First Hand Accounts of the JCC Maccabi Experience As part of their creative writing/journalistic experience, nine of the Maccabi ArtsFest participants this year documented the JCC Maccabi Experience 2010 for the Jewish Times. Below are excerpts from some of their work, courtesy of the Jewish Times. You can read the full articles at
The Maccabi Experience: Arts, Games, and Friendship Rebecca Liebman
ArtsFest Visual Arts Participant
September 2010 Elul/Tishrei 5769/5770 I n si d e : Jewish Life...............................2 FYI...........................................3 Children & Youth.................. 4-6 Teens.......................................7 Adults.................................. 8-9 Art & Culture.................... 10-11 Fitness...................................12 Associated Corner.................13 Aquatics................................13 JCC Maccabi................... 14-15
Maccabi Staff Writer Nancy Goldberg, the director of ArtsFest, has spent an ample amount of time planning for ArtsFest and is glad that it is finally here. “This new tradition is a great idea,” she said. “At opening ceremonies, when delegates marched in, nobody could tell the difference between athletes and artists. They were all just Jewish teens experiencing something wonderful together.” As it was said in a movie that was shown at the opening ceremony, “You are now part of something so much bigger than a game.” You are now part of a family, a group of people who are having the JCC Maccabi experience together in Baltimore, Maryland right now. You will meet talented Jewish teens from all over the country. They bring a passion for the arts, the sports, and friendship. By the time you leave Maccabi 2010, even if you do not have a medal to show or a song to sing, you will leave with at least one more friend than you started with. Because of Maccabi, you will be part a link in the chain of Jewish people that will one day change the world.
Brush Strokes, Eraser Shavings, Maccabi Perfection Julia Grace
Maccabi Staff Writer The visual arts theme this year is Jewish Environmentalism. The talented artists are painting and drawing pictures to tell the world that we need to save the planet, and they’re doing it well. They use different strokes, different brushes, different people, different ideas, one community and one common goal; to spread the word through art. Instructor, Jay Wolf Schlossberg-Cohen, is inspiring them. “It doesn’t matter what your talent is, how long you’ve been doing it, how many medias you’ve worked in, how you look, how old you are, how Jewish you are—but work to a high standard and push yourself,” he tells them. “So just keep going with what you like and you’ll go far.” Continued on page 15
Games Soccer Competition
Jewish Life
Center News The monthly newsletter of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore
Wisdom for Today
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg JCC
By Rabbi Andrew Busch
A Time Between Yehuda Amichai once wrote: Once I saw a violinist playing and I thought: Between His right hand and his left—only the violin, but what a between, what music! Amichai did not write this poem specifically for this time of the Jewish year. In fact, the great Israeli poet wrote these words for a poem that marked a change in the secular calendar, from one millennium to another. However, while Yehuda Amichai was not a particularly traditional Jew, he was well aware of our traditions and steeped in our heritage. So, as the 5770 draws to an end and we begin 5771, let us consider this brief moment “between.” “What a between” are the High Holy Days that we welcome in these coming weeks. Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the days between and surrounding them provide an instrument to consider the passing of time and of our lives and more importantly to consider the impact and meaning of our days and our actions. The depth of our repentance is not dictated by the beauty of the cantor’s voice or the specific Torah portions we will recite. The sound of the shofar and the specific machzor (prayerbook) do not confirm our prayer and the potential of our annual rites. Rather, all these rituals and more are merely the violin in our hands, even if we can’t personally play the violin (which I can’t). Amichai describes the musician as producing breathtaking music, using his hands to hold an instrument, which is only an instrument. As we use our voices and our bodies to shape prayers and practices, may we be moved by the reality that it is the thoughts beneath our High Holy Days upon which we must focus. Please, take the time to experience the traditions and its messages according to your own communal tradition. However, as you do this, please know that these “instruments are intended to focus us towards the repentance which is required of this season. Thus, may we find these Days of Repentance more breathtaking than the most beautiful music and thus inspiring towards a New Year when we will work towards bringing blessing to the world around us and those we love. L’shanah Tovah. Rabbi Andrew Busch is a Rabbi at Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. He can be reached at
September Holiday Hours Monday, September 6 (Labor Day) 8:00am-6:00pm Wednesday, September 8 (Erev Rosh Hashanah) JCC closes at 3:30pm Thursday & Friday, September 9 & 10 (Rosh Hashanah) JCC closed Reopens September 11 at 1:00pm (OM only) Friday, September 17 (Erev Yom Kippur) JCC closes at 3:30pm Saturday, September 18 (Yom Kippur) JCC closed Reopens Sunday, September 19 at 7:00am
Wednesday, September 22 (Erev Sukkot) JCC closes at 5:00pm Thursday & Friday, September 23 &24 (Sukkot) JCC closed Reopens Saturday, September 25 at 1:00pm (OM only) Wednesday, September 29 (Erev Shemini Atzeret) JCC closes at 5:00pm Thursday & Friday, September 30 & October 1 (Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah) JCC closed Reopens Saturday, October 2 at 1:00pm (OM only) Sunday, October 3 both buldings open at 7am
JCC A Center News
5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215 410.542.4900 410.578.0102 fax
Ben & Esther Rosenbloom JCC on the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills, MD 21117 410.356.5200 410.581.0561 fax MD Relay: 1.800.735.2258 Eric Nislow Chairman of the Board Buddy Sapolsky President Dale Busch Executive Vice President Ken Karsh Senior Vice President, Finance Phil Miller Vice President Ron Siegel Vice President Gail Zuskin Vice President Marty Cohen Membership/Marketing Chair Robin Rose-Samuels Marketing Director Esther Apt Center News Editor The Jewish Community Center is an educational, cultural, and recreational agency supported by The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.
For the most up-to-date information — visit our web site
Jewish community center of greater baltimore
FYI Park Heights Back Parking Lot News
JCC Benchmarking Survey
Effective September 7, 2010
Monday, October 4 – Monday, October 18
The Parking Lot behind the JCC (accessed from Manhattan Ave.) will be secured by an electronic fence and will be available only to JCC and CJE staff. JCC Members can continue to take advantage of our expanded front Parking Lot accessed from Park Heights Ave.
The annual JCC member survey helps us gauge how we are doing and how we can improve our services. We hope you will take the time to participate in the survey when the request arrives in your inbox this October. More details are coming soon! To make sure we have your updated email address please contact our membership office: PH at 410.542.4900, x224 or OM at 410.356.5200 x331.
JCC Preschool Parent’s Association Presents: Girls’ Night Out Thursday, October 21; 7:00-9:30pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Come join us for a fabulous evening of socializing, snacks and shopping! Vendors will include Stella & Dot, Tastefully Simple, My Vintage Baby, Barbie Levy Designs and many more. Come get a head start on your holiday shopping, teachers or hostess gifts or just get a little something for yourself. This night is open to all, so bring a friend and have some fun! This event is sponsored by the OM JCC ECE Parents’ Association, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the OM JCC ECE. There is still room for vendors. If you would like to participate, please contact Tara Rudo at 443.838.5078 or
JEA’s 101st Anniversary Party Sunday, October 10; 4:00-8:00pm Beth Israel Congregation • Crondall Lane at Owings Mills Blvd.
The 101st anniversary of the Jewish Educational Alliance, the forerunner of the Jewish Community Center, will be celebrated by the JEA Fellowship Association with a kosher sit-down dinner and entertainment. Their 2010 Hall of Fame honoree is Koppel Seaman. Fee: $55/person For reservations, call 410.653.9362 or 410.560.1174.
Don’t Forget to Sign Up For Fall Classes!
Register online at register. For extra assistance, call or visit the JCC cashier’s desk in either building during regular hours: Monday - Friday from 9am-5pm. We will have additional staff on hand to provide in-person registration on Sunday, September 12 from 9:00am-5:00pm at the Rosenbloom, OM JCC and on Sunday, October 10; from 9:00am-2:00pm at the Weinberg PH JCC. Please register no later than one week prior to class or program start date. Guides will be arriving in homes in early September however you can also view our Fall Program Guide online at: Cashier’s Desk: PH x237 and OM x332.
Farmers Market at the OM JCC Sundays, 9:00am -1:00pm - Thru Oct. 24 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Bringing you the freshest locally grown produce, all originating within 100 miles of the JCC. Shopping at the Owings Mills Farmer’s Market at the JCC is a pleasant way to reward yourself after your Sunday morning workout. For Farmers Market details, contact Ryan Couto 410.905.8030, or visit
September 2010 A Elul/Tishrei 5770/5771
Children & Youth Cub Scouts Pack 18 Don’t miss these upcoming events! Annual Popcorn Fundraiser Sunday, September 12; 2:00-4:00pm Giant store on Old Court Road
Visiting the Curtis Bay Coast Guard Station Sunday, October 10; 2:00-4:00pm
For more information on events or to join, contact Pack 18 Cubmaster, David Green at 410.602.2622 or email
Jewish Yoga From Around the World Imagine sending your preschooler to South Africa as part of their summer camp experience. The children who attended the Park Heights JCC’s Camp Keshet this summer had such an adventure without ever leaving the building! They learned about South Africa’s Jewish community and took turns wearing a beaded bracelet made by Jewish children in South Africa. They got to see real African drums and an elephant and doll made of beads! During this seven week program they also took trips to Asia, Australia, South America and Israel The campers’ international safari adventure was part of Time In: Jewish Yoga From Around The World. Lisa Ziv, Director of this innovative program came in once a week to take the kids on a yoga-filled journey complete with facts on Jewish life from around the world coupled with lots of cool and beneficial Jewish Yoga poses. Their yoga experience helped improve their inner strength, confidence and self-esteem. Lisa explains that “The imaginary yoga adventures (jungle, zoo, beach, etc.) provided an opportunity for the children to create pictures and images of stories in their minds. Guided visualizations took the children on journeys to places of innocence and wonder and helped them expand their thinking in a creative and playful way.”
Pack 18 visited the Glenn Martin State Airport and toured some vintage fighter pilots.
Kids Center After School Care for Grades K-5 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Kids Center is a safe place for kids to come after school. Under the supervision of our experienced staff, they can: • swim in the indoor pool • exercise creativity with clay in ceramics • let out that afterschool energy in the gym and on the playground • spend time in the quiet of the Homework Room where they’ll receive staff assistance Transportation is available from most public and private schools depending on geographic location. Kids Center Location: 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue • Owings Mills Kids Center Hours: Monday-Thursday: School dismissal-6:30pm Friday: School dismissal-6pm/JCC Close Contact us: 410.356.5200, x339 or Want more details? Visit
JCC A Center News
Children & Youth Children’s Ceramics
Ages 6-10 Tuesdays, September 21-November 23; 4:15-5:15pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Mold glaze and paint your very own ceramic creations. Create your own ceramic pieces of art to give as a gift for your family or special projects for yourself. No class 11/2. For more information, contact Lara at OM x339 or $145/JCC Member; $220/NM
New Program! CSA AfterSchool Karate Camp Monday-Thursday, September 13-16 Monday-Wednesday, September 20-22 Monday-Wednesday, September 27-29 3:30-6:30pm (9/22 and 9/29 closes @ 5pm)
CSA is offering a great transition from summer to the school year and to the fall session of Karate! Join us for after school programming and Karate fun. Participants will get a chance to work on homework, enjoy a healthy snack and play games in addition to Martial Arts activities. $40/per day JCC Member $60/per day NM $350/10 days JCC Member $525/10 days NM For more information contact Jennifer Lake at 410-356-5200 x321 or
Hand on Holidays – Fall Holiday Fun Ages 12-36 Months September 16; 10:30-11:30am
Join us for holiday stories and take home crafts that you can use for your holiday table! There will also be snacks, and a fun sing-along! $6/JCC Members; $8/NM
Parent/Infant/Toddler Free Demo Classes Rosenbloom OM JCC
Sunday, September 12- Friday, September 17 Try out any of these fall classes at no charge! Music Together September 12; 9:30-10:15am
Open Gym Under 5 September 13; 10:30-11:30am
Come join us for an open gym with some parachute fun, inflatable’s, music, and lots of movement! Tot Time 12 months and up September 14; 9:30-10:30am
Join us for circle time, gym time, and a simple craft project! Baby Gym 12 months and under September 14; 10:30-11:30am
Join us for circle time, gym time, plus you and your child will make a keepsake craft! Toddler Tales Under 5 September 14; 4:00-4:30pm
Come join us for an interactive story followed by free play in our gym. Music Together by “Its Groovy Baby” Infants to 5 years old September 15; 10:00-10:45am
Strollerbabies Ages 6 weeks and up. September 16; 9:30-10:15am
Power walking combined with body sculpting exercises using exercise tubing, the stroller and the environment.
Hands on Holidays – Sukkot September 22; 10:30-11:30am Jewish Museum of Maryland • 15 Lloyd Street
Tot Shabbat October 8 & October 22; 10:30am Jewish Museum of Maryland • 15 Lloyd Street
Free Come join us downtown for this exciting Shabbat program which includes candle lighting, songs, Kiddush, challah and more!
September 2010 A Elul/Tishrei 5770/5771
Children & Youth A Home Away From Home “It’s not every day a black girl from Louisiana grows up to be a Jewish woman,” says Octavia Shulman. When Octavia was in 10th grade, she met her now-husband Arthur, a Jew from the Soviet Union. Arthur grew up secular, but with a very strong Jewish identity, and five years later, Octavia converted to Judaism. Octavia is modern Orthodox in practice and her husband is not, but they make it work by respecting each others’ differences and embracing tradition. Octavia jokes, “we are in a mixed marriage, but not for the reason people think.” The Shulmans joined the JCC through JLink, the young adult membership program, and when their daughter Eden was born, they began participating in Shalom Baby. Now, three-year-old Eden attends the PH JCC preschool program. Octavia says, “I really feel that my child is loved [by the teachers], she is more than just a participant in a program.” The couple feels that the JCC really provides a home away from home for their daughter. Eden even learned how to sing Zemirot and recite many brachot before she could talk in full sentences! Sometimes, they also grab dinner at the JCC before they go home if it’s been a long day. “Basically”, says Octavia, “the JCC is where we do things as a family.” The Shulmans also attend the PJ library and the holiday programs. Octavia loves that there are so many programs for young families, not just in the JCC building, but out in the community.
The Red Team cheers on their teammates at Color War.
Striking a pose at Milldale’s rock climbing wall.
The Ravens mascot comes to visit campers at Milldale.
JCC A Center News
Teens Hazamir
Weinberg PH JCC
Sing the finest Jewish Choral Music and meet other Jewish teens from across the United States and Israel! This is your chance to be part of an international movement. For more information or to audition, contact conductor Erika Schon at or call 410.653.1594. Check Hazamir out online at
Beginner Photography Classes
Ages 12-15 Mondays, October 25- December 13; 7:15-8:00pm Ages 16-19 Mondays, October 25—December 13; 8:15-9:00pm Weinberg PH JCC
In this photography class, students will learn all about the basics of photography. They will learn about lighting, white balance, the right way to use a camera, and how to shoot like a pro! Must have some kind of camera to attend classes. Separate classes for girls and boys. $45/JCC Member; $65/NM
Beginner Wood Work Classes
Age 12-15 Tuesdays, October 26-December 14; 7:15-8:00pm Age 16-19 Tuesdays, October 26-December 14; 8:15-9:00pm Weinberg PH JCC
$55/JCC Member; $75/NM For information on photography and woodworking classes, contact Israel Orange at 410.542.4900 x205 or email Save the Date
The JCC’s 7th Annual College Fair! Sunday, November 14; 1:00-3:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
For more information, contact Esther Gunter at 410.356.5200, x612 or email
Middle School Dances
Grades 6-8 Saturdays, September 11 & October 2; 8:00-11:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
A great way to hang out with your friends and make new ones! Join us for dancing, an awesome DJ, open gym and snacks. Middle School ID required. No one will be permitted without an ID. $10/JCC Member; $15/NM For more information, contact Amanda Max at 410.356.5200 x361or email
September 2010 A Elul/Tishrei 5770/5771
Color Wars: Stadium Kickball Tournament Graces 6-8 Sunday, September 19; 1:00-4:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Come join us at the stadium to kick off our new middle school programming. A chance to meet other middle schooler’s and have fun out in the sun! Save the Date
Teen Lounge Grand Re-opening November 2010! Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Our monthly Middle School Night will resume in the fall with pizza, gym and pool time, movies, snacks and Wii! Be sure to stay tuned for details on all our great teen programs coming up. For more information on these middle school events, contact Amanda Max at 410.356.5200 x361 or email
Parent Orientation for New BBYO Parents Thursday, September 16
BBYO Teens & Family Events Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC Sept. 24 Shul of the Month Oct. 8 Family Shabbat Dinner Oct. 14 March of the Living Night
Contact Mitch at OM x370 or email or for complete information on 2010/2011 events. You an also check out Baltimore Council BBYO on facebook!
Camp Milldale Special Offer! Campers and families are still kvelling about what an amazing summer they had at the JCC’s Camp Milldale this summer. If you register for summer 2011 by Sept. 30 your family can lock in at this year’s prices. All that’s required is a fully-refundable $200 deposit! To find out more visit: or contact Dori Zvili: 410.356.5200, x387 or
Tweens can try out these FREE sports classes! Weinberg PH JCC September 14 6:30-7:30pm Wallyball (Boys & Girls ages 11-13) 8:00-9:00pm (Boys & Girls ages 14-17)
September 21 6:30-7:30pm In-line Hockey on the roof (must provide own rollerblades) (Boys ages 11-13) 8:00-9:00pm (Boys ages 14-17)
For more information, contact Mark Bonitatibus at 410.542.4900 x626 or email See back cover for more FREE youth classes at the PH JCC on Sunday, September 19!
A A A A A A Stars and Stripes:
A Tribute to Jewish War Veterans October 6, October 27 & November 10 1:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC This series is a celebration of and tribute to Jewish War Veterans in the Greater Baltimore area.
The JCC Remembers Fallen Heroes Excerpts from the speech given at the OM JCC War Memorial by COL Erwin A. Burtnick, AUS (ret) Commander, Department of Maryland of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA on Memorial Day 2010 Those of us who are here today can never repay the sacrifice of those who gave their lives defending us, but at the very least, we can and must remember them. Men like Major Charles Joseph Loring, United States Air Force. Sixty years ago next month, a bloody and hellacious war broke out on the Korean peninsula. That war claimed 34,000 American lives and another 415,000 South Koreans. Major Loring, a POW in Europe during World War II, continued his service during the Korean War as an F- 80 pilot. On Nov. 22, 1952, Major Loring’s aircraft was hit repeatedly by ground fire as he was dive-bombing enemy gun positions. Instead of withdrawing, Charles Loring made a decision to sacrifice his life for his country. At an altitude of 4,000 feet, he aimed his F-80 directly at the gun positions that were threatening other pilots and friendly ground forces. He began another divebomb. He deliberately crashed into the enemy emplacements and eliminated the threat. For his actions, Major Loring was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Memorial Day is for men like Major Loring. While Memorial Day is intended to honor our fallen, we should not forget those who have pledged to make the same sacrifice if called upon – the young men and women still serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, the United States and in more than 130 foreign lands... Let us never forget. But let us also remember what resulted from these sacrifices. Let us remember the terrorist plots that were foiled and the killers that have been brought to justice because Americans were willing to pay the price. Freedom is not a gift. It is an earned benefit that was paid for by the blood of our heroes. Let us always remember them. God bless you, and God bless America.
Wed., October 6 • Rabbi Seth D. Phillips Wed., October 27 • Rabbi Tzvi Karp Wed., November 10 • Erwin Burtnick Fee: $3/M $5/NM per session $7/M $12/NM for the series Please RSVP to Jana at PH x621.
JCC A Center News
Adults A Story of Friendship – Grandparents Meet Through JCC Storytime Linda Freedman, Deborah Galinsky, and Audrey Turner have a lot to thank the JCC for. These new friends met when they started bringing their grandchildren to StoryTime at the Owings Mills JCC on Thursday mornings. After an introduction and some good “grown-up talk” they discovered they had much in common. Now, every Thursday after StoryTime, they go to the café in the OM JCC, along with Linda’s granddaughter, Olivia, Deborah’s grandson, Donovan, and Audrey’s grandson, Manny. The children (who can definitely take some credit for this great friendship) just love their Thursday morning JCC (From left) Linda, Deborah and Audrey at Café Teva routine. They also participate in Tot Shabbat and enjoy in the Rosenbloom OM JCC. playing in the playroom at the OM JCC. “The activities at the JCC are engaging and foster positive interaction,” says Deborah. Audrey has taken all of her grandchildren to the playroom for years. Her grandchildren have also attended Camp Milldale, where she loves the truly caring staff. Linda is so happy with the JCC and the friends she has made there that she promotes StoryTime to everyone she meets. These proud and involved grandparents give each other support. As Deborah says, “We have so much in common; it is as if we have lived our whole lives together!” Audrey agrees that it is wonderful to have friends who are at the same stage of life as she is – and who also spend quality time with their grandchildren. Deborah sums it up when she states, “This support has made a world of difference.”
New! Techie Workshops! Weinberg PH JCC
Computer workshops begin this fall at the PH JCC! Enhance your computer skills with our techie expert, Suri Lager. Basic mouse/keyboard experience is required. Emailing Photos, Creating Albums, and the Internet Wednesdays, October 6, 13 & 20; 3:30-5:00pm
Learn how to download and upload pictures to and from email and on the Internet, print photos, and create photo albums using snapfish, etc. $36/JCC Member; $50/NM Introduction to Social Networking Wednesdays, November 3, 10 & 17; 3:30-5:00pm
Learn how to connect with your friends and family, and meet new people online using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and JDate. $36/JCC Member; $50/NM For more information contact Arlene Abrams at 410.542.4900x 637
September 2010 A Elul/Tishrei 5770/5771
Arts & Culture Norman and Sarah Brown Art Gallery Weinberg PH JCC
Contemplate Thru September 30, 2010
Russian Photographers Alex Stefan and Genna Gurvich will have their work on display along with the work of Marilyn Goldstein. Stefan uses a non-digital approach to photography and is known as a traditional photographer. He uses color transparency as his photographic medium. Gurvich’s photography uses light and dark in an innovative and creative way. Goldstein’s exhibit consists of fabric dolls and is called Fabric Creations.
Don’t miss these great performances that will kick off the 2010-2011 season at the Gordon Center this fall! April Verch Band Saturday, October 9; 8:00pm
Painting by Izya Shlosberg
April Verch is a fiddler, stepdancer and singer who brings together Celtic, Jazz, Folk and Bluegrass influences. The band delivers richly textured phrasing on traditional roots tunes. April’s vocals draw the listener into her wistful and evocative lyrics. When she stepdances, her feet generate exhilarating cadences. And it’s even more impressive when she dances and continues playing intricate rifts on her fiddle. Tickets - $20; $23-show day and at the door Janis Ian & Tom Paxton
The View From Inside - Izya Shlosberg Monday, October 25- Friday, December 31
Izya Shlosberg is an artist, writer, and philosopher who is known for expressing his philosophy through his work. He combines his technical training in industrial design and his knowledge of form and color to give him a unique perspective on the concept of art. While Shlosberg’s novels and paintings are created independently from each other, he combines them to create a multidimensional, emotional, complex product. Stay tuned for exhibit dates! For gallery information, contact Smadar Livne at 410.382.3133 or email
Jewish Theatre Workshop A Staged Reading of “A Modest Suggestion” Saturday, November 20; 8:00pm Weinberg PH JCC- Straus Auditorium
Four business men sit in the conference room looking at the newest item on the docket: do they kill all of the Jews or not? This satirical new play, directed by Etan Weintraub and performed for the first time in Baltimore, takes a seriously funny look at one of the unfunniest aspects of humanity: hatred and murder of others for no reason. Like Jonathan Swift did in his famous “A Modest Proposal,” playwright Ken Kaissar asks humanity to look at itself in the mirror to consider the absurdities of genocide in any form. The performance will be followed by a discussion of the issues raised in the play. For more information visit or email
Thursday, October 28; 7:30pm
Janis Ian has left her indelible mark on fans, friends and the world in general. The singer-songwriter has sold more than 10 million records and has won multiple Grammy Awards. She is today a funny, self-effacing storyteller/singer/ performer. She is now an author also. Appearing with Janis will be folk music legend, Tom Paxton, who has become a voice of his Janis Ian generation. Paxton has been an integral part of the songwriting and folk music community since the early 60’s Greenwich Village scene, and continues to be a primary influence on today’s “New Folk” performers. Tickets - $22; $25-show day and at the door To purchase tickets, come to the Gordon Center box office Monday-Friday from 10:00am-4:00pm or one hour prior to a Gordon Center Show. For more information, email or visit or call 410-356 SHOW (7469).
JCC A Center News
Arts & Culture CineFest
Gordon Center For Performing Arts
Take a sneak peek at some of the films coming to the Gordon Center for this year’s Cinefest in October- stay tuned for more information! Anita Tuesday, October 19; 7:30pm Argentina 2009
Director: Marcos Carnevale A terrorist bombing in Buenos Aires upends the world of a girl with Down syndrome and propels her on a life-changing journey in this poignant family drama. Best Picture and Audience Award winner at the 2009 Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival. Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story Tuesday, October 26; 7:30pm USA 2009
Director: Peter Miller Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story portrays the contributions of Jewish major leaguers and the special meaning that baseball has had in the lives of American Jews. More than a film about sports, this is a story of immigration, assimilation, bigotry, heroism, the passing on of traditions, and the shattering of stereotypes.
Save the Dates!
A Life in Letters: Clara Schumann & Johannes Brahms Sunday, November 21; 2:00pm Gordon Center For Performing Arts
A concert and dramatic reading featuring piano duo Saar Ahuvia and Stephanie Ho, with performances by Stanley I. Morstein and Patricia Ann Coleman. This program is underwritten through the generosity of Howard S. Brown Free to all but RSVP and ticket required
An Evening of Irving Berlin Thursday, November 18; 7:30pm Morstein Performa in the Adalman Auditorium
Stan Weiman stars in this evening of song and dialogue. $10 per person For more information and to RSVP, contact Marilyn Zvili at or 410.356.5200, x328.
Ultimatum Date TBD; 7:30pm France, Israel, Italy 2009
Director: Alain Tasma The Persian Gulf War and its effect on a French couple living in Israel, their friends and family, forms the matrix of ULTIMATUM, a tense melodrama adopted from Valérie Zenatti’s 2006 novel. For more information, contact Jon Teter at 410.542.4900 x239 or email
Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre is Coming Back! Sunday, December 5; 3:00-5:00pm Weinberg Park Heights JCC
Folksbiene New York National Yiddish Theatre, the longest running professional theatre in America, brings their troupe to the JCC for a new performance of Makht a Tsimes! (Make a Fuss!), a Yiddish production with English and Russian Subtitles. Tickets are limited and available on a first come first serve basis. Fee: $20/JCC Member $30/NM Call Jana Klejner for reservations or more information by November 1 at 410.542.4900 x621.
September 2010 A Elul/Tishrei 5770/5771
Fitness & Wellness Les Mills Launch Sunday, October 10 Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC & Weinberg Park Heights JCC
FREE to Members and Non-members BODYPUMP™ 8:00am & 10am
Come try the latest new moves in BODYPUMP™ – the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This 60-minute workout challenges all your major muscle groups. Great music and inspiring instructors will challenge you to do more! BODYSTEP™ 9:15am
Come try the latest new moves in BODYSTEP™ – the energizing step workout that makes you feel liberated and alive. Using a height-adjustable step and simple movements on, over and around the step you get huge motivation from sing-a-long music and approachable instructors. BODYFLOW™ Launch Sunday, October 31; 10:00-11:00am & 11:00am-12:00pm Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
Beginning Swing, Latin and Ballroom
Adults 18+ Wednesdays, October 6-December 15; 7:00- 8:00pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Learn two of the most popular styles of social dancing, Swing & Latin and Ballroom. It doesn’t matter if you are new to dancing or just freshening up your old moves, Swing and Latin dance makes dancing fun as you learn techniques shared by the Jitterbug, Salsa, Cha Cha and Merengue. No partner required. Individual students will share partners, dance with the instructor, and practice moves independently. $100/JCC Member; $150/NM Contact Lynn Rosen-Stone at OM x502 or email
FREE fitness classes in Park Heights September 19...see back page for details!
BODYFLOW™ is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Controlled breathing, concentration and a carefully structured series of stretches, moves and poses to music create a holistic workout that brings the body into a state of Foundations of Jewish Family Living harmony and balance. Values for Jewish Parents Each class is made up of 45 minutes of simple but to Share with Their Children challenging exercises, followed by 10 minutes of relaxation and meditation. No homework. No grades. FREE Know Judaism. SPACE IS LIMITED. Members should pre-register to guarantee their spot. Non-members MUST preregister. Please call the Stulman Center for Adult Learning at For more information and to pre-register for these free demo classes, contact Amy Schwartz at OM x510 Chizuk Amuno Congregation or email for more information about
Belly Dancing to Shape Up
Ages 16+. Tuesdays, October 5-November 9; 7:15-8:15pm Rosenbloom OM JCC
Experience for yourself the beauty, grace and mystery of this ancient dance! You will learn rhythmic shimmies, isolation, and fluid snake like movements. Belly dancing improves your posture, flexibility, and body awareness. It’s a great workout for the waist, hips, and thighs, plus it’s fun! Learning to belly dance relieves stress, lowers back pain, and enhances self confidence. This is truly a dance for every body. $60/JCC Member; $90/NM
this exciting course, 410/824-2055/8. Tuition: Chizuk Amuno members $200 nonmembers $250
JCC A Center News
Associated Corner
Swim Lessons Sunday Lessons resume September 12 Weekday Lessons resume in October
CAMPAIGN 2011 Launches on September 28
It Takes One to Serve a Community. It Takes a Community to Serve One. With the successful 2010 Annual Campaign behind us, and the high holidays Regular four and eight-week sessions of American before us, leaders at THE ASSOCIATED have wasted no time in planning for Red Cross swim lessons will resume this month. 2011. “In this challenging environment, we know that we cannot rest on our For more information, contact Sue at laurels. Our team is already hard at work on the 2011 Campaign, which will 410.356.5200 x304 or kick-off on Tuesday, September 28, under the skilled leadership of Campaign Chair Debra S. Weinberg and Women’s Campaign Chair Laurie Luskin. Barracudas Swim Team Working in concert with our professionals and our new board chair, Bruce The Barracudas are the JCC of Sholk, I am confident they will be able to move the Annual Campaign forward Greater Baltimore’s year-round toward our next goal, and most importantly, advancing the strategic vision swim team. In 2009-2010, the for our community,� said Marc B. Terrill, President of THE ASSOCIATED. Barracudas went undefeated High Holiday season is the perfect time to make your annual gift to THE in League competition in the Mid-Atlantic Swim ASSOCIATED. League, and won the league Championship. The The ASSOCIATED’s Annual Campaign represents nearly 71 percent of team has also begun competing as a part of USA the ASSOCIATED’s total allocations. Despite recent improvements in the Swimming - America’s Swim TeamTM. economy, many in our community are still reeling from the effects of the For more information on how to try out or register financial downturn. To cope with the myriad of difficulties created by the for the Barracudas, visit recession, many who have not sought assistance in past years have relied upon the services of ASSOCIATED. Your gift to the Annual Campaign will Lifeguarding & WSI ensure that ASSOCIATED agencies that support larger than ever numbers of Certification Classes community members will have the resources to provide for them. A gift to Start in October THE ASSOCIATED will help hungry Jews at home and overseas, enable frail seniors to live independently, provide a Jewish education for a child, provide Get more information online, shelter and counseling for a victim of domestic violence and so much more. visit For Debs Weinberg, 2011 Campaign Chair, and a Jewish communal professional, the Annual Campaign has special meaning. LW WDNHV WR VHUYH D FRPPXQLW\ “The annual campaign is about one Jew, asking a second Jew to help a third Jew. For me it is very WR VHUYH RQH LW WDNHV D personal, because I know my family has been each of those ‘Jews.’ My great-grandparents benefited from the Jewish philanthropy they received to come 7+( $662&,$7(' -HZLVK &RPPXQLW\ )HGHUDWLRQ RI %DOWLPRUH to the U.S. and settle their large family on a farm in SURYLGHV D VDIHW\ QHW RI VHUYLFHV WR RXU %DOWLPRUH -HZLVK Baltimore County. My grandfather got a loan from the Jewish community through the Hebrew Free Loan FRPPXQLW\ /DVW \HDU EHFDXVH RI \RXU JHQHURVLW\ ZH ZHUH RQH Association (HFLA) during the 1930s that helped him RI WKH RQO\ ODUJH FLW\ )HGHUDWLRQV WR IXQG RXU DJHQFLHV DW to save his small business. Now I think of him when I ask others to help our ‘extended’ family and know I am ‘paying it back.’ Though we don’t always think about where we have come from, we all have these stories in our families. As Jews we are not indifferent to other’s suffering. We also know the benefits of being part of a community, people who care for one another. The annual campaign — this is our collective -RLQ XV DV ZH MXPS VWDUW DQRWKHU \HDU RI VXFFHVV responsibility at its best. One check is written that DQG VXSSRUW ZLWK RXU $QQXDO &DPSDLJQ helps so many, in so many places!� ZZZ DVVRFLDWHG RUJ It takes one to serve a community. It takes a community to serve one. Please give generously. Shana Tova
September 2010 A Elul/Tishrei 5770/5771
JCC Maccabi Games & Artsfest
Thank you to our generous sponsors and supporters of the 2010 JCC Maccabi Experience!
Baltimore Jewish Times Judi & Steve Fader Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos, P.C. Lowell and Harriet Glazer Family Foundation Modell’s Sporting Goods Armada Employer Services The Brickman Group Bernard and Vivian Manekin Foundation Bonnie & Pacy Oletsky
Poppy Schapiro Philanthropic Fund Rheda & Jerry Fader Tahina’s The Grandchildren of Harvey M. and Lyn P. Meyerhoff Philanthropic Fund The Russel Family
Coastal Sunbelt EnduraFit Israel & Mollie Myers Foundation Jack and Marilyn Pechter Foundation Lothorian Pools Maryland Public Television
Morton B. and Tamara S. Plant Family Foundation MTM Productions Ruth Marder Saval Foodservice Sysco
ArtsFest teens perform at the closing festival.
Visitors admire one of the murals created by ArtsFest participants.
JCC A Center News
JCC Maccabi Games & Artsfest Continued from page 1
Dance From The Heart Shannon Atran
Maccabi Staff Writer It’s not even nine in the morning and already everyone in the dance room is up and moving. The artists are learning multiple dance combinations from artist-in-residence Debra Deckelbaum. Deckelbaum has plenty of experience with dance, as she has studied at prestigious dance schools such as the Joffrey Ballet School and Alvin Ailey American Dance Center. Deckelbaum comforts the artists and says, “Don’t be nervous.” Luckily, the dancers seem to be more excited than nervous. Not only are the dancers excited to showcase their talent, but they are excited to collaborate with each other. It’s not every day that two teens from Cincinnati and Israel are dancing together side by side, learning the same dance combination. When they are not learning a new combination, dancers are practicing their newly learned combinations together. To most of the artists in the studio, dance in itself is a tradition. A 17-year-old from northern Virginia, Shayne Anderson has spent most of her life dancing. “Dancing is like breathing, it’s something you don’t think about. It comes from your heart and soul,” she explains.
Everywhere you turned August 9-12, the Owings Mills JCC was awash in JCC Maccabi activities. Included on this page are scenes featuring In-Line Hockey, Swimming and Table Tennis competitions as well as Dance practice and Visual Arts preparations.
September 2010 A Elul/Tishrei 5770/5771
Eden Café
September Hours Sunday at Park Heights 7:00am-7:00pm (starts 9/12) Sunday at Owings Mills 7:00am-7:00pm Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10:00pm Fridays in September 5:30am-6:00pm Saturday – Park Heights Closed Saturday – Owings Mills 1:00-6:00pm
at the Weinberg PH JCC Phone: 410.542.5185 Sunday: 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00am-8:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Café Teva
at the Rosenbloom OM JCC Phone: 410.356.5200 x560 Sunday: 8:00am-6:30pm Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00am-8:00pm Friday: 8:00am-2:00pm
Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Center 5700 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Baltimore, MD Permit No. 885
September Holiday Hours For all holiday related closings, SEE PAGE 3
Sunday, September 19 Try out these classes for FREE at the Weinberg PH JCC! Mind Body Studio (MBS)
12:00pm Teen Boys Boxing (Ages 12-16)
12:15pm Core Training for Men
12:35pm Zumba Kids (Girls Ages 6-8)
12:50pm Teen Boys Weightlifting (Ages 12-16)
1:10pm Core Training for Women
1:25pm Teen Boys Mixed Strength/Cardio (Ages 12-16)
For more information and to pre-register for these free demo classes, contact Jackie Foreman: 410.542.4900 x247 or
JCCs of North America
Group Fitness Studio (GFS)