Spring 2014 Program Guide

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JCC Spring 2014 Program Guide




NEWOnline & IMPROVED Registration

An engaging Jewish community that encourages discovery, learning & fun  For ages 2-17


Noah’s Ark Preschool Camps

Traditional Day Camp at Camp Milldale


Sports, Tennis, Karate & Aquatics Camps

Travel & Teen Leadership Opportunities

Performing Arts & Visual Arts Camps

Free Express Bus Service from both JCC’s, Chizuk Amuno, & Columbia to Camp Milldale

Visit jcc.org/camps or call 410.559.3513. See page 31 for more details.

Table of Contents JCC Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Membership Information . . . . . . 3 Fitness General Information . . . . 4 Personal Training . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fitness Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 CSA Karate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Arts & Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Building Hours Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parenting & Tot Classes . . . . . . Early Childhood Education . . . . Youth (PH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth (OM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

22 23 27 28 30 31 32 34 36

I recently returned from an inspiring trip to Ashkelon, Baltimore’s sister city in Israel. This annual working partnership mission was organized by The Associated: The Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore. As the President of the JCC of Greater Baltimore my goal for the trip was to focus on connecting Israelis to Balitmoreans. I was looking to identify new social service and programming ideas that we could adopt here in Baltimore. I also wanted to form new relationships with Israeli community centers known as Matnasim. Finally I was on the lookout for program opportunities that could include activities between our JCC and these Matnasim. My hope is that these opportunities will help to enrich our members’ connection to the state of Israel and Ashkelon in particular. As we toured numerous facilities and met with dozens of people, several experiences resonated with me and by the end of my weeklong visits numerous ideas have risen to the surface. I was deeply touched by the relationships that a group of Ashkelon at-risk teens developed with their local Holocaust survivors. Through their meetings these teens learned that there is always hope no matter what curve balls life throws. I believe there are opportunities here in Baltimore for our JCC teens to connect with not just with Holocaust survivors but also with senior adults who are living meaningful lives our own Weinberg Village.

Owings Mills: Monday-Thursday 5:30am - 10:00pm Fridays 5:30am - 6:00pm Friday starting May 30 5:30am - 7:00pm Saturdays 1:00am -6:00pm Sundays 7:00am- 7:00pm Park Heights: Monday-Thursday 5:30am - 10:00pm Tuesdays (men only) 9:45-11:30pm Fridays 5:30am - 6:00pm Sundays 7:00am- 7:00pm Sundays starting May 25 7:00am- 5:00pm Please note: The indoor pools close 30 minutes before the building closes; all other fitness facilities close 15 minutes before the buildings closes.

I met with the newly developed Israeli Lacrosse Association which is trying to introduce one of Baltimore’s favorite sports to the youth in Ashkelon group. They are currently in dire need of equipment and professional guidance. Wouldn’t it be great if our JCC community could find a way to help out? There are nine small Matnasim in Ashkelon. One center has a swim team that needs help gathering momentum. I will be connecting them with our aquatics team to provide some guidance and support to help our Israeli friends take their swim program to the next level. Part of our mission is to take care of Jews in our community and around the world. I would love your feedback and ideas about ways we can enrich our Center’s partnership with our sister city. In the meantime stay tuned for some new Israeli-themed activities in the months ahead. To learn more about the BaltimoreAshkelon Partnership visit baltimoreashkelon.org. B’Shalom,

Barak Hermann President, JCC of Greater Baltimore bhermann@jcc.org

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register

Passover April 14: early closing 3:30pm April 15-16: closed April 20: early closing at 5:30pm April 21-22: closed Shavuot June 3: early closing 5:00pm June 4 - 5: closed

connect with us!


JCC Policies Unaccompanied Child Policy Guest Policy Guests are welcome to workout at the JCC under the following circumstances: • Must be accompanied by a JCC member and provide picture ID. • Guest are welcome on following days and times: • Sundays from 12:00pm-6:00pm • Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30am-10:00pm • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30am-2:00pm • Fridays from 5:30am-closing • Saturdays in Owings Mills from 1:00-6:00pm * * Saturday guest passes will need to be purchased in advance at the member and guest services desk or cashier’s window anytime Sunday -Friday. • No guests are permitted on the following holidays: Memorial Day, July 4, or Labor Day. • A member may bring only one individual/family guest per day. • A person may be a guest no more than three (3) times in one (1) calendar year. • Out-of-town guests who belong to another JCC, may use our JCC for up to 14 consecutive days. A valid membership card or letter from their local JCC is required.

• Children, age 10 and under, must be accompanied by an adult (age 16+) while at the JCC. No exceptions. • Children, age 11, or older, may be in the building unaccompanied.

Kosher Food Policy At both JCC locations, we maintain Jewish dietary laws, and we request your compliance. All food provided by the JCC and affiliate cafés is kosher. Non-kosher food may not be served by patrons at events hosted in the JCC or brought into the café area.

Guest Pass Fees Children under age 2: FREE Individuals ages 11+: $15

Children ages 3-10: $10 Family: $25

Executive Team Barak Hermann, President bhermann@jcc.org Ken Karsh, Sr. Vice President Finance kkarsh@jcc.org Esther Greenberg, Vice President egreenberg@jcc.org Phil Miller, Vice President pmiller@jcc.org Ron Siegel, Vice President rsiegel@jcc.org Gail Zuskin, Vice President gzuskin@jcc.org

Officers Will Minkin, Chairman of the Board Annette Saxon, 1st Vice Chair Maury Garten, Vice Chair Randi Hertzberg, Vice Chair Carol Noel, Vice Chair Elise Rubenstein, Vice Chair Laura Rubenstein, Treasurer Debbie Vogelstein, Secretary

Board of Directors Yoni Adler Andy Attman Randi Buergenthal Jan Cardin Dmitry Cherches Marty Cohen Dr. Howard Davidov Ellie Feinerman Dr. Dov Frankel Faith Gershowitz Lori Gerstley


Dr. Randy Getz Rob Goldstein Shelley Hendler Tammy Heyman Ellie Kagan Kevin Keane Sue Kohn Tom Kohn Harry Kozlovsky Suzanne Levin Lapides Jonny Lewis Simon Marciano Jennifer Osterweil Larry Plant Mitchell Platt Rabbi Shlomo Porter Beth Rheingold Sandy Rosenbloom Joanne Rosenthal Rabbi Dana Saroken Jerry Schnydman Sandy Shapiro Sandy Silberman

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

JCC Membership This Summer, Play Everyday and DON’T PAY FOR MAY! Don’t miss a minute of summer fun at the J with great programs and events taking place Memorial Day through Labor Day. When you join the JCC for the summer you get access to our Shapiro Rec Park with lap pool, family pool, baby pools, spray ground, tennis courts, and two huge playgrounds! Your membership also includes full use of both our facilities, free Group Fitness, and reduced rates on classes, camps and more. Shapiro Rec Park, Owings Mills JCC

Join by May 1 and get the rest of May free! Rates listed below are for Memorial Day to Labor Day. Family $505*

Individual $360*

Single Parent Family $305*

*Joining fees for new members may apply

Membership has its Privileges • 150+ FREE group fitness classes per week • NEW! Renovated locker rooms and fitness centers with the latest cardio and strength equipment • Personal Training and Small Group Training • Indoor suspended track • Indoor & Outdoor Lap and Recreational Pools • Gyms for basketball, volleyball, pickleball & free play • Childcare options for ages 3 mos-10 yrs • Preschools, camps, teen programs and enrichment classes

Membership Questions? Give our Member and Guest Services Team a call: Melanie Schatten


Debbie Schwartzman 410.559.3506 Karyn Smith


Joel Simpson


Abbe Zuckerberg


Lynn Kness


Allison Netzer 410.500.5989 Financial Assistance Manager Membership Office Hours in Owings Mills

Monday-Thursday Friday Sunday

9:00am-9:00pm 9:00am-5:00pm 9:00am-5:00pm

Membership Office Hours in Park Heights

Monday-Thursday Friday Sunday

9:00am-9:00pm 9:00am-3:00pm 9:00am-3:00pm

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register

Membership Pricing Valid thru June 30, 2014 Monthly Rates Family Couples ages 19-64, with single, dependent children thru age 25 living at home


Couples (age 19-64)


Individual (age 19-64)


Single Parent Family Single, separated, divorced or widowed parent living with single, dependent children thru age 25 living at home


Couples (ages 65+)


Full Time Student (age 19-25)


Individual (age 65+)


Teen (grades 6-12)


Grandchildren Membership Add a grandchild to your membership: $75/ one grandchild (10 and under) $150/ two grandchildren (10 and under) $200/ three or more grandchildren (10 and under) Monthly membership costs are based on a full year/12 month commitment. All JCC members are provided membership cards. Members must carry their cards with them and be ready to show them upon entering the building and in order to enter the fitness facilities.


fitness Group Fitness Classes

Single Gender Fitness at Park Heights

The JCC’s Group Fitness program is a great way to exercise and have fun. Our instructors are some of the area’s best! They are nationally certified having completed training programs which prepare them to motivate you to do more than you could ever do alone. • Group fitness classes are included in your membership at no additional charge. Classes are for members ages 16+. • Strength classes including BODYPUMP™ and Barre Sculpt • Cardiovascular classes including ZUMBA®, SH’BAM™, BODYSTEP™, BODYATTACK™, and BODYCOMBAT™ • Yoga, Pilates and BODYFLOW™ • Group classes for adults of all ages and all fitness levels

Fitness Too! is our fully-equipped, single-gender fitness room with cardiovascular and strength training equipment.

Schedules Schedules may change slightly every 4-6 weeks. Current schedules are available in following formats: • Online at www.jcc.org/schedules • On our mobile app click on the Group Fitness Schedule icon • Flyers are available in our Fitness Center or Member and Guest Services

Park Heights

Sunday Mon.-Thurs

12:00pm-close 3:00-close 3:00-6:00pm 1:00pm-close 12:00 pm-close 4:00pm-6:00 pm and 7:30pm-close

*Teens ages 12-15 can work out on their own after completing a 5 session Jr. Weight Training class see pages 9.

Boltansky Indoor Track in Owings Mills Please observe proper track etiquette: • Move to the inside lane to allow faster traffic to pass safely • When running with a friend, do not walk or run side-by-side • Wear proper shoes • No black soled shoes please


7:00am-8:55am 9:00am-12:25pm 12:30pm-3:55pm 4:00pm-Closing

Mon & Wed 5:30am-6:45am 1:00pm-3:55pm 7:00pm-8:25pm

6:50am-12:55pm 4:00pm-6:55pm 8:30pm-9:45pm

Tues & Thurs 6:50am-8:55am 3:00pm-6:55pm 8:30pm-9:45pm

5:30am-6:45am 9:00am-2:55pm 7:00pm-8:25pm


5:30am-6:45am 9:00am-1:25pm

6:50-8:55am 1:30pm-5:45pm

Babysitting Available for Ages 3 months - 5 years

You must be 16 years old to work out by yourself in the Fitness Centers, however teens, ages 12-15 * can work out with a parent in the fitness center during the following hours. One child per parent. Sunday Monday/Thursday Tuesday/Friday Saturday

Female Only

Do You Need Child Care While You Work Out?

For Spring Session Fitness Classes see pages 8-11.

Owings Mills

Male Only

For Group Fitness schedules at Park Heights JCC visit www.jcc.org/schedules.

Please contact Amy at 410.559.3534 or email aschwartz@jcc.org to determine which class is right for you.

Family-Teen Workout

Reservations preferred; two hour maximum. Fees: One session: $5/child, 20 session coupon pass: $80 (can be used for multiple children) Owings Mills

Mornings: Sunday-8am-12:30pm, Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:30pm Evenings: Monday-Thursday 5:30-8:30pm For reservations call: 410.559.3543 Park Heights

Sunday-Friday 8:15am -12:30pm. For reservations call: 410.500.5934

for Grades K- 5 Rosenbloom OM JCC Teen Lounge Mornings- Sunday: 8:00am-12:30pm Evenings- Monday & Wednesday: 6:00pm-8:30pm

Don’t miss your stress-reducing workout because of child care issues! Bring your kids to HangTime. No reservations required. HangTime is a supervised space for your child to hangout, play games, meet up with friends and even receive help with homework. Fee: One session: $5/child, 20 session coupon pass: $80 (can be used for multiple children)

For more information call Amanda Max at 410.559.3548, amax@jcc.org. You can purchase your Hang Time pass at Member and Guest Services or the Cashier’s desk.


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

PERSONAL TRAINING Personal Custom fit for Training You!

Looking to start a new fitness routine and don’t know where to begin? Want to change up your workout with new challenges and better results?

Benefits of Personal Training • Learn the right techniques to avoid injury while achieving powerful results. • Find new and challenging workout routines that change week to week • Reach your goals with customized exercise routines designed to meet your unique physical needs

First Time Training? Get your first 3 full hour sessions for only $99! Or, try our 5 Session Starter Package for $160

Our Trainers: • Over 25 certified person trainers on staff

(First session is 1 hour, following 4 sessions are 30 minutes.)

• All of our trainers are certified in CPR and have nationally recognized personal training certification

One-On-One Personal Training Fees

Trainer specializations include but are not limited to: • nutritional counseling • injury prevention and rehabilitation • marathon/triathlon preparedness • youth & teen fitness • peri-menopausal/menopausal fitness • older adult fitness

1 Hour

1/2 Hour

1-4 Sessions



5-9 Sessions



10+ Sessions



Small Group Personal Training • An affordable alternative to one on one Personal Training • Share the cost with friends or let us help you find a work out buddy • Combines individual attention with the energy of a group to help you reach your goals faster! Small Group Personal Training Fees # of people

1 Session

5 Sessions

10 Sessions



$134 ($26.80/session)

$252 ($25.20/session)



$150 ($30.00/session)

$270 ($27.00/session)



$175 ($35.00/session)

$315 ($31.50/session)

Cost is per person for small group personal training.

Call now! Set up an appointment today. For help selecting a trainer, contact: Lynn Rosen-Stone in Owings Mills at 410.559.3535 Jackie Foreman in Park Heights at 410.500.5919 Register Online | www.jcc.org/register



NEW! Got Bad Knees?

Fitness Party!

Ages 21+. A series of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee for better stabilization and knee tracking PLUS an exercise routine to practice on your own. 4 wks.

Join us for a fitness celebration. Stay for one class or try them all!


Classes include: BODYSTEP™, BODYPUMP™, BODYFLOW™, BODYCOMBAT™, ZUMBA® Owings Mills Sunday, April 13; 8am-12pm Park Heights Sunday, April 27; 8:30am-11:30am For details visit jcc.org/schedules after April 1, 2014.

Yoga Posture Clinic



Tue. 5:30-6:30pm



Mem. Disc.






Yoga Inversion Workshop Want to learn to do a proper Headstand, Tripod Headstand, Shoulder Stand or Forearm Stand? This workshop will focus on alignment, the use of props, as well as the preparatory poses to strengthen shoulders and improve balance. OM

Tue. 5:30-6:30pm





32799 33371 33366 33372 33367 33373 33368 33374 33369 33375 33370 33376

Ages 16+ Build strength, endurance, condition for sports conditioning. Boxing does it all while increasing your stamina, speed, and coordination. 6 wks. OM OM OM OM OM OM

Tue 9:30-10:30am Tue 9:30-10:30am Thurs 7:30-8:30pm Thurs 7:30-8:30pm Thurs 12:00-1:00pm Thurs 12:00-1:00pm

4/29-6/3 6/10-7/15 4/10-5/15 5/22-7/3 4/10-5/15 5/22-7/3

$75/M $75/M $75/M $75/M $75/M $75/M

33380 32862 32770 32793 33381 33382

TRX45 Suspension Training with Bernie

Sitting for long periods can cause compression of your hip flexors, upsetting the muscles and structures above and below the hips. This workshop will help relieve tension in the hips, knees and lower back.



Abs Like Obidi


$40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M

Ages 18+. Work your core muscle group with suspension training, using your own body weight to focus on core stability. 6 wks.

Yoga Hip Opener Workshop

Tue. 5:30-6:30pm

4/7-5/5 6/16-7/7 4/7-5/5 6/16-7/7 4/29-5/20 6/17-7/8 4/30-5/21 6/18-7/9 4/30-5/21 6/18-7/9 4/11-5/1 6/20-7/11

Fitness Boxing with Sina & Roman

Learn the proper structural alignment for some of the most common yoga postures to deepen YOUR personal practice. Location

Mon 10:00-10:30am Mon 10:00-10:30am Mon 6:30-7:00pm Mon 6:30-7:00pm Tue 7:00-7:30pm Tue 7:00-7:30pm Wed 9:30-10:00am Wed 9:30-10:00am Wed 6:30-7:00pm Wed 6:30-7:00pm Fri 10:00-10:30am Fri 10:00-10:30am




Thurs 7:00-7:45am Thurs 7:00-7:45am

4/10-5/15 5/22-7/3

$75/M $75/M

32771 33365

For more information on Yoga Workshops contact aschwartz@jcc.org, 410.559.3534.

Ages 16+. Shed pounds in this high-intensity core workout using cardio intervals combined with muscle conditioning. 4 wks.

Prenatal Yoga


Pregnant woman need yoga love too! Join as early into your pregnancy as you would like for maximum benefit. 6 weeks. Contact Sharon or Linda at 410.559.3524 or parenting@jcc.org. OM

Thu 6:30- 7:30pm




Wed 7:00- 7:45pm Wed 7:00-7:45pm

4/30-5/21 6/11-7/2

$50/M $50/M

32776 32773

Drop 10


NEW! Core & Pelvic Floor (women only)

Ages 18+. Meet for a weekly group workout, weigh-in, body fat analysis, measurements and nutritional tips. Get all the benefits of Drop10 with fun and motivating group support. 8 wks. OM

Mon 7:00-8:00pm




Ages 18+. Has childbirth wrecked your core? Do laughing, sneezing, and jumping present a challenge? Learn exercises that will strengthen and define your core muscles. Price includes core ball. 6 wks. OM OM


Wed 10:00-10:45am Wed 10:00-10:45am

4/30-6/11 6/25-7/30

$60/M $60/M

32763 32853

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900


Women’s Metabolism-Boosting Workout with Jill

SMRT – Core Connection

Ages 18+. Burn off calories with flab-melting routines that will boost your metabolism, build core strength and increase cardiovascular endurance. 6 wks.

Ages 18+. The GRID Foam Roller will be used through a series of cardio and strength moves to improve your posture and relieve tight muscles and back pain. 4 wks.

Location OM

Day(s)/Time Mon 8:30-9:30am




Mem. Disc.




Ages 18+. Tired of the same routine? Not seeing the results you want? Get the one-hour workout of your life with our top-certified Personal Trainer, Harold Harris. Harold mixes different types of cardio to keep your muscles shocked and your metabolism working in high gear. 6 wks. Tues 5:30-6:30am Tues 5:30-6:30am Tues 7:00-8:00pm Tues 7:00-8:00pm Wed 6:00-7:00pm Wed 6:00-7:00pm Fri 5:30-6:30am Fri 5:30-6:30am

4/29-6/3 6/10-7/15 4/29-6/3 6/10-7/15 4/2-5/14 5/21-7/2 4/11-5/16 5/23-6/27

$112 $112 $112 $112 $112 $112 $112 $112

$75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75

32792 32847 32777 32846 32734 32778 32733 32779

Ages 18+. Burn calories, increase your endurance and test your physical and mental fortitude with Personal Trainer Harrison Lessans, two time completer of the World’s Toughest Mudder & the Spartan World Championship. Get a different workout each week. 6 wks. Wed 6:30-7:30am


Wed 6:30-7:30am Thurs 8:00-9:00pm Thurs 8:00-9:00pm



6/18-7/23 4/10-5/15 6/19-7/24


$60/M $60/M $60/M

32866 32737 32806

NEW! HIIT the Core with Emily Ages 18+. HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is a technique designed to get your heart rate up and burn more fat in less time through intense bursts of exercise followed by short recovery times. 6 wks. OM OM

Tues 6:00-6:30pm Tues 6:00-6:30pm

4/29-6/3 6/24-7/29

$50 $50

32796 32865

NEW! Kettlebells & Core Cross-Training Ages 18+. Full body workouts focused on legs and core – using kettlebells, BOSU and medicine balls along with plyometric exercises to forward fitness goals with experienced members. OM

Wed/Th 9:00-10:00am 4/30-6/5

4/10-5/1 5/15-6/12

$50/M $50/M

32780 33383

Ages 16+. “Tabata” is a high-intensity workout program that provides similar health benefits to that of cardio workouts but with a bit more spice – and a lot less time. 6 wks. OM OM

Tue 7:00-8:00am Sun 8:00-9:00am

4/29-6/3 6/22-6/27

$60/M $60/M

32784 32783

NEW! Spring Multisport Tune-Up Training with David Ages 18+. Just in time for Rocky Gap Tri, Rock Hall or even Eagleman. Build back strength for your swimming, speed up cadence on the bike or running posture for the final leg. 14 sessions and weekend runs or rides! No class 4/16. OM

Wed/Th 10am-11am





Circuit Express

NEW! Mud Run Training


Thu 10:00-10:45am Thu 9:30-10:15am

NEW! Tabata Training

Harold’s Indoor-Outdoor Boot Camp





Register Online | www.jcc.org/register


Ages 60+. Trim, tone, and build bone with a fitness walk on our indoor track, then head to the fitness center for bone-loading exercises. 12 wks. OM OM

T/Th 11:00am-12:00pm 4/1-6/19 T/Th 11:00am-12:00pm 6/24-8/28

Free Free

32760 32829

For more information on Fitness classes at the Owings Mills JCC contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at 410.559.3535 or lrosenstone@jcc.org

Fitness, Fun & Flight! Aerial Trapeze Workout With Mara Neimanis Wednesdays, April 30-May 21, 7:00-8:30pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Challenge your own limits, embrace your fear and have fun learning trapeze and aerial techniques on a variety of traditional and invented apparatus. We’ll experiment with risk, height, gravity and balance in developing more physical awareness, strength and imagination! Mara Neimanis has 20 years of experience teaching an array of imaginative circus and aerial classes using circus apparatus and suspended steel sculptures. She is a pioneer in the aerial world and the founder and principle performer of Baltimore’s In-Flight Theater. No experience necessary. Must register one week in advance. Fee: $220/Guest, $140/Members 32649 For more information on Trapeze classes contact Melissa Berman at 410.559.3593 or mberman@jcc.org.


Youth/teen Fitness Owings mills

Kids Zumba

The Total Body Make Over- Women Only

Ages 7-11. You’ll forget you’re working out with these fun but simple moves including, Cha Cha, Salsa, reggaeton, rumba and more. Best of all, you don’t need any previous dance experience! 7 weeks.

Ages 16+. From head to toes -- Personal training at a fraction of the price! Think diet, exercise, and accountability with weekly weigh-ins. 6 weeks plus an initial individual consult.




Mem. Disc.








Thu 5:30- 6:15pm

For more information on Kids Zumba contact Amy Schwartz at 410.559.3534 or aschwartz@jcc.org

4/29-6/3 6/24-7/29

$90 $90

$60 $60

32761 32830

Kids Power Boxing

Tue/Th 4:30- 5:00pm Tue/Th 4:30- 5:00pm

5/13-6/26 7/2-8/8

$144 $144

$96 $96

32790 32859

Ages 12-15. Become a stronger, faster lacrosse, football or basketball player in this small group training (limit: 5) with Lacrosse and Sports Coach, Jack Decklebaum. Weight Training, explosiveplyometric training and more. 6 wks. No class 6/4. Wed 4:30-5:30pm Wed 4:30-5:30pm

5/7-6/18 6/25-7/30

$90 $90

$60 $60

32791 32857

NEW! Teens Power Boxing with Sina Ages 12-15. Experience a complete body workout with a combination of boxing, weights, and core moves – punch and pump to a new level of fitness! 6wks. OM

Thurs 4:00- 4:45pm





Ages 12-15. Learn how to use the Fitness Center equipment. Students who complete this course gain access to the Fitness Center during the Family/Teen workout times. 4 wks. Mon 4:00-5:00pm Mon 4:00-5:00pm Mon 7:00-8:00pm Mon 7:00-8:00pm Thurs 6:30-7:30pm Thurs 6:30-7:30pm Thurs 6:30-7:30pm

4/28-5/19 6/16-7/7 4/28-5/19 6/30-7/21 4/10-5/1 5/8-5/29 6/19-7/10

$75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75

$50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50

4/30-6/4 5/1-6/5

$60/M $60/M

33504 33505

Ages 18+. Circuit Training! Always fun, never boring! Get excited for your weekly challenge! 4 weeks. Fri 9:30-10:30am Fri 9:30-10:30am Fri 9:30-10:30am

4/4-5/2 5/9-5/30 6/13-7/11

$50/M $50/M $50/M

33027 33028 32988

Ages 18+. Has childbirth wrecked your core? Do laughing, sneezing and jumping present a challenge? Learn exercises that will strengthen and define your core muscles. Price includes core ball. 8 weeks. PH PH

Tues 6:15-7:00am Thu 9:30- 10:15am

4/29-6/24 5/1-6/26

$100/M $100/M

33022 33019

SMRT Core Ages 18+. Strengthen your back and abdominals. Improve your posture. Relieve tight muscles and back pain. The GRID Foam Roller will be used through a series of cardio and strength moves. 4 weeks. Women: contact Jackie at 410.500.5919. Men: contact Denard at 410.500.5921. WOMEN

Jr. Weight Training


Wed 5-5:30pm Th 1:30-2pm

Core & Pelvic Floor- Women Only

NEW! Teen Sports Conditioning



Circuit Training- Women Only


Ages 8-12. Experience a complete body workout with a combination of boxing, weights, and core moves – punch and pump to a new level of fitness with Personal Trainer, and MMA Champion, Sina. 6wks. OM OM


HIIT Treadmill


Ages 8-10. Build healthy muscles, joints, and bones; improve endurance, fitness level, sports performance, and help prevent injuries. 6 wks. Tue 5:30- 6:15pm Tue 5:30- 6:15pm


Women Only Ages 16+. Introduce your body to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on the treadmill and improve your race times, learn proper running techniques, and get inspired. 6 weeks.

Strength Training for Kids


Wed 6:00-7:00pm

32800 32762 33377 32831 32782 33378 33379


Sun 8:30-9:15am Sun 8:30-9:15am Tues 9:45-10:30am Tues 9:45-10:30am Th 10:30-11:15am Th 10:30-11:15am

4/27-5/18 6/1-6/22 4/29-5/20 6/10-7/1 5/1-5/22 6/12-7/3

$75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75

$50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50

33497 33498 33499 33500 33501 33502


Mon 7:00- 7:45pm Mon 7:00- 7:45pm Mon 7:00-7:45pm

4/7 -5/5 5/12-6/2 6/9 -7/7

$75 $75 $75

$50 $50 $50

33000 33001 33021

For more information on these Youth & Teen classes contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at 410.559.3535 or lrosenstone@jcc.org


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900


The Shoulder Clinic for Men

Chair Yoga

Ages 21. Strengthen the muscles surrounding the rotator cuff and shoulder girdle. Prevent injury from uneven shoulder strength; increase strength in injured shoulders. 4 weeks.

COED. Get all the benefits from yoga without leaving your seat! Chair yoga is the perfect solution to keeping your joints and muscles moving. 5 & 6 week sessions.



Mon 8:00- 8:30pm Mon 8:00- 8:30pm Mon 8:00- 8:30pm

5/5–5/26 6/2–6/23 6/30–7/21

$40/M $40/M $40/M

33009 33008 33070

Ages 21+. Let Jackie or Denard teach you a series of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee to allow for better stabilization and knee tracking. Students will leave with an exercise routine they can practice on their own. 4 weeks. No class 4/18, 6/4 or 7/4.

MEN w/Denard Smith PH Wed 6:30- 7:00pm

4/4–5/2 5/9–5/30 6/13–7/11 4/9–5/7 6/18–7/9


$40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M $40/M

33024 33012 33005 33025 33014

$40/M 33013

Ages 16+. How do you stay motivated when you’re not feeling motivated? Find a partner for your workout! You’ll work together using ropes, bands, weights, medicine balls, kettle bells and body weight intervals to stay in shape. 6 weeks. No class 4/21. 4/7–5/12 5/19–6/16 6/23–7/21

$60/M $60/M $60/M

33010 33007 33048

For more information on these fitness classes in Park Heights contact Jackie Foreman at 410.500.5919 or email jforeman@jcc.org.

32986 32987

COED. Ages 50+. Strengthen legs and improve overall balance in this lower body training regimen. Instructor: Kathy Reid. PH

Tue 1:00- 2:00pm

4/29- 6/24 $67.5



Tai Chi COED. Ages 18+. Find your chi. Think soft colors and ambient music with Tai Chi—gentle, fluid, circular movements featuring breathing to aid in concentration and relaxation. Instructor: Kathy Reid. 14 weeks. PH PH

Thu 11:30am-12:15pm 4/24-6/26 Wed 11:30am-12:15pm 4/23-6/25

$45 $45


33384 32997

Youth Fitness Jr. Weight Training for Boys or Girls Ages 12-16. Learn proper techniques for using the Fitness Center equipment. Completion of this course gives teens access to the Fitness Center during Family/Teen Workout hours. Flexible hours to work around your child’s schedule. For Members only. 4 one hour sessions for $50. Contact Denard at 410.500.5921 or dsmith@jcc.org to set up a time.

Moms with daughters ages 7-12. Spend quality time together in a welcoming space. Explore yoga with individual and gentle partner poses. Fee covers both participants.

Strength Balance & Flexibility COED. Ages 60+. Focus on strength training for bone strength, balance and flexibility. Upon completion you will have a workout to follow on your own or continue to meet with your group! Includes an individual consultation. For more information contact Jackie Foreman at 410.500.5919. 5 weeks. No class 6/5. Thu 1:30- 2:30pm Thu 1:30- 2:30pm Thu 1:30-2:30pm

$40 $48

Mother Daughter Yoga

Older Adults


$60 $72

For more information on these older adult classes in Park Heights please contact Amy Schwartz at 410.559.3534 or aschwartz@jcc.org

Lunchtime Partner Circuit

COED. Ages 16+ PH Mon 12:00-1:00pm PH Mon 12:00-1:00pm PH Mon 12:00-1:00pm

4/1-5/13 5/20-6/24

Balance Exercise

Got Bad Knees?

WOMEN w/Jackie Foreman PH Fri 9:30-10:00am PH Fri 9:30-10:00am PH Fri 9:30-10:00am PH Wed 6:30-7:00pm PH Wed 6:30-7:00pm

Tue 12:30-1:30pm Tue 12:30- 1:30pm

4/10-5/8 5/15-6/19 6/26-7/24

$150/M $150/M $150/M

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register


Mon 7:00-8:00pm





For more information please contact Amy Schwartz at 410.559.3534 or aschwartz@jcc.org

33026 33006 33072



Preteen Tennis Ages 10-12. Beginner to low intermediate level class that emphasizes stroke development and game play.

Lunch n’ Munchkin Ages 3-5. We eat lunch, learn the basic strokes, and play tennis skill games in a fun, nurturing environment. Children must be toilet trained, and bring a lunch and tennis racquet.



Ages 10+. This class emphasizes strategy and competitive skills.


Beginner OM Tues 12:00- 1:30pm OM Fri 12:00- 1:30pm



Mem. Disc.


4/29-5/27 5/2-5/30

$200 $200

$125 $125

32738 32739

4/30-5/28 5/1-5/29 6/12-8/21

$175 $175 $300

$100 $100 $220

4/28-6/2 4/30-5/28

$175 $175

$100 $100

32742 32767

Advanced Pee Wee Tennis Ages 5–7. This class is for students who have already participated in a tennis program. Focus will be on rallying within service boxes. OM OM

Tue 4:30- 5:15pm Tues 5:15-6:00pm

4/29-5/27 $175 6/10-8/19 $175

$100 $100

32743 32812

Ages 8–10. Students will focus on perfecting their baseline stroke and play competitive games to enhance match skills. Mon 4:30- 5:15pm Thu 4:30- 5:15pm Thu 4:15-5:00pm

Wed 4:30- 6:00pm

4/30-5/28 $200



Mon 6:30-8:00pm






4/28-6/2 5/1-5/29 6/12-8/21

$175 $175 $300

$100 $100 $220

Adults, ages 16+. Tennis pro Adam Stein will challenge you to your fullest potential, using fast paced tennis drills, medicine balls, resistance bands, plyometrics, speed and agility drills, weights, and bosu balls, etc. to help you etch the body you want. Drop in $25. OM OM

32740 32744 32813

Mon 9:30-10:30am Wed 9:30-10:30am

4/28-6/2 4/30-5/28

$175 $175

$100 $100

32764 32765

Adult Drills Clinic Want to have fun hitting lots of balls but also learn how to increase your skills? This class will do that and also give personal tips. Drop in $25. OM OM OM

Junior Tennis



Tennis Conditioning

Ages 5-7. Learn tennis basics. This can be a beginning point or the next step for students who have been part of the Munchkin program. Mon 5:30-6:15pm Wed 3:30- 4:15pm


Match Play Clinic/Conditioning


32732 32741 32810

Pee Wee Tennis



Ages 10+. Focus is on athletic training to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility for sports. Participants play competitive matches with support and advise from an instructor.

Ages 3-5. Students learn to swing their racquet correctly with fun skills games. Wed 2:00-2:45pm Thu 3:30- 4:15pm Thu 4:15-5:00pm


Advanced Preteen/Teen OM

Munchkin Tennis- Wednesday/Thursday


Thu 5:30- 6:15pm

Tue 9:30-10:30am Tue 6:00-7:00pm Wed 6:00-7:00pm

4/29-5/27 6/10-8/19 4/30-5/28

$175 $300 $175

$100 $220 $100

32766 33090 33089

Private and Small Group Lessons • Private lessons: $60/hour • Semi-private: $70/hour for 2-3 people • Small Group: $20/person/hour • Stringing $30

Every tennis student MUST BRING A RACQUET TO CLASS. You may purchase a racket directly from Adam Stein. For information on all tennis classes and in case of inclement weather contact Tennis Director, Adam Stein: 410.559.3538 or astein@jcc.org.


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900


Swimming Lesson Policy Sometimes the pool becomes unavailable for swimming lessons due to circumstances beyond our control. If the pool is unavailable for swimming lessons due to inclement weather or health & safety related issues; our instructors will conduct a land-based session including either water safety and/or land-based stroke drills at the instructor’s discretion. Make-up lessons will not be scheduled if a water session needs to be missed for one of these reasons. The JCC does not provide refunds for missed water sessions. For more information on swim lessons in Owings Mills contact Sue Szembroth at 410.559.3536 or swimlessons@jcc.org



Parent Infant Swim

Skills learned include: enter water by stepping or jumping, exit water, fully submerge holding breath, bobbing, front jellyfish and tuck floats, front and back glides and back float, recover to vertical, roll over from front to back and back to front, change direction of travel while swimming on front and back, treading water using arm and leg actions, combined arm and leg action on front and back, finning on back.

Ages 6mos. - 2yrs. Parents and infants acclimate to water through kicking, reaching and blowing bubbles. Location OM OM




Sun 11:30am-12:00pm 4/6-6/8 $140 Sun 11:30am-12:00pm 6/15-8/10 $140

Mem. Disc.


$100 $100

32509 32549

Parent Child Swim Ages 2-5. For children with two or more previous sessions of water adjustment lessons. Parents and children develop water confidence together through basic water exploration and primary swimming skills. OM OM

Sun 9:30-10:00am Sun 9:30-10:00am

4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10

$140 $140

$100 $100

32510 32548

Tadpoles Ages 3-5. Small group lessons designed to build self-confidence. Water exploration and primary swimming skills. Children will attend class without parents. Limit 6. OM OM

Sun 9:30-10:00am Sun 9:30-10:00am

4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10

$140 $140

$100 $100

32508 32550

ARC Level 1 Swim INTRODUCTION TO WATER SKILLS Skills learned include: enter & exit, blowing bubbles, bobbing, opening eyes under water and retrieving objects, front and back glides, back float, recover to vertical position, roll from front to back and back to front, tread water using arm and hand action, alternating and simultaneous arm and leg action. OM OM OM OM OM OM

M–Th 9:50-10:30am Sun 10:00-10:40am Sun 10:00-10:40am T/Th 5:00- 5:30pm T/Th 5:00- 5:30pm T/Th 5:00- 5:30pm

6/23-7/3 4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10 4/1-5/1 5/6-5/29 6/10-7/7

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register


M–Th 9:50-10:30am Sun 10:45-11:25am Sun 10:45-11:25am T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm

6/23-7/3 4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10 4/1-5/1 5/6-5/29 6/10-7/3

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

32570 32500 32616 32505 32514 32618

ARC Level 3 Swim STROKE DEVELOPMENT Skills learned include: enter by jumping in, head first entry,bobbing to safety, rotary breathing, survival float, back float, change from vertical to horizontal positions, tread water, flutter, dolphin, and scissors kicks, front crawl and elementary back strokes. OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM

M–Th 9:50-10:30am T–F 9:50-10:30am M–Th 9:50-10:30am M–Th 9:50-10:30am Sun 10:00-10:40am Sun 10:00-10:40am T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm

6/23-7/3 6/23-7/3 6/23-7/3 6/23-7/3 4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10 4/1-5/1 5/6-5/29 6/10-7/3

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

32574 32575 32577 32576 32501 32620 32493 32519 32621

32540 32532 32603 32504 32520 32604




Teen/Adult Swim Lessons

Skills learned include: headfirst entries from side in compact and stride positions, swim under water, feet first surface dive, survival swimming, front crawl and backstroke open turns, tread water using 2 different kicks, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, flutter and dolphin kicks on back.

Teen/Adult Beginner Swim

Location OM OM OM OM OM OM


M–Th 9:00-9:40am Sun 10:45-11:25am Sun 10:45-11:25am T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm



Mem. Disc.


6/23-7/3 4/6-6/8 6/15/-8/10 4/1-5/1 5/6-5/29 6/10-7/3

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

32578 32502 32533 32494 32515 32534

ARC Level 5 Swim STROKE REFINEMENT Skills include: shallow-angle dive from the side, tread water, tuck and pike surface dives, submerge completely, front flip turn and backstroke flip turn while swimming, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, and standard scull. OM M–Th 9:00-9:40am OM Sun 10:00-10:40am OM Sun 10:00-10:40am OM T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm OM T/Th 6:15- 6:55pm

6/22-9/30 4/6-6/8 6/5-8/10 4/1-5/1 5/6-5/29

$130 $140 $140 $140 $140

$95 $100 $100 $100 $100

32600 32506 32536 32495 32511

ARC Level 6 Swim SWIMMING AND SKILL PROFICIENCY Prepares participants for advanced activities, including water safety instructor course, competitive swimming or diving. Options include: fitness swimmer, personal water safety, and fundamentals of diving. OM M/T/W/Th 9:00-9:40am OM Sun 10:45-11:25am OM Sun 10:45-11:25am OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm OM T/Th 5:30- 6:10pm


6/23-7/3 4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10 4/1-5/1 5/6-5/29 5/6-5/29 6/10-7/3

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

32582 32507 32544 32492 32496 32512 32546

Ages 13+. Introduction to water skills; submersion in water, breath control, floating on front and back with support. OM OM OM OM OM

M/W 8:00-8:40pm M/W 8:00-8:40pm M/W 5:30-6:10pm Sun 1:00-1:40pm Sun 1:00-1:40pm

3/31-5/5 5/7-6/9 6/11-7/7 4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

32528 32521 32554 32497 32555

Teen/Adult Adv. Beginner Swim Ages 13+. Fundamental Aquatics Skills; elements of front and back crawl, independent floating on front and back. OM OM OM OM OM

M/W 8:45-9:25pm M/W 8:45- 9:25pm M/W 6:15-6:55pm Sun 1:50- 2:30pm Sun 1:50- 2:305pm

3/31-5/5 5/7-6/9 6/11-7/7 4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

32529 32513 32538 32498 32551

Teen/Adult Stroke Refinement Ages 13+. Refinement of all six basic strokes. Introduction to fitness swimming, front and back flip turns. OM OM OM OM OM

MW 8:45-9:25pm M/W 8:45- 9:25pm MW 6:15-6:55pm Sun 1:50-2:30pm Sun 1:50-2:30pm

3/31-5/5 5/7-6/9 6/22-9/30 4/6-6/8 6/15-8/10

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

32531 32524 32559 32499 32560

Teen/Adult Stroke Improvement Ages 13+. Introduction to breastroke, elementary backstroke and full butterfly. Underwater swimming and diving from a standing position also included. OM OM OM OM OM

MW 8:00-8:40pm M/W 8:00- 8:40pm MW 5:30-6:10pm Sun 1:00- 1:40pm Sun 1:00- 1:40pm

3/31-5/5 5/7-6/9 6/11-7/7 4/6-6/8 6/5-8/10

$140 $140 $140 $140 $140

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

32530 32522 32557 32527 32558

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900


Water Aerobics

Resistance training for toning, strengthening and cardiovascular benefits. Free to members 60+ and those with special needs.

Deep Water Aerobics This non-impact deep water fitness class will increase cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility. Participants will use flotation equipment in deep water. OM

T/Th 10:30-11:15am 4/14-6/20 1 Day/wk option

$70 $35

$50 $25


Lifeguarding Spring/Summer

Under 60 OM

M/W/F 8:30- 9:15am 4/14-6/20 1 Day/wk option 2 Day/wk option 3 Day/wk option

$105 $35 $70 $105

$75 $25 $50 $75


Mon–Fri 9:30-10:15am 4/14-6/20 1 Day/wk option 2 Day/wk option 3 Day/wk option 4 Day/wk option

$100 $20 $40 $60 $80

$75 $15 $30 $45 $60


M/W/F 8:30- 9:15am 4/14-6/20 Mon–Fri 9:30-10:15am 4/14-6/20 1 Day/wk option 2 Day/wk option 3 Day/wk option 4 Day/wk option

$105/Guest $100/Guest $20/Guest $40/Guest $60/Guest $80/Guest


Sun 9:30am-6pm M-Th 9:30am-6pm M-Th 9:30am-6pm M-Th 9:30am-6pm M-Th 9:30am-6pm M-Th 9:30am-6:30pm M-Th 9:30am-6:30pm M-Th 9:30am-6:30pm M-Th 9:30am-6:30pm

5/4-6/1 5/12-5/15 6/9-6/12 6/16-6/19 6/23-6/26 7/7-7/10 7/28-7/31 8/11-8/14 9/7-9/28

$350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350

$275 $275 $275 $275 $275 $275 $275 $275 $275

33169 33172 33486 33487 33488 33181 33182 33183 33184

Sun-Tu 9:30am-6pm 6/1-6/3 Mon–Wed 9:30am-6pm 5/12-5/14 Wed–Fri 9:30am-6pm 5/21-5/23

$350 $250 $250

$275 $200 $200

33173 33170 33171









5/18-5/23 6/8-6/13 6/15-6/20

$400 $400 $400

$350 $350 $350

33174 33175 33176

$350 $350

$275 $275

32097 32096




Mon–Wed 9:30am-6pm 3/17-3/19 $275



Lifeguarding Review


Lifesaving Certification Classes

32525 32516


NSPF Certified Pool Op Fusion OM

Sun 9:30am-6:30pm

NSPF Pool Op Fusion

Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program


Ages 21+. Exercise without putting excess strain on joints and muscles. Gentle activities in warm water with guidance from a trained instructor to help gain strength and flexibility.

Water Safety Instructor


M/W/F 10:30-11:15am 4/14-6/20 1 Day/wk option 2 Day/wk option

$105 $35 $70

$75 $25 $50


For more information on Aquatics Classes in Owings Mills contact Sue Szembroth at 410.559.3536 or swimlessons@jcc.org


Fri 9:30am-6:30pm

Sun–Fri 9:30am-6pm Sun–Fri 9:30am-6pm Sun–Fri 9:30am-6pm

Lifeguarding Certification OM OM

Mon–Fri 9:30am-6pm Sun 9:30am-6pm

3/17-3/21 3/31-4/27

Water Safety Instructor OM

Sun–Fri 9:30am-6pm


Lifeguarding Review OM

For more information on Aquatics Certification Classes in Owings Mills contact Chuck Beaver 410.500.5907 or cbeaver@jcc.org.

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register



Swimming Lesson Policy Sometimes the pool becomes unavailable for swimming lessons due to circumstances beyond our control. If the pool is unavailable for swimming lessons due to inclement weather or health & safety related issues; our instructors will conduct a land-based session including either water safety and/or land-based stroke drills at the instructor’s discretion. Make-up lessons will not be scheduled if a water session needs to be missed for one of these reasons. The JCC does not provide refunds for missed water sessions. For more information on swim lessons in Park Heights contact Shawnise Crawford at 410.500.5931 or scrawford@jcc.org

Parent Infant Co-ed Swim


Ages 6mos-2 yrs. Parents and infants acclimate to water through kicking, reaching and blowing bubbles. Location COED PH


Tue 9:35-10:15am

FEMALE PH M/W 6:20-6:50pm PH Sun 1:00-1:30pm



Mem. Disc.


$122.50 $87.50


5/5-5/21 6/1-7/27

$105 $140

32944 32973

$75 $100


Tadpoles Ages 3-5. Small group lessons designed to build self-confidence. Water exploration and primary swimming skills. Children will attend class without parents. Limit 6. COED PH

M/W 5:30-6:00pm





FEMALE PH M/W 6:20-6-:50pm










T/Th 6:45-7:15pm

$105 $75 $140 $100 $122.50 $87.50

32940 33263 32969

FEMALE PH MW 6:20-7:00pm PH Sun 1:00-1:40pm PH M/W 6:20-7:00pm PH MW 6:20-7:00pm

5/5-5/21 6/1-7/27 6/9-7/2 7/7-7/23

$105 $140 $140 $105

$75 $100 $100 $75

32930 32959 33264 33316


5/6-5/22 6/1-7/27 6/10-7/3

$105 $140 $140

$75 $100 $100

32949 32978 33265


T/Th 6;45-7:25pm Sun 2:55-3:35pm T/Th 5:50-6:30pm

M/W 5:30-6:10pm M/W 5:30- 6:10pm Tue 9:35-10:15am

5/5-5/21 6/9-7/2 6/10-7/22

$105 $75 $140 $100 $122.50 $87.50

32940 33266 32970

FEMALE PH M/W 6:20-7:00pm PH M/W 5:30-6:10pm PH Sun 1:00-1:40pm

5/5-5/21 6/9-7/2 6/1-7/27

$105 $140 $140

$75 $100 $100

32933 33267 32962


5/6-5/22 6/1-7/27 6/10-7/3

$105 $140 $140

$75 $100 $100

32929 32958 33268

T/Th 6:45-7:25pm Sun 2:55-3:35pm T/Th 5:50-6:30pm

Skills learned include: enter by jumping in, head first entry, bobbing to safety, rotary breathing, survival float, back float, change from vertical to horizontal positions, tread water, flutter, dolphin, and scissors kicks, front crawl & elementary back strokes.

Children learn to enter and exit water, blowing bubbles, bobbing, opening eyes under water retrieving objects, front and back glides, back float, recover to vertical position, roll front to back and back to front, tread water using arm and hand action, alternating and simultaneous arm and leg action, combining arm and leg action. MW 5:30-6:10pm 5/5-5/21 M/W 5:30-6:10pm 6/9-7/2 Tues 9:35am-10:15apm 6/10-7/22





Skills learned include: enter water by stepping or jumping, exit water, fully submerge holding breath, bobbing, front jellyfish and tuck floats, front and back glides and back float, recover to vertical, roll over from front to back and back to front, change direction of travel while swimming on front and back, treading water using arm and leg actions, combined arm and leg action on front and back, finning on back. (No class 3/16.)


M/W 5:30-6:10pm M//W 5:30-6:10pm Tues 9:35-10:15am

5/5-5/21 6/9-7/2 6/10-7/22

$105 $75 $140 $100 $122.50 $87.50

32924 33269 32953

FEMALE PH M/W 6:20-7:00pm PH M/W 5:30-6:10pm PH Sun 1:00-1:40pm

5/5-5/21 6/9-7/2 6/1-7/27

$105 $140 $140

$75 $100 $100

32931 33270 32960


5/6-5/22 6/1-7/27 6/10-7/3 6/1-7/27

$105 $140 $140 $140

$75 $100 $100 $100

32932 32961 33271 32960

T/Th 6:45-7:25pm Sun 2:55-3:35pm T/Th 6:35-7:15pm Sun 1:00-1:40pm

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900




Skills learned include: headfirst entries from side in compact and stride positions, swim under water, feet first surface dive, survival swimming, front crawl and backstroke open turns, tread water using 2 different kicks, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, flutter and dolphin kicks on back.

Teen/Adult Beginner Swim


M/W 5:30- 6:10pm M/W 5:30- 6:10pm Tue 10:20-11:00am

5/5-5/21 6/9-7/2 6/10-7/22

$105 $75 $140 $100 $122.50 $87.50

32926 33272 32955

FEMALE PH M/W 6:20-7:00pm PH M/W 6:20-7:00pm PH Sun 1:00-1:40pm

5/5-5/21 6/9-7/2 6/1-7/27

$105 $140 $140

$75 $100 $100

32946 33273 32975


5/6-5/22 6/1-7/27 6/10-7/3

$105 $140 $140

$75 $100 $100

32948 32977 33274

T/Th 6:45-7:25pm Sun 2:55- 3:35pm T/Th 6:35-7:15pm

ARC Level 5 Swim STROKE REFINEMENT Skills learned include: shallow-angle dive from the side, tread water, tuck and pike surface dives, submerge completely, front flip turn and backstroke flip turn while swimming, front and back crawl, elementary backstroke , breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly, and standard scull. COED PH PH

Ages 13+. Learn introduction to water skills including: submersion in water, breath control, floating on front and back (with and without support) and elements of front and back crawl. No experience necessary. COED PH

Tue 10:20-11:00 am


$122.50 $87.50


Teen/Adult Intermediate Swim Ages 13+. Learn the fundamentals of swimming including: elements of front and back crawl, independent floating on front and back and lap swimming. Must already be able to submerge underwater and float on front and back without assistance. (No class 3/16) COED PH

Tue 10:20-11:00am


$122.50 $87.50


FEMALE PH Sun 1-1:40pm










Sun 2:55- 3:35pm

Arthritis Foundation Aquatics - Women Only Ages 21+. Exercise without putting excess strain on joints and muscles. Gentle activities in warm water with guidance from a trained instructor to help gain strength and flexibility.

M/W 5:30- 6:10pm Tue 10:20-11:00am

5/5-5/21 6/10-7/22

$105 $75 $122.50 $87.50

32925 32954

FEMALE PH M/W 6:20-7:00pm PH M/W 6:20-7:00pm

5/5-5/21 6/9-7/2

$105 $140

$75 $100

32934 32963

Sr. Water Aerobics


5/6-5/22 6/10-7/3

$105 $140

$75 $100

32945 32974

Resistance training for toning, strengthening and cardiovascular benefits. Free to members age 60 and up and those with special needs.

T/Th 6:45-7:25pm T/Th 6:35-7:15pm

ARC Level 6 Swim SWIMMING AND SKILL PROFICIENCY Prepares participants for advanced activities, including water safety instructor course, competitive swimming or diving. Options include: fitness swimmer, personal water safety, and fundamentals of diving. COED PH PH

M/W 5:30- 6:10pm Tue 10:20-11:00am

5/5-5/21 6/10-7/22

$105 $75 $122.50 $87.50

32928 32957

FEMALE PH M/W 6:20- 7:00pm PH M/W 6:20- 7:00pm

5/5-5-21 6/9-7/2

$105 $140

$75 $100

32950 32979


5/6-5/22 6/10-7/3

$105 $140

$75 $100

32927 32956

T/Th 6:45-7:25pm T/Th 6:35-7:15

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register


T/Th 2:00- 2:45pm 5/1-7/31 1 day/wk $68 $36 2 days/wk $100 $50


Under 60 PH M/T/W/Th/F 8:45- 9:30am 6/1-7/31 $100



Over Age 60 PH M/T/W/Th/F 8:45- 9:30am 6/1-7/31 $100





Comprehensive Survival Arts Martial Arts & Wellness School

Beginner Children’s Karate Ages 3-6 & 5-12. Beginner to White Belt 2nd Stripe. Introduction to Karate stances, strikes, kicks, blocks, and self-defense. Fine tunes skills for advancing students. OM OM OM OM

Mon 3:30-4:15pm Tues 3:30-4:15pm Wed 3:30-4:15pm Thu 3:30-4:15pm

Ages 5-12 OM Wed 4:30-5:15pm OM Thu 4:30-5:15pm

3/31-5/19 4/1-5/27 4/2-5/28 4/3-5/29

$144 $168 $192 $192

$96 $112 $128 $128

583207 583327 583437 583557

4/2-5/28 4/3-5/29

$192 $192

$128 $128

583441 583561

Intermediate Children’s Karate Children’s MMA

Ages 5-12. Yellow - Yellow belt 2 stripes. Continued training of basics; forms, interactive self-defense techniques, advanced blocks, kicks, strike, and stances.

Ages 6-13. Students will be introduced to the three major pillars of modern Mixed Martial Arts including grappling/wrestling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Kickboxing. There will also be special focus on antibullying tactics and self-defense techniques. Good efforts during practice will be rewarded with fun team-building exercises.





Mem. Disc.


Advanced Karate

OM Wed 4:30-5:15pm





Magical Mats with Chelsea Smith


Mon 4:30-5:15pm




3/31-5/19 4/1-5/27 4/3-5/29

$144 $168 $192

$96 $112 $128

583215 583329 583561

Ages 6-12. Blue belts & above. Continues the ongoing process of advanced training. More forms, sparring, weapons training, assist with instructing of beginner students. OM OM OM

Ages 5-12. Hoop Yoga is a creative new form of children’s yoga. Your child will be introduced to Yoga Asanas (poses), breathing techniques, and relaxation. Hula hooping and games are the core of the class, as they reinforce the poses and provide an outlet for creative energy. Mats and hoops provided, or bring your own.

Mon 5:15-6:00pm Tues 4:30-5:15pm Thu 4:30-5:15 pm

Tue 5:15-6:00pm Wed 5:15-6:00pm Thu 6:00-6:45pm

4/1-5/27 4/2-5/28 4/3-5/29

$168 $192 $192

$112 $128 $128

583333 583445 583567

Kids Kickboxing and Sports Conditioning


Family Karate

Ages 4-12. Through games, obstacle courses, and challenging activities participants will improve: agility, flexibility, strength, and stamina while having FUN!

Ages 4+. All levels. Spend quality time with your children while you get a great workout. Learn Martial Arts skills, earn belts, and much more. Full price for first family member and half price for all others.



Ages 13+. Modified Yang Long Form offered. Emphasis on learning details of the forms. Chi Kung, therapeutic breathing and postures are used to enhance training. The perfect moving meditation for relaxation. (Adults 60+ save 50%).

Sun 12:30-1:30pm Wed 7:00-8:00pm

4/6-5/18 4/2-5/28

$144 $192

$96 $128

583107 583449

Little Tigers Karate


Wed 2:00-2:45pm Thurs 2:00-2:45pm

4/2-5/28 4/3-5/29

$192 $192

$128 $128

583447 583447

Denotes Kids Center or TNT University Appropriate Class






T’ai Chi with Movements and Meditations


Ages 3-5. Kids enjoy Karate, games, exercise and more! Drop children off or we will pick them up from the JCC pre-school.

Thu 5:15-6:00pm

Mon 6:00-7:00pm





CrossKick- Kickboxing and Cross Training Ages 13+. This class includes jump rope, bag work, kickboxing techniques, upper body and lower body strength training, partner work, Bosu ball, ropes, and much more. Get a great workout and burn hundreds of calories. OM

Wed 6:00-7:00pm





Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900


Comprehensive Survival Arts Martial Arts & Wellness School

NEW! Counselor In Training (CIT) Prep Course Ages 11-16. This course will prepare future and past CIT’s for Summer Camp 2014. Participants will gain leadership, problem solving, decision making, communication and teaching skills, and they’ll receive CPR and First Aid training. OM Thu 7:00-8:00pm 583557




Women’s Kickboxing Ages 13+. CSA Kickboxing is an excellent way to enhance and tone the body through boxing and kickboxing techniques. Includes the use of weights, jump ropes, focus pads, and heavy bags. Learn street wise techniques in awareness training, evasion, blocking, parrying and multiple strikes. OM

Tue 10:00-11:00am





Self Defense and Karate Ages 13+. All Belt Levels. This practical self-defense class will give you the tools to live a safer life. Learn basic evasion, blocking, and striking techniques. You will also have the opportunity to advance through the belt system. Fulfill your goal to achieve a BLACK BELT! OM

Mon 7:00-8:00pm





Take CSA classes at the Park Heights JCC! Go to page 30 to check out the schedule. For more information or to register for CSA Martial Arts classes visit: www.CSAkarate.com or contact Jen at 410.559.3553.

Karate Kids Center

& TNT University

A Perfect Match CSA has teamed up with Kids Center and TNT University to offer amazing after school programming. Your child can attend up to four classes a week with CSA. We offer a well-rounded program that will improve concentration, focus, flexibility, agility, balance, awareness, self defense, and so much more. For details or to register for a class, visit: www.CSAkarate.com or contact Jen at 410.559.3553. For details on Kids Center After School Care see page 30 or contact Amanda Max at amax@jcc.org. For details on TNT University after school program see page 32 or contact Bradley Kerxton at bkerxton@jcc.org.

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register



Park Heights

NEW! Beginner Group Guitar Lessons with Matthew Chase

Portrait Drawing

Learn to play your favorite songs, solos and even learn to play with other musicians. The concepts will be easy to grasp and you will learn to play with your peers at the same skill level. No experience necessary just enthusiasm! Guitar required. First lesson is FREE and receive a free lesson with each referral. 4 week min. Begin at any time! Fees are per 45 minute session. Matthew Chase has over 10 years of teaching experience and has performed on stage with Santana, KISS, Aerosmith, and more. Location




Mem. Disc.

Grades 2-5 OM Tues 4:30- 5:15pm

begin any time



Grades 6-12 OM Tues 7:30- 8:15pm

begin any time



Ages 18+ OM Tues 8:15- 9:00pm

begin any time




Fri 10:15am- 2:15pm





Watercolor This course examines a variety of techniques and subjects. Students will explore still life and landscapes. Some classes will be held at scenic locations. Instructor: Rodney Cook. 10wks. No class 4/15 & 4/22. PH

Tues 9:15am-1:15pm





Ceramics with Laia Tiderman Use the wheel! Sculpt figurines, receive individual, hands-on instruction from an accomplished clay artist, or just explore. All levels are welcome. Fee includes clay, over glazes, kiln firing, and supplies. No class 4/16. PH PH

Ceramics/ Sculpture with Volker

Wed 7:00- 9:00pm Wed 7:00- 9:00pm

4/2-5/28 6/18-8/20

$175 $220

$118 $147

33435 33441

Beginner Bridge with Betty Pearl

Use the wheel, sculpt figurines, receive individual, hands-on instruction or just explore. All levels are welcome. Fee includes clay, over glazes, kiln firing, and supplies. No class 6/4.

Betty Pearl, a certified bridge teacher, has been teaching at the JCC for many years and is the go-to person for initiating new players. PH

Tue 11:00-12:30am





Advanced Bridge with Betty Pearl This class is for players with some experience. No class 4/15, 4/22.

4 weeks OM

Work with pastels using a live model. Emphasis is on head construction, light and shadow, and composition. Instructor: Rodney Cook. 10 wks. No class 6/6.


$80 33519

8 weeks OM Wed 10:00am-12:30pm 5/14-7/9

Wed 10:00am-12:30pm 5/14-6/11



14 weeks OM Wed 10:00am-12:30pm 5/14-8/20



33520 33521


Tue 9:30-11:00am Tue 9:30-11:00am

4/1-5/20 6/10-7/15

$86 $86

$58 $58

33432 31643

Current Events Roundtable Discuss American government and politics; explore issues at local, national, and international levels. Join this social group and meet year round. No gathering 4/15 or 4/22

Mah Jongg


Four Bam! Three Crak! Two Dot! Whether you are a beginner or a past player, this is the enrichment class for you! Small classes and all ages welcome. A great way to meet new friends.

For more information on Enrichment classes contact Melissa Berman 410.559.3593 or mberman@jcc.org. To register contact Marilyn Zvili 410.559.3510 or mzvili@jcc.org



Fri 12:00-1:00pm Fri 12:00-1:00pm

5/2-6/6 $90 7/11-8/15 $90

$60 $60

Tues 10:00-11:30am


Free to all


33428 33429

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

Arts & Culture

Fresh new look. Same great meeting space. Pikesville has a whole lot to celebrate. DoubleTree by Hilton™ has just been fully refurbished and freshly updated. We want you to enjoy everything we have to offer from the FountainSide restaurant to our meeting space. There's our experienced banquet staff, caring service, and a cookie here with your name on it. DoubleTree by Hilton. Where the little things mean everything.™

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BaltimoreNorthPikesville.DoubleTree.com Hilton HHonors membership, earning of Points & Miles and redemption of points are subject to HHonors Terms and Conditions. ©2013 Hilton Worldwide

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register


Arts & Culture Meet the New JT Editor

Open Mic Nights

Thursday, April 24; 7:30-8:30pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

April 7, May 13, June 10, 7:00-9:00pm Gordon Center

Meet the new Editor-in-Chief of the Jewish Times, Joshua Runyan. Be part of an exclusive conversation about his philosophy and his vision for the direction of the JT. FREE

These performers are undiscovered now but remember: this is how Bob Dylan started. Bring your family, friends and neighbors and be part of the arts at the grassroots level. MUSICIANS NOTE: acoustic only, PA provided, sign-up 6:30pm, showtime 7:00pm. Free. Learn more at info@gordoncenter.com or call 410-559-3609.

Comedy Night with MODI Sunday, March 30, 7:30pm Gordon Center

Voted one of the “Top 10 Comedians” in New York City by the Hollywood Reporter and BackStage, MODI is one of the comedy circuit’s hottest young comedians. Amelia David of BackStage raves, “MODI has a young Sid Caesar-esque talent for creating accents and characters.” According to the Los Angeles Times, MODI is “versatile and quick on his feet. He can read an audience in a beat and improvise so nimbly that he keeps any crowd, regardless of age, race and gender, laughing.” Tickets: $18/in advance, $22/at the door. Purchase tickets online: gordoncenter.com.

Senior Passover Seder Wednesday, April 9; 12:00-1:30pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC

Ages 60+. Start a new tradition with lifelong friends and make new ones enjoying a warm, traditional Seder meal. Fee: $8/Guest, $5/Members


The Joy ofJewish Learning Learn more!

Rosenbloom Religious School

For information or to schedule a personal tour. Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, 410/486-8641 Take the Next Step • Grades K-12

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ts x e hT s i w e J g ng kin ating i c n Da Coo Deb

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Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

Arts & Culture Encore Chorale Concert In Partnership with Myerberg Center Tuesday, May 19, 7:30pm, Gordon Center

Shabbat Art - Lines Crossing Lines with Jay Wolf Schlossberg Cohen

Join us for a spring concert with our very own Encore Chorale! Encore is dedicated to providing an excellent, accessible, and sustainable artistic environment for adults 55 and over, regardless of experience or ability, who seek arts education and performance opportunities under the instruction of a professional artist. Encore Chorale comprises 11 chorales from the Washington and Baltimore area. FREE but reservations required.

Tuesday, April 29, 7:00-8:00pm Gordon Center

Join master visual artist Jay Wolf Schlossberg Cohen as he hosts a lecture in connection with his Gordon Center Gallery watercolor exhibit, “Shabbat Art - Lines Crossing Lines.” Learn how his Judaism has impacted his 40-year career as an artist, including his unique role as Artist-in-Residence with Temple Emanuel of Baltimore. Q&A to follow. FREE

Stanley I. Morstein, actor

Fitness, Fun & Flight! Aerial Trapeze Workout

DUO: Stephanie Ho and Saar Ahuvia, pianists

With Mara Neimanis Wednesdays, April 30-May 21, 7:00-8:30pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Three Quartets: Music & Words of Ludwig van Beethoven

Challenge your own limits, embrace your fear and have fun learning trapeze and aerial techniques on a variety of traditional and invented apparatus. We’ll experiment with risk, height, gravity and balance in developing more physical awareness, strength and imagination! Mara Neimanis has 20 years of experience teaching an array of imaginative circus and aerial classes using circus apparatus and suspended steel sculptures. She is a pioneer in the aerial world and the founder and principle performer of Baltimore’s In-Flight Theater. No experience necessary. Must register one week in advance. Fee: $220/Guest, $140/Members 32649

HaZamir Spring Concert Sunday, May 18, 5:00pm Gordon Center Free Bus service for ages 65+

HaZamir Baltimore is comprised of talented local Jewish teens who will offer a diverse repertoire of Jewish choral music featuring traditional and contemporary tunes. Bus departs Weinberg Park Heights JCC at 4:00pm and returns by 7:00pm. Space is limited to first 40 people. Bus is free. Concert tickets are $15/adults in advance and $18/adults at the door. For more concert information email hazamirbaltimore@gmail. com or call Marilyn Zvili at 410.559.3510. Concert tickets can be purchased online at gordencenter.com.

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register

Sunday, June 8; 5:00pm, Gordon Center

Beethoven’s letters to friends, lovers, publishers and poets offer a uniquely rich and compassionate vision of the man and his time. This world premiere program by DUO: Stephanie and Saar features three of the composer’s string quartets in rarely heard piano four hand transcriptions. Stanley Morstein will present selections from Beethoven’s letters reflecting his life, struggles, longings and spiritual convictions. FREE but reservations required. To order tickets online for Encore Choral or Three Quartets go to gordoncenter.com.

Trip to NYC - Tenement Museum Thursday, June 16; 7:00am - 6:30pm Bus pickup/drop in Park Heights: 7:00am-7:00pm Bus pickup/drop in Owings Mills: 7:30am-6:30pm

Travel back in time with us to the mid 1800’s into the early 20th century, when New York’s lower east side was teaming with immigrants. This groundbreaking museum tells the stories of 97 Orchard Street, a tenement apartment building that housed nearly 7000 working class immigrants. Choose from one of two tours. Learn about tenement life from a teenage girl who grew up in a Greek Sephardic family or immerse yourself in the music and stories of Irish-Catholic migration with its trials, tragedies, and triumphs. Lunch on your own before the tour. Fee: $96/Guest, $64/Members 32651 For more information on these Arts & Culture events, contact Melissa Berman at 410.559.3593 or email mberman@jcc.org. To register, contact Marilyn Zvili at 410.559.3510 or email mzvili@jcc.org.


Youth Dance Lunch Class Dance Party

Ballet Tea Party

Ages 3-.5. Must be toilet trained. Children are introduced to dance through game-play, storytelling, movement and music. Includes bonding over lunch (child brings own meal).

This class playfully introduces the world of ballet. Children learn the basic positions and movements of ballet using music, games, creative Imagery and stories. Join them for a special tea party after the dancing is over.

Location OM OM


Tue12:00-2:00pm Tue12:00-2:00pm



Mem. Disc.


5/6-6/10 6/24-8/12

$93 $124

$62 $82

33492 33493

*Parents are welcomed to watch or participate with their childen in the 2.5-3.5 age group.

Summer Ballet Party Ages 3-5. This class provides an introduction to the world of dance through storytelling, imagery and movements. Participants will dress up as butterflies, fairies and more as part of their dance routine. OM

Wed 3:30-4:15pm





Mini Hip Hop Lunch Ages 3-5. Children learn popular party dances, step-by-step in age appropriate environment. We’ll bond during lunch, which children bring. OM

Th 12:00-2:00pm







6/17-7/8 5/7-5/28

$48 $48

$32 $32

32661 32691



Ages 3-5. Children learn popular party dances, step-by-step in age appropriate environment. Tue 3:30- 4:15pm Tue 3:30- 4:15pm Tue 3:30- 4:15pm


Ages 3-4.5 OM Tue10:30-11:15am OM Wed 3:30-4:15pm

For more information on Dance classes in Owings Mills contact Melissa Berman at 410.559.3593 or mberman@jcc.org. To register contact Marilyn Zvili at 410.559.3510 or mzvili@jcc.org.

Mini Hip Hop


Ages 2.5-3.5* OM Tue10:30-11:15am

5/13-6/10 6/17-7/15 6/17-8/19

$63 $63 $120

$42 $42 $80

32694 32695 32654

Sunday Girls Ballet Students will be introduced to the structure of ballet class etiquette, and basic ballet terminology as well as developmentally appropriate exercises that emphasize musicality. 6 weeks. Classes cannot be prorated.

Hip Hop

Age 3 PH Sun 9:15-9:45am





Grades 1-3. Children learn hip hop, line dances and the latest dance trends in lots of fun combinations.

Age 4 PH Sun 11:00-11:45am





Ages 5-7 PH Sun 10:00-10:45am






Tue 4:15- 5:00pm Tue 4:15- 5:00pm Tue 4:15- 5:00pm

5/13-6/10 6/17-7/15 6/17-8/19

$63 $63 $120

$42 $42 $80

32696 32697 32660

Girls Jazz Dance Students will learn some fancy footwork in this class filled with leaps, jumps, turns and stomps. All dance and music will be age appropriate and in line with modesty standards in mind. Tots Jazz Dance - Ages 3.5-5 PH Mon 3:30 – 4:15pm





Grades k-2 PH Sun 11:00-11:45am





Grades 3-5 PH Sun 10:00-10:45am









Grades K-5 PH Mon 4:45 – 5:30pm

For more information on Dance classes in Park Heights contact Merav Levine at 410.500.5917 or mlevine@jcc.org


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

Parent & Infant/toddler

Come Play With Us!

Free Week of Fun: March 31-April 6

at the JCC Parenting Center Playrooms

Monday, March 31


Tuesday, April 1

10:00am Arts & Crafts OM

Fun with Miss Anne OM

Wednesday, April 2


Fun with Miss Cindy OM

Wednesday, April 2 12noon

Hands on Holidays at the Roland Park Branch Library

Thursday, April 3

Babies and Bagels OM


Drop in at either JCC and spend quality time with your youngsters and other parents in a pleasant, stress-free environment. Both centers are filled with age-appropriate toys for the under 5 crowd.

Friday, April 4 11:00am

Tot Shabbat with Melissa Berman OM

Sunday, April 6 10:00am

Hands on Holidays Passover at the Ivy Book Shop

Owings Mills: Open during regular building hours. See page 1 for hours.

Infant Massage 3 weeks-crawling. Join other parents for baby massage and exercise. Instructor: Cindy Neuman, Certified Infant Massage Instructor. No class 4/16. 4 weeks.

Park Heights: Monday-Thursday 8:00am-7:00pm Friday 8:00am-2:00pm Sunday 8:00am-4:00pm


Bring your friends to the J! Guests may purchase a 3 month pass for $25 that entitles them to unlimited play in the Parenting Center at both OM & PH locations and includes Open Gym on Tuesday & Thursday, 12:00-1:30pm). For more information contact Sharon or Linda at 410.559.3524 or parenting@jcc.org For information on the DBJCC Parenting Center Downtown see page 25.

Prenatal Yoga Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman’s life and expectant mothers are encouraged to join this prenatal yoga class. This class is designed specifically to support the pregnant woman. Join as early into pregnancy as you would like for maximum benefit. No class 4/17. 7 weeks. Location/Day(s)/Time



Mem. Disc.







Thurs 6:30-7:30pm

Birth-4 months. Connect with other new parents and their newborns in this free introductory class. Participate in discussions with a JCS parenting expert and enjoy music and sensory stimulation activities. 4 weeks. Fri 12:00-1:00pm Fri 12:00-1:00pm





Fun with Miss Cindy 3-10 months. Join Miss Cindy for songs, puppets, gross motor activities and more. 8 weeks. No class 4/18. OM

Fri 11:00-11:45am





Fun with Miss Anne- Formerly of Totland Join us for singing, dancing, parachute play and gym equipment to encourage crawling, story and bubble time and so much more. 7 weeks. No class 4/14, 4/21, 5/26. 10-17 months OM Mon 9:30-10:15am





18 months and up OM Mon 10:30-11:15am





Shalom Baby Childbirth with a Jewish Twist

Hello Baby


Wed 12:00- 1:00pm

5/2-5/23 6/6-6/27

FREE to all FREE to all

For more information contact Sharon or Linda at 410.559.3524 or parenting@jcc.org

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register

32701 32702

Shalom Baby is a four week class for expectant parents that combines childbirth preparation with information about the related Jewish traditions. Participants will benefit from instruction with an experienced GBMC birth and postpartum doula as well as visits from Jewish professionals who will provide information and resources as you prepare to welcome your baby. In addition once your baby arrives participate in Hello Baby and • HAP IEST BABY O N THE B LO C K• other parent/child opportunities offered at the PJCC. Classes are forming now. Contactworkshops Melissa Berman: meberman@cjebaltimore.org, call 410.735.5013 or visit www.cjebaltimore. A project co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Center & the Center for Jewish Education


Parent & Infant/toddler NEW! Movin and Groovin 1-3 yrs old. Join Asa Kurland for singing, dancing, musical instruments and more. Get ready to tap your feet and clap your hands in this rockin’ music class. 8 weeks. No class 4/18. Location/Day(s)/Time



Mem. Disc.







Fri 10:00-10:45am

Happiest Baby on the Block Workshops

Messy & Messier

Sunday, April 6, 10:30- noon OM

18-36 months. This special toddler-friendly art class starts with a story followed by a craft project to match the theme of the story. Age-appropriate materials are provided to enhance fine motor development, tactile stimulation and socialization. 6 weeks.

Monday, May 5, 7:00- 8:30 pm OM


Tue 9:30am-10:15am

4/29 -6/3



Mazel Tales at the Roland Park Library


Preschool Prep 20-36 months. This special “mommy and me” class is designed to help your child transition from “toddler to preschooler”. You will experience a typical morning of preschool with your child, including circle time, gym time, story time and playtime. Mini field trips to the multi-purpose gym, the preschool playgrounds and the preschool library will take place during the session. No class 4/17, 6/5. 8 weeks OM

Thur 9:45-11:15 am


$145 $130


SmARTy Pants

Wed. 9:30-10:30am




For children 5 and under. Join us for story time, music and craft to celebrate Jewish holidays and traditions. Free

Tot Shabbat with Miss Melissa Fridays, April 4, May 2, June 6: 11:00-11:30am

Ages 3 and under. Bring your little ones for a program full of Shabbat spirit, songs, candle lighting, Kiddush and challah. $5 Guest Free/JCC members (free with parenting center pass)


Ages 18-36 months. Using a multi-sensory approach to learning through play, this class will encourage the development of your child’s visual, auditory, speech and kinesthetic awareness through dancing, tasting, singing and more. OM

5204 Roland Ave. Wednesday, April 2 and May 7; 12:00pm

Stay & Play


NEW! Zumbini

Ages 6-36 months. Join this informal gathering for songs, crafts, and other fun activities. Held in the Parenting Center. 6 weeks. Drop in rate: $5 M/$8 Guest (family.) PH

Mon 10:45-11:45am





Ages 1-3 years. Zumbini is a fun and energetic music and movement class full of contemporary music with world beats. Your toddler will learn to dance, sing, and move using their bodies, rhythmic instruments, and scarves. Class includes a free zumbini bundle containing a songbook and two copies of the class music CD! 8 weeks. No class 4/16 & 4/23. OM

Wed 11:00-11:45am





For more information contact Sharon or Linda at 410.559.3524 or parenting@jcc.org

Or do you know someone having or adopting their first baby?

Ballet Tea Party Ages 2.5-3.5 This class playfully introduces the world of ballet. Children learn the basic positions and movements of ballet using music, games, creative Imagery and stories. Parents are welcome to watch or participate and join them for a special tea party . OM






For more information contact Melissa Berman at 410.559.3593 or mberman@jcc.org. To register contact Marilyn Zvili at 410.559.3510 or mzvili@jcc.org.



jOYbaby is a welcome program for first-time Jewish parents in Baltimore. Visit www.joybabybalt.org, email info@joybabybalt.org or call 410.735.5015 to request a package, refer a friend or volunteer to deliver the packages! Brought to you by the agencies of The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore including: Macks Center for Jewish Education, Jewish Community Center, Jewish Community Services, Jewish Museum of Maryland, Jewish Volunteer Connection, Pearlstone Center. Supported by the Jacob & Hilda Blaustein Fund.

Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900


DBJCC Parenting Center 1118 Light St., Suite D Federal Hill

Monday 9:30-3:30pm Tuesday-Friday 9:30-12:30pm The DBJCC is open for Sunday play from 9:30-12:30pm on the following Sundays 4/6, 4/27 and 5/11. The DBJCC aims to keep families with young children enjoying life downtown. At our Parenting Center we encourage you and your child to explore our playrooms which feature age appropriate sensory and dramatic play experiences. We also offer parent and me classes, parent education, Tot Shabbat, special programs, neighborhood networking, adult meeting space and more. Our programs are open to all religious backgrounds. Contact Kim at kjacobsohn@jcc.org, or 410.559.3618 or visit us at www.DBJCC.org

Prenatal Pilates Mat

Baby & Me Pilates

Improve your overall fitness as you get ready for your little ones arrival. This class is designed specifically for pregnant bodies. 6 wks

6 weeks-6 months. Rediscover your core strength and reconnect with your body while interacting with your baby! No experience needed. Please bring a mat to class. 6 weeks



DBJCC Tue 8:15-9:15 am



4/29-6/3 $78

Mem. Disc.




Birth-5 months. Meet new parents, participate in discussions, and enjoy music and sensory stimulation activities with your newborn. Learn how the power of your touch can improve baby’s sleep habits, brain development, and digestion. No class on 4/21. 6 weeks 4/7-5/19




Great Beginnings 3-8 months. Participate in informal discussions, receive literature, learn about resources, and enjoy music, sensory and tactile stimulation activities for your baby. A great way to meet other moms and newborns. No class 4/21 6 weeks. DBJCC Mon 10:00-10:45 am

4/7-5/26 $78



Baby Groove 5–12 months. Interact with your little one through creative movement, songs and finger plays, parachute activities, and more. These developmentally appropriate activities are designed to stimulate and enhance gross motor development. 6 weeks. No class 4/21. DBJCC Mon 11- 11:45am






Wiggles & Giggles

Hello Baby/Infant Massage

DBJCC Mon 12:00- 1:00pm

DBJCC Tue 9:30- 10:30 am




9-14 months. Join us for this fun and silly class as we explore creative movement, songs, puppets and parachute activities. 8 wks DBJCC Thurs 10:30-11:15am DBJCC Tue 8:15-9:15 am

$104 $78

$88 $66

33093 33494

Movers and Shakers! Ages 15-20 months. Get ready to rock, rattle, and roll in this fastmoving class! Explore a new theme each week through songs and instrument play, puppets, movement activities, and parachute fun. No class 4/16. 8 weeks DBJCC Thu 9:30-10:15am


$104 $88


Totally Toddlers! Ages 18-24 months. Join Ms. Linda for a different theme each week. Children will enhance their social skills through stories, puppets, songs and a simple art project. No class 4/16. 7 weeks DBJCC Wed 9:30-10:15am





Messy & Messier Ages 2-4 years. Make a mess in our house instead of yours! Enjoy songs, storytime, and art based on the theme of the story. No class 4/16. 7 weeks DBJCC Wed 10:30-11:15am

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register

4/10-5/29 4/29-6/3







Ballet Tea Party

Bagels and Babies

Ages 3-5. Children learn the basic positions and movements of ballet using music, games, creative imagery and stories. We will have a special tea party following class. Parents must stay at the DBJCC during the class. 6 weeks, no class 4/21.

April 6, May 11 9:30-12:30pm



DBJCC Mon 1:45-2:30

Join us on Sunday morning for bagels and play! Each month a different expert will be on site to answer all your parenting questions.



Mem. Disc.






Pip Hop

Free for members/$5/child for guests For more information on classes and events contact Kim Jacobsohn at kjacobsohn@jcc.org or 410.559.3618 or visit us at www.DBJCC.org

Ages 3-5. Kids have a great time learning the best party dances of all time, step by step. Parents must stay at the DBJCC during the class, no class 4/21. DBJCC Mon 2:45-3:30





Upcoming DBJCC programs Hands on Holiday Passover at the Enoch Pratt Libraries & DBJCC Join Ms. Melissa for a fun and educational exploration of the Passover holiday. Little ones will enjoy songs, puppets and special musical guests as we celebrate together. Hampden, April 2 10:30am Light St., April 9 10:15am DBJCC, April 11 10:30am Southeast Anchor, April 23, 11:00am

Tot Shabbat April 4, May 2 10:30am

Celebrate Shabbat with the DBJCC. Enjoy play time in our Jewish Discovery House, sing and dance and eat some challah too! Fee: $7/guests, $5/members

Family Happy Hour April 24, May 29, 5-7pm

Stop by the DBJCC for our monthly Happy Hour. Enjoy drinks, light appetizers and socializing with other city parents. Fee: $12/Guest, $7/members

Kveller.com is a website for those who want to add a Jewish twist to their parenting and find out all the great family activities happening in Baltimore. See Baltimore events, resources and top blog tips. Here’s how Kveller Baltimore can help:

* Jewish baby name bank, from Aaron to Zohar * Tot Shabbat, storytime, and other local events for kids * The glamorous parenting life of Jewish celebrities * How to find a mohel in Baltimore * Recipes from Bubbe’s cookbook and beyond

Shabbat Family Happy Hour May 16, 5-7 pm

Join other downtown families as we welcome Shabbat together! Explore our Jewish Discovery House, meet new friends and celebrate Shabbat with our community. Drinks, light appetizers and challah are all included. We will end the night with the Shabbat blessings. Fee: $12/guest, $7/members


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

Early Childhood Education Enriching the Whole Child in a Nurturing Environment Infant/Toddler Program Meyerhoff ECE at the Weinberg Park Heights JCC Ages 3 to 24 mos.

• Licensed childcare specialists • State-of-the-art rooms • Monday-Friday hours, 7:00am to 6:00pm, *Fridays (closing hours vary by Shabbat)

Preschool Park Heights and Owings Mills JCC Ages 2 to 5

Monday - Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm or 9:00am-3:30pm, or 9:00am-2:0pm (OM only). Choose from 2-5 day options. Early Drop-off and Late Stay available. Activities include: • Outside play • Music • Art • Circle time • Hebrew • Story time • Science • Cooking • Physical Education • Creative play • Jewish life, culture, ethics • Shabbat celebrations and holidays

Preschool Plus Park Heights and Owings Mills JCC

Preschool Plus offers so much more with extended hours until 6:00pm. Monday- Friday, 7:00am-6:00pm,*Fridays (closing hours vary by Shabbat). Available during summer months.

Award-Winning Healthy Choices Curriculum Owings Mills JCC

Daily activities and lessons focused on eating right and getting exercise. In partnership with Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Childcare Initiative. The Center has been recognized by the Center of Disease Control and Kathleen Sebelius, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, as one of the top twelve preschools in the country for its positive impact on the health destiny of children. For questions or to arrange a tour contact: Ilene Meister (Stoler ECE in Owings Mills) at 410.559.3554 Zac Price (Meyerhoff ECE in Park Heights) at 410.500.5936 Visit: www.jcc.org/ece for details and applications.

teaching them since the day they were born.

You’ve been

Teach a little tzedakah by starting a Jewish legacy for your children or grandchildren through


The Associated: Jewish Community

Stoler ECE at the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Federation of Baltimore.

9:00am-3:30pm (early drop off and late stay available) State-accredited. Individually targeted curriculum. Subject areas include:


• Reading • Language Arts • Healthy Choices • Physical education • Music • Cooking • Pirkei Avot

• Math • Science and social studies • Hebrew language • Jewish culture and values. • Art • Swimming

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register

MAKE A GIFT in their names today at




Kidspace Enrichment Afterschool Childcare at the Park Heights JCC for Grades K-5

Magical Mats for Tots Ages 3.5- 5. Your child will be introduced to Yoga Asanas (poses), breathing techniques, and relaxation using hoola hoops! Mats and hoops provided.

Are you a working parent looking for after school child care and enrichment? Come to KidSpace at the JCC where you’ll find homework help, safe activities and a creative outlet – every afternoon Monday thru Thursday until 5:45pm. Plus, KidSpace offers separate gender programming.


Thurs. 3:30-4:15pm





Tots: Little Tigers Martial Arts with CSA Ages 3-5. Learn basic Karate moves, including forms, interactive self-defense techniques, advanced blocks, kicks, strikes and stances. Classes cannot be prorated. 5 weeks. Students enrolled in Ohr Chadash or the JCC Early Childhood Preschool will be walked to class by a JCC Staff member.

Your child can do Open Gym or Homework Clinic and then participate in our enrichment classes including: Recreational Swim, Karate Art Shop or Dance. Or he/she can stay in Open Gym for the second hour. Sign up for classes or days individually or as a package and save!


Tue 3:30- 4:15pm





Tots Crafts and Art

For more information on Kids Space afterschool care in Park Heights contact Merav at 410.500.5917 or mlevine@jcc.org.

Ages 3.5-5. Students will create hands-on projects, using art techniques for beautiful take home projects. Students enrolled in ECE will be taken to and from class by a JCC Staff member. 7 wks. PH

KidSpace: Homework Clinic

Wed 2:30- 3:15pm





Grades K-5. Coed. Students will work with an experienced teacher to complete Judaic and general studies homework and then when finished be able to use the gym or game room. Students from Ohr Chadash or who are traveling from outside schools will be met in the lobby by a JCC staff member. Select up to four days per week. 9 weeks.

KidSpace: ArtShop


Wed 4:45 5:40pm






Boys PH

Mon 4:45 5:40pm






Day(s)/Time M–Th 3:30- 4:30pm



Mem. Disc.






Grades K -5.Learn drawing techniques, such as proportion, cartooning, and sketching. Girls

Fees above are for one day per session. Discounts are available for multiple days.

KidSpace: Recreational Swim (separate gender)

KidSpace: After School Open Gym

Grades 1-8. Your child will be supervised by our instructors and certified lifeguards. Participants must be able to swim and be comfortable in the water. Girls and boys only groups will change and access pool through the family changing room. 6 weeks.

Grades K-5. Coed. Supervised open gym will give participants a chance to play In a safe environment. JCC gym equipment will be available. Students from Ohr Chadash or those traveling from outside schools will be met in the lobby by a JCC staff member. Select up to four days per week. Prices are as low as $4 per day for members. Drop-ins welcome! 8 weeks.

Girls PH

Thu 4:45- 5:40pm





Boys PH

Wed 4:45- 5:40pm






KidSpace: Karate Intermediate with CSA

M–Th 3:30- 4:30pm M–Th 4:40- 5:45pm

4/24-6/19 4/24-6/19

32907 33397

Ages 6-12. Students continue their training of basic Karate moves, including forms, interactive self- defense techniques, advanced blocks, kicks, strikes and stances. 5 weeks. Classes cannot be prorated.

Happy Glaze Ceramic Studio
 Sundays, 11am- 3pm

Paint your own ceramic masterpiece! Studio fee: $4/JCC members $6/guests + cost of the ceramic piece. Items range from $5-$15. For more information contact Merav at 410.500.5917 or mlevine@jcc.org


Girls PH

Tue 4:30- 5:15pm





Boys PH

Tue 5:15- 6:00pm





Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900


Sunday Programs in Park Heights Camp Sunday Package Grades K-5. Engage your child while you engage yourself! Sunday Campers will enjoy separate gender arts, sports and dance taught by talented instructors. 3 ways to pay… select two classes and pay one low rate, sign up for an individual class, or drop-in at your convenience for a daily rate of $20/Guests, $14/Members, or $10/Guests, $7/Members for one class.

Special Lag B’omer Celebration Sunday, May 18; 12:00-4:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC

Package Rate for two classes: Location


Girls Grades K-2 PH Sun 10:00am-12:00pm



Mem. Disc.






Girls Grades 3-5 PH Sun 10:00am-12:00pm





Boys Grades K-2 PH Sun 10:00am-12:00pm





Camp Sunday: Basketball & Soccer for Boys Boys will learn the basic skills of playing soccer and basketball with experienced players/coaches then play actual games. Cannot be prorated.7 weeks. Add on Camp Sunday Boys Drawing and save! Drop in rate available. Soccer Ages 5-6 PH Sun 1:30-2:30pm





Basketball Ages 5-7 PH Sun 11:00am-12:00pm





Basketball Ages 7-8 PH Sun 1:30-2:30pm





Sunday Girls Ballet - Age 3-7 Students will be introduced to ballet class etiquette, and basic ballet terminology. 6 weeks. Classes cannot be prorated. Age 3 PH Sun 9:15-9:45am





Age 4 PH Sun 11:00-11:45am





Age 5-7 PH Sun 10:00-10:45am





Camp Sunday Girls Jazz Dance This class combines various dance styles with creative body movement. Class focuses on rhythm and beat with jumps, rolls, and other hip hop techniques set to appropriate and/or Jewish music. Grades K-2 PH Sun 11:00-11:45am





Grades 3-5 PH Sun 10:00-10:45am





Register Online | www.jcc.org/register

Drawing • Karate • Silly Science • Sports• Frum Beats Ballet• Make & Take Crafts • Moonbounce Mania FREE for Members, Guests- $5 per person, $15/family For more information contact Merav Levine at 410.500.5917 or mlevine@jcc.org.

Camp Sunday: Drawing for Boys Grades K-2 This class will focus on drawing techniques, such as proportion, cartooning, and sketching. 7 weeks. Add on Camp Sunday Boys Basketball and save! Drop in rate available. PH

Sun 10:00-11:45am





Camp Sunday: Drawing and Art for Girls This class will focus on a variety of art and drawing techniques, such as proportion, cartooning, and sketching as well exploring self expression with different crafts such as decoupage, beading, printing and ceramics. 7 weeks. Add on Camp Sunday Girls Jazz and save! Drop in rates available. Girls, Grades K-2 PH Sun 10:00-10:45am





Girls, Grades 3-5 PH Sun 11:00-11:45am





Summer Mini-Camp Aug. 18-22 & Aug. 25-29 Girls: Grades K-5 Boys: Grades K-2 Coed: Age 6 & under Swimming, sports, arts and crafts, silly science and more! Book by the day or the week.

Fee per week: $150/M Fee per day: $25/members, $35/guests Early Drop off and Late Stay available For more information contact Merav at 410.500.5917 or mlevine@jcc.org



Pee Wee T-ball Clinic (members only) Ages 3‑5. Youngsters learn basics skills like throwing, batting, catching and running bases. Please bring a glove. No class 4/16. 8wks. Location OM


Wed 4/9-6/4



3:30‑ 4:15pm

Mem. Disc.




Kids Center


Pee Wee Soccer (members only) Ages 3‑5. Youngsters learn and practice basic soccer skills including kicking, passing, goal keeping, and more. No class 4/14, 4/21 & 5/26. 6wks. OM

Mon 4/7-6/2

3:30 ‑ 4:15pm


For more information contact Sol Kleiner at 410.559.3541 or skleiner@jcc.org



March 28 & 31, April 17, 18 & 21, June 16 & 17

The School’s Out program is designed for elementary school-aged children to get the most out of school closings in a structured, and fun atmosphere. We offer a variety of activities including: indoor/ outdoor recreation, games, cooking, dance, and aerobics. Kids Center participants pay $20. Early drop off and late stay available for an additional fee. OM OM OM OM OM OM

Fri 9:30am- 3:30pm Mon 9:30am- 3:30pm Thu 9:30am- 3:30pm Fri 9:30am- 3:30pm Mon 9:30am- 3:30pm Tue 9:30am- 3:30pm

3/28 3/31 4/17 4/18 6/16 6/17

$40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40

$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25

31762 31766 33344 33347 33423 33424

For more information on Kids Center and School’s Out in Owings Mills contact Amanda Max 410.559.3548 or amax@jcc.org.

Afterschool childcare and programming at the Owings Mills JCC for grades K-5 What does your child need after school? The day doesn’t end when the school bell rings and so we offer a safe, nurturing place where kids can continue to learn and grow – After School @ the JCC Kids Center. Kids Center is designed to promote your child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. We promote character building and teamwork through a comprehensive curriculum that is geared to meet the needs of children and families after school. Experience high quality programming at an incredible value! • Personalized attention –one educator for every eight children • Supervised homework help • Gym and outdoor activities • Healthy snacks • Games and art projects • Life-enriching curriculum We currently offer school bus service from: • Reisterstown • Timber Grove • Woodholme • Chatsworth

• Glyndon • Franklin • Cedarmere • Fort Garrison

PLUS, for an additional fee, we offer transportation to Beth Israel and Har Sinai on Tuesdays for Hebrew School.

Discussion Series for Parents

Kids Center Hours

in partnership with Jewish Community Services (JCS) Held in JCS facilities at the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Monday-Thursday: School dismissal-6:30pm Friday: School dismissal-6:00pm (or JCC closing time)

GPS for the In-law Relationship Monday, March 31, 7:00-8:30pm Presenter: JCS Professional

For more information on Kids Center, contact Amanda Max at 410.559.3548 or email amax@jcc.org.

A “Step” in the Right Direction: Successful Step-Parenting Wednesday, April 30, 7:00-8:30pm Facilitator: Beth Land Hecht, LCSW-C Pre-registration is required.

To request ADA accommodations, please contact us at least three weeks before the program. Please note that we may not be able to fulfill all requests. Childcare, provided by the JCC, is available on-site for a small fee and advance reservation. Information and registration: jcsbaltimore.org/parenting-series or 410-500-5371.


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

Jcc SUMMER CampS  Early Childhood Camps Noah’s Ark • Ages 2-5


Noah’s Ark NEXT • Ages 4 & 5 Noah’s Ark Superstars Sports Camp • Ages 4 & 5

 Traditional Day Camp

JCC Camp @ Milldale • Entering grades K-6

u Arts Camps


Habimah Performing Arts Camp • Entering grades 1-5 Visual Arts Camp @ Milldale • Entering Grades 3-8

] Sports Camps


Maccabi Sports Camp • Entering grades 1-8 Munchkin Tennis • Ages 3-5 Tennis & Tennis/Sports • Ages 5-14 CSA Karate Camp • Ages 4-12 Aquatics Adventure Camp • Entering Grades 1-8 SPEEDO™ Boot Camp • Ages 9-18

Y Specialty Camps

LEGO Camp • Entering grades K-5 Camp Tzedek with JVC • Entering Grades 1-5


Tiyulim Travel Camp • Entering Grades 5 & 6

Summer Programs  Teen TNT • Entering Grades 7 & 8 LIT & CIT JCC Camps @ Milldale • Entering Grade 9 & 10 F.L.O.A.T. (Aquatics CIT) • Entering grades 9 & 10 Karate CIT • Ages 13-16 Summer Service Opportunities with JVC • Entering grades 9-12 Teen Israel Experience with BZD for Jewish teens currently in grades 9-12

NEW! Free Express Bus Service between the Park Heights and Owings Mills JCC.

For more details on all JCC Camps visit www.jcc.org/camps or call 410.559.3513 Register Online | www.jcc.org/register



Middle School “J” Dance


Saturdays, April 26, May 10, June 7 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

For teens in grades 6-8

Grades 6-8. Bring your friends for a fun filled night of dancing and great music. No one will be permitted without an ID. ID includes: report card, class schedule with your name and grade. Bus cards will NOT be accepted. Snacks are available for $1/item.

••••••••••• • • • •

$10/Member, $15/Guest

Saturday Night Takeover- Moonbounce Grades 6-8. Spend your Saturday night hanging out at the JCC. Play basketball, run on the track, watch a movie, compete in video games on our projection screen, swim in the pool, play laser tag, or just hang out with friends. Location/Day(s)/Time



Mem. Disc.


OM Sat 8:00-11:00pm



$8 32437


4/17 4/18

$25 $25

$18 $18

For more information contact Brad Kerxton at 410.559.3547 or bkerxton@jcc.org

32438 32439

Spring Tie Dye Fun Grades 6-8. This three-part class will teach you new and exciting ways to Tie-Dye. One Item per class will be provided or bring your own. Techniques include: spirals/stripes/bullets, hearts/peace signs/stars and many others. 3 wks. OM Thu 7:00-8:00pm

5/8- 5/22




Sushi Making Grades 6-8. Love eating Sushi? Then come join us as we learn how to make this lovely treat. OM Thu 7:00-8:00pm




Are you looking for a safe and engaging place for your teen to stay after school? The JCC now offers a low cost afternoon program that includes: Technology • Swimming • Sports • Weight Training Arts & Crafts • Fitness classes • Dance • Drama • Volunteering. Fee includes pick up from Franklin Middle School. Information night May 20, 7:00pm at the OM JCC.

Grades 6-8. If you’re interested in TNT for summer or you did TNT in the past, then this is a great opportunity. We will spend the morning working in the preschool earning community service hours. Afternoon group activities include: swimming, basketball, video games and soccer. Please bring your own lunch. OM Mon 9:00am-4:00pm OM Tue 9:00am-4:00pm

Mondays-Thursdays, 2:30-6pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC


End of the School Year Pool Party Saturday, May 31; 8:00pm

Grades 6-8. End the school year on a fun note by coming to our outdoor pool party. The outdoor pool will be opened all night long! Moon bounce, snacks for sale, music playing and more. OM

Sat 8:00-11:00pm


$15 $10


Outdoor Movie, and Pizza Party Thursday, July 10 &, August 7

Teens entering grades 6-8. Watch popular flicks on our inflatable movie screen while hanging out at our outdoor pool. OM OM

Thu 7:00-10:00pm Thu 7:00-10:00pm

7/10 8/7

$15 $15

$10 $10

32688 32689

American Red Cross Babysitting

Video making with Evan Dahne Grades 6-8. If you have a smartphone you can be a filmmaker. This class will teach you how to fully utilize your phone, or tablet to create amazing videos that you can share with friends, family and the digital universe. 4 wks.

Grades 6-8, ages 11-14. Receive instruction in basic infant care, first aid for burns, bleeding, choking, head injuries and stings; poison prevention and treatment and safety precautions. Certification cards are provided by the American Red Cross at course completion.

OM Mon 6:30-8:00pm

OM Sun 1:30 5:00pm

4/27-5/19 $42



Top Secret Cooking-Chocolate Mania





$100 $85


For more information, contact Sue Szembroth @ 410 559 3536 or sszembroth@jcc.org

Grades 6-8. Learning the secrets to making your favorite Jewish delicacies. Cost includes ingredients, recipes and snacks. OM Sun 3:00-5:00pm



Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

Join BBYO Baltimore Council!

All Teens


In BBYO teens build a great peer network with fellow Jewish teens that are smart, independent and see themselves as capable of changing the world for the better. As members of the Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) and B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG), BBYO’s renowned leadership program and high school fraternity and sorority, teens work together to set the agenda, plan and lead programs and establish strong and lasting bonds with Jewish friends who become their brothers and sisters. In BBYO teens build a great peer network with fellow Jewish teens

Join the BBYO Baltimore Council

International Teen Photo Project

that areofsmart independent and see themselves as capable of BBYOinisBaltimore international,with pluralistic and inclusive all teens Grades 6-12. This photo class will connect teens changing the world for the better. As members of the Aleph Zadik regardless of gender, sexual orientation or socio-economic teens in Odessa through a special project instatus. whichBBYO both teens groups are able to find themselves a safeBrith Girls (BBG), BBYO’s renowned leadership (AZA) andinBnai will photograph a variety of Jewish subjects environment, including: Shabbat, rooted in tradition and Jewish valuesand supported by program high school fraternity and sorority, teens work Happiness (Simcha), Tikkun Olam, etc. Teensdedicated will communicate via and BBYO volunteer advisors professional staff. together to set the agenda, plan and lead programs and establish video with the goal of creating an exhibit in both cities. strong and lasting bonds with Jewish friends who become their Location OM


brothers and sisters.


Fee Be Mem. Code leading Jewish teen a partDisc. of the world’s BBYO is international, pluralistic and inclusive of all teens movement! Tue 7-8:30pm 4/1, 4/29, 5/13, 5/17 $25 $18 32441 regardless of gender, sexual orientation or socio-economic status.

Driver’s Education by Elite Driving Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

teens are able to find themselves in a safe environment, Contact the BBYO Baltimore OfficeBBYO at 410.559.3549 rooted in tradition and Jewish values supported by dedicated or e-mail bmore@bbyo.org if you are interested in School volunteer advisors and BBYO professional staff. learning more! bbyo.org/membership

Ages 15 years, 4 months+. For class information, contact Elite at 410.363.7483 or www.drivingschool.net

Be a part of the world’s leading Jewish teen movement! For more information contact the BBYO Baltimore Office at 410.559.3549 or email bmore@bbyo.org.


Register Online | www.jcc.org/register


Special Needs Astounding Art

City Hoppers

Ages 8–21. Astounding Art gives children and young adults with special needs, the opportunity to engage in creative projects, such as ceramics, papier mâché, and crafts.

Ages 21-35. Young adults with moderate special needs will take a Sunday trip once a month, including: baseball games, miniature golf, bowling, eating out, and museums. This is a wonderful way to make new friends. There is NO transportation provided for this program. Specific dates are to be determined.

Location OM

Day(s)/Time Sun 4-5pm

Dates now-5/11


Mem. Disc.

$50/Members & Guests

Code 30990

After School Inclusion at Kids Center Monday-Friday afternoons

Grades K-5. Children of varying disabilities are mainstreamed into Kid Center After School program, with support and resources from qualified staff. Participants experience dynamic activities while paired one-on-one with counselors to help them with the inclusion process. The Special Needs Department works closely with parents in order to create a successful plan.

Ages 16-25. Participants engage in life skill training, vocation activities, and recreational games. KLAL (Keep Living And Learning) provides a place for young adults with learning, developmental, social, emotional, and physical disabilities, to develop appropriate social skills and friendships, and increase self-esteem. KLAL basic OM Sun 12:00- 4:00pm


$165/Members & Guests 30996

Swimming option OM Sun 4:00-5:00pm


$50/Members & Guests

Ceramics option OM Sun 4:00-5:00pm


$50/Members & Guests



$140/Members & Guests 30991

Swimming OM Sun 4:00-5:00pm


$50/Members & Guests 30992


$30/Members & Guests 31325


$50/Members & Guests 30993

Ages 18+. Adults can improve their social and life skills, as well as their emotional well-being. This weekly social group offers activities both at the JCC and in the community. All participants must have registration forms on file before attending Club activities. PH


Social Skills Ages 18-35. Young adults with developmental disabilities participate in a social skills curriculum facilitated by a social worker. This program is sponsored by Yachad, an organization that serves people with disabilities. now-5/27

Wed 6:30- 8:00pm

Getting Together Club

Sunday Funday only OM Sun 1:00- 4:00pm

Tue 5:00- 6:15pm

$72/Members & Guests 32073

Ages 18+. Adults with developmental disabilities can have fun crafting ceramic projects. This program is sponsored by the JCC and Yachad, an organization that serves people with disabilities.

Ages 5-15. Afternoons of recreational and social activities for children and teens will include games, arts and crafts, athletics, and swimming. Participants will also have an opportunity to play in a recreational sport appropriate to their needs. This is a great venue to develop appropriate social skills and friendships, enhance coordination, increase self-esteem, and create a feeling of acceptance in the community. All participants must have an intake with the Director of Special Needs before enrollment.



Ceramics Adult

Sunday Funday

Sun 4:00-5:00pm

Sun 1:00-4:30pm

KLAL For Every Season

Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC



$60/Members & Guests 32074

Tue 7:00- 8:30pm


$2/Members & Guests 32072

Chaverim Club Ages 18+. This weekly social group creates its own schedule of recreational and leisure time activities and programs, including arts and crafts, music, cooking, and holiday celebrations. This program is for adults who have mild to severe delays or other developmental and/or physical disabilities. All participants must have registration forms on file before they attend Club activities. PH

Thu 7:00- 8:30pm


$2/Members & Guests 32071

Ohr Atid with BBYO Ages 13-18. Teens with moderate special needs will participate in a BBYO chapter. The chapter has its own events and joins in general BBYO events. This is a wonderful way for teens to make new friends in a structured setting.


Owings Mills: 410.356.5200 | Park Heights: 410.542.4900

Special Needs Setting Healthy Limits on the Virtual World Thursday, April 3; 10:30am Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Passover Seder Tuesday, April 3; 6:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC

We welcome adults of all ability levels to join in Passover Seder. It will be a traditional Seder joined with friends. $ 13/Members & Guests

Shabbat Shalom Friday, May 9; 6:00pm Baltimore Hebrew Congregation

An evening where adults of all ability levels come together for learning and celebrating Shabbat and its customs at the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. This program consists of Shabbat blessings, dinner, services, and an oneg. Free with reservation

For more information on these programs for youth, teens, and adults with special needs contact Stacy Israel at 410.559.3576 or sisrael@jcc.org.

Learn about the impact of video games upon behavior and brain function with Dr. Vincent Culotta, Ph.D., ABN,. He will review recent neuroscience studies that examine how video games play a role in aggression, depression, and social skills and will offer strategies on how to set healthy limits for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. FREE

Model Matzah Bakery with Passover Crafts March 23, 2014; 2:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

Join BJAA for an afternoon of Passover activities designed for families with children with varying abilities. We’ll make sensory friendly Passover crafts followed by a a Matzah baking demo. In conjunction with CJE. $5/child with $15 family (max)

Save the Date: Special Needs Symposium Sunday, June 1 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC This day long conference will feature a keynote speaker. Stay tuned for details.

Getting Your Ducks in a Row: Preparing for Back to School Thursday, August 7; 10:00am Weinberg Park Heights JCC

The Baltimore Jewish Abilities Alliance (BJAA) assists families in finding the programs and services they need for their loved ones with different abilities, strengthening their connection and enabling them to more fully participate in their communities.

UPCOMING BJAA EVENTS Is Guardianship Necessary: What Alternatives Exist? Sunday, March 23; 10:00am Weinberg Park Heights JCC

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn effective ways to help transition their child with special needs into their new school setting, including how to prepare meaningful information packets for their child’s new team of teachers and specialists. Whether your child is progressing to the next grade, or is changing schools, all parents and caregivers will benefit from participating in this workshop. The presenter is Rochelle Howell, Parent Educator from Parents Place of Maryland. FREE For more information call Jen Erez at 410-559-3613 or go to www.jewishabilities.org

Many parents are concerned that they must rush out and obtain guardianship over their disabled child when he/she turns 18? Learn the myths and truths of this difficult transition period. Our speaker will discuss the alternatives to guardianship while also explaining the concept of guardianship and the procedural and substantive issues surrounding this legal proceeding. Please join us with your questions and be prepared for a healthy dialogue. FREE

Register Online | www.jcc.org/register



Late Registration

Now you can find your classes, set up an account, and register with ease! Visit www.jcc.org/register or go to www.jcc.org and click on the “Register Here” button at the top of the page. IN PERSON- Drop off the completed form (below) at either JCC

cashier’s office. After hours, please drop form off at the Member & Guest Services Desk. Registration forms will be processed in order of receipt.

BY FAX- Credit card payments may only be faxed directly

to accounting: Owings Mills classes fax to: 410.356.3192 Park Heights classes fax to: 410.578.0103 Note: Please write all information clearly in dark ink.

BY PHONE- Choose one of the following options: • Call the JCC contact person listed with the class information. • Call our cashier’s desk, Sunday-Friday 9am-5pm Park Heights: 410.500.5911 • Owings Mills: 410.559.3519 BY MAIL- Mail completed registration form with FULL PAYMENT

If you are interested in a class/program just before, or soon after, it begins, please contact the staff person listed for that class/ program for space availability .

Payment Full payment is required at time of registration. Current membership is required at the time of registration and throughout the session to take advantage of the member discount or a member-only offering. All payments for CSA classes must be made directly to CSA. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and checks payable to CSA, Ltd. accepted.

Cancellation & Refunds The JCC reserves the right to cancel any activity due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. In such a case, a refund (full or prorated as applicable) will be given. The JCC is responsible for make-up classes only in the event of an instructor’s cancellation or a building closing. If a participant withdraws from a class or activity before the session has begun, a full refund is made. After the first class, a prorated refund plus a $5.00 processing fee will be charged (this applies to each class). No refunds are made after the second class. Refund policies for Preschool, Kindergarten, Childcare, Kids Center, and summer camps are specified on their applications. No refunds are

issued for CSA; only class credits are given.

All withdrawal and refund requests must be made in writing.

to the JCC at which the class or activity takes place. Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC, Attn: Ellen Sztajer 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave., Owings Mills, MD 21117 Weinberg Park Heights JCC, Attn: Lilya Shafir, 5700 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215

Please PRINT all information. Use one form per class, per person. Be sure to list class by code # & name. Are you a JCC member? r Yes r No Account #_______________________ Today’s Date __________________________________________ Participant’s Name _______________________________________________

r Male

r Female

Parent’s Name if under 18___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address/City/Zip___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (work)_______________________________ (home)________________________________ E-mail __________________________________ Date of birth_______________________________ Grade & school, if child__________________________________________________________ JCC Preschool/ Kindergarten Teacher’s Name _________________________________________________________________________________ CLASS NAME CODE #






total amount: $________________________________ r Check # ________________________________________ r Cash r Charge r VISA r mc r Discover r AmEx

Credit Cd.#_______________________________________ Exp.__________________

Cardholder Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder Address_______________________________________________________________Cardholder Phone__________________________ OFFICE USE: Date Rec’d.____________Time Rec’d.__________ Rec’d by_________________ Receipt # _________________________________


at our


Sunday, June 8, 11am - 3pm • Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC

rain or shine!

SHOP 40+ vendors

food variety of vendors

selling clothing, accessories, crafts & more

(including Kosher)

LIVE music & entertainment

PLAY over 60 different community

FAMILY community-wide service project

partners offering interactive activities for kids

for the whole family

in being a vendor or volunteer? Would you like to learn about sponsorship opportunities for your organization? Contact Paul Lurie at plurie@jcc.org or 410.559.3546 Free Admission! Interested Sponsor:

Hosted by: 3506 Gwynnbrook Ave, Owings Mills 410. 356.5200, jcc.org

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215

Don’t Pass-over

Your Health this Pesach! Plan Ahead Worried about gaining those extra Passover pounds? Need to stay strong at the Seder table? We’ll prepare a personalized home diet and exercise plan that will help you maintain your motivation and your physique over the Pesach Holiday! Only $100 a Member for a two hour individual session Only $80/each Member for a two hour group session For more information contact Jackie Foreman at 410.500.5919 or jforeman@jcc.org


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