JCI Kota Kinabalu 60th Anniversary Magazine

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0 06 6 REMINISCING 60 YEARS OF GLORIOUS JOURNEY ANNIVERSARY Since 1962 13 November 2022 Hakka Hall Presidential Theme Event Sponsor

The President

Board of Directors and Members of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu is proud to welcome

Our Guest of Honour National Officers Past Presidents JCI Senators Local Organisation Presidents Distinguished Guests Representatives of other Organisations Friends of the Press and Fellow Jaycees To Our 60th Anniversary

Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu


No. 72-3, 3rd Floor Wisma New Far East off Jalan Lintas, 88300, Kota Kinabalu. Email: info@jcikk.org

Supported By:


We Believe:

That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;

That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;

That economics justice can best be won by freemen through free enterprise;

That government should be of law rather than of men; That Earth's great treasure lies in human personality; And the service to humanity is the best work of life.


To provide leadership development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change


To be the leading global network of young active citizen.


The idea of setting up Junior Chamber International (JCI) started in 1959 The three people closely associated in the formation the first chapter in Jesselton (Kota Kinabalu) were En Fauzi Patel, Mr. John Hii and Mr. Michael Chen. Fauzi Patel was with the Sabah Times and was on a study tour to Australia The tour was hosted by the Nambour Junior Chamber, Queensland. The study tour motivated him

About the same time John Hii, was manager of M/S Jardine Waugh Co. and was on a training course in London He attended the 11th JCI World Congress in Paris. He was impressed with the friendliness, warmth and charm of the participants of the world congress

Michael Chen, then the Manager of Cathay Cinema, was contacted by Fauzi Patel and John Hii and the idea was mooted to start recruiting members for a Junior Chamber for Jesselton (Kota Kinabalu). In January 1962 a meeting was held with the attendance of Lee Choon Fatt, Robert De Souza, John Su and Geogre Chin to discuss the matter further.

On the 1st July 1962 the 1st Organisational Meeting was held at the Jesselton Recreation Club. There were seveteen members present; RD Patel, John Hii Michael Chen, Lee Choon Fatt, Robert De Souza, John Su, Teo Geok Seang, Yuen Peng Cheng, Mak Sin Loong, Ho Fook Kee, Lim Kim Jee, Lim Beng Aun, John Foo, Spencer Lim, Peter Soong and Liew Yun Choi.

the Jesselton Junior Chamber was created with the following PROTEM officers;

Ag Chairman John Hii

VP (External) George Chin

VP(Internal) Lee Choon Fatt Secretary RD Patel Treasurer Michael Chen

Directors : Teo Geok Seng Hoo Fook Kee Yeun Peng Cheng Mak Sin Loong

The Inaugural Speech on 1st December 1962

The Inauguration General Meeting, held on 2nd November 1962, produced the following Board of Directors;

President George Chin VP (External) Lee Choon Fatt VP (Internal) John Hii Secretary James Yapp Treasurer Foo Tiang Keng Directors : Lawrence Liew Lim Su Seng Michael Chen E. Patel

1959 (JCIKK Idea Formation) 1962 (Official Establishment of JCIKK)

A lot of Jaycees have come and gone, but many are not even aware of how this movement came about in Sabah. To shed some light of its history, an interview was conducted with Datuk George Chin, the founding president of Kota KInabalu Jaycees which was then called Jesselton Junior Chamber and also the first President of Sabah Jaycees

in 1962, a group of enthusiasts in the then Jesselton, got together to discuss the possibility of establishing a Jaycees club in K.K. The group was spearheaded by a few individuals who had got in contact with Jaycees in their travels to the place According to Datuk Chin, about a year earlier, John Hii who was to become the pro term President, met a Jaycees in Penang who sold him the idea of forming a Jaycees club in Sabah

At about the same time, the then manager of Boustead Mr. Lee Choon Fatt, went to Australia for some business matters. during his stay there, he managed to attend a Jaycees conference and was so impressed with the Organisation that he came home convinced that a group should be found to form a Jaycees in Sabah. Mr Lee managed to bring back with him some Jaycees materials from Australia

2022 ( JCIKK 60th Anniversary)

As fate would have it, the two met and together with some 18 others including Datuk Chin, the first Jaycees chapter was born in 1963.

Datuk Chin said, "since I was the oldest in the group, I was then 39; they offered me the post of President " "'I accepted their offer without much hesitation even though I didn't have much knowledge about Jaycees then" he added.

However, the opportunity to learn more about Jaycees came when they were invited to attend the Jaycees Regional Conference in Singapore. Datuk chin and Spenser Lim attended where they met the Australia Jaycees President encouraged them to be affiliated with JCI and the Australia would like to sponsor Sabah's entery to the international body

According to Datuk Chin, one of their pioneer members Johnny Wong transferred to Sandakan and together with Datuk Khoo That Choon and others, act about forming Sandakan Jaycees. The two contacted Jesselton Chapter for a meeting and not long after, Sandakan Jaycees was inaugurated

Contacts were then made by Sandakan Jaycees with Tawau to establish a chapter in the area. With the good response, they form Sabah Junior Chamber in the same year 1963 and elected Datuk Chin as its first President.

The big day for Sabah came during the JCI World Congress in Tel Aviv, Isreal in 1963. It was the first time that the newly created Sabah flag went to its furthest destination carried by Datuk Khoo That Choon, the sole Sabah Jaycees representative "True to its promise, Australia jaycees sponsored our affiliation and our application was approved then and there"

On reaching forty in 1964, Datuk Chin left the Jaycees as required in the Organisation's constitution. In appreciation for his contribution, he was made Jaycees Senator number #439, thus becoming the first Jaycees Senator in Sabah As there was no Jaycees Senate Association then, Datuk Chin joined the Rotary club of Kota Kinabalu of which he became one of its Presidents.

During his term as President of Sabah Jaycees, Datuk Chin who is an architect by profession designed the first bus shelter in town The shelter was then located in front of the St Francis Primary School As a matter of fact, the then Jesselton Town Board sought this permission to copy the design for their own bus shelters which Datuk willingly permitted. The design is still being used to this today.

Peninsula Jaycees, Sabah Jaycees and Sarawak Jaycees were all formed before Malaysia was created in the late 1963

JCIKK's Secretariat in the 90's
DidYou DidYou DidYou Know? Know? Know?
Portrait of our charter president JCI Senator Datuk George Chin





Dear members & friends of JCI,

Greetings! First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to JCI Kota Kinabalu on reaching the 60th Anniversary milestone. It is an honour and privilege for me to pen a few words and be invited to witness this momentous occasion.

I am impressed that JCI Kota Kinabalu stands strong and firm as a youth organisation, continuously encouraging more young people to develop and become active citizens and taking the initiative to create impactful projects for the well being of the community, particularly in Sabah. I salute all your past presidents and members who have devoted their time and efforts to make the impossible possible.

More importantly, JCI has always served as an all inclusive platform that has benefited young people by providing a variety of learning opportunities to amplify their innate talents and bring new ideas to improve their communities through the sustainable solution. With the booming of young people with entrepreneurial spirit, JCI has provided networking opportunities, as well as serving as an important resource that unites young entrepreneurs and facilitates their growth on the right track, which I believe will drive the economy's development and open up more opportunities in Sabah's society.

I strongly encourage more Sabah youths aged 18 to 40 to join this important organisation in order to develop more vibrant and creative ideas to make Sabah a better place. I am excited and looking forward to seeing the impact of youth organisations like JCI Kota Kinabalu dedicated to serving our nation with utmost dedication and sincerity, particularly in Sabah, in developing more young leaders.

Finally, my sincere thanks to President Alan and his team for taking JCI Kota Kinabalu to new heights, as well as the organising committee led by Irene Chong for accepting the challenge to host this memorable event and making it a success. Thank you.

Datuk Dexter Lau Guest of Honour

JCI Kota Kinabalu 60th Anniversary

Special invited guest, VVIP

Dear members and friends of Junior Chamber International,


It gives me great pleasure to be able to pen a few lines for the occasion of JCI Kota Kinabalu’s 60th Anniversary.

This auspicious occasion symbolizes the strong foundation of JCI Kota Kinabalu as we are celebrating this remarkable journey of 60 years old of an NGO JCI Kota Kinabalu has demonstrated leadership ability in the past half a century plus a decade and is my fervent hope that JCI Kota Kinabalu would set a good example by being an effective voluntary organization that contributes to the well being of our society, in specific the youth. I am proud to see that JCI Kota Kinabalu nurtured so many leaders through the 60 years of the movement

The Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) development plan has outlined three main thrusts, and “M” refers to human capital and the well being of the people. I wish JCI Kota Kinabalu can continue to inspire more youth and impact the community.

You as future leaders are all invaluable assets to the nation and you all are instrumental in its development crucial I wish that the youth will continue to participate and engage in this agenda of nation building Leadership is about the ability to inspire others, equip oneself with leadership skills in a practical way and apply them to our daily lives. Learn to shoulder responsibility, unleash your leadership and be a team player.

Last but not least, I would like to thank you JCI Kota Kinabalu for having me in this wonderful event and congratulate the Organizing committees led by Irene Chong on taking up the challenge to host this 60th Anniversary I wish you a successful event hosted.

Thank you.

Datuk Dr Roland Chia Special Invited Guest, VVIP JCI Kota Kinabalu 60th Anniversary


Dear Fellow Members, Senators and Past Presidents of JCI Kota Kinabalu, Congratulations on the 60th Anniversary of JCI Kota Kinabalu!

Year 2022 is indeed a remarkable year for JCI Kota Kinabalu. 60 years ago, the founding members recognized the need to provide development opportunities for young people to create positive change and laid the foundation for the affiliation of JCI Kota Kinabalu Being the first local organization in Kota Kinabalu, you have come a very long way since and has become one the main pillars of the local community.

To all Past Presidents of JCI Kota Kinabalu, this 60th Anniversary will become a memory land and a reflection of the rich historical background JCI Kota Kinabalu Today, you are celebrating 60 years of hard work and excellence This is an achievement that you should be proud of; and which has laid a strong foundation for many generations to come

To all JCI Kota Kinabalu members, take this opportunity and treasure this glorious moment You will be witnessing and celebrating a once in a lifetime event together with other distinguished guests, in appreciating the mission and the glorification that your past presidents have contributed through their passion and commitment towards our wonderful JCI Organization. 2 simple words “Thank you” means a lot to them. Learn the best from them, be inspired from what you have been seen today, energized yourself and be better for tomorrow

To Local President Alan Moo, this significant event will be a great challenge for you, to create another history to be remembered for JCI Kota Kinabalu together with your BOD and members I believe your leadership influences, encouragement and determination will lead and empower your members to continuously support the JCI movement and for the betterment of communities in Sabah.

Not forgetting the Organizing Chairlady, Irene Chong with her enthusiastic and dynamic committee for taking up the challenges in making this meaningful event possible though it is not an easy task

As we gather here tonight, I thank each and every one of you for your efforts in building and taking the LO to where it is today and I urge you to continue excelling, to add and stack more bricks to your great establishment. As you look forward to the next 60 years, I ask that you continue to Take the LEAD in building more enterprising leaders in this changing world, because leading is our duty!

JCI Senator Ellen Lu Ping Ping 2022 JCI Malaysia National President

2022 JCI


Greetings from JCI Malaysia Senate!

It is a great honour for me to give a few words for the 60th Anniversary Celebration of JCI Kota Kinabalu souvenir magazine.

Happy 60th Anniversary to JCI Kota Kinabalu!

60 years are long journey for an organization to sustain and continue, however JCI Kota Kinabalu had proved that you successfully make it. I would like to pay the utmost salute to the founder, charter president, current and past presidents and members for your past years’ contributions in JCI movements.

For the last 60 years, JCI Kota Kinabalu also never stop in producing outstanding young leaders who created and brought a better community environment to Area Sabah. Job well done!!!

On behalf of JCI Malaysia Senate, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all the JCI Senators of JCI Kota Kinabalu, who play important roles in JCI movement at local, national even in international levels Please don’t stop your dedication in JCI, let’s work together in making this community be better!!!

Last but not least, congratulation to the Organizing Chairperson Irene Chong and the committees for the efforts to organize a successful 60th Anniversary Celebration

Thank You!

Yours faithfully, JCI Senator Teoh Eng Kiat

2022 JCI Malaysia Senate President

2022 JCI


My warmest greeting to JCI Kota Kinabalu’s Board of Directors, Senators, Past Presidents, and Members

First and foremost, thank you JCI Kota Kinabalu to have me pen down a few words for this wonder 60th Anniversary magazine I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate JCI Kota Kinabalu has made a tremendous impact on our society for 60 years Over the years, JCI Kota Kinabalu is a well known leadership organisation that aligned with JCI’s Mission, to provide development opportunities to our members to create a positive impact on the local community Not only that, they even produced a bunch of young and energetic leaders to serve the local community for a brighter future

Besides that, with the commitment and dedication of President Alan Moo and his team, this year they achieved 4 Star Local Organisation and 100% efficiency. Despite the slow recovery from COVID 19, the team has never stopped when obstacles in front of them, they even benefited our communities which the local organization did plenty of projects such as “BNI Supreme X JCI KK Cocktail party”, “International Collaboration 2.0 CALL TO ACTION”, “Zero Virus! 2022: Back to School”, and many more. All these events covered the four (4) pillars of JCI which are community, individual, international, and business.

Last but not least, congratulations to Organizing Chairlady Irene Chong and her team for their efforts in coordinating the event. I know you and the team have worked tirelessly for the past few months to prepare for this anniversary and I believe all our beloved guests will enjoy this remarkable event. JCI is a platform that provides development opportunities to train youth to become future leaders. These experiences are good opportunities for everyone to learn, grow and show our effort to make the event memorable and pleasant.

Thank you, President Alan and his Board of Directors who break the limits this year and made JCI Kota Kinabalu shine again. Hereby wishing JCI Kota Kinabalu continuous and impactful success in 2023. Yours in JCI, Michael Chang 2022 JCI Malaysia National Executive Vice President




standforemost,myheartiestcongratulationstoJCIKotaKinabalu its 60th Anniversary celebration. To the Organising Chairperson ne Chong and her committees, all of you have done an excellent incoordinatingthismeaningfulandunforgettableevent.

om an idea in 1959 by 3 prominent individuals (Mr. Fauzi Patel, r JohnHiiandMr MichaelChen),JCIKotaKinabaluhascertainly ethanhalfacentury,JCIKotaKinabaluhas madealotofremarkableachievements.All ppenedwithoutthebackboneofJCIKota esidents and Members. Their selfless and theJCImovementsaretrulyinspirational.

ketorecognizetheleadershipof2022JCI dent Alan Moo, Board of Directors and t and contribution. Their support and her truly amaze and inspire me. I truly developed into better citizens, better ders. Do continue to serve to the best of dsleaderssuchasyouall.

Last but not least, I wish JCI Kota Kinabalu all the best in future endeavours and continue to uphold the JCI Creed, Mission and Vision. Happy 60th Anniversary! Yours sincerely, Vannessa Lim 2022 JCI Malaysia National Vice President Assigned


Dear JCI Kota Kinabalu,

Warmest greetings from the Junior Ch International Manila!

It is with great pleasure and honor that I write today. On behalf of the entire JCI Manila, I wou to congratulate 2022 President Alan Moo, the Board of Directors and the rest of JCI Kota Ki for achieving this rare milestone.

60th Anniversary is a big celebration fo organization. I want to take this moment to cel JCI Kota Kinabalu’s achievements and success past 60 years. JCI Manila is proud to have you Sister Chapter.

Furthermore, despite the pandemic, Kota Kinab to visit after more than 2 years. We want to tha forward to celebrating this milestone with you in

JCI Manila continues to be fully committed to sustainable positive change. Through our joint e

Once again, congratulations on this special occasion and for serving as a shining example for others in the past 60 years

Yours truly,

Richard Lim, Jr 2022 Chapter President JCI Manila

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On behalf of JCI Angeles City Culiat, I would like send my warmest congratulations to President Alan Moo and the 2022 BOD of JCI Kota Kinabalu for their 60th Induction and Turnover Ceremonies

Despite the challenges that our current situation holds, I know that you will be able to soar high and through while standing firm with our values and being true to our mission of leadership, volunteerism, and camaraderie

I hope you all the best and we look forward to creating new and fond memories with JCI Kota Kinabalu brothers and sisters

Again, happy 60th anniversary JCI Kota Kinabalu Continue to move forward to greater heights

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Dear JCI Kota Kinabalu,

On behalf of the officers and members of JCI C is my great pleasure to extend my warmest cong JCI Kota Kinabalu on her 60th anniversary, as w wishes for your good health and every success f past and present

We continue to look forward to opportunities able to collaborate, innovate and learn from eac the same time, foster stronger friendships members and chapters

JCI Kota Kinabalu has groomed many great leaders past and present, and I believe JCI KK will continue to grow from strength to strength

Warmest Regards, Jeffrey Lee Yi Fu 2022 President

JCI City Singapore




Greeting from JCI Johor Bahru Entrepreneur

It is my honour to be invited to pen a few words for JCI Kota Kinabalu for 60th anniversary Best wishes to Organizing Chairperson Irene Chong and her team for the effort in coordinating the event, this experience is a great opportunity for you to learn, grow and to show the best that your Local organization can offer

My heartiest congratulations to LO President Alan Moo and the board of directors for taking up the challenge to lead JCI Kota Kinabalu and to continue to bring positive impact to the community The theme “60 Inspire” which showing appreciation and best wishes for the anniversary My appreciation and admiration go to our friendship pack chapter for the effort and dedication that have been rendered to your Local organization

JCI Johor Bahru Entrepreneur is 17 years LO which positioned we since from the beginning as an entrepreneur based chapter Our chapter members' strength filled with 80% of the business owners or second generation of a company which gave us the strength that continues bringing strong impact in our business pillar With our member's entrepreneur background, we had fifty seven sponsors who supported us as either annual patrons or project partners We empower entrepreneurs to be better through the Individual pillar flagship project E Rise to empower young people to start their entrepreneurship

We believe that as an entrepreneur shall deliver impact to the community, and we start a community flagship project “Waste to Green” that composts food waste into fertilizer. We believe education is the key to handling root causes, so we took a partnership with SJK Ban Foo to educate students on the important of the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). To date, we had successfully collected 4.5 tonnes of food waste and transformed it into 2.2 tonnes of fertilizer.

60 years make a remarkable milestone for JCI Kota Kinabalu with steady growth over the years. With a strong and united Local Board of Directors, appointees, enthusiastic members, and past presidents, we look forward to the future development of JCI Kota Kinabalu



2022 President

Warmest greetings to JCI Senators, Past Presidents, me friends!

I was involved in this wonderful leadership organization 2019 It never came to my mind that I would take the oa as the 60th JCI Kota Kinabalu Local President in the Thank you very much for bestowing me with t opportunity I am blessed and honored as 2022 mark Anniversary of JCI Kota Kinabalu.

JCI Kota Kinabalu has been established for more than hal 60 years of inspiration! my 2022 presidential theme “60 inspiring our youth in developing leadership skills, creatin change for ourselves and showing our community th capable to provide different opportunities and services to the same time, inspiring young Malaysians to greater h selfless dedication to the development and success in the life.

I would like to recognize 3 prominent individuals. Mr. F Mr John Hii and Mr Michael Chen They saw the value Chamber International On behalf of JCI Kota Kinabalu, I to extend my profuse thanks for sparking the idea of f Kota Kinabalu back Their idea in 1959 has led to t positive impacts over the past 60 years. To all JCI Kota Ki Presidents, who have been upholding and keeping the le Kota Kinabalu, please accept my thanks and gratitude.

JCI Kota Kinabalu has given me countless individual dev opportunities, wonderful memories and many more I thankful to JCI Kota Kinabalu, Past Presidents, JCI Se Members

Happy 60th Anniversary. May JCI Kota Kinabalu continue to flourish and INSPIRE many young leaders.

Last but not least, well done and congratulations to Organizing Chairlady Irene Chong and her dynamic teams to make tonight's 60th Anniversary a meaningful and wonderful event celebration

Thank you!

Your faithfully, Alan Moo Joon Voon

2022 JCI Kota Kinabalu Local President

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Organizing Chairlady

come JCI members and guests to our JCI Kota Kinabalu 60th eremony!

nd year of JCI Kota Kinabalu, it is truly rewarding to witness my ota Kinabalu develop through half of a century plus a decade. I azed and enjoyed being the Organizing Chairlady for this ilestone, from tidying all the past records and documents with es, speaking to different era past presidents, to assisting in 60th Anniversary edition magazine I am very grateful that the ectors and members entrusted me to be their Organizing his celebration

g committees and I came up with the idea to connect and milestone, hence we came up with the idea of ‘Retro to Current and program, just to let our past members and members come elebrate and network together Let our past presidents get to rent member, and let past experiences share with the current m thankful to all the senior members, current members and e members to take time off from their busy schedules to get to celebrate this milestone with us

king mistakes, there won’t be lessons learned. Without getting on’t be knowledge gained. The only way we grow is by learning Always stay humble and hungry to learn and grow daily ” This is JCI, in JCI we tolerant of mistakes

o thank the supportive Past Presidents of JCI Kota Kinabalu for us guidance, support and encouragement to make the ceremony osted. I would also like to thank you for their time and patience g to the video making and history recordings to pass down to the on of leaders. Especially thank you to my 60th Anniversary or Oi Yi Lin and her assistant Jade, without your sweats and azine will not be produced

like to thank our Guest of Honor, Datuk Dexter Lau for his rds JCI Kota Kinabalu 60th Anniversary Ceremony With his support to youth and young entrepreneurs, I believe JCI Kota Kinabalu can work together in the future to build more young creative entrepreneurs. Finally, to my event sponsors JH Bersatu Sdn Bhd, Owen thank you for supporting this event and all my magazine sponsors, thank you for showing great support to me and my team

To the organizing committee members, thank you for all your sustenance and assistance throughout and congratulations on a job well done Once again Selamat Datang everyone, I hope you enjoy the night we have planned.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully, Irene Chong

Organizing Chairlady

JCI Kota Kinabalu 60th Anniversary

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sponsored Intan Jaycees (current JCI Intan) in 1975,

sponsored Tanjung Aru (Current JCI Tanjung Aru) and Penampang Jaycees (Current – JCI Penampang) in 1980;

signed sisterhood pacts with JCI Manila,Philippines (1981), JCI City, Singapore (1983), JCI Lu Chu, Taiwan (1985) and JCI Culiat,Philippines (2009)

hosted JCI Malaysia National Convention in 1978, 1982, 1996, 2005 and 2015

Organised Internet Seminar (Awarded Commercial Education Project Award – 1996 Pusan World Congress, 1996 Annual National Convention Malaysia)

Organised Tolumis Care Centre Charity in 2013, 2014, 2015 (Awarded Best Long Term Community Project 2014 JCI Malaysia Annual National Convention)

Organised Flagship Project The Outstanding Young Person of Sabah in 2007, 2009 & 2016

Awarded Premier Award for Most Outstanding Youth Organisation 2016 – by Ministry of Youth and Sports Sabah

CommissionDirectorIndividual MICHELLE
CommissionDirectorInternationalAffairs BENJAMIN CHOI NG KANG JIE CHIAN MEI HSING ALAN MOO OI YI LIN MUHAMMAD HISHAMMUDDIN SNOWY CHANG IRENE CHONG CHONG JIN HAN HonoraryTreasurer VicePresidentExternal ImmediatePastPresident HonorarySecretary VicePresidentInternal CommissionDirectorCommunity CommissionDirectorCommunity 2022JCIKKPresident GeneralLegalCounsel BOD's DIRECTORY Name Alan Moo Joon Voon Chian Mei Hsing Snowy Chang Shue Yin Ng Kang Jie Benjamin Choi Chee Hau Irene Chong Yee Ting Oi Yi Lin Kan Jun Jian Michelle Ng Yen San Muhammad Hisyamuddin Bin Abdul Salleh Chong Jin Han Email jcikkalanmoo@gmail com meihsingjcikk@gmail.com snowyscy@gmail com kangjie5557@hotmail.com kalzak1992@yahoo com iirenechong@gmail.com oiyilin97@gmail.com kan 96@live.com sann0514@gmail.com vigo400@gmail.com cjhanz1957@hotmail.com

1. The most valuable experience in your JCI Journey?

Actually, because my years in JCI were in the 60’s era, so my experience is quite different from what you all have right now. When I looked back to the JCI Kota Kinabalu now, the chapter has gone a long way. Because at that time when I first heard of the Jaycee, it was Jesselton Junior Chamber of Commerce, and Kota Kinabalu at the time wasn’t formed yet, it was Jesselton. I am very thankful to the president at that time who responsible to encourage me to join JCI, the presidents at that time were 1966 JCI Senator Chin Nyuk Fatt and 1967 JCI Senator John Su. I pay attribute to all the founding fathers of our chapter, they are the foundation of our chapter, who contribute their time and effort to build who we are today. 60 years is a very long journey, it’s half of a century plus a decade, I am happy for the development of JCI Kota Kinabalu until today. From my own valuable experience, I would say it was the YES, I said to JCI Kota Kinabalu. If I never say yes to the organization I would not gain. If I never say yes to taking up the leadership role, I will never learn the lesson of leadership.

2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI


I think would answer the needs of the community and stay relevant to the current problems that that community is facing. During my days in JCI, Batik was something new introduced to the community, hence we organized a Batik Fashion Show as a program during my year. Besides that, we also organized a Trade Fair, just to connect Peninsular and Sabah businesses to showcase products. Not only connect businesses but also we did promote our organization during the trade fair. It was a challenging time when we organize projects during my time as a president, and none of the committees come from the event organizing background.


During my presidency my membership was low, but it’s normal to have sometimes longer membership list some years shorter. To me, I could have just joined to be a normal member but I realize I would not learn this much if I never get both of my hands dirty. In JCI we provide a platform to learn on hand leadership training, in JCI we allow mistakes. I am very proud of the current leaders and presidents who took up the challenge to be in the leadership role, you will learn more than an ordinary member.

JCI Senator Datuk Joseph Leong Sai Ho, 1970 President
3. What is the difference between being a member and taking a position in your JCI
JCI Senator Datuk Joseph Leong Sai Ho in Trade Fair


1. The most valuable experience in your JCI Journey?

The most valuable experience is getting the members together to do the trade fair. It involves a lot of members and giving them responsibilities, stalls, and getting permits. It also gives them the experience of working with authorities and government agencies to get things done, such as getting the place, and sign, working with contractors, and getting the stalls built. Those are very good experiences. Not only for myself, as a team leader at that time but also for members, participation of the members, and involvement with the government and the community because Trade Fair is not something small. It’s very big and those are the times that we raised few hundred thousand for JCI. All these things were big projects of JCI in the past.

There were many challenges but we see them as challenges that together we can resolve. The thing that I experienced during these challenges is forming the Intan JCI. We have Jaycees before. The Jaycees are wives of Jaycees so they do have projects but they are not registered members. They are just the wives of Jaycees and later on, we have these young ladies wanting to join the movement. There’s a lot of interpretation of young men and at that time most of the Jaycees are men. That they feel that this is a men‘s organisation so I think this was the greatest challenge for me is to get the young ladies and young people men or female to be able to be involved and able to have the opportunity to have their potential and their training in the JCI field. We have achieved that. We have failed in winning one or two attempts. we are trying to get it past through the Sabah Jaycees but eventually, we managed to get all the other chapters endorsed and that was how Intan Jaycees was formed. It was a good challenge. Now we have mixed members in Jaycees and we also have the ladies Jaycees.

It’s important that when you join the Jaycees you must Know that you are limited To the age of 40. That is very important. To join the Jaycees, you must build a career in Jaycees. There are various positions in the Jaycees. You can be involved in leadership training, and community projects, but you must get yourself involved in these projects, these commissions and there are areas of the field of activities of the Jaycees because it takes time to be a good member or good officer to reach the top. During my time, I have served in almost all commissions. I’ve been a community leader, leadership, and all these various commissions and served in these various commissions before I got elected to be President. That’s important. You have to make a career. So the other importance is once you are already trained as a Jaycees, all the other organisations that you join becomes very easy for you. Jaycees provides training and creates potential in each member. It is up to you. It’s there for the members to be involved, so if they’re involved and they take Jaycees career step by step and go through the various commissions, they can become a very good leaders for the community. After my involvement in Jaycees after I retired from Jaycees (40), I joined one or three organisations and because of my training in Jaycees, I have been able to set up and founding member of the Sabah Environmental Protection Association. I’m also involved in various other organisations to help the community. My recent project is Sabah Rights. It's good for Jaycees members especially to have a career and plan a career in the Jaycees. Through this experience, involvements, appointments, and positions they have held, they will become a great leader not of for Jaycee but also for the community, State, and Nation.

2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI Journey?
3. What is the difference between being a member and taking a position in your JCI Journey?
JCI Senator Henry Chok, 1976 President



1. The most valuable experience in your JCI Journey?

To me, and probably to us all, JCI Kota Kinabalu is seen as a membership organisation for young professionals. This organisation allows us to learn and develop ourselves, but only if we are serious for there is a great difference between just being a member and taking a position in your organisation.

2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI Journey?

Throughout my JCI journey, I have not really given thought to how my involvement in JCIKK had helped me in my life and career. I guess this is a great reflective exercise for me personally. As we are all volunteers, we have to learn to balance ourselves between our jobs, businesses, and our involvement in JCI activities. This, I believe, is the biggest challenge in my JCI journey. The rest, as one says, is history.

3. What is the difference between being a member and taking a position in your JCI Journey?

Through my involvement in JCI Kota Kinabalu, I have learned: Respect for my team, and build a stronger team spirit

To be a leader

Ensuring I follow what I learned from the training on Chairmanship and meeting procedures

To learn from any mistakes, ensuring that I do not repeat them through SAPAE ( Survey, Analysis, Planning, Action, Evaluation ).

To learn from any mistakes, ensuring that I do not repeat them through

No personal attacks on any member, accepting people for who they are To better know me Humility

All the above have definitely helped me in carving my career path as well as my personal life.


1. The most valuable experience in your JCI Journey?

It was the opportunity to serve and learned with a team of committed members and the friendship developed lasted until today. I have also benefited from personal development and I have become a better person

2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI Journey When I was elected as the First lady president. Trying to match the standard set by the previous president. The expectation was very high which make me very nervous during the term of office. However, with the dedicated Board of Directors and members and the encouragement from the senior members and of course the Past President. I managed to complete my term of office and become a better person.

3. What is the difference between being a member and taking a position in your JCI Journey?

Being just a member, you have a limitation on how much you can learn as personal development while taking up the position would give us the opportunity to expand the learning area, especially in the area of leadership and people management. Holding various positions has improved me tremendously, in terms of interpersonal skills, organization skills, and communication skills. These are just a name of a few which have had a positive impact on my career, I am very grateful for the experiences in JCI, which made me what I am today. I strongly encourage members to take up positions and enjoy the growth experience in this beautiful organization

JCI Senator Janet Lee, 1990 President JCI Senator Francis Ng, 1989 President


JCI Senator Patricia Poh, 1992 President

1. The most valuable experience in your JCI Journey?

There are many valuable experiences you can experience at JCI. But during my days in JCI, I think my most valuable memories and experience were chairing the National Convention in 1996. Because at that time the usual attendance for National Convention was around 300 pax, and we were very determined to encourage more members to join. We made it very affordable for delegates from Malaysia to join, we hosted the convention in 5 stars hotel in Rasa Ria, which charged RM80 per pax at that time. We succeeded make 600 pax registered by that time. To make a successful National Convention, we went on an intensive drive to recruit new members, to facilitate the whole Convention. We managed to recruit 100 members. It was 3 years from bidding on the project to actually hosting the convention, we got many new members, and we encourage them to take up positions and it was very fun to work with the senior members as well.


What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI Journey?

We face challenges everywhere, but we need to take advantage of them. I think raising funds is very challenging for projects or programs, you need to convince the people to make the money to good use. In NGOs, managing people is another challenge. The people in NGOs are not getting paid but spending their own money as well. But through giving, we gain.



is the

difference between being



and taking a position

in your JCI Journey?

Being a member has less responsibility, you need to attend meetings, participate in programs, and attend when you feel like it. But if you have a position, you need to show an example. You will learn from the responsibility, for example chairing meetings and projects when you are the organizing chairperson. You will learn from there, it will help you in your career. Especially that time our past presidents always impose on me to carry Robert’s Rule of Order handbook with us. Learn and observe how to chair an effective meeting, you will need that in your working career. Lastly, through JCI we are able to network to a certain level of connection. So, I would encourage more members to take up a position and be a chairman or be one of the members of the Board of Directors, it will benefit you in your career.

1992 2015

1. The most valuable experience in your JCI Journey?

During my time in JCI Kota Kinabalu, we were the organization that took part in organizing ASPAC (Asia Pacific Conference). This was the best experience in my life. I never attended any conference that involve so many delegates that were from different countries, they gathered with one mission. Furthermore, we are one of the organizing chapters, I felt proud and I believed Area Sabah felt proud too.

2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI Journey?

I think is inheritance, because in JCI we practice one year to lead policy, each position we can only hold one time in our JCI journey. For example, during my year I have my own plan and activities, but next year the president might not have the same direction as I did. However, the shareholders from the program might be expecting us next year after we completed hence inheritance is important from what I saw in my years in JCI.

3. What is the difference between being a member and taking a position in your JCI Journey?

It’s very different, being just ordinary members, we are followers, we follow instructions, lesser responsibility. However, if we hold a position, we need to have a bigger responsibility to take care of the committees and members. You will learn when you on the position.

Brandon Tang, 2015 President


What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI Journey?

Being a regular member is like a body without a soul. As a member, you learn by following others. When you take up posts, you learn to lead others and open up the opportunities to learn about yourself. As you take on more posts and responsibilities, you will grow tremendously too


The most valuable experience in your JCI Journey?

In the year 2015, I was the new member get inducted and straight away I got offered a position assisting ASPAC (Asia Pacific Conference) as the account executive. The first event in JCI and was a scale of 3,500 delegates program. There were a lot of hiccups that happened and I have learned a lot It was an inspiring event as I met the best conference director who guided me and led us very well. This experience will be the most valuable and remarkable experience in my life.

2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI Journey?

It’s my presidency year back in 2017. My senior mentioned to me before that in JCI, the first priority is your family, the second is your career, and the third place only should be JCI. But during my year as a President, there are times that I have to prioritize JCI. So for me, the most challenging part is time management. You need to plan accordingly only able to lead and guide your committees and members. It’s about balancing life and JCI.

3. What is the difference between being a member and taking a position in your JCI Journey?

As a member, you only follow the activities planned. As you take up a position, it consists of responsibility and your leadership development. That is how leaders build.

virtual president It was hard for me and my BOD and to get out of our comfort zone and turned every single meeting, training to become virtualandyet,stillabletoserveourcommunityandleadbyexample

Peoplesay“Theflapofabutterfly’swinginAmazoncancauseatornadoinTexas”butIsaythat“TheflapofaJCIKKmember’swingcancausea successofActiveCitizentoserveourcommunityselflessly”

3 WhatarethedifferencebetweenbeingamemberandtakingapositioninyourJCI?

Responsibility is to challenge yourself to go to another level JCI is about learning, improving, and serving By taking a position in my JCI journey hasmademetakemoreresponsibilitytolearn,takecharge,LEADandmostimportantEMPOWERothersbyleadingasanexample

PAST PRESIDENT'S PAST PRESIDENT'S PAST PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE! MESSAGE! MESSAGE! 2017 2021 2007 1. The most valuable experience in your JCI Journey? JCI taught me the most valuable experience of self discovery, self improvement, fellowship and enduring brotherhood. 2. What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your JCI Journey? To serve as caretaker and to build back the chapter when the chapter was going through troubled time.
1.ThemostvaluableexperienceinyourJCIJourney? ItshouldbeduringmybabyJayceesyear,asababyJaycees,everythingwassonewforme It’slikegoingtoanewuniversityandlearningfrom sketch There’s always something new every day because there’s always something new to learn, people to meet, opportunities to take up challenges I was encouraged by my president then, to take up a challenge to become an Organizing Chairlady to kickstart a community project “Tingkod Noh Plastic Straws” That was the time I learned how to plan, analyze, develop and execute a project And the most importantthingistoLEAD 2.WhatisthebiggestchallengeyouhavefacedinyourJCIJourney? Ithinkitismypresidentialyear Asweallknow,during2021,Covid 19,lockdown,pandemic,economicdownturn,hasledmetobecomeafully
JCI Senator Neelkrish Perumal, 2007 President
JCI Senator Patrick Teo Miang Ngee, 2017 President Chian Mei Hsing, 2021 President

JCIKK in the 60's (1962 - 1970)

JCIKK in the 70's (1971 - 1980)

JCIKK in the 80's (1981 - 1990)

JCIKK in the 80's (1981 - 1990)

JCIKK in the 90's (1991

- 2000)

JCIKK in the 90's (1991

- 2000)

JCIKK in the 2000's (2001

- 2010)

JCIKK in the 2000's (2001

- 2010)
(2011 - 2020)
JCIKK in the 2010's
(2011 - 2020)
JCIKK in the 2010's
the 2010's (2011 - 2020)
JCIKK in the 2010's (2011 - 2020)

JCIKK in the 2020's

JCIKK in the 2020's

Location: Outlet No 1 1st Floor, 88 Mall Sabah No. 1, Lorong Pusat Komersial 88, Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Contact: 012 253 2881
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