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JCI Mem. Glenn C. Alaan 2020 President, JCI Bohol Limestone
Anyone who knows me, understands I am a happy person. It is because I believe that the reason that we are here right now is because we have a purpose, and we are to enjoy the journey. Indeed, there are a lot of happy-based decisions I have made and leading JCI Bohol Limestone is one of them.
I could vividly recall the joy of a 1-piece of apple given to me by an organization during my elementary years because that time I cannot afford to buy one. At a young age, I know how it feels to have none. I somehow wished that maybe someday, I could be a part of something big. 5 years ago, I looked up and realized that I am living inside of the exact thing that I once only dreamt about and prayed for. And who would have thought that 2020 has become the big year for me – L.O Oplan Kaagapay activator and a pandemic president.
It was an amazing roller coaster ride. With my 1 year to lead, things were not perfect. We had ups and downs, but through the hard work and setbacks, we survived and developed a strong sense of mental toughness that allowed us to persevere. Through these, we were able to accumulate a list of valuable experiences and those experiences have helped us immensely in our lives.
When I first started, I did not know much about how the organization functioned, and the only thing I had was passion. But thanks to my mentors- the past crop of leaders of JCI Philippines and JCI Bohol Limestone, 2020 National Board with NP Mark’s leadership, Area IV with AVP Maylene, Central Visayas with RVP Joe France, I was able to achieve the vision that I had in mind.
Thank you to my Group Sinagtala and Batch Hiraya Family. I realize how much love there is. At one time I know nothing, but when I started this journey of selfdevelopment with my co-presidents, I suddenly realized that I could do a lot more. We worked together with dedication, not with competition. We became a ray of sunshine to each Hiraya. Many of my batchmates have been my inspiration in different ways.
To my JCI Bohol Limestone Family, I thank you for caring enough, for helping someone, for making a difference, for giving what you can...how you can, when you can, for always looking back on our why’s and for making positive change. We may not have a lot of money in our pockets to show what we can offer in this world, but thank you for giving the organization the most valuable and greatest asset – your “TIME”. Yes, like any other, our family became a little “shaken up and stirred” but what matters most are the learnings and experiences that mold us to be better. We may have individual differences, but we become the strength of our family through the test of time. Working with the family especially the BOD’s and Past Presidents was truly an honor. I am very proud to say that we made it by having the Gold Seal of Efficiency and 100% Award on Motivate- our firsts.
The biggest honor goes to our partners, benevolent sponsors and donors who supported the JCI Bohol Limestone to attain its overwhelming success for this year. God has blessed us with wonderful people who are the instruments of God’s goodness, and I thank God for all these people and companies who are indeed kind to share their blessings. To my family, thank you for supporting and joining me on this journey. I thank you for always reminding me that I need to focus on what makes me happy and fulfilled, because it is only when we share these happy times that life really glows in spades. I thank you for your patience because as you have known JCI is life to me.
To our almighty God, I thank You for giving me the patience and strength to deal with everything, for giving me life and blessing me with wonderful people and opportunities. Without you, life has no meaning. All glory belongs to you.
To the 2021 Incoming President Angel Mae and the rest of the BODs, every leader is different, and I believe that you have immense power to make a difference. No matter what will be the 2021, I am confident that the life you change the most for the better will be your own and it will become a garden of learnings and opportunities. We can do this together.
Lastly, not everyone can be Oprah or Bill Gates, but everyone can be someone to someone who can mold and motivate them. I am always and forever grateful. DAGHAN KAAJONG SALAMAT.