JCI Vizag Niranthar - Monthly Bulletin - April 2024

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TheFourtheditionofJCIVizag‘smonthlybulletinNIRANTHARgivesyoua briefoverviewofthedifferentactivitiesdonebyJCIVizag,andvarious announcementsmadebyJCIIndiaandbyZoneIVinthemonthofMarch 2024.

WearehappytoinformthatourVicePresidentGrowth&Development JCFarheenNishaAdilandJointSecretaryJCGayathriJeeshithaare conferredwithHGFHonorfortheircommitmentanddedicationtowardsthe organization.

WeproudlyinformthatJCIVizagistheFirstCenturionLOofZoneIV. Thisedition’sKNOWABOUTJCIgivestheAtoZofJCIwhichgivesabriefon variousopportunitiesavailableinJCI.

WewelcomeJCHGFGayathritoourbulletinteamasaContentManager. ThisiswhatisJCIallabout.LearnandGrabtheavailableopportunities.

ForanyqueriesorsubmittingarticlesorforanythingrelatedtoNiranthar, pleasewritetousatjcivizag@gmail.com

Proofreader JFM S Ravi Kanth Reddy Editor JFS Chaitanya Vasanthavada
Content Manager JC HGF Gayathri Jeeshitha
Bulletin Team

JCI President Kaveen Kumar Kumaravel will be back to Erode

(Hometown) after 60 days of continuous travel to 15 countries.

Know about ASPAC

21st March 2024 - Internationalism

JCI India has organized an Orientation Session in Zoom Platform on 2024

Asia Pacific Conference for all the registered officers.

JCI Vizag President, JFS Chaitanya has attended the session.

G&D Recognitions by Zone IV

B2B Meeting

2nd March 2024 - Business

JCI Vizag has organized a B2B Meeting on 2nd March 2024 at Hotel Ambica’s Jewel. Non-JCI Entrepreneurs and members from various LO’s of JCI India Zone IV, Region B have attended the meeting.

Total No of Participants: 26

Region B, Zone Vice President, JFM Prabhakar Botta facilitated a session on How to use digital platforms for business growth.

B2B Meeting

2nd March 2024 - Business

Chairmanship and Parliamentary Procedure

3rd March 2024 - Training

Project Chairperson

JC SriKavya Nalluri

JCI Vizag together with JCI Visakha Knights has Organized a session on Chairmanship and Parliamentary Procedures on 3rd March 2024 at Hotel Ambica’s Jewel.

The session was facilitated by JFM S Ravi Kanth Reddy, National Trainer and JCI India Author

JC HGF B Rama Krishna, Zone Trainer, Zone IV, JCI India

Chairmanship and Parliamentary Procedure

3rd March 2024 - Training Project

Chairperson JC SriKavya Nalluri

Chairmanship and Parliamentary Procedure

3rd March 2024 - Training Project Chairperson

JC SriKavya Nalluri

Chairmanship and Parliamentary Procedure

3rd March 2024 - Training Project

Chairperson JC SriKavya Nalluri

Niranthar(March Bulletin) Release

5th March 2024 - Management

Third Edition of JCI Vizag’s 2024 Monthly Bulletin NIRANTHAR is released in various JCI WhatsApp groups on 5th March 2024 by

Zone Director Management, JFP Roopa Saripuri

This edition of the bulletin can be read online in the below ISSUU link.


Proofreader JFMSRaviKanthReddy Editor JFSChaitanyaVasanthavada BulletinTeam

Women’s Day Celebrations

7th March 2024 - Community Development

As a part of Women's Day Celebrations, We JCI Vizag have felicitated the Silent Stars behind the students We had the opportunity of felicitating 39 teachers of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Waltair, and our Past Presidents, JC HGF Rekha Grandhi and JC Madhuri Collooru.

We also felicitated physically challenged student Ms Hima Bindu who has been studying there since her 1st class. Now she stepping into inter 2nd year. It's a wonderful day and we were blessed to meet, felicitate and salute the silent stars and wonders of our community.

Project Chairperson

JC Gayathri Jeeshitha

Project Coordinator

JC Pratyusha

JCI Vizag Members JC HGF Sri Kavya, JC HGF Charishma, JC Viswa, JC Ramesh has supported and participated in the event.

Women’s Day Celebrations

7th March 2024 - Community Development

Women’s Day Celebrations

7th March 2024 - Community Development

Project Chairperson

JC Gayathri Jeeshitha

Project Coordinator

JC Pratyusha



These beautiful bunch of roses and Cadbury's celebration pack and most importantly a beautiful message by our beloved president of JCI Vizag

JFS Dr. Chaitanya

Vasanathavada, I would like to extend my heartful thanks to our president on behalf of every women from our LO.

This surprise that too early in the morning with that beautiful notes and roses and chocolates made us feel special ❤ thank you Mr. President

Rescue Kitchen-Food Donation (DAAN)

9th March 2024 - Community Development

As a part of Women's Day Celebrations, JCI Vizag has donated food to 102 people near Visakhapatnam Railway Station. JCI Vizag members JC Abhishek, JC Ramesh, JC Srinivas and JC Vamsi has participated in the food donation drive.

Project Chairperson JC Abishek Vasanthavada

Rescue Kitchen-Food Donation (DAAN)

9th March 2024 - Community Development

Rescue Kitchen-Food Donation (DAAN)

9th March 2024 - Community Development

Centurion LO

10th March 2024 - Growth & Development

JCI Vizag has paid subscription of 100 members, and it is the first LO in JCI India Zone IV to become a Centurion Local Organization.

Academic Aid - School Supplies Drive

13th March 2024 - PR & Marketing

JCI Vizag has announced a School Supplies Drive, in which supplies like Stationary, Bags, Lunch Boxes will be collected and distributed to the underprivileged children.

Recognition from NHQ for MRF 15th March 2024 - Management

JCI Vizag Team has received an Appreciation certificate from JCI India National Head Quarters for Exceptional MRF for January 2024.

Banner Contest

17th March 2024 - PR & Marketing

JCI Vizag Team PR & Marketing has announced a banner contest for our members. Some Selected Banners will be used to stick on RTC Buses and Auto Rickshaws around Vizag.

Recognition for Mission 1 Lakh, Next Mile Program

18th March 2024 - Growth & Development

JCI Vizag Team has received Appreciation certificates from JCI India National Head Quarters for completing Phase 3 & 4 of Mission 1 Lakh.

BLOOD BUCKET - Blood Donation Camp

22nd March 2024 - Community Development

JCI Vizag has organized a Blood Donation Camp at Gayatri Vidya Parishad College (Autonomous) on 22nd March 2024 in collaboration with Rotary Blood Bank and Lions Blood Bank. 453 Units of Blood was donated.

JCI Vizag members JC Ramesh, JC Gayathri, JC Farheen, JC Viswa, JC Vaghira, JrJC Srivastav and JrJC Sri Karthikeya volunteered during the event.

Certificates, Pens and Leadership Development Books are presented to all the donors and volunteers.

Zone President JFP Suresh Gompa, and Zone Vice President JFM Prabhakar has visitedthecampandpresentedthecertificatestodonors.

Project Chairperson

JC Ravindra T

Project Coordinator

JC Ramesh V

BLOOD BUCKET - Blood Donation Camp (453 Units)

22nd March 2024 - Community Development

BLOOD BUCKET - Blood Donation Camp (453 Units)

22nd March 2024 - Community Development


30th March 2024 - Management

JCI Vizag has organised its 3rd LGB Meeting on Zoom Platform in which members came up with various new programs in Community Development Area.


Members Achievements within JCI

National Trainer, JCI India Author

JFM S Ravi Kanth Reddy has facilitated a session on the LESS LIMIT LESS hosted by JCI Visakha Valley

Members Achievements within JCI

Members Achievements within JCI




Extract from 2022 Annual Report Exp Eloringtheworldof xploringtheworldo AZJ u niorChamberInternatio n a l

"A global network of young active citizens, JCI (Junior Chamber International) empowers its members to create positive change in their communities through training, networking, andcommunity service. "

"Amidst the challenges of the 21st century, ranging from climate change to social inequality, Junior Chamber International (JCI) stands out as a dynamic and proactive organization dedicated to empowering young people to become active citizens who can contribute to creating positive changein their communities. By offeringa widearray ofopportunities for personal and professional development, including workshops, community service projects, and international conferences, JCI not only nurtures the potential of individual members but also acts as a catalyst for global progress. As members engage in these transformative experiences, they develop adeeper understandingofglobalissues, hone their leadership skills, and forge international connections, thereby becoming more equipped and motivated to initiate sustainable solutions within their communities. This holistic approach to youth empowerment underscores JCI's commitment to building a better world, demonstrating the organization's belief that the collective action and passion of young leaders canindeed shapeabrighter futurefor all.

“Be Better” is a slogan that embodies the spirit that all JCI members shareand the purpose statedinour Mission

Creative Young Entrepreneur (CYE) program is an international competition with a single main objective: To motivate and inspire enterprising youngleaders. Thecoreof theCYE programis for young leaders to showcase their up and runningbusinesses.

CYE challenges young entrepreneurs to critically and creatively think by requiring them to provide an in depth business plan, their marketing position, and strategic goals on how their venture will begin to earn a profit and become sustainable, all the while providing theopportunity ofhaving that plan reviewedby delegatedexperts.

“DevelopingLeaders for aChangingWorld”

The aim of JCI is to develop its members into enterprising

young leaders. Our member’s mission is to bring about

economicand societalgrowth.

Both goals are accomplished through long-term actions

that welink toour Four Areas ofOpportunity.


Creating projects that help the community and are anchored in economic reality, providing long-term, sustainable solutions through the JCI

RISEinitiative. Allows members toexplore what

they are most passionate about, and address the problem in a methodical and pragmatic

manner, using theJCIActionFramework.

“Four Areas of Opportunity” is what separates JCI from

other organizations. This is our unique and flexible

approach towards leadership development. Leaders in our

organization become skilled in four essential areas of

opportunity in equal measure: Individual, Community, InternationalandBusiness.

We value thediverseinterests and talents ofour members, and through these key areas, we empower them to follow

their passions in purposeful ways.

” series follows a talented pool of eakdown thekey concepts that make

Each course is based around one of ty: Business and Entrepreneurship,

Community Action and International

“Helvetica Neue” is JCI’s chosen font for its clarity, legibility and versatility. The three varieties of the

Helvetica Neue font necessary to create JCI National and Local Organization logos and official JCI documents (letterhead, business cards, envelopes, etc) are:

Where Helvetica Neue is unavailable, Arial must be used. The JCI logo must always appear in Helvetica

Neue. RockwellBoldmay be usedas anaccent to the

HelveticaNeuefamily. Rockwell shouldonly be used for largeitems suchas headings and pull quotes.

Impact in theNew Millennium

Theearly 2000’s reinvigorated the senseofactivecitizenship and grassroots initiatives throughout the organization; members refocused projects and efforts around the JCI Mission. In 2004, JCI committed to advance the Millennium Development Goals created by the United Nations. This set of eight global development goals ranged from eradicating extreme hunger and poverty to combating HIV/AIDS and malaria. Through 2015, the target deadline, JCI members continued to organize projects focused on advancing these goals by taking action at the local level. Toincrease the quantity of projects that result in sustainable solutions, the General Assembly of the 2010 JCI World Congress adopted the JCI Active Citizen Framework, a roadmap of actionable, results-driven steps to produce sustainableimpact.

The JCI Active Citizen Framework has helped drive projects by first conductingcommunity needs analysis, thencollaborating with stakeholders toformulatea sustainable solutionand takeaction.

JCI’s story begins withHenry Giessenbier Jr., a young man living in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, during a time of incredible growth and change. Giessenbier recognized the talents and passions of the young people around him, and envisioned the positive change they

could create if they had the right resources.

To provide these tools, in 1915 he founded the first JCI movement in the St. Louis area. What began as a local movement spread quickly, and with enthusiasm. Young people across the United States and then across the globe joined together to create positive forces in their communities on a local, nationalandinternational scale.

Giessenbier saw JCIas anorganization that couldharness theenergy of young leaders to overcome a variety of civic challenges. JCI members would have the opportunity to develop as individuals, contribute to the prosperity of economic infrastructure through entrepreneurship, understand and appreciate the social dynamics that enable community problem-solving and promote goodwill, cooperation and understanding amongst all people. That enduring visionlives on through theorganization today.

KaveenKumar Kumaravel

JCI President 2024, Kaveen Kumar Kumaravel, was born on January 25, 1986, in Erode, TN, India and holds a Master's degree in International Business.

HejoinedJCIErodein 2010 with theintention to serve thecommunity and evolve his leadership qualities. In 2017 he served as a local president of JCI Erode and was later elected as the 2019 Zone President. In 2019

Kumaravel was also deemed the most outstanding zone president of JCI India. He servedas ExecutiveVicePresident ofJCIIndiain 2020. Hehas attended 10 nationalconventions. At the international level, Kumaravel served as JCI Vice President in 2021, CEATTPin 2022 andJCIExecutiveVicePresident in 2023. Hehas attended four World Congress and 11 Area Conferences. He is a Phil Pugsley Foundation Patron donor of JCI Foundation and has been honoredas JCISenator #80900.

Kumaravel works as managing partner ofa retailchainandis anenriching and visionary businessman predominantly involvedin retailand wholesale ofmultibrandedfootwear, bags, toys.

Kumaravel speaks TamilandEnglish. He resides inErode, TN, India, with his wifeMadhumitha, and their daughter Krieyaand sonDiyan.

Let’s MakeADifference

2024 themeofJCI, Let’s makeadifferenceis aligned with theJCI tagline of Developing Leaders for a Changing World. The world needs leaders who can make a difference and JCI is here to provide the leadership development opportunities that will empower young people to achieve this through their actions.

This reminds JCI members worldwide of the importance of committed leadership, innovation and groundbreaking initiatives. By emphasizing the notion of "Making a Difference," we are reminded that truly effective leadership is achieved throughlong-termand tangible transformations.

"Let's MakeaDifference" is more thanjust a slogan; it's acommitment to action, improvement, andleadership. By joiningJCI, young professionals andentrepreneurs embarkonajourney ofdevelopment and service that not only transforms their own lives but also makes a tangible difference in the world.

2024 Theme of JCI India

MissionofJunior Chamber International

To provide leadership development

opportunities that empower young people

tocreate positivechange.

This succinct yet powerful statement encapsulates theessenceof what JCI stands for andaims toachieve. Throughafocus on personalgrowth, networking, community service, and international cooperation, JCI encourages its members to become active citizens who have a genuine impact on their societies.

This missionis operationalized through various activities, including:

Leadership Development: Offering training and leadership opportunities to help young professionals enhance their abilities to lead themselves, their communities, and their organizations effectively.

Community Service: Encouraging members to identify challenges within their communities and to take action to address these issues, thereby fosteringa spirit of social responsibility.

Entrepreneurship: Promoting economic opportunity by empowering young people to create and develop their enterprises, supporting the growth of sustainable businesses that contribute to economic development.

International Cooperation: Providing a global platform for cross-cultural exchange, understanding, and collaboration on common challenges, thereby strengthening the global community's ability to create positive change.

elTalent SearchExamination (NLTS)

aJCIIndiaInitiative. It is aNation-wideIQ test for

9,10, 11 & 12 and the most talented arded.

philosophy allows members to share

sh perspective with the organization

adapting to the needs of the can make others feel stronger by in which they can succeed, where sible and receive full credit for their

hether as individuals or organizations, their ability to control their destiny mulate successful experiences in

eaching goals. The leader‘s role is to help


uals and the Local Organization to accumulate suchexperiences.

When an organization, through its leadership, can create an environment that has a strengthening effect on its members, it nurtures the conviction that collectively, through the organization, they can change the course of events.

kill for leaders to motivate others toward ld Public Speaking Championship offers

oexerciseand showcase their abilities local, national, or global issues. Each he challenge of expressing creative ideas in a clear andcaptivatingmanner.

This annualcompetitiongives every participant a way toexpress his or her thoughts to others in an exciting and challenging way. Every wellprepared speech should have an introduction that captures the attentionof theaudience, abody featuring the speaker’s message, and a powerfulconclusion summarizing the speaker’s arguments. Localand nationalcompetitionorganizers choose the speaking topics. Topics will belocally, nationally, or regionally relevant, dependent on what levelof competitionis taking place.

The winner from each JCI Area Conference Public Speaking Competition is then expected to represent his or her Area in the final roundof theJCIWorldPublicSpeakingChampionship at theJCIWorld Congress.

Quarterly Conferences andEvents

Throughout the year, the Junior Chamber hosts numerous events, includinglocalchapter meetings, regionalconferences, andinternational conventions. These gatherings provide invaluable networking opportunities, allowing members to connect with like-minded individuals, exchangeideas, andcollaborateon projects.


One of the organization's strengths lies in its diversity. The Junior Chamber brings together peoplefrom various backgrounds, professions, andcultures, fosteringanenvironment ofinclusivity andmutual respect.

This diversity enriches the membership experience, offering a broader perspectiveonglobalissues and solutions.

Quest for Impact

Members of theJunior Chamber are unitedby acommongoal: tocreate positive change in the world. Through their dedication and efforts, they strive to leave a lasting impact on their communities, developing

leadership skills that transcend their tenure in the organization and continue toinfluence their professionaland personallives.


· JCI RISE (Rebuild, Invest, Sustain, Evolve) aims to motivate JCI members to secure and bolster economic opportunities at the local, nationaland world-widelevels.


· To sustain and rebuild economies and workforce morale as we face the impact of COVID-19 together.


· To work with all sectors of society to make economies and workforces more resilient for thefuture.

We have seen the catastrophic effect of COVID-19 on Global Health and Small Businesses. Our communities have suffered, but the lessons we have learned in this period of extreme difficulty can help us grow and make the worldabetter placefor all the people.

Through the JCI Rise Initiative, JCI members and young leaders around the world will use their skills andglobalnetwork tolift up individuals and communities.

four major strategies that allow us to we are creating.lan has four major us toimagine thefuture wearecreating.

ve made huge improvements in Brand ibility, implemented stronger Leadership

enabled a more Open, Efficient and , and will have guided these actions enInnovation.


s of the World (JCI TOYP) program honors ten remarkable enterprising young leaders under the age of 40 every year. And although various local JCI chapters have personal TOYP programs, this version of the program takes it to the next level - the global scale. The individuals chosen each year highlight that being an enterprising thinker doesn’t only mean a business person, but includes doctors, innovators, educators and societal change-makers. By showcasing the immeasurable talents and determination of these forward-thinking individuals, we connect JCI members across the globe to the finest of leaders from around the world.

1. PreserveLife

- Protect human dignity.

ion of Human Duties for Leaders

- Care for yourself, others and your community to the best of your ability.

- Promote long-term peace, inclusion and prosperity for all.

2. ServeHumanity

- Respect, care for and honor every individual.

- Contribute to a safe and fair community

3. Sustainfor theFuture

- Protect the climate, the physical environment and improve ecosystems.

- Choose sustainable practices that lay improved foundations for future generations. JCI presents the Universal Declaration of Human Duties for Leaders, empowering young leaders to act based on individual and collective responsibilities. They serve to strengthen respect for Human Rights and Responsibilities through knowledge and compliance. We, at JCI, support those who assume the duty to lead their lives and work focused on respect and responsibility for the prosperity of humanity now and in the future.

age the freedom to pursue enterprise. al and communal responsibility to add value

5. Respect HumanPersonality

- Cherish the diverse opinions of your fellow leaders.

- Respect elements of all cultures including heritage, language and diversity in all forms

6. EducateYourselfandTeachOthers

- Promote access to equitable education and equal opportunity.

- Appreciate, develop and explore human talent and entrepreneurial spirit.

- Use and enhance skills, knowledge and talent to uplift others

7. LeadResponsibly

- Responsibly exercise and protect individual freedom of expression.

- Protect the interests of both the majority and minority.

- Create an environment of mutual respect.

- Know, respect and promote Human Rights

n unique, virtual platform very own


to securely network within the JCI

from and opportunities to participate

s andofficialmeetings.

heJCI’s VirtualCommunity at JCI.CC ailable!

meaningand purpose tohumanlife; cends the sovereignty ofnations; be won by free men through free

rather thanofmen;

inhuman personality;

And that service tohumanity is thebest workoflife.

Thecreedemphasizes the values andbeliefs that JCImembers uphold.

This creed encapsulates the core principles that guide JCI members in their personal and professional lives, encouraging them to work towards a better world through active citizenship and community service.

XploringNew Frontiers

Junior Chamber International's Approach


unior Chamber International's (JCI) acing innovation, fostering global

members to venture into uncharted e change. This mindset is crucial for

s of the 21st century, pushing JCI

urageously, andconnect withothers


Innovationis at theheart ofJCI's efforts tocreate sustainable solutions toglobalchallenges. Xploringnew frontiers means stayingaheadof the curve by adopting cutting-edge technologies, innovative methodologies, and creative thinking processes. JCI encourages its members to thinkoutside thebox andexperiment withnew approaches inleadership, community service, andentrepreneurship. JCI's globalnetworkis a powerful platformfor xploringnew frontiers in international cooperation and understanding. By connecting young leaders fromdiversebackgrounds, JCIfacilitates theexchangeofideas and best practices, enabling its members to learn from each other and collaborate on projects that have a worldwide impact. This global connectivity is vital in today's interconnected world, where solutions to local problems often requireglobalinsights.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

ust a principle for JCI; it's a call to

rywhere to realize their potential, take

o meaningful change. By placing youth

tivities, JCI not only invests in the

o demonstrates the significant impact

he spirit of JCI, empowering youth is

about creating a movement where every young person is inspired to

takeaction, lead with purpose, andmakeadifferencein the world.

Youth empowerment stands at the very core of Junior Chamber

International's (JCI) mission, driving its efforts to create opportunities for young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, and entrepreneurship necessary to generate positive change in their communities and across the globe. By focusing on the energy, creativity, and potential of young individuals, JCI harnesses the power of youth to tackleglobalchallenges andbuildabetter future.


than just an abstract concept; it's a ganization and its members towards t's the spark that ignites innovation, in the face of challenges, and the andcooperation. In the spirit ofJCI, Zeal

in Action is a call to all young active citizens to channel their passion into actions that create lasting, positive change in the world, proving that when zeal and purpose combine, there's no limit to what can be achieved.

Zeal in Action encapsulates the vibrant energy and passionate commitment that members of Junior Chamber International (JCI) bring to their work in communities around the world. This dynamic enthusiasm is the driving force behind JCI's mission to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. With a focus on action, impact, and innovation, JCI members—fueledby an unwavering zeal—takeon thechallenges facing today's world with determination and a belief in the power of collective action.


1 Event Management Documentation Productive Meetings Parliamentary Procedures MANAGEMENT 2 Developing Leaders Team Management PublicSpeaking Resource Utilization LEADERSHIP 3 Training Conferences Networking Business Promotion OPPORTUNITIES 4 Community Development Sustainability UNSDG ActiveCitizen Framework SERVICE 5 MakeNewFriends Ladies&Children Wings FamilyGatherings FellowshipEvents BONDING jcivizag@gmail.com +919716224477/+918885557714 www.jcivizag.com JFS Chaitanya Vasanthavada President 2024 BY TEAM JCI VIZAG
+91 9716224477

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