JCC Baltimore December Center News

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Discover Health at the JCC

If you haven’t already heard—this December, the JCC of Greater Baltimore will be one of six JCC’s nationwide to launch the exciting new Discover Health program to our members. This program provides support and guidance to help members meet their health and fitness goals.

December 2010 Kislev/Tevet 5771 I n s id e Jewish Life................................2 FYI............................................3 Children & Youth................... 4-5 Camps .....................................6 Tweens & Teens.................... 6-7 The Arts ...................................8 Adults.......................................9 Fitness....................................11 Aquatics.................................12 Staff News..............................13 Associated Corner...................13 Chai Lights....................... 14-15

In addition to some great programs, Discover Health includes a website with many resources and tools to help track your individual progress. Your first step will be to take the personalized Health and Wellness Survey. From there you can track your progress and determine what the next steps toward an ideal healthy lifestyle will be. The results of this survey will give you a snapshot of your activity level and lifestyle. When you fill out this profile, you will automatically be signed up for fitness and health tips tailored to you. Health risks such as BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol level will be assessed and an initial assessment with a trainer at the OM or PH JCC will be offered. By participating in Discover Health you can begin a healthy, fit lifestyle or just improve upon your current lifestyle. Other perks of this program include the ability to log your food intake and physical activity online. The online tool makes it easy to enter your meals and exercise routines, with over 7,000 foods to choose from and a listing of every exercise. It also provides healthy recipes, meal and exercise planners, a community wellness blog, and a health library with aging & health, sport & fitness, and alternative health resources.

The Exercise Planner is a great way to provide numerous exercise plans, created by our professional trainers. Each plan involves a weekly regimen of cardiovascular and strength training exercises. Select the plan that fits your physical activity goals and needs, within a routine that you can easily follow. Once your exercise plan has been selected, any cardio and strength training exercises that correspond to your chosen exercise plan will appear at the top of your Cardio and Strength Training Logs, respectively. You can choose to create your own exercise plan, or add exercises to your existing plan, by selecting Create your own exercise plan at the bottom of the page. Access your Exercise Planner from the left menu column. “This new program is going to give you great, concrete tools to help you get started on your journey towards optimum health,” says Fitness & Wellness Director Amy Schwartz.

For more information on Discover Health, please contact Amy Schwartz at OM x510 or email ashwartz@jcc.org. You can get started at www.gbjcc.livepurewellness.com.

Jewish Life

Center News The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore

Wisdom for Today Rabbi Deborah Wechsler

On July 15, 1948, soon after the establishment of the State of Israel, but while Jerusalem was still under siege, the temporary Israeli National Assembly began a competition to choose a national emblem to accompany their blue and white flag. This element was the last step in completing their application for membership in the United Nations. The committee asked that it include a seven branched menorah, the most ancient symbol of the Jewish commonwealth. It was neither just a ritual object, nor just an old religious symbol. Rather it became a symbol of the restoration and rededication of the whole of the Jewish people. But in the emblem of the new state they also chose to include the olive trees mentioned in the Prophet Zechariah’s vision of the menorah, detailed in Hanukkah’s Haftorah. Out of desecration and death, the menorah and its people were revived and began to give off a new light. The base of the menorah has its roots in the past, while its branches are its present growth and its flames represent its future light unto the nations. When I led a family trip to Israel in the summer of 2000 we spent a day at Dig for a Day, participating in an archeological dig of caves from the Hasmonean period. Anything we found we had to give to the researchers for their work. But at the end of the day, the leader invited us to take as a souvenir a piece of pottery from the “trash pile.” It had no academic value to them, but it was from the time of the Maccabees. “Put it near your menorah,” our guide suggested, “and each time you light the menorah you’ll be brought back to Israel to the time of Judah Maccabee, a piece of history will be with you in the present.” And each night of Hanukkah that is still what I do. Even if you don’t have an artifact from the time of the Hasmoneans, you still have something from Judah Maccabee. The menorah that we light is the menorah built by Judah Maccabee. It is the same menorah lit by Yohanan the High Priest when the Temple was rededicated after the fierce battles. It is the menorah stolen out of the Temple in the year 70 by the emperor Vespasian. It is the same menorah chiseled into the stone on the arch of Titus, a monument to the fall of Jerusalem. And it is the same menorah that appears in the emblem of the state of Israel. A remembrance of the past, with a prayer for the future. Deborah Wechsler is a rabbi at Chizuk Amuno Congregation in Baltimore. She can be reached at dwechsler@chizukamuno.org.

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Shalom Baltimore is here to introduce you to all that Jewish Baltimore has to offer. If you or anyone you know is new to Baltimore, we can direct you to the Jewish educational, social and religious organizations that suit you. Newcomers will be welcomed personally by a volunteer with a Baltimore Welcome Kit and an invitation to coffee. To get connected to Jewish Baltimore, contact Ashley Pressman at 410.843.7489 or apressman@asscociated.org.


Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax

Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax

www.jcc.org MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.

For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site www.jcc.org

Jewish community center of greater baltimore

FYI New Membership Hours at PH

Give $36 to Get $50 back!

The Membership Office hours at the Weinberg PH JCC have changed. Please note the new hours: Monday 8:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-9:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-5:00pm Thursday 8:00am- 9:00pm Friday 8:00am-4:00pm Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm The Membership Office hours at the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC will remain the same: Membership Hours at OM: Monday 8:00am-9:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-5:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-9:00pm Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm Friday 8:00am-Close Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm Please contact Membership at PH x224 or OM x331 with any questions.

We are excited to share with you a special opportunity to earn $50 in JBucks that can be used towards S membership fees, camp, preschool, CK classes, leagues, personal training BU and much more. This offer is valid to all JCC members who become first time donors to THE ASSOCIATED: The Jewish Federation of Baltimore. It will be available to those new donors who give $36 (or more) now through June, 30, 2011. When you give to THE ASSOCIATED, you are supporting JCC programs and services that target our most vulnerable populations, including: the frail elderly, teens at risk, children and adults with special needs and members who have lost their jobs. Your dollars also go to help other agencies of THE ASSOCIATED who serve a variety of needs in Baltimore’s Jewish community. In fact you may be benefiting from ASSOCIATED funds and not even know it! Here’s how Give $36 to Get $50 works, once you make your new contribution to THE ASSOCIATED, either at Super Sunday, December 12 or Mitzvah Day, December 24, at the Park Heights JCC, at either Cashiers’ Desk, or by giving online at www.associated.org/jbucks, you will receive your $50 JBucks certificate. You will have until December 31, 2011 to redeem your JBucks. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to help others while helping yourself at the same time! For more information, contact Allyson Lestner: 410.369.9327 or alestner@associated.org.


Arts and Culture Interactive Workshop Tuesday, December 14; 7:00pm Jewish Museum of Maryland 15 Lloyd Street

Parents and other adults living downtown who would like to see more arts and culture services from the Jewish community in their neighborhoods are invited to attend this interactive workshop. The meeting will be facilitated by local artist, Jay Wolf Schlossberg-Cohen. For more information or to RSVP, contact Phil at PH x246 or email pmiller@jcc.org.

November 2010 A Kislev/Tevet 5771


Children & Youth Kindergarten Information Session

Tot Shabbat

Thursday, December 9; 7:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Roslyn and Len Stoler ECE

All parents who are interested in learning about Kindergarten at the JCC are invited to this special information session. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with administrators and faculty to discuss the philosophy of the school, curriculum, and kindergarten readiness skills. Kindergarten is an extremely important year that sets the tone for a child’s future –make sure it’s a good one! Please call Emily Peisach OM x302 to reserve a space.

Kids Center Karate and More ! Kids Center, the after-school program for children of JCC Members in Kindergarten through 5th grade, has added some new and exciting options. The Kids Center Seniors (4th & 5th graders) now can build leadership skills by helping out in the preschool classrooms. This Leaders In Training option is a great opportunity for older kids to maximize their after-school time. We are also excited to add Martial Arts instruction to the program. Joining forces with CSA Martial Arts, we will now provide fun, structured, quality Karate instruction. They can attend up to four different classes a week. CSA offers a wellrounded program that will improve concentration, focus, flexibility, agility and balance. Kids Center and Karate Kids Center integrates all the fun and structure of camp with the warmth and support of home. Children are grouped by grade for age-appropriate activities and homework assistance. They will get a snack and be able spend time in the quiet homework room. Your child will be able to take part in ceramics, swimming, fitness, arts and crafts, and more. For more information, contact Lara at OM x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org.

Hands on Holidays – Chanukah Ages Birth-5 Years Thursday, December 2; 10:30 & 11:30 am Enoch Pratt Library, Canton Branch Friday, December 3; 10:30am Jewish Museum of MD Wednesday, December 8; 1:30pm Enoch Pratt Library, Roland Park Wednesday, December 8; 5:00pm Carroll County Library, Eldersburg

Tot Shabbat

Ages Birth-5 Years December 17 & January 7; 10:30am Jewish Museum of MD • 15 Lloyd Street

Got Shabbat Friday, December 10 • Locations TBD


Host other families with young children in your home! For more information on these programs, contact Cindy at OM x344 or cneuman@jcc.org. You can also ‘Friend’ us on Facebook! (search “JCC Parenting”).

Ages Birth-36 Months Friday, December 10, 11:15am-12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC December 17; 11:15 Weinberg PH JCC

Free for JCC Members and Parenting Center Pass Members

Chanukah Pee Wee Pizza Party Ages 16 months to 3 years Dec 2; 12:00-1:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Come join us for lunch, make a Chanukah craft, songs, parachute fun and latkes!!! $6/JCC Member $9/NM For more information, contact Parenting at OM x347 or email parenting@jcc.org.

Super Sundays

Ages 4-8 Sundays, December 5-December 19; 9:30am-12:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

Drop off your kids at the Park Heights JCC for a morning full of fun! Activities include swimming, crafts, sports and more! $39/JCC Member $60/NM For more information, call Lisa at PH, x229 or email lziv@jcc.org.

Celebrate Chanukah with Shalom Sesame Sunday, December 5; 10:00am-12:00pm Senator Theatre • 5904 York Road

The JCC Association, the JCC of Greater Baltimore, PJ Library and CJE invite you to join over one hundred JCCs across the continent as Middle East meets West with some very special – and occasionally furry – guests from a new series set in Israel from the creators of Sesame Street. Chanukah: The Missing Menorah finds Grover in a tizzy when his special friend Anneliese Van Der Pol (That’s So Raven, Broadway’s Beauty and the Beast) gets caught in a game of tag with a chicken and loses her special menorah…just as Chanukah is about to begin! Can her friends find the missing menorah in time? Guest appearance by Debi Mazar. Kids can come meet Grover and Elmo before this special video presentation! There will also be face painting, balloons, Chanukah activities and concessions. DVD’s of the Shalom Sesame episode will be available for purchase. Order by December 2nd & Save: $15/family of 4; $3/each additional family member; $5/individual At the door: $20/family of 4; $5/each additional family member; $7/individual For more information, contact Lori at PH, x265 or email llevitas@jcc.org or visit www.jcc.org/shalomsesame.

Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Children & Youth Cub Scouts Winter Camping Friday, December 10-Sunday, December 12 Broadcreek Scout Camp

Scout Skills Day December 5; 10:00am-4:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

Riflery (22 cal or Air Rifles) December 19

Summer in the Snow!

Ages 2-5 (entering Kindergarten) Sunday, January 23; 10:30am-12:00pm Snow date: January 30; 10:30am-12:00pm Both Rosenbloom OM and Weinberg PH JCCs

Join the Noah’s Ark staff for some cold weather “sun and fun!” Meet our camp staff to see what’s in store this coming summer. Activities include an obstacle course, face painting, make your own smoothies and more! See you in the sun! Sign up for camp at the event and your spot is guaranteed! FREE for the Whole Family! For more information at OM contact Nicole Schwartz: 4OM x508 or nschwartz@jcc.org at PH Lori Levitas PH x265 or llevitas@jcc.org.

Winter Break Camp 2010 Friday, December 24, Monday, December 27 thru Friday, December 31 Kindergarten to 5th grade

This fun filled program is a combination of exciting camp activities: arts and crafts, four corners, obstacle courses, games, relay races, swimming, ZUMBA etc. Also featuring special activities each day and a trip!

$20/Kids Center Participant; $25/JCC member; $50/NM (trip fee TBD); $4 Early Drop Off and $6 Late Stay Contact Lara at OM x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org for more information.

CSA Karate Winter Break Camp

Ages 4-12 (CIT 13 – 15) Monday –Friday, December 27-December 31; 9:30am -4:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC (CSA Studio)

For information on how to get involved in Pack 18, contact Scoutmaster, Mike Rogers at 410.902.1466 or email MRogers@securityhunter.com.

Boys Scouts Pack 18 Chanukah Fire Sunday, December 5

For information on how to get involved in Pack 18, contact Cubmaster David Green at 410.602. 2622 or email Dgreen@btfiloh.org.

ECE Garden Keeps Children and Memories Growing Last January, the JCC lost a beloved lay leader when Allan Greenberg was taken from us much too soon. Among other things, Allan was instrumental in helping develop our popular JCC Cafés. Soon after his passing, JCC President Buddy Sapolsky suggested to Allan’s wife, Esther Greenberg (JCC Development Director), that something should be done in his memory. In consultation with Allan’s mother, Trudy, they decided to create a special garden in Allan’s memory. “Originally it was going to be a flower garden”, says Trudy, “then we decided to change it to a vegetable garden so that the kids can learn from it.” Trudy explains that Allan had a gorgeous garden on his patio that he worked on it all the time. “Allan always enjoyed working in the garden and this is something he would have loved.” The Healthy Choices program in the ECE at the Rosenbloom OM JCC will be harvesting and utilizing this special garden with the children before the winter.

Enjoy a little summer in the winter! Campers will have fun learning karate, doing martial arts and crafts, watching movies, singing karaoke, and much more. We will also bring in the New Year with dancing, piñata, pizza, ice cream sundae bar and the CSA prize store! Participate in any combination of days! $50/ per day JCC Member ; $75/ per day non-member $225/ All 5 days JCC Member; $278/ All 5 days non-member For more information contact Jennifer Lake at OM x321, email Jen@CSAKarate.com or visit www.CSAKarate.com.

November 2010 A Kislev/Tevet 5771


Tweens & Teens

Camp 2011 BZD/JCC Joint Teen Trip to Israel Summer 2011 Information Session Wednesday, December 1; 7:00pm Sunday, December 12; 12:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

How to Pay for College Sunday, December 5; 11:00am-12:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

This financial workshop will discuss what options are available for middle class families and where to go to find money for college. Learn about the FAFSA, government money, scholarships and grants. Understanding the financial options can help determine options in accepting college offers. $25 JCC Member; $35 NM per family For more information, contact Esther at OM x612 or email egunter@jcc.org.

If you are looking for a great trip to Israel and an amazing price we’ve got it this Summer! BZD MonthLong Israel Experience for Jewish teens currently in grades 9-12; July 3-30, 2011. For more information contact Baltimore Zionist District (BZD) at 410.484.4510 or email info@bzdisrael.org.

Tour Camp Milldale Sunday, January 30; 12:00pm 5425 Mt. Gilead Rd. Reisterstown, MD

Middle School Nights! Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

At the JCC we provide a safe and stimulating place for teens to come and socialize, learn, and make a difference in the world. Our monthly Middle School Night is special night for JCC members in grades 6-8 to come to the OM JCC for pizza, gym and pool time, movies, snacks and Wii!

Saturday Night Dance Saturday, December 18; 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

A great way to hang out with your friends and make new ones! Join us for dancing, an awesome DJ, open gym and snacks. Middle School ID required. No one will be permitted without an ID. Visit www.jcc.org/teens and download the VIP dance form to bring to the next dance and you can cut the line at the entrance. This form must be completed before arriving. $10/JCC Member; $15/NM For more information on Middle School programs, contact Amanda at OM x361 or email amax@jcc.org.


Open to all Jewish Teens 11-18 (middle and high school) Sunday, April 10 Details TBD

During this one day program, we partner with the Jewish Volunteer Connection and area charities in need to complete multiple service projects. For more information, contact Mitch at OM x370 or email mliebeskind@jcc.org.


Join Dori Zvili, Camp Milldale Director, for an informative walking tour of camp. Learn about the programs, staff, facilities, and see for yourself the beautiful camp environment Camp Milldale offers! You can still register for camp with an Early Bird discount until January 31, 2011! Download a camp registration form on our website and check out our new videos too, www.campmilldale.org . RSVP for a tour to Dori Zvili at OM x387 or dzvili@jcc.org.

TNT Info Session

Rising 7th and 8th graders Wednesday, January 13; 7:00pm & Thursday, January 14; 7:00pm (Lottery Dates) Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Teens who have an interest in working with children will have the opportunity to be assistants in our morning Noah’s Ark early childhood camp. Participants earn community service hours while gaining leadership and communications skills. Afternoons offer electives including: fitness classes, sports, leadership seminars, drama and arts classes. Registration for this popular program is limited. The prospective TNT camper and parent must attend one of the lottery sessions to register. Prospective campers must be JCC members at the time of the lottery and maintain membership until the end of the camp season. For more information contact Lara at OM x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org.

Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Teens March of the Living, An Experience of a Lifetime The March of the Living is a two-week, life-altering journey where teens in 10th-12th grade will bear witness to the destruction of the Holocaust in Poland followed by a celebration of the State of Israel in the Jewish Homeland. Shoshanna Torn went on the March of the Living trip in spring 2009 with the International BBYO delegation. She is currently a student at Syracuse University in the College of Visual and Performing Arts and is the Israel and Cultural Vice President at the SU Hillel. Interview with Shoshanna Torn

Q. What is one of the most important things that you took away with you from this trip? A. That would have to be seeing the Majdanek death camp in the city of Lublin, Poland. During my trip, Poland was in the middle of a beautiful spring - sometimes it was hard to conjure up images of the bitter cold that we usually associate Poland with. The extensive nature of Majdanek, the camp’s immense size was hard to comprehend. It’s location in the middle of Lublin is what still strikes my memory. Even today, Polish citizens live beside a dark part of the country’s history. I don’t think in America it is possible to have a daily reminder of the past like in Poland. Q. How did the experience affect you as a Jew? A. The entire week spent there filled my group with an immense pride to be Jewish. We were part of thousands of teens from across the world. There is a constant realization of the Holocaust’s effect on life. I value my freedom, rights, and place in our current society so much more after learning about those who lost everything. Q. Now that you are in college are you still involved with BBYO /March of the Living? A. I haven’t let the fact that I’ve graduated high school stop my BBYO involvement. I was fortunate enough to staff the two BBYO programs of ILTC and Kallah this past summer. As far as March of the Living, the trip catalyzed a more intense study of the Holocaust on many levels. I am currently a sophomore at Syracuse University, and I’ve already taken Holocaustfocused classes. One was an art history course focusing on the Holocaust, Memory, and Visual Art. Holocaust education isn’t usually just a oneone makes the difference! time event. Q. What advice would you give to kids who are considering doing this trip? December 12, 2010 A. Take a leap of faith and go. This might not scream FUN, but believe me we had our moments. 9:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.* This two week intensive goes by in a flash, and 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. yet you are able to gain so many meaningful *includes family mitzvah projects with THE ASSOCIATED’s Jewish Volunteer Connection. experiences from it. Forget high school and your other responsibilities, this trip touches something that a class can’t. This trip truly has the potential to Weinberg Park Heights JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue change your life in one way or another, as everyone Baltimore, MD takes away something different Join thousands of Jewish teens worldwide this Join the community and support THE ASSOCIATED Annual Campaign as we place the one call that makes a difference at April 27-May 11, 2011 on the March of the Living our annual Super Sunday Phone-a-thon. trip. Financial assistance is available. Register NOW at www.associated.org/supersunday. To learn more about the program or to register, contact Mitch Liebeskind For more information, contact Erica Bloom at 410.369.9302 or ebloom@associated.org. before December 31 at OM x370 or email mliebeskind@jcc.org.


November 2010 A Kislev/Tevet 5771


The Arts

International Guitar Night Saturday, January 15; 8:00 pm

North America’s premier guitar festival returns with a powerful lineup. Clive Carroll, England’s show-stopping steel string guitarist and composer; Alexandre Gismonti, the son and protégé of legendary Brazilian guitarist Egberto Gismonti; Pino Forastiere from Italy, whose two-handed melodic style has placed him at the forefront of the new contemporary steel string guitar world; and, of course, Brian Gore, founder of International Guitar Night and steel-string fingerstylist. Tickets - $20 ; $22-show day and at the door To purchase tickets, come to the Gordon Center box office Monday-Friday from 10:00am-4:00pm or one hour prior to a Gordon Center Show. For more information, email info@gordoncenter.com or visit www.gordoncenter.com or call 410-356 SHOW (7469).

Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery “Andrea Bank: Images of Baltimore” Through December 19

Andrea Bank paints primarily in watercolor. “I love its fluidity and transparency; and also it is a very quick drying medium which makes watercolor painting quick and spontaneous,” she says. She also creates murals using acrylic paints, which she finds rewarding “as you can see paint totally transform a space.” Ms. Bank received her formal training at the Interlochen Arts Academy, the Cleveland Institute of Art and the University of New Mexico. She sometimes misses the wide-open spaces of the Southwest, but enjoys the change of seasons in Baltimore. The Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery is open to those patrons who attend performances at the Gordon Center. For more information, or to schedule a gallery tour, call Nancy Goldberg, 410.356.7469, Press 5.

The View From Inside - Izya Shlosberg Through Friday, December 31 Norman & Sarah Brown Art Gallery Weinberg Park Heights JCC

Izya Shlosberg is an artist, writer, and philosopher who is known for expressing his philosophy through his work. He combines his technical training in industrial design and his knowledge of form and color to give him a unique perspective on the concept of art. For gallery information, contact Smadar Livne at 410.382.3133 or email livne@smadarlivne.com.


Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Adults Citizenship Day

Tu B’Shevat Musical Celebration

Sunday, December 19; 2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC Straus Auditorium

Join the Senior Friendly Neighborhood, Maryland Association of Jews from the former USSR and the Jewish Community Center to celebrate new Americans who received their citizenship in 2010. Program will also include a concert, dance and refreshments. Admission is Free. The program is in Russian. Contact Jana Klejner at 410.542.4900 x621.

All ages Wednesday, January 19; 1:00-2:30pm Weinberg PH JCC

Join us for a Jewish musical concert and celebration of Tu B’Shevat, the holiday of the trees, with Cantor Andrea Footer. Traditional light refreshments will be provided. $3/JCC Member; $5/NM Contact Jana Klejner att 410.542.4900 x621 to RSVP by January 12.

Your Bubbie’s Recipes Cookbook Grandparents Day: From Generation to Generation All Ages Wednesday, December 29; 1:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

This winter break, bring your grandchild, great-great child, or your favorite youngster to the JCC. This fun filled afternoon includes a pizza party followed by a screening of “Aaron’s Magic Village,” an animated hit that was a favorite at the Baltimore Jewish Film Festival. $5.00 per person RSVP to Jana Klejner by Wednesday, December 22 at 410.542.4900 x621.

Do you have a favorite recipe passed down from your Bubbie? Share it with us for our Adult Life holiday fundraiser cookbook! Proceeds will go towards our Community Passover Model Seder. Please submit your recipes as soon as possible to Lisa Shifren via email at lshifren@jcc.org or mail to Lisa’s attention at the Weinberg PH JCC .

Volunteer Opportunities for Adults Donate! Beginning Tuesday, February 1 Weinberg PH JCC Lobby

Donate food and toiletries during our food drive. Volunteer In the Preschool

Love kids? We have ongoing opportunities to sign up to read stories, or help out with lunch or playtime. Contact Lisa Shifren 410.542.4900 x249 for details on these opportunities.

Winter Movie Series Select Mondays & Wednesdays in 2011 PH JCC Community Room

Mama Mia, Monday, January 10; 1:00-3:00pm Julie and Julia, Monday, January 24; 1:00-3:00pm Star Trek, February 7; 1:00-3:00pm The Blind Side, March 2; 1:00-3:00pm

Join us at the Weinberg Park Heights JCC for a cozy winter movies and hot popcorn! $1 per person - includes popcorn and water. For more information, contact Jana Klejner at 410.542.4900 x621.

November 2010 A Kislev/Tevet 5771



In honor of Veterans Day, speakers were presented with flowers after sharing their inspiring stories of what it was like to be a Jew in the American Army. Photo credit Lisa Shifren


Photo CONTEST Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore The Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore is announcing a Photo Contest! This is a great opportunity for individuals to further develop their artistic abilities while recognizing their Jewish heritage and culture. Applicant Eligibility

• Must apply in Category I: ages 8-18 or Category II: ages 19 and over • Must not be a professional photographer by trade • May not be a JCC employee Guidelines:

• Applicants may submit up to 2 photo entries • Photos must all be 8” x 10” • Photos may be in black and white or in color • All photos must have an obvious Jewish theme • Photos must have been taken within the last year • Photos must not have been a winner in any other photo contest • Applicant must submit a typewritten statement on why you chose the subject of your photo and what it means to you. Statement may be no more than 50 words. Contest opens: January 1, 2011 Contest closes: February 28, 2011

Photos will be juried by a committee. Contest winners will be announced in March. Winners will have their photos exhibited in the Meyerhoff Gallery in the Gordon Center from the end of March through June 22, 2011. 1st Prize: $250 and exhibit 2nd Prize: $150 and exhibit 3rd Prize: $100 and exhibit Honorable mention: Exhibit only

For more information: email jccphotocontest@jcc.org or call Nancy Goldberg at OM x334.


Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Fitness Meet Gila Greenbaum-Female Fitness Expert Gila Greenbaum believes that people don’t know what they are capable of until they try. A fan of BODYPUMP™ at the JCC, Gila found herself taking classes about three times a week. “I love the challenge that each class brings!” says Gila. “Although there is set music and moves, it really is a very personal and individual workout as you get to select the weights and decide how far to push yourself.” This summer, Gila was part of a Woman’s Only Les Mills BODYPUMP™ certification class offered at the Park Heights JCC. “I love teaching and I love BODYPUMP™,” she says, “it only made sense to get certified and teach.” Gila understands that fitness classes may be daunting at first but encourages women to give it a shot. “If this is something you’re interested in, give it a try, and stick with it,” says Gila. “I know that my first BODYPUMP class was definitely intimidating! Just remember that everyone is there for themselves, no one is judging you. Especially at the JCC, the instructors and the group class participants are very warm and make everyone feel welcome.” Gila Greenbaum is an AFTA Certified Personal Trainer / Certified Female Fitness Instructor. She is certified to teach Aerobics, Kickboxing and Les Mills BODYPUMP™. Her specialty is working with females and dealing with pregnancy and postpartum exercise. In terms of her training philosophy, Gila says, “I work to create an individual plan, combining diet and exercise for optimal health and fitness”. Gila is in school to become a Registered Dietitian. For more information on fitness and personal training at the Park Heights JCC, contact Jackie at x247 or email jforeman@jcc.org.

CHizuk AmunO COngregAtiOn


Over 100 people showed up for each of the BodyFlow ™ classes that were launched at the Rosenbloom OM JCC on Sunday, October 31. Look for BodyFlow™ classes on the fitness schedules in both buildings soon!


Krieger Schechter Day School Kindergarten - 8th Grade 410/824-2066

Open HOuse

Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011, 2 p.m. Ilene Wise, Director of Admission www.ksds.edu

Rosenbloom Religious School Kindergarten - 7th Grade 410/486-8641

Great Beginnings Start at Our Schools

Open HOuse

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November 2010 A Kislev/Tevet 5771



Staff News

Swimming Could Make Children Smarter Learning to swim could make children smarter, Queensland researchers believe. A Griffith University research project will survey more than 10,000 youngsters aged up to five to find out if swimming advances physical, social, intellectual and language development. Professor Robyn Jorgensen said anecdotal evidence found swimmers tended to be more confident than same-age, non-swimming peers. She said the study was in its second year and is measuring the development of youngsters learning to swim against international milestones of child development. “The preliminary data is coming back quite positive,” she said. “Children in swimming schools appear to be more advanced in terms of their development.” Jorgensen said the research will also monitor young swimmers at 60 swim schools across Australia and cross reference the results with the earlier surveys. “Then we’ll take a smaller sample of children and test them against the milestones,” she said. She said the swim teaching industry had ordered the research. “When they’re working with young kids, they’ve noticed the ones who have been in swimming longer are more advanced,” she said. Jorgensen said this study was the largest of its kind in 30 years. The study will be run for four years. For more information on swimming programs and classes at the JCC, contact Sue at OM x304 or swimlessons@jcc.org at PH, contact Mark at x626 or email mbonitatibus@jcc.org

Michael Justice

Michael (Mike) Justice demonstrated his devotion to the JCC and our members by working day in and day out in order to close out financial statements this fall. This dedication is characteristic of Mike who has worked at the JCC for over 25 years.

Your Local Family-Owned Toy Store

Need a Summer Job? Sign up for our Winter Warm UP American Red Cross Certification Classes

Special to JCC Members

December 26, 2010 - January 14, 2011 Rosenbloom OM JCC

High school and college students can compete for next summer’s life guarding jobs by getting certified during the winter break. Classes will be held in CPR/AED for the professional rescuer, Lifeguarding, Water Safety Instructor and NSPF Pool Operator. Hurry classes are already starting to fill. For more information, visit www.jcc.org/warmup.

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Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Associated Corner What does your future hold? 2010 Greater Baltimore Jewish Community Study How many Jewish people live in the Baltimore area? What do their households look like? What are their needs? Are they actively engaged in Jewish life or on the fringes? Are they living comfortably or just getting by? Where are we headed as a community? Where would we like to be headed? What does your future hold? Researchers are studying the data from the 2010 Greater Baltimore Jewish Community Study, preparing to unveil the facts and figures that will help inform the planning and programming of our local Jewish organizations. “The 2010 Community Study is a comprehensive look at where, why and how we live, work, play and pray,” said Michael Saxon, the Chair of the 2010 Community Study. “We study ourselves in order to better plan for the future. We can pick the future we want for ourselves and for our children and then focus our communal efforts on getting there.” What do we know already? The Baltimore Jewish community is stable - there are 93,400 Jewish persons (up two percent) living in 42,500 Jewish households (up 16 percent) and the Orthodox represent the fastest growing segment of our community. Among our challenges - the increasing number of Jews who feel less connected to Jewish life and community, the impact of the recent economic upheaval on many households, and the growing number of frail elderly living in our midst. However, according to Dr. Jack Ukeles, head of the research organization that conducted the study, “This is really just the beginning of a long analytical process.” Between now and early 2011, researchers will continue to analyze the numbers and prepare a comprehensive report on the makeup of Jewish Baltimore. Then, according to Ukeles, the question will be what we do with that report. While we know that many American Jewish communities would prefer to be growing like Baltimore – most other Jewish communities are in decline – Ukeles said we have to use the data to ensure our vibrant future. The full Community Study report will be available online in January 2011. The volunteers and professionals who supervised the study will be available to visit any Jewish agency, organization or synagogue that Did you know that JCC facilities, programs and services are supported by would like more information about the study and its THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore? implications. “We want every organization serving our Jewish community to have full access to what we’ve learned from the study,” said Saxon. For more information, visit www.associated.org/yourfuture.


Give to Get

$50 When you make yo ur first gift to THE ASSOCIATED Annual Campaign of $36 or more, we’ll send you $50 in JBucks. It’s our way of saying,




Thanks for supporting your JCC and our Jewish community!

Make your gift today at www.associated.org/jbucks. For more information, contact Allyson Lestner at 410.369.9327 or alestner@associated.org. JBucks can be used for the following JCC programs & services: Camp Milldale, Membership, Sports Leagues, Classes (Art, Fitness, Dance, Parent & Infant/Toddler), Swim Lessons, Personal Training, Babysitting, Birthday Parties and Guest Passes. JBucks cannot be used for the following JCC programs & services: Massage, Café, ECE Camps, ECE tuition, Kids Center tuition, Gordon Center tickets, tennis and CSA classes and camps, BBYO.

November 2010 A Kislev/Tevet 5771


Chai Lights

Messy & Messier This Parent & Infant/Toddler program at the OM JCC was a lot of fun and a little messy.

Teens and their families discussed election issues at Dave & Busters on November 2 at BBYO’s Election Night Bash.

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Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Chai Lights


The ECE children had a chance to march in their own dinosaur parade with loud roars and stomping feet during a special reading of Dino Parade by Thom Wiley.

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November 2010 A Kislev/Tevet 5771

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Eden Café

December Hours

at the Weinberg PH JCC

Sunday 7:00am-7:00pm Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Fridays in November 5:30am-4:00pm Saturday – Park Heights 7:30-11:00pm Fitness Center closes at 10:30pm Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm

Phone: 410.542.5185 eden.cafe@hotmail.com Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm Saturday: 7:30-11:00tpm

Me • Latté

at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.5200 x560 www.melatte.com Sunday: 7:30am-5:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 6:30am-8:00pm Friday: 6:30am-2:00pm

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885

Weinberg Park Heights: 410.542.4900 Rosenbloom Owings Mills: 410.356.5200

Hawaiian Havdallah

Saturday Evening, December 25; 6-9pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Come join us for a tropical evening that will include a pee-wee gym, moon bounce, inflatables, arts and crafts, face painting, fitness activities and more. This family event will have Hula and Havdallah fun for kids of all ages! FREE/M; $18/NM

JCCs of North America

Contact Dori at OM x387 or email dzvili@jcc.org.

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