2 minute read
Written by: JCI Mem. Ninna Castillo 2020 President, JCI Baras
It has been a long and challenging year for all of us.
We may have come out from our term on a high, but it’s not without hard work and challenges that come with being an active citizen of our organization.
All in a year, we had to learn to adapt to new norms, adjust our expectations, manage our emotions, and learn to lean on each other to get the best possible result out of the worst of circumstances. It was probably the most challenging year of my life but definitely one of the most fulfilling as well!
All in a year’s work, we were able to conquer our #JCIBarasDestiny2020! We drove engagement for sustainable solutions, and taught to inspire and nurture young active citizens! We were able to do this not only for our love of JCI, but more so our drive to learn and aspire to be developing leaders of our organization.
I’ve been a JCI member for 8 years and counting, and when I was searching for a call to action for my term, I wanted a call that would drive and inspire us together for greatness. What I did not know then was that the call to action that we would coin, “DESTINY” would be a term that not only propelled us to greater heights, but also clarified our essence as JCI Members! Everything that we have accomplished, we were able to accomplish together, and we were able to do it as a culmination of everything we have learned and experienced together as JCI Members! I can summarize everything that we have accomplished for this term through awards received, JCIPEA points garnered, and many more benchmarks that we have both set and met in 2020. But, what I’m proudest of throughout this year are the intangibles one cannot qualify or quantify!
All in a year’s work, I found more friends than I deserved and will keep for life. We were able to teach ourselves and even our members, that no matter how passionate we are as JCI members, we should take care of ourselves first. We should make sure that we are always well enough, health-wise and emotional-wise, before we can set out to help others.
All in a year’s work, on top of a pandemic and catastrophes, we learned that the JCI spirit is resilient and innovative. We learned, in more ways that we ever imagined, how to work together and how to do it without thinking of who is ahead and if we are winning or losing. This year, there was truly no race. It was the hardest, but most rewarding year to lead. It was truly a year to conquer our own DESTINY!