JCC Baltimore October News

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CineFest 2010 Is Here! he JCC CineFest is back from October 11-25 with three thought provoking new films. This fall, film enthusiasts can catch this great selection of captivating Jewish films from around the world!

Ultimatum Wednesday, October 13; 7:30pm France, Israel, Italy 2009 Director: Alain Tasma 120 minutes, English, French, Hebrew with English subtitles

Anita Monday, October 11; 7:30 PM Argentina 2009 Director: Marcos Carnevale 105 minutes, Spanish with English subtitles

A terrorist bombing in Buenos Aires upends the world of a girl with Down syndrome and propels her on a lifechanging journey in this poignant family drama. Anita Feldman (an extraordinary debut performance by Alejandra Manzo) is lovingly cared for by her mother (Oscar-nominee Norma Aleandro, Only

October 2010 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771 Inside Jewish Life................................2 FYI............................................3 Children & Youth................... 4-6 Camps & College Center..........7 Middle School / High School....8 Adult Life Plus..........................9 Arts & Culture................... 10-11 Fitness....................................12 Aquatics.................................13 Staff News..............................14 Associated Corner...................15

Anita – October 11

Human), and spends weekdays helping her run a small stationary store in their Jewish neighborhood. Everything changes on July 18, 1994, when a car bomb explodes outside the AMIA Jewish community center, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds. Disoriented in the wake of the attack, Anita wanders the city in search of her missing mother, touching the lives of those around her while learning to care for herself. Meantime, her brother (Peto Menahem) begins his desperate search for Anita hoping she would be alive. Best Picture and Audience Award winner at the 2009 Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival.

The Persian Gulf War and its effect on a French couple living in Israel, their friends and family, forms the matrix of Ultimatum, a tense melodrama adopted from Valérie Zenatti’s 2006 novel. As Jerusalem anxiously awaits the deadline for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, the threat of a chemical and biological attack paradoxically reawakens the desire of Israeli citizens to laugh, love, live and face reality. When the Scud missiles finally begin to fall, the contentious and repressive relationship of Louisa (Jasmine Trinca), a young French-Italian student, and her boyfriend Nathanaël (Gaspard Ulliel), a French painter, is severely challenged. Handheld cameras track terrified Israeli citizens as they don gas masks and seal themselves in special safe rooms. Ultimatum authentically recreates the eerie wartime mood that consumed Israeli society in January 1991. CineFest continues on page 11

Tickets: $10 (general admission) or become a Directors Circle member for $65 and get two tickets to each film. Ultimatum – October 13

Jewish Life

Center News The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore

Wisdom for Today By Rabbi Ben Sharff

Why Laughter is Almost as Good as Chicken Soup A rabbi, a priest, and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says, “What is this, some kind of joke?” Ok, so maybe it’s not all that funny, but humor has been a part of the Jewish existence since the very beginning. According to our tradition, even God has a sense of humor as we learn from the psalmist, “He who is enthroned in heaven shall laugh.” The rabbis expanded upon this notion stating that Rabbah, one of the great sages of the Talmud, would say something humorous in order to amuse his students before beginning on a path of serious discourse. Thus when we laugh at the jokes, stories, television shows, and movies of Woody Allen, Milton Berle, Mel Brooks, Albert Brooks, Elayne Boosler, the Marx Brothers, the Three Stooges (all six of them), Gilda Radner, Jerry Seinfeld, Joan Rivers, Adam Sandler, Carl and Rob Reiner, Seth Rogan, Judd Apatow, and so many more, we can appreciate how they are keeping and adding to our tradition of humor. But why has humor played such an important role throughout our history? There are several possibilities. First, humor is often an instinctual response to the absurd. We live in a world that is not how it ought to be. The response to this problem is to laugh or to cry. Laughter, even throughout our history of oppression and suffering, was a response to keep us going. If we are laughing, there must still hope. Another is because humor and laughter arise from community. According to a study in 2000, researchers found “laughter was thirty times more frequent in social than solitary situations.” Jewish tradition is all about living within the context of community. We pray together, we mourn together, we cry together, and of course, throughout all of these gatherings we laugh together as well. Humor also helps to open our eyes and minds to the possibilities of transforming the world. By connecting with the silly and absurd we can hopefully understand that it is not merely our task to laugh but to use the laughter to inspire us to bring about greater goodness. Goodness, kindness, and peace may not make for a subject of a joke, but they would be great punchline as we continue to seek to bring about better days for all. In the meantime, I’ve got some Judd Apatow movies to catch up on, and I am looking forward to laughing my tuchas off.

L’shana Tova

Rabbi Benjamin Scharff is the Rabbi at Har Sinai Congregation in Owings Mills. He can be reached at rabbi@harsinai-md.org .

Open House • ZUMBA Party & Gift Bazaar !!!

Global Day of Jewish Learning - Nov 7!

Jews all around the world will come together on November 7, 2010 in their communities, homes and online to celebrate our shared heritage through a Global Day of Jewish Learning. This is the A day of fun and a week of celebration! first worldwide, trans-denominational and nonBring a friend to the JCC November 14-19 denominational event devoted to Jewish learning and if they join, they can save $50 off a full and the ways in which it can bring us together. membership. PLUS you’ll get a $50 gift card Different synagogues and organizations around to a store of your choice. First 50 members Baltimore will be offering a variety of opportunities only - some restrictions apply. over the course of the day including some at the JCC. Get the ZUMBA Party and Gift Bazaar Check it out at www.TheGlobalDay.com and stay details on page 12! tuned for details on programs in the community. For details visit www.jcc.org/membership For more information, contact Ruth Greenfeld or call 410.542.4900 x224 (PH) at 410.735.5006 or email rgreenfeld@cjeb.org. 410.356.5200, x331(OM) Sunday, November 14; 10:00am-2:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC & Weinberg PH JCC


JCC A Center News

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax

Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax

www.jcc.org MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.

For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site www.jcc.org

Jewish community center of greater baltimore

FYI Author Rosalind Wiseman’s Girl World Tour Moms and Daughters (ages 8-14) Monday, October 18; 7:00-9:00pm Gordon Center For Performing Arts

Final Month of Farmers Market at the OM JCC! Sundays Thru Oct. 24; 9:00am -1:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Bringing you the freshest locally grown produce, all originating within 100 miles of the JCC. Shopping at the Owings Mills Farmer’s Market at the JCC is a pleasant way to reward yourself after your Sunday morning workout. For Farmers Market details, contact Ryan Couto 410.905.8030 or visit www.owingsmillsfarmersmarket.com.

JEA’s 101st Anniversary Party Sunday, October 10; 4:00-8:00pm Beth Israel Congregation • Crondall Lane at Owings Mills Blvd.

The 101st anniversary of the Jewish Educational Alliance, the forerunner of the Jewish Community Center, will be celebrated by the JEA Fellowship Association with a kosher sit-down dinner and entertainment. Their 2010 Hall of Fame honoree is Koppel Seaman. $55/person For reservations, call 410.653.9362 or 410.560.1174.

Girls Night Out

Sponsored by the JCC ECE Parent’s Association Thursday, October 21; 7:00-9:30pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Come join us for a fabulous evening of socializing, snacks and shopping! Vendors will include Stella & Dot, Tastefully Simple, My Vintage Baby, Barbie Levy Designs and many more. Come get a head start on your holiday shopping, or just get a little something for yourself. This night is open to all, so bring a friend and have some fun! This event is sponsored by the OM JCC ECE Parents’ Association, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the OM JCC ECE. For more information please contact Tara Rudo at 443.838.5078 or Tara@NoMorePiles.com.

Join Rosalind Wiseman, the internationally-recognized author of “Queen Bees & Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques” (this book was the basis for the movie “Mean Girls”). This evening of mother-daughter bonding will feature an interactive discussion about confidence, friendships, sweatinducing moments and common mother-daughter challenges. There will also be a Q & A session and book signing. Tickets are $40 per mother/daughter pair. This includes a free copy of Rosalind’s book, “Queen Bees & Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques” and each daughter will also receive a free copy of “Boys, Girls, and Other Hazardous Materials” by the author. Tickets are available from Greetings & Readings online, in-store or by phone at 410.771.3022. You can also visit Rosalind’s website at www.rosalindwiseman.com/programs/girl-world-tour/.

Baltimore Hebrew Institute Launches Book Club Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Come take part in this new book club that will meet monthly at the JCC in Owings Mills. Valerie Thaler, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History at Towson University, and faculty affiliate of the Baltimore Hebrew Institute, will lead the discussions. Valerie has a Ph.D. from Yale in American Jewish history, and teaches classes at Towson University in Jewish studies and contemporary American Jewish life. Lunch and discussion will take place the first Thursday of every month in Café Teva, at 12:00pm. Book club members will receive a discount on lunch purchased from the JCC’s Owings Mills café. Reading List for Fall 2010: October 7 – Still Alice by Lisa Genova November 4 – In the Image by Dara Horn December 2 – Who by Fire by Diana Spechler For more information or to RSVP, contact Dr. Valerie Thaler at 410.704.3247 or email vthaler@towson.edu.

Election Day Polling at the “J” Weinberg Park Heights JCC

The PH JCC will be a polling location for the November 2 election. There may be a bit more foot traffic that day but we are still looking forward to seeing everyone at their regularly scheduled JCC classes and activities!

October 2010 A Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771



Children & Youth PARK HEIGHTS


Super Sundays Are Back at PH!

Little Chefs

Starting Sunday, October 10 Boys and Girls ages 4-8 Sundays, 9:30am-12:00pm

Ages 2-3 years Thursdays, October 7 -Thursday, November 11 Rosenbloom OM JCC

Activities include swimming, crafts, sports and more! Register for Super Sundays for the entire fall or by the month: October: $52/JCC Member $80/NM November & December : $39/JCC Member $60/NM per month

Enjoy time with your toddler following simple no-bake recipes. Your child will have the opportunity for sensory feedback from touching, smelling and tasting a variety of yummy food. $60/JCC Members $90/NM

Girls Can Get Their Dance On

Infant Massage Wednesday, October 6-Wednesday, October 27 11:00am-12:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Weinberg PH JCC

Girls Ballet Age 3 (Students must be 3 at the start of the session). Sundays, October 10-December 12; 11:00-11:45am

$90/JCC Member

$55/JCC Members


Baby Gym Thursday, October 7-Thursday, December 16; 9:30-10:15am Rosenbloom OM JCC

Girls Ballet I Ages 4-5 Sundays, October 10-December 12; 10:00-10:45am

$90/JCC Member


Girls Jr. Hip Hop Ages 4-7 Sundays, October 10-Sunday, December 5; 10:00-10:45am

$90/JCC Member


Girls Preteen Hip Hop Ages 8-11 Sundays, October 10-December 5 11:00-11:45am Or Thursdays, October 7-December 9 7:00-7:45pm Weinberg PH JCC

Jazz, street and hip hop movements choreographed to age-appropriate pop music. $90/JCC Member $130/NM For more information about Super Sundays and dance classes, contact Lisa at PH x229.

Boys Soccer Clinics

Weinberg PH JCC October 10-November 25 (no clinic 11/28) Ages 6-8 Sundays, 12:30-1:15pm

$45/JCC Member


Ages 9-11 Sundays, 1:30-2:30pm

$65/JCC Member


Ages 12-14 Sundays, 1:30-2:30pm

$65/JCC Members $85/NM For more information on all of these programs contact Mark Bonitatibus at PH x626 or mbonitatibus@jcc.org.



$75/JCC Members $110/NM Drop in fee: $10/JCC Members $15/NM For more information, contact Parenting at OM x347 or parenting@jcc.org.

g n i s i Ra

s d K


E V L h s i w e Being J


Using stories and humor, this exciting and informative talk has been carefully designed to help Jewish parents and grandparents gain – and easily remember – principles and practical tips for instilling Jewish pride in their children. Doron Kornbluth is a sought-after international speaker, teaching all types of audiences. He has lectured extensively at family seminars and college campuses worldwide.

Wednesday, October 20 • 7:30pm Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave. • Owings Mills, MD 21117

Info: YisroelPorter@aol.com


Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Children & Youth JCC Reaches Out To Families Beyond the Borders Our JCC parents can tell you about how great the interactive Tot Shabbat and Hands on Holiday programs are at the “J”. However, what about the families that live outside the Park Heights and Owings Mills communities? Since not everyone has the benefit of living close to a JCC, the JCC has started bringing these programs to them! Over the past year, JCC Parenting programs have been implemented downtown and even in Carroll County. There is now a strong following for Hands on Holidays programs at several Enoch Pratt Library branches, the Eldersburg Library, The Jewish Museum of Maryland and beyond! Hands on Holidays gets an average of 30+ participants at each location and our Tot Shabbat program brings in anywhere from 8-20 participants. “By bringing the JCC to the Jewish families who cannot easily come to the “J”, we are able to help build a sense of community in a comfortable, relaxed setting,” says JCC Family Outreach Coordinator, Cindy Neuman. “The hope is to grow with these young families so that we can continue to support them Jewishly and culturally as their children and families grow.”

Meet Amy Eisner from the Downtown Baltimore Jewish Family Network “I set up the Downtown Baltimore Jewish Family Network over two years ago, mostly to help families find each other. We now have 100 members on our listserv. We get together every couple of months for a Shabbat dinner, attracting at least 10 families - half of whom are new. The JCC Parenting group has been warm and responsive to our needs as we’ve grown. They have offered to run whatever programs we wanted – downtown! Now we see them at the library and the Jewish Museum and at downtown events. To me, the JCC is not about defining a particular community of practice but about sustaining the fabric of the community as a whole.” — Amy Eisner The Downtown Baltimore Jewish Family Network is a group created in an effort to specialize in finding Jewish families downtown. Amy Eisner created this group after being part of The Downtown Baltimore Family Alliance which promotes family life in Baltimore’s city center. Both groups work with the JCC of Greater Baltimore to implement outreach programs throughout the city of Baltimore.

Amy Eisner

DOWNTOWN PROGRAMS Hello Baby/Infant Massage

Ages Birth-4 months Tuesdays, October 5- November 23; 9:30am and 12:00pm Federal Hill location and Canton location TBD.

Tot Shabbat

Ages Birth-36 months Fridays; October 8 & 22, November 5 & 19; 10:30am-11:15am Jewish Museum of Maryland 15 Lloyd Street Baltimore

For more information, contact Cindy at OM x344 or cneuman@jcc.org.

Celebrate Your Child’s Birthday at the JCC! Did you know that you can celebrate your child’s birthday at the JCC? JCC members (and for toddler parties-non-members as well) can throw a child’s birthday party on Sundays at the JCC! We have a variety of parties available, including : Family Party/Parenting Center Party For ages 1-3; at the OM or PH locations; also available to non-members.

For details and reservations, call Parenting at OM x347. General Entertainment For ages 3+; at the OM or PH locations.

Arts & Crafts Party For ages 5+; OM location only.

Sports/Gym Party For ages 4+; at the OM or PH locations.

Recreation Park/Biblical Playground Party For ages 4+; OM location only

Ballerina Party For ages 3-6; at the PH location only.

Indoor Pool Party/Summer Outdoor Pool Party For ages 7+; at the OM location only..

You must supply the kosher food for all of these parties, but you can use the conveniently located cafes inside the JCC buildings— Café Teva at the OM JCC and Eden Café at the PH JCC. For details and reservations, contact Sol at OM x316 or Israel Orange at PH x205 or visit www.jcc.org/birthdayparties.

October 2010 A Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771


Children & Youth Tot Time

Schools Out

Grades K-5 Rosenbloom OM JCC Friday, October 15-full day Friday, October 29-half day Tuesday, November 2 & Monday, November 22-full day

Friday, October 8-Friday, December 17; 10:30-11:30am Rosenbloom OM JCC

Drop in fee $10/JCC Members


Tot Shabbat

Rosenbloom OM JCC Friday, October 8; 11:15-12:00pm

Free to members and non-members with a parenting pass $5 Non-Member Drop In Fee

Tot Shabbat

Weinberg PH JCC October15; 11:15am-12:00pm

Free to members and parenting center pass and Stay and Play pass. $5 Non-Member Drop In Fee For more information on these Parent/Infant/Toddler programs contact Sharon or Linda at OM x347 or email parenting@jcc.org

How To Talk So Kids Will Listen! ™

The School’s Out program is an opportunity for kids in elementary school to get the most out of school closings and vacations in a structured, safe and fun atmosphere. We offer a variety of activities including: indoor/outdoor recreation, games, cooking, dance aerobics and much more! Early drop off as early as 8:00am. Late stay as late as 6:00pm. For more information please contact Lara at OM x339 or email at lwellerstein@jcc.org. For an application visit www.jcc.org/schoolsout.

Boys Scouts Pack 18 Upcoming Events Curtis Bay Coast Station Tour October 10

Patapsco State Park Hike

Mondays, October 11-November 22 10:00-11:30am or 7:00-8:30pm Weinberg PH JCC

November 7

Join Sara Weingot for the celebrated workshop series based on How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by award-winning authors Adele Farber and Elaine Maizlish. Parents will learn the following helpful skills when dealing with their children: • Discipline without hurting or alienating • Cope with your child’s negative feelings • Engage your child’s willing cooperation • Help your child develop a realistic and positive self-image • Foster an atmosphere of love and respect • Resolve conflicts peacefully $75/JCC Member $100/NM For more information contact Parenting at OM x347 or parenting@jcc.org

For information on how to get involved in Pack 18, contact Cubmaster David Green at 410.602. 2622 or email Dgreen@btfiloh.org.

“Jewish children must have the opportunity for a Jewish education...and cost shouldn’t stand in the way.” Shoshana S. Cardin

Announcing Scholarships for Fall 2011 Applications available at Open House, October 31st, 3 pm. Our Open House is a little different than others. Ours provides not only an introduction to an outstanding school but the opportunity to learn about 4-year scholarships. The Shoshana S. Cardin School, Baltimore’s Independent Jewish High School, is pleased to announce a new scholarship for incoming 9th graders. Information and details are available at our Open House.

The Shoshana S. Cardin School Baltimore’s Independent Jewish High School

Above all, learning.

7310 Park Heights Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21208-5436 • (410) 585-1400 • www.shoshanascardin.org


Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Camps & College Center

Camp Milldale Swims for a Cause As part of an effort to connect with the JCC Maccabi Experience’s “Days of Caring and Sharing,” Camp Milldale took on a Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) project of their own and they chose to support Chai Lifeline. Every year, Chai Lifeline, an organization that operates two overnight summer camps for seriously ill children (among other projects) holds a swim-a-thon. Milldale staff spoke with the campers about appreciating our health and the ability to run, play and swim. Camp Milldale Program Director, David Mitnick, explained that, “While the amount we sent to Chai Life line was impressive, the more important lesson for the campers was an appreciation for helping others.” On the final Monday of camp, campers swam laps (or walked laps for the less strong swimmers) and collected pledges. In total, Camp Milldale campers raised almost $1,000 for Chai Lifeline. One camper, Alexandria Hellman, raised $154 all by herself! Alexandria said, “At first, I wanted to win a prize, but then I realized these kids have big dreams like I do - so how about I raise enough money to at least help Alexandria Hellman two or three kids! The more I raised, the more kids I could help, so I kept collecting! Hopefully, the kids who I help can accomplish something big too.” To find out more about Chai Lifeline and how you can help, visit their website at www.chailifeline.org .

Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

The JCC 7th Annual College Fair November 14; 1:00-3:00pm Workshops starting at 11:30am

College 101 Sunday, October 17; 11:00am - 12:30pm

This seminar will help 10th and 11th graders navigate the steps and sort out the options of the college preparation process. Tips include planning your schedule, building your activities, understanding deadlines, and the advantages of summer college programs. $25 JCC Member $35 NM per family

How to Pay for College Sunday, December 9; 11:00am - 12:30pm

10 Fun Things to Do on October 10, 2010

This financial workshop will discuss what options are available for middle class families and where to go to find money for college. Learn about the FAFSA, government money, scholarships and grants. Understanding the financial options can help determine options in accepting college offers. $25 JCC Member $35 NM per family

Sunday, October 10 Rosenbloom OM JCC


10 | 10 | 10

We are planning a great day of fun with something for everyone! There will be activities for kids, teens and adults. For more information, contact Dori at OM x387 or email dzvili@jcc.org.

October 2010 A Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771

One-on-one OmniTest tutoring built around your schedule for the SAT and ACT. Content and strategy based support. Our package includes initial diagnostic, 16 hours of tutoring and unlimited practice tests. Also includes free hour of college help at beginning of senior year. For more information contact Esther at OM x612 or email egunter@jcc.org.


Middle School / High School Grades 6-8

Grades 9-12

Middle School Nights – Starting in October

BBYO Parent/Teen Shabbat Dinner

Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Friday, October 8 Rosenbloom OM JCC • Morstein Performa

JCC Members only Hang out in the teen lounge to play Wii, watch movies, play table tennis or pool and enjoy pizza and snacks, also enjoy the indoor pool and gym.

Teens will be planning a Shabbat service and dinner to enjoy with their families

Saturday Night Dances Saturdays, October 2 & November 6; 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

A great way to hang out with your friends and make new ones! Join us for dancing, an awesome DJ, open gym and snacks. Middle School ID required. No one will be permitted without an ID. $10/JCC Member $15/NM

Pumpkin Mania Sunday, October 17; 1:00-4:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC

Middle Schoolers are invited to get into the fall spirit! Join us for pumpkin carving, baking pumpkin seeds and more. For more information on Middle School programming, contact Amanda at OM x361 or amax@jcc.org

BBYO’s Baltimore Council Kicked off the school year with a Rock and Bowl party at Stoneleigh Lanes in Towson!

March of The Living – Info Night Thursday, October 14 Rosenbloom OM JCC • Teen Lounge

Anyone (not just BBYO members) can come find out about the March of the Living trip. The trip will take place in the spring and take participants through the concentration camps of Poland and then to Israel to celebrate the strength of the Jewish people. A general overview can be found at www.motl.org. Interested in these BBYO programs? Contact Mitch at OM x370 or mliebeskind@jcc.org or check our facebook page for more information!

Hazamir HaZamir Baltimore has launched its 6th year! Connect with Jewish teens locally, across the country and in Israel, sing fabulous music, and perform at Lincoln Center! Auditions and new members accepted through October 24th. Interested high school singers should contact Erika Schon at erikaschon1@comcast.net.

JCC Maccabi 2011 Info Session Wednesday October 6; 6:30pm Rosenblum OM JCC

We will be holding a session to go over information pertaining to the 2011 JCC Maccabi Games and ArtsFest that will be held in Israel, Philadelphia and Springfield. For more information, contact Paul at OM x365 or email plurie@jcc.org .


Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Adult Life Plus Trip to Bucks County PA New Hope, PA and “Hello, Dolly!” at the Bucks County Play House


Wednesday, November 17 7:30am -7:00pm

Fee: $59/ JCC Member $82/NM Member /$89 NM/$127 RSVP with payment to Jana Klejner: PH x621 by October 15.

Stars and Stripes:

A Tribute to Jewish War Veterans

Screening and Discussion of the movie Sluzhenie (Service) Sunday, October 24; 2:00pm Weinberg PH JCC Community Room Movie in Russian with English subtitles, discussion in Russian

Alexander Gershtein, an independent producer and director from Toronto, will present and discuss his movie Sluzhenie (Service). The movie shares the stories of three courageous individuals, all of whom were part of what is known a “Second Wave” of Russian Immigration to Canada. Today it is hard to imagine the kind of hardships these people endured as they were separated from their homeland due to historical circumstances and were forced to completely reconstruct their lives. $2 at the door.

Foundations of Jewish Family Living Values for Jewish Parents to Share with Their Children

October 6, October 27 & November 10 1:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC This series is a celebration of and tribute to Jewish War Veterans in the Greater Baltimore area.

Wed., October 6 • Rabbi Tzvi Karp Wed., October 27 • Rabbi Seth D. Phillips Wed., November 10 • Erwin Burtnick Fee: $3/M $5/NM per session $7/M $12/NM for the series Please RSVP to Jana at PH x621.

Senior Friendly Holiday Dinner

No homework. No grades. Know Judaism. Please call the Stulman Center for Adult Learning at Chizuk Amuno Congregation for more information about this exciting course, 410/824-2055/8. Tuition: Chizuk Amuno members $200 nonmembers $250

8100 Stevenson Road • Baltimore, MD 21208 • 410/824-2055/8 www.chizukamuno.org

October 2010 A Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771

A good time was had by all at the JCC’s Annual Senior Friendly Rosh Hashanah Dinner. The seniors enjoyed Holiday food, Klezmer music and great company.


Arts & Culture

Gordon Center For Performing Arts 2010-2011 The Gordon Center For Performing Arts is debuting their 20102011 partial season! Don’t miss these great performances at the Gordon Center that are sure to engage and entertain. April Verch Band Saturday, October 9, 2010; 8:00pm

Yiddish Theatre Sunday, December 5; 3:00-5:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC

Folksbiene New York National Yiddish Theatre, the longest running professional theatre in America, brings their troupe back to the JCC for a new performance of Makht a Tsimes! (Make a Fuss!), a Yiddish Production with English and Russian Subtitles. Tickets are limited and available on a first come first serve basis. $20/JCC Member $30/NM For reservation, please call all Jana at PH x 621 by November 1

Jewish Theatre Workshop A Staged Reading of “A Modest Suggestion” Saturday, November 20; 8:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC - Straus Auditorium

Four business men sit in the conference room looking at the newest item on the docket: do they kill all of the Jews or not? This satirical new play, directed by Etan Weintraub and performed for the first time in Baltimore, takes a seriously funny look at one of the unfunniest aspects of humanity: hatred and murder of others for no reason. Like Jonathan Swift did in his famous “A Modest Proposal,” playwright Ken Kaissar asks humanity to look at itself in the mirror to consider the absurdities of genocide in any form. The performance will be followed by a discussion of the issues raised in the play. For more information visit www. jewishtheatreworkshop.org or email contact@jewishtheatreworkshop.org.


April Verch is a fiddler, stepdancer and singer who brings together Celtic, Jazz, Folk and Bluegrass influences. The band, with April at the helm with her fiddle, delivers richly textured phrasing on traditional roots tunes. Tickets - $20 $23-show day and at the door Janis Ian & Tom Paxton Thursday, October 28; 7:30pm

Since the debut of her first hit song “Society’s Child” through other songs such as “Jesse”, “At Seventeen” and “Stars”, Janis Ian has left her indelible mark on fans, friends and the world in general. The singersongwriter has sold more than 10 million records and has won multiple Grammy Awards. Appearing with Janis, will be folk music legend, Tom Paxton, who has become a voice of his generation. Paxton has been an integral part of the songwriting and folk music community since the early 60’s Greenwich Village scene, and continues to be a primary influence on today’s “New Folk” performers. These two remarkable legends together, promise an unforgettable evening! Tickets - $22 $25-show day and at the door “A Portrait of Lady Day” – A Tribute to Billie Holiday Saturday, November 6; 8:00pm

In this entertaining musical tribute, vocalist Sheila Ford and the Bruce Swain Quartet masterfully capture the essence of Billie Holiday, the artist considered by many to be the foremost female jazz vocalist in history. Tickets - $19 $22-show day and at the door To purchase tickets, come to the Gordon Center box office Monday-Friday from 10:00am-4:00pm or one hour prior to a Gordon Center Show. For more information, email info@gordoncenter.com or visit www.gordoncenter.com or call 410-356 SHOW (7469).

Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Arts & Culture CINEFEST continued from page 1

Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story Monday, October 25; 7:30pm USA 2009 Director: Peter Miller 90 minutes, English

The View From Inside - Izya Shlosberg Monday, October 25- Friday, December 31 Norman & Sarah Brown Art Gallery Weinberg Park Heights JCC

Izya Shlosberg is an artist, writer, and philosopher who is known for expressing his philosophy through his work. He combines his technical training in industrial design and his knowledge of form and color to give him a unique perspective on the concept of art. For gallery information, contact Smadar Livne at 410.382.3133 or email livne@smadarlivne.com

This film portrays the contributions of Jewish major leaguers and the special meaning that baseball has had in the lives of American Jews. More than a film about sports, this is a story of immigration, Jews and Baseball - Oct. 25 assimilation, bigotry, heroism, the passing on of traditions, and the shattering of stereotypes. The story is brought to life through Dustin Hoffman’s narration, and interviews with dozens of passionate and articulate fans, writers, executives, and especially players including Al Rosen, Kevin Youkilis, Shawn Green, Bob Feller, Yogi Berra, and a rare interview with the Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax. Fans including Ron Howard and Larry King connect the stories of baseball to their own lives, and to the turbulent history of the last century. Their stories are intercut with dramatic and never-before-seen film clips and photos of great Jewish players, unforgettable games, and the broad sweep of American history. Tickets: $10 (general admission) or become a Directors Circle member for $65 and get two tickets to each film. For more information, contact Jon Teter at PH x239 or jteter@jcc.org . For updates please go to www.jcc.org/cinefest. Tickets are available at the Cashiers’ desk at both JCC

Art Classes If you are looking to explore your creative side our art classes are sure to challenge you. Local artists, Donna Landsman, Volker Schoenfliess, Noi Volkov, Ruth Levie, Rodney Cook and John Seely will be sharing their talents this fall. Offerings include: Ceramics, Sculpture, Painting, Watercolor and Drawing. For details on classes visit www.jcc.org/guide.

Artist Noi Volkov returns to the JCC to teach Painting, Drawing and Ceramics/Sculpture.

October 2010 A Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771


Fitness & Wellness High School Basketball Prep Clinic

JCC Cyclists Unite to Save Limbs!

Ages 13-17 Tuesdays and Thursdays, October 5-26; 5:15-6:15pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC

$65/JCC Member


Les Mills Launch Sunday, October 10 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC & Weinberg Park Heights JCC

FREE to Members and Non-members 8:00am: BODYPUMP™ 9:15am: BODYSTEP™ 10:30am: BODYPUMP™

BODYFLOW™ Launch Sunday, October 31; 10:0011:00am & 11:00am-12:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

BODYFLOW™ is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Each class is made up of 45 minutes of simple but challenging exercises, followed by 10 minutes of relaxation and meditation. FREE - SPACE IS LIMITED. Members should preregister to guarantee their spot. Non-members must pre-register. For more information, contact Amy at OM x510 or email aschwartz@jcc.org.

Free ZUMBA Party and Chanukah Bazaar Sunday, November 14 • 9am-2pm Weinberg PH JCC & Rosenbloom OM JCC (*Woman Only at PH)

ZUMBA Party 9am-11am Chanukah Bazaar 10am-2pm Time to think about gifting and DANCING!!!! Shop for yourself and others; the dancing is just for you!!!! Catch ZUMBA® fever! You’ll get three exciting hours of Latin-style dancing. Anyone, any age, can ZUMBA. Pre-register and collect your coupon - good for door prizes and giveaways. We are also looking for vendors for this event. If you are interested, please call Jackie or Lynn. For more information at PH, contact Jackie at x247or email jforeman@jcc.org; at OM, contact Lynn at x502 or email lrosenstone@jcc.org.


Ellie Kagan, a Cycle teacher at the JCC has formed a team comprised of JCC members to participate in the 5th Annual Save- A-Limb Ride this fall. They will be riding 15 miles to raise money to support the work of the physicians and staff of the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics (RIAO) at Sinai Hospital. “At the JCC, we promote and encourage people to engage in a variety of fitness activities, at the JCC and on their own,” says Ellie. “Our classes are great training for rides like this. An hour of cycling class is equivalent to an 8-10 mile ride! People need to realize that they can aim high and they can do it. Participating in rides makes them feel like they are working towards something.” You can view a schedule of JCC cycling classes at www.jcc.org/fitness . For more information on how to join the JCC team for the Save-A-Limb Ride on Sunday, October 17 at Oregon Ridge Park, you can contact Ellie at ekagan@gmail.com You can also check out the website, www.savealimbride.org/.

it takes ONE to serve a community it takes a COMMUNITY to serve one

The programs and services of the Greater Baltimore Jewish Community Centers are made possible by THE ASSOCIATED’s Annual Campaign.

Support your JCC - make a gift today. www.associated.org 410-727-4828

Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

Fitness & Wellness BeWell Wellness Initiative The JCC of Greater Baltimore was selected as one of five JCC’s from around the country to launch BeWell, a wellness initiative for our members. BeWell was developed based on the Club One HealthStart™ program – which earned Club One a NOVA 7 Award for Innovation in 2007. The program provides support and guidance to help our members meet their fitness and wellness goals. In addition to some great programs, BeWell includes a website with many resources and tools to help track individual progress. Stay tuned for more details and upcoming programs!

Understanding How Family History and Genetics Affect Your Risk of Developing Breast and Ovarian Cancer at the OM JCC Sunday, October 10 Rosenblum OM JCC; 10:30-11:30am Weinberg PH JCC; 12:30-1:30pm

Join us for an informative discussion and learn how you can reduce your risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Refreshments will be provided. Guest Speakers will include Dr. DeeDee Shiller, Gynecologist & Director of The Women’s Wellness Center at Northwest Hospital and Cynthia Kimball, Patient Speaker. For more information, please contact Amy Schwartz at OM x510 or Anne Remy at 301.785.3768.


Aquatics New Head Coach for JCC Barracuda Swim Team The JCC Barracudas welcome Coach Brendan McElroy! Brendan has been coaching since 1998 for both High School and USA Swimming teams. Coach McElroy has served on the Board of Directors of Maryland Swimming from 2001 to 2008. In 2005, he served on the staff of the USA Swimming Eastern Region Zone Camp and has worked on the staff of the Navy Summer Swim Camp also. “I met Brendan through USA Swimming and I think his approach to coaching is a great match for our team,” says Bill Kirkner, Aquatics Director. Coach McElroy began holding tryouts and practices for the Barracudas in September. For more information, visit www.jcc.org/barracudas.

Save the Date- Winter Warm-Up December 26, 2010 – January 14, 2011 Rosenbloom OM JCC

High school and college students can compete for next summer’s lifeguarding jobs by getting certified during the winter break. Classes will be held in CPR/AED for the professional rescuer, Lifeguarding, Water Safety Instructor and NSPF Pool Operator. Registration begins in October. For more information, visit www.jcc.org/warmup.

Under The Stars The Rosenblum Owings Mills JCC hosted a Zumba Party-Outdoors on the Tennis Courts this summer! Members came to dance the evening away and get an awesome workout in the process.

October 2010 A Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771


Staff News Congratulations to Gerry Laue, who has been promoted to Assistant Marketing Director. Gerry is based out of the OM JCC. Her position will include oversight of the JCC website and management of all graphic design. Mark Bonitatibus, who many JCC members know from the pool, will now be acting as the Sports and Rec Coordinator for the Weinberg PH JCC. He will continue to manage the Aquatics programs as well.

Israel Orange will now be the Teen Outreach and Program Coordinator at the PH JCC. Israel is looking forward to expand the teen programming to help benefit the teen population. Lisa Ziv is the newly hired Youth Program Manager for the PH JCC. She will be working part time to run Super Sundays and various children’s classes. Lisa has worked for the JCC’s Camp Keshet. She will also run the ECE gym.

JCC Maccabi Days of Caring and Sharing Over the span of the 2010 JCC Maccabi Experience in Baltimore, Bank of America supplied 150 volunteers to assist the participants and staff with their competitions and community services. Pictured are garden boxes that volunteers and participants created, to be donated to area preschools as part of Maccabi’s Days of Caring and Sharing.


Owings Mills 410.356.5200 | Park Heights 410.542.4900

The Associated Corner U.S., Israel and Maryland/Israel Development Center Celebrate 25th Anniversary of Free Trade Agreement This year marks the 25th anniversary of the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and companies in both communities are celebrating. According to government figures, since the signing of the FTA, U.S. exports to Israel have grown around 335 percent and Israel imports to the U.S. have grown roughly 470 percent. Locally, the Maryland/Israel Development Center (MIDC), an agency of THE ASSOCIATED, says the FTA has led to many success stories, both directly after its inception and even today. MIDC fosters bilateral economic development between Israel and Maryland. Located in Baltimore’s World Trade Center, MIDC is an energetic and vibrant hub of people and activities promoting Maryland/Israel trade, investment and economic development. Executive Director Barry Bogage recalled a story of 18 years ago, when the MIDC first started: “Back in those days, Baltimore’s sister city was Kiryat Gat. There was a tennis shoe manufacturer there called ‘Air Sports.’ One of our founders, George Hess, owned Hess Shoes, Inc. George made a connection between Air Sports and K-Swiss, who George worked with for his own store. K-Swiss ended up licensing out some of their manufacturing to Air Sports. Since Air Sports could transport the product duty free to Europe, K-Swiss saved money and could do more business,” said Bogage. “Israel is one of only three countries with free trade agreements with both the U.S. and Europe, so it can act as a bridge for international trade between the two countries.” MIDC focuses largely on companies working in the high-tech arena. There is a declaration on trade of services included in the FTA, which states the government’s intent to eliminate barriers to trade in services such as banking, communications, computer services and the like. Bogage said MIDC works with the International Trade Administration to help eliminate bureaucratic barriers to Israeli companies’ entry into the U.S. market and to continue exploring additional venues for free trade, such as in the cyber security industry. In the interim, MIDC has helped a multitude of Israeli companies set up offices in Maryland or Washington, D.C. “Twenty five years ago, when the Free Trade Agreement was signed, there were only a handful of Israeli companies located in the area or doing business in the U.S. Today, there are at least 50 Israeli companies with offices and employees in the BaltimoreWashington corridor,” said Bogage, adding that this number does not include the vast number of Israeli scientists working on research and development with the National Institutes of Health, Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University and other higher education laboratories. Later this month, MIDC will host several Israeli life science companies at AdvaMed 2010, the nation’s leading MedTech Conference. Bogage said he is confident the conference will result in a number of research and marketing agreements with key industry players. “Life science is a real emerging talent for Israel and the industry is strong in Maryland,” said Bogage. “It is likely companies will want to collaborate.”

All you have to do is talk.


Learn more: www.baltimoretalks.org

October 2010 A Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771


October Hours Sunday at Park Heights 7:00am-7:00pm (starts 9/12) Sunday at Owings Mills 7:00am-7:00pm Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Fridays in October 5:30am-5:30pm Saturday – Park Heights Closed Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm

Eden Café

at the Weinberg PH JCC Phone: 410.542.5185 eden.cafe@hotmail.com Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215

Coming in October to the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Café. Stay tuned for details! Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885

OCTOBER Holiday Hours Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah JCC closes on Wed., 9/29 at 5:00pm and reopens Sat., 10/2 at 1:00pm (OM only)

JCC Benchmarking Survey Monday, October 4 -Monday, October 18

If you do not have computer access, please see our membership staff for assistance completing the survey.

To make sure we have your updated email address please contact our membership office: PH at, x224 or OM at x331.

JCCs of North America

The annual JCC member survey helps us gauge how we are doing and how we can improve our services. We hope you will take the time to participate in the survey when the request arrives in your email inbox this month. The feedback that you provide is vital so please help us continue to serve you!

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