Our Jewish Impact stories from the J
Staenberg Family Complex (Creve Coeur)
Marilyn Fox Building (Chesterfield)
2 | Jewish Community Center
Treasured members of our community, Jewish is our first name. It always has been and always will be. It defines who we are and the mission we serve. It guides our vision and our values, and is our reason for being. At the J, we educate the young in our Early Childhood Education program and our Helene Mirowitz Family Centers, inspiring a love of learning and teaching the basics of Torah; we guide our youth in Camping, the JCC Maccabi Games, BBYO, Nishmah and Youth Theater, providing an opportunity for children and teens to find the commonalities that unite them; we offer opportunities for adults to learn about their heritage and expand their horizons through our New Jewish Theatre, Jewish Film Festival and Jewish Book Festival; and we tend to our elderly through our NORC activities; home delivered kosher meals and our Adult Day Center. As our community evolves and each of us defines our Jewish identity, isn’t it great to know that the J is accepting and welcoming of everyone? The Jewish Community Center doesn’t define how to live Jewishly, but we work each and every day to make your Jewish life richer and more meaningful, regardless of your age or affiliation. Yes, we have a fitness center that is unmatched in the region, but we are also the only community resource committed to the entire spectrum of the Jewish community, and it’s our Jewish programming that will keep us vibrant and relevant for generations to come. As an important supporter of our Jewish Community Center, we hope you will enjoy this book as a small token of our appreciation and as a reminder of the importance and impact of your support. Glance through the pages and read the quotes; feel a sense of pride that your support has truly made a difference. We couldn’t do all that we do without you. Jewish is, indeed, our first name. Todah rabah!
Monte Sandler Lynn Wittels Board Chair President & CEO jccstl.org | 3
Educate & Ensure
Our Jewish Future
The future of the Jewish community is our children. It is the J’s mission, responsibility and pleasure to provide meaningful Jewish education and identity-building experiences that will inspire and engage youth who will become participating Jewish adults. The J is proud to offer several core programs as well as special events designed to teach essential Jewish values, ideas and lessons, to create Jewish memories, and to instill a love for Torah, Judaism, and Israel that will ensure the future of the Jewish community for generations to come.
4 | JCC
“I love that Rachel has a “girl” place to grow up that incorporates a Jewish Lens. I do not think any of us will truly understand the impact of empowering these little girls today, but we will know it years from now. I know today, for them, it is just fun and something they belong to.”
Banot Buddies Mom
Jewish identity building and Jewish content are central to the J’s youth program offerings. In the J’s Early Childhood Center, Jewish stories, songs, Shabbat and Holiday celebrations are woven daily into the fabric of the curriculum. The Helene Mirowitz Family Centers engage hundreds of families each year through Judaic programs where families with young children gain lasting Jewish memories via programs like Rosh Hashanah Apple Picking, Sukkot Celebrations, Israel Birthday Parties, Hanukkah gatherings, Shabbat Picnics and more. Jewish tweens and teens draw upon Jewish traditions, values and texts as they develop stronger self-esteem and Jewish pride through Nishmah programs such as Banot Buddies, Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing, and It’s a Guy Thing.
Early Childhood Center Helene Mirowitz Family Center Nishmah: Banot Buddies Nishmah: Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! Nishmah: It’s a Guy Thing!
“Rosie came home with a wealth of information about the Jewish holidays. She was so excited about hearing the shofar and dipping the apple in the honey. She couldn’t wait to tell us all about the tashlich activity she did in school.”
Rabbi Levi Landa Director of Programming, Chabad of Greater St. Louis Celebrating Jewish Living & Learning
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J Day Camps foster a connection with Israel and integrate Jewish values into weekly activities via the JCCA’s TAG Jewish values curriculum, Kabbalat Shabbat programs, tikun olam (repairing the world) projects and daily Jewish songs and stories. Camp Sabra is an immersive Jewish camping environment where Hebrew, Jewish blessings, Jewish songs and stories, kashrut, Israel education, and Jewish values permeate the daily camping experience, creating Jewish memories and experiences that last a lifetime. High School students who participate in the J’s BBYO youth group socialize and participate in Jewish programming and community service projects all through the lens of Jewish values and Jewish community building. J Day Camps Camp Sabra BBYO JCC Maccabi Games 6 | Jewish Community Center
“Please take my bended knee thanks for the kindness and warmth you showered on Sammy, and for creating such an amazing environment and culture at Camp Sabra. It has been such a thrill to hear her talk about her experiences at camp. Such a fabulous new bond we share. I almost fell over when I heard she did Judaica for Focus. This is a kid who goes kicking and screaming to Hebrew School. As you might imagine, not a huge Jewish population in Vermont. I really wanted her to find a network, and I feel so blessed she is so taken with Camp Sabra.”
Stacey Steinmetz Sabra Alumna and Parent
“My daughter loves BBYO because she has made friends from all over the Midwest, and the U.S. She has also connected to other teenagers in looking at, and creating educational programs about social issues that face her generation in the United States. I love BBYO for her because I am witness to her growth as a young Jewish adult who is creating her own Jewish community in friendship, ritual and social action.”
Terri Grossman Mother of BBYO Participant
“I’ve been a volunteer Maccabi coach for nearly 20 years and my children have participated in the Games as well. Each year I’m amazed at how thousands of Jewish teens from across the county connect through sports and evening activities. My daughters and I
have made great friends through the Maccabi experience and I believe many of those friendships will last
for many years to come. High level athletic competition brings them together but it’s their Jewish heritage that really unites them.”
Corey Wallis Maccabi Coach jccstl.org | 7
Enrich Jewish Souls, Minds and Spirits
Learning, intellectual stimulation, inspiration and spiritual growth are essential to the human condition. The J’s Jewish cultural arts, Helene Mirowitz Center of Jewish Community Life, Nishmah, and other innovative Jewish offerings play an important role in our community to provide all this and more. The J inspires Jews of all backgrounds to grow and develop their own Jewish journey. 8 | Jewish Community Center
“I find peace and solace to heal our lives and our uncertain world, as we come together at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival. My spirit is filled with renewed courage, enlightenment, joy, and understanding, as I find myself empowered with a new GPS for the journey ahead. The Festival ushers in the unmistakable presence of God and mitzvot in Judaism today, and the instrumental power of Jewish pride, that is humbly shared among our chosen people. The St. Louis Jewish Book Festival is a rare gift to the entire St. Louis community, and makes me proud to be Jewish.”
Regina Shapiro Former St. Louis Jewish Book Festival Co-Chair
The J has a rich tradition of success in delivering Jewish cultural and learning opportunities. Signature programs such as the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival, New Jewish Theatre, Gesher Music Festival and St. Louis Jewish Film Festival continue to offer outstanding productions and events for thousands of people each year. The J is recognized by many in the St. Louis community as the central address for excellence in Jewish culture programming and production.
St. Louis Jewish Book Festival New Jewish Theatre St. Louis Jewish Film Festival Used Book Sale Gesher Music Festival
“The NJT production of Conviction empowered me to continue on my path toward reconstitution, wholeness and to find where it is among our Jewish people that I belong.” Anonymous New Jewish Theatre Attendee
“Every Jew needs to see this film.”
Samuella Shoss on “It is No Dream,” a Jewish Film Festival Selection
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“I look forward to the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival every year
with the knowledge that we as a people of faith can share and enlighten the people of our faith, and those of other faiths, about who we are and why we as a united people of faith care for all humanity.”
Helene Mirowitz Center of Jewish Community Life Nishmah: The St. Louis Jewish Women’s Project Can We Talk? Speaker Series Songleader Boot Camp Jewish Lights Institute Jewish Mystic Jam
10 | Jewish Community Center
Nonie Cohen Jewish Book Festival Committee Member
Nishmah: The St. Louis Jewish Women’s Project inspires
hundreds of women each year through programs such as
the Women’s Shabbat Retreat; Salon Series; Passover Journey; and Sharsheret Supports, a Jewish Breast Cancer education/awareness program. The Helene Mirowitz Center of Jewish Community Life develops and implements innovative and collaborative Jewish community programs each year that enrich both young and old. Offerings have included Jewish concerts, educational classes, Jewish leadership training, lecture series, community service and Jewish outreach programs of all types.
“The film moved me to the core.”
Anonymous, after the Jewish Film Festival screening of Hitler’s Children
“Dear JFF, this year’s festival has been transformative for me. I will never forget the experiences your film choices offered me. Thank you to all committee participants from the bottom of my heart!”
Barbara Liberman Jewish Film Festival Attendee
“The J’s Songleader Boot Camp is definitely not the education we get in cantorial/rabbinical school. It’s real life skills that we use on the bima and in the classroom, interacting with people on an everyday basis and also interacting as spiritual leaders.”
Hazzan Joanna Dulkin The Jewish Center, Princeton NJ
“There’s so much to the Jewish identity that I have learned about at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival. I look forward to each event and opportunity to enrich my own Jewish identity through the shared experiences of the authors and speakers.”
Kitty Gross Former Jewish Book Festival Co-Chair
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Provide Opportunities
for Jewish Living, Celebration and Values in Action
One critical way of expressing one’s Jewish identity is through Jewish behavior, living and action. The J is committed to creating initiatives and programs that will teach and enable people of all ages to put Jewish values into practice through Jewish holiday and Shabbat experiences and community service (tikun olam) projects. Teaching about ethical living based on Jewish values is prevalent in all that we do. 12 | Jewish Community Center
“Nishmah has taught me that I can incorporate Jewish values into every aspect of my life. Through the programs I have found that there are Jewish role models and lessons that can help me through everything from school pressure to making friends. It has also connected me to a community of women of all ages that I know will be with me for a lifetime.”
Rebecca L. Nishmah Participant
The Helene Mirowitz Center of Jewish Community Life facilitates a committee of young Jewish mothers (Moms’ Action Committee), which helps plan special Jewish holiday experiences for families with children ages five and under. More than 300 unique families participate in these Jewish identitybuilding events each year.
Rosh Hashanah Family Apple Picking Family Sukkot Celebration Hanukkah Family Events Matzah Bakery Jewish Parenting Events and Conferences Simply Shabbat
“Dr. Brian Weiss changed my life with his book, Many Lives, Many Masters. I now have a very strong belief in G-d; believe in reincarnation; and am not afraid of death. Because of this book, I went on to study and have an adult Bat Mitzvah. Rebecca Rosen, in her book Awaken the Spirit Within, has explained why sometimes bad things happen to good people.This was the first explanation I believed.”
Leslie Waldbaum Former Jewish Book Festival Co-Chair
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“Nishmah is the place for me to plug in. The programming is relevant, fresh, and avant-garde. Nishmah continually fosters and promotes in me a sense of community, spiritual growth, personal/professional connections, awareness of challenges unique to women, and a sense of empowerment. This is accomplished through its original programming and opportunities for me (and others) to become involved in the process of developing events. Nishmah’s appeal to a diverse population of Jewish women (of varying observance levels, ages, and backgrounds) recurrently sets in motion for me a desire to further explore my connections and identity as a Jewish woman.”
Jewish Values Integrated into Day Camp weekly themes Weekly Kabbalat Shabbat experiences at Day Camp and ECC Shabbat at Camp Sabra
Kalanit C., Nishmah Committee Member, Volunteer and Mother of Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing! Participant
J Day Camps, Camp Sabra and Early Childhood Centers provide daily opportunities for Jewish living through camp and school experiences. Children learn how to practice and celebrate Judaism through song, prayer, kashrut, Tikkun Olam projects and learning Jewish values. The J provides adult opportunities for Jewish living through programs such as 10Q, the Nishmah Passover Journey and Women’s Shabbat Retreat, Tikkun Olam projects, and public space Judaism events.
Karen Solomon Young Adult Initiative Tikun Olam Projects throughout the year Gourmet Honey Tasting Rosh Hashanah Event Passover in the Matzah Aisle 10Q
“Most of the diners arrived at 4:30 pm as was suggested because Rabbi Brad Horwitz was to come to do the blessings. He came and brought his three handsome young sons. We dressed in our holiday clothes (as custom) and were led in prayers and song by Rabbi Brad. Then we were served our most delicious holiday dinner. We all clamor for matzo ball soup and this night we got our large, delectable matzo ball. Roast beef was tender and tasty, potato latkes and applesauce, baked carrot souffle (my brother’s favorite dish), apples and honey to wish us a sweet year, raisin challah (a must) and, of course, our delicious honey cake. What else can you ask for on the eve of our holiday?”
14 | Jewish Community Center
Ruth M., Covenant House Meal Site Diner on First Night of Rosh Hashanah
“We make sure we do not miss Shabbat meals!” Esther notes it brings back memories. She remembers coming home from school on Fridays and she would smell the soup boiling, her mother would always save a carrot or some piece of the soup for her. Isabel laughs and says she remembers running up the steps to her family apartment and telling her mom a “blind man would know it is Shabbat from the good smells in the stairwell.” Both participants note how they love sitting at their table on Fridays with their friends and how they have a special ritual of toasting each other with the grape juice. Esther also loans her beautiful, glass bread plate to the dining room on Friday evenings for the blessing.
Esther T. and Isabelle P. Covenant House Meal Site Diners
“I love Shabbat meals, and they make me feel warm all over.”
Shirley B. Covenant House Meal Site Diner
“There are no adequate words to describe my emotions following yesterday's performance. To say that I was overwhelmed, would be an understatement! It was a magical, memorable performance, and a spectacular production! We praise you, for mounting this powerful story.”
Noemi Neidorff New Jewish Theatre Patron
jccstl.org | 15
Sustain & Build
Jewish Community
The J is a central Jewish organization where everyone is welcome. It is our mission to help people connect to one another and form community in a way that is nonthreatening, diverse, and pluralistic. At the J, Jews from all backgrounds, denominations, and affiliations come together as one community. Jews develop lasting friendships and life-long relationships thanks to our community-building efforts, inter-agency collaborations and networking that happen at and through the J. 16 | Jewish Community Center
“I choose the J because I feel it is important to support a Jewish institution, and we love being part of the Community Center. My children are able to interact with other children with all different kinds of backgrounds, and there is always something for everyone there...swimming, soccer, Jewish-themed classes. My children love to participate in numerous activities.”
Vicki I. J Member
Everything the J does is designed to help build and develop Jewish peoplehood. Community is our middle name. The magic of community happens in places such as group exercise classes, after school programming, cultural arts events, camping, Helene Mirowitz Family Center events, sports leagues, aquatics, Nishmah programming, and much, much more.
“My husband and I have been so excited to take advantage of the opportunities the J offers to introduce our children to Judaism. Our two-year-old twins have already attended many fun and engaging classes and activities. The J has made it so easy to interact with other families with young children. It’s a
great way to get connected to the Jewish community in St. Louis.”
Allyson V. J Member
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“I loved the energy of being with a
community of women! It is beautiful to see so many women of all ages and affiliations sharing space and time!” Anonymous Nishmah Journey participant
“My son has been searching for years for a "hobby" to be passionate about and I think he's discovered it through the J during Guys and Dolls. Through the past two teen productions, he has grown as an actor and as person. In addition to putting on fabulous shows, the program fosters great friendships that he would not otherwise have.”
Robin Brody Parent of Youth Theatre Participant
“Shabbat meals are a wonderful thing. It is beautiful to be able to come downstairs on Fridays to be with friends for a meal. Many of us are unable to see or read or go out with children now and it is tradition to have a special meal and prayers on Friday.” 18 | Jewish Community Center
Ben F. Covenant Meal Site Diner Age 102!
“I’ve never had more pride in my Jewish heritage then when I joined friends, family and community at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival’s annual Martin Luther King event. Witnessing the partnership between the Festival, the Black Rep, the JCRC and the Urban League reminded me of the strength and commitment of the Jewish people, and gave me hope for the future of social justice.” Anonymous Jewish Book Festival Attendee
“I am commonly asked what development I’m most proud of. That’s easy. The investment Carol and I made in the J was, without a doubt, the best investment in my entire portfolio. The return, while not measured in dollars, has been immeasurable, bringing thousands of families together, building community, reaching people who otherwise would be disengaged from Jewish St. Louis. It’s one of the most treasured resources we have and I’m proud to have been a part of the revitalization of the J.”
Michael Staenberg Past Board Chair Jewish Community Center
“I believe the J has a unique place in the community and will continue to be that which binds all streams and really makes us distinctively Jewish.”
Andrew Rehfeld President and CEO Jewish Federation of St. Louis
jccstl.org | 19
Cultivate a Passion
and Love for Israel
The J provides opportunities for individuals to build deeper personal relationships and connections to the people, history and culture of the State of Israel. Through implementation of innovative and experiential Israel education and engagement activities, such as arts, travel and culture, the J helps us gain a more sophisticated understanding and deeper personal relationship with the people and land of ancient and modern Israel. 20 | Jewish Community Center
“My son came home after going to camp on Israel Day and said, “Mom I went to Israel today and got to eat real Israeli food and then I got to go to the Israel Army Training Camp, I want to go to Israel!” It was neat to see him so excited about something from the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Maybe one day he will actually get to travel to Israel.”
Sue Silverstein J Day Camp Parent
“Going to Israel on the JCC Israel Family Adventure was an amazing experience. There were so many little moments and big events to love and enjoy, from the Dead Sea to the Herzl museum. We had a lot of fun, and learned new things every single day. One thing I really enjoyed doing was spending a day in Yokneam-Megiddo, our sister city. I personally had a great time meeting people, speaking in Hebrew, and knowing that I did something that would help others. It makes me feel like I have a better connection with the people on the Kibbutz, and like I’ve created a special relationship.” Bryn Sentnor, 7th grade
JCC Israel Family Adventure Participant
“The Festival has allowed me to learn from such incredible scholars as Rabbis Adin Steinsaltz and Harold Kushner; and discuss Israel and the Middle East with experts such as Martin Fletcher, Gilad Sharon and Ambassador Dennis Ross. There’s nowhere else you could find such an amazing wealth of Jewish knowledge up close and personal!”
Yom Ha’atzmaut Yom Hazikaron Israel Family Challenge Israel Family Adventure 2013 Israel Day at Day Camp and Camp Sabra Israeli Shlichim Israel Cultural Education and Programming Israeli Art & Ambience throughout Facilities
Edie Feman Jewish Book Festival Committee Member jccstl.org | 21
Jews in Need
The J is dedicated to providing for the needs of the most vulnerable members of our community. Guided by Jewish values such as respecting the elderly, caring for the sick, repairing the world, feeding the hungry and helping members of community who need extra support, the J is proud to offer outstanding and critical services and scholarships to those in need. 22 | JCC
“Malky has grown up at the J and is included in every sense of the word. She is involved in our group fitness classes, Theatre Unlimited and Teen Skills Camp. She is known by members, staff and campers alike. Within each of these programs our staff and participants work to include her while respecting her observance. As the Inclusion Coordinator, Malky has helped educate me in the Jewish religion and I value that very much.”
Jasmine Rangel J Inclusion Coordinator
The J helps Jewish seniors and their families in need through both the Kitchen J program as well as the Adult Day Center. Kitchen J provides home-delivered kosher, nutritious meals to homebound seniors and prepares meals for the MEAAA congregant meal site attended by many residents of the Covenant/Chai complex as well as other seniors from the community. The Adult Day Center enables seniors with early stages of dementia, Alzheimer’s and other appropriate individuals to live in their own homes longer by providing a program for those who need assistance in performing activities of daily living and special care, but are able to participate in a group setting.
Adult Day Center Kosher Home Delivered Meals Community MEAAA Meal Site at Covenant/Chai
”Our family is so grateful for the Inclusion Program at the J. It is a
huge part of our daughter, Stephanie’s, life. She participates in Theatre Group, Unique Strengths fitness program, and Sunday Friendship Group. She has made many new friends, and continually learns new skills. We are so happy that she is able to spend so much time in a Jewish environment.”
NORC Program
Eileen Schechter J Board Member and Chair of the Inclusion Department
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“I am so grateful for the security
of my husband being safe and well taken care of. He is being stimulated mentally and physically every day by people who care. This gives me great security and respite knowing he is well cared for. My many thanks.”
Theatre Unlimited
Anonymous, Spouse of an Adult Day Center participant
The J is an inclusive agency that welcomes people of all abilities. We help children and adults with disabilities in need of recreational, social, artistic, camping, spiritual and physical activities by providing a wide range of services and programs. The J remains committed to including all persons as fully as possible in all agency programs, and provides more than $600,000 each year in scholarship assistance to those in financial need so that they can participate in the J’s Day Camp, Camp Sabra, Early Childhood Center, Adult Day Center and other J programs.
Sunday Friendship Fit For Life Unique Strengths Adaptive Aquatics Day Camp Inclusion Program Teen Skills Scholarships
24 | Jewish Community Center
“Thank you so much for the generous scholarship that you have given us since my children started at the JCC. Without the scholarships, I would not be able to go to work and contribute to our household income. I hope that one day we can be contributors to your fund instead of recipients.”
Mother of four – both she and her husband have experienced unemployment and underemployment over the past few years.
“My husband, Phil, is a participant at the Jewish Community Center’s Adult Day Center. Phil likes to call it his Club at the J! Seeing his friends and participating in the excellent activities has been fun, exciting, and fulfilling for him. Also, he loves interacting with staff, even to the extent of dancing and singing with some of them on those days when there is musical entertainment. Phil is happy at his “Club” and excited to go. Phil being the fortunate recipient of the loving, professional care administered at the “Club” has afforded me the time to attend to my needs devoid of the anxiety associated with care other than mine, and for that I am deeply grateful!”
Adrienne B. Spouse of Adult Day Center Participant
“I hate to even have to ask you for help, but I
truly appreciate all the J is doing for my kids. If you could hear them talk, you would know how much camp means to them.” Single mother of three Day Camp and Camp Sabra participants, scholarship recipients
jccstl.org | 25
Everyone is welcome at the J! 26 | Jewish Community Center
The J wishes to thank everyone who so generously shared their experiences and comments.
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Jewish Community Center 2 Millstone Campus Drive St. Louis, MO 63146 314-432-5700 jccstl.org