July 2012 Media Clips

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Media Clips July 2012

Headline: City Notes Date: July 5, 2012 Re: Mention of JCCI Summer Series AIMPK Link to online story: http://bit.ly/NYl02g Value: $112 Copy:

• The next “Am I My Parents’ Keeper?” discussion by Jacksonville Community Council Inc. is planned from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. July 12 at JCCI offices. The topic will be “Paperwork 101: Navigating and Organizing It All.” For more information, visitwww.jcci.org.

Headline: Mayor Talks Changes at the Library Date: July 6, 2012 Re: Mention of JCCI- Community Works Library Inquiry Link to online story: http://bit.ly/O9ZPxW Value: $100 Copy:

The Jacksonville Public Library system is being cut to death, slowly but surely. A recent study from a JCCI group documented the impossible situation of a proud institution being picked at every year. What's worse, the library cannot even plan for these cuts. There is no budget for capital expenses or maintenance. The budget for materials is being cut every year. Yet, usage at the library has surged during the recession. During a recent visit with the Times-Union editorial board, Mayor Alvin Brown was asked about this. He showed familiarity with the issue and suggested a few ways that the system can operate more efficiently. That is fine and probably is necessary. But the fact remains, the current decision-making process is terribly flawed.

Headline: ONE by ONE Open Conversation Date: July 10, 2012 Re: ONE by ONE Conversation Link to online story: http://bit.ly/PonglX Value: $100 Copy:

JCCI and the Jacksonville Public Education Fund cordially invite YOU to a conversation about the future of public schools. Through the ONE by ONE campaign, the Jacksonville Public Education Fund aim to talk with thousands of people across Duval County about what we want for our community and our schools — an urgent priority that we must address in order to ensure the future success of our city. Then, through the collective power of many united voices, those conversations will lead to an action plan.

Headline: First Coast Happenings Date: July 11, 2012 Re: Mention of JCCI Summer Series: AIMPK Link to online story: http://bit.ly/Q5NSWu Value: $100

Headline: Bishop calls for “sustainability committee” Date: July 11, 2012 Re: Mention of JCCI Forward Link to online story: http://bit.ly/Oaaw3G Value: $148 Copy:

City Council President Bill Bishop said Tuesday he will create a committee of Council members, civic and business leaders to review the financial relationship between the City and its independent agencies. Bishop and Council member Matt Schellenberg called a meeting to discuss creating a City “sustainability” committee that would review funds that might be available from JEA, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, the Jacksonville Port Authority and the Jacksonville Aviation Authority. Bishop wants to know whether each independent authority has money set aside that the City could recoup for Headline: Bishop to leadmaintenance City Council running overall government, and services. The committee would look for Date: June 2012 those funds as well as discuss the possibility of selling some City-owned property, even if Re:atMention Jacksonville Community Council Inc. not appraisedof value, to generate tax revenue. However, Schellenberg advised that the Link to online story: http://bit.ly/NKWhxh independent agencies needed their funds, not only for debt and operating expenses but Value: $30 also because they would know best about how to spend any extra resources. After the Copy: meeting, Schellenberg used an example of the port.“If they had extra money, don’t you think they’d be using it toward dredging?” he asked. Bishop contends there could be money to be found and the overall relationship of the City and independent agencies needs to be reviewed and potentially “reset” because they do not have the same goals. District Councilman Bishop, a longtime local architect He said 2 the authorities’Bill inherent goals are to provide servicesand while making money, resident of the Clifton area near St. Nicholas, will be the next which differs from the City’s goals. Bishop said he hoped to form the committee by the president of the Jacksonville City Council. end of the month. It will consist of about a dozen members from Council and the civic and business communities. He said it could meet weekly or every other week for six to eight months, “not unlike a JCCI study.” The Jacksonville Community Council Inc. nonprofit studies at least one annual topic for eight months, presenting recommendations at the conclusion. Bishop will chair the effort and will appoint someone outside Council as vice chair. He has not appointed committee members yet. Schellenberg said he would like to be on it. The committee would create a “white paper” report that Council members could use to create legislation if they find merit in the results. dchapman@baileypub.com

Headline: City Notes Date: July 12, 2012 Re: JCCI Summer Series, AIMPK Link to online story: http://bit.ly/LQhLNq Value: $112 Copy:

Shelley Kulchin of Senior Solutions at Jewish Family & Community Services and lawyer Robert Morgan of Robert Morgan & Associates are scheduled to speak today at the fourth of six Jacksonville Community Council Inc. Summer Series sessions about “Am I My Parents’ Keeper?” The discussion is 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at JCCI at 2434 Atlantic Blvd. Today’s topic is “Paperwork 101: Navigating and Organizing it All.” For information, visit www. jcci.org.

Headline: A Stronger Sisterhood Date: July 12, 2012 Re: Mention BOD member Jennifer Chapman Link to online story: http://bit.ly/Maer0Y Value: $250 Copy:

Headline: One in eight Jacksonville students have attempted suicide Date: July 14, 2012 Re: 2007 JCCI Forward report "Youth Suicide: Hidden Crisis." Link to online story: http://bit.ly/SXo9Te Value: $100 Copy:

One in eight high school students in Jacksonville have tried to take their life. One in eight. “It’s shocking and it’s extremely sad,” said Kim Sirdevan, vice president of clinical services at Youth Crisis Center. “I think it’s sad for our county to see that so many kids are in pain, and I think it’s shocking to see how statistically higher we are than the country.”

The one-in-eight figure is higher than attempts in cities like Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Detroit, according to the latest national results of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Duval County’s survey findings were released in January, but the national results were released in June. There isn’t a clear explanation for why Jacksonville’s high school students have such high suicide attempt rates, but local experts said it’s an issue that deserves more attention and study. “We’ve failed to understand the complexity and challenges that children and youth are dealing with every day,” said Jeff Goldhagen, professor and chief of the division of community pediatrics at University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville. Goldhagen said children’s lives are largely a secret in our community because of failure to listen to them. Jacksonville isn’t different than other cities, Goldhagen said, but its children may be experiencing the risk factors for suicide in deeper ways. Stress, access to firearms, substance abuse, low mental health funding and a lack of mental health professionals creates a “perfect storm,” he said. Across the country, nearly 8 percent of high school students have attempted suicide, according to CDC’s survey. In Florida, about 7 percent of high school students have attempted suicide. In Georgia, it’s nearly 11 percent. But in Duval County nearly 13 percent of high school students have attempted suicide. Duval is one of 21 large urban school districts surveyed for the CDC. Miami, Broward, Palm Beach and Orange counties also participate. Duval’s percent of high school students that have attempted suicide is highest in the state among survey participants. Palm Beach is the closest with only 8.5 percent. Denise Marzullo, president and CEO of Mental Health American of Northeast Florida, said funding plays a big role. A 2009 report by Duval County’s Health Department found that the Department of Children and Families Northeast Region, which includes Duval, receives nearly the least funding per capita in the state. “We just don’t value mental health in this community according to the funding,” Marzullo said. “Mental health and suicide are intertwined, you can’t talk about one without the other.” The stigma surrounding suicide and mental health can impact a community’s ability to deal with issue, as cited by the Jacksonville Community Council Inc. Forward’s 2007 “Youth Suicide: Hidden Crisis” report. The report is partly credited with helping Jacksonville land a three-year $1.5 million federal grant to conduct suicide prevention training in the city. That grant expired in 2011. Sometimes the challenge is trying to convince parents and guardians about the dangers of untreated mental health. Sirdevan said she encounters it at times after doing a screening. “When it’s reported back to the family they feel that the kid is making it up or looking for attention,” she said. “So it’s really unfortunate that parents aren’t listening to these warning signs.” A federal grant awarded to the Children’s Commission in late 2010 and to the nonprofit Partnership for Child Health aims to stymie the numbers seen in the CDC survey.

The six-year, $9 million grant with another $3 million in local matching funds will be used to improve Jacksonville’s fragmented system of care, focusing on children with or at risk of having serious emotional disturbances. Elise Fallucco, child and adolescent psychiatrist, is using part of the grant and funding from Nemours to research and train pediatricians to screen for depression and suicide risk factors. About 40 doctors signed up for the training in the fall. “It’s easier to get some treatment before things have progressed and become more severe and more complicated,” Fallucco said. The study will start in August with baseline assessment to see how well doctors are screening for depression and suicide risk factors. Fallucco is also hoping her research results in changes in how pediatricians are taught and trained in residency programs, to include suicide risk assessment. Ryan Butterfield, a researcher with UF Shands’ Center for Health Equity and Quality Research division, said all the First Coast organizations working in mental health need to collaborate to eliminate duplicative services and reach the most people possible. Butterfield is working to develop a coalition focused on raising awareness, reducing the number of suicides in the region and affecting policy. He said the group needs more volunteers and organizations to get involved to get started. “Individuals who have ties to community groups, who can represent their PTA, school, church, and community are encouraged to be active and involved,” he said. ”This is not a topic that is specific to a certain race, age, or sex.” In the end the community has to do more, Goldhagen said. “If we look in the mirror,” he said, “we’ll understand the reason why children and youth in our communities have profound issues with respect to suicide and attempted suicide. We as a community need to respond.” Topher Sanders: (904) 359-4169

Headline: T-U Editor’s Note: Taking a look at Jacksonville Teen Suicides Date: July 15, 2012 Re: 2007 JCCI Forward report "Youth Suicide: Hidden Crisis." Link to online story: http://bit.ly/LVluVa Value: $100 Copy:

Dear reader: Our ongoing "Hope: Raising Our Children" project focuses on parenting and education — keys to our children's futures — but the one more important issue is their safety. The possible loss of a child is every parent's worst nightmare. It happens far too often in our community, by their own hands. As we reported on the front page Saturday, 12.7 percent of Jacksonville high school students — one in eight — say they have attempted suicide. That's almost double the state percentage and more than a third

higher than the nation, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Fortunately, few succeed — though the number increased from just one in 2010 to five last year. Across Florida, 93 young people took their lives in 2011, a 37 percent increase from 2010 and the most in the last five years. Confounding the issue are stigmas surrounding youth suicide, and suicide in general, according to a 2007 Jacksonville Community Council Inc. Forward report called "Youth Suicide: Hidden Crisis." Shauna Terrell and her parents are sharing their story with Times-Union readers in the hope that other families learn from their experience and find ways to communicate about sensitive issues like bullying and mental illness, which often can be factors in youth suicides. Times-Union reporter Topher Sanders and former T-U photographer Kelly Jordan spent months interviewing the Terrell family and learning about Shauna's journey. Throughout the reporting, we made sure the family was comfortable with the direction of their story. Although Shauna's story is frightening, and heartrending, at times, it emerges into the light of great hope. The changes she experienced and her desire for life should be inspiring for others dealing with these issues. Please note the resources we offer here. In addition, we are working with Communities in Schools to host a constructive conversation between the Terrells and other teenagers and families still struggling in the darkness. We welcome your reaction and ideas. Frank Denton Editor

Headline: Community Service and JCCI Forward Date: July 17, 2012 Re: JCCI Forward Link to online story: http://bit.ly/NyxS36 Value: $100 Copy:

The Process: ”Bringing people together in an atmosphere of mutual respect.” Ben Warner, President & CEO Community service extends beyond the regular work day for professionals in Jacksonville. Contribution to community involvement is important to the growth and vitality of any city. A civic connection and the participation of young professionals outside of normal business hours in community events and activities, sharing in civic responsibility, being a role model and mentor to others. These actions display a respect and love that can only

be appreciated and understood by those that volunteer as servants to their community. The involvement of JCCI Forward (Jacksonville Community Council Inc.) is legendary in its community involvement not just as a nonprofit organization, but as an organization of professionals that are involved and dedicated to the Jacksonville community. Members of JCCI Forward share their organizational skill sets, leadership knowledge and community resources. The availability of forums, workshops and social events represents a progressive desire to instill the value of professional development and civic involvement that involves young professionals the opportunity to be engaged and involved. The intent is NOT to be a geeky, nerdy, intellectual group, some in the community mistakenly have this perception, truthfully the idea that young professionals can come together and share liked minded ideas that improve their communities. The establishment of an intellectual base is not the ultimate goal, but the availability of mental stimulation along with civic involvement produces growth in people that encourage growth in the community. Common knowledge suggests that a learning community is a growing community. The connection and involvement of JCCI Forward’s Executive Board and members extending into the community can be seen throughout Northeast Florida. Jacksonville is moving to establish herself as a major partner in national and international business partnerships and counts educational attainment, community support and social engagement as a means to compete globally and establish relationships that extend the profile of an engaged community. Jacksonville, Florida cannot rely just on the St. Johns River, ports, railways, military bases and other businesses to promote this dynamic and multicultural community. There must be educational, technological, and multi dimensional markets that cater to multi ethnic and cultural interests. JCCI Forward / JCCI encourages participations from the whole community not a select few. To effectively prepare our business and educational community to compete in global competition, building social infrastructures of learning and engage the community at large. Learning opportunities, networking functions, the relevant studies reinforce the presence of intelligent, forward thinking community and vibrant business / educational community is only as strong as the professional development and continuous learning opportunities that are provided in a community. JCCI Forward provides professional development, forums and workshops that build skill sets second to none. Business just as in education calls for an increased presence of leadership to guide, inspire, encourage and motivate the community for growth. JCCI Forward’s networking extends beyond the workplace. Extending in the community and sharing a wealth of leadership knowledge, cultural understanding, and financial experience. Establishing civic and business relationships to create additional opportunities to bridge cultural, ethnic, religious, gender and educational gaps. Being a member of JCCI FORWARD is a great opportunity for people of Northeast Florida that

share a mind set of the spirit of civic commitment, an entrepreneurial outlook to connect with business, civic involvement in our community of Jacksonville. This is a win-win situation for a business community and the educational community. The quest is for the sharing of knowledge, encouraging creativity, and progressive thinking that contributes to the growth of the community. Those in business, education and even social avenues need to diversify their relationships and open doors to collaborative efforts that benefit the communities. What better way to promote the positive aspects of lifelong learning and cultivate relationships than to participate in organizations such as JCCI Forward that bring out the best in people of diverse intellectual / professional backgrounds with a desire of civic pride. JCCI Forward is an initiative of JCCI that seeks to engage men and women in civic involvement and to prepare them for their future roles as community leaders. The community at large and business community always benefits when both understand their civic responsibility and their connectivity to the success and growth of the community. JCCI Forward provides avenues, and opportunities for worthwhile engagement. William Jackson, M.Ed. JCCI FORWARD Executive Committee Member www.jcciforward.org Duval County Public Schools and Edward Waters College

Headline: Karen Brune Mathis: Just another JCCI study? Not this time Date: July 18, 2012 Re: Jacksonville Community Council Inc. Link to online story: http://bit.ly/NyJBPq Value: $100 Copy:

Have you ever heard: - Jacksonville has an inferiority complex. - Jacksonville doesn't know what it wants to be when it grows up. - Jacksonville hasn't outlived its earlier name, Cowford. If you have the patience or interest in participating in another community self-inspection, you can help redirect those statements. Jacksonville Community Council Inc. intends to launch what for now is called "JAX2025."

It's a community visioning process that CEO Ben Warner hopes will sharpen the city's focus on its assets and priorities for at least a dozen years. It is being designed to bridge the terms of elected officials, and JCCI is committed to following through on the findings. The comment about "another community self-inspection" wasn't intended to be flippant. Rather, it refers to the dozens of community studies produced by JCCI since its formation in 1975 and the dozens more by other groups. It's just that so many studies, visions, strategic plans and white papers have taken so much of our collective time that it makes one wonder what one more will accomplish. Warner's aware of that. "We know perfectly well there have been a lot of great ideas thrown out there," he said. "How do we take the energy of Jacksonville and the many hundreds of great initiatives and harness them to focus on a shared common future?" he said. Warner said it's time to see. "We don't have a shared vision and we haven't convened to talk about it in a broad-based meaningful way since Ed Austin," he said, referring to the former mayor who led Jacksonville Insight 20 years ago in which hundreds of citizens gathered to develop 10 priorities. Warner said JCCI has launched a "vision scan, where we go through every initiative in the last 15 years where people have conceptualized and thought about the future." Common themes will be posted at www.jcci.org for public comment. JCCI wants to gather suggestions from at least 10,000 people through surveys, group presentations and a January meeting of at least 2,000 people at the Prime Osborn Convention Center — the site of Insight — to develop priorities. Teams will branch out, regroup and create a primary vision statement to be presented in May. It will kick off at the JCCI annual meeting Sept. 14, when the CEO of the JCCI-led San Antonio visioning project, SA2020, visits. Warner said he's already reached about 85 percent of the estimated $500,000 to $600,000 needed for the project and that no public money will be used. "When it's done, there will be parts for a lot of people to play," he said. That includes you. Karen Brune Mathis is managing editor of the Financial News & Daily Record and can be reached at kmathis@baileypub.com. The website is www.jaxdailyrecord.com.

Headline: Chartrand Foundation funds "Conversations for Education" project Date: July 18, 2012 Re: Mention of Jacksonville Community Council Inc. Link to online story: http://bit.ly/P6SzOo Value: $100 Copy:

Four Jacksonville-based nonprofits will share $75,000 in grants to host community discussions about barriers to local youths' academic success and to build a network of advocates. The grant will fund research-based strategies, tools and resources for "Conversations for Education," to be held by the Emergency Services & Homeless Coalition, Hope Haven Children’s Clinic & Family Center, Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network and Cathedral Arts Project, according to a news release. The grants will come from the Chartrand Foundation, through partnerships with the Community Foundation in Jacksonville, JCCI, the Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida and WJCT. The Chartrand Foundation, an advocate for early childhood and public education, has awarded more than $6 million in since its inception. But the family foundation has "sharpened its focus and support of initiatives that foster a culture of research-based dialogue, engagement," according to the release. “We strongly believe that conversations must move beyond the water cooler and dinner tables to real and robust community dialogue and deliberations that lead to a greater understanding of public issues and common ground for public action and advocacy,” Ashley Smith Juarez, Executive Director, The Chartrand Foundation, said in the release. “Over the past several years, our work in education reform has revealed that organizations need opportunities to build capacity for community engagement, interagency collaboration and advocacy as value-added tools in achieving their missions." Chartrand’s “Conversations for Education” model features a three-pronged approach. Building conversations, headed up by JCCI; conducting host organization meetings about plans and partnerships, with the Nonprofit Center taking the lead; and production of videotaped recordings for increased community education, with WJCT at the helm, according to the release. “There are so many organizations in our city with strong leaders and boards who are quite capable and committed,” Smith Juarez said in the release. “Yet, they are so busy doing quality direct service work that advocacy is something that they do when time permits." For more information, go to thechartrandfoundation.org.

Headline: Pension elephant is roaming at City HallDate: July 18, 2012 Re: Mention of JCCI Library Inquiry

Link to online story: http://bit.ly/MbDFfx Value: $100 Copy:

Mayor Alvin Brown’s job over the next few months is to educate the people of Jacksonville about the elephant loose in City Hall. The pension elephant is about to stomp on just about everything in its tracks. Libraries are being closed, police officers are being laid off, toxic ash cleanup is being put off. In short, the quality of life in Jacksonville will be declining until city leaders come to terms with pensions that are not realistic. Some may portray this as a battle between public safety and everything else, but that is as phony as it is temporary. The portion of the city budget that is growing at the fastest rate is the part that is funding retirees. Let’s stipulate that retirees performed their service faithfully to the city and that previous city leaders made these promises. But that was before the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. There are only two ways to deal with the pension crisis: Raise revenue or cut pensions. The voters of Jacksonville elected Alvin Brown as mayor with the promise that neither taxes nor fees would be raised. Jacksonville Community Council Inc., in its lengthy study of the city’s financial condition, presented a variety of ways to raise revenues to fund pensions and benefits. Raising revenues was wishful thinking. It means going into debt or raising taxes. The city is in no position to do either. The mayor addressed the pension burden in his address Monday to the City Council. That’s a start because there has been a taboo on addressing the pension crisis forthrightly. But he still has a lot of work to do to inform citizens of the size of the crisis that is brewing. Mayor John Peyton proposed a pension deal that would affect only new city employees. It was small, a first step, but the danger was that people would perceive this as a real solution. Brown has chosen to wait, now a year into his term, until he can deliver a proposal that is big enough to be considered a solution. Now he has no choice. Since communication is his strength, Brown ought to work the pension elephant into every speech he gives in the city. If we would write a speech for the mayor, here is what he ought to say. A speech for the mayor It’s great to be here today in Florida’s premier business city, a city on the move, with a dynamic port, a government that works together, a strong nonprofit sector and a new enthusiasm. You can feel the energy in Jacksonville about to explode. The only thing that is holding back the city from taking on new challenges and great new programs is a city budget that is tied to the past. Our budget was designed for a world where most people received defined benefit pensions. Now many workers are lucky to receive a contribution to their 401(k). Our dreams for the future require a certain amount of government funding. We simply can’t embrace the future on the cheap or cut ourselves to greatness.

But right now our city budget is being eaten up with pension benefits that seem a luxury to many of the taxpayers paying the bills. We must bring them in line, not because we are punishing retirees — far from it. We value their service, but the revenue is not here to pay all of the bills. I meet people every day who are struggling. Homes in foreclosure, adult children living at home, people who were laid off working two and three jobs. I cannot in good conscience raise taxes on those people. All of us must sacrifice a little for the good of the city, for the future of all of us. We cannot afford to devote an amount equal to 82 percent the payroll of our public safety employees to pension benefits, which is projected for next year. I will not allow Jacksonville to go bankrupt, like Stockton, Calif., but that will happen if we don’t make tough decisions in the near future. I welcome anyone’s constructive ideas for coping with this issue, but there are two things I will not do. I will not delay the tough choices any longer. And I will not raises taxes. I have made sacrifices as mayor. I am leading the way. I am asking everyone to share in the pain, including those who enjoy today the benefits that we cannot afford to pay. We did not ask for this economy. But we must deal with it.

Headline: Connor Hollingsworth Obituary Date: July 21, 2012 Re: JCCI Member Deceased Link to online story: http://bit.ly/MQBETZ Value: $100 Copy:

HOLLINGSWORTH Captain Connor Wright Hollingsworth (USMC Retired), 89, passed away quietly at St. Vincent's Medical Center in Jacksonville on July 16, 2012 in the company family and loved ones. Wright was born January 20, 1923 in Dover, Georgia, the son of Clayton Hillis Hollingsworth and Hazel Wright Hollingsworth. Growing up in Cave Spring, Georgia on the campus of the Georgia School for the Deaf where his father was superintendent, he graduated from of Cave Spring High School in 1940. Wright enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1942. While serving in the Marine Corps, Wright attended college at Georgia Military College, the University of Tennessee, Duke University, and Florida State University earning Bachelor of Science and Masters of Science degrees. Wright was a stellar student and athlete- representing the Marine Corps as a finalist in the decathlon in the 1948 U.S. Olympic Trials. He proudly served his country in China and Korea, sustaining life-threatening wounds during the invasion of Inchon. As a tribute to his leadership and courage during the Korean conflict, Wright was awarded the Purple Heart in 1950. He retired from service at the rank of Captain in 1951. Through the tireless efforts of retired Lt. Col. Marvin Gardner and other members of his

platoon-who both saved his life during battle and campaigned for his recognition fifty-six years later, Wright received the Bronze Star in 2008. Wright married the former Marjorie Joyner of Americus, Georgia on October 26, 1951. The couple moved to Jacksonville, Florida in 1954 where he has since lived as a devoted husband, father, and friend to all. From 1954 until his retirement in 1984, Wright served the citizens of Florida as an Administrator and Director with the Florida Alcoholic Rehabilitation Program, Florida Department of Public Welfare, and the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. In 1970, the State Legislature adopted the State Medicaid Implementation Plan authored by Wright-thus establishing the State's Medicaid program. Wright would serve as the program's first director until 1976. A longtime member of the Riverside Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as well as the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville, Wright has been active in a number of community service activities. He has served as President of the Rotary Club of West Jacksonville, the Mental Health Association Board of Directors, Hollybrook Homes Chairman of the Board, Jacksonville Community Council, Inc., and the Board of Directors of the St. Johns Dinner Club. His years of tireless service to others; his heroic, yet humble nature; and his devotion to his family, church, and innumerable friends are greatly appreciated by all who were fortunate to have known him. Wright is pre-deceased by his wife-Marjorie Joyner Hollingsworth. Surviving are their children Lee Wright Hollingsworth, his wife Emily, and their children John Clayton, Katherine, and Langdon, of Roswell, Georgia; Dr. Lorraine Hollingsworth Dajani, her husband Dr. Omar Dajani, and their children Lemise, Jenna, and Omar, of Jacksonville; Virginia Ann Hollingsworth Arthur and her husband Steve Arthur, of Petaluma, California; and Michael Joyner Hollingsworth, his wife Sibyl, and their daughter Christina, also of Jacksonville-as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. Visitation and last respects will be paid on Friday, July 20, at 5:00 p.m. at Hardage-Giddens Funeral Home, 729 Edgewood Avenue South in Jacksonville. Memorial services in celebration of his life will be held on Saturday, July 21, at the Riverside Avenue Christian Church, 2841 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville 32205, at 2:00 pm, with a reception following. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that any donations be sent to Riverside Avenue Christian Church.

Headline: Pension elephant is roaming at City Hall Date: July 21, 2012 Re: JCCI Member Mike Weinstein Link to online story: http://bit.ly/MQBETZ Value: $100 Copy:

The race for Florida Senate, District 4, involves a district that is 85 percent in Duval County and 15 percent in Nassau County. Aaron Bean, who spent his elementary school years in Duval County and works here, has focused much of his public life on Nassau County.

Mike Weinstein, a Duval County resident, is making this residency a key point of his campaign. The winner will face Democrat Nancy Soderberg in November. What follows are questionnaires and resumes on both candidates along with a brief video from the interview with the editorial board. REP. MIKE WEINSTEIN Campaign website: www.electmikeweinstein.com/ What is your major accomplishment in public life? My major accomplishment in public life is my tenure as the Executive Director of the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission bringing thousands of jobs through many different companies throughout Northeast Florida, including my role in the negotiations with the Jaguars, and as President of Jacksonville’s Super Bowl. Have you ever been sued, arrested or filed for bankruptcy? No. What endorsements have you received? Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, Northeast Florida Builders Association, Associated Industries of Florida, North Florida Hispanic Leadership Alliance, Former Jacksonville City Council President Stephen Joost, Jacksonville City Council President Bill Bishop, Duval County Property Appraiser Jim Overton, Jacksonville City Councilman Matt Schellenberg, Jacksonville City Councilman Doyle Carter, Jacksonville City Councilman Don Redman, Jacksonville City Councilman Clay Yarborough, Jacksonville Beach Mayor Fland Sharp, Atlantic Beach Mayor Mike Borno, Jacksonville Beach City Councilman Lee Buck, Jacksonville Beach City Councilman Steve Hartkemeyer, Jacksonville Beach City Councilman Jeanell Wilson, Jacksonville Beach City Councilman Rick Knight, Jacksonville Beach City Councilwoman Penny Christian, Atlantic Beach Mayor Pro Tem Maria Mark, Atlantic Beach City Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty, Jacksonville Association of Firefighters, Nassau County Firefighters, Jacksonville Fire Chiefs, Jacksonville community leader Wyman Duggan, Jacksonville Jaguars original owner Wayne Weaver, Jacksonville business and political leader Tom Petway, First Coast Tea Party CoFounder Billie Tucker, Florida Tea Party Network Leader Patricia Sullivan, State Representative Charles Van Zant, State Representative Larry Metz, Jacksonville community leader Mike Hogan, Nassau County Teachers, Former Duval County School Board Chair Nancy Broner, Former Jacksonville International Business Director George Banks, Former City Council President Henry Cook, Governor Rick Scott’s Campaign Manager Susie Wiles, Former Jacksonville City Council Members Dick and Elaine Brown, Fraternal Order of Police, Duval County Teachers More to be made public in the coming days What are the major issues in your district and how do you intend to address them? Like the rest of the State and country, jobs and the economy are the number one issue. For Northeast Florida specifically I would add Education and workforce preparation. I will continue the effort I was a part of the last four years in the legislature toward business deregulation and the elimination of meaningless and duplicative obstacles facing the private business sector. I will also continue to move toward the complete elimination of Florida’s corporate tax and continue our effort in tort reform. We must modernize and improve the way we educate our children and retrain our adult workforce. I will continue to advocate to determine the

appropriate funding level for public education. As a result of my five years’ experience as statewide President of Take stock in Children, I am committed to continue to advocate to determine the impact on the public education system that remains as we increase the opportunities for school choice and education reform What have you done to address the issues of infant mortality and Medicaid? I have made this issue a high priority in both research and prevention so that it would be spared from severe budget cuts over the last few years while we produced a balanced Florida budget. The ultimate solution as it is for all societal ills is a proper education. The higher education of mothers and the availability of adequate medical care are necessary steps to lower infant mortality. For Medicaid specifically, I would continue to push for more competition in medical service delivery, more state control not federal, and reasonable compensation for services delivered. What cost-saving ideas do you have for a state government that is stressed financially? Exercise zero based budgeting to produce proper prioritization so that every category of expenditures will be eliminated at the end of each year and would have to be justified for any expenditures the following year. Push responsibility and decisions to the local level without mandates. Get rid of duplication and possibly entire State government departments. As Chief Financial Officer for the City of Jacksonville for Mayor Austin and Mayor Delaney, I understand that government budgeting is purely a process of prioritization. A budget can always be balanced. Do you support tolls for the outer beltway, even on roads already paid for with local funds? No, especially on already existing roads. Should the Florida Legislature have to comply with the same Government in Sunshine law that all other public officials must use? Yes. WEINSTEIN RESUME Mike Weinstein was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2008 serving District 19. He serves as a prosecutor and the Executive Director for the State Attorney’s Office. Previously, Mike was President of Take Stock in Children, a position he formally accepted on September 2, 2003. Take Stock in Children is a scholarship and mentoring program that has purchased more than $90 million in scholarships, serving more than 13,000 low-income children in Florida. Prior to joining Take Stock in Children, he served as president and CEO of the Jacksonville Super Bowl Host Committee, a private, an organization responsible for developing, organizing and implementing Jacksonville’s plan for Super Bowl XXXIX. Weinstein led the team responsible for developing the city’s successful bid application for the 2005 game. With more than 30 years of financial and management experience, Weinstein has devoted much of his leadership and expertise to the public sector. In 1996, he was appointed by Mayor John Delaney to serve as executive director of the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission, an agency comprising 12 divisions dedicated to economic development.. Operating with the corporate philosophy that economic development molds and shapes our

community’s future, his leadership negotiating with private companies brought Jacksonville more than $2 billion in private capital investment and created or retained more than 20,500 jobs from 1996 - 2001. Prior to this position, Weinstein served as Director of the Administration and Finance Department under both the Austin and Delaney administrations. In this capacity, he was responsible for an operating budget of $129 million and a staff of 586 full-time employees, labor negotiations, and the development of the River City Renaissance Bond initiative. He also participated in negotiations and management of the city’s stadium lease, which led the National Football League to award Jacksonville the 30th NFL expansion franchise.Weinstein also spent 15 years in law management as the executive director of the State Attorney’s Office, and six years as a college lecturer, where he published several articles on management. He was also a partner at Harris, Guidi, Rosner & Mordecai, P.A., where he specialized in government and environmental issues. Weinstein earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Hartwick College in New York, a Masters of Science in criminal justice from California State University and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Florida. He has also completed two years of Doctoral Studies in criminology at Florida State University. A strong proponent of equal higher educational opportunities, Weinstein is a Trustee of Florida Community College at Jacksonville and previously worked with Florida A&M University to raise money for scholarships for Duval County students. He is also a member of the Police Athletic League and Florida’s First Coast Crime Stoppers. He is a graduate of the 1985 Class of Leadership Jacksonville and served on the board of the Air Service Development Task Force. He serves on the Board of the Salvation Army. He was a member of Downtown Rotary and volunteers his time with the Jacksonville Community Council, Inc. (JCCI) and the North Florida Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. He and Sara, his wife of over 34 years, have three children, Scott (Meg), Daryl (Mandy) and Danielle (Aaron) and three grand-children. Mike and Sara are active members of Christian Family Chapel in Mandarin. FORMER STATE REP. AARON BEAN Campaign website: aaronbean.com/ What is your major accomplishment in public life? Serving in the Florida House and passing legislation creating Florida Health Choices, a marketplace of healthcare for small businesses. Have you ever been sued, arrested or filed for bankruptcy? No What endorsements have you received? Former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Florida), Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater (R-Florida), Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam (R-Florida), Senator John Thrasher (R-St. Augustine), Senator Steve Wise (R-Jacksonville), Representative Dennis Baxley (R-Ocala), Mayor Stan Totman of Baldwin, Vice Mayor Kara Tucker of Neptune Beach, Mayor Arlene Filkoff of

Fernandina Beach, Mayor David Buchanan of Hilliard, Mayor Shirley Graham of Callahan, Jacksonville City Councilman Ray Holt, County Clerk of the Court and Comptroller John Crawford, former Chair of Duval Republican Party and former Chair of the Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce Mike Hightower, Nassau County Tax Collector John Drew, former Jacksonville Jaguar Tony Boselli, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Medical Association in endorsing Bean for Florida Senate District 4, which includes Duval and Nassau Counties. What are the major issues in your district and how do you intend to address them? 1. Creating jobs: Work to continually attract jobs and help companies grow jobs 2. Education: Work for more choices for parents and less paperwork for teachers and create a three-type diploma plan to address students not attending college 3. Health care: Work to bring a marketplace of health care to Floridians and create a sustainable safety net that Florida can afford for the long term What have you done to address the issues of infant mortality and Medicaid? When I was in the Legislature as Chairman of Health care Appropriations I directed resources to programs that are already working that need to be given resources that address infant mortality. Project SOS - an abstinence program that delivers results, Health Start which helps expecting moms with vital information on nutrition and pregnancy. During the time I was in office I also helped with legislation for Medicaid reform, slowing the growth rate of Medicaid spending. Finally, the best solution for both of these issues is getting more people having private health coverage (so they are off Medicaid and have pregnancies covered by insurance). I sponsored a bill creating Florida Health Choices Corporation. The FHCC is a public private partnership that is creating a health care exchange for employees of small businesses in Florida and is expected to launch in January, 2013. What cost-saving ideas do you have for a state government that is stressed financially? Sunsetting all recurring appropriations and allocations. All programs, agencies and payments would have an end date subject to the legislature renewing the allocation for another set period of time. Do you support tolls for the outer beltway, even on roads already paid for with local funds? Not on roads already paid for with local funds. Should the Florida Legislature have to comply with the same Government in Sunshine law that all other public officials must use? Yes, under the same circumstances. BEAN RESUME WORK EXPERIENCE 2009-Present: Relationship Development officer, /Shands Hospital, Jacksonville. Responsibilities include strategic planning and building corporate relationships in the Greater Jacksonville area for one of the largest Health Systems and only trauma center in Northeast Florida.

2009-Present: Owner and Operator, Putt-Putt of Fernandina Beach. A franchise of Putt-Putt, this has two l8-hole courses on leased,oceanfront land from the City of Fernandina Beach. Includes a small concession stand and has employed dozens of local teens. 2009-Present: Co-owner, 8 Flags Insurance Company, Fernandina Beach. 50% owner of this retail insurance agency. Work with my partner in referrals and company strategic planning. 1998-2008: City President, Compass Bank of Nassau County. In addition to the Banking Center Manager responsibilities, I oversaw the recruitment and development of a four-member advisory board and launched the opening of a second Amelia Island branch in 2000. My focus shifted to attracting and retaining larger individual and commercial customers. During my tenure, Compass Ba:nkgrewfrom 3% market share to over 15% while six new banks and credit unions entered the market. 1997-1998: Banking Center Manager, Compass,Bank. In addition to the sales duties of the Relationship Banking Officer, I WAS responsible for day-to-day operations of the Fernandina Beach branch. These responsibilities included overseeing a 10-person staff, ensuring adeguate cash and document controls, and exceeding customer service standards. 1996-1997: Relationship Banking Officer, Compass Bank. Responsible for developing and maintaining valuable relationships for the bank. In addition to commercial and residential loans and deposits, I sold various financial products including certificates of deposit, fixed and variable annuities, and mutual funds. 1993-1996: Owner and Broker, The Prudential Island Realty. Partner in a start-up real estate franchise. Within 18 months was one of the largest firms in Nassau County with 18 agents. While continuing to sell properties, responsibilities included day-to-day operations, agent recruitment, strategic planning, listing advertising and client communication. 1991-1993: Associate, The Joel Embry Development Company. Listed and managed residential and commercial real estate. 1990-1991: Economic Development Manager, Amelia Island - Fernandina Beach - Yulee Chamber of Commerce. Responsible for attracting businesses to Nassau County and helping existing businesses expand jobs and operations in the county. Acted as liaison with local government and businesses to facilitate a prosperous business climate. Also led the Chamber’s first ever trade show and assisted with membership. POLITICAL EXPERIENCE 2006-2008: Chairman, Health Care Council, Florida House of Representatives. This 16 member council with seven staff oversees six state agencies - the Department of Health, Department of Children and Families, Agency for Healthcare Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, and the Department of Elder Affairs through the management of four health-related committees. Oversaw all healthrelated legislation in the Florida House and prepared a total budget of $22.8 billion dollars. During the

special and regular sessions of 2008, Health Care Council reduced health spending by over $1.1 billion. 2004-2006: Chairman, Health Care Appropriations, Florida House of Representatives. This 12member committee was responsible for preparing a budget for all health-related spending. This committee with five-member staffprepared budgets in excess of$23.5 bjJJjon. 2002-2004: Chairman, Children’s Services, Florida House of Representatives. Chaired this 11- member committee and five-member staff that oversaw, reviewed and analyzed all legislation concerning the Florida Department of Children and Families, Child Support, and Community-Based Foster Care. 2002-2004: Chairman, Corrections, Florida House of Representatives. Chaired this sevenmember committee and three-member staff that oversaw, reviewed and analyzed all legislation concerning the Florida Correctional System. 2002-2004: Majority Deputy Whip, Florida House of Representatives. Assisted and coordinated member votes and acted as liaison for the Majority Leader and Members of the Republican House Conference. 2000-2008: State Representative, The Florida House of Representatives. The first Republican to hold the District 12 seat since Reconstruction. District 12 covered all of Nassau, Baker and Union Counties and parts of Duval, Clay and Bradford Counties. 1998-1999: Mayor and Commissioner, Fernandina Beach, Fla. Served two one-year terms, the youngest in city history, as chosen by city-wide straw ballot. Chaired all meetings of the commission and represented the city in all official functions and civic events. 1997-1998: Member, Amelia Island Tourist Development Council. Represented the City of Fernandina Beach on this nine-member board that oversees the marketing of Amelia Island as a tourist destination. More than $1.2 million in funding comes from a 2% tax on all short-term accommodations. 1996-1999: City Commissioner, Fernandina Beach, Florida. One of five elected commissioners. At that time, Fernandina Beach had a population of approximately 11,750 and a budget of over $42 million. During my tenur, the City renovated a fonner fire station and converted it into a new City Hall and City Commission Chambers. 1990-1991: President, Nassau County Young Republicans. Started the organization for Nassau County. EDUCATION 1985-1989: Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Fla. BS - Finance President of The J.U. Student Government Association 19S8 - 1989 Recipient of the University’s 1989 Outstanding Leadership Award (Given to one graduating

senior for exemplary leadership and service) Green Key Leadership Society, J.u. Cheerleader, Frosh Crew Team 2011: Florida Auctioneer Academy, Clermont, Fla. Graduate 2002-2004: Florida School of Banking, Gainesville, Fla. Graduate The Florida Banker’s Association conducts its School of Banking at the University of Florida. This three-year program reguires on-site work for one week and ongoing, off-site assignments throughout the year. 1989-1990: Legislative Studies Institute, Washington, D.C. Graduate with Honors This school was created by former Members of Congress to train and instruct staff in the U.S. Senate. In addition to classroom instruction and lectures, training included a Fellowship with then U.S. Senator Connie Mack (R-FL). In Senator Mack’s office, I was responsible for various proposed-legislation research and coordination of the Senator’s Constituent Judicial Nomination Panel. 1985: Fernandina Beach High School, Fernandina Beach, Fla. Graduate with Honors Valedictorian of class of 211 Varsity Football, Baseball, President of Interact, Brain Brawl Team Captain COMMUNITY & VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Florida Health Choices Corporation, Member and Chairman, 2008- Present. Appointed by House Speaker Marco Rubio, this non-profit corporation is working to launch a marketplace of health insurance and other products to make healthcare more accessible and available to all Floridians. First Coast YMCA Regional Board, 2010-Present.Eldersource Board of Directors, 2008-2010. Leadership Florida Alumni Association, 2000-Present. Class XVII Fernandina Beach Rotary Club, 1990- Present. President, 1993-1994. First Coast YMCA, Ritz Carlton Tree Lighting Chairman, 1998-Present. McArthur Family YMCA, Board, 1998-2004. Youth Basketball Coach, 2005. Youth Football Coach, 2004-Present. Fernandina Beach Recreation, Youth Baseball Coach, 1997- 2003. Amelia Residents in Action for the Symphony, Board Member 2002- 2003. ARIAS is a support group for the Jacksonville Symphony. Nassau Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Board, 1993-1998, President, 1998. Fernandina Beach High School Foundation, Board, 1997-1998. United Way of Northeast Florida, Nassau County Chairman, 1999. Nassau Republican Executive Committee, Member, 2000-Present. Volunteer and/or Auctioneer for the Nassau County Council on Aging, The American Diabetes Association, The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Tom Coughlin’s The Jay Fund, The American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, The Justice Coalition, Fernandina Beach Middle School, Nassau County Drug Abatement Program, Nassau County Big Brothers and Big Sisters, an Nassau County National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. PERSONAL Age 45. Happily married for 19 years to my wife, Abby. Three sons: Brad - 18, Gray - 14 and Walker - 12. Members of Memorial United Methodist Church in Fernandina Beach. Florida Licensed Real Estate Broker, Florida Licensed Life, Health and Variable Annuity Insurance Agent,

Licensed Florida Auctioneer. Have completed 6 Marathons. Interests include family, golf, puttputt, tennis and exercise. Official candidate for the Florida Senate District 4 in the 2012 election.

Headline: First Coast Happenings Date: July 24, 2012 Re: JCCI AIMPK Link to online story: http://bit.ly/OUzCPd Value: $100 Copy:

THURSDAY “Am I My Parents’ Keeper?” as part of the JCCI Summer Series, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Jacksonville Community Council Inc., Conference Room, 2434 Atlantic Blvd. Speaker is retired Capt. Charles “Skip” Cramer, from the Mike Jorgensen, Senior Council Law Firm, on “Will You Be Prepared? Legal Matters in End-of-Life Planning.” Includes lunch. jcci.org.

Headline: WJCT · Wednesday, August 8, 2012, 10:30am-1:30pm Date: July 27, 2012 Re: JCCI We Remember Raines Link to online story: http://bit.ly/MQCY9k Value: $100 Copy:

JCCI Forward’s JAXFacts proudly presents: An Evening to Remember…We Remember Raines Join us for a screening of the 2012 Jacksonville Historic Preservation Award-winning documentary! Remember the past and be inspired to transform the future of our schools! 5:30 - Reception and Networking 6:00 - Documentary Screening followed by Talkback Panel Session Director and Raines alumnus Emanuel Washington’s captures the essence of how one school inspired a whole community. Part history book but mostly high school yearbook, the film starts with Jacksonville’s beginnings as Cowford, then segues into consolidation and the school district’s decades-long battle over desegregation and Raines’ birth. The school cost $2 million to build in 1965. It was dubbed as a black model high school to ease demands that black people

might make to attend Ribault High — which at that time was all-white and less than two miles away. But the school’s legendary first principal, Andrew Robinson, used that million-dollar tag to pump up the students into performing like they were worthy of that price — and more. He staffed the school with top black teachers who held masters’ degrees from places such as Columbia University and Notre Dame. Don't miss out on this FREE screening and Talkback Session moderated by Elexia Coleman Moss Sponsors/Partners: Waste Management & WJCT Contact: Michelle Simkulet, michelle@jcci.org Headline: Lead letter: Jacksonville city pension funds need to be overhauled Re: Mention of JCCI Budget Study Date: July 25, 2012 Link to online story: http://bit.ly/OCNYHn Value: $100 Copy:

An increase in taxes should never be used as a panacea to solve the problems of one segment of the tax base that has been exacerbated by the poor management, oversight and largesse that has been exemplified by the administrators of the Police and Fire Pension Fund. As pointed out in the JCCI study on Jacksonville’s budget, the situation with the Police and Fire Pension Fund has been aggravated by lack of restraint over several years. The Police and Fire Pension Fund uses an actuarial table to project the costs to keep the fund sustainable that contain inflated percentages. The mortality of those reaching the final payout is a critical missing denominator. As with all businesses, the Police and Fire Pension Fund management and board should be held accountable at least to their rank and file. The head of the Police and Fire Pension Fund was just voted yet another sizable increase despite the woes of the fund that he manages. He and the board need to be held accountable and culpable for unsound investment practices while enduring a chaotic market ride that involved less than stellar investments. Several members of the seldom-heard TRUE Commission are looking at the possibility of calling for a complete re-evaluation and restart of the entire system of retirement funds and the commensurate guarantees. This might lead to some dissatisfaction on the part of the next wave of future retirees, but it is far preferable to denial followed by bankruptcy. The handwriting is on the wall. If we don’t get a realistic figure applied to the police and fire pensions, bankruptcy is not the least of the possibilities. The final sage words of the chairman of JCCI’s 2009 Finance and Public Trust study should be in the forefront of the thinking of every public official that the public trust in Duval County is broken. As a constant observer of the monolith at City Hall, I don’t see things improving much.

Conrad Markle, Jacksonville Headline: “Contemporary Woman : Marcelle Polednik takes MOCA Jacksonville to the Edge” Re: Mention of JCCI Race Relations Progress Report Date: July 25, 2012 Link to online story: http://bit.ly/OCNYHn Value: $15 Copy:

F.W.: Such as? M.P.: The Jacksonville Airport Art Commission, for example. The Cultural Roundtable. When I’m in town, I always attend those. I just served on the JCCI Race Relations Progress Report Committee. I went with the Chamber to Houston this year. One of the things that I’m passionate about is making sure that MOCA is represented in some of the larger issues that face the city – that we have a voice in downtown revitalization, that we’re represented in the meetings of the Chamber of Commerce.

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