City Zenes Focus July 2017 | Issue 17
TABLE OF CONTENTS City Zenes Focus The Official Newsletter of Junior Chamber International City Plus
Messages: Editor in Chief.....................................................................................ii Local President..................................................................................iii National President.............................................................................iv JCI City Plus at a glance...................................................................2
Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Vanisha Rajaysur 2017 Local Secretary Editorial Team Geetanjali Ramkishore 2017 Local Treasurer
Interview.............................................................................................7 Aspiring & New Members Corner....................................................12 Passion to learn................................................................................16 My Fantabulous journey...................................................................22 2017 JCI Mauritius Public Speaking Championship........................23 My Greatest Challenge....................................................................24
Pavan Gopal 2017 Local Vice President
International Visits............................................................................25 Our Closest Partner - Mafubo Mauritius...........................................29
Jaya Mulloo 2017 Local Vice President Brenda Monique Member Vimi Poliah Member
Editorial Advisors Tasweena Girdhari 2017 Local President
Entretien avec Madame Monique Mujawamariya............................30 2017 JCI Africa and Middle East Conference..................................32 Netoye Nou Paradis Campaign.......................................................33 2017 Edition The ABC of Investing in the Stock Exchange.............35 Message de JCI Antananarivo.........................................................37 Public Insight about JCI...................................................................38 L’Experience Inouie de TOYP...........................................................39 Effective Leadership Training...........................................................40
Ashish Padaruth 2017 Local Vice President
Mind sharing - Our Medical Guru....................................................42 Save the dates.................................................................................45
Official Website
Sponsors and Partners.......................................................... 46 i
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF’S MESSAGE Dear Passionate Readers! It gives me an immense pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd Edition of the “2017 City Zenes Focus” Newsletter of JCI City Plus. The months of April to June have been full of exciting and memorable events to capture both the hearts and minds of our young active citizens and our lovely audience. The Local Board members’ relentless support and our members bounded relationship have contributed enormously by “leading with passion” our local organisation to reach greater heights at both Local and International spheres. Since we are all living in the paradise of Island of Mauritius, my editorial team has decided to bring some innovative and creative ideas by using a blend of both English and French medium for the articles, to promote our linguistic culture. Moreover, our 2nd Edition illustrates the devotion of our valuable Partners for the impact created from our insightful local projects in our society. It is now time to unleash the beauty of our newsletter, I wish all of you a pleasant reading!
Vanisha Rajaysur !
LOCAL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As we move forward towards the next six months of 2017, we continue the work as set out in our Plan of Action. Passion is the energy that will keep us going on and accomplish the objectives set for 2017. Our 10th Anniversary is fast approaching and we’ve already set up the team to organize a memorable Anniversary.
Dear Readers, It is once again an honor for me to address you as the 2017 JCI City Plus Local President for the Second Edition of City Zenes Focus for the year 2017. We’re already halfway through 2017 and I can proudly say that JCI City Plus is on the right track in becoming the leading organization that unites all sectors of society to create sustainable impact.
I would seize this platform to thank all those who made the publication of the Second Edition possible. A big Thank you and bravo to our Editor in Chief Vanisha Rajaysur for her tenacious work attitude and good job done together with the Editorial Team. I am most grateful to our Local Vice President Ashish Padaruth for his usual guidance and support to the Editorial team. Let us continue working as a team to bring our organization to new heights!
“Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.” --Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
While JCI City Plus won 3 Awards at International level, our projects, events and team building activities in Mauritius are stealing the show! We should praise the hardwork and passion of our members and aspiring members when it comes to organizing a team building activity, a community based empowering session, a financial literacy project among many others. They are the driving force of our organization.
Tasweena Girdhari Local President
NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Each local organization has its unique assets and I wish JCI City Plus to continue flourishing and sustain what has been achieved in this ten years of existence. I wish you all the very best for the remaining months and looking forward for growth of the organization, impactful project and a great tenth anniversary celebration of JCI City Plus. I shall end by sharing this with you: “Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.”- Pauline R. Kezer Dear JCI City Plus Members, Greetings We have already reached halfway of our one year to lead. Time to sit back and see our achievements of the first six months, evaluate and focus on our priorities.
‘Your focus determines your reality’ So Stay focused and let’s continue to Impact As One.
We have seen JCI Mauritius shining through the recognitions obtained by JCI City Plus during the 2017 JCI Africa and Middle East Area conference and locally via the active participation of its members be it in National Flagship Projects or in other Local Organisations’ events.
Asha Auckloo National President
INTERVIEW - 2017 JCI MAURITIUS SENATE CHAIRPERSON MIKE CHAN TSO SYE During my JCI career, I have held the following posts:
Who is Senator Mike? I joined JCI Port Louis as Aspiring Member in
2006: JCI Port Louis Local Vice President 2007: JCI Port Louis Local President 2008: JCI Mauritius National Vice President 2009: JCI Mauritius National President 2010: JCI Mauritius Immediate Past President & General Counsel 2011 & 2016: JCI Mauritius Awards Jury Chairperson 2012: Advisor to JCI Port Louis Local President & Local Board 2013, 2015 & 2017: Advisor to JCI Mauritius President and National Board 2016: Senate Secretary 2017: Senate Chairperson
May 2002 and has sworn in as Member in September 2003. I have been a member of several Local and National Project teams and have also been Project Director for some few Local and National Projects. I presently work for Maersk Line, a global Shipping Company, and I have been with the Company for 15 years now. I like traveling, meeting people, watching football and sports in general, going out with friends from time to time, beautiful cars and of
Highlights of my JCI Career: • Most Outstanding Local President of Africa & Middle East for 2007 • Creation of JCI City Plus as a new Local Organization in Sep 2007 while I was the Local President of JCI Port Louis • Graduated as a Global Networker from the JCI Japan Academy in Tachikawa, Japan in J u l y 2 0 0 8
course JCI projects and activities. • Recognized as a JCI Senator no 70430 in March 2011 • Attended 1 JCI Africa & Middle East Conference in 2007 in Johannesburg, 1 JCI National President Meeting in 2009 in 7
Pretoria and 1 JCI World Congress in 2009 in Hamammet, Tunisia.
JCI is a School of Life where an Individual can only learn, make mistakes and then BE BETTER.
What have motivated you to remain committed to the JCI cause?
I strongly believe that JCI is the best platform for young people to learn, grow and become better Active Citizens and we, as JCI members, need to be proud that we are members of Junior Chamber International (JCI). For all these reasons, I am and will always be motivated to be committed to the JCI cause for Life.
This is a very good and interesting question that
What were the difficulties encountered during your tenure? Whatever you do in life, there are always challenges and difficulties which we need to face.
I always ask myself. Well, I will simply say that JCI has brought to me so many things since I joined in this wonderful Organization and now I am happy to share all what I learnt in JCI and my experiences with our new JCI members. We always talk about the JCI virus and I can confirm it is a true statement. Once you catch it, you will never let it go. JCI has helped me to develop and improve my own individual skills. JCI has given to me the opportunity to travel in different countries and meet JCI members in Mauritius and around the world
Be it in your personal life, professional career and in JCI, we do face challenges and difficulties and I firmly believe in the saying ‘turning challenges into opportunities’.
Some of the difficulties I have encountered during my tenure as a Local President and a National President are as follows: • Making a team of persons, with different personality & character, work together • Dealing with people with some negative mindsets • Leading 5 Local Organizations with different cultures and make them work as ONE TEAM • Stop the Competition Spirit among Chapters at some point of time • Managing people and understand each and everyone individually 8
• Have myself being accepted by different Local Organizations • Personal commitments had to be foregone over JCI obligations and duties •
Sacrifices on leisure time off
• Coping with work duties and at the same time JCI responsibilities and duties
Senators and Members have always been viewed as 2 separate entities. As senate chairperson, how do you intend to breach this gap and change this mentality within JCI Mauritius members? Unfortunately, yes and this is not true. Senators and JCI members should be one entity. The only difference is that Senators are experienced members who have already contributed to the Organization and are still helping out whereas JCI Members are new members who represent the present and future of JCI. We are all linked by the Creed, Vision and Mission of JCI. As Senate Chairperson this year, my dream is to bring Senators and JCI members together. I
strongly believe that this is possible and both Senators and JCI members must equally do the effort. How I intend to breach the gap between Senators and JCI Members ? First, I am constantly encouraging Senators to be more present at the Local Organizations Members Meeting. Senators need to participate more in JCI Projects and activities. Be also involved in the team of specific projects where they can act as Advisors and Facilitators. The Senate Board also organize regular social activities and gatherings to get all Senators join and meet as often as possible. Senators are here to help, advise and support JCI members but we are not here to give instructions to JCI members. We share our experiences and ideas and it is up to JCI members to take the best out of Senators. My appeal to all JCI members is to use your Senators to the maximum. Call them, Invite them, Ask them for help and advices. I am sure they will be more than happy to help you. On my side, as I have already mentioned since I started my year as Senate Chairperson in January 2017, I will try my best to support all the 5 Local Organizations and the National Organization. I will be present whenever I am invited and I will be most honored to give a helping hand, share my experiences and views with JCI members and most importantly be close to you, JCI members. I am happy to say that during the past 5 months of the year, I have got the opportunity to visit almost all the different Local Organiza- t i o n s 9
and many of them have already approached me to help and share my experiences with their members. I am still available to support if you need me and so are my Senate Board members and all Senators at large. I am just a phone call away. My message to JCI members is not to be afraid of Senators and never hesitate to contact any Senators for support. We, as Senators, are here for you JCI members.
How promising is the future of JCI Mauritius in terms of sustainability of its projects? I believe that JCI Mauritius and its 5 affiliated Lo-
It is true that JCI Mauritius has taken some time to adapt to this new way of doing projects but I can say that I am happy to see the change, slowly but surely, coming and where JCI members in Mauritius are now more conscious about doing projects as per the ACF guidelines. I am very positive about the future of JCI Mauritius and with the quality of members we are recruiting and coupled with our pool of actual Local and National Leaders, JCI Mauritius are in safe hands. We just need to work harder, be more disciplined, work as a TEAM and live the JCI Mission and Vision. We have already witnessed how JCI Mauritius has started to shine again after some few years: We won 4 Awards at the last JCI Africa & Middle East Conference. Congratulations to JCI City Plus for winning 3 Awards. We have won the bid to host the AMEC Conference in Mauritius in 2019. We have also hosted a successful AMESA Conference in Mauritius last year with the contribution of JCI Mauritius Members and Senators.Yes, I have hopes in JCI Mauritius and in the sustainability of its projects and the future can only be promising.
Now, JCI asks us to only do projects which are in line with the Active Citizen Framework (ACF).
"Economic justice can best be won by free man, through free enterprise". This creed seems to have been less focused upon during the past years. As Senate Chairperson how would you plan up to internalize this creed within our local or national activities?
Our projects need to be impactful and have positive changes in our communities.
This part of our JCI Creed is very strong and has a significant meaning.
cal Organizations are in a reconstruction phase presently. The way we were doing JCI projects in the past has changed.
We, as JCI members, need to believe in it and put it in Action. I believe the only way to better internalize this creed within our local and national activities is the way we educate our members. We need to also set the example as Leaders of our Organization and show our members that in JCI, economic justice can best be won by free man, through free enterprise. We need to live it daily in our jci projects and activities and also in our personal and professional life. As Senate Chairperson, I will always support this statement and will continue to help our JCI members to understand the importance of putting it in practice everyday. It is true that we have been less focused on it during the past few years but I am pretty confident that we have the JCI members to change and promote economic justice for the betterment of our members and JCI. What is the message you would like to give to our JCIÂ members?
I believe in our young leaders I am sure that JCI Mauritius will be back among the best in Africa & Middle East and the World very soon JCI Members, please always work hand in hand, as a TEAM, as brothers and sisters. Make JCI visible as much as you can in your community, at work, among your friends and families and most importantly do impactful projects for our society and create positive changes. I would like to thank JCI City Plus Local Secretary Vanisha for giving me the opportunity to share my views on above questions with you all. Thank you also to 2017 Local President Tasweena and her 2017 Local Board. I wish JCI City Plus all the best for the months and years to come. Keep on shining and impacting. Last but not least, Happy 10th Anniversary to JCI City Plus.
My message to JCI Members is as follows: Always believe in yourself and always seize any opportunities you may come across during your JCI career. We are lucky to be members of this wonderful Organization which is called JCI.
Interview taken by Editor in Chief Vanisha
I will repeat it again. JCI is a school of life where one can grow, learn from one’s mistakes and be better. Do not forget that in JCI, the more you give the more you receive. I have full faith and hope in our new generation of JCI members. 11
Recently, I bumped into a friend who is a member of JCI City Plus and she was telling me about the organization and its four areas of opportunities that it offers. I realized that it was the right time to join. I was looking for a platform to develop my personal skills, gain new skills
and learning experience. I also wanted to do something outside my work routine, meet new people, contribute to society and have fun at the same time.
A couple of years ago, maybe 10 years, I had attended a Christmas JCI event with my cousin who was then an active member of JCI Port Louis. Together with my other cousins, we had gone to help pack gifts for the kids on the eve and then we all attended the actual event which was full of entertainment. I remember the kids thrilled to have a party organized in their area and they were extremely happy to receive their presents. This is a fond memory that I have of JCI. My perception of the organization was that it was fun and gave its members the platform to engage in and contribute in a way one would rarely think of doing on their own. I decided that I would join such an association at some point.
I decided to attend a brief meeting of JCI City Plus and then a banquet with the World President of JCI. Now, I am part of the vibrant team of the project ‘‘2017 Edition The ABC of Investing in the Stock Exchange’’ which is happening in two weeks. With respect to my JCI career, I see myself taking part in more projects and directing one in the future and eventually taking more responsibilities. One step at a time!
Jivesh Tulsidas Aspiring Member
I can also see myself as soon-to-be full member and in the foreseeing future, I see myself wholeheartedly in the training of individuals national and International, being both an International certified meta-coach and trainer in communications. I am also looking ahead to be nominated in the TOYP venture for next year as I believe it is important to be visible for others to fully integrate the notion that volunteerism is not a burden, but a choice. While words fall short to describe all my feelings, I can only think better for the coming days, weeks, months and years…
One of the biggest gift you can give is your time: such a sentence has colossal power once the true intention of our lives are set in motion. I joined JCI through social media. I became friend with someone who had a very good human side in the name of Vanisha. She asked me, ‘Do you know JCI?’ That was all needed to set into motion my intention to search and validate my understanding of this amazing NGO. I was moved with all the benevolent movement of all the members while this stirred my motivation to gauge deeper. My first ever project (sort of) was to participate in the 2017 JCI Mauritius National Public Speaking Championship where the first runner up turned me on. I see honesty and dedication as true values in each JCI member.
Atish Bagolah Aspiring Member
Après avoir entre-temps eu des échanges avec plusieurs membres, j’ai eu le privilège de prêter serment durant la visite officielle de Dawn Hetzel, Présidente mondiale de la Jeune Chambre Internationale, à l’île Maurice. Je me souviens notamment de la remise du pins JCI par la Présidente : ce fut pour moi l’un des moments forts de cet évènement. Jusqu’à présent, j’ai bénéficié de différentes sessions de formation de la JCI qui se sont avérées être très bénéfiques pour mon développement personnel. Comme l’affirme Albert Einstein, « la croissance intellectuelle devrait commencer à la naissance et ne cesser qu'à la mort » et je suis persuadée que le développement individuel de tout un chacun est impératif pour amener un changement positif au sein de notre société. J’ai d’emblée participé à quelques activités, y compris le team building à Varangue sur Morne où j’ai eu l’occasion de me familiariser avec plusieurs adhérents de la JCI.
C’est par l’intermédiaire des réseaux sociaux, plus particulièrement suite à l’annonce « Discover your voice - debating skills », que je fis mes premiers pas dans l’un des évènements tenus par la Jeune Chambre Internationale City Plus. Cette session de formation m’a permis de rencontrer les membres de l’organisation qui étaient très accueillants, dynamiques et surtout très engagés dans leur mission. Par ailleurs, j’ai un ami qui récemment m’encourageait à être active au niveau social, soutenant que je suis source d’inspiration pour les autres en tant que jeune femme. J’ai donc instantanément vu en JCI une plate-forme idéale pour apporter ma contribution à la société.
Mon objectif au sein de la Jeune Chambre est de m’impliquer dans la société dans laquelle je suis ancrée, afin de faire tout mon possible pour la rendre meilleure, en travaillant en équipe avec les autres jaycees, en collaboration avec d’autres ONG et compagnies privées. C’est en effet un honneur pour moi de faire partie de ce réseau de jeunes citoyens actifs.
Brenda Monique New Member
JCI City Plus has strengthened my beliefs in people like me and my generation; That we young people are not there in the society for glamour, that we young people are not just present to rant about the lack of jobs on the market, rather we young people do aspire to make change and we are already contributing to the development of our communities in the best possible manner. My journey so far at this Chapter has taught me “it is only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realise your true potential”.
“A new bird in the Chapter!” “All protocols observed, minutes of proceedings, creed”. I scratched my head and wondered about my whereabouts during that Annual General Meeting at the JCI Secretariat on 08 March 2017. Little did I know that my affiliation to this Chapter would bring another meaning to my life. Over the past few months, my status changed from being an aspiring member to a member of JCI City Plus. Through the National Debate Championship, I learnt about team work, the disparities facing our societies, through the National Public Speaking Championship, I realized that it only when you believe in yourself that you are able to achieve the best.
Tejaswinee Burumdoyal New Member
PASSION TO LEARN – “INITIATION TO GOLF” Finally the D-day came! Many of our JCI members have at last found one of their dreams coming true on the 9th of April 2017 at Avalon Golf Course, Bois Cheri. Excitement, laughter, craziness and enthusiasm of each JCI Local organisation made the event a memorable and priceless experience.
“MY FANTABULOUS JOURNEY - FROM MEMBER VIMI POLIAH Memorable, because for me, it was a lifetime experience, from which I was shaken to be rebuilt stronger, and at the same time, take away beautiful memories and new friendship connections. All elements were gathered. - Not only did we promote our brotherhood in a healthy spirit of competition but we moved away from our comfort zone to discover and connect with ourselves – YES I did it - mission accomplished!
“MY FANTABULOUS JOURNEY” Dina Robin 2 has been the most challenging, yet most exciting and memorable experience I have had so far.
Since then, I have been pondering how could I have missed the Dina Robin 1 , while on the other hand, I have made up my mind – I shall not, without any second thought or hesitation, miss the future Dina Robins.
Challenging, because being my first camping weekend out, away from own family members, I firstly had to convince myself that, YES I shall be able to do it – There I go – Registered myself and conditioned my mind that I will have to stay away from the homely comfort zone, and adjust with the present situation there. Like the saying goes: “If you would venture let your mind be bold…. Not Reckless but Bold.” Exciting, because once I stepped in at Varangue sur monde, I immediately realized that it was going to be a crazy weekend out there in that splendid nature and panorama. Indeed, new awesome friends and team members who made the atmosphere comfortable, laughters, fears, challenges, new talents discovered, epic falls and sounds.
Vimi Poliah Member
As every year, the JCI Mauritius Public Speaking Challenge, a flagship project of JCI Mauritius, was organised on the 20th of May 2017 at the Municipal Council of Port Louis. From JCI City Plus, 4 participants n a m e l y A t i s h B a g o l a h , Tejaswinee Burumdoyal, Shaneel R a m a s s y N a e c k a n d A s h i s h accepted to take up the challenge. The theme was “Youth and Active Citizenship: Reality or Myth?” JCI City Plus had the privilege of having 2 of its participants as Winners and First Runner up. Winner - Member Tejaswinee Burumdoyal First Runner up - Aspiring Member Atish Bagolah
MY GREATEST CHALLENGE When I saw my friend motivating me, this triggered something amazing in my mind. I was standing for ten seconds and told myself, just do what you came to do. When I uttered the first word, everyone was looking at me and I was like, ‘’wow, they are all listening attentively to what I was saying’’. I was so relieved when I finished. Something amazing had happened that day, I just found my inner self. From all the encouragement, I believe I can do this and eventually I succeeded. In order to influence the world, you just need to find the right words to inspire change.
As a newly sworn in member of the JCI City Plus, my greatest challenge was to participating in the 2017 public speaking challenge. A great friend of mine assures me to take part in this championship as it will help me to conquer my fears of talking in front of people. Indeed it boosted my self-esteem and it was very satisfying to share something that matters to me with people outside my social circle. I was so scared that I felt like my heart was about to burst out from my stomach. I was having stage fright by having all the eyes staring at me and i that some of my speech could go wrong.
Shaneel Ramassy Naeck Member
INTERNATIONAL VISITS On Sunday, 02 April 2017, the 2017 JCI City Plus Board of Directors had lunch with the 2017 JCI Vice President Mathew Blessing Mutavayi. During the lunch, the Local Board Members had an interesting, engaging and resourceful conversation with the JCI Vice President.
INTERNATIONAL VISITS The JCI City Plus Family welcomed the 2017 JCI President Dawn Hetzel to the beautiful island of Mauritius.
EDIKER PU ERADIKER : DIBOUT PU TO DRWA On Friday, 16 June 2017,JCI City Plus in collaboration with Mafubo Mauritius was in Roche Bois for another session.
OUR CLOSEST PARTNER – “MAFUBO MAURITIUS” Mafubo Mauritius is part of “Fédération M a f u b o Internationale”, an international NGO which has been established by Monique Mujawamariya in Canada in 2009 and is now present in 36 countries. “Mafubo signifies compassion and solidary amongst women. The aim of Mafubo International is to help build a world where women are safe, autonomous and empowered. Mafubo Mauritius is part of Mafubo International. Mafubo Mauritius’ vision is to build a nation where women are the architects of their own lives. Our mission is to, inter alia, advocate and promote gender equality and equity, fight against all forms of discrimination and violence against women, educate and empower women, and improve accessibility to general services. Mafubo Mauritius, being a young organization, believes that JCI City plus is an excellent organization to partner with as both organizations share similar values and goal which is to initiate sustainable projects and continue building up the positive change. Mafubo Mauritius has identified “non-violence against women” as its main focus area for the years 2017-2018. Mafubo Mauritius believes that it has become essential to promote non-violence
against women in our society in order to continue building a safe, inclusive and progressive nation. As such, Mafubo Mauritius is partnering with JCI City Plus’s team working on the portfolio “women empowerment” on the campaign entitled: “ediker pu eradiker: dibout pu to drwa” which aims at eliminating domestic violence in Mauritius. The awareness campaign consist of holding educative and informative talks in the different towns and villages of Mauritius on domestic violence. The talk tackles the causes of domestic violence and also provides the audience with solutions. As such, the campaign addresses the problem of alcoholism, lack of education, poverty and housing issues amongst other problems. Solutions and advice are also provided on how to combat alcoholism, the different steps that is needed to apply for housing, and solutions available to the community to help the victims. The important aspect of the talk is also to provide an overview of the available services and information about the legal procedures that are in place to protect and support victims of domestic violence. The campaign has already been held in Cite St Catherine, St Pierre and Roche-Bois. Our aim is to hold the campaign around the whole of Mauritius. We strongly believe that a partnership between both organizations is necessary to create an impactful and sustainable change towards promoting non-violence in Mauritius.
La Jeune Chambre Internationale (City Plus) collabore avec Mafubo Mauritius sur un des ses projets « Ediker pu eradiker : dibout pu to drwa », dans le but de sensibiliser la population à la violence domestique. Que pensez-vous de cette collaboration ? Madame la Présidente Monique Mujawamariya, bienvenue à l’île Maurice. Quelles sont vos impressions sur notre île ? L’île Maurice est un pays magnifique avec des gens très accueillants et merveilleux. Vous êtes conscients des fléaux qui handicapent votre communauté et vous avez en vous la capacité de changer votre île pour le meilleur. Mafubo Mauritius est la plus jeune Mafubo du monde. J’ai été agréablement surprise par ces jeunes femmes qui ont des idées claires de la société ainsi que leur volonté pour la rendre meilleure. Elles sont vraiment dévouées à cette cause.
La collaboration est bien accueillie. Vous faites un travail remarquable. Mes recommandations seraient de s’attaquer à la racine du problème et de tendre la main à ceux qui sont vraiment au bas de l’échelle. Ce sont eux les oubliés de la société et il est important d’aller vers ces personnes. Il faut les aider à développer leur potentiel ; ainsi ils pourront à leur tour aider les autres. Toutefois, il ne faut surtout pas surcharger l’équipe. Il vous faut avancer à votre rythme et prendre une pause stratégique. Il s’agit d’un projet à long terme et il est nécessaire que vous analysiez et voyiez si vous êtes en ligne avec votre mission.
Quels conseils donnerez-vous aux membres de la JCI ? Vous faites un travail fabuleux. Au Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, 3 membres actifs de Mafubo ont également été des membres de la Jeune Chambre, dont l’une a été Présidente d’une organisation locale de la JCI. Votre engagement doit être ancré en vous. Vous devez avoir un comportement digne d’un Jaycee, non seulement lors des évènements de la JCI mais tant dans votre milieu professionnel, familial que social. Être JCI doit être votre seconde nature. Entretien pris par la Presidente Tasweena
During the June Members Meeting of JCI City Plus at Strike City, Bagatelle, the Best Board Member, Best Member and Best New Member were announced and rewarded for their hard work, dedication and commitment to JCI City Plus during the first 6 months of 2017. Best Board Member: Local Vice President Pavan Gopal Best Member: Varuna Govinden Best New Member: Tejaswinee Burumdoyal
2017 JCI AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST CONFERENCE “Shine bright like a diamond...Yes we did it” by winning 3 awards at International Level at the 2017 JCI Africa and Middle East Conference in Sousse, Tunisia in May. The project directors of 2016 were blessed with their extraordinary Local skills development project of “The ABC of Investing in Stock Exchange Edition 1”. When young active citizens together believe in positive change, they make a real impact in society.
NETOYE NOU PARADIS The first Clean Up Activity under the Campaign "Netoye Nou Paradis" was organised on Sunday, 11 June 2017 in view of the World Environment Day on 5 June 2017. The team present was vibrantly engaged in the Clean Up activity.Â
2017 EDITION THE ABC OF INVESTING IN THE STOCK EXCHANGE empower people to invest their money intelligently rather than ‘park’ their savings somewhere.
It has been a great adventure organizing the 2017 JCI City Plus of Stock Exchange Investment Seminar. Being co-project directors can be tricky, especially if personalities clash during leadership. However, with Carolyn Louise and myself, there was an instant connection – we worked seamlessly together during the last 6 months to make this project a success. We would of course not have been able to achieve this project without the help of our amazing team. JCI really is a platform for development opportunities and bridges the gap between the business world. We had the opportunity to work with leaders of the financial sector, including SWAN [our gold sponsor], the Financial Services Promotion Agency [FSPA] and the Stock Exchange of Mauritius [SEM]. We humbly thank them for believing in us and for their continuous support throughout this project. We believe that service to humanity is the best work of life and when it comes to the economy, we strongly think that there are investment opportunities out there - that is why JCI City Plus has come up with this seminar on the ABC of investing in stock markets. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to encourage and
"I think that everyone reaches a point in their life when planning for the future by considering investing on stock markets can be the key to long lasting financial stability and security to achieve personal goals and needs." Carolyn Louise Co Project Director
This year the event was much more interactive and since we had an idea on the profile of participants [based from last year's audience]. We had a lot students, retired people and entrepreneurs, and repeaters from last year there were also professionals who came [ex. doctors, engineers]. We believe that financial literacy is for everyone and a country can only grow through its people – and we are pleased to close this project this year with such a positive response from the general public.
“Research has shown that the average Mauritian has enough purchasing power to invest wisely. However, they just don’t know how to do it.” Alisha Hingun Co Project Director
"Depuis que nos deux organisations locales ont commencé à se contacter fin 2015, les échanges se sont multipliés et ont abouti à des projets communs suivant le cadre JCI du citoyen actif : campagne de sensibilisation sur la conduite avec « Commit for less accident » en 2016 et création d’un espace vert avec « Tea time garden » en 2017. La JCI Antananarivo sait les apports de cette collaboration, fructueux et importants dans l’atteinte d’un objectif commun, celui d’appor ter un changement positif. Le chemin sera, certes, parsemé d’embuche mais elle reste confiante dans les actions menées qui vont grandement aboutir à des solutions durables pour la communauté. La JCI City Plus et la JCI Antananarivo continuent de collaborer ensemble avec de nombreux challenges à relever jusqu’à ce que la convention de jumelage soit signée." Valerie ANDRIANAVALONA Présidente locale 2017 Jeune Chambre Internationale Antananarivo
HABEEBA NOBEE, 25 years old, Quatre-Bornes Volunteer Team Member of TOIT POUR TOUS Ile Maurice Project, Executive Member of GIVE (Giving Is Vital Enthusiasm) NGO
I strongly support JCI City Plus (Mauritius) as I believe that it is one of the leading organizations contributing to driving positive change in our society and country. I highly value the organization’s commitment in inspiring and empowering our young generations in creating a massive positive impact around them nation-wise and in the global context. JCI City Plus succeeds in building new leaders through its various activities by providing them a platform to share their ideas, unleash their potential and leadership skills, and to give their best self. Furthermore, I greatly support the sustainable and effective approach used by the JCI City Plus team members to promote the message of Peace, Justice and Equality through its sensitization campaigns. The campaign “Ediker pu eradiker- Dibout pu to drwa” is one of the most amazing initiatives by JCI City Plus which aims at ending violence and abuse against women by sensitizing the civil society. I moreover applaud the organization’s relentless efforts in working towards addressing a wide range of the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. I am certain that the team members’ devotion to bringing positive change in the Country will continue inspiring and lifting many, thereby increasing citizenship engagement. I warmly appreciate the activities of the JCI City Plus with regards to the protection and preservation of our environment and marine life. It is a great honour for me to collaborate with the JCI City Plus team in the near future – individuals who I trust are young active and responsible citizens of this Country! I take the opportunity to invite other institutions, NGOs and companies to extend their collaboration with the JCI City Plus for us to synergize and work together towards that same Vision: Building a Better Future for Mauritius and a Sustainable World.
L’EXPERIENCE INOUIE DE TOYP « Ce que nous faisons pour nous même disparaît avec nous. Ce que nous faisons pour les autres et le monde est immortel et demeure ». Albert Pine. Ce fut pour moi un privilège d’être nominé pour cette 31ème édition du programme TOYP. J’ai eu l’honneur de côtoyer des gens qui ont à cœur l’avancement de la société. Je dois avouer qu’au départ j’étais très réticent à y participer ; j’ai été toutefois vivement encouragé par ma nominatrice. Sa décision de m’inscrire à ce concours était motivée par le fait qu’elle trouvait en moi une personne qui inspire et contribue dans la vie des autres. Nous étions 38 participants au total et j’ai été nominé dans la catégorie « business, économie et/ou entrepreneuriat ». Être candidat m’a éclairé davantage sur l’importance d’y participer. L'événement démontre la volonté de valoriser et distinguer les jeunes les plus remarquables de l’île Maurice. Comme l’a déclaré M. Arnaud Godère, Président de la JCI en 1994 et invité d’honneur de la cérémonie, trop souvent ce sont de mauvais modèles qui font la une de l’actualité. La présentation individuelle de chaque candidat lors de la cérémonie, et préalablement sur les réseaux sociaux, donne la visibilité requise pour être source d’inspiration et d’exemple aux autres jeunes. Je considère personnellement que le plus important n’est pas de remporter le premier prix : chaque participant a été exceptionnel et le fait d’avoir été nominé constitue déjà une distinction. Cette initiative de la JCI a eu un impact positif pour moi et m’a permis de bâtir un réseau de contacts plus solide. En effet, les jeunes citoyens actifs ont eu la possibilité de se connecter et de partager : je songe déjà à mes futures collaborations ! Je pense effectivement que la reconnaissance joue un rôle déterminant et encourage à se surpasser, voire à chercher l’excellence. Parallèlement, avec une telle expérience enrichissante, j’encourage les autres jeunes à participer à ce concours la prochaine fois afin de faire connaître leur histoire en tant que jeune citoyen actif. On peut indéniablement affirmer que les 38 jeunes qui se sont engagés à porter haut le flambeau ont prouvé la véracité du thème de cette édition de TOYP : « l’Espoir Nou Pei ». Yansley Thong ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Membre 39
On the 24th of June, we had the privilege of having our first training for the year under skills development. The training was open to public and we had members from “Rising” and “YAC” who attended. The trainers were our JCI Mauritius National President Asha Auckloo and our Deputy National President Roumesh Oomah. The second part of the training was done by Our guest speaker Mr Nandish Torul, who gave us a wonderful exposé about the subconscious and conscious mind.
What is H1N1 influenza? Influenza, commonly known as flu, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus. There are various Influenza viruses that affect human, the most common are Influenza Virus A (further divided i n t o s u b t y p e s H 1 N 1 a n d H 3 N 2 ) a n d I n fl u e n z a B . Whichever may be the Influenza virus causing the disease, the route of transmission, symptoms and treatment are the same. It spreads through the air from tiny droplets from cough or sneeze, and also by touching surfaces contaminated by the virus and then touching the mouth or eyes. Symptoms include high fever, sore throat, bodyache and coughing. Treatment is symptomatic and antiviral medications.
The Difference between common cold and influenza H1N1 The common cold and influenza are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses, common cold being caused by rhinovirus and coronavirus among others, and influenza by influenza viruses as mentioned above. In general, Influenza H1n1 is worse than common cold, the symptoms are more severe and intense. Influenza H1N1 can have more serious complications like pneumonia. Please see below attachments for more details.
Prevention and Precautions to be taken • Get vaccinated • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. • If you are sick and have flu like symptoms, seek medical advice. Keep a distance of at least 1m from others and stay home from work or school when you are sick. • Cover your mouth/nose with a tissue when coughing/sneezing. Make sure to properly dispose of the used tissue. • Wash your hands often with soap and water to protect from germs. You may use an alcohol based hand sanitizer. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth as the virus is often spread when a person touches a surface that has been contaminated and then touches his/her eyes, nose, mouth. • And also, practice good health habits. Get the right amount of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food!
V a c c i n a t i o n Flu vaccines cause antibodies to develop in the body which provide protection against infection. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get vaccinated. Vaccination is particularly important for people who are at high risk of serious complications from influenza, like the elderly, people with co-morbidities like bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. A flu vaccine is needed every year for two reasons. First, the body’s immune response from vaccination declines over time, so an annual vaccine is needed for optimal protection. Second, because flu viruses are constantly changing, the formulation of the flu vaccine is reviewed each year and updated to keep up with changing flu v i r u s e s . A question frequently asked is whether a person can get seasonal flu even though he/ she got vaccinated? Yes, there is still a possibility you could get the flu even if you got vaccinated. The ability of flu vaccine to protect a person depends on the similarity or “match” between the viruses used to make the vaccine and those circulating in the community. If the viruses in the vaccine and the influenza viruses circulating in the community are closely matched, vaccine effectiveness is higher. If they are not closely matched, vaccine effectiveness can be reduced. However, even if the viruses are not closely matched, the vaccine can still protect and prevent flurelated complications. Such protection is possible because antibodies made in response to the vaccine can provide some protection (called cross-protection) against different but related influenza viruses. Dr Nidhi Servansingh Member
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