Jewish Life at the J Your all-in-one guide to Jewish programs and activities! Fall 2022

A World Class Community Center: Open to Everyone The J is open to all. Get involved. Join us for a class. Exercise the mind or body. Enjoy a cultural event or holiday program. We have something for everyone here at the J. Monday – Thursday . . . . 5:30am – 9pm Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30am – 6pm Saturday – Sunday . . . . . . . 7am – 6pm Upcoming Holiday Hours Labor Day . . . . . . . Monday, September 5 . . . . 8am – 5pm Erev Rosh Hashanah . . Sunday, September 25 . . . 7am – 5pm Rosh Hashanah Monday, September 26 Closed Kol Nidre . . . . . . . . Tuesday, October 4 . . . 5:30am – 5pm Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 5 Closed Thanksgiving . . . . . . Thursday, November 24 . . . 8am – 2pm Christmas Eve . . . . . Saturday, December 24 . . . 7am – 5pm Christmas Day Sunday, December 25 8am – 5pm New Year’s Eve . . . . . Saturday, December 31 . . . 7am – 5pm New Year’s Day Sunday, January 1, 2023 8am – 5pm All other holidays, the J will be open standard hours. Fall Hours About the J Financial Assistance Limited need-based financial assistance (program and membership scholarship) is available. For more information, visit or contact Sally Lang at 314.442.3241 or Life Enrichment – For Everyone The J is committed to making our programming and services as inclusive and accessible as possible to all, including those with differing abilities. Life Enrichment strives to provide necessary accommodations and supports when possible to enable individuals with successful participation in our various program offerings at the J. Contact the Life Enrichment Department at for more information. 2 Jewish Community Center Fall 2022

Featuring musical performances by A One-Day Celebration of Jewish Culture! Sheldon Low Klezundheit!StaamSix13 More than 30 artists More than 30 organizations with games and activities Family pavilion with bubbles, art activities and more for the little ones Kosher food: pastrami, hot dogs, corned beef, hot pretzels, popcorn, ice cream and more! Sunday, September 18 10am – 5pm Washington University in St. Louis 3Register at

Ilene Joseph Salon Series
Lynnie sLight for Lifeth Annual The
– Outdoor Pool
Contact: Vickie Shuchart, 314.442.3111, 7:30pm J’s Staenberg Family Complex
Nishmah’s Salons are intimate, thought-provoking, facilitated discussions on topics of interest to all who identify as Jewish women. This program is named for Ilene Joseph z”l, one of Nishmah’s founders and a passionate supporter of the Salon DiscussionsSeries.arefree to attend, donations to Nishmah welcome.
Nishmah inspires, engages and supports Jewish women through educational, spiritual and social programming. Through a collaborative model, Nishmah strengthens the St. Louis Jewish Community. Programs include the Ilene Joseph Salon Series, Torah Study and programs geared toward Nerot (Nishmah’s 20s and 30s group) and collaborative programs with community partners. In addition, Nishmah hosts an annual event, either the Women’s Retreat or The Journey: A Pre-Passover Women’s Seder.
Full Salon details available at
Wednesday, September 7 at
Adult women
What is Nishmah?
Join in creating a community art project, a beautiful hamsa mosaic. Artist Jim Ibur will use your tile to create this commemorative hamsa.
4 Jewish Community Center Fall 2022
Beyond Pink: A Morning of Exercise Education and Wellness at the J Adults
Save the date for a morning of learning and burning all in the name of health.
Yoga for Cancer Adults
This monthly group provides support, connection and education to women in the St. Louis community who are newly diagnosed, in active treatment, maintenance or post-treatment. Facilitated by Kathy Bearman, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Newcomers are always welcome. Open to members and the public.
Currently Virtual Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month 6:15 – 7:30pm FREE but RSVP requested
Financial subsidies are available. 5Register at
SFC Sun 10/30 10am-12pm
Hereditary Cancer Risks and Families Adult Men and Women How to adapt, how to communicate and why it matters.
Monthly Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Group Adult Women
This yoga methodology teaches interventions to help cancer patients and survivors manage the symptoms and side effects of their treatment and improve overall health outcomes. An excellent way to relax and distract from the stresses of cancer while taking an active role in your recovery. Benefits can include reduced anxiety and stress, decreased chemotherapy-related fatigue, improved sleep, boost to immune system and a reduction in pain. Classes are gentle and restorative and adapt to individual needs. Taught by a Yoga4Cancer (LLC) Trained Teacher.
SFC Thu 4:30 – 5:45pm Virtual Fri 11:30 – 12:45pm $50m/$75p per six-week session
Sharsheret Supports STL
SFC Thu 11/17 7-8:30pm
Sharsheret Supports STL is a program of Nishmah at the J and a community partner of the National Sharsheret organization. Sharsheret, Hebrew for “chain,” provides meaningful support to women and their families facing a diagnosis of breast or ovarian cancer and critical education for men and women in the Jewish community regarding their increased hereditary risks. With our free educational programming and individualized and confidential resources, nobody has to face a diagnosis alone. All Sharsheret Supports STL programs are open to the public. Contact: Debbi Braunstein, 314.442.3266,
Announcing the 2022 Festival running November 6 – 13 with special bonus bookend events year-round. Check our website for a full list of authors. Contact: Hannah Dinkel, 314.442.3294, Announcing our 2022 Keynote! MarieAmbassadorYovanovitch (ret.) Lessons From The Edge Former Ambassador to Ukraine Sunday, November 6 at 7pm Cathy Barrow Bagels, Schmears, and a Nice Piece of Fish Award-winning cookbook author, traveler and teacher. Tuesday, November 8 at 7pm Molly Yeh Home is Where the Eggs Are Host of the Food Network show Girl Meets Farm. Tuesday, November 8 at 7pm Cookbook Panel 6 Jewish Community Center Fall 2022

The inside story of the life-or-death race for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Paul Ford Lord Knows, At Least I was There: Working with Stephen Sondheim Recalling a decades-long professional relationship with Broadway’s masterful Saturday,songwriter.November 12 at 7pm
Thursday, November 10 at 1pm Julia Haart Brazen Subject and Executive Producer of the Netflix miniseries My Unorthodox Life.
Gregory Zuckerman Shot to Save the World
Michael W. Twitty Koshersoul James Beard Award Winner, Jewish writer, culinary historian and Tuesday,educator.September 13 at 7pm 7Register at
Thursday, November 10 at 7pm

Jerry’s Girls
The Bee Play
Rooftop visits from Devora, a kindred spirit who’s setting up an urban kibbutz, lead them to wonder what forgiveness might look like in the 21st century.
September 8- 25 By Elizabeth Savage
18-year-old Carver Washington, a brilliant black Bronx beekeeper, finds respite from caring for his sister and grandmother by escaping to his roof.
December 1-18 Directed by Ellen Isom Musical Direction by Jeffrey Carter
Tickets $49m/$54p + fees 8 Jewish Community Center Fall 2022
Directed by Sarah Whitney
Jerry’s Girls is an all-female revue built around the songs of Jerry Herman – the creator of Hello, Dolly!, Mame and La Cage aux Folles – and what terrific fun it is. A performance of many of Jerry’s Herman’s greatest songs, a true celebration of Broadway.

Fri 9/9 5:30-7:30pm Free
Reading Rabbis Families with children 5 and younger The Reading Rabbis are back. Join us for this special story time series, featuring Rabbis from across the community for holiday-inspired fun. Sign up for one or both. Everyone is welcome! Pre-registration preferred, but not required.
SFC Rosh Hashanah theme Week of 9/19 4:30-5:30pm Free
Sukkot theme Week of 10/10 4:30-5:30pm Free
Hanukkah Dreidel Studio and Story Time Families with children 5 and younger
SFC Sun 12/18 4-5:30pm Free
Introducing Snir Introducing Avital Our new shaliach - program leaderarrives September 6. Our new Director of Jewish Experience & Innovation started August,10. 314.442.3172 9Register at
PRIDE Community Shabbat Families
Celebrate the Festival of Lights by making your very own dreidel and enjoying a Hanukkah story at the J. Pre-registration is required.
Family Programs EmilieContact:Brockman, 314.442.3267,
LGBTQIA+ Pride isn’t just for June. Join the St. Louis Jewish community for our second Pride Shabbat Picnic! We’re inviting all who identify, their allies and families of all kinds to join us for a community-wide event. Bring your own dinner, and we will do the rest! Pre-registration is encouraged. The Pride Shabbat Picnic is made possible by support from the Helene Mirowitz Center of Jewish Community Life Fund and the J Associates. This event is sponsored by the J, Jewish Federation of St. Louis and PJ Library. Day Camp Pavilion

Honoring: Michael Staenberg Saturday, November 19 at The 2022SaveFactorytheDate!Co-Chairs Madeleine Elkins & Harvey Wallace Jennifer & Danny SoshnikYou’re invited to our Celebrating 13 years of the Staenberg Family Complex Purchase tickets: 10 Jewish Community Center Fall 2022

11Register at Mission Statement The St. Louis Jewish Community Center enriches lives, builds community, promotes inclusivity and creates meaningful Jewish experiences. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE Your gift to the J ensures that resources remain available for families who need our services each year. INVEST IN YOUR COMMUNITY TODAY! • J Day Camps • Camp Sabra • Membership • Early Childhood Education • Senior Adult Programming • Life Enrichment Programming The J offers financial assistance to hundreds of families in the areas of: Contact Phil Ruben: 314.442.3216 or donate online:

Jewish Community Center 2 Millstone Campus Drive St. Louis, MO 63146-5776