Jan/Feb 2010 JCC Center News

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A Newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore January/February 2010 Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5770

Inside: Jewish Life 2 FYI 3 Children & Youth 4 Aquatics 5 Associated Corner 5 Camps 6-7

JCC Fitness Will Help You and Your Kids Break Out of the Winter Blues Don’t let the winter get you down, get up and get moving! The JCC offers you some great ways to get fit and have fun! Whether you like to dance, stretch, lift or do cardio, there is something for everyone. Adults, teen and kids can come get fit with us this year. Sunday, January 10 is going to be an exciting day at the “J”! In the morning, we will launch the new Les Mills releases of BODYPUMP™ and BODYSTEP™ in both buildings. These will be followed by a variety of Small Group Training class demos (15-20 minute samplings) and some full-length fitness classes! Come prepared to take as many classes and demos as you want. We encourage you to bring a friend to test out these free classes. If they join that day, they can save $50 on membership (they must be new members who have not belonged to the JCC in over a year).

JCC Open House and Family Fitness Day

Maccabi 8 Teens 9-10

Sunday, January 10

The Arts

Open House Tours


9:00am-12:00pm: Park Heights JCC 11:00am-2:00pm: Owings Mills JCC

Adult Life Plus 13 Fitness & Wellness 14-15

Fitness Day at Park Heights NEW Les Mills releases 8:30am- BODYPUMP™ 9:45am - BODYSTEP™ 11:00 - BODYPUMP™

Small Group Training Demos

JCCs of North America


Boxing Drills • Ab Attack • Teen/Adult Krav Maga • Women’s Only Boot Camp • Men’s Teen/Adult Karate • Teen Boys Momentum • Girls Cardio Stretch (ages 6-8) • Boys Little Dragons (ages 4-6) • Girls Zumba (ages 10-15)

Fitness Day at Owings Mills NEW Les Mills releases 8:00am- BODYPUMP™ 9:15am - BODYSTEP™ 10:30am - BODYPUMP™

Group Fitness Classes 9:00am - Barre Sculpt 10:00am - Beginners ZUMBA

General Fitness Classes Demos 12:30pm-Belly Dance Shape Up 1:00pm-Zumbatomics, ages 8-11 2:00pm-Zumbatomics, ages 5-7 2:45pm-Family ZUMBA

Small Group Training Demos 10:00am-2:30pm

Kettlebell Cardio • Menopause Mama Boot Camp • Girls Get Fit (ages 8-12) • Power Circuit • Midlife Makeover • XTreme Cardio • Phenomenal Abdominals and more! Complete schedules for Fitness Day at the “J” are posted at both JCC locations and on our website, www.jcc.org.

Get more Winter Fitness Class information on pages 14, 15 & 16

Jewish Life

Center news

The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore

Wisdom For Today by Rabbi Scott Nagel

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC

A Tu B’Shevat Thought On January 30th, the Jewish community will be celebrating Tu B’Shevat, which means the 15th of Shevat (it’s date on the Jewish calendar). Tu B’Shevat is the day that marks the beginning of a “New Year for Trees.” We celebrate trees at this time of year because it is the season in which the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle. We celebrate by eating all kinds of fruit that grow on trees. In addition to specifically calling attention to Israeli and biblical fruits such as dates, almonds, pomegranates, figs, and olives, we also look to find a variety of flavors and eating experiences. It is a great day to try new and exotic fruit with your family. Now I don’t know about your family, but in most families I know you don’t have to look far to find a variety of fruits and nuts without going to the grocery store. And so as I look over the different types of fruit I can’t help but think of my children. There are those fruits with a tough outer shell that must be pealed before you can enjoy the sweetness inside like a shy or timid child who needs to warm up before they show their true selves. There are those fruits that have pits or seeds that you have to be very careful not to break your teeth on like a sleeping child who looks sweet and calm, but we know there is the potential for great unhappiness if woken up suddenly – we must tread with care. And then there are those fruit and children who you could just eat all up. Yet the great thing about children is that they can be all of those things. Our job as parents is to make sure that we don’t bruise the fruit. Some have thick skins and some have thin; some have no skins at all. They are sometimes sour, sometimes sweet, and sometimes they’re just nuts. Tu B’Shevat helps us appreciate all the fruits and nuts in our lives no matter how strange they are. Rabbi Scott Nagel is the Associate Rabbi of Temple Oheb Shalom. He can be reached at rabbinagel@templeohebshalom.org

Get Granted a Jewish Camp Experience The Baltimore Jewish Overnight Campership Program is back. This initiative of the Foundation for Jewish Camp is administered by THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. The program provides financial incentives of $1,000 to eligible first-time campers, grades 2–12, who attend a nonprofit Jewish overnight summer camp listed on the program’s website (www.associated.org/camp) for at least 19 consecutive days. Camperships are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Campers who received a $1,000 incentive grant from the Baltimore Jewish Overnight Campership Program in 2009 are eligible to apply for a $750 returning camper grant if they plan to attend camp for 19 consecutive days during summer 2010. The program is not to be looked upon as financial assistance, but as an incentive to choose the richness and warmth of a summer at Jewish overnight camp. This grant can be used at Capital Camps, the JCC’s official overnight camp. To apply for a summer 2010 Campership, go to www.onehappycamper.org. For more information, please contact Ariela Lerman at The Associated at 410.369.9281 or alerman@associated.org.

JCS Foreclosure Solutions Workshop Sunday, January 10; 2:00-6:00pm Weinberg PH JCC - FREE

Homeowners who are facing foreclosure, worried about an increased interest rate, or have other concerns about their mortgage can receive free one-on-one legal advice at a Foreclosure Solutions Workshop.

5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax

Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax

Web site: www.jcc.org MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor

The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.

For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site www.jcc.org

This public service is co-hosted by CHAI: Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc., Mesila of Baltimore, and Jewish Legal Services, a program of Jewish Community Services. The Foreclosure Solutions Workshop is an initiative of the Foreclosure Prevention Pro Bono Project, with the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland and Civil Justice, Inc. serving as project partners.

Pre-registration is required. To pre-register or for more information, call CHAI at 410.466.1990, extension 0.


JCC A Center News

Jewish community center of greater baltimore

FYI A Membership That Means So Much More Sometimes two lives are just meant to cross. And sometimes out of great sadness can come inspiration. Toni Fowler came to the JCC membership office while I was on duty with a simple request. She wanted to know if we still had her son’s membership photo on file. The computer was down and I was perplexed, so I asked, “Why did you need that particular photo?” Toni replied that her son, Jesse Elkins, had passed away and she was creating a memorial for him and wanted to include a copy of his JCC card because the JCC had been such an important part of his life. Wow. Talk about the unexpected reply. I told Toni that the JCC no longer has the software or hardware to make the old-fashioned membership cards, but I would see if his photo was still in our system. With a brief, emotional hug, Toni went home without her answer. Fortunately, the photo wasn’t gone. I wondered if, even though we no longer make those cards, a member of our graphic design team could mimic one. Gerry Laue not only created and laminated a new card, but she did it within the morning of receiving my email. When our team called Toni to let her know, she was incredibly touched. For us, it was such a simple kindness; yet Toni felt its impact so strongly. I have had the privilege of spending some time with Toni to learn exactly why. You see, when Jesse died, every image and scrap of paper that could help tell the story of this warm, creative, strong, humorous, fun-loving, adventurous and passionate young man suddenly became priceless.

In many ways, Jesse was just a regular teen. He was a lover of ‘70’s music, a creative “doodler”, and an avid skateboarder and rock-climber. But in his pursuit of these passions, he was far from average. At the age of 11, he had gotten a little chubby and at the same time became interested in skateboarding. His initiative to lose weight and build his talent on wheels eventually brought him to the JCC where he designed his own work-out regime, ultimately building a healthy, sculpted young adult physique. When he became interested in rock climbing, which requires significant upper body strength, he needed a climbing partner and recruited Toni for the job. With Jesse’s eagerness at the helm, they visited the climbing gym and the JCC together regularly. Toni cherishes these memories of coming to the “J” because she knows how unique it is to have had a son who would proudly come to the gym with his mom. So that small JCC ID image is much more than a grainy photo, it carries warm memories of a young man whose short life was incredibly full. I truly believe that Toni and I were meant to meet that morning. For Toni, to continue to build on Jesse’s memory by sharing her story with us. For our team, to welcome her back to the JCC where she is now taking classes and to be inspired to help every member’s unique story become more meaningful at the JCC. Submitted by Abbe Zuckerberg, JCC Membership Coordinator

AARP Tax Service

Weinberg PH JCC Beginning in February; 9:00am-12:00pm

Need help with your taxes? Sign up for an appointment with AARP! Contact Danean Cameron at 410.542.4900, x259 to make an appointment.

JCC ECE Parent’s Association-Silent Auction March 8-11; daily 7:00am-5:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Donate to something close to your heart. All proceeds from this auction will benefit the JCC Early Childhood Education Department’s Parent’s Association. All winners will be notified after the close of the Auction. Donations can be made by contacting Ian or Tracey Chado 410.517.2620 or 410.292.7661.

January/February 2010 A Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5770


Children & Youth Boy Scouts Pack 18 & Cub Scouts Pack 18

The Sports Store

It’s Pinewood Derby time! The boys will be making their own race car for the Derby at the end of January. Last year’s Derby was an amazing success and we are excited to have even more fun this year!

Sunday, January 3-February 21 (times vary depending on age) Weinberg PH JCC

For more information about Pack 18 or to become an adult leader, contact Moshe Dreyfuss at 410.764.1533 or email mjdreyfuss@verizon.net.

Got Shabbat? Friday, January 22 Chevrei Tzedek (and in homes) Edward A. Myerberg Center • 3101 Fallstaff Road Friday, February 19 Oheb Shalom (and in homes) 7310 Park Heights Avenue

Celebrate Shabbat and connect with other Jewish families with young children over a delicious catered Shabbat dinner. $18/family

Pee Wee Pizza and Play Tuesdays, January 5 & February 2; 12:00-1:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

NEW Evening Pizza Parties: Tuesdays, January 12 & February 9; 5:00-6:00pm

Come join us for a pizza lunch or dinner with songs, bubbles, parachute play, gym time and more! This is a great family activity! Special time for working parents! $6/JCC M; $9/NM

Free Play/OM Toddler Gym

For information, contact Israel Orange: 410.542.4900, x205 or iorange@jcc.org.

Kung Fu Day with Sifu Sean Marshall Ages 8+ Sunday, January 24; 2:00-4:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Get a taste of Kung Fu Forms, Chinese Writing, T’ai Chi, and Self Defense. Snack and drink provided Fee $40/M $60/NM

Kung Fu Follow Up with Sean

Ages 6-12 Thursdays, January 7-March 25; 7:00-7:45pm

Learn traditional Kung Fu Forms, kicks, self defense techniques, punching, throwing, and joint locks with the BEST! Space is limited. To register contact Jennifer Lake at 410.356.5200, x321 or email Jen@CSAKarate.com.

School’s Out January 18, 29, February 15; Full days are 9:30am-3:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Bring your kids to our toddler friendly gym! All JCC members who are enrolled in a Parent/Infant/Toddler class can take advantage of this opportunity to come play.

The School’s Out program will be the same great, safe, and fun program you are used to while being half the cost! When school is not in session please join us at the JCC for activities. Early drop off as early as 8am. Late Stay as late as 6pm. Fee per day/child: $20/Kids Center Participants; $25/JCC M; $50/NM

Tot Shabbat

Children’s Ceramics

Tuesdays, January 5, February 2 & March 2; 5:30-7:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Jewish Museum of Maryland • 15 Lloyd Street Fridays, January 8, 22 & February 12; 10:45am

FREE Come join us downtown for these exciting Shabbat programs which include candle lighting, songs, Kiddush, challah and more !

Family Fun Fest - Tu B’Shevat Party Ages 5 & under Sunday, January 24; 10:00-11:30am Weinberg PH JCC

Enjoy a morning celebrating Tu B’Shevat (The Festival of Trees) with themed activities including crafts, a mitzvah project, parenting center playtime, stories and a sing-a long. Kosher snacks provided. $10/family This program is co-sponsored by the JCC, CJE & JVC. For more information, please call Sharon Seigel at 410.356.5200, x347or email parenting@jcc.org.


Get a great sampling of various sports while learning fundamental skills. This seven week series will include Hockey, Basketball and Soccer. Classes will be co-ed for ages 3-4 and separate for ages 5-9. $55/JCC M; $80/NM

Ages 6-10 Tuesdays, January 5-March 2; 4:15-5:15pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Mold glaze and paint your very own ceramic creations. Create your own ceramic pieces of art to give as a gift for your family or special projects for yourself. $145/JCC M; $220/NM

Mike’s Magic Class

Grades 2-5 Thursdays, January 21-February 25; 5:00-6:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Learn magic from professional magician Mike Leavey. Learn sleight of hand technique, card tricks, coin tricks, and tricks with everyday objects. For returning students, learn more advanced tricks. $80/JCC M; $120/NM For more information on these programs contact Lara Wellerstein at 410.356.5200, x339 or email lwellerstein@jcc.org

JCC A Center News



Make A Splash To be a “Make a Splash Local Partner,” an organization must donate a percentage of its lessons at no or a low cost to kids in need, or provide another no-cost water safety education opportunity to the public. In 2009, 50 local partner programs applied for the financial assistance. The JCC was one of 12 programs that received the highest scores and were chosen for this grant. With this grant from the USA Swimming Foundation, we will be able to expand programming by providing more scholarships and water safety education at the JCC. Make a Splash provides opportunities for kids to learn to swim through its 140 local partner clubs in 33 states. To date, more than 164,000 children have taken lessons through Make a Splash Local Partners.

ARC Female Only Lifeguarding Class

Ages 15+ Mondays & Wednesdays, January 8-February 10; 5:30-10:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

Upon successful completion of this course, you can become certified in Lifeguarding, First Aid and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. You must be able to pass swim test: 300 yard swim and timed deep brick retrieval. $275/JCC M; $350/NM For more information contact Mark Bonitatibus at 410.542.4900 x255 or email mbonitatibus@jcc.org


A commitment of 90,000 hours of volunteer service to our community throughout our 90th anniversary year.


Record your volunteer time. Log onto www.associated.org/logmyhours Volunteering is: • Hands-on projects • Committee meetings

• Community leadership • PTA /school involvement

ASSOCIATED Corner “If I knew then what I know now…” How many of us have said these words at some point during our lives? “If I Knew Then What I Know Now” is the theme of a new outreach and public awareness campaign by Jewish Community Services’ Prevention Education program. You’ve probably seen the signs and little cards with the message ifIknew.org around town. The campaign features four, short, compelling videos in which local teens and families speak candidly about how alcohol, drugs, and other risky behaviors have impacted their lives and the lives of those they love – often with devastating consequences. You can view the videos online at www.ifIknew.org. JCS urges everyone in our community to get involved and help spread the word. Watch the videos and tell your kids, neighbors and friends about them. Use these true stories as door openers to family conversations that will encourage children, teens and adults to make healthy choices. Put up an ifIknew. org sign on your lawn. For more information, call JCS at 410-466-9200, and visit www.jcsbaltimore. org to learn more about the many age-appropriate educational and preventive programs offered by JCS. Jewish Community Services (JCS), a non-profit human service agency, was launched July 1, 2008 through a consolidation of four existing social service agencies - Jewish Family Services, Jewish Vocational Service, Jewish Addiction Services, and Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister League - under the auspices of THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.

and much more! 90,000 hours will take place through May 2010. Individuals, schools, synagogues and other Jewish organizations are encouraged to log their hours, and will be eligible for prizes and recognition throughout the year.

Individually we do Imagine what we can accomplish

so much together

Generously sponsored by

January/February 2010 A Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5770


Camps Girls Plan For Another Great Summer at Milldale

TNT Counselor Training: Lottery

One might say that the JCC Camps at Milldale are the glue that has helped Amanda, Molly, Samantha and Claire form a strong and lasting bond of friendship. These four eight year-old started out together in the JCC’s Early Childhood program (ECE) and Camp Milldale is the place where they reunite each summer. Amanda Levitt, Molly Douglas, Samantha Goldberg and Claire Simonds go to three different schools during the year. Each summer they look forward to going back to Milldale and being in the same bunk. The girls can’t wait to start making a mess in cooking, meet their counselors and just play on the playground together. Amanda says that she loves going up to Milldale the week before camp starts to meet the counselors, this is also when she gets to meet up with her friends. “We get to see each other every day at camp and I look forward to that every school year! Our moms always ask each other if we are still doing Milldale every summer and we’re always in the same bunk!” The foursome are already working on finding an activity that they can all be in together this coming summer. They are thinking of doing Arts Camp. “We have known each other for so long,” says Molly, “We know what fun things we like to do together!” It makes Amanda feel really good to see the other three girls each summer, “I know them pretty well, and I still get to learn new things about them every year. It’s pretty special to have friends that you have known that long. They are my best friends and are special to me. We always laugh together and I love these girls!”

Wednesday, January 13; 7:00pm Thursday, January 14; 7:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

JCC’s Camp Milldale Job Fair

Teens entering Grades 7 & 8

Teens who have an interest in working with children will have the opportunity to be assistants in our morning Noah’s Ark early childhood camp. Participants earn community service hours while gaining leadership and community skills. Afternoons offer electives including: fitness classes, sports, leadership seminars, drama and arts classes. Registration for this popular program is limited. The prospective TNT camper and parent must attend one of the lottery sessions to register. Prospective campers must be JCC members at the time of the lottery and maintain membership until the end of the camp season. Applications are available online at www.JCC.org/camps. For more information contact Lara Wellerstein at 410.356.5200, x339, or visit www.jcc.org/camps

Be an Early Bird! Camp Milldale Special Discount Register your campers by Friday, February 26 to take advantage of these fantastic discounts:

$50 discount for 2, 3, 4, & 5 week campers $100 discount for 6, 7, & 8 week campers (CIT Program is not eligible for the Early Bird Discount) Early Bird Bus Express Discount:

$50 discount for 2, 3,4, & 5 week campers $100 discount for 6, 7, & 8 week campers

Camp Milldale Tours Sundays, January 24;1:30pm & March 7;1:30pm

Join us for a tour of Camp Milldale! Check out the facilities and meet camp staff.

Sunday, January 10; 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday January19; 6:30-8:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

If you love working with children and are looking for a great way to spend you summer, then we have got an opportunity for you! Come join us to interview for one of the many exciting day camp positions at Camp Milldale. Summer 2010 will offer opportunities to work as a specialist, unit director, senior counselor, junior counselor, one-on-one special needs support counselor, lifeguard, grounds crew and more! You must be a college graduate to apply for most of our specialist positions. Post-graduate and college juniors and seniors with experience will be given preference for our senior counselor and teen camps positions. For all other positions you must be entering your junior year of high school to apply. Complete a job application by going to www.campmilldale.org and/ or bring your resume and join us! We look forward to talking to you about adding your talents to our summer team.


For more information about Camp Milldale contact Dori Zvili at 410.356.5200 x387 or email dzvili@jcc.org.

Lara Wellerstein, Associate Camp Director (l); Dori Zvili, Camp Director (r).

JCC A Center News


Capital Camps

Thirty five mothers and daughters gathered for a great time at Capital Camps & Retreat Center’s first ever “Girl’s Only Weekend” at camp! Co-Sponsored by the region’s BBYO Teen Connection program, women and girls from the Greater Baltimore and Washington areas joined for a Shabbat celebration. This family bonding time was complete with singing, dancing, arts & crafts, discussions and yoga. Marcie Shapiro of Clarksville, Maryland participated in the Shabbaton with her daughter Zoe who is a 3rd grader and a camper at Capital Camps during the summers. “We LOVED everything!” says Marcie. “From the beautiful music and songs to the art activities - it was all just perfect! I greatly appreciate the opportunity to spend time with my daughter and our camp community.” Capital Camps and BBYO plan to coordinate similar year round family programs together in the future. For more information on these programs and Capital Camp’s highly acclaimed family camp, please contact the camp office at 301.468.2267 or email info@ capitalcamps.org.

Family Game Night Tu B’Shevat Activity Families with 3-11 year olds Saturday, January 30; 7:30-9:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

Enjoy a night of family fun games including interactive BINGO, board games, and a great Tu B’Shevat planting project! $5/JCC Member Family; $15/NM

Bowl-a-thon with Capital Camps Sunday, February 21; Time and Location TBD

Join us for a campership bowla-thon for Milldale and CCRC! For more information on these programs contact Dori Zvili at 410.356.5200, x387 or dzvili@jcc.org.

January/February 2010 A Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5770


Maccabi was an absolute honor, and we became a tight-knit group. I still keep in contact with my Coach, Mickey Cohen and help out with his practices. I still talk to some of the guys from my team and I know we will all always be bonded by what we accomplished.

Q & A With Maccabi Alumnus, Billie Weiss Billie Weiss, a former JCC Maccabi Games® participant, played baseball for the JCC’s team in 2004, 2005 and 2006. He also came to help out Coach Mickey Cohen this year with practices. Billie is now a student/athlete at Goucher College and interned for the Baltimore Orioles as a photographer this summer. His work was recently displayed in Goucher’s art gallery. Q. Billie, what are some important things you gained from being a three-year Maccabi participant? A. Well, playing on the same team for three years and growing together with a group of guys was really special. My first year, we weren’t too competitive against the teams we faced. In my second year we had become better ballplayers, but still couldn’t put it all together on the field and win enough games. Finally, in my third and final year we learned how each of our individual skills could contribute to our success as a whole. After three years of Maccabi I understood the value of persistence, and the importance of staying focused on a goal. Q. Do you feel that participating in baseball for the JCC Maccabi Games® helped you at your Orioles photography internship? A. From a baseball standpoint, I think Maccabi definitely helped me with my internship. My Maccabi years were at the height of my playing days, so I had a lot of incredible experiences during those years. The Orioles liked the fact that I understood baseball. I believe that one gets their best photos when they truly understand the subjects they’re photographing. The baseball knowledge that I had and knowing how the players were thinking definitely helped me get some pretty compelling shots.

Q. What are your plans for the future? A. I plan to graduate from Goucher College in the spring of 2011. I am a Communications major, concentrating in Photography and Journalism. I am also doing a Spanish minor. I’m considering Graduate school as an option but I’d like to work as a photographer for a newspaper, magazine, news wire service or sports team. I met a lot of people through Maccabi, so it definitely helped me build my social skills and learn about relationships. Playing Maccabi baseball taught me about work ethic and persistency. These values are something that I know will help me in the future. Q. What advice would you give to kids who are going to be participating in the JCC Maccabi Experience? A. Kids who are considering participating in Maccabi , should really try to participate as an athlete for as many years as they can. It’s important to meet people from your own city as well as athletes from other places. My best piece of advice though would be to work hard on the field (court, etc.) and make winning the gold medal your goal. The feeling is indescribable. To tryout for the 2010 JCC Maccabi Experience, contact Mark Bonitatibus:410.542.4900 x626 or mbonitatibus@jcc.org; or Mitch Liebeskind: 410.356.5200 x370 or mliebeskind@jcc.org.

Coming of Age Film Series

Q. Do you have a favorite photo that you have taken? A. I take hundreds of photos every week, so it’s difficult for me to pinpoint one as my favorite. There’s one of our rookie catcher, Matt Wieters, throwing down to first base that I really like. It was published on the entirety of a page in the third edition of Orioles Magazine this year, so it’s one of my more successful photographs. I also keep a portfolio that I’m constantly updating with my favorites from events that I shoot. Q. Do you keep in touch with coaches/peers from the JCC Maccabi Games®? A. During my first two years we were all pretty close with each other. Sadly, just months before we traveled to Stamford, Connecticut for my third year, our assistant coach of two years, Ira Zaba, passed away. This was a huge obstacle to overcome, but ultimately the way it united the team was unbelievable. We all had heavy hearts but wanted to win a gold medal for him. After beating Los Angeles, who hadn’t lost a Maccabi baseball game in seven years, we beat the New Jersey team to win gold! Winning that gold medal in Coach Ira’s name


Wednesdays, 7 p.m. February 10: I Love You, Rosa February 17: Monsieur Ibrahim February 24: Diner Free

oF charge

Presented by the Stulman Center for Adult Learning

at Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 410/824-2055


JCC A Center News

Teens Teen Connection Dances

Grades 6-8 January 9 & February 13; 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

There will be dancing and a DJ along with an open gym and snacks. $10/JCC Members; $15/Non Members For more information, contact Mitch Liebeskind at 410.356.5200 x370 or mliebeskind@jcc.org.

www.BaltimoreMaccabi2010.org JCC Maccabi Experience 2010 Information Session Sunday January 10; 12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Baltimore will host the 2010 JCC Maccabi Experience August 8-13. This is the first ever joining of the JCC Maccabi Games® and JCC Maccabi ArtsFest®. An information session will be held for interested athletes, host families and Volunteers For more information this event or being a host family or volunteer contact Amanda Max at 410-356-5200 x361 or email amax@jcc.org.

JCC Maccabi Experience ArtsFest Showcase Sunday, January 31; 3:00pm Gordon Center

The ArtsFest Showcase will feature participants from previous ArtsFests performing and exhibiting their talents. Included will be Dance, Musical Theater, Vocal Music, Rock Music, Acting/Improv and Photography. This event will also be an opportunity for new participants to sign up to audition for the 2010 JCC Maccabi ArtsFest, as well as for families to volunteer to host teens from out-of-state. Bring all your friends and family! Admission is free! Not only will you be entertained, but you can become part of the 2010 JCC Maccabi Experience – a first-ever combination of the Games and Arts. The Showcase is free and open to all interested participants and their families. For ArtsFest audition information, contact Mitch Liebeskind at 410.356.5200 x370 or mliebeskind@jcc.org or Mark Bonitatibus at 410.542.4900 x626 or mbonitatibus@jcc.org.

Motzai Shabbos For Teens

Weinberg PH JCC Boys: January 9 & 23, February 20, March 13 Girls: January 2 & 16, March 6 Middle School: 7:30-9:30 pm High School: 9:30-12:30pm

Instead of spending Saturday nights trying to decide where to hang out, come on over to the JCC! Enjoy our pool, gym and teen lounge complete with aquatics and fitness staff supervision. $2/JCC Members and Non Members

American Red Cross Babysitting

Grades 6-8, ages 11-14 Sundays, January 14-February 21; 1:30-4:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Receive American Red Cross instruction in basic infant care, first aid for burns, bleeding, choking, head injuries and stings; poison prevention and treatment and safety precautions. Certification cards are provided by the American Red Cross at course completion. $60/JCC M; $70/NM For more information, contact Sue Szembroth at 410.356.5200 x304 or sszembroth@jcc.org.

SAT/ACT Prep Prepare for the SAT and/or the ACT with the OmniTest one-onone customized tutoring that is tailored to your son or daughter’s schedule. You can use these sessions for both winter and spring tests during junior and senior year. Each package includes a diagnostic test for both exams and unlimited practice tests. Last Chance @ 2009 prices!!! $975 for eight two-hour sessions $1459 for 12 two-hour tutoring sessions

ACT Science Workshop Sundays, January 24 & 31; 11:00am-1:00pm

Prepare for the February ACT test with our customized sessions. $225 (includes practice tests) Last chance at 2009 prices!!! Sign up by January 15. For more information on these College Center programs call Esther Gunter at 410.356.5200 x612 or email egunter@jcc.org.

Drivers Education by Elite Driving School Ages 15 years, 4 months+ Tuesdays, January 19-February 23 Rosenbloom OM JCC

Elite Driving school works hard to make students the safest drivers they can be. The course consists of 30 hours of classroom instruction broken down into 10 three hour training sessions plus three two hour sessions of behind the wheel training. For class information, contact Elite at 410.363.7483 or www.drivingschool.net.

For more information, contact Shira Ocken at 410.542.4900 x229 or email socken@jcc.org.

January/February 2010 A Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5770




Girls Get Fit

Tween Fitness

Ages 8-11 Mondays/Wednesdays, January 11-February 3; 5:00-6:00pm Mondays/Wednesdays, February 8-March 3; 5:00-6:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Ages 9-11 Mondays/Tuesdays, January 5-February 25; 6:00-7:30pm Weinberg PH JCC

We can help your daughter enhance her self-confidence by teaching her how to improve her cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. She will also get tips on how to make healthy food choices. $40/JCC M

Fitness Yoga

Ages 12-15 Wednesdays, January 13-February 17; 6:15-7:15pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Check out this new wellness class focused on empowering young women and improving their sense confidence. We will work on improving cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. Yoga will be introduced during the class. We will discuss nutrition topics such as making healthy food choices, looking at food labels to identify good and bad fats, and discuss how sugar sneaks into our food. $30/JCC M

Cardio with balls & bands on Monday, Zumba on Tuesday! Dance and play your way to fitness! Take one or both classes for the same price! $50/JCC M; $75/NM

Teen Fitness

Ages 12-15 Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays, January 4-February 24; 6:00-7:30pm Weinberg PH JCC

These classes are tailored to the special physical and social needs of teenage girls. They can take any of these classes, as often as they want over eight weeks, for one low price. Classes include: Zumba on Tuesday, Bodystep/Kickboxing on Wednesday, Yoga on Thursday. Dance, step, kick, and stretch!!! $60/JCC M; $90/NM For more information contact Jackie Foreman at 410.542.4900, x247 or email jforeman@jcc.org.

For more information on these classes, contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at 410.356.5200, x502 or email lrosenstone@jcc.org

JCC Members enjoy the booths at the Rosenbloom OM JCC’s Healthy Chanukah Fair and Gift Bazaar

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JCCGB nl 12-18-09.indd 1

JCC A Center News 12/18/2009 12:22:14 PM

The Arts Save the Date!

One-Day LearnInn with Laura Wetzler Thursday, March 18; 1:00-3:30 pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Engage in lively, intellectual discussions with others that share your thirst for learning and discovery. Then sit back and enjoy a lively concert at the conclusion of the day. For more information, contact Eileen Berman: 410.356.5200 x324 or eberman@jcc.org

Norman and Sarah Brown Art Gallery A Time for Dreams Thru January 29 Weinberg PH JCC

Come check out the incredible artists that will be exhibiting their work in our gallery this winter. Amanda Boutwell www.aboutwellart.googlepages.com Edna Emmet www.ednakurtzemmet.com Amit Yaffe www.amityaffe.com Rick D’Alessandro www.rixxeditions.com Smadar Livne www.smadarlivne.com Coming soon–don’t miss an amazing photography exhibit in February and March!

THE JOSEPH & REBECCA MEYERHOFF ART GALLERY IN THE GORDON CENTER Elaine Brandes & Joanne Adleberg: Fantasy Forms in Fabric & Watercolor January 5 - February 24 Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery Gordon Center for Performing Arts

Elaine Brandes holds a B.A. in Fine Arts from Hofstra University, and currently is the Art Instructor at the Shoshana S. Cardin School. Elaine combines her love of sewing with her love of color, texture and design to create art quilts. She takes her inspiration from the beauty and wonder of nature. Joanne Adleberg has had more than two decades of experience printing in watercolor. Her works have been displayed at numerous solo exhibits, juried shows, and public and private venues. Ms. Adleberg’s work is diverse in the degree of abstraction and realism, with much detail as the common element throughout. The Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery is open to those patrons who attend performances.

Gordon Center International Guitar Night Saturday, January 16; 8:00pm

North America’s premier guitar concert returns with a new lineup featuring Lulo Reinhardt, who mixes his family’s trademark Gypsy Jazz with new forays into Latin music; the Middle-Eastern flavored music of Itamar Erez from Israel; renowned harp guitarist Stephen Bennett from Virginia; and IGN founder Brian Gore. Tickets: $19 in advance $21-show day and at-the-door

“Nelson Illusions: Magic & Illusion Show” Sunday, February 14, 2010; 3:00pm Ages 5+

The Nelson family will delight, puzzle and totally rock the audience. Three magicians in one show will bring fabulous fun to children and adults alike. Tickets: $7 - children 10 & under $ 9 - adults $11 - adults show day and at the door This is an Aline & Fred Katzner and Florence & Harry Panitz program.

“Smooth Kentucky” and “Darren Beachley & Legends of the Potomac” Saturday, February 27; 8:00pm

Pairing old-school talent with contemporary bluegrass creativity and drive, Darren Beachley & Legends of the Potomac are sure to make a positive impression on acoustic and bluegrass music fans everywhere. Opening will be Smooth Kentucky, blending bluegrass, blues, newgrass, Americana and folk with acoustic funk. Tickets - $19 $21-show day and at the door

“Scotch, Soul & Rock ‘n’ Roll: the Best of the Rat Pack, Motown & Bandstand” Starring Ron Gartner & the Bill Gulino Band Saturday, March 6; 8:00pm

From the hits of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr., to the best of Motown, American Bandstand and Bobby Darin, “Scotch, Soul & Rock ‘n’ Roll” reveals the inspiring story of how one Baby Boomer reinvented himself and is now living his show business dream. Tickets - $20 $23-show day and at the door For more information or to purchase tickets, email info@gordoncenter.com or go to www. gordoncenter.com. You can also come to the Gordon Center Box Office Monday-Friday from 10:00am-4:00pm.

For more information, or to schedule a gallery tour, call Nancy Goldberg, 410.356.7469, Press 5.

January/February 2010 A Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5770


The Arts Jewish Theatre Workshop

Fires in The Mirror by Anna Deveare Smith Saturday, January 30; 8:00pm & Sunday, January 31; 2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

In 1991, in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, an Hasidic man’s car jumped a curb, killing a seven-year-old black child. Later, in what appears to have been an act of retaliation on the part of a faction of the black community, an Hasidic rabbinical student was stabbed and killed. The ensuing riots that wracked Crown Heights’ previous atmosphere of tolerance made national headlines and pointed to the growing friction in racial and cultural relations across America. Drawing from over fifty interviews with Crown Heights’ residents, politicians, activists, religious leaders, gangs, street dwellers, victims and perpetrators alike, Anna Deavere Smith has created a theatrical event distilling the lives and voices of the incident’s survivors. General Admission: $15; Students/Seniors: $10 *Tickets available online and at the door. Season Tickets still available online as well for a discounted price. For more information, email contact@jewishtheatreworkshop.org. To purchase tickets online visit www.jewishtheatreworkshop.org.

Exclusive March Screenings under the auspices of the Baltimore Jewish Film Festival The Finaly Affair France 2008; French subtitles; 90 minutes Tuesday March 9; 7:00pm Weinberg PH JCC – Community Room

The true case of the Finaly brothers is an explosive story at the heart of the political, judicial and religious scandal that shook France for five long years. This investigative thriller is a powerful expose of the role the Church played in regards to Jewish children in their care. The Church’s involvement with the cover ups and the kidnapping of the orphans makes for a tale beyond belief. The roller-coaster ride from France to Spain to retrieve the children is astonishing and suspenseful. $9 general admission at the PH cashier’s desk, as available

The Finaly Affair

World Premiere of

For Tomorrow/Ich hoff’ auf morgen USA/Germany 2009 Sunday, March 14; 2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC – Straus Auditorium

A film by Eve Rennebarth, Gail Rosen, and William Gilcher. This is the beautiful, true story of Hilda Stern Cohen in her own words. It was discovered by her husband Werner, after her 1997death in Baltimore. For Tomorrow includes performances by storyteller Gail Rosen, mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Bolton, piano player Thomas Moore and Anna Gilcher on flute. They will be performing live after the screening. A post-film conversation with a panel of guests will follow. $7 general admission at both JCC locations, as available Send a check payable to the JCC to: JCC of Greater Baltimore, Attn: Claudine Davison, 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215. More information can be found at these websites: www.HildaStory.org • www.goethe.de/cohen


2010 Baltimore Jewish Film Festival April 8, 11, 13, 15, 28 May 4, 11, 13, 17

Most films will be shown at the Gordon Center For Performing Arts. Be on the lookout for our brochure by early March. Become a Star! Subscribe to become a STAR to ensure your two tickets for every one of the eight outstanding films of the STAR Series at the Gordon Center before they sell out. Please send your name, address, email address, and phone number to Claudine Davison at cdavison@jcc.org.

JCC A Center News

Adult Life Plus Winter Movie Series Mondays, January 25-March 8; 1:00 3:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

TuB’Shevat Seder

All Ages Wednesday, January 27; 1:00-2:30pm Weinberg PH JCC

Join us in celebrating TuB’Shevat the holiday of the trees. $3/JCC M; $5/NM Contact Lisa Shifren at 410.542.4900, x249 to RSVP by January 20.

Senior Friendly Passover Model Seder All Ages Monday, March 15; 5:00-7:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

The Seder will feature a Haggadah reading and a delicious traditional Passover meal. $10/JCC M; $15/NM For registration, please call Arlene Abrams at 410.318.6600. Please RSVP by March 5, space is limited.

Join us at the Weinberg Park Heights JCC for cozy winter movies and hot popcorn! Winter movie line up includes: January 25; Driving Miss. Daisy February 8; My Fair Lady February 22; The Accidental Tourist March 8; Oceans 11 $2 per movie

Volunteer Opportunities with the PH JCC Preschool! If you have a love for children and time on your hands – we need you! Contact Lisa Shifren at 410.542.4900, x249 for more information about preschool volunteer opportunities.

Special Music Event at the JCC Hazamir Choir

All Ages Sunday, March 7; 4:30pm Weinberg PH JCC – Straus Auditorium

Join us for a dessert reception and a special performance by the Baltimore Hazamir Youth Choir. Hazamir, our in house choir, has performed for all ages, as well as at Lincoln Center in New York City. Hazamir will perform a variety of traditional and contemporary Jewish music. $10/JCC M; $15/NM For more information and RSVP to the performance by February 22, please call Jana Klejner at 410.542.4900, x621.

Yiddish Theatre at the PH JCC Saturday, March 13, 2010 Beth Israel Congregation Top Local Bands. Silent Auction. Cash Bar. 410-654-0800 www.bethisrael-om.org

3706 Crondall Lane • Owings Mills, MD 21117

January/February 2010 A Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5770


Fitness & Wellness ADULT FITNESS

Kung Fu with Sifu Sean Marshall

Teen/Adult Thursdays, January 7-March 25; 8:00-9:00pm

Trader Joe’s Tours January 14; 1:30-2:30pm January 28; 1:30-2:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC & Trader Joe’s

This Trader Joe’s experience with Nutritionist Adriane Kozlovsky will change your perspective on food shopping! You will learn what foods you should and shouldn’t buy depending on your current dietary issues. The tour is about 45 minutes. eight participants max! $10/JCC Member; $15/NM

Healthy Stimulus Plan Without the Added Fat January 19, 2010; 9:30am-12:00pm Weinberg PH JCC

Come join us for this presentation with the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Division of Gerontology and the Baltimore VA Medical Center, GRECC. They will explain their findings of exercise in older adults and the many benefits of staying fit. Healthy snacks from Trader Joe’s will be provided as well! For more information or to register for these programs, contact Amy Schwartz at 410.356.5200, x510 or email aschwartz@jcc.org. Ages 16+ Mondays, January 11-February 1; 7:00-8:00pm Mondays, February 8-March 1; 7:00-8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

What burns serious calories, relieves stress, and builds stamina? Boxing of course! Ladies work out your aggression, lose weight and tone your body from head to toe. Classes involve shadow boxing, calisthenics, jumping rope, learning and practicing different boxing techniques and punching combination, foot work, and working with the speed and heavy bags. Taught by Personal Trainer Roman Gerstovich. $50/JCC M

Space is limited. To register contact Jennifer Lake at 410.356.200 x321 or email Jen@CSAKarate.com.

Give the Gift of Relaxation Gift yourself or someone you love a stress-reducing massage this winter. Massage enhances circulation, relaxes muscles, improves posture, creates body awareness and relieves neck and back pain. The JCC has licensed massage therapists for you at both of our locations! Congrats to Rebecca Portman - winner of the 1/2 hour drawing for a free massage with Mary Cook, LMT. Rebecca’s comment after her massage, “that was great, I’ll be back!”. To schedule an appointment contact: Mary Cook, LMT: 443.802.8461 (Owings Mills) Call for fees and appointments At Park Heights - Women Only $60/hour, $40/half-hour Call Karen Furman, LMT at 443.418.2551.


Learning together.




Boxing Babes

Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn from nationally ranked Sifu Sean Marshall. $168/JCC M $252/NM

Ladies Lift n’ Lose Weight

Ages 40-60 Mondays, January 11-February 15; 9:30-10:30am Tuesdays, January 12-March 2; 9:30-10:30am Rosenbloom OM JCC

Building muscle is the key to weight loss. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn at rest and throughout the day. Give Ann six weeks of your time, and experience the transformation that you have been seeking. $60/JCC M For more information contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at 410.356.5200, x502 or email lrosenstone@jcc.org.

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JCC A Center News

Fitness & Wellness We Get Letters ….

Prenatal Yoga

Dear Trainer, I have recently started working out at the JCC & I am really enjoying the group fitness classes! One of my friends suggested getting a personal trainer, but I’ve been taking BODYPUMP™. Wouldn’t a trainer be unnecessary? What would a trainer do that BODYPUMP™ wouldn’t? -Sue

January 11-February 15; 9:15-10:15am January 13-February 17; 7:30-8:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Dear Sue, Welcome to the JCC! I am thrilled to hear that you are pleased with our Group Fitness program. BodyPump™ and other group fitness classes are fantastic total body muscle workouts! However, a trainer can work with you to perfect your form (if you take BodyPump™, you know how important this is). Improper form not only reduces the total benefit of the workout you are doing, it also increases the possibility of injury. Additionally a trainer will help to push you that extra mile you wouldn’t be able to push yourself to do otherwise. The trainer will also help you track your progress, give you nutritional tips and suggestions and work with you on modifications for problematic exercises and/or modifications for injuries. Moreover, having that one/two “killer” workouts a week will keep you on your toes and keep your muscles from getting bored! I say give the trainer a shot! We offer a special three sessions for $99 for first time personal training clients. That’s $33 per session as opposed to the regular $55/session. Good luck and happy exercising. Jackie from the JCC Training Team

Keep Up With Our Community Find THE ASSOCIATED on

Pregnancy is a very special time of a woman’s life and expectant mothers are encouraged to join this pre-natal yoga class. This class is designed specifically to support the pregnant woman. Join as early into pregnancy as you would like for maximum benefit. Instructor Jeanne Deignan–Kosmides has been teaching Pregnancy Yoga Classes for about 17 years. Jeanne has personally done yoga throughout all of her pregnancies and has been working with pregnant women for over 26 years total. She is a trained Childbirth Educator and Birth Doula. Jeanne has also worked with women who have infertility challenges and difficult challenges in pregnancy. Jeanne says, “The benefits of doing yoga while you are pregnant are extensive and include stress reduction, ease of most of pregnancy symptoms, more flexibility and less aches and pains which can be common in pregnancy . Overall the result can be healthier babies and Moms!” The goal of this class, as Jeanne explains it, is for women to feel powerful, strong, healthy, joyful, centered and at peace with their pregnancies, their births and the sacred honor of raising children in our world. “It is my vision that through the powerful vessel of yoga women will gain tools to accomplish the above and more in their lives.” To find out more, contact Jeanne Deignan-Kosmides at 410.833.6067 or email breathofjoy@hotmail.com. $60/JCC M; $90/NM For all of our other great Fitness and Wellness classes, check out the Adult, Teen, and Children’s Fitness pages.

NEW! Group Fitness Technique Classes Rosenbloom OM JCC

theassociated http://twitter.com/theassociated theassociated http://facebook.com/theassociated

Afraid to join a Group Fitness class because you’ve never done it before? Need to determine if you’re doing it right to get the most out of your workout and not hurt yourself? We’ve got the solution! These 25-minute sessions are the way to go to perfect your technique. BODYPUMP: Monday, January 25; 9:00am Schwinn CYCLING: Monday, January 25; 6:30pm ZUMBA: Tuesday, January 26; 9:00am ZUMBA: Wednesday, January 27; 6:00pm These will be offered once a month.


January/February 2010 A Tevet/Shevat/Adar 5770

Need more info? Contact Amy Schwartz: 410.356.5200 x510 or aschwartz@jcc.org.


Eden Café

January & February JCC Hours Sunday 7:00am-7:00pm Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Friday January: 5:30am-4:15pm February: 5:30am-4:30pm Saturday – Park Heights 7:30-11:00pm Fitness Center closes at 10:30pm Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm

at the Weinberg PH JCC Phone: 410.542.5185 eden.cafe@hotmail.com Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-2:00pm Saturday: 7:30-11:00pm

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215

Café Teva

at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.3347 cafeteva@jcc.org Sunday: 7:30am-6:30pm Mon.-Thurs.: 6:30am-8:00pm Friday: 6:30am-2:00pm Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885

JANUARY Holiday Hours January 1 8:00am-4:00pm

Weight Loss Wars January 11-March 28 $25/JCC Members Only Last year, our “Biggest Loser” initiative was a great success. This year we are excited to kick off Weight Loss Wars in January! You still weigh in on a weekly basis at your convenience. Food diaries, informational handouts and emails will be distributed weekly. Monthly weigh-ins and body fat monitoring will help participants keep track of their progress. In addition, this year we will be offering weekly meetings with other Weight Loss War participants where you can discuss your achievements and/or your struggles as well as diet & exercise coaching with an entertaining and motivating leader! There will be two winners in each building!

For more information on Fitness in Park Heights, contact Jackie Foreman at 410.542.4900, x247 or jforeman@jcc.org.

JCCs of North America

For more information on Fitness in Owings Mills, contact Amy Schwartz at 410.356.5200, x510 or aschwartz@jcc.org.

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