Steel City News The Hub
The award winning magazine
National Convention Join the biggest JCI UK event!
Yorkshire Three Peaks
Twinning is Winning Our twins from JCI Mayo came to visit!
Challenge yourself, take part & support SAFE@LAST
July 2015
Contents Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 - 4 Page 5 Page 6 - 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 - 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 - 17 Page 18 - 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24
Welcome from 2015 President Sponsorship 100 Years Bingo and Gin Tasting The Team: Mark Smith Afternoon Tea Community Events Diary RISE Sheffield Age UK - Digital Champions JCI Sheffield Annual Dinner JCI Yorkshire JCI UK National Convention 2015 International - Twinning Special Tram Lines The Story So Far - Quater 2 LEAP
Hello there
be the CHANGE
We are now half way through 2015 and half way through my year to lead as President of JCI Sheffield. Looking back over the last six months with my Council Team, certainly makes me feel proud of what we have delivered as a chamber for our members; what we have done to ‘be the CHANGE’ and make an impact on our local community and also, excitement about what we have planned for the second half of the year.
I was thrilled to welcome 4 members from JCI Mayo in Ireland, our twin chamber, over to the Steel City over the last weekend in June, which is our biggest number of visitors from the Emerald Isle to date. It was an absolute honour to host them and to laugh, volunteer, deliver training, swing from trees (?!) swap further ideas of best practice and to mentor each other whilst they were here. Do check out our blog about the twinning weekend later in this edition. Making an impact in our community is a strong focus for JCI and is an important and significant part of our program this year. I was thrilled to have been invited by one of our charity partners this year, Age UK Sheffield, to talk at a business breakfast networking event as part of ‘The Big Chinwag’ initiative. The idea was to tell businesses about the work JCI is doing with the charity and to encourage further support from other organisations as part of their corporate social responsibility. At this event, I formed some firm connections that will be useful as we develop our older peoples Christmas party project later in the year. Please do get in touch if this is something you would like to be involved with and support.
I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity through my job role at SAFE@LAST to listen to the Prime Minister David Cameron, give a live speech in Runcorn about his vision for ‘one nation’. I managed to speak to him briefly afterwards to highlight the challenges that the charity have faced locally in no longer being able to provide refuge provision for local vulnerable children at significant risk of harm through running away in Sheffield and South Yorkshire. He agreed to receive more background information on this issues which I have sent to his office. Reflecting on the day, I realized that if it wasn’t for the confidence, skills and training that I have learned and got out of being an active member of JCI Sheffield, I would have never had the confidence to approach the Prime Minister in this way in front of so many other people. Finally, I am pleased to say Katie our 2015 Business and Partnerships Director is doing a fab job working on organising our first Sheffield Business Academy on 24th and 25th October, so please keep these dates free in your diaries - you won’t want to miss it! Best wishes,
Mark Smith 2015 President JCI Sheffield
The Hub 1963
The JCI 100 Year Movement has given chambers the opportunity to go through their archives and revisit their history. Some items belonging to the chambers are passed down from President to President each year and one such item included a stack of past editions of The Hub magazine.
One piece that stood out for me was a piece looking at the World President’s journey in the organisation. Conrad o’Brien was elected World President of Junior Chamber International at the 18th World Congress held in Tel Aviv, Israel, 1963. Reading his amazing journey is inspiring. His jorurney consisted of being the founding member of JCC Trinidad in 1949 and being awarded senatorship in 1960. He was also the first National President of JCC of the West Indies.
As you sit and read through the issues from that year you can see clearly that times were different. The world was a different place with its own challenges however the mission of the chamber was the same as it is today. Focused on providing development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. To promote a better world. The year of 1963 was a year where the world saw many challenges “the brink of war” and the assasination of US President J.F. Kennedy. The chamber looked back at the past year, the news of Sheffield, the community work achieved, science and technology, international affairs, education and business and civic affiars. Sharing information to their membership.
The Hub was a magazine created by JCI Sheffield (then known as Junior Chamber of Commerce - SJCC) with the purpose “to knit the junior chamber members more closely together, and to provide a vehicle for the exchange and circulation of information of interest to members” (Taken from the “News Far and Wide” article from October 1963 Vol 12 No5 issue). The oldest issues to hand are the October and December issues from 1963. The magazine was orgianlly started in 1951 and these issues are within the Sheffield archives. In the December 1963 Vol 12 No 7 issue we are told by the President J Neill that the magazine won the award for “best junior chamber magaizne in the world” awarded by Junior Chamber International. Amazing to see that even more than 50 years ago that the Sheffield chamber was winning awards on an internatonal level and that we are continuing to be recognised on an international level to this day.
The World Congress of 1963 was attended by 100 British members all of which flew from London Airport by Comet 4B to Rome en route to Israel.
Writing this article for Steel City News gives me a sense of great pride. To be part of an organisation such as JCI Sheffield. Looking back at our history, learning about the roles, the impact they made on members lives and on the commmunity. I am proud to be able to bring back to life a tradition that spanned decades to the present modern day. The times may be different by one thing hasn’t. JCI Sheffield continues to be a leading chamber. Ryan Pilkington, 2015 Communictions Director
Thanks to technological advances nowadays it is simple to share news with the world to a huge audience but what about in 1963? The Hub team in October found some “encouraging” news when finding out that the magaizne was read abroad as well as in the UK. One of their readers was “Corio Clarion” of Geelong who commented “an excellent magazine produced by the Sheffield Junior Chamber of Commerce in England”. Stunning to see that even back in the day when print was the largest used media for sharing information that it would travel worldwide. The chamber was making waves then and still is today with Steel City News being read by a worldwide audience.
“DEBATING Training - The value of debating as a training to think and speak in public was felt to be a significant and worthy of emphasis in chamber’s choice of activites.”
The magazine not only focused on the work done by the chamber but also it looked at the city as a whole. Features such as “Drawn From The Dailies” shared various news articles from around the city meaning that the membership could not only read about the chamber but also catch up with the city news. Read about profits, losses and new projects by prominent companies in Sheffield. This was then taken further with “News from Far and Wide” which shared the news of various chambers around the UK. Below is a snippet from the October 1963 Vol 12 No 5 artcile. Members around the world love a good debate and this proved no different 50 years ago with the Sheffield chamber putting on Debating training for its members. An event chambers across the world continue to put on today.
be the CHANGE
The Team Each edition will give you the chance to meet a member of the 2015 council team for JCI Sheffield. You can learn all about thier passions, thoughts and more! In this issue it’s our 2015 President Mark Smith!
Name Mark Smith How long have you been a member if JCI? I joined in May 2012 after finding out about a JCI open evening on twitter! How long have you been on the council team? In 2013 I was Marketing Director and in 2014 I was Deputy President Current role 2015 President What are your hobbies? Apart from all things JCI of course, I like volunteering, walking and use to do amateur dramatics, joining the chorus in both pantomimes and musicals, with the occasional one liners! Why JCI for you? I absolutely love everything JCI stands for. It has significantly developed my confidence, my networking skills in particular and my business acumeun. Through JCI I have travelled to countries I never imagined visiting and formed many connections and friendships with fellow JCI members around the world. I have become a better leader through all I've learned and experienced through JCI.
Tell us about your role? As the Local President for JCI this year, I have the honour of leading the chamber and representing the Sheffield members locally, regionally, nationally and internationally both within JCI and with other partners and communities. It is my role to oversee the running of the chamber, hopefully inspiring my Council Team to connect and collaborate with our members to motivate them to get involved to make a positive impact and to encourage them to be the change. What is your ambition within JCI? I have really enjoyed getting involved on a local level and leading the chamber this year as President. I would like to further build on my experience and involvement on national projects such as on the organising group and training team for the JCI UK LEAP Leadership Academy. I would like to become National President and will be standing at this years AGM as candidate for 2016 Deputy National President. Proudest moment at JCI (so far)? On a personal level, being awarded the most outstanding JCI member in the world last year was totally amazing and such an honour. From a President's point of view, I was proud to collect 3 European Awards on behalf of the chamber which is a testament to the hard work of the 2014 and 2015 teams. I am also proud when I get to play my part and contribute to a fellow members JCI journey - seeing people grow and develop in confidence and skills is very rewarding Most embarrassing moment My sense of direction is very poor and on a few occasions I've either driven for hours when a journey should have taken have the time...or when trying to walk home after a few drinks, I've got lost! What is your occupation? I work for children's charity SAFE@LAST as Director of Operations and Strategy. My involvement with JCI really compliments the work I do and has helped me develop my skills, confidence and network. Claim to fame? As the end of year ball when I was at University, I got to carry the buffet for boy band Blue and had a good natter with the singer Sonia backstage before she performed! What advice would you give to anyone thinking of joining the local council team? Go for it. It's totally normal to feel nervous about the thought of it, but what's the worse that could happen? The team support each other very well.
Supporters will reach their peak for vunerable children in South Yorkshire
Supporters are being urged to dig out their walking boots and sign up to the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge for local children’s charity SAFE@LAST taking place on 18th July 2015. Starting at Horton in Ribblesdale and scaling mountains Pen-y-Ghent (694m), Whernside (736m) and Ingleborough (723m) the team will take on the challenge to raise funds for the charity so that they can continue to provide vital services to the staggering number of children across South Yorkshire who are at risk of running away. Those taking part in the hike include the charity’s Founder Hilary Massarella, Director of Operations and Strategy Mark Smith and Director of Children and Young People’s Services Tracy Haycox. Joining them will be a wide range of fellow supporters including those that completed the Sahara Trek for SAFE@LAST in 2014 and those supporting the charity for the first time. Kate Millar who has signed up for the challenge commented “I've found myself taking part in many different events over the years to raise funds for SAFE@LAST. I know it’s going to be hard to walk such distances but I also know how invaluable the money raised will be in keeping children safe.” Clare Sherratt, Head of Communications at SAFE@LAST said “The walk is going to be tough, but we provide training and fundraising advice to our supporters and we’re working with a local company to provide all the practical support on the day. We will have Mountain Leaders with the walkers at all times, roadside assistance, snacks and drinks to refuel and a congratulatory t-shirt on completion. Walkers will be able to tackle the challenge at their own speed either pushing to complete the challenge in under twelve hours or taking a more leisurely pace. We’re so excited to see a new wave of supporters enjoying the beauty on our doorstep whilst helping vulnerable children across the region.” The challenge features as part of SAFE@LAST’s new fundraising initiative launched earlier this year – The Challenge Club; a series of challenging events taking place throughout 2015/2016 to round up intrepid supporters and raise money to help fund the charity’s services. From running a local half marathon to a family walk in Derbyshire, and climbing the worst largest active volcano, SAFE@LAST has a fantastic range of events for everyone both in the UK and abroad. For more information and to register to take part in climbing Yorkshire’s three highest peaks visit or call SAFE@LAST on 01909 566977 or email
Events Diary Here you can check out all of the fantastic events that are lined up for JCI Sheffield and even other chambers around the UK! Filled with business talks, training workshops, networking and socials your diary is about to get a lot more exciting! Be sure to book on Eventbrite to save your spot! 9 Jul
An Audience with RSPCA Sheffield
12 Jul
Event Type: Community Venue: RSPCA Sheffield Branch, 2 Stadium Way, Attercliffe, Sheffield. Date: 9th Jul, 2015 Price: Free 12 Jul
Run With Us
16 Jul
Nothing But Nets Bingo
23 Jul
1 Aug
Event Type: Regional Event Venue: Leeds City Center Date: 12th Jul, 2015 Price: TBC
Type: Social Venue: Bloo88, West Street, Sheffield Date: 16th Jul, 2015 Price: £12
Debating Training
Event Type: Training Venue: Holiday Inn Express Date: 23rd Jul, 2015
JCI Yorkshire Day
Event Type: Regional Event Venue: Hosted by JCI Doncaster Venue TBC Date: 1st Aug, 2015 Price: TBC
Charity Fundraising Afternoon Tea Event Type: Community Venue: The Hilton Hotel, Victoria Quays, Sheffield, S2 5SY Date: 12th Jul, 2015
14 Jul
Gin Tasting
22 Jul
Assertiveness at Work
29 Jul
Networking Wednesday
21 Aug
JCI UK - LEAP 2015
Type: Social Venue: Bloo88, West Street, Sheffield Date: 14th Jul, 2015 Price: £16
Type: Training Venue: Holiday Inn Express Date: 22nd Jul, 2015 Price: Free
Event Type: Business Venue: Bloo88 West Street Date: 29th Jul, 2015 Price: JCI Member: £5 Non-Member: £5
Event Type: Training Venue: BPP University Birmingham, 34-36 Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6BN Date: 21st Aug, 2015 Price: £180
For more information head to our website
Interview: Kylie Cook and Lucy Owens, RISE Sheffield What is RISE Sheffield? How long has it been running? It is a recruitment scheme that stimulates economic growth by helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to tap into our city’s graduate talent. The RISE Sheffield pilot in 2013 was so successful that we’re now in our third year, and are currently completing our seventh intake of graduates into South Yorkshire’s small businesses. The scheme is a partnership between Sheffield City Council, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University and the private sector. How does it work? RISE offers a bespoke recruitment programme that screens candidates through four stages: written application, video interview, assessment centre and final interview. This allows SMEs to benefit from a ‘blue-chip’ style recruitment programme that competes with corporate recruiters for the best candidates. The University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, have worked hard to promote the RISE brand to their students and graduates, so RISE is now a household name for those looking to start their career in Sheffield. What are the main benefits to graduates and to employers? RISE was designed to address two issues in the city. Firstly, Sheffield has over 16,000 SMEs – that’s 95% of the business base. Yet in 2012, only 18% of SMEs employed graduates. Secondly, many graduates were falling in love with Sheffield when studying here but struggling to find suitable graduate employment in line with their skills. This meant the region was losing a valuable skill base to other cities. RISE Sheffield delivers a free, competitive recruitment programme to SMEs whilst creating stimulating jobs for our talented graduates. How many graduates have been placed since the start of the scheme? We’ve placed over 140 graduates into around 100 business across Sheffield, Chesterfield, Doncaster, Barnsley and Rotherham. How has JCI Sheffield worked in partnership with the scheme? JCI Sheffield’s offering to the RISE interns has been invaluable. Interns have benefitted from a complimentary 6-month membership, allowing them access to networking events, charity fundraisers, personal development workshops and socials. Most of our interns are making the transition from university to working life, and the JCI’s monthly programme allows them to learn professional skills and develop their network of contacts in Sheffield.
What’s more, JCI Sheffield won both the 'Best Local Ecomonic Development Program' and 'Best Overall Project' for the partnership with the RISE Sheffield program! What impact has JCI Sheffield had on the graduates? One of the huge benefits of JCI Sheffield is that it creates a network for recent graduates choosing to stay in the city, whose friends may have left following the completion of their degree. Secondly, graduates who move into Sheffield to take a RISE internship also have this beneficial opportunity to meet people in a similar position to themselves and start their own professional and social network. How successful is the project? (e.g. how many interns go on to secure employment?) We were extremely pleased to see a 90% conversion rate into permanent employment in 2013. Some internships from 2014 are ongoing so we don’t have the full figures, but we expect over 75% of our interns to get permanent job offers. How would you sum up the scheme using 3 words? Innovative business growth Interview: Samantha Hilton, SAFE@LAST Communications Officer & RISE Sheffield Intern What JCI Sheffield sessions have you attended and what did you learn/how did you benefit from them? So far I have been to a ‘Develop to Succeed’ session with guest speaker Russell Hobbs. We learnt about different working styles and how best to utilise them as well as discussing tips on how to make the most of your skills and attributes in your working environment. I have also been to ‘An Audience With Age UK’ which was fantastic! I got a real insight into what the Charity does for our Ageing Population and how we can help as a community. What would you say to fellow RISE interns that haven’t yet got involved with JCI Sheffield? It’s a great way to meet new people and network. The sessions are informative and you learn a lot. They have a really varied events roaster so there’s something for everyone, keep an eye on their diary. How have you found other JCI members? Other members of JCI have been both friendly and supportive. I have volunteered at events with other JCI members and they always been fun and enthusiastic to be around. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? As a new RISE intern, I would suggest making the most of your free 6 month JCI membership. The sessions are insightful and will help with aspects of your working life and give you a great start to making the best of your internship. It’s also a great way to meet your other fellow RISE Intern’s and long standing JCI members, I’ve heard their socials are not to missed!
Summer is here which can only mean one thing, the social event that every one has been waiting for. The annual train pub crawl will take place on Saturday 8th August and will end again this year at the Huddersfield Food and drink festival. We also have the Vicious circle coming up on Friday 18th September, bookings will be opening shortly for that. The Vicious circle is a speaking competition with 4 speakers which take the mick out of each other, it’s a bit like a comedy roast. It’s great fun and a JCI Barnsley tradition! Keep on eye on our social media for updates on these events and more! JCI Leeds have a fantastic announcement - The Be Bold in Blue Quiz raised over £900 for The MS Trust. Musical bingo and periwinkle wigs obviously bring out the best in everyone! A massive thank you to everyone involved - it was bold, it was blue, it was brilliant.
JCI Doncaster will be hosting Yorkshire Day on 1st August! The day will consist of Regional Forum (by invitation only) and a celebration into the evening with friends from all around the Yorkshire chambers. This was a fantastic event last year and promises to be better this year! Ensure you save the date and book your place ASAP!
Modern Centurions THE New Breed of Leaders JCI UK National Conference 2015 20th - 22nd November 2015 Barnsley
United Kingdom
JCI UK National Conference 2015 set to blow your togas off. Friends, Jaycees, Countrymen lend me your ears, for I want to tell you of JCI UK National Conference 2015. OK, OK, yes it might be a bit melodramatic to be quoting Mark Antony in the introduction of an article about JCI UK National Conference 2015, but as it has the theme ‘Modern Centurions’ and on over all Roman flavour, it seemed a nice way to open. So first off, why ‘Modern Centurions’? For those of you that don’t know, a Roman Centurion was a commander of 100 men in the army. As 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the JCI movement on a global level, and as members of JCI we are the leaders of tomorrow, then the theme seemed to fit very nicely. We’re using this idea of modern leaders throughout the conference, with training sessions and workshops designed to help you develop your skills as a leader, whether it be in JCI, Business or in life as a whole. The conference runs from Friday 20th until Sunday 22nd November and will be held at Holiday Inn, Barnsley, just 3 minutes off J37 of the M1. The Friday is focused on Business and Career, with a full day, coving topics including Company values, How to Overcome Adversity, and Business Intelligence to name a few. We’re aiming to attract not just JCI members to the Friday, but the wider Barnsley and South Yorkshire business community. We’ll be running a 20 stand expo, have networking sessions, and panel discussion about issues that organisations face not just in the local region, but across the country as a whole, and how they can be addressed.
Friday will also showcase the JCI UK TOYP winners, with a lunch in their honour and showcasing the amazing work each one does in their own field and the afternoon will be rounded off with the JCI UK Public Speaking Competition. A JCI Conference wouldn’t be the same if there wasn’t a great party on the Friday night, and it’s not going to be any different this year! Continuing the Roman flavour, the Friday night will be a Togo party! You don’t have to come in a toga if you don’t want to, but when all you have to do is wear a sheet, it’s going to be cheap, easy and great fun. Also, for those of you that don’t know how to tie a toga, we’ll going to create a video to show you all, so there’s no excuse there either! As with all UK conferences the Friday night will include the extempore (off the cuff) public speaking competition, followed by some great entertainment, more on that to follow soon. Saturday will focus on you and developing your skills, as well as National Council (where your President and Deputy President will represent your chamber) and the JCI UK debating competition. We’ve tried to put on training sessions that are varied and different and so far have sessions planned around how to tame your chimp (that little voice in your head that puts you off doing things) and in a nod to the origins of JCI, a dancing training session. Saturday evening will be the JCI UK Awards and Gala Dinner. This will be held at the main conference hotel, so no need to worry about transport, everything is in one place. Make sure you come along to support your local chamber in the awards they have entered and cheer them on. The Gala Dinner is always a great night, and it will be even more memorable in this special year for JCI. We have also arranged an official JCI Training course to be delivered by JCI Sheffield President Mark Smith on the Sunday morning, but which one it is, is up to you, the members. Closer to the time, we’ll be asking all those registered for the weekend to choose which course we run. And don’t worry, we’re not forgotten about the senators. We’re got a great programme of events planned for yourselves on the Saturday and a wonderful senate breakfast on the Sunday Morning. Hopefully after reading that, you’re as excited to come along as we are to host the event. If you already have your place booked, brilliant! If not, you can register now by going to If you have any questions about the conference at all, feel free to send me an e-mail to or give me a call on 07717 682413. Ben Hawley, 2015 National Conference Director
Hope to see you here in November!
We had an amazing time on our Twinning Weekend with JCI Mayo, Ireland. We caught up with some of the attendee’s to find out thier favourite parts of the weekend! Last Friday (26th of June) we at JCI Sheffield had the pleasure of welcoming JCI Mayo here for the weekend! This is the third year the twinning weekend has taken place and the 2nd I've attended. We kicked off the weekend with a spot of supernatural hunting in Sheffield with a Ghost Tour from ‘Mr P Dreadful’. This was a fun way to learn a bit about the city centre through gruesome and sometimes funny stories. After working up a thirst on the tour, we had our hunger and thirst spooked away with a re-fuel at Bloo88 on West Street. On the Saturday we kicked off doing what we do best and making an Impact at one of our charities this year RSPCA Sheffield. We helped them by scrubbing the kennels and giving the dogs somewhere clean to walk and play. Once this was over some of us walked dogs and another group helped train the dogs. Some of the training involved hiding treats in boxes and getting the dogs to find the treats we also tried clicker training. The morning was typically rewarding helping the brilliant staff at the RSPCA and finding out about the fantastic work they do in bringing the dogs some joy after sometimes horrific treatment. After a quick lunch we then went for training delivered by the witty Derek Reilly who taught us all some fantastic tips on how to Network with others but also forge relationships rather than just collecting cards. As always the training was informative, interactive and fun much similar to the Linkedin Training he delivered a few years back. We then in typical JCI fashion hit the town for dinner at Mama's and Leonie's and then hit a few bars to end a busy Saturday. The Sunday picked up where we left off on the Saturday with Effective Communication delivered by Mark Smith and Keira Keogh. We learnt about different things to consider in how we communicate and how it can have huge impact on results in our personal and professional lives. We learnt a lot of brilliant techniques in how we can improve how we communicate with each other and that actually to be an effective talker we must first listen to others and think before we talk.
The weekend all in all was fantastic meeting old friends and making some new and exploring new places in Sheffield and also seeing places I’ve been in a new light. Mark and Gareth couldn’t have planned a better weekend and I can’t wait for next year. The highlight of the event for me and I suspect a few others was going to Go Ape in Buxton. We all went round the various bridges, zip lines, jumps and high wires. It was to say the least nerve racking, a lot of us overcame some hugely difficult courses and pushing ourselves. The best part of Go Ape however was none of the bridges or zip lines; it was the group of people I went with and how supportive everyone was to each other. At various most of us had a “moment” where we struggled to tackle a bridge or let go on the zip wire but the support from everyone around you was fantastic. For me this is basically what JCI is all about and perfectly sums up what we do. No matter how tough it gets there will always be someone there to support and guide you. Neal Stirk, Community Action Director, JCI Sheffield "This was my 3rd year attending the JCI Twinning is Winning weekend with our amazing twins JCI Sheffield. I really look forward to this weekend and it embodies what JCI is all about with all areas of opportunity covered. One of my passions in JCI is attending and delivering training. At the weekend, on Saturday afternoon, I was able to deliver one of my favourite JCI recommended courses "Networking" as this ties in perfectly with my day job working with BNI in the Ireland. I saw lots of "light bulb" moments in the room and if you haven't already attended I'd highly recommend it. Then bright and early Sunday morning when all our friends are in bed nursing a hangover we attended the new JCI Effective Communications course. It was my first time attending this course and our Presidents Keira and Mark delivered an informative and humorous session where we all learned how to listen and communicate better in our personal, social and work lifes. ‘Okey Dokey’ and ‘obviously’ were the key words of the morning. Already looking forward to the 4th year of twinning in 2016." Derek Reilly, Sentator, JCI Mayo, Ireland The JCI Sheffield - Mayo twinning weekend was a fun packed social weekend. Following the haunting ghost tour we celebrated the first night of twinning with colourful cocktails and delicious pizzas at Bloo88. It was a great opportunity to chat to new members from both chapters. The following night we sat down to a fabulous meal at Mama & Leonies followed by a drink or two in teapots at All Bar One. A few JCIers continued the party with some epic dance moves into the wee hours. JCI Sheffield President and Deputy President kindly opened up their home to us on the last night for a tasty BBQ. It was a perfect way to end a fantastic weekend Lulu Ni Dhurcain, JCI Mayo, Ireland
What can I say about the trip to ‘Go Ape’ on our recent Twinning Visit to Sheffield? It was so much fun, while at the same time challenging! It made us work together as a team, and bonded us as friends. It started with the staff giving us some very thorough instructions on how to stay safe during the activity. They must be complimented on their enthusiasm, and professionalism at all times, especially when responding to a small emergency in our group. Next we hit the high ropes, and I volunteered to go first as I have no fear of heights, and was dying to get going! Once we were confident, it was time to head off and ‘Go Ape’. There was five courses altogether, with a mix of challenges that included swinging bridges, rope ladders, zip wires and the unforgettable ‘Tarzan Swing’ that led to the physically challenging cargo net. We had a great time, and it was fantastic to see the people with no fear motivating and encouraging the others to face their fear. Lots of people found the Tarzan swing and cargo net really, really tough, but everyone got through it! My partner for the day was fellow Local President Mark Smith. We had a great routine going where I would go first, and then give him tips and encouragement to come after me! I loved seeing him face his fears, and overcome the challenges, whereas he was very appreciative of my patience and support! We all completed the entire course, and headed home totally exhausted but happy. I can’t let a piece on ‘Go Ape’, go past, without mentioning the best thing about the whole day, which was the singing on the way there and back in Deputy President Gareth’s car. Safe to say Sam Smith’s CD was repeated a bit too many times and we all were hoarse by the end of it! Until the next adventure, Keira Keogh 2015 President, JCI Mayo
Inherited Sounds 6pm - late Deep soulful House mixed with R&B classics Courtyard Party RDOARY SAOTUU TDO
Delve Deeper TERRACE PARTY Outside Terrace (Deep House, 4pm - 1am)
Liam C and Jenny Fu (Delve Deeper) / Audiowhores (Noir/Defected) Dan Metcalfe (Deep Down/Bed) / Set2 (Collect!) / Daptan (Delve Deeper Recordings) Jamie Williamson (Delve Deeper) / Duncan Allott (Seven Hills Soul Boys) Matt Ludlam (Delve Deeper)
The Loft / Upstairs Lounge Bar (Disco, Soul & Funk 8pm - 2am) Dino (Bed / Chuff Chuff) / David Hardy (Jus'House/More About Music) Solid State (All Out War) / Jonny Stevenson (All Ears) Louis Clarke (Reel House) / Steve Beach (Delve Deeper)
Tramlines Closing Party Live bands & DJ - from 1pm till late
Low Duo / Natterjacks / Hudares / Kid Conventional Caroline Francess & more
be the CHANGE
The Story So Far - Quarter 2
Check out the website for more!
Follow JCI Sheffield on social media! #betheCHANGE