the kid in everyone. This show is a musical trip for the entire family. Tickets -$7 children 10 & under $9 - adults $10 - adults show day and at the door This is an Aline & Fred Katzner and Florence & Harry Panitz program.
Peter Rowan is a bluegrass singer-songwriter with a career spanning over five decades. He spent his early years under the tutelage of Bill Monroe. Tony Rice spans the range of acoustic music, from straight-ahead bluegrass to jazz-influenced new acoustic music, to songwriter oriented folk. At one time he was part of the David Grisman Quartet. The Travelin’ McCourys are known for their ability to play with just about anyone. As the sons of bluegrass legend Del McCoury, they continue their father’s work. Together, they will bring alive the music of bluegrass patriarch Bill Monroe. Tickets - $30 $32 - show day and at the door U.S. Naval Academy Band Concert Thursday, November 17; 7:30 pm
The program will feature a tribute to the veterans of the United States armed services. For more details go to: www.usna.edu/ USNABand “Free” by ticket only Ivy Stand-up Comedy Saturday, November 19; 8:00pm
This evening will feature comedian Shaun Eli as emcee; Karen Bergreen: seen on Letterman, Comedy Central; Wali Collins: Letterman, Comedy Central, “The View”; Dan Naturman: The Tonight Show, Letterman and his own special on Comedy Central. Tickets - $20 $22 - show day and at the door Group prices available For links to the artists’ websites visit www.gordoncenter.com For tickets call: 410.356.7469. Save the Date:
Bar Kocva Israeli Art Expo
Norman and Sarah Brown Art Gallery at the Weinberg PH JCC November 20 - 27, 2011
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to find Judaic art from over 45 Israeli artists, including original paintings, serigraphs, and Judaic items in glass, wood and precious medals, iron stone and clay, silver, and gold.
Original Works of Genrikh Frid
For Gallery information, contact Smadar Livne at Livne@smadarlivne.com.
Norman and Sarah Brown Art Gallery at the Weinberg PH JCC Thru Thursday, November 17, 2011
Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the works of world renowned artist Genrikh Frid! Genrikh is an award winning artist who creates vibrant and unique oil paintings on canvas. His work has been exhibited throughout Russia and the United States.
September/October 2011 A Elul 5771 / Tishrei/Cheshvan 5772
Fitness & Wellness Center Working Out Despite a Heart Condition
Amber Room
Rosenbloom OM JCC
During a routine exam over ten years ago, Andy Malinow was diagnosed with cardiomyopthy. To take charge of his health, he and his wife became JCC members in 2001. He started out by biking and using the treadmill religiously. However, as more symptoms began to appear in 2009, Andy needed surgery to have an LVAD inserted (an LVAD is an artificial heart pump that acts as a heart). After the surgery, Andy continued to keep up his workout routine despite the huge battery case he had to lug around to keep the device working. When Andy was healed enough from his LVAD operation he was able to be placed on a waiting list for a heart. Five months later, the call came. Most heart transplant patients are so weak that they arrive at the hospital in a wheelchair but Andy Malinow walked right in. There was no doubt in the doctors’ minds that Andy was in tip top shape because of his workout routine. When asked what he would he tell people whose health issues discourage them from staying active, Andy says, “Do what you gotta do. You will pay for it in the long run if you don’t. It’s a hassle sometimes but it’s worth it.”
BodyFlow Under The Stars
Female Members Only Tuesday, September 20; 7:45-8:45pm Weinberg PH JCC
Join us for this amazing outdoor experience! Class will take place on the rooftop at the PH JCC.
Les Mills Launch
Are you ready for some rejuvenation? You might want to consider treating yourself with a healing facial treatment by Polina Mirskiy, owner of our newest Wellness service, the Amber Room. We sat down recently with Polina to learn more about her. Q. What services do you offer? A. My treatments include: facials, eye treatments, face/body waxing and more! Q. What kind of skincare experience do you have? A. I am a licensed Esthetician and have been in the beauty industry for more than a decade. I worked at the Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa in Cross Keys for six years and received numerous awards and even made television appearances! Q. How do I know if you can work with my skin type? A. I work with a variety of skin types! Whether it be sun damaged skin, mature skin, dry/sensitive or oily/acneic. Plus, I only use high quality skin care products. Q. What unique types of treatments do you offer? Well, firstly, I incorporate Baltic amber stones for pressure point massage to improve skin elasticity and circulation. I also offer many specialized treatments such as a luxurious 24K Gold Mask, Pre-Natal Facials and Teen Facials. Polina was born in the former Soviet Union, but as a child her family immigrated to Ashkelon, Israel. She takes great pride in the fact that Baltimore’s and Ashkelon are sister cities. To schedule an appointment call: 410.559.2378 or 443.831.1625 For a complete list of prices and treatments, visit our website at www.jcc.org/amberroom.
Weinberg Park Heights Sunday, October 9; 8:00-12:15am 8am: BODYPUMP and BODYSTEP 9:05am: BODYPUMP and BODYCOMBAT 10:10am: BODYFLOW
Les Mills Launch & ZUMBA Party Rosenbloom Owings Mills Sunday, October 16; 8:00am-12:00pm 8am: BODYPUMP 9:05am: BODYSTEP 10:10am: BODYFLOW 10am-12pm: ZUMBA
Join us as we lift, punch, and flow to raise awareness of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Free Breast Cancer Awareness gift to all participants while supplies last. For more information, contact Amy at OM at 410.559.3534 or aschwartz@jcc.org or Jackie at PH at 410.500.5919 or jforeman@jcc.org .
Polona in her Skincare Studio at the Rosenbloom OM JCC.
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Fitness & Wellness Center
Aquatic Center
We Get Emails: Hi Amy – A while ago, I asked if we could get some 6:00am cardio classes at the PH JCC. I was so excited when I saw that Zumba™ was added to that time slot and now the new schedule has Bodystep™! I love the classes and the instructors are phenomenal. Thanks for taking our suggestions! -Dana Dear Jackie – I am new to the JCC but I just wanted to tell you how awesome the Bodyflow™ class was on the roof. It would be great if we could do it up there more often, I have lots of friends to bring next time! Thanks! -Aviva Z.
We Get Facebook Messages: Maxine V. : Every program, every class, every discussion at the JCC Learn Inn this spring was terrific. Music, music, music-I loved it all! Many thanks to Lisa (Shifren). Migdy G.: I just became a member and wanted to say how much my kids have enjoyed our two visits to the pool and playground. The food at the Café was great as well. I am looking forward to some classes (maybe Zumba).
American Red Cross Blood Drives Monday, October 31; 2:00-8:00pm Tuesday, December 20; 2:00-8:00pm Tuesday, April 17; 2:00-7:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC in the Performa
For more information, contact Lynn Rosen Stone at 410.559.3535 or email lrosenstone@jcc.org
Balance Training for Better Living Sunday, November 6; 1:00-2:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Learn about what to do if you fall, how the body systems impact balance, simple exercises and safeguard yourself against injury. Free For more information, contact Melissa Berman at 410.559.3593 or email mberman@jcc.org.
Penguins Fins Pre-Swim Club Training September 7- October 6; 6:30-7:30pm
Girls 6-16. This program is for girls planning on trying out for the swim club or for those looking to refine the four competitive strokes mechanics, including work on starts and turns. It will be a mixture of stroke development and building endurance. $80/M $110/NM
Penguins Girls Swim Club & Penguins Boys Swim Club TRYOUTS Boys: October 25; 6:00-7:30pm Girls: October 26 & 27; 6:00-7:30pm
Swimmers at this level must be able to meet the stroke performance criteria for the Front Crawl (Freestyle) and the Back Crawl (Back Stroke) of Learn-to-Swim Level 3, and be able to swim one continuous length of the pool of each stroke. In swim practice, swimmers will develop these two strokes, while being introduced to the other two competitive strokes (Breast and Butterfly), as well as competitive starts and turns. There will be swim meets against our Owings Mills Swim Team and inter-squad competitions, as well as goal setting for personal best times. Swimmers will also be introduced to other water exercise through aerobics and synchronized swimming. For more inforation, contact Shawnise at 410.500.5391 or scrawford@jcc.org.
September/October 2011 A Elul 5771 / Tishrei/Cheshvan 5772
The ASSOCIATED Corner Focus: You! THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore is the central fundraising and program arm of Jewish Baltimore. For more than 90 years, THE ASSOCIATED’s lay leaders and professionals have kept their fingers on the pulse of our community, ensuring that people of all ages and interests have somewhere to give and something Jewish to do. Last year, THE ASSOCIATED launched a new campaign to help our community members more easily find the programs and services they want and need. We call it, “Focus: You!” and you can find all that we have for you to get involved in at www. associated.org/getinvolved. We have divided our offerings by demographic (teens, young adults, seniors, families, women and professionals) and by interest (Jewish learning, Israel and overseas, healthy living, leadership development, social services, special needs and volunteering and advocacy). In addition, you can access all of our community’s events – not just those of THE ASSOCIATED – by topic and demographic now. When you click on our Community Calendar, you get filtered calendars reflecting the topics listed above. This year, we launched a new blog, www.associated.org/ jewishbaltimoreblog, in which experts in each of these topics and demographics can share community news, insights and tips. Most recently on our Jewish Baltimore Blog, SHEMESH reading specialist Eileen Himmelrich offered advice on how to foster a love of reading in your children. SHEMESH is THE ASSOCIATED’s program for day school children with learning differences. Elizabeth Schuman, Senior ASSOCIATED Women’s Associate, explained the value of women’s philanthropy and Jewish Volunteer Connection’s Jennie Gates Beckman introduced us to Stella, the Greek Orthodox senior who knits over 100 scarves for Community Mitzvah Day each year. Each year, we distribute 1,200 winter care packages with hand-made hats and scarves to visitors to our areas homeless shelters and soup kitchens. If you don’t want to subscribe to the RSS feed, become a fan on Facebook, www.facebook.com/theassociated, or follow us on Twitter. The 2010 Greater Baltimore Jewish Community Study told us that as many as 70 percent of Jewish Baltimoreans under the age of 50 get their news online! We don’t want you to miss a moment of our system’s innovation and inspiration, so we bring the Can’t join us? news of Jewish Baltimore to you, where you are.
Baltimore teens in Israel having the time of their life at the 2011 Maccabi Experience!
Make the call
Answer the call
Super Sunday September 25, 2011 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Weinberg Park Heights Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore
Register for your session at www.associated.org/supersunday. For more information, contact Sarah Langert at 410.369.9205 or slangert@associated.org.
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
The Arts
Staff News
Cinefest continued from page 1 (Precious Life continued)
to try and save the life of her recently born child who is suffering similar problems. Over the course of 18 months, the reporter documents the surreal and unbelievable events that transpire.
We are happy to introduce Merav Levine, the new Administrative Assistant at the PH JCC. Merav comes to us from Yeshivat Rambam with three and a half years of Administrative Support experience.
Ahead of Time Wednesday, October 26, 2011; 7:30pm USA/Israel 2009; Director: Robert Richman English/Hebrew; 1h 13min
We are excited to announce that Melissa Berman will take on the role of Assistant Director of the Adult Life Team. This past year, Melissa was an intern at the JCC while completing her Graduate degree in Jewish Communal Services at Baltimore Hebrew Institute, we are thrilled to have her join our staff.
At 97 years old, Brooklyn-born Ruth Gruber still has that same sharp intellect and moxie that propelled her to become the world’s youngest PhD at age 20. This documentary combines verité footage of Ruth traveling back to Israel, with interviews and archival material. Admission: $10/film. Join us in the Director’s Circle and receive two tickets for each of the four films for only $85.
Please join us in wishing a warm welcome to Bella Vilsker-Dashevsky . She will be working as the Activity Coordinator at Weinberg Manor. She looks forward to planning great classes and trips for the Seniors.
For more information, contact Jon at 410.559.2377 or email jteter@jcc.org. You can also visit www.baltimorejff.com for details.
September/October 2011 A Elul 5771 / Tishrei/Cheshvan 5772
JCS/JCC Construction Underway at OM JCC If you’ve been to the Rosenbloom Owing Mills JCC in recent weeks you’ve undoubtedly noticed construction crews and equipment gracing the west side of our building. The crews are hard at work constructing a two story addition above our Early Childhood Education Wing. The bottom level of the addition will house the offices of Jewish Community Services (JCS). The second level will be constructed as a shell for future JCC use. Each level will encompass 10,000 square feet of new space. When construction is completed, sometime this spring, JCS will be able to serve its Baltimore County area clients from one location. According to Barbara L. Gradet, LCSW, Executive Director, JCS, “This new JCS facility provides an exciting opportunity to more fully serve our community. Our expanded space enables JCS to offer its full array of human services at a comfortable and familiar place. The co-location of JCS and JCC will make it convenient for Center members to take full advantage of JCS services. For example, parents dropping off preschoolers could meet with a professional about parenting issues; a member who comes to workout could find it helpful to speak with a career coach. In addition non-members who use JCS services may become interested in joining the ‘J’ once they see all it has to offer. Co-location will allow JCS and JCC to expand our partnership in working together to enhance and promote the health and well being of our entire community.” “We see this partnership as a very positive one for our two agencies” say Louis “Buddy” Sapolsky, JCC President. “I want to point out that we do not expect our members to be inconvenienced in any way.” JCS clients will enter through the JCC main entrance and will be processed at a separate desk before going to the JCS wing located off the main lobby.
Having JCS housed on our campus has been a goal of THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore for the past several years. According to Marc B. Terrill, President of THE ASSOCIATED, “JCS’ presence at the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC is an essential component of our system’s strategic plan and the desire to have a strong service delivery arm in the county. This expansion is another example of the strength of public-private partnerships. Local governments, non-profit organizations and philanthropists are changing the facts on the ground and improving the lives of people who reside in the county.” Funding for this exciting project comes from both private donors and a state bond bill through the support of our 11th district delegation of Senator Bobby Zirkin and Delegates Dan Morhaim, Jon Cardin and Dana Stein. Aside from a small area of our upper parking lot being fenced off as a construction staging zone, we don’t forsee any major inconveniences for our members over the next six to eight months. If you have any questions or concerns please direct them to Gail Zuskin, Vice President, at gzuskin@jcc.org or 410.559.3505.
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Chai Lights
Milldale campers had a blast this year swimming, gardening, dressing in silly costumes and more!
Families enjoy Tot Shabbat fun downtown at the Jewish Museum of Maryland.
Holiday Hours Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Sukkot Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah Thanksgiving
JCC open Mon., 9/5 8:00am-6:00pm JCC closes on Wed., 9/28 at 3:30pm Reopens Sat., 10/1 at 1:00pm (OM only) JCC closes on Fri., 10/7 at 3:30pm Reopens Sun., 10/9 at 7:00am JCC closes on Wed., 10/12 at 5:00pm Reopens Sat., 10/15 at 1:00pm (OM only) JCC closes on Wed., 10/19 at 5:00pm Reopens Sat., 10/22 at 1:00pm (OM only) JCC is closed on Thursday, 11/24
September/October 2011 A Elul 5771 / Tishrei/Cheshvan 5772
Eden Café
Me • Latté
at the Weinberg PH JCC
at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.559.3531 www.melatte.com
Phone: 410.542.5185 eden.cafe@hotmail.com
September/October HOURS Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Friday at Owings Mills 5:30am-7:00pm (thru 9/23) 5:30am-6:00pm (starting 9/30)
Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am-5:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 6:30am-8:00pm Friday: 6:30am-2:00pm
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885
Friday at Park Heights 5:30am-6:00pm Saturday at Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm Sunday at Owings Mills 7:00am-7:00pm Sunday at Park Heights 7:00am-7:00pm
Holiday Hours See page 15 for more information
Bring your Friends & Family! Find your center at the Jewish Community Center. Sunday, September 25; 11am-2pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Sunday, October 30, 9am-12pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC
Here are just some of the FREE activities you can tryout during our Open House:
Owings Mills
Park Heights
• Music and crafts for preschoolers • Parachute and Circle time for infants & toddlers • Youth Sports clinic • Men’s Circuit Training class • Women’s Ball class • Balance class for ages 60+ • Teen Tikkun Olam project • Girls’ Teen Fitness class • Gallery Tours • Hands On CPR Demo
Stay tuned for updated details or visit www.jcc.org/fyc.
JCCs of North America
• Healthy cooking for families • Parachute and Circle time for infants & toddlers • Challah & craft making for youth • Cardio Tennis for teens and adults • Youth Basketball clinic • BodyFlow™ class • Teen Tikkun Olam project • Tai Chi class for adults • Coffee Tasting for adults • Gallery Tours • Water Aerobics class