June/July Center News

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A Newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore

Meet the Super Shlichim of 2010!

The JCC’s Camp Milldale is the only local Jewish day camp that will be having Shlichim this year. Dori Zvili, Director of Camp Milldale, actually got to spend This summer, the JCC’s Camp Milldale and time with all the Shlichim when she visited the ECE Noah’s Ark program are fortunate Israel this spring. “I was very impressed enough to be having six Israeli Shlichim with the extensive training that they are join their ranks. The Shlichim are from put through and how much all over Israel and are they learned!” she says. Noy looking forward to a Shemer, a Shaliach who summer of teaching, worked at Camp Milldale learning and having fun. two summers ago, was there They bring with them to share her experiences expertise on a variety of camp and the Baltimore of specialties such as community. In addition dancing, nature and to Neta and Michal who sports. Neta Fichman, will be working at Noahs our amazing Noah’s Ark, the four Camp Ark Israeli culture Milldale Shlichim this year specialist from last Dori and Noy Shemer, former Camp include Adi Lotan, Omry year is returning and Milldale Shaliach, in Israel Markovich, Sivan Sar Shalom will be working with and Goni Katsir. Although each Shaliach newcomer Michal Pasvolsky. Michal has brings their own unique flavor to the table, years of experience working with children they all share the great desire to spread the and brings the additional talent of having love and awareness of Israel and its culture been a dancer since she was 4 years old. “I to American campers. The Shlichim will love being a counselor,” says Michal. “It’s also be taking part in various community very satisfying. Being a Shaliach is a great activities, stay tuned for more details on honor!” their summer experience! Interested in hosting one of these terrific counselors in your home this summer?


Contact Dori Zvili at 410.356.5200 x387 or email dzvili@jcc.org.

Jewish Life...............................2 Children & Youth.................. 3-4 Teens................................... 5-6 Maccabi...................................7 Adult Life Plus.........................8 The Arts............................... 8-9 Aquatics................................10 Fitness...................................11 FYI.........................................12 Associated Corner.................13 Chai Lights ...........................14 Staff News ............................15

JCCs of North America

Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770


June/July 2010 • Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770

JCC Camps Include A Taste of Israel

June/July 2010


Become a Maccabi Host Family – Gain an Experience of a Lifetime When you think of JCC Maccabi, you probably conjure up images of spirit, sports and competition. Of course, that is a large part of what JCC Maccabi is about! However, what goes on “behind the scenes” is an equally vital piece of the entire JCC Maccabi Experience. Host families and volunteers play an integral role in the success of this huge endeavor. Eileen Strauss has been a host three times for the JCC Maccabi games. She can tell you that, although it’s a commitment, you get so much out of it! Over the past years, she has had a great time hosting and getting to know some of the kids. Her whole family gets in on the action and loves attending ArtsFest performances and rooting for “their” kids. They have stayed in touch with participants that they have hosted and even met up with the kids and their families during the year. She also helps to find homes for Shomer Shabbos kids who keep kosher. Eileen explains, “It means so much to the kids when they don’t have to worry about these things. They are able to relax and enjoy the games, knowing that their host is taking care of the details for them.” She adds, “This is a chance to give back. We all need to be there for each other and each other’s children”. Commissioner for Maccabi Soccer, Barry Lynn has also been a host many times. His family has hosted both girls and boys in past years for the JCC Maccabi Games. The girls and his daughters became fast friends as did the boys and his sons. Barry feels that hosting kids from all over the country is a learning opportunity for his family. At one point, one of his boys was actually competing against one of the kids that they housed. Host Family continues on page 7

Camp Director, Dori Zvili with the Summer 2010 Shlichim

Jewish Life

Center news

The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore

Wisdom for Today Rabbi Yisroel Porter

In June we really begin feeling the summer. School is out, camp is beginning. Pools, cold lemonade, and baseball are all high on our agendas. And we celebrate. This coming July 4th is a national holiday, Independence Day. This is a day that we identify and appreciate and cherish our core values of being connected to this great country. We are all proud to be American. We all feel proud of the great things this country stands for. We all identify with its values, and the freedom and opportunities it affords us. Who was not shaken on September 11th? After attending a recent seminar with Jewish life coach, Deborah Grayson Rigler, I understood clearly that this was caused by our core values, which we hold so dear, having been trampled upon. These core values are what we are made out of. Our Jewish heritage, as well, has so many amazing, wondrous events which we have undergone as a nation. Perhaps the most notable was the national revelation and receiving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. We recently celebrated this epic occasion over our Shavuot festival at the end of May. Upon reflection, some of our deepest core values were determined and implanted at that great historical moment. The values of purpose, truth and a connection with God were all experienced there, and were then passed down through the millennia until this very day. Our purpose in this world is to reflect Godliness to the entire world. This enables us to connect with our Creator in creating a holy world. When we act with the Torah as our guide, we are making a Kiddush Hashem- a sanctification of God’s name. When we interact with others and express these ideals, we are imparting the Divine wisdom which we received at Sinai, which continues to have a powerful effect on all of humanity. We all are proud of what we stand for. Being Jewish gives us a unique perspective on how we view our lives and on how to approach our decision making process. Jewish holidays and what they represent allow us to focus and reflect on our core Jewish values as our American celebrations allow us to formulate and reinforce its important values, many of which overlap. Our wish is that everyone should find the opportunity this summer to identify, reinforce and share these core values, and continue furthering the deepest meaning of being a proud American and a proud Jew! Rabbi Yisroel Porter is the Director of The Etz Chaim Center in Owings Mills and Project Coordinator for a new program titled “Raising Kids to Love Being Jewish”. He can be reached at rabbiyporter@gmail.com.

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax

Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax

Web site: www.jcc.org MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor


Shalom Baltimore is here to introduce you to all that Jewish Baltimore has to offer. If you or anyone you know is new to Baltimore, we can direct you to the Jewish educational, social and religious organizations that suit you. A FREE Shalom Baltimore Welcome Kit is provided and we also host special gatherings for newcomers or anyone who is ready to start making Jewish connections in Baltimore. To get connected to Jewish Baltimore, contact Ashley Pressman at 410.843.7489 or apressman@asscociated.org

The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.

For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site www.jcc.org

Open House 2

JCC A Center News

Jewish community center of greater baltimore

Children & Youth Parenting Programs

Parenting’s Annual Flea Market

15 Lloyd Street, Downtown

Sunday, June 27; 8:00am-12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

At the Jewish Museum of Maryland Tot Shabbat Sunday, June 11 & Friday, July 16 & August 13; 10:45am

Come join us for this exciting Shabbat program which includes candle lighting, songs, Kiddush, challah and more! We will hold this event outdoors in the shaded courtyard, weather permitting Infant Massage Ages 3 weeks-crawling Mondays, June 7, 21, 28; 10:00-11:15am Tuesdays, June 6, 29 & July 6, 13, 27; 10:00-11:00am

Join other parents for baby massage and exercise. Learn the joys of Infant Massage as you strengthen your bond with your newborn in this meaningful class. Benefits also include sleep support, brain development, digestive support, constipation relief, relaxation and more for your baby. Never underestimate the power of touch in your child’s life! Hello Baby Ages 3 weeks- 4 months Mondays, June 7, 14, 21, 28; 11:30am-12:30pm Tuesdays, June 29, July 6, 13, 27; 11:30am-12:30pm

Free introductory class for all new moms with their newborns. Members and non members welcome to join the fun as you introduce your new baby to the world. Please register in advance. For more information on downtown programs, contact Cindy Neuman at 410.356.5200 x344 or email cneuman@jcc.org

This is one event that you DO NOT want to miss! Stop by the blue gym (rain or shine) to shop for gently used and new items for you or your family. Lots of bargains on children’s toys, games, videos and clothing. Other vendors goods will include jewelry, makeup, hand-made crafts and much, much more!

Spring into Summer Party Wednesday, June 16; 11:00am-12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Missing preschool yet? Looking for something to do? Join us for fun & games, arts & crafts, a special snack and a music together sing-a-long! Everyone is welcome to join in the fun! $5 per child.

Register for Summer JCC Parenting is now accepting registration for summer programs! There will be outdoor pool time with a swim instructor at the end of most of these classes this summer. Classes are very popular and are filling quickly. Call or email today to secure your spot! For more information, contact Sharon or Linda: 410.356.5200, x347 or email parenting@jcc.org

Kids Center After School Care for Elementary School Students

Now is the time to sign your children up for the the 2010/2011 Kids Center program! Be one of the first to get in on the new lower pricing and amazing activities. We are introducing many new opportunities this fall including FREE indoor pool time and ceramics classes each week!!! Children will be grouped by grade for age appropriate activities and homework assistance. For more information or to take a tour and see Kids Center in action, please contact Lara Wellerstein at 410.356.5200 x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org

June/July 2010 A Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770

Kids Center participants were all smiles this Spring!


Children & Youth Wonder Wednesdays

Ages 2-10 Wednesday, July 7- Wednesday, August 11 Weinberg PH JCC

Join us every Wednesday for super fun and entertaining events! Bring your friends, family or your whole camp. Schedule of Programs:

Captain Jacks Magic Wednesday, July 7; 4:30pm Animal Adventures Wednesday, July 14; 4:00-6:00pm Eric Energy Mad Scientist Wednesday, July 21; 4:30pm Beale Street Puppet Production Wednesday, July 28; 4:30pm The Kinderman Singing Superstar Wednesday, August 4; 4:30pm Wild Willy Carnival and Magic Wednesday, August 11; 4:00-5:30pm Come for Wonder Wednesdays and enjoy open gym with your kids until 6pm! Balls and equipment will be provided. Free to members and non-members. $4/child (age 2 and up). Free adult admission with paying child. For more information and for group rates, call 410.542.4900, x229.

Upcoming Pack 18 Activities Pack18 Graduation June 6

Baseball Game Aberdeen Ironbirds Ripken Stadium June 27

For more information, contact Cub Master, Moshe Dreyfuss at 410.764.1533 or email mdreyfuss@verizon.net or new Cub Master, David Green at dgreen@btfiloh.org or 410.602.2622.

Camping trip - A Scout is Reverent Weekend

Highlights from Wonder Wednesdays Summer 2009

Pack Meeting - making flying airplanes


JCC A Center News

Teens Teen Service Camps If you are looking to make a difference and earn community service hours for school, join up to participate in one of the great volunteer opportunities offered this summer! Super Kids Camp

A Reading Enrichment Program for Baltimore City 1st and 2nd Graders Open to Students Ages 13-17 July 5-9, July 12-16, July 19-23, July 26-30, August 2-6, 2010; 8:30am-3:30pm Meet at Roland Park Country School - 5204 Roland Avenue

Volunteers will assist classroom instructors with reading exercises and daily camp activities for Baltimore City public school students. Down and Dirty: A Habitat for Humanity Experience August 3-6, 8:45am-4:00pm Open to students 16-17 years old Meet at Sandtown Habitat for Humanity - 1300 North Fulton Avenue

Volunteers will help build homes for low-income homeowners in Baltimore City. Registration fee for all service camps: $155/week Special Discount: Register for more than one week of camp and get a $10 per week discount. For more information and to register, please visit www.jvcbaltimore.org or contact Dayna Leder at 410.843.7491 or dleder@associated.org.

Prepare for the GED at the Park Heights JCC! Ages 15-20 Weinberg PH JCC

Summer Session 2010 now forming! A comprehensive GED program is being offered. It includes an initial assessment test, preparation in all five subjects covered on the GED, practice tests and individualized instruction as needed. Class dates and time will be determined after sign up. Call 410.542.4900, x229 now!

Learning together. For life. Beeny Finkelstein OccupatiOn: BT Middle School Science


educatiOn: MA Johns Hopkins U; BS


Other academic interests: Foreign


taLents: Writing children’s whimsical

poetry, creating hands-on science curriculum

FavOrite participatOry spOrt: Bike riding FavOrite destinatiOn: Israel Why i teach at Bt: There is a palpable warmth and sincerity about the faculty and administration at BT. It is truly an extended family. dreams & aspiratiOns: To continue to

amaze as many children as I can with my science lessons!

my reLatiOnship With students: They all know I am there for them in any situation. I want them to know that even though I teach them science, I am concerned about their well being overall.

Through Grade 12

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School 3300 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 bethtfiloh.com / 410.486.1905

June/July 2010 A Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770

Rosenbloom OM JCC

College Application Help! Call the College Center to find out ways that we can help you prepare those college applications over the summer!

PSAT & English Tutoring over the Summer $50/hour/JCC Members; $60/hour/NM; $350/8 sessions

One-On-One College Assistance Need help with your college prep, timelines and applications? Call the College Center to schedule a one-on-one appointment for your family. $50/hour/JCC Members; $60/hour/NM For more information, contact Esther Gunter at 410.356.5200 x612 or email egunter@jcc.org


Teens Driver’s Education by Elite Driving School

American Red Cross Babysitting

Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Sundays July 11 & July 18; 1:30- 5:00pm Grades 6-8, ages 11-14 Rosenbloom OM JCC

Ages 15 years, 4 months+.

Elite Driving School works hard to make students the safest drivers they can possibly be. The course consists of 30 hours of classroom instruction broken down into 10 three hour sessions plus three two hour sessions of behind the wheel training. For class information, contact Elite at 410.363.7483 or www.drivingschool.net.

Receive American Red Cross instruction in basic infant care, first aid for burns, bleeding, choking, head injuries and stings; poison prevention and treatment and safety precautions. Certification cards are provided by the American Red Cross at course completion. 2 weeks. Once you have been certified you are eligible for being added to our babysitting list. Please let your instructor know at the time of class if you would like to be added. For more information, contact Sue Szembroth at 410.356.5200 x304 or sszembroth@jcc.org.

BBYO council Convention 2010

Ashkelon Teens Join Up with the JCC for MACCABI 2010! The JCC of Greater Baltimore is proud to have 10 teens from Ashkelon (and their 2 Delegation Heads) joining our Maccabi team this August. Eight of the teens will be participating in ArtsFest and the other two will be on sports teams.


JCC A Center News

Maccabi Be a Part of Maccabi Register to be a volunteer or spectator

This summer, during the week of August 8-13, teens from throughout North America and Israel will come to Baltimore to participate in a week of artistic and athletic activities. The JCC of Greater Baltimore will be filled with even more energy and excitement than usual! See below for ways that YOU can be a part of the Maccabi Experience. • Volunteer during the week of activities by registering online • All sporting games are open to spectators during the week but you must register as a spectator online • Thursday’s Festival of Gold Medal rounds as well as final performances from our ArtsFest participants will be open to spectators, no fee for local spectators. This is a great opportunity to bring your family out to be part of the Experience To register as a volunteer or spectator contact Amanda Max at 410.356.5200, x361; email amax@jcc.org or visit www.BaltimoreMaccabi2010.org.

Maccabi Experience at OM August 8-13

Some classes will not be held during this week and the gymnasiums at Owings Mills will be closed. The Rosenbloom OM JCC will be closed all day August 12, except for those participating, volunteering or attending JCC Maccabi closing events.

June/July 2010 A Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770

Host Family from page 1

This was a chance to learn how to get along with someone even when they were the competition. “I love helping out all the Jewish families,” Barry says. “Coming out to watch the kids play and basically being their family for the week is great.” If you don’t think you have what it takes to be a host familythink again. According to the kids, just being yourself and making them feel welcome are big pluses. Casey Stappler, age17, has been on both sides of the hosting experience. With a family that is very involved in Maccabi (his mom, Jodi is a Hospitality Chair and his father has been a Roller Hockey Coach for 10 years), Casey knows what its like to accept visiting athletes/artists into his home. In 2007, Casey traveled to California for Maccabi to play Inline Hockey. This time he was the one being hosted! When asked what stood out to him about his host family, Casey mentioned that they called before the games began to find out what kind of foods he liked to eat etc. It really made a difference and made him feel that they cared. He became so close with them that he went back the following winter. He has been at three different host families since then. The advice that Casey would give to someone participating in Maccabi is, “Have fun, don’t hold back. If you do, you might not have as good of an experience. If you are a host and someone is coming to you, just make sure that they feel at home!” Hosting a visiting athlete or artist is one of the best and most meaningful ways to be a part of the 2010 Baltimore JCC Maccabi Experience. During the week of August 8-13, 2010, nearly 1,000 teens from throughout North America and Israel will come to Baltimore to participate in a week of artistic and athletic activities. There are also many other ways you can assist us and be part of this great event! Volunteer opportunities are still available for arrivals and departures, opening ceremonies, athletic venues throughout the week, days of caring and sharing, all evening events and our festival on Thursday, August 12. For more information on how to host, visit www.baltimoremaccabi2010.org. You can also contact Amanda Max at 410.356.5200 x361 or amax@jcc.org.


Adult Life Plus

The Arts

Summer Movies Wednesdays, July 7 – August 30 Weinberg Park Heights JCC Community Room

Cool down this summer, with some hot movie screenings! Grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the shows! Join us in to our “theatre” for viewings of these cinematic hits.

Something’s Gotta Give: Wednesday, July 7; 1:00pm Erin Brokovich: Wednesday, July 28; 1:00pm Keeping the Faith: Monday, August 16; 1:00 pm Waitress: Monday, August 30; 1:00pm

Jewish Theatre Workshop Uncle Motti Tells a Story (or Three) Sunday, June 20; 2:00pm & Sunday June 27, 2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC-Community Room

$1 –includes popcorn and water For more information call Jana Klejner at 410.542.4900 x 621 or email jklejner@jcc.org.

The Jewish Theatre Workshop is proud to present its first children’s show, an original play written by our own Managing Director, Etan Weintraub and directed by Chava Sussman Goffin. Tickets: $6/adults, $4/children, $25 family maximum For more information, email ontact@jewishtheatreworkshop.org or visit www.jewishtheatreworkshop.org

Cabaret Night Thursday, July 29; 7:30-9:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC

Be entertained by Acapella Doo Wop group “Smooth Teaze” as they take you on a musical journey back in time. Refreshments will be served. $15 JCC and SFN Members/ $20 NM. RSVP by July 15

Cool Jazz Monday, August 2, 1:00pm Park Heights JCC Community Room

Enjoy chilled sounds from the West Coast with keyboard and saxophonist Earl “Saxman” Ross. Refreshments will be served. $3/JCC Members; $5/NM. RSVP by July 15

A Tribute to Emil Gorovetz Sunday, August 1, 2:00pm Park Heights JCC

Join us for a program in memory of Emil Gorovetz, a famous Yiddish and Russian Singer. His wife will present a special program about Emil’s oeuvre as a performer in the former USSR and in America. (The program will be presented in Russian). Free For more information on these special events call Jana Klejner at 410-542-4900 x621. Save the Date!

Rosh Hashanah Senior Friendly Dinner Tuesday, September 1, 5:00 pm


Don’t miss our annual Rosh Hashanah Dinner, with a lovely meal and musical entertainment by Baltimore Klezmer Orchestra. $10/JCC Member $15/NM For more information, contact Arlene Abrams at 410.542.4900 x637 or email aabrams@jcc.org.

Third Annual Summer Camp for Adults


by the

stulman Center


adult learning

“I Love Paris ” Music and Art in the Best of Times

June 28 - July 2, 2010 | 16 - 20 Tammuz 5770 | 9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Five days of gourmet breakfasts, two classes daily, and a special Tuesday evening lecture by Ken Meltzer

fe at u r i n g c Dr. Susan Vick, curator of the Goldsmith Museum and Hendler Learning Center of Chizuk Amuno Congregation c Ken Meltzer, Community Spokesperson for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

c To register, call 410/824-2055/58 by Monday, June 14. c Register early – enrollment is limited. c Judy Meltzer, Director Doris Tanhoff, Assistant

c Seth Kibel, leader, clarinetist and composer for the Alexandria Kleztet

cd This program is funded in part by the Stanley H. and Lillian S. Wilen Endowment Fund for Adult Education.

Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Road • Baltimore, MD 21208 • www.chizukamuno.org

JCC A Center News

The Arts

the Jewish Film Series Thursday, July 8-Thursday, July 29

Gloomy Sunday

Join us at Owings Mills or Park Heights for these great foreign language films. Autumn Sun (Sol de Otono)

Tuesday, July 27; 7:30 pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Morstein Performa Germany 1999

Thursday, July 8: 7:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Morstein Performa Argentina 1996

This beautiful love story set in Buenos Aires features Clara Goldstein (Norma Aleandro) as a lovely, middle-aged Jewish woman who, because of an impending visit from her American brother, is forced to create a contrived relationship with a man of her own faith. She places an ad in a personals column and meets Raul (Federico Luppi); a well-spoken, handsome and charming man whom she soon discovers is a Gentile. Realizing she has no alternative, Clara soon proceeds to instruct Raul with an intensive course in Judaism. Their journey is both humorous and captivating, and full of pitfalls. Hipsters (Stilyagi) Sunday, July 25: 2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC Community Room Russia 2008

This is the story of a proper Communist youth whose world is rocked when he encounters Moscow’s underground jazz scene. Hipsters is a deceptively sunny musical, wrapped in candy colors and full of youthful energy. The hot jazz, music and choreography percolate with exuberance. With its lovers, Mels and Polly, coming from disparate worlds, the film sometimes plays like a Russian version of West Side Story. Adult Content.

The magic of music, the power of love, the evils of money, and the horror of genocide are the weighty themes tackled in Gloomy Sunday. An epic romance set in Budapest during the ascension of the Third Reich and the onset of the Holocaust, Gloomy Sunday introduces us to pianist Andras (Stefano Dionisi), the woman he wrote the song for (Illona, played by Erika Maroszan), and Laszlo, the man who loved her first (Joachim Krol.). Waltz With Bashir (Vals Im Bashir) Thursday, July 29; 7:30pm Rosenbloom OM Morstein Performa Israel 2008

One night at a bar, an old friend tells director Ari Folman about a recurring nightmare in which he is chased by 26 vicious dogs. Every night, the same number of beasts. The two men conclude that there’s a connection to their Israeli Army mission in the first Lebanon War of the early eighties. Ari is surprised that he can’t remember a thing anymore about that period of his life. Intrigued by this riddle, he decides to meet and interview old friends and comrades around the world. He needs to discover the truth about that time and about himself. As Ari delves deeper and deeper into the mystery, his memory begins to creep up in surreal images Adult content. $5 per film. Tickets may be purchased at either the Owings Mills or Park Heights cashiers’ windows.

For more information contact Eileen Berman at 410.356.5200, x334 or eberman@jcc.org.

Noi Volkov Tuesday, June 1-Saturday, July 31 Weinberg PH JCC Norman and Sarah Brown Art Gallery

Local, Russian-born artist, Noi Volkov depicts famous artists and artistic movements in his painted sculptures. His work puts emphasis back on past masters in a fun, unexpected way. For more gallery information, contact Smadar Livne at 410.382.3133 or email livne@smadarlivne.com

June/July 2010 A Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770


Aquatics NEW Adult Classes for Summer Deep Water Aerobics Ages 21+ years. Tuesdays & Thursdays June 21-August 31; 7:00-7:45pm Rosenbloom OM JCC (Indoor Pool)

Deep water training, conditioning workout using hydro-belts and water barbells. $75/JCC Member; $110/NM Noodle Water Aerobics Mondays & Wednesdays, June 21-July 31; 7:00-7:45 Rosenbloom OM JCC (Indoor Pool)

New Session Just Announced! Safe Water Initiative: Maryland

Learn how to use the Noodle for added buoyancy and perfect positioning for powerful aerobic movements for the lower body. Get an awesome water aerobic workout plus strengthening and toning for the upper and lower body. No swimming skills required. $75/JCC Member; $110/NM For more information on these classes, contact Sue at 410.356.5200 x302 or email sszembroth@jcc.org.

Monday-Thursday, June 14-17

The JCC of Greater Baltimore’s award-winning water safety program returns during the week leading up to Memorial Day led by none other than the Barracudas’ Coach Audrey. With support for the program from the USA Swimming Foundation and corporate sponsors Enterprise vehicle rentals and American Pools, we can teach a lot of people who have never learned to swim! More info can be found at www.jcc.org/SWIM.

Aquatics Leadership Camp

Limited Openings Available for Second Session Only July 19 - July 30

There are still a few spots available for both Aquatic Adventure Camp (for swimmers ages 11-14) and Aquatic Leadership Adventure (for swimmers ages 15-18). Camps will include mornings with water safety and rescue skills (including First Aid and CPR). Afternoon programs will other aquatics skills like navigation, snorkeling and SCUBA, communication and boating. Campers must pass a swim test in order to register. Contact Bill Kirkner at 410.356.5200 x318 or email bkirkner@jcc.org.

June Certification Classes Lifeguarding and Water Safety Instructor (WSI) classes are in progress and there’s still time to obtain certification before summer swim season begins. Visit www.jcc.org/lifeguard and www.jcc.org/wsi for more information.

Come see what everyone’s raving about! Official Jewish Overnight camp Of the Jcc Of greater BaltimOre

Schedule your tour today! Tour Dates: July 4, 8, 11, 18, 21 & August 1, 4, 8, 11 Paige Berman (3rd from l.) and friends swam laps in the indoor pool in Owings Mills to help raise funds to firght breast cancer.


phone: (until 6/14): 301.468.2267

web: www.capitalcamps.org e -mail: info@capitalcamps.org

(as of 6/14): 717.794.2177

JCC A Center News

Fitness & Wellness Staying Fit on your Summer Vacation

We Get Letters

When you’re traveling this summer, don’t let being away become an excuse to take a vacation from fitness. While you may not be able to do the same routine you’re used to doing at home, there are still plenty of options for staying active when you’re away. Try the following strategies: • Bring a pedometer and a pair of walking shoes with you. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. If you’re sightseeing, this will probably be easy! • Pack a resistance band. It will allow you to do strength training in your hotel room. • Ask if the hotel you’re staying in has a fitness center. Nowadays, many hotels do. • Swim laps in the hotel pool. • Bring along a fitness video, or ask if the hotel has any available to use. • If you are visiting a city that has a JCC call them up to see if you can use their gym. Many JCC’s will offer reciprocity to any current Baltimore JCC member. • Take advantage of layovers and waits in airports by walking through the terminal. • Plan activities during your trip to add movement to your day. If you’re in a rural area, plan hikes or kayak trips; if you’re in a city, take a bike tour or just wander and explore the local streets and shops. If you’re having trouble getting motivated to exercise, think of it as an opportunity to try something new! Just start with five minutes. Chances are, once you start moving, you won’t want to stop! Remember, there’s always something you can do to stay active no matter where you are.

Yoga Moves Members At Park Heights!

Join the Party Les Mills Launch

Sunday, July 11; 8:00am-12:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Come try the latest moves in BODYPUMP and BODYSTEP. 8:00am BODYPUMP 9:15am BODYSTEP 10:30am BODYPUMP (Note ZUMBA will follow after the 10:30am BODYPUMP) Free to Members/Non-Members. (Non-members MUST pre-register) For more information, contact Amy Schwartz at 410.356.5200 x510 or email aschwartz@jcc.org.

June/July 2010 A Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770

I just wanted to thank you for the yoga classes at the JCC. The instructors are so wonderful. These group fitness classes help us stretch both physically and spiritually - we come to appreciate each precious moment! – Bracha G.

Yoga Tips From the Pros… Got lower back pain? Try these yoga moves

Problems with the lower back are typically caused by stress, too much sitting, and over-arching of the lower back, says Gary Kraftsow, founder of the American Viniyoga Institute. The following exercise can help stabilize the lower back. As you practice this pose, engage your abdomen on the exhale in order to continuously tone your abs and ultimately support your back.

Cat-cow sequence

Benefits: Stretches abs and back; keeps spine flexible Helps: Stiff back, breath-movement coordination Begin on your hands and knees; shoulders should be directly over your wrists and hips directly over your knees. Inhale and slowly arch your back into cat pose, lifting the chest up and away from the belly and extending your tailbone toward the ceiling. On the exhale round the back into cow pose, gently contracting the belly, then bring the chest down to rest on the thighs in child’s pose. Repeat six times.

Trader Joe’s Tour-Healthy Summer Eating Ages 20+ Thursday, June 17; 1:30-2:30pm Tuesday, June 22; 7:30-8:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

What should YOU be buying at the grocery store? Meet Nutritionist Adriane Koslovsky at Trader Joe’s to find out what foods have too much sodium or fat for your diet and what is safe to eat if you have food allergies. $10/JCC Member; $15/NM For more information, contact Amy Schwartz at 410.356.5200 x510 or email aschwartz@jcc.org.


FYI MEMBERSHIP ADVANTAGES Membership Renewal - New 3-Tier System We have worked hard this year to limit membership increases even while our cost of operations has increased. We have developed what we feel is a unique and thoughtful fee structure. This new structure is designed to help our members during these difficult economic times, while also recognizing that many of you would like to be able to support others. This new 3-tier system allows you to choose one of the following fee levels as you renew your membership: A Little Help (you will pay the same fees as last year) Standard Rate (you will pay our new 2010/2011 membership rates) Help Others (you can give a little extra above our new membership rates) You simply pick the level that feels most comfortable to you. Your donation will go towards scholarship assistance to our members who are currently in financial need. Please make sure to check off your membership preference when you receive your annual renewal invoice and return it to us before your membership expires. Of course, do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions or concerns. Please contact Membership Services at Park Heights: 410.542.4900, x224, or Owings Mills: 410.356.5200, x331.

Promote Your Business In the Center News !

Are you a small business owner? Now you can promote your company in the Center News. You can reach close to 6000 households for only $80/issue for a business card-size ad. The cost for Non-Members is $100/issue. Space is limited and some restrictions apply. Availability is first come, first serve. If you or someone you know is interested in this opportunity, please contact Robin Rose-Samuels at 410.542.4900, x271 or email rrosesamuels@jcc.org or

Glick Leibman Beit Midrash at the OM JCC Did you know that the Rosenbloom OM JCC building has an extensive library of Jewish books for members to borrow or keep? Thanks to the terrific volunteer efforts of Mike Feldman, we are able to offer a lending/receiving library that is well organized and offers everything from novels to cookbooks to traditional Jewish texts. Library hours vary, so call before visiting, but members can drop off books at the front desk anytime.

JCC Biennial Awards The JCC of Greater Baltimore took home 14 awards at the JCCA Biennial for JCC lay leader in Atlanta this May. They include the following: • Strategic Decision Making, Gold Star level, for the Shabbat Opening Process • Programs to Engage New Leaders, Gold Star level, for JCC 101 • Professional Development Innovation Award, Gold Star level, for New Lifeguard Orientation & Mentoring Program: • Aquatics Program Innovation Award, Safe Water Initiative: Maryland (SW:M) • Special Needs Program Recognition Award, Karma Dogs • Youth & Israel Program Recognition Award, I-Leap (Teen Leadership & Israel Trip) • Families/Young Children Program Exemplary Award, Beyond our Borders (Outreach to Jewish families) • Early Childhood Program Recognition Award, Healthy Snacks • Volunteer Program, Recognition Award, Gordon Center • Cultural Arts Program, Recognition Award, Cinefest • Youth/Children Partnerships, Exemplary Award, Orthodox Community Outreach Marketing and Communications Awards: • E-Newsletter, Paragon Award, for J-Watch and Departmental emails • Integrated Marketing Campaign, Paragon Award, for Summer Membership 2009 • Print Collateral Materials, Kol Hakavod Award for Center News

Get On The Career Fast Track Wednesday, June 23; 5:30-9:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Update Your Info-Get A Gift!

Stop by the Membership Office before June 20 and get a FREE GIFT when you update your email address, birthday information or family photos. Questions? Contact the Membership Office at OM, call 410.356.5200, x331; at PH, call 410.542.4900, x224.


Jewish Community Services’ (JCS) Career Services is offering “Career Fast Track: A Hands-On Job Search Workshop,” presenting essential tips and tools for those seeking a job or interested in making a career change. Participants will learn how to write effective resumes and cover letters, and acquire better interview skills. Registration fee of $50 includes dinner, personalized feedback, and all workshop materials. Those attending will be eligible to receive future JCS Career Services at a reduced rate. Space is limited. Register early to secure your place, online at www.jcsbaltimore.org/fasttrack or call 410.843.7515.

JCC A Center News

The Associated Corner Leaving a Legacy for your JCC It’s Sunday and the lobby is bustling. Kids en route to the basketball courts, toddlers and parents headed for Mommy and Me classes, seniors attending a lecture on Jewish literature, young adults making their way back to the treadmills and yogis with sticky mats slung over their shoulders. Gaggles of people young and old stand around in groups, talking and laughing together. It’s a typical day at the Jewish Community Center (JCC). Is the JCC an important part of your family’s life? Do you utilize the many recreational, social, religious, cultural and communal resources that are offered through the J? Do you want the JCC to be a strong, financially-secure and vibrant institution for your children and grandchildren in the years to come? If so, you may wish to consider leaving a lasting legacy in the form of an endowment fund for the benefit of the JCC. Why leave a legacy? Your special gift will help the JCC build an endowment to ensure that future generations will enjoy a JCC community that is financially stable and strong. When demands for scholarships and financial assistance rise to new heights, the promise of the JCC is that we will respond – and the endowment enables us to do so. THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore manages legacies designated for the JCC, and staff of THE ASSOCIATED Legacy and Endowment Department can advise you about the various options and guide you through the process of choosing the most suitable means for making your gift. There are a variety of ways that you can leave your legacy – many that cost you nothing during your lifetime, and others that actually pay you back with guaranteed income for life. They include the following techniques: • Making a Bequest in Your Will A simple bequest in your will is the most common technique for leaving your legacy. • Using Life Insurance Life insurance gifts are particularly appealing to younger individuals because of the reasonable cost and tax benefit. As the JCC is the owner and beneficiary of the policy, your premium payments are tax deductible. You may even be able to contribute an older family policy to the JCC and realize a tax benefit. • Naming the JCC as the Beneficiary of Your IRA or Retirement Plan Your IRA or retirement plan are often subject to high estate and income taxes, leaving few dollars for your heirs. The more you can save on your tax bill, the more your heirs will inherit from you. • Establishing a Charitable Income Plan A Charitable Remainder Trust or Charitable To respond with immediacy and compassion to Gift Annuity provides you or your loved ones our community’s pressing needs and, at the same needed current income while providing the time, plan for a bright and vibrant future for means to establish a legacy for the benefit of the generations to come. JCC. Important tax benefits and possible increased income are available. • Giving Cash, Stock or Other Property Take advantage of immediate income tax For 90 years, THE ASSOCIATED has provided benefits and create your legacy during your a communal safety net, offering assistance to the lifetime. We will work with you to identify the most vulnerable among us. The programs and most tax-efficient way to establish your legacy services made possible by THE ASSOCIATED right away. engage Jews of all ages and ensure the continued Interested in learning about how you can help to growth and health of our community. secure the future of the Jewish Community Center? For more information about Contact Michael Friedman at 410.369.9233 or THE ASSOCIATED, email mfriedman@associated.org.

Promise Made:

Promise Kept:

visit www.associated.org.

June/July 2010 A Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770


Chai Lights Kids from the Meyerhoff ECE program at the Weinberg PH JCC watch in wonder as the butterflies that they have watched grow are let out into the world.

What Kinds of Parents Choose The Cardin School? A. Parents who want their child to have both a college preparatory education and a foundation of Jewish values. B. Parents whose households embrace Jewish tradition.

Closing film of the 2010 Jewish Film Festival William Kunstler:

C. Parents who don’t want their child to be overlooked or lost in a public school.

Disturbing the Universe

D. Parents who may be wary of stereotypical private schools.

Pictured from left to right: Guest Speaker Steven H. Sachs, Film Festival Chair Jonny Lewis and Filmmaker Emily Kunstler All of the above. Come see us. There’s no substitute for a visit.

The Shoshana S. Cardin School Baltimore’s Independent Jewish High School

Above all, learning.

7310 Park Heights Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21208-5436 • (410) 585-1400 • www.shoshanascardin.org

Still accepting applications for the 2010-2011 school year. 14 JJCWhatKindParentMay.indd 1

JCC A Center News

5/2/10 1:11 P

Staff News Paul Lurie and Amanda Max are two of the all-star players involved in the preparation and logistics of so many aspects of the entire JCC Maccabi Experience. We congratulate both Paul and Amanda and wish them well with their new responsibilities. Paul Lurie has been promoted to the position of Teen Director. His responsibilities will include overseeing all middle and high school activities. In addition, Paul will continue in his role as the Maccabi Coordinator. Amanda Max, who is currently the JCC Maccabi Experience Assistant Director, will become part of our full-time staff starting July 1, 2010 as the position of Middle School Coordinator.

Employees of the Month Kyra Kraft Heller, a teacher in the Owings Mills ECE program, went above and beyond her responsibilities this winter when the JCC closed early because of weather. The teachers were nervous about driving in the snow and the children who hadn’t been picked up were scared. Although she was free to go home, Kyra volunteered to stay and wait with them. Her attitude and demeanor brought a sense of calm to the situation. Kyra really became a leader in this stressful situation and exemplified the kind of teacher that parents are proud to leave with their children. Mark Newton manages the Printshop at the Park Heights JCC building with tremendous dedication. This past winter when buses were not running due to bad weather, Mark took the initiative to walk a considerable distance from his home to the JCC in order to get out an important mailing for the Accounting department. This outstanding devotion is typical of Mark and something that he deserves to be commended on.

Indoor, Lap & instructional Pool Schedules Saturday, May 29 – Monday, September 6 Indoor Pool 5:30am-9:30pm 5:30am-5:30pm 1pm-5:30pm 7am-6:30pm

Mon.-Thurs. Friday Saturday Sunday

Lap Pool Instructional Pool* 7am-9:30pm 3pm-6pm 7am-5:30pm 3pm-5:30pm 1pm-5:30pm 1pm-5:30pm 8am-6:30pm 1pm-6:30pm

*Instructional Pool will open at 1pm Mon.-Sun. 6/21/09 to 8/15/09

Family & Wading Pool Schedule Only May 29 – June 20 & Aug. 16 - Sept. 6 Mon.-Thurs. Friday Saturday Sunday

Mon., June 21 – Sat., Aug. 15

3pm-9:00pm Mon.-Thurs. 3pm-5:30pm Friday 1pm-5:45pm Saturday 10am-6:30pm Sunday

June/July 2010 A Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5770

11:30am-9pm 11:30am-5:30pm 1pm-5:45pm 10am-6:30pm


June/July Hours Sunday at Park Heights 7:00am-5:00pm Sunday at Owings Mills 7:00am-7:00pm Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Friday 5:30am-6:00pm Saturday – Park Heights Closed Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm

Eden Café

at the Weinberg PH JCC Phone: 410.542.5185 eden.cafe@hotmail.com Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm

Café Teva

at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.5200 x560 cafeteva@jcc.org Sunday: 8:00am-6:30pm Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00am-8:00pm Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885

July 4 – JCC Open Tisha B’Av, July 20 JCC Open

Get In On JCC Summer Classes! From old favorites to new and exciting classes and events, you won’t want to miss all the summer fun at the JCC this year. There is a great array of programs/classes to choose from this session. Browse through our program guide, available at both JCC buildings or online at www.jcc.org/ guide and don’t forget to register early!

JCCs of North America

In addition to our regular 9am-5pm hours, Monday through Friday, we will have additional staff on hand to provide in-person registration on Sunday, June 20 9am5pm (OM) 9am-2pm (PH). You can also call the cashier’s desk during those hours at 410.356.5200 x332 (OM) or 410.542.4900 x237 (PH).

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