December 2009 JCC Center News

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A Newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore December 2009 Kislev/Tevet 5770

Inside: Jewish Life 2 Holiday Happenings 3 Children & Youth 4-5 Camp 6-7 Maccabi 7 Aquatics 8 Special Needs 8 Teens 9 Adults 10 Fitness & Wellness 11 The Arts 12 Chai Lights 13 FYI 14 Staff News 15

JCCs of North America

Associated Corner 15

JCC Camp Staff Bring Years of Experience

You have to love working with kids and have a genuine desire to see them flourish and grow to become a camp leader. Just ask any of the JCC camp directors profiled in this newsletter. Each of these individuals brings their own unique talents, backgrounds and philosophies to the table, yet all share the goal of making your child’s summer a safe, fun and memorable experience. Even if you’ve met some of our directors before we bet you will learn something new about them from the interviews we conducted. So read on and then feel free to call any of them to find out how they can help you plan the ideal camp experience for your child.

Dori Zvili, Camp Milldale, Director

Dori Zvili has been with the JCC since January 1995. This will be her fourth summer at Milldale. She has also spent two summers as a village leader at Capital Camps, six summers with JCC Road Trip (four of those as a Director) and four summers as Assistant Director for the JCC’s TNT program. In addition, she was a counselor at Camp Debut for four years. Dori says that she has been working with kids basically for her entire life! “I think all of my experiences with children have played a part in my training. Being a big sister taught me patience and how to play with kids. Working as a Bunk Counselor has helped me to understand how it is to work both sides of camp. My experiences with the teen camps helped me work better with the counselors and my leadership position at Capital Camps had a part in preparing me for this role. Working with BBYO helped me to stay organized, see the big picture, and help others to lead and grow.” Dori feels that camp is an opportunity for FUN! As director, her goal is to make each day at Milldale nurturing, enriching, and full of exciting and memorable experiences. She believes that good consistent communication with parents and staff is key to making camp a positive experience for all.

Lara Wellerstein, Camp Milldale Associate Director

Lara Wellerstein is in her ninth year at the JCC. During this time she has been the Director of TNT and The Loft and the Assistant and then Associate Director of Camp Milldale. From September to June Lara runs our Kids Center after-school program. Lara is a veteran JCC camper, having spent every summer since she was two years old at a JCC summer day camp!

Lara has a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and an MSW as well. These degrees help her meet the needs of a diverse group of children and families. It helps that she knows many of the children at camp because they attend Kids Center during the school year. When asked what her camp philosophy is, Lara explains, “Summer camp experiences have been proven to help shape Jewish identity. I hope that our campers grow up to be part of a Jewish Community that will impact them throughout their life.”

David Mitnick, Camp Milldale Program Director David Mitnick has been with the JCC for over two years. Last year was his first summer at Camp Milldale but his previous job was at Camp Shoresh where he worked for eight years. David has also worked for the National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY) for seven years, so with the addition of Camp Milldale that totals about 16 years working with Jewish youth! “Both NCSY and Shoresh were all about fun while in a Jewish environment! For me it is about keeping things fresh and different from the overly structured environment of school while imparting Jewish values. Camp, while structured, is more informal and should be exciting and enjoyable all the time!” David has five young children at home who keep him on his toes. He often tries to see the world through their eyes. David says that he looks at it this way, “If I were a camper, what would be fun for me? I think I’m just a big camper in an adult body because one of my goals each summer is that I have fun too.” Camp continues on page 6.

Jewish Life

Center news

The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore

Wisdom For Today Dr. Paul D. Schneider

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC

Living Al Kiddush Hashem Usually when we hear the expression Al Kiddush Hashem, we think of martyrdom. We hear or read that a Jew died Al Kiddush Hashem, “for the sanctification of G-d.” But one can also live Al Kiddush Hashem. When one lives a life marked by elevating acts that bring pride to our religion and to the God of Israel, one lives a life of Kiddush Hashem. For example, take the folks at Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. On Sunday mornings, on my way to exercise at the Park Heights JCC, I pass Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, see an act of Kiddush Hashem, and say to myself, “these people know how to bring honor and pride to the Jewish people and to the G-d of Israel.” And what is it that I see that prompts these words? Last year a major black church lost their building to a fire. The First Mt. Olive Freewill Baptist Church needed a place for Sunday morning worship. First, Oheb Shalom opened their doors, and when they were no longer able to do so, Baltimore Hebrew Congregation took over the mitzvah. Every Sunday morning, hundreds of worshippers ascend on Baltimore Hebrew Congregation for services. There is no question in my mind that this public act of Hakhnasat Orhim and Hesed has increased honor and respect towards both our people and our religion in the black community. So, the next time that you are driving down Park Heights on a Sunday morning, and your child asks, “Why are there so many cars and buses parked in front of Baltimore Hebrew?” you can say, “those Baltimore Hebrew folks are engaged in an act of Kiddush Hashem”, and you can tell them what I just told you. Dr. Paul D. Schneider is the headmaster of the Krieger Schechter Day School at Chizuk Amuno Congregation. He can be reached at

Saturday Programming at the JCC An Opportunity for Outreach

The recent opening of the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC on Saturday afternoons has presented our community with a new opportunity to expand its Jewish Life outreach. In the months ahead, community synagogues and organizations will be offering programming on different Saturday afternoons. This partnership has been spearheaded by a special task force headed by Rabbi Jay Goldstein of Beth Israel and Beth Mayers, the former chairperson of the JCC Board. Rabbi Goldstein explains that offering Jewish programming on Saturday afternoon at the JCC provides an opportunity for synagogues and other Jewish organizations to meet people where they are. “Just as we may do Jewish adult education at a law or CPA firm, so we can use this model to increase awareness of the wonderful Jewish programming and services available throughout the Baltimore area.” Rabbi Goldstein states that, “The JCC is the only place I know of where teens can swim, play basketball, learn Torah and end Shabbat with Havdallah. We have an opportunity to infuse the programs that the JCC would be offering with a Jewish ambiance.” Over the past six months the task force has reviewed member surveys and met with local synagogues to discuss programming possibilities. Many ideas have been brought forward and we are pleased to bring you our first program this month with Beth Israel Congregation. Future concepts are in the works for Adult Jewish learning and activities for families and teens.

5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax

Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax

Web site: MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor

The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.

Beth Israel Preschool-Shabbat with a Giggle Saturday, December 5; 4:30-6:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Come join us for Shabbat and a Chanukah Sing-A-Long with Cantor Eisenberg followed by story time with Shirley the Shabbat Fairy! There will also be special performances with the Beth Israel Preschool “Not Ready for Prime Time Players:” Princess Leah Latke and Her Search for the Perfect Havdallah Set! A Havdallah ceremony with milk and cookies will conclude the evening.

For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site

For more information, contact Rachael Schwartz at 410.654.0803 or email


JCC A Center News

Jewish community center of greater baltimore

Holiday Happenings with the JCC “Comedy Cantonese”

A Night of Jewish Humor, Chinese Food and more Thursday, December 24 8:30-10:30pm (Doors open at 7:45) Magooby’s Joke House in Parkville • 9306 Harford Road

Our Chanukah Gift to YOU! Visit either JCC and enter to win one of 13 valuable gifts. Enter daily for that day’s prize and you will also be included in our grand prize drawing. One entry per member/per day. Our gifts will include: December 13 - JCC Maccabi Bag with gear and free pens for everyone-one drawing per building December 14 - Two small cheese pizzas from the Eden Cafe at the PH JCC; $15 gift certificate from Cafe Teva at the OM JCC December 15 - One free one-hour Massage from Mary Cook at the OM JCC; One free one-hour Massage from Karen Furman at the PH JCC December 16 - Three personal training sessions with the trainer of your choice at the PH JCC; Three personal training sessions with the trainer of your choice at the OM JCC December 17 - A set of tickets to one of seven films at the William & Irene Weinberg Baltimore Jewish Film Festival held this spring, one drawing per building. December 18 - A special deal on two tickets to a Gordon Center show of your choice – one drawing per building. December 20 - Grand Prize Drawing 50% off your membership upon renewal!

Community-Wide Chanukah Celebration Tuesday, December 15; 6:00-9:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

You are invited to join CHAI and Mayor Sheila Dixon for the Community-Wide Chanukah Celebration at its new location this year! Bring the family for a fun filled evening on the 5th Night of Chanukah. This special evening will feature a Grand-Menorah Lighting, music, entertainment, arts & crafts, balloon art and magic, traditional Chanukah food. Local vendors will be selling jewelry, art and more. FREE

Dreidle Hunt

Families with children ages 4-11 Saturday, December 19; 6:00-9:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

FREE/ JCC Members $18/family NM Enjoy Chanukah games, contests and swimming pool activities. Café Teva will be open as well. For more information, contact Dori Zvili: or 410.356.5200, x387.

December 2009 A Kislev / Tevet 5770

Join us for a terrific night of Jewish humor featuring two national headliners, Marc Unger and Linda Belt! Marc Unger (Comedy Central, “Friends”) grew up in Baltimore before hitting the national stage. Currently, he is co-host of “The Fighting Ungers”, a sports comedy radio show on Fox Sports 1370. For the Jewish female perspective, don’t miss Linda Belt. This Boston native has been a national headliner for years and has worked in front of Jewish audiences all over the world. Before the show, you are invited to join us for a delicious Kosher Chinese buffet catered by David Chu’s. Last year’s show was a smashing success and this one is sure to sell out! Tickets are $30/person (includes show and buffet). For more information or to make reservations, please call Magooby’s Joke House at 410.356.1010.

Hands-on-Holidays Chanukah Parties Ages 0-5 with caregiver

Come join us for these exciting holiday programs which include songs and holiday arts and crafts, music and snacks. Carroll County Public Library, Eldersburg Branch Thursday, December 3; 4:30-5:30pm

Free The Jewish Museum of Maryland

Friday, December 4; 10:45-11:45am

Free Weinberg PH JCC

Tuesday, December 8; 10:30-11:30am

$6 /JCC M; $8/NM; $10/family Enoch Pratt Canton Library

Thursday, December 10; 10:30-11:15am & 11:30am-12:15pm

Free Rosenbloom OM JCC

Wednesday, December 16; 10:30-11:30am

$6 /JCC M; $8/NM; $10/family

Noontime New Year: An International Celebration Thursday, December 31; 10:00am-4:00pm Port Discovery Children’s Museum

Ring in the New Year with your little ones at Port Discovery! Children countdown to the New Year at noon and enjoy a milk and cookies toast. Families can engage in special performances and activities and learn how the New Year is celebrated around the world! This year, Port Discovery is excited to host a variety of cultures and countries, including: Asia, Greece, Italy, Israel, Japan, and more! Come visit our JCC Parenting booth and do an Israeli craft with us. For more information or to register, call Sharon or Linda at 410.356.5200, x347, or email


Children & Youth Got Shabbat?

For Families with Young Children Friday evening, December 25

Celebrate Shabbat with other Jewish families in homes around town. Make new connections and enjoy a delicious kosher Chinese dinner complete with Challah, wine and candlesticks. See back page for Café Teva Shabbat Dinner Special! For reservations and more information call Cindy Neuman at 410.356.5200, x344 or visit

Music For Molly A Benefit in Memory of Molly Hartman December 20; 10:30am Rosenbloom OM JCC

Summer in the Snow!

Ages 2-5 (entering Kindergarten) Sunday, January 24; 10:30am-12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Preschool

Join the Noah’s Ark staff for some cold weather “sun and fun!” Meet our camp staff to see what’s in store this coming summer. Activities include an obstacle course, face painting, games, yoga and much more! See you in the sun! Sign up for camp at the event and your spot is guaranteed! FREE for the Whole Family! For more information and to RSVP contact Nicole Schwartz: 410.356.5200, x508 or

Photos from last year’s Summer In The Snow!

Join our parenting department as we celebrate the life of Molly Hartman who passed away September 25, 2009 as a result of a seizure. She was seven months old. The goal of “Music for Molly” is to raise money for the organization PACE (People Against Childhood Epilepsy), as well as to raise awareness of childhood seizure disorders. Molly’s mother, Leslie Hartman, says Molly began attending music together classes with her sister Amy and herself at 2 weeks old. While Molly was frequently fussy due to her neurological condition, during the time that Molly and her mother spent in Bettina Leu’s Music Together classes she never once cried. This comfort, relief and love that Molly received through music meant a lot to Leslie and that is why she chose this special way to honor her. Participation in this special Music Together class will help to fund PACE’s important mission of providing funding for research into ways to treat and hopefully cure childhood seizures. Leslie Hartman is an active participant in our Mommy & Me classes with her older daughter, three year old Amy. Donations can be made at

Pee Wee Pizza and Play Tuesday, January 5; 12:00-1:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

NEW Evening Pizza and Play Tuesday, January 12; 5:00-6:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Come join us for a pizza lunch or dinner with songs, bubbles, parachute play, gym time and more! This is a great family activity! $6/JCC M; $9/NM RSVP required. (Limited Space Available) For more information or to register for these programs, call Sharon or Linda at 410.356.5200, x347 or email


JCC A Center News

Children & Youth Winter Break Camp

Grades K-5 December 24, 28, 29, 30, 31; 9:30am-3:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

This fun filled week will offer a combination of exciting camp activities including: arts and crafts, four corners, obstacle courses, scooters, relay races, swimming, games, and much more! Dec. 24, 28, 30 & 31: $20/Kids Center, $25/JCC Member, $50/NonMember, $5/Early Drop-off, $7/Late Stay – per day Dec. 29: $35/Kids Center, $40/JCC Member, $65/Non-Member, $5/Early Drop-off, $7/Late Stay For more information visit or contact Lara Wellerstein: 410.356.5200, x339

CSA Karate Winter Camp Ages 4-12 and CIT (Counselor in training) ages 13-15. December 28-31; 9:30am-4:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

This fantastic winter camp will include karate, martial arts and crafts, movies, karaoke, and an ice cream New Years party! $50/per day or $185/4 days member $75/per day or $278/4 days nonmember To register, call 410.356.5200, x321 or visit

Boy Scouts Pack 18 & Cub Scouts Pack 18 Winter Camping December 4-6

You won’t want to miss this trip to Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation. Chanukah pack meeting December 13

For questions about Pack 18, or to become an adult leader, contact Dr. Moshe Dreyfuss at 410.764.1533 or

Limited Openings Early Childhood Education Programs Owings Mills JCC ECE January 2’s Tuesdays &Thursdays; 8:50am-12:00pm

Children who didn’t make the September two-year-old deadline can now join a class of their own. This class will give kids a chance to engage in art, music, cooking, language, and play related activities. There is also a physical education class with Mr. Sol and a Hebrew class with Miss Judy. For more information contact Ilene Meister: 410.356.5200, x310, or

Meyerhoff ECE / Weinberg PH JCC The Park Heights Infant/Toddler and Preschool Programs have limited openings available for winter! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get your kids into one of the best programs around. Fore more information contact: Jodi Fishman at 410.542.4900, x264 or email

Basketball Warm Ups started Sunday November 15th. This two week warm up league teaches kids the fundamentals of the game through the use of different basketball drills.

December 2009 A Kislev / Tevet 5770


Camp Nicole Schwartz, Noah’s Ark Director This summer will be Nicole Schwartz’s second year as Director of Noah’s Ark Camp. Nicole holds the title of ECE Coordinator and teacher at the Owings Mills JCC Early Childhood Education Department. Nicole says that she makes it a point to get to know each family, and to build a comfort level so that parents know they can come to her at any point in their child’s camp experience and development. Nicole knows that being a successful Camp Director means being everywhere at once. “When I’m in the classroom, or out at the pool, I’m able to supervise and make sure every single one of my campers is safe and having fun.” She says that, “I also use my skills as a professional photographer. Parents are delighted to see their children in action throughout the day.” Nicole says the main goal of Noah’s Ark is for the kids to have fun in a safe and nurturing environment. “At Noah’s Ark, we instill within the children an appreciation for Jewish culture, confidence in their abilities, and an independent way of thinking - all qualities that will serve them well and allow them to grow socially and emotionally.”

Jodi Fishman, Camp Keshet Director

Jodi Fishman has been with the JCC for eleven years. She has worked at Camp Milldale for seven years, many of these as Camp Director. She is in her second year running the Meyerhoff Early Childhood Education Center at the Park Heights JCC. This will be her third summer running Camp Keshet in Park Heights. She has also worked at JCC Camps in Columbus, Ohio and at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. Her experience working with children totals almost thirty years. Jodi thinks that the incredible impact her own camp experience had on her is what prepared her for working with children in a variety of camp settings. She likes to think that her enthusiasm for Jewish camping helps to create an exciting and positive environment for the children as well as the staff. Jodi has a B.S. in Elementary Education and an M.S. in Counseling Psychology. She uses her understanding of child development and counseling skills in working with the children, staff and parents. “Every day is a new adventure. No matter what I do, I always feel that I can do more. Camp programming is not static, it is always evolving! There are never-ending occasions to create positive, nurturing, and exciting opportunities for the children and families we work with. The Jewish camping environment should integrate Jewish values, life and culture in a way that is fluid and a natural and fun part of the camper’s everyday encounters.”

Nick Schiner, TNT Director


For the past eight years, Nick Schiner has worked at the JCC in some capacity. This summer will mark his third year running TNT, a counselor training program for rising 7th and 8th graders. Nick has experience being a counselor at Milldale and at The Loft as well. He was also the Athletics Specialist for the Loft and then the

Assistant Director the following year. In total, he has about thirteen years of experience working with kids. As a former TNT participant, Nick knows what the staff in Noah’s Ark needs from the TNTs. He also understands younger teens since he works with them on a daily basis as a fifth grade teacher. Nick explains that, “The TNT program gives teens the unique opportunity to strike the balance between work and play for the first time in their lives. It is my job to give these teens the opportunity and tools to become team players.” While being a TNT is a job that requires maturity and responsibility, Nick adds that, “This is camp after all, and I would be remiss if I didn’t do my best to ensure that the TNT’s have a blast taking part in the various afternoon electives!”

Bill Kirkner, Aquatics Camp Director

In addition to creating the new Aquatics Camp program that is launching this summer, Bill Kirkner has been the Director of Aquatics at the JCC since 2006. Under his leadership, our swim program has seen significant improvements. Earlier this year it was recognized as the number one aquatics program among all JCC’s in North America and is ranked in the top 20 among swim programs nationwide. Bill Kirkner has over 20 years experience working with kids in various capacities. His experience as a Varsity swimmer on an NCAA Division One team coupled with his years as a swim team coach and as a volunteer leader for youth programs, have helped him to be an innovator. He is always coming up with creative ways to enhance the learning skills of our participants. Bill’s Aquatics Camp is designed to be both challenging and rewarding. “Although we definitely want the kids to have fun at camp, the instances that are the most memorable are not necessarily the most ‘fun,’ but they are the ones that induce a sense of accomplishment or achievement,” explains Bill. “The value of the experience comes from the effort - the striving, the teamwork, and the sacrifices - that make the achievement possible. The very idea of ‘camp’ is about stepping out of one’s comfort zone to encounter and overcome challenges that cause growth.”

Adam Stein, Tennis Camp Director

Adam Stein has been with the JCC for fifteen years. This will be his twelfth year working with kids in a camp capacity. Adam says, “Over the years I have tried to listen to what the needs and wants are of our members. My entire program is built on what parents ask for.” He has been in contact with parents and children in this community for long enough to know how to run the kinds of program that parents can feel safe about and kids can enjoy and thrive in. “This is vacation time for the kids and I want them to get lots of fun physical activity under their belts,” explains Adam. He loves seeing new faces but old faces are important as well, it means that something is being done right! Adam has a BS in Physical Education; a USNTA Tennis Pro Certification and AAAI/ISMA Fitness Expert Certification.

JCC A Center News


Maccabi Maccabi Information Session Jen Lake, CSA Karate Camp Director

Jen Lake has been with the JCC for twenty years. She worked at Camp Milldale for five years and CSA Karate Camp for the past sixteen years. Over the years, Jen says that she has learned so much from her students. She is aware of their needs and what it takes to give them a great summer experience. She has learned that it is vital to evolve and grow, making each year better than the last! Having worked with children since she was a kid herself, Jen feels that she can relate to kids and their needs. She says that karate is not just about punching and kicking, it is so much more. “During camp I share my love of singing and art. We give campers a chance to find their voice and Mr. Doug teaches them how to put their creativity to paper. It is our philosophy to teach Martial Arts skills and life lessons. We nurture each child knowing their individual personalities and needs.” Jen is a Second Degree Black Belt in CSA Karate, Purple Sash in Kung fu, and Green Belt in Bando. She has recently returned to school to finish her degree in Health and Fitness.

For camp dates, contact information and all program details, please visit us at For information on Camp Milldale visit

Camp Milldale Tour Sunday, December 20; 1:30pm

Come take a tour of Camp Milldale’s facilities! Meet the Camp Director and learn about the great programs we offer.

Sunday, January 10; 12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Performa

If you are interested in learning more about being a JCC Maccabi Experience participant, host family or volunteer we encourage you to come to an information session. Tryout and audition information will be available and we will be showing some exciting Maccabi videos too. We will review important information and answer any questions you may have. To RSVP to our Information Session, contact Amanda Max: 410.356.5200, x361 or Visit to sign up for emails and tweets about upcoming JCC Maccabi events and opportunities, and let us know how you would like to be involved.

A Letter from Israel … Aaron Schwartz and Joshua Reznick are former JCC Maccabi participants. Both boys have been part of the JCC’s boy’s baseball teams. Adam participated for three years, in Columbus 2004, Dallas 2005, and Stamford 2006. Josh is a two year participant and was part of Maccabi in Dallas 2005 and Stamford 2006. They left Baltimore this past September to enlist in the Israeli army.

At a young age we were taught the importance of forming and shaping one’s identity. For so many summers that identity was foremost that of a Jew and secondly that of baseball player on the Baltimore Maccabi team. As we have matured and grown, the importance of our Jewish identity has paved the way for us to make the decision to join the Israeli army. While this decision is one of the most important ones we have ever made, our feelings toward the state of Israel made the decision clear to us. Having spent a period of time in Israel last year, we were able to take away a perpetual love for the land. Additionally we were privileged to meet many different people from all over the country and from all sorts of backgrounds. In a way, the JCC Maccabi experience is a microcosm of this. Throughout our three years of Maccabi, we met Jewish athletes from over twenty countries including countries that we weren’t even aware had Jewish residents! Playing in the Maccabi games helped us realize that while the Jewish people may be spread out all over the world -we are all still brothers and share one heart. This feeling of unity plays a role in the undying love and patriotism we have towards the land of Israel. Israel is our home and the importance of protecting our brothers and defending its borders is a daunting task. However, we are committed to keeping our country safe and protecting what’s important to us. As volunteers from another country we are officially “foreigners,” but we can honestly say we have never felt more at home. The best advice we can give to future Maccabi participants, is to appreciate the experience for more than just what is on the field or courts. While life paves its own path for you, the one thing that will always remain with you is your identity as a Jew. -Aaron Schwartz & Joshua Reznick

To RSVP contact Dori Zvili: 410.356.5200, x387 or

December 2009 A Kislev / Tevet 5770


Special Needs


If you, or someone you know, has a child with special needs please let them know about these wonderful recreational and social programs offered at the JCC.

January is Winter Warm-up Time!

Sunday Funday

Ages 5-21 years Sundays, 1/17, 1/31, 2/21, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/25 1:00-5:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

These afternoons at the “J” offer appropriately tailored games, entertainment, arts & crafts, athletics, and swimming activities designed to help participants develop appropriate social skills and friendships, enhance coordination, increase self-esteem, and create a feeling of acceptance in the community. $128/JCC Members & Non-members

Get trained now for summer lifeguard jobs Its time to get ready for the American Red Cross National Aquatics School’s Winter Warm-up. This is the perfect time for college students to get certified and be ready to apply for summer jobs. Classes include, WSI/Swim Instructor and CPR Instructor, Certified Pool Operator, Lifeguard Readiness, Pre-Water Safety Instruction, Emergency Response, Lifeguard Training, Water Safety Instruction, NSPF Pool Operator Primer and NSPF Pool Operator Fusion. For more information, contact Bill Kirkner at 410.356.5200, x318 or

Teen Time

Ages 13-24 Tuesdays, 1/26, 2/9, 2/23, 3/9, 3/23, 4/27 & 5/11 7:00-8:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

This recreational program for teens and young adults with mild developmental or learning disabilities offers an opportunity for young people to participate in social and educational programming. Events will include athletic activities, Jewish learning, and social gatherings. $64/JCC Members & Non-members

Karma Dogs

Ages 5-15 Thursdays, 7:00-8:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

Are dogs allowed in the JCC? Yes, if they belong to this very special family of therapy canines known as Karma dogs. This unique intervention program is designed to help children on the autism spectrum improve their communication, social skills and fine and gross motor skills. $120/JCC Members & Non-members For more information on these programs, contact Stacy Israel at or 410.356.5200, x384.

We Get Letters I would like to express my appreciation to you for the exceptionally excellent water aerobics class you are offering. My sister and I find it so enjoyable and therapeutically helpful that we could only wish it were possible to go more often than once a week. As all of us know, no class is better than the teacher who leads it. I can say without a doubt that Polina Spirt is the most capable, sensitive and compassionate person I have ever had the pleasure of working with. The JCC is fortunate to have her on staff. Thank you so much, Naomi Greenberg and Vivienne Shub

Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program Taught by Polina Spirt Wednesday, January 6- March 31; 3:10-3:55pm Weinberg PH JCC

This class encourages exercise without putting excess strain on joints and muscles. Gentle activities in warm water with guidance from a trained instructor will help individuals gain strength and flexibility. $25/JCC M $45/NM For more information contact Mark Bonitatibus 410.542.4900, x626.


JCC A Center News


Chanukah Shabbat at the Naval Academy

Girls’ Teen Fitness Grows

Annapolis BBYO chapters Thursday, December 10

Classes Start January 5 Weinberg PH JCC

The JCC is excited to offer fitness classes for girls in grades 6-12! There have been numerous requests for classes catering to the younger girl population. This fall there were over 25 girls participating and we are excited to begin our winter classes soon! These classes will include Balls, Bands & Cardio, Zumba, BODYSTEP™ and Yoga. For more information, contact Jackie Foreman at 410.542.4900 x247 or

The Annapolis BBYO Chapter will be taking a tour of the Naval Academy and spending Shabbat with the Midshipmen. Rabbi Seth (Buzz) Phillips will be leading Shabbat services and Oneg.

BBYO Teen Connection Laser Tag Trip Sunday, December 13; Time TBD Shadowland in Columbia

Our Teen Connection Middle School members are invited to come play laser tag. Bring your friends and have some fun!

BBYO Teen Connection Dance Saturday, December 12; 8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Bring your friends and get ready to party! There will be one gym open for dancing and the other for basketball/quieter socializing. Snacks will also be provided of course! $11/JCC M; $16/NM. For more information, contact Mitch Liebeskind at 410.356.5200 x370 or

Rosenbloom OM JCC

Learning together.





SAT/ACT prep Customized one-on-one tutoring around your student’s schedule. $975 for eight 2-hour sessions, unlimited practice, and diagnostic

College 101 Sunday, December 13; 11:00am-1:00pm

Come meet with college advisors about what to expect and how to prepare for College! $25/M; $35/NM for families

How to Pay For College Wednesday, December 9; 7:00-9:00pm

Beth Tfiloh is school. It’s community.

It’s home. It’s where our friends are. At BT we know who we are. For more information about your place in our school, contact the Office of Admission at 410.486.1905.

For life.

Find out what financial resources are available for college and how to access them. $25/M; $35/NM for families For more information, call Esther Gunter at 410.356.5200 x612 or email

Through Grade 12

Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School 3300 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 /410.486.1905

December 2009 A Kislev / Tevet 5770

Call for Financial Assistance information


Adults One-Day LearnInn FILM, CONCERT, LUNCHEON Monday, December 7; 10:30am-2:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

The Golden Age of Yiddish Theater! A Virtual Experience featuring vintage recordings and film. From its beginnings in Rumania to Second Avenue in New York, Yiddish theater actually enjoyed two “golden ages.” Avrom Goldfaden, Boris Thomashevsky, Jacob Adler, Molly Picon, Aaron Lebedef, Jenny Goldstein, Moishe Oysher – just a fraction of the great actors and singers who graced the Yiddish stage over a 50 year period. Oy, Chanukah! Concert The “Oy, Chanukah!” concert will include songs from the Old World and new, sung by Mark Levy in Yiddish, Ladino, Hebrew, English, and Russian. The emphasis is on participation!

This past October, the JCC received a generous donation from American Pool Enterprises, Inc and Enterprise Rent-A-Car for $4000 towards scholarship assistance in our Make-A-Splash Swim lesson program. (L to r) Rick Naden, the COO and CFO of American Pool Enterprises, Eric Nislow, Chairman of the JCC Board of Directors, Jessica Schuleri, Enterprise Fleet Services Account Manager, and Michelle Cheek, Enterprise Rent-A-Car Business Rental Sales Executive.

Instructor: Mark Levy has appeared throughout the country and abroad and is a singer, lecturer and cantorial soloist who specializes in older Judaic folk music in Yiddish, Hebrew, and Ladino, Klezmer history and theory, and Jewish music history in general. Fee includes seminar, luncheon & concert: $30/JCC OPEN HOUSES AT CHIZUK AMUNO CONGREGATION SCHOOLS members; $45/Non-members Krieger Schechter Day School Rosenbloom Religious School For information, contact Eileen Berman: Through 8th Grade Kindergarten - 7th Grade 410.356.5200 x324 or 410/824-2066 410/486-8641

Fitness Center Etiquette Please remember to: • Wear sneakers with rubber soles • Always use the equipment sign up sheet and be courteous to others • Keep food out of the fitness rooms • Leave all personal belongings, including gym bags, in a locker • Keep the fitness equipment in the fitness rooms • Wipe down all cardio equipment and weight machines after use with a spray cleaner.

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 10, 2 p.m.

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 31, 9:15 a.m.

Dr. Paul Schneider, Headmaster Ilene Wise, Director of Admission

Alex Weinberg, Director SOUL






 8100 STEVENSON ROAD • BALTIMORE, MD 21208 • 410/486-6400


JCC A Center News

Fitness & Wellness ADULT FITNESS – OWINGS MILLS Sinai Physical Therapy at the JCC The JCC is now home to Sinai Hospital’s Rehabilitation Center. Physical Therapist, Eileen KupferAskin, is available on Mondays and Thursdays, and on an asneeded basis, for outpatient physical therapy services Eileen received her B.S. in Physical Therapy from New York University and is scheduled to complete her Doctor of Physical Therapy by December 2010. For more information, please contact Eileen Kupfer-Askin, P.T. at 410.746.6698.

Healthy Chanukah Fair and Gift Bazaar Sunday, December 6; 10:00am-2:00pm Owings Mills and Park Heights JCC

There will be vendors selling jewelry, handbags & accessories, fitness clothing & shoes, Arbonne® skincare & makeup, Judaica and gifts for children. Also available will be chair massages, blood pressure & body fat testing, and a chance to ask questions of the physical therapist and learn about heart disease in women. Free

Pre-Natal Yoga Mondays, January 11 & February 15 9:15-10:15am Wednesday, January 13 & February 17 7:30-8:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

During your pregnancy, you want to stay in shape and do what is best for your baby-tobe. Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to do both. Whether you are new to yoga or already an experienced practitioner, you can enjoy the benefits of yoga while pregnant. Yoga classes are a great way to prepare yourself for the birthing process as well as enjoy the company of other pregnant women. Many a toddler’s playgroup has emerged from the bonds forged in prenatal yoga classes! $60/JCC Members; $90/NM For more information call Amy Schwartz at 410.356.5200 x510 or Sharon Siegel at 410.356.5200 x347.

December 2009 A Kislev / Tevet 5770

ZUMBA Party! Sunday, December 6; 8:30-10:30am Weinberg PH JCC Sunday, December 6; 9:00-11:00am Rosenbloom OM JCC

Free with the donation of a can of food. For more information, call Lynn Rosen-Stone (OM) 410.356.5200 x510 or Jackie Foreman (PH) 410.542.4900 x247.

JCC’s Weight Loss Wars! January 1-March 31, 2010 Owings Mills and Park Heights JCC

Lack of support, false expectations and limited motivation are some of the obstacles you can encounter with traditional weight loss programs. These things can make weight loss seem difficult, depressing and lonesome. The JCC’s Weight Loss Wars take a unique approach to defeat these obstacles. The secret is community and competition! Confidential weekly weigh-ins, body circumference measurements, and monthly fat calibrations plot your progress. Motivational and informational emails, weekly hand-outs, and a food diary to keep you going. There will be prizes for winners who are the biggest losers in each location. What have you got to lose but weight?! $20/JCC Members Only For more information contact Lynn Rosen-Stone (OM) 410.356.5200 x510 or Jackie Foreman (PH) 410.542.4900 x247.

Check Out Our New Fitness Center Equipment Both JCC Fitness Centers are getting new equipment! Be on the lookout for five new treadmills at both facilities and two new recumbent bikes in Park Heights. LifeFitness Treadmills: A large 22” x 60” running surface with a patented shock absorption system for the ultimate in comfort. Seemless iPod® integration, USB compatibility, Virtual Trainer, and more! In addition, the most-used controls are placed right at your fingertips Star Trac Treadmills: Centered dual-adjustable personal fans create a more rewarding workout. Soft Trac® triple cell cushioning system provides maximum shock absorption. Star Trac Recumbent Bikes: Comfort-driven features like a walkthrough design, adjustable reading station, armrests to help alleviate tension in the shoulders, and a wrap-around seat adjust for simple position changes. This bike is perfect for any member! It also includes a personal fan. Not sure how to use them? Just ask one of our friendly floor staff!


The Arts Jewish Theatre Workshop The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde Saturday, January 2; 8:00pm Sunday, January 3; 2:00pm Monday, January 4; 7:00pm Weinberg PH JCC • Straus Auditorium

The classic comedy of errors by Oscar Wilde shows the playwrights breadth of wit and satire through following the mistaken identities of two young bachelors of London and their would-be lovers. The play, which has being an audience favorite for over a century, brings together an artful language, colorful characters and timeless humor. Jack Worthington avoids his obligations in the country to roam the social world of upper-class London by pretending to have a brother Ernest in the city (and also playing the role of Ernest while in the city). When his good friend, Algernon Moncrieff arrives at his country home claiming to be his brother Ernest, hilarity ensues. Save the Date

Fires in the Mirror by Anna Deveare Smith Saturday, January 30; 8:00pm & Sunday, January 31; 2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

General Admission: $15 Students and Seniors: $10 Tickets available online and at the door. Season tickets still available online at discounted prices. For more information email To purchase tickets online visit

Visiting Mr. Green

At the Morestein Performa Postponed until spring 2010.

International Guitar Night Saturday, January 16; 8:00pm

North America’s premier guitar concert returns with a new lineup featuring Lulo Reinhardt, a descendent of Django from Germany who mixes his family’s trademark Gypsy Jazz with new forays into Latin music; the Middle-Eastern flavored music of Itamar Erez from Israel; renowned harp guitarist Stephen Bennett from Virginia; and IGN founder Brian Gore. Tickets: $19; $21-show day and at the door For more information or to purchase tickets email, go to or come to the Gordon Center Box Office Monday-Friday, 10:00am-4:00pm

Gordon Center For Performing Arts Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery Selected Oil Paintings of Jonathan West Thru December 20

Jonathan West was born and raised in Bel Air, Maryland and received his B.F.A from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. While living in Brooklyn, N.Y., he developed an expressionistic abstract style of painting. Upon his return to Maryland, Jonathan began infusing his work with more political and humanitarian overtones. Shortly after the completion of his “Desert Storm” series, he changed his medium from oil on canvas to acrylic, and began developing his “Time To Run Like Hell” series, which he continues to explore today. The Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery is open to those patrons who attend performances. For more information, or to schedule a gallery tour, call Nancy Goldberg, 410-356-7469, Press 5.

Bravo for Cinefest!

The sold out Baltimore premiere of the FINALY AFFAIR featured the distinguished panel of Karen Rothenberg, Dean of the Maryland School of Law 1999-2009. Janna Singer, Md School of Law, Family Law Professor, and the Rev. Christopher Leighton, Executive Director of the Institute for Christian-Jewish Studies, shown here with Howard A. Davidov,MD, CineFest Chair.


Congratulations to the winner of the CineFest 2009 contest! With six out of eight answers correct, Rivka Schwebel won two tickets to the opening night of the 2010 William and Irene Weinberg Family Baltimore Jewish Film Festival. Stay tuned for information on the 22nd Baltimore Jewish Film Festival. You won’t want to miss this superb line-up! Opening night is scheduled for April 8, 2010. Become a STAR now to ensure your two tickets for every one of the eight outstanding films of the STAR Series at The Gordon Center before they sell out. To subscribe, please send your name, address, email address and phone # to Claudine Davison at

JCC A Center News

Chai Lights

Our BBYO council sponsored ManisForACure and raised $1600 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation while our teens enjoyed beauty makeovers from head to toe.

Photo by Stuart Zolotorow

Four-year-old Zachary Minkin sits with his parents, Will and Buffy, as his great-grandfather, Harvey M. Meyerhoff addresses the audience at the dedication of the Harvey M. and Lyn P. Meyerhoff Early Childhood Wing at the Weinberg Park Heights JCC, where Zachary attends preschool.

December 2009 A Kislev / Tevet 5770



More than one way to connect to the “J”

Winter Program Guide

Become a friend of ours on FACEBOOK and connect with our staff and departments on a whole new level! We’re posting updates about programs, links to interesting articles, and our latest information. We also have a number of different TWITTER feeds. For instance you can follow Baltimore JCC Maccabi 2010 progress or get the Twitter JCC Alerts delivered right to your mobile phone!

Arriving Soon! You can view the Guide online at after December 10 or pick up a copy at either JCC after December 20.

Connect to us at or

Red Cross Community Blood Drive Tuesday, December 22; 2:30-8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Please contact the Fitness Center at 410.356.5200 x511 to schedule your life-saving donation. A donation to Susan G. Komen for the Cure will be made on behalf of all donors!

Sunday, January 10 JCC Open House & Free Day of Fitness

Park Heights & Owings Mills JCCs

Open House 9:00am-12:00pm Park Heights JCC 11:00am-2:00pm Owings Mills JCC

Bring a friend to test out the JCC. If they join that day, you will both save $50 on membership (some restrictions apply.) For more details visit:

Fitness Day at the “J” 8:00am-12:00pm, Adult Fitness

Try out the latest new moves in BODYPUMP™ and BODYSTEP™. The great music and inspiring instructors will challenge you to do more! Children and Teen Fitness 11:00am-2:00pm at the Rosenbloom OM JCC 9:00am-12:00pm at the Weinberg PH JCC

We’ve introduced lots of new fitness and dance classes in recent months. Now your kids can give them a FREE test ride before signing up for the season. Visit us in either building and see what we what we have to offer. For more details visit:

Classic Yiddish Theatre Comes to Baltimore With English and Russian subtitles Sunday, December 13 • 3:00pm

Weinberg Park Heights JCC • Straus Auditorium

Folksbiene New York National Yiddish Theatre is the longest running professional theatre in America! Come join them at the Weinberg Park Heights JCC Straus Auditorium for a special performance of “Mama’s Loshn Kugel”. $20/JCC M; $30/Guests

Friendly Reminder Please remember to bring your membership cards when you come to work out – this makes the process easier and quicker for all of our members!

Space is limited. For tickets, RSVP to Jana Klejner at 410.542.4900, x621 or


JCC A Center News

Staff News

The Associated Corner THE ASSOCIATED SAYS THANK YOU! Thanks to your generosity, our 2010 ASSOCIATED Annual Campaign is off to a strong start. Although we are beginning to glimpse a light at the end of the tunnel, hard times are not over yet. With unemployment still on the rise, financial uncertainty remains a reality for many. Jews in Israel remain in peril, and their situation grows more dire with each passing day. These individuals and families depend upon THE ASSOCIATED and its agencies, and in turn, the compassion of our community to meet their needs. This year, we focus our attention on four pillars that encapsulate the story of our philanthropic community.

Employee of the Month Jackie Foreman is one of the people who keeps the Park Heights Fitness program moving! As the Fitness Center & Personal Training Supervisor, Jackie is always taking on new responsibilities with a smile. She shares that optimism with everyone around her. Jackie has recently taken over arranging the babysitting services for members who are working out. In this, as with everything that she does, Jackie has really made sure that the Park Heights Fitness Center is a step above the rest. As an exemplary employee, she truly deserves this honor.

URGENCY With your help, we are able to provide funding for a struggling families, counseling for victims of domestic violence, and emergency aid for Israeli citizens caught in the cross fires of an ongoing conflict. RESPONSIBILITY With your support, we are able to fund mentoring programs for at-risk youth, deliver food packages to thousands of homebound elderly in the former Soviet Union, and aid in crisis relief efforts for communities damaged by natural disasters. STRENGTH With your dedication, we are able to foster visionary partnerships for local organizations and synagogues, promote Jewish education and support day schools, build opportunities for the unemployed and prevent community home foreclosures.

THE ASSOCIATED Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore


OPTIMISM With your commitment, we are able to invest in programs that build Jewish identity, advance Jewish relationships and train the future leaders of Jewish Baltimore to enable our children and grandchildren to benefit from generations of community building. For 90 years, THE ASSOCIATED and our agencies have cared and provided for our community because of your support, dedication, and commitment. If you have already given, we thank you. If you have not yet donated, there is still time to add your support. Remember that giving before the end of the calendar year means increased benefit to you. For information about how you can make a pledge to the 2010 ASSOCIATED Annual Campaign, please visit www. On behalf of the ASSOCIATED, we wish you and your family a bright and happy Chanukah.

you and your family a warm and festive holiday season.

410.727.4828 •

December 2009 A Kislev / Tevet 5770


Eden Café

JCC December Hours Sunday 7:00am-7:00pm Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Friday 5:30am-4:00pm Saturday – Park Heights 7:30-11:00pm Fitness Center closes at 10:30pm Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm

at the Weinberg PH JCC Phone: 410.542.5185 Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-2:00pm Saturday: 7:30-11:00pm

Café Teva

at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.3347 Sunday: 7:30am-6:30pm Mon.-Thurs.: 6:30am-8:00pm Friday: 6:30am-2:00pm

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885

DECEMBER Holiday Hours December 24 JCC closes at 5:30pm December 25 8:00am-4:00pm December 31 JCC closes at 5:30pm January 1 8:00am-4:00pm


Relax, Create & ReJEWvenate Friday, December 25; 11:30am-2:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC FREE for JCC Members $18 for Non-Members

For more details on T.G.I.F. visit or call Dori Zvili 410.356.5200, x387.

Café Teva Shabbat Dinner Special $36 for a Kosher Chinese Dinner for a family of four. $18/family if you are participating in Got Shabbat for families with young children.

All orders must be in by 9:00am Thursday for 12:00pm pick up on Friday. Fee for additional adults is $11 each and $5.50 per additional child. Contact Cindy Neuman to RSVP: 410.356.5200, x344

JCCs of North America

Come enjoy this family fun day with a Shabbat theme. There will be fun inflatables, craft projects, challah making, a teen Klezmer band, a relaxing family yoga and Tai Chi/Meditation class, storytelling, balloon art by Jon Jensen from Twists & Tricks, a big play area for toddlers and special lunch deals at Café Teva.

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