BIG Day at the
November 14 November 2010 Cheshvan/Kislev 5771 Inside Jewish Life................................2 FYI............................................3 Children & Youth................... 4-5 Camps .....................................6 Teen Activities...........................7 Arts & Culture....................... 8-9 Adult Life Plus.................... 9-10 Fitness....................................11 Aquatics.................................12 Chai Lights.............................13 Staff News..............................14 Associated Corner...................15
Open House
Come join us for an exciting day at the JCC! Whether you want to take an exhilarating ZUMBA® class or do some gift shopping at the Chanukah Bazaarwe have it all here. Teens can get a taste of college at our College Fair and Members can bring in a friend for a great membership promotional deal!
ZUMBA Party and Chanukah Bazaar 9:00am-2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC & Rosenbloom OM JCC (*Women Only at PH)
• ZUMBA® Party 9:00am-11:00am • Chanukah Bazaar 10:00am-2:00pm Time to think about gifting and dancing! Shop for yourself and others and get three exciting hours of Latinstyle dancing. We will have vendors with gifts for all ages including jewelry, handbags and apparel. Pre-register for ZUMBA and collect your coupon which is good for door prizes and giveaways. FREE To register and for more information at PH, contact Jackie at PH x247 or email jforeman@ . For more information at OM , contact Lynn at OM x502 or lrosenstone@jcc.iorg .
Register online at:
Share the JCC with a Friend and Share the Rewards 10:00am-2:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC & Weinberg PH JCC
Bring a friend into the JCC on November 14 and receive $50 off for your friend & a $50 gift card for you* when they join! Offer valid for the first 50 friends who join. Your friend must join as a full paying member and can not have been a member in the past 12 months. You must be a member in good standing to receive the gift card. Card choices include: Target, Trader Joe’s, Wegmans, Giant and Regal Cinema. For more information, contact Membership at PH x224 or OM x331.
JCC 7th Annual College Fair Rosenbloom OM JCC 1:00-3:00pm Workshops starting at 11:30am
This well-established, interactive college fair offers an opportunity to reach hundreds of high school students from all over Baltimore and the surrounding counties. Last year, we had close to 70 colleges and universities from across the United States participate, bringing the total of people in attendance to more than 650 people. All high school students (even freshmen!) & parents are welcome! Workshops include: The Admission Process, Picking the Right College, Exploring Israel After High School, Paying for College FREE For more information, contact Esther at OM x612 or email
Jewish Life
Center News Wisdom for Today Rabbi Stuart Seltzer
Family Photos I love looking at old photographs of my family from generations ago. My favorites are the black and white ones. Though they are the oldest, when I look at them I always hear something new. I have even met people who look like me. I find myself studying these photos over and over again. I especially like when my mom and dad sit next to me and tell me stories about the people in the pictures. “This is your Great Uncle Jake. He brought Mommy’s side of the family to America from Russia.” “This is your Grandmother when she was a teenager. She wanted to become a gym teacher.” “This is mommy when she was pregnant with you.” “This is Dad on the day of his becoming a Bar Mitzvah!” Now is the time of year when Jews all over the world once again take another family album off their bookshelves: The book of Genesis or Beresheit. We read about our oldest ancestors; Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel, Joseph and his brothers. We read about their strengths and weaknesses, their struggles and victories, their ambitions and disappointments, their relationships to God and to each other. Just like looking at my own family photo album, I always learn something new about my oldest ancestors, and their struggles and concerns become more personal to me. I see my face in their faces. I see Abraham wandering from the city of Ur to the land of Canaan. I know him as a young man, as someone who had a dream of the future and held on to it despite terrible obstacles. I always remember Abraham as a father, but the story reminds me that he was also a son. I see Jacob walking from Beer Sheva to Haran. I am there looking up at the ladder on which angels were ascending and descending. And I think I understand better why Jacob has this dream right after he tricked his brother Esau out of his blessing. I see Joseph in a strange country trying to both fit in and keep the traditions of his father. And I remember stories of my family’s first years in America. My biblical relatives teach me as a parent teaches a child. Their stories dramatize mankind’s timeless struggles and aspirations. These ancestors show me again that I am part of a people, part of a covenant, part of a family, part of something larger. They give me a Jewish understanding of God, the world, and myself. So, if you haven’t done so already, it’s not too late. Take our oldest family album down from the bookshelf. Invite your children, a friend, a parent, a grandparent, and without preconception or expectation, with a sense of adventure and openness, begin to look at its pictures. It is this photo album, with its stories and laws that has sustained our people over thousands of years. Rabbi Stuart Seltzer is the Dean of Judaic Studies at the Shoshana S. Cardin School. He can be reached at
A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Shalom Baltimore is here to introduce you to all that Jewish Baltimore has to offer. If you or anyone you know is new to Baltimore, we can direct you to the Jewish educational, social and religious organizations that suit you. Newcomers will be welcomed personally by a volunteer with a Baltimore Welcome Kit and an invitation to coffee. To get connected to Jewish Baltimore, contact Ashley Pressman at 410.843.7489 or
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax
Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.
For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site
Jewish community center of greater baltimore
FYI Me•Latté Opens at the OM JCC
Arts and Culture Interactive Workshops
We are excited to welcome Me•Latte to the Owings Mills JCC! Salomon “Solo” Bemaras runs this successful sandwich, salad and specialty drink operation at Johns Hopkins Hospital and we are happy to have him join us at the JCC. He is planning to install a large screen television in the seating area to make the café even more comfortable and convenient for members.
Owings Mills Parents Sunday, November 7; 9:30am Rosenbloom OM JCC Owings Mills Adults Monday, November 8; 7:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Park Heights Parents & Adults Sunday November 21; 9:30am Weinberg PH JCC
Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
SAVE 25% OFF your purchase of $5.00 or more. Good thru 11/30/10
For more information, visit
Global Day of Jewish Learning - Nov. 7!
All you have to do is talk.
Jewish Baltimore Talks. We’re here to listen. er rcsk lhrm
Let us know what’s on your mind. A series of community conversations will be taking place between November 2010 and June 2011, and we’d like you to be a part of it.
Throughout November and December there will be opportunities for the public to participate in interactive workshops that will explore new JCC Arts and Culture initiatives. These meetings will be facilitated by local artist, Jay Wolf SchlossbergCohen. Meetings will be held for parents, teens and adults who are interested in the arts. We will also have meetings downtown and for young professionals starting in December. Be on the lookout for emails and building signage promoting specific dates. For more information, contact Phil at PH x246 or email
All you have to do is talk.
For more information, contact Ruth Miller at
Learn more:
November 2010 A Cheshvan/Kislev 5771
Jews all around the world will come together on November 7, 2010 in their communities, homes and online to celebrate our shared heritage through a Global Day of Jewish Learning. This is the first worldwide, trans-denominational and nondenominational event devoted to Jewish learning and the ways in which it can bring us together. Different synagogues and organizations around Baltimore will be offering a variety of opportunities over the course of the day including some at the JCC. Check out the Baltimore website at . For more information, contact Ruth Greenfeld at 410.735.5006 or email
Saturday Nights at Park Heights! Starting November 13; 7:30-10:30pm Eden Café will stay open ‘til 11:00pm
Once again, the Weinberg PH JCC will be open for you and your family on Saturday nights. Enjoy the Café, Fitness Center and Woman’s ZUMBA® classes! Motzei Shabbos programming for Teens will be starting up again as well: November 13 – Boys Night November 20 – Girls Night Middle School: 8:00-9:30pm High School: 9:30-11:00pm Fee is $2/person For more information call
Children & Youth Schools Out
Tot Shabbat
Grades K-5 Rosenbloom OM JCC Tuesday, November 2 & Monday, November 22 9:00am-3:30pm
The School’s Out program is an opportunity for elementary school age kids to get the most out of school closings and vacations in a structured, safe and fun atmosphere. We offer a variety of activities including: indoor/outdoor recreation, games, cooking, dance aerobics and much more! Early drop off from 8:00am. Late stay until 6:00pm. For more information please contact Lara at OM x339 or email
Pee Wee Pizza
Ages 3 and under Thursday, November 4; 12:00-1:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Share lunch with other toddlers and their parents after preschool or playtime! Sing, create a craft project and enjoy parachute play. $6/JCC Member; $9/NM - per pizza eating child RSVP required at
Birth-36 months Tuesdays; November 5 & 19; 10:30am-11:15am Jewish Museum of Maryland 15 Lloyd Street Baltimore Friday, November 12; 11:15am Rosenbloom OM JCC Friday, November 19; 11:15am Weinberg PH JCC
Hands on Holidays Chanukah Thursday, December 2; 10:30 & 11:30 am Enoch Pratt- Canton Branch Friday, December 3; 10:30am Jewish Museum of Maryland 15 Lloyd Street, Baltimore Wednesday, December 8; 1:30pm Enoch Pratt Library Roland Park Wednesday, December 8; 5:00pm Carroll County Library Eldersburg Branch
For more information on these programs, contact Cindy at OM x344 or . You can also ‘Friend’ us on Facebook! (search “JCC Parenting”).
Super Sundays
Turkey Time for Toddlers Wednesday, November 24; 10:00-11:00am. Rosenbloom OM JCC
Make Thanksgiving decorations, sing Thanksgiving songs, have a holiday snack and play in our Little Gym. $5 per family RSVP required at
Ages 4-8 Weinberg PH JCC Sundays, 9:30am-12:00pm
Now you can drop off your kids at the Park Heights JCC for a morning full of fun! Activities include swimming, crafts, sports and more! Fee: November 7-November 21; $39/JCC Member; $60/NM Fee: December 5-December 19; $39/JCC Member; $60/NM For more information, call PH, x229.
On Wednesday, September 15, more than 50 community members celebrated the dedication of the Roslyn and Len Stoler Early Childhood Education Center at the Owings Mills JCC. The Stoler’s made a significant contribution to ensure that our community continues to offer quality early childhood programming with a Jewish context. “Thanks to the generosity of Roslyn and Len, generations of children in our community will be introduced to the beauty of our Jewish tradition in a bright, vibrant educational setting. We are grateful to them for their commitment to the future leaders of our community who today are the toddlers and preschoolers whose gleeful voices fill the halls of the JCC every day.” says Marc B. Terrill, President of The Associated.
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Children & Youth
Winter Camping with the Cub Scouts Friday, December 10-Sunday, December 12 Broadcreek Scout Camp
For information on how to get involved in Pack 18, contact Scoutmaster, Mike Rogers at 410.902.1466 or email
Boys Scouts Pack 18 Upcoming Events Patapsco State Park Hike Sunday, November 7 –Fire Building Sunday, November 14 – Rock Climbing Sunday, November 21 – Merit Badge Day Sunday, December 5 – Chanukah Fire
For information on how to get involved in Pack 18, contact Cubmaster David Green at 410.602. 2622 or email
Celebrate Chanukah with Shalom Sesame Sunday, December 5; 10:00am-12:00pm Location TBD
Can Grover Find the Missing Menorah? And What Happened to the Latkes? The JCC Association and the JCC of Greater Baltimore invite you to join over one hundred JCCs across the continent as Middle East meets West with some very special – and occasionally furry – guests from a new series set in Israel from the creators of Sesame Street. Chanukah: The Missing Menorah finds Grover in a tizzy when his special friend Anneliese Van Der Pol (That’s So Raven, Broadway’s Beauty and the Beast) gets caught in a game of tag with a chicken and loses her special menorah…just as Chanukah is about to begin! Can her friends find the missing menorah in time? Guest appearance by Debi Mazar.
Kids can come meet Grover and his friends before this special presentation! For more information, contact Lori Levitas: PH, x265 or email Boy Scout trips these past months have included hiking five miles through the Appalachian Trail and white water rafting.
November 2010 A Cheshvan/Kislev 5771
Summer Camp Capital Camps to Offer First Time Camper Incentive Grants to Day School Families Capital Camps is stepping forward to assist Day School families to ensure a quality Jewish program is available on a financially equal footing. “Supporting day school children as they attend a Jewish overnight camp harnesses the power and synergy of the two experiences. Jewish day school parents are investing heavily in their children’s Jewish identity and should be rewarded with an equal opportunity to benefit from the proven power of our camp program” says Jon Shapiro, Camp Director. He continues “of course, incentive grants continue to be available to children that attend secular school thanks to generous support of our local Federations and our own donors. This grant opportunity with Capital Camps will allow more children to experience the power of our amazing camp program. Ultimately, we want as many children as possible from our community to join us this summer”. For more information on the incentive programs and Capital Camps’ highly acclaimed summer camp program, contact Jon Shapiro, Camp Director at 301.468.2267 (866.GOT.CAMP) or email
The JCC Maccabi Experience is going to Israel! All Try Outs in November!
14-17 years old (as of July 31, 2011)
This summer, Baltimore will be taking teens to participate in JCC Maccabi Sports and Arts in Israel, Philly, and Springfield. Tryouts and Auditions will take place during the Month of November. Financial assistance is available. Choose one of these Options for Summer 2011 Israel Trips Starting At $2450! JCC Maccabi 2-Week Israel Experience Teens 14-17; July 24-Aug. 5
BZD/JCC Maccabi Month-Long Israel Experience Teens 14-17; July 10-Aug. 5
BZD Month-Long Israel Experience Jewish teens currently in grades 9, 10, 11; July 3-30
For more information contact Paul at the OM JCC x365 email, or visit Or contact Baltimore Zionist District (BZD) at 410.484.4510 or
Tour Camp Milldale Sunday, November 21; 12:00pm 5425 Mt. Gilead Rd. Reisterstown, MD. 21136
Join Dori Zvili, Camp Milldale Director, for an informative walking tour of camp. Learn about the programs, staff, facilities, and see for yourself the beautiful camp environment Camp Milldale offers! You can still register for camp with an Early Bird discount until January 31, 2011! Download a camp registration form on our website and check out our new video too, RSVP for a tour to Dori Zvili at OM x387 or
You may find a better price. You won’t find better values. phone: 866.430.2267
• e-mail:
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
JCCGB ad 11-10.indd 1
10/18/2010 1:00:49 PM
Teen Activities
Middle School Nights! Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
At the JCC we provide a safe and stimulating place for teens to come and socialize, learn, and make a difference in the world. Our monthly Middle School Night is special night for JCC members in grades 6-8 to come to the OM JCC for pizza, gym and pool time, movies, snacks and Wii!
Saturday Night Dance Saturday, November 6; 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
A great way to hang out with your friends and make new ones! Join us for dancing, an awesome DJ, open gym and snacks. Middle School ID required. No one will be permitted without an ID. Visit and download the VIP dance form to bring to the next dance and you can cut the line at the entrance. This form must be completed before arriving. $10/JCC Member; $15/NM
How to Pay for College Sunday, December 5; 11:00am-12:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
This financial workshop will discuss what options are available for middle class families and where to go to find money for college. Learn about the FAFSA, government money, scholarships and grants. Understanding the financial options can help determine options in accepting college offers. $25 JCC Member; $35 NM per family
One-on-one OmniTest tutoring built around your schedule for the SAT and ACT. Content and strategy based support. Our package includes initial diagnostic, 16 hours of tutoring and unlimited practice tests. Also includes free hour of college help at beginning of senior year. For more information contact Esther at OM x612 or email
I Was Accepted at Three Independent Schools.
Movie Marathon
Open to all Middle Schoolers (JCC Members & Non-Members) Sunday, November 21; 1:00-4:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC Teen Lounge
Join us and bring your friends for movies and pizza! FREE For more information on all Middle School and Teen Connection programs contact Amanda at OM x361 or email
I Chose Cardin.
On Sunday, October 31, our very ownHaZamir Baltimore will join singers from across the country on the Carnegie Hall stage to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Zamir Choral Foundation. The Baltimore Jewish high school choir, comprised of 35 teens from over a dozen schools in the Baltimore area, is still auditioning members for the 2010-11 season. We are preparing for an exciting season, including a gala concert at Lincoln Center in March. Rehearsals are on Sunday evenings, at the Park Heights JCC. Interested singers should contact Erika Schon at
Why? Cardin offers a “pluralistic Jewish education,” meaning one that doesn’t teach the tenets of one denomination over another, but embraces them all. Cardin integrates Jewish values into a college preparatory curriculum. It fits me.
The Shoshana S. Cardin School Baltimore’s Independent Jewish High School
Above all, learning.
7310 Park Heights Avenue • Baltimore, MD 21208-5436 • (410) 585-1400 •
November 2010 A Cheshvan/Kislev 5771 JCC Nov News #1BW.indd 1
10/7/10 3:11 PM
Arts & Culture A Life
in Letters:
Clara Schumann & Johannes
Gordon Center For Performing Arts 2010-2011 Season
Don’t miss these great performances at the Gordon Center that are sure to engage and entertain. “A Portrait of Lady Day”- A Tribute to Billie Holiday
Sunday, November 21; 2:00pm Gordon Center For Performing Arts
Saturday, November 6; 8:00pm
A concert and dramatic reading featuring piano duo Saar Ahuvia and Stephanie Ho, with performances by Stanley I. Morstein and Patricia Ann Coleman. Free to all but RSVP and ticket required This program is underwritten through the generosity of Howard S. Brown.
In this entertaining musical tribute, vocalist Sheila Ford and the Bruce Swain Quartet masterfully capture the essence of Billie Holiday, the artist considered by many the foremost female jazz vocalist in history. Tickets: $19; $22 show day and at the door Eddie From Ohio Saturday, November 13 8:00 pm
Too energetic to be labeled just “folk”, Eddie From Ohio continues to defy description with their unique blend of vocals and acoustic instrumentation. They have often drawn comparisons to the Grateful Dead meets Peter, Paul & Mary; or like Jewel fronts the Barenaked Ladies. Their four-part harmonies, lyrics that make light of heavy subjects, and folk-pop rhythms makes them an experience to remember. Tickets: $22; $24 show day and at the door Robbie Schaefer “Songs For Kids Like Us” Recommended for children 3-6 years Sunday, November 14; 3:00 pm
Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery “Andrea Bank: Images of Baltimore” Through December 19
Andrea paints primarily in watercolor. “I love its fluidity and transparency; and also it is a very quick drying medium which makes watercolor painting quick and spontaneous,” she says. Andrea also creates murals using acrylic paints, which she finds rewarding “as you can see paint totally transform a space.” Andrea Bank received her formal training at the Interlochen Arts Academy, the Cleveland Institute of Art and the University of New Mexico. She sometimes misses the wide-open spaces of the Southwest, but enjoys the change of seasons in Baltimore. The Joseph & Rebecca Meyerhoff Gallery is open to those patrons who attend performances at the Gordon Center. For more information, or to schedule a gallery tour, call Nancy Goldberg, 410.356.7469, Press 5.
For over a decade Robbie Schaefer has played guitar and sung with “Eddie From Ohio”. But his favorite musicians to play with are much, much younger. Robbie is an expert at introducing young children to the fundamentals of music: how to keep singing through a fit of laughter: how to invent nonsense rhymes; how to love this essential part of a full life. This is an Aline & Fred Katzner and Florence & Harry Panitz program. Tickets: $6 children 10 & under; $8 adults; $9 adults show day and at the door To purchase tickets, come to the Gordon Center box office Monday-Friday from 10:00am-4:00pm or one hour prior to a Gordon Center Show. For more information, email or visit or call 410-356 SHOW (7469).
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Art & Culture Jewish Theatre Workshop A Staged Reading of “A Modest Suggestion” Saturday, November 20; 8:00pm Weinberg PH JCC- Straus Auditorium
Four businessmen sit in the conference room looking at the newest item on the docket: do they kill all of the Jews or not? This satirical new play, directed by Etan Weintraub and performed for the first time in Baltimore, takes a seriously funny look at one of the unfunniest aspects of humanity: hatred and murder of others for no reason. Like Jonathan Swift did in his famous “A Modest Proposal,” playwright Ken Kaissar asks humanity to look at itself in the mirror to consider the absurdities of genocide in any form. The performance will be followed by a discussion of the issues raised in the play. For more information, visit
Adult Life Plus Stars and Stripes: A Tribute to Jewish War Veterans Wednesday, November 10; 1:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC
Catch Erwin Burtnick in the last of this series that is a celebration of and tribute to Jewish War Veterans in the Greater Baltimore area. $3/JCC Member; $5/NM Please RSVP to Jana at PH x621.
Keeping It Organized Techie Workshop Wednesday, December 14-December 28; 4:30-6:00pm Weinberg PH JCC
Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience required. Learn how to manage and organize your files, folders, and understand directories. $36/JCC Member; $46/NM
Social Networking Techie Workshop Wednesday, November 2-November 16; 4:30-6:00pm Weinberg PH JCC
Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience required. Learn how to connect with your friends and family and meet new people online using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and JDate. $36/JCC Member; $46/NM For more information on these classes, call Arlene at PH x637.
The View From Inside - Izya Shlosberg Through Friday, December 31 Norman & Sarah Brown Art Gallery Weinberg Park Heights JCC
Izya Shlosberg is an artist, writer, and philosopher who is known for expressing his philosophy through his work. He combines his technical training in industrial design and his knowledge of form and color to give him a unique perspective on the concept of art. For gallery information, contact Smadar Livne at 410.382.3133 or email
Trip to Bucks County Play House for Hello Dolly November 17 Bus leaves PH 7:30am; OM 8:00am
Return with us to one of our favorite trip destinations: New Hope, Pennsylvania. This charming town on the water has great shopping, antiques, and art galleries. Next we’ll head to the Bucks County Play House to see a live performance of Hello, Dolly!, first produced on Broadway by David Merrick in 1964, winning the Tony Award for Best Musical and nine other Tonys. $59/JCC Member; $82/NM RSVP with payment to Jana Klejner at PH x621.
Save the Date! Grandparents Day Wednesday, December 29; 1:00-3:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC Straus Auditorium
Bring your grandchild or your favorite youngster to the JCC for a fun-a party followed by a screening of Aaron’s Magic Village, an animated hit film that was a favorite at the Baltimore Jewish film festival. $5 per person RSVP to Jana Klejner by December 22 at PH x621.
November 2010 A Cheshvan/Kislev 5771
Adult Life Plus HSSC Trip Members of the Holocaust Survivors Social Club (HSSC) visited the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of African American History and Culture to view the exhibit “Transcending History: Moving Beyond the Legacy of Slavery and the Holocaust.” Focusing on the fact that displacement is part of the history Jews and Blacks share, the exhibit portrayed artworks reflecting both slavery and the Holocaust and the emotional realms beneath the surface.
Day Trip to Hillwood The Adult Life trip to Hillwood Estate Museum and Garden was a great success! Participants enjoyed walking through the Gardens and got a grand tour of the Mansion and Museum.
Buy One LOLITA Glass Get the 2nd Glass FREE! By Any Other LOLITA Item Get the 2nd Item 1/2 PRICE!* *Discount applies to the lower priced item. While Supplies Last!
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Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
Fitness & Wellness Teen Boys Fitness Classes
Boys Ages 12-16 Weinberg PH JCC Tuesdays & Thursdays; November 9-December 7; 8:30- 9:15pm
Fitness Classes just for teen boys! Build muscle, strength and stamina! Weightlifting meets on Tuesdays and Mixed Strength & Cardio meets Thursdays. $35/JCC Member; $55/NM For more information, contact Jackie at PH x247 or email .
Healthy Choices Program Kicks Off in OM ECE Funded by the Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation and support sponsor, Miriam Kelly, the Healthy Choices program is a new initiative at the Roslyn and Len Stoler Early Childhood Education Center in Owings Mills that started this fall. The goal is to produce a school-wide curriculum that includes, increasing the amount of physical activity, encouraging healthy diets and reinforcing the weekly lessons taught in Health Science throughout the school week. Chris Sigman, who previously worked as a nurse in our ECE, is heading the Healthy Choice program. She is using information from the CDC, FDA and American Academy of Pediatrics to build her curriculum. John Hopkins’ School of Public Health is helping with the research and development aspect and providing us with survey questions for parents of participants. The first few weeks of Healthy Choices has included, tastings, Food Fiestas, talking about the five senses, discussing artificial coloring vs. natural coloring and even utilizing kid-safe knives to teach the children how to prepare healthy foods! Upcoming events include a breakfast prepared and served by the children to their parents.
Team JCC poses at the 5th Annual Save- A-Limb Ride this fall. The Save-A-Limb Ride took place on Sunday, October 17 at Oregon Ridge and raised money for the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics (RIAO) at Sinai Hospital at
Basketball Players Blue Gym & Wood Gym Rosenbloom OM JCC
Closed Sunday, November 14 for College Fair & ZUMBAthon
Amy Schwartz and Lori O’Donnell before BODYSTEP in Park Heights.
NEW Discover Health Initiative The JCC of Greater Baltimore has been chosen by JCC Association, the leadership network of JCCs in the U.S. and Canada, as one of six pilot sites for a new wellness initiative that emphasizes the holistic nature of good health. Partnering with fitness provider Club One, JCC Association is making available a variety of online tools for members to assess and track their health habits. Starting in December, we will roll out this new initiative to members. This will include elements that address the intellectual, spiritual, and communal needs of the whole person.
November 2010 A Cheshvan/Kislev 5771
Fitness & Wellness
Meet Pete Atanasson: Personal Training from a Martial Arts Perspective Pete Atanasson is a new trainer at the Weinberg PH JCC who brings a unique skill set with him. Pete is working toward an Athletic Training Certification and has an extensive background in Mixed Martial Arts. He has considerable training in Muay Thai, Ju Jitsu, Akido and Kung Foo. He says, “Being an avid Martial Arts student and fight aficionado, I tend to spend a great deal of my time collecting knowledge in traditional as well as modern styles of the martial arts and can personally laud the many health and fitness benefits, as well as the mental focus and sharpness that fight training can provide.” Pete is excited to bring his knowledge of body mechanics to the JCC and specializes targeting both strength and endurance training.
Meet Bernie Bondroff: Training for Life Bernie has been a trainer at the JCC for about two years and although fitness is not his first career, it is certainly one of his first loves. Bernie was an Elementary School Teacher and Guidance Counselor and, after that, a Financial Advisor. While being a trainer was not what he planned to do as a career, he says that it has been something he has prepared for all his life. “Teaching people to keep up a fit and healthy lifestyle is not that different from advising them on how to allocate and budget their finances,” Bernie explains. “They are both important ways of keeping control over your life.” Growing up with a father who was an amateur professional boxer, Bernie has been using punching bags and jumping rope since he was eight-years-old. As a teen, he started working out with weights even before it was the popular thing to do. In1966, he even won the Maryland State Championship in Olympic Weightlifting! Bernie incorporates a lot of this strength training when he is working with his clients. It is great aerobic exercise to work out with a punching bag and people find it to be very enjoyable and cathartic. In terms of his job at the JCC – Bernie loves it. “The JCC is such a pleasure to come to. It is an inviting facility and has a great family environment. The Fitness Center has such an array of participants, and I have never seen so many seniors working out in any of the other gyms I have been to. If people want to stay healthy, exercise is where it’s at!”
JCC Barracuda Swimmer Qualifies for Junior National Championships We are proud to congratulate Josh Tomlin, a new member of the JCC Barracuda swim team, who qualified for the 2010 Speedo Short Course Junior National Championships! The Championships will be held at the Georgia Tech Aquatic Center in Atlanta this December. Josh has been swimming for Coach Brendan McElroy for over five years and joined the JCC team in August. The 18-tyear-old has qualified for the national championship meet in five different events including 50-yard freestyle, 100-yard freestyle, butterfly and breaststroke and 200yard individual medley. Josh is following in the footsteps of his older brother Justin, the Barracuda assistant coach and also a former Junior National swimmer. “Josh is just one half second away from qualifying for the Olympics with his 50-yard free time,” said Coach McElroy. “He has a wonderful combination of talent and hard work but what sets him apart is that he aspires to be an Olympic swimmer”.
Certification Classes Winter Warm-Up December 26, 2010 - January 14, 2011 Rosenbloom OM JCC
High school and college students can compete for next summer’s life guarding jobs by getting certified during the winter break. Classes will be held in CPR/AED for the professional rescuer, Lifeguarding, Water Safety Instructor and NSPF Pool Operator. Registration begins in October. For more information, visit
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
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Dolls • Melissa and Doug • Breyer Horses • Dress Up Books • Arts & Crafts • Games • Puzzles • Outdoor Toys Personalization by Laurie Harlow formerly of Signature Collection & Toy Chest
$10 OFF Your Purchase of $50 or More Not valid with any other offer. Does not include personalization, special orders or custom doll houses. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Not valid on prior purchases. Expires 11/30/10
A MAgicAl DAy in new York Wednesday, January 5, 7 a.m. (depart Chizuk Amuno Congregation) Jewish MuseuM • The Flying KaraMazov BroThers • Ben’s Kosher resTauranT
Doug Lake, aka Mr. Doug, the founder of CSA Martial Arts and Wellness School at the JCC, will have his Art of Inspiration on display at the Chanukah Bazaar on November 14 at the Rosenbloom OM JCC. On August 15, 2004 Douglas suffered a heart attack which almost took his life. It was T’ai Chi, exercise, nutrition, and running that helped him lose over 120 pounds and heal his heart. Doug created 150 black and white illustrations in 150 days as a tribute to his renewed health. Come meet the artist Sunday, November 14 from10:00-2:00 pm in the Owings Mills lobby (see details on the Bazaar on front cover).
$160, Chizuk Amuno Members • $170, Non-members Fee includes bus, breakfast (on the bus), museum admission, theater seats, photo-ops with the Flying Karamazov Brothers (a Chizuk Amuno exclusive), dinner, and driver’s gratuity. Bring a sack lunch. For more information or to RSVP, call the Stulman Center for Adult Learning, 410/824-2055/8.
Chizuk Amuno
Chizuk Amuno Congregation | 8100 Stevenson Road | Baltimore, MD 21208 |
November 2010 A Cheshvan/Kislev 5771
Staff News Melissa Berman is based out of the OM JCC and is the Graduate Intern for Child Services. She is pursuing a master’s degree in Jewish Communal Services at Baltimore Hebrew Institute. Melissa will be planning and implementing new JCC programs such as the recent 10.10.10 and “Cruise into the J” days. She has participated in various JCC programs since she was young and is a previous Maccabi basketball player. Kathy Correll is our new smiling face at the OM front desk. Kathy has over 30 years of customer service experience and is thrilled to be working with us at the JCC. Next time you are in the building, stop by and meet her!
Shawnise Crawford is not new to the JCC but she now has a new position. Shawnise has been at the JCC for 10 years in various capacities. She has coached swimming and track for Maccabi and has been a swim team coach as well. Her new title is Head Supervising Lifeguard and she is excited to be working at the “J”. Sherri Vishner is working as a Social Work Intern at the Park Heights JCC this year. She is in her last year of an MSW program at the University of Maryland and has worked at the JCC’s Camp Milldale as a floating counselor. Sherri will be coordinating and implementing a Ceramics/Crafts program for adults with Special Needs, a Documentary Digest for adults with Mental Health challenges and will be working in the ECE at PH as well.
PHOTO CONTEST The Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore is announcing a Photo Contest! This is a great opportunity for individuals to further develop their artistic abilities while recognizing their Jewish heritage and culture. Stay tuned for more details on how to enter ! Applicant Eligibility
• Must apply in Category I: ages 8 – 18 or Category II: ages 19 and over • Must not be a professional photographer by trade • May not be a JCC employee Guidelines:
• Applicants may submit up to 2 photo entries • Photos must all be 8” x 10” • Photos may be in black and white or in color • All photos must have an obvious Jewish theme • Photos must have been take within the last year • Photos must not have been a winner in any other photo contest • Applicant must submit a typewritten statement on why you chose the subject of your photo and what it means to you. Statement may be no more than 50 words. Contest opens: January 1, 2011 Contest closes: February 28, 2011
Photos will be juried by a committee. Contest winners will be announced in March. Winners will have their photos exhibited in the Meyerhoff Gallery in the Gordon Center from the end of March through June 22, 2011. 1st Prize: $250 and exhibit 2nd Prize: $150 and exhibit 3rd Prize: $100 and exhibit Honorable mention: Exhibit only
For more information: email or call Nancy Goldberg x334.
Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900
The ASSOCIATED Corner Jewish Baltimore Talks A new initiative of THE ASSOCIATED
Know an Outstanding Jewish Baltimorean Who Has Made a Difference? Nominate him/her for the Baltimore Jewish Hall of Fame for June 2011. Nominations are due by November 19, 2010. Nominee Criteria:
• Has made a difference to Baltimore and/or to the world. • Has left a “mark” in his/her field. • May be living or deceased. • Is residing or has resided in the Baltimore metropolitan area. • Is Jewish. Nominee Categories:
Arts • Business • Clergy • Community Service • Education • Medicine/Science • Politics/Law • Sports • Other Nominations received in 2008 and 2009 will still be considered for 2011. Mail to: Nancy Goldberg, JCC, 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue, Owings Mills, MD 21117. For more information, contact Nancy Goldberg at OM x334 or
2010 Community Mitzvah Day Feed the homeless | Visit the elderly | Assemble winter care packages
Friday, December 24, 2010 Please note new date.
For specific project times and to register, visit, call 410-843-7490, or email
All you have to do is talk. That is the theme of an upcoming round of informal dialogues that will be taking place all around Baltimore. Jewish Baltimore Talks, an initiative of THE ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, will run from November 2010 through June 2011. The purpose of the community conversations is to find out more about how Jews in Baltimore express their Jewish goals and interests. “This is an important project because it provides a way for people to be heard and to lend their voices to the direction of the community for the next several years,” explained Robin Miller, chair of Jewish Baltimore Talks. “We are embarking on a listening tour and are excited to learn from each group that gets together to talk about what is important to them Jewishly. Rather than assuming ‘If we build it, they will come,’ we are asking ‘What are you interested in building?’” The conversations will be informal. Questions that might be asked include: “Why do you belong or not belong to a Jewish group?” “What in life is most meaningful?” “What makes you feel Jewish?” The majority of the meetings will be conducted in the private homes of committee members or other interested parties, while some town-hall-style dialogues will take place in public spaces. These community conversations will look to include both those people engaged with and those not engaged with the organized Jewish community, as well as people of all age ranges, religious affiliations and interests. People who would like to attend these gatherings should contact us at information@ For more information about Jewish Baltimore Talks, watch our videos at or visit us online at
Registration opens
November 18, 2010 for all Mitzvah Day projects.
Individually we do so much. Imagine what we can accomplish together. — Jen Grossman, Chair and Louise Supnick, Co-Chair
November 2010 A Cheshvan/Kislev 5771
Eden Café
November Hours
at the Weinberg PH JCC
Sunday 7:00am-7:00pm
Phone: 410.542.5185
Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Fridays in November 5:30am-4:00pm Saturday – Park Heights Starting November 13 7:30-10:30pm Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Me • Latté
at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.5200 x560 Sunday: 8:00am-6:30pm Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00am-8:00pm Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885
NOVEMBER Holiday Hours Thanksgiving Day November 25 JCC is Closed
Weinberg Park Heights: 410.542.4900 Rosenbloom Owings Mills: 410.356.5200
Back By Popular Demand – Classic Yiddish Theatre
Makht a Tsimes! – Make a Fuss! With English and Russian subtitles
Sunday, December 5 3:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC Straus Auditorium Bring the whole family for a special Chanukah event!
For reservations, please call Jana at 410.542.4900 x621.
JCCs of North America
Folksbiene New York National Yiddish Theatre, the longest running professional theatre in America, brings their troupe for a return engagement at the JCC for a new performance of Makht a Tsimes! (Make a Fuss!). Tickets are limited, and are available on a first come first serve basis. Fee: $20/JCC Member; $30/NM