59th Installation & Award Banquet Magazine

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The President Board of Director and Members of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu is proud to welcome Our Guest of Honour Dr. Roland Chia Ming Shen National Officers Past Presidents JCI Senators Chapter Presidents Distinguished Guests Representatives of Other Organizations Friends from Press and Fellow Jaycees To Our 59th Installation and Award Banquet 18th April 2021


WE BELIEVE That faith in Gods gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of men transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That the government should be of laws rather than of men; That Earth's great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life.


To be the leading global network of young active citizens


To provide development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change

OATH OF THE PRESIDENT “I,_______________ acknowledge the manifold demands of the office of the President of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu and conscious of the heavy responsibilities and the honour associated therewith, hereby pledge myself to the utmost of my ability: To devote my energies to the service of this organisation, and its members; To direct my efforts towards the training and development of young people through more effective operation of my Board of Directors; to act at all times with due humility and dignity, and without selfish or narrow motive; To endeavour throughout my term of office to contribute to the growth and progress of this organisation, and I make this earnest pledge that I shall discharge my responsibilities to the benefit of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu and the community.”

OATH OF OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR “I,_______________ do solemnly, affirm that, I will faithfully execute the office of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu and will do the best of my ability, serve as a living example of this organisation’s philosophy and belief and will uphold and enforce the Constitutionof this Organisation at all times.”

JAYCEES OATH Inspired by the JCI Creed, the official oath of a Jaycees shall be: “I, (state name of member), do solemnly pledge that I will uphold the ideals and principle of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu and Promote the objectives of Junior Chamber International Kota Kinabalu.”

Dear members & friends of Junior Chamber International (JCI), Greetings,

Tonight , as we celebrate the successes and achievements of the outgoing President and her Board of Director 2021/21, we will be also receiving and witnessing the handling over of the leadership mantle to the new President and the Board of Directors. We wish the incoming team a successful year ahead. I wish to salute the spirit of unity and solidarity displayed by the leadership and members of JCI Kota Kinabalu for their continuous effort in serving humanity in the midst of the global pandemic Covid-19. You and your team have undergone many of your own challenges, trials and tribulations. A good leader faces challenges and solves the problems whereas a wise leader strives to nip it in the bud. At the end of the day, it is all a learning process for each and everyone of us. On behalf of the Sabah State Government, we are encouraged by the efforts of JCI Kota Kinabalu in your strive for excellence towards building of human capital by empowering young people to be active and positive citizens. This is in tandem with the Sabah State Government Blueprint of developing human capital (Modal Insan) for the socio-economic growth of the state. Last but not the least, I would like to congratulate the 2020 President and her Board of Directors for their dedication and commitment to face the challenges and turned each one into a success story. I wish to congratulate the 2021 President and her Board of Directors for taking up the leadership role and carry out the JCI tradition of excellence. I wish each of you a fruitful and successful year ahead. Sabah Maju Jaya

Dr Roland Chia Guest of Honour

Guest of Honour

It gives me great pleasure to pen a few words for this special occasion in conjunction with the 59th Installation & Award Ceremony 2021 of JCI Kota Kinabalu.

In The Beginning The idea of setting up Junior Chamber started in 1959. The three people closely associated in the formation the first chapter in Jesselton (Kota Kinabalu) were En. Fauzi Patel, Mr. John Hii and Mr. Michael Chen. Fauzi Patel was with the Sabah Times and was on a study tour to Australia. The tour was hosted by the Nombour Junior Chamber, Queensland. The study tour motivated him. About the same time John Hii, was manager of M/S Jardine Waugh Co. and was on a training course in London. He attended the 11th JCI World Congress in Paris. He was impressed with the friendliness, warmth and charm of the participants of the world congress. Michael Chen, then the Manager of Cathay Cinema, was contacted by Fauzi Patel and John Hii and the idea was mooted to start recruiting members for a Junior Chamber for Jesselton (Kota Kinabalu). In January 1962 a meeting was held with the attendance of Lee Choon Fatt, Robert De Souza, John Su and Geogre Chin to discuss the matter further. On the 1st July 1962 the 1st Organisational Meeting was held at the Jesselton Recreation Club. There were seveteen members present; RD Patel, John Hii Michael Chen, Lee Choon Fatt, Robert De Souza, John Su, Teo Geok Seang, Yuen Peng Cheng, Mak Sin Loong, Ho Fook Kee, Lim Kim Jee, Lim Beng Aun, John Foo, Spencer Lim, Peter Soong and Liew Yun Choi. The Jesselton Junior Chamber was created with the following PROTEM officers; Ag. Chairman John Hii VP (External) George Chin VP(Internal) Lee Choon Fatt Secretary RD Patel Treasurer Michael Chen Directors : Teo Geok Seng Hoo Fook Kee Yeun Peng Cheng Mak Sin Loong The Inauguration General Meeting, held on 2nd November 1962, produced the following Board of Directors; President George Chin VP (External) Lee Choon Fatt VP(Internal) John Hii Secretary James Yapp Treasurer Foo Tiang Keng Directors : Lawrence Liew Lim Su Seng Michael Chen E. Patel From a membership size of 17 in 1962, Jesselton Junior Chamber has grown and transformed into Kota Kinabalu Jaycees to Kota Kinabalu Junior Chamber and finally to JCI Kota Kinabalu.

It is my pleasure to welcoming you to this installation and banquet, during which recognition will be given to the dedicated members and to introduce the new Board to the JCI members and the public. On behalf of the organizing committee and the Chapter, I am here to be thankful that the Guest of Honour who has taken his valuable time to witness this event. His involvement and interest towards our organization is a great support to us. We are also being thankful that our Sisterhood chapter can be so supportive with us during this hardship moment. Beside on this, representing the team and the chapter at here to thanks to all of your participation on tonight installation and banquet event.

Organizing Chairman

Good Evening to all fellow JCI members, friends, and family.

Also, I am here to thanks to my committee member on assisting me to make this event successfully organized. I am considered myself to be lucky to have such a strong team behind me. Lastly, I want to thank you our Chapter Past President on your supportive towards this event and also towards the chapters.

Vincent Shini Organizing Chairman

Dear Members of JCI Kota Kinabalu,

In this delightful event, I would like to congrats the newly elected President Chian Mei Hsing to lead JCI Kota Kinabalu in year 2021. With your presidential theme “Butterfly Effect 2021”, I believe that you will lead your members to strike better in this era of new norm. JCI Kota Kinabalu will be able to create a different angle of impact in 2021 within your local community. I wish you all the best to achieve another milestone and I am looking forward to work together with you in 2021. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to 2020 President Regina Ngu Wan Hang and her board of directors who had done a fabulous job in 2020 despite facing the pandemic. You have shown the extraordinary leadership in combating the pandemic and hopefully you may continue to support the incoming Board of Directors by providing your precious experiences and guidance to ensure JCI Kota Kinabalu continues to flourish.

National President

Warmest greetings to all of you on your occasion of your 2021 Installation and Awards Banquet. 2021 will be a brand-new start to us and all over the globe, yet I believe that we shall overcome the obstacles together and making 2021 shine bright in the new norm.

The focus in 2021 is Enabling Leaders. JCI Malaysia believes that enabling JCI members with leadership skills is the way to drive our organisation forward and beyond in 2021. To achieve the goals, the main FOUR focus on DOTS will connect each of us together and rowing into the same direction. D-Development, JCI Malaysia believes that leadership development program will nurtures new talents and enhances the current talents to maximise the potential of JCI in different levels to create global impact. O-Opportunities, with competent leaders at local levels, JCI Malaysia will provide collaboration platform to ensure Local Organisations able to explore different stakeholders and partners through various entrepreneurship programs. T-Transform, with the core pillars of JCI, JCI Malaysia will transform members through enrichment programs and evaluate the performance systematically to ensure S-Sustainability of your local organisation and JCI Malaysia. JCI Malaysia strongly believes the success of 2021 shall be the synergy of each and every JCI Malaysia members. Let us come together in a sublime beginning, and connecting the DOTS to act on what we are passionate about, motivating members to act and inspire each other to be better. Lastly, my heartiest congratulation to Organising Chairman Vincent Ho and his committees for making this event indelible and pleasant. To the members of JCI Kota Kinabalu, I wish you all the best in your endeavours in year 2021.

2021 JCI Malaysia National President JCI Senator Chew Hooi Mei

Congratulations to JCI Kota Kinabalu on your 59th Installation and Awards Ceremony!!! I would also like to wish the Organizing Chairperson Vincent Ho and your team the very best in coordinating and organizing this memorable event. Part of being in JCI is that we provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. It is always a great learning opportunity for the committee to organize an event such as this, and I hope that all of you will bring back valuable skills that will benefit you and your community. Here I would like to congratulate 2020 President Regina Ngu, on a job well done. You have led the local organization to successfully organize Zero Virus project, Let’s Fund for Covid; which successfully raised funds to purchased essential medical equipment in the fight against this pandemic. Your leadership and dedication towards JCI Kota Kinabalu have encouraged many members to continue their work in the community through JCI. I look forward serving together in the 2021 JCI Malaysia National Board with you as National President’s Special Assistant. My heartiest congratulations to 2021 Chian Mei Hsing on being elected to lead JCI Kota Kinabalu. With the 2021 presidential theme ‘ButterflyEffect’, I am confident that with your teams’ action and service to the community, will bring even greater positive impact in all other areas of society and long lasting impact into the future. With both of us coming from the same hometown, I look forward to working together side by side with you as we serve our local community.

National Executive Vice President

Warmest greetings to members, associates, alumni and partners of JCI Kota Kinabalu, Kopivosian!

The local partners and members of JCI Kota Kinabalu, consist of individuals from different backgrounds, personally involved in various associations and institutions, but have come together with the common goal to serve our community. This is the essence and focus of 2021 JCI Malaysia Area Sabah’s Theme ‘ Strength in Unity’. My wish is that all of us can band together as one strong unit of positive change. It is when all sectors of society, Private, Government and Civil, come together for a common cause, that we can see Strength in Unity. It is with uniting all sectors of society, that we can create sustainable impact in our community. I am honoured to be your 2021 JCI Malaysia National Executive Vice President, and I look forward to working and learning together. Let us bring JCI Malaysia and Area Sabah to greater heights of service in our community. Let us continue to strive for a better future. Ponsikou! (Thank You)

Wilson Gan 2021 National Executive Vice President Junior Chamber International Malaysia

It is my pleasure to pen down my deepest congratulations to JCI Member Chian Mei Hsing for being elected as the President of JCI Kota Kinabalu for the year of 2021. As a National Vice President assign to JCI Kota Kinabalu, I will give my full support and together we will create a great impact in Area Sabah. I look forward to work with you not only develop closer relations between the Local Organization in Sabah and also our efforts in the cause of peace and harmony in our society. To the outgoing president Regina Ngu, congratulation on successfully completing your task and achieving your goals during your presidential year. 2020 is not an easy year due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, but you have shown great leadership and have brought your Local Organization to greater heights, Bravo!!

National Vice President

Good evening fellow JCI members!!

Last but not least, to the Organizing Chairperson Vincent Shini Ho, please accept my warm congratulations for a beautiful installations & awards banquet night. Thank you and your committees for all the hard work and giving us a good start to the year 2021 with this wonderful event. I am sure all the guest will enjoy the foods and entertainment tonight.

Max Voo 2021 JCI Malaysia National Vice President

Congratulations to the 2021 JCI Kota Kinabalu led by President Chian Mei Hsing and the rest of the Board of Directors! It is with deep sadness that we are not able to join our brothers and sisters in celebrating your 59th Installation and Awards Banquet. We were looking forward to witnessing and bonding during the celebration of your Installation. Our chapters bond grows stronger each year through fellowships and projects since the signing of our sister chapter agreement in 1980.

Sister Chapter President JCI Manila

Warm greetings from JCI Manila

In 2021 JCI Manila's theme is Lead As One. As the whole world is struggling to get by this pandemic, we stand together with all our brothers and sisters in winning the fight against COVID-19. Adapting and learning together will make all of us stronger and successful in responding to this unparalleled humanitarian crisis. In the spirit of togetherness, it is our mission to strengthen the meaningful relationships that were created in the years and move forward to a brighter future.

Through our collaborative efforts in 2021, we shall together Lead As One in creating a butterfly effect in our communities. JCI Mem. Lt. Col. Richard Antonio M. Tamayo 2021 JCI Manila President

I am delighted to be part of this significant event as this event is not a start but a reminder to continually rekindle the passion of our hearts in providing greater opportunities for development, empowerment and providing aide to the community through various initiatives most especially in these trying times. Indeed, being a JCI Member is our true calling. A calling that incorporates the true meaning of "Selfless Leadership" in the pursuit of becoming an active citizen and to participate in efforts towards social and economic development, international cooperation, goodwill and understanding.

Sister Chapter President JCI Angelas City Culiet

A pleasant and amazing day to all the participating members of this momentous event.

I am very honored to receive this endowment, a symbol of great bond and friendship. This gift is also a sign of our strong and binding partnership through out the years. We will forever treasure this and hope for a fruitful and long relationship with your chapter through the leadership of LO President Mei Hsing for the many years to come. Congratulations and mabuhay sa inyong lahat. President Russel JCI Angeles City Culiatt

Dear members and friends of JCI Kota Kinabalu,

Roy T. Bennett once said: “ 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙, 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑓𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒. ’’ The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. I believe that all of us likeminded people are positive thinkers and see the bright side of things. Year 2020 was a challenging year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Most of the Plan of Actions were cancelled or delayed as we were told to Stay-At-Home. However, with the theme of the year “ T.E.A.M’’ - Together Everyone can Achieve More , nothing has stopped us from moving forward! With the strong believe of our JCI Value, JCI Kota Kinabalu persisted to serve and contribute to our community to overcome the Covid-19 obstacles. With the support and contribution of our members and friends, we managed to raise some funds to supply essential items to the needy, personal protective equipments to frontliners and treatment equipment like breathing machines to local hospitals in Kota Kinabalu.

Outgoing President JCI Kota Kinabalu

It is my great pleasure to congratulate in conjunction of JCI Kota Kinabalu 59th Installation & Awards Banquet. Well done to the Organising Chairman and team!

Also with the theme T.E.A.MTeamwork, Encouragement, Appreciation, Motivation, members of JCI Kota Kinabalu shined in both Area Sabah Convention and National Convention. We have achieved 100% Efficiency and 3-Star LO Rating, and awarded Top Active LO by JCI Malaysia. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Board of Directors and members. Because of your participation and efforts in making JCI Kota Kinabalu proud! Congratulations to newly elected 2021 President Chian Mei Hsing and her new Board of Directors. I’m certain that you and your Board of Directors will continue to further strengthen the Chapter and take it to new heights. I am looking forward to see the Chapter’s achievement flying with colour like the butterfly. Remember the beauty and strength of this organisation lies in the ‘BE Better’ . Let us continue to be better, do better and achieve better! “ DONT DREAM, WORK FOR IT !”

Regina Ngu Wan Hang 2021 Immediate Past President JCI Kota Kinabalu

JCI is an organisation which plays an important role in preparing the young generations of today to become the future leaders of tomorrow through its various training programs, individual development and community-based activities, management opportunities and business networking. With such an extensive network, members will be able to gain access to limitless opportunities to build themselves up as well as being able to create positive changes to the nation and community. Leadership is about the ability to inspire people from all walks of life around a common purpose, a higher purpose even. In this challenging environment, we must constantly equip ourselves with new skills and stay abreast with current trends so as adapt along with the rest of the world.

Incoming President JCI Kota Kinabalu

A very good evening to everyone, “Each one of us is like that butterfly the Butterfly Effect. And each tiny move toward a more positive mindset can send ripples of positivity through our organizations our families and our communities.” ― Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work

This year, our theme “Butterfly Effect” aims to concentrate on education and beneficial activities emphasizing on programmes what will strengthen one’s identity character and leadership. To 2020 President Regina Ngu and her Board of Directors, thank you for achieving greater heights with JCI KK “TEAM”, the 2021 team will do our best to BE Better, BE Active, BE Entrepreneurial, BE Connected and hopefully produce a few surprises along the way. Lastly, congratulations to the 59th Installation and Award Banquet organizing team on their outstanding work for this event. Thank you.

President Chian Mei Hsing JCI Kota Kinabalu

2021 Board of Director & Commission Director

Honorary Treasurer Choi Chee Hau General Legal Counsel Daphne Lo

Chapter President Chian Mei Hsing

Vice President Kimberly Lim

Secretary General Irene Chong

Immediate Past President Regina Ngu Wan Hang

Vice President Alan Moo

Commission Director Commission Director Lawrence Chu Ng Kang Jie Commission Director Commission Director Nurlia Iskandar Daniel Chan

Community Development Project Award In recognition of: The best local community development project 2017 : FreeMarket (OC : Vincent Ho) 2018 : Go Bald (OC : Regina Ngu) 2019 : Go Botak (OC : Kimberly Lim) The Membership Award In recognition of: The best programme incorporating membership extension, recruitment, induction and assimilation. 2017 : ANC2019 Bidding (OC : Pridip Adran A/L Revindren) 2018 : GMM (The Awesome) (OC : Victoria Su) 2019 : JCI Malaysia 44th National Convention (OC : Jelly) Leadership Development Award In recognition of: the best programme in the field of leadership development. This includes such items as Effective Speaking Course, Management Course and any other projects of a self-development nature. 2017 : JCI Presenter (OC : CK Voon) 2018 : Vision Board Workshop (OC : Victoria Su) 2019 : Debate Training (OC : Kimbery Lim) Environmental / Commercial Education Project Award In recognition of: The best local project that incorporates environmental/commercial education within its programme. 2018 : Save Our Ocean x Beyond Borders (OC : Jonathan Sim) 2019 : Tingkoh Noh Plastic Straws (OC : Brian Ho) Most Outstanding LO to LO Assistance Project Award In recognition of: The best local joint project. Projects that are jointly organised with other Local Organisation or other non-JCI Organisations. 2018 : FreeMarket 4.0 (OC : Jonathan Sim) 2019 : Project Ramadhan (OC : Benjamin Choi)

Most Outstanding Youth Activity Award In recognition of: The best local joint project. Project that are jointly organised with other Local Organisation or other non-JCI Organisations. 2018 : MBO Kiwanis Movie Treat 2.0 (OC : Joan Shim) 2019 : Project H (OC : Chian Mei Hsing) The Best Overall Project Award In recognition of: The best overall local project. 2017 : 2018 : Tingkod Noh Plastic Straws (OC : Chian Mei Hsing) 2019 : Go Botak (OC : Kimbery Lim) The Outstanding Project Chairman Award In recognition of: A project chairman for his outstanding leadership in organising a project or program. 2017 : Pridip Adran A/L Revindren 2018 : Dr. Chan Chee Ching 2019 : Kimberly Lim The Most Outstanding Past President Award In recognition of: A Past President who continues to show strong support, dedication and enthusiasm for the chapter and its members. 2017 : Joseph Selestine 2018 : Ng Tze Ek 2019 : Patrick Teo The Outstanding New Member Award In recognition of: An Individual member who continue to show strong support dedication and enthusiasm during his/her first two years of membership. 2017 : Regina Ngu 2018 : Chian Mei Hsing 2019 : Kimberly Lim

The Outstanding Jaycee of the Year Award In recognition of : A current member, who has done the most to promote the organisation by making the greatest personal contribution towards its development since he/she becomes a member for at least three years. 2017 : Pridip Adran A/L Revindren 2018 : Regina Ngu 2019 : Joan Shim Yik Young The All Kota Kinabalu Jaycees Award In recognition of: An individual member who has continued to render outstanding services to the Jaycees movement for a continuous period of a minimum of four years 2017 : Vitalis Ronald 2018 : 2019 : Ng Tze Ek

JCI Malaysia Awards won by JCI Kota Kinabalu since 1991 1991 National Convention (Kuala Lumpur)

1994 National Convention (Pearl)

Outstanding LOM President of Malaysia Award (Certificate of Merit) Peter Chu

Civil Involvement Programme Award Sabah Treasure Hunt, The Mystic Trail (OC: James Lam)

Assistance to the handicapped Award (Certificate of Merit) Help The Blind for a Better Tomorrow (OC: Dr. Teh Poh Teik)

1995 National Convention (Miri)

1992 National Convention (Damai)

Outstanding LOM President of Malaysia Award Melvin Kiandee Outstanding LOM Board Member Award Francis Hii

Membership Award (Certificate of Merit) Outstanding Member Award (Certificate of Merit) Wong Mee Lin

Commercial Education Project Award Your Key to Public Listing (OC: Francis Hii)

1993 National Convention (Sandakan)

Special Project Award Towards hosting ANC ‘96 (OC: William Chee)

Outstanding New Member of the Year Award Melvin Kiandee

International Affair Award (Certificate of Merit)

Outstanding LOM President of Malaysia Award Lim Chee Dean Commercial Education Project Award Sabah Housing Symposium (OC: Melvin Kiandee) Assistance to the Handicapped Award Home for the Blind Audio Visual Presentation Award Home for the Blind (OC: Dr.Teh Poh Teik) Membership Award (Certificate of Merit) Speech Contest Winners Champion : William Chee 1st Runner-up : Iskandar Ahmad 2nd Runner-up : Melvin Kiandee

1996 National Convention (Kota Kinabalu) Commercial Education Project Award Internet Seminar (OC: Norbert Su) Speech Contest Winners Champion : Iskandar Ahmad

1997 National Convention (Kuala Lumpur) Commercial Education Project Award IT Trends : Towards a new millennium (OC: Donald Stephens) Speech Contest Winners 1st Runner-up: Nabil Hyder

JCI Malaysia Awards won by JCI Kota Kinabalu since 1991 1998 National Convention (Kuching)

2015 National Convention (Kota Kinabalu)

Civil Involvement Programme Award Bronze Commemorative Plaque (OC: Andrew Chong)

Public Speaking Championship Champion : Doris Thian

2000 Annual National Convention (Petaling Jaya)

English Debate Championship Champion : Daphne Lo, Doris Thian, Donald Dunstan Wong

Civil Involvement Programme Award Sustainable Rural Outreach Programme (OC: Joseph Selestine) Outstanding New Member Award Benjamin Lo

2002 National Convention (Tanjung Aru)

2019 National Convention (Kota Kinabalu) Public Speaking Championship (Mandarin) 1st Runner-up : Regina Ngu Most Outstanding New Member 2nd Runner-up : Chian Mei Hsing

Outstanding Fund Raising Project Kota Kinabalu Treasure Hunt (OC: Benjamin Lo)

2020 National Convention (JCI Malaysia Virtual)

2014 National Convention (Achiever) Best Long Term Community Development Programme Tolumis Care Centre (OC: Jeff Lu)

Public Speaking (Malay) Champion - Benjamin Choi Chee Hau Public Speaking (Mandarin) Champion - Benjamin Choi Chee Hau

Junior Chamber International Award Won By JCI Kota Kinabalu since 1995 1995 Asia Pacific Area Conference (Cheju) Assistance to the handicapped Award Help The Blind for a better tomorrow Premier Show (OC: Dr. Teh Poh Teik) 1996 Asia Pacific Area Conference (Kanazawa) Outstanding LOM President of Asia Pacific Area (LOM with 46-75 members) Melvin Kiandee 1997 Asia Pacific Area Conference (Pattaya) Speech Contest 1st Runner up: Iskandar Ahmad

1996 World Congress (Pusan) Commercial Education Project Award Internet Seminar (OC:Norbert Su)

2000 World Congress (Sapporo) Outstanding Jaycee Benjamin Lo

2002 World Congress (Las Vegas) Outstanding Fund Raising Project Kota Kinabalu Treasure Hunt (OC: Benjamin Lo)

2016 Asia Pacific Area Conference (Kaohsiung) English Debate Championship 1st Runner up: Daphne Lo, Doris Thian, Ng Tze Ek

LIST OF MEMBERS No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

Name Chian Mei Hsing Regina Ngu Wan Hang Irene Chong Yee Ting Benjamin Choi Chee Hau Kimberly Lim Kee Jin Alan Moo Joon Voon Daphne Lo Wei Ching Daneil Chan Ng Kang Jie Lawrence Chu Zheng Hua Nurlia Iskandar Joan Shim Yik Young Sean Long Ben Goh Min Yen Zachary Dickie Lee Jay Poon Yung Wui Pridip Adran A/L Revindren Lim Fang Yi Victoria Su Ning Jonathan Sim Poh You Oi Yi Lin Kaven Chung Kar Vui Oliver Ho Ka Fei Ryan Soon Chun Kang Goh Chuen Sheng Carl Eddison Ahlieu Sunny Yeoh Siew Chuan Brian Ho Joon Chuan Vincent Ho Vun Shin Aldric Colin Thien Su Wei Alex Teo Kian Boon Monica Chin Nyuk Moi Ko Min Mabel Chua Kai Ling Denis Chong Min Jun Tina Chong Chee Ting Tan Ying Quan Chung Shiau Chean Hasdianah Binti Malla

Email meihsingjcikk@gmail.com reginangu@hotmail.com iirenechong@gmail.com kalzak1992@yahoo.com kimberly_lim@hotmail.com alanmjvoon@gmail.com daphne.lo23@hotmail.com daneil.onehome@gmail.com kangjie5557@hotmail.com Lawrence_chu@live.com nurliaiskandar@gmail.com joanyikyoung@gmail.com seanlong6313@gmail.com bg.my@hotmail.com zachary.bep@gmail.com Poon92@live.com jelly@jellynfrenz.com fangyilim233@gmail.com cool_st3r88@hotmail.com jonathanspy94@gmail.com oiyilin97@gmail.com ahwei1345@gmail.com oliverhoemail@gmail.com chunkangsoon@gmail.com inscape99@yahoo.com carloptom@yahoo.com sunny62_62@hotmail.com brianhjc.94@gmail.com vincentshiniho@gmail.com aldricthien93@gmail.com Dutdut212@gmail.com monicachin84@gmail.com amberko.108@gmail.com mabelchua@kpmg.com.my denisuperman@hotmail.com cheeting3098@gmail.com reinatan0312@gmail.com xiaoqian0830@gmail.com diana@careysabah.my

Achievements sponsored Intan Jaycees (current JCI Intan) in 1975, sponsored Tanjung Aru (Current JCI Tanjung Aru) and Penampang Jaycees (Current – JCI Penampang) in 1980; signed sisterhood pacts with JCI Manila,Philippines (1981), JCI City, Singapore (1983), JCI Lu Chu, Taiwan (1985) and JCI Culiat,Philippines (2009) hosted JCI Malaysia National Convention in 1978, 1982, 1996, 2005 and 2015 Organised Internet Seminar (Awarded Commercial Education Project Award – 1996 Pusan World Congress, 1996 Annual National Convention Malaysia) Organised Tolumis Care Centre Charity in 2013, 2014, 2015 (Awarded Best Long Term Community Project – 2014 JCI Malaysia Annual National Convention) Organised Flagship Project – The Outstanding Young Person of Sabah in 2007, 2009 & 2016 Awarded Premier Award for Most Outstanding Youth Organisation 2016 – by Ministry of Youth and Sports Sabah












JCI Senator Donald Stephen (2002 JCI Kota Kinabalu President) JCI Senator Joseph Seletine (2004 JCI Kota Kinabalu President) JCI Senator Benjamin Lo (2005 JCI Kota Kinabalu President)



Make you appointment now at 019-6681131


1994 JCI Kota Kinabalu President Priscilla Oon 1997 JCI Kota Kinabalu President Rebecca Chai


Senang Mewah Enterprise 2007 President Neelkrish Perumal 2013 President Vitalis Ronald 2017 President Patrick Teo 2006 President Nora Arin - JCI Intan




1993 JCI Kota Kinabalu President Lim Chee Dean


2001 JCI Kota Kinabalu President Norbert Su


Iskandar Ahmad (1998 JCI Kota Kinabalu President)

Benedict Basinau (1999 JCI Kota Kinabalu President)

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