“Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place — that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have the perseverance to realize the great life.”
– Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
TheSeventhEditionofJCIVizag‘smonthlybulletinNIRANTHARgivesyoua briefoverviewofthedifferentactivitiesdonebyJCIVizag,andvarious announcementsmadebyJCIIndiaandbyZoneIVinthemonthofJune 2024.
Thismonthisallabout InternationalismwithJCImembersparticipatingin ASPAC2024 withgreatenthusiasmand JCIVizagcollaboratingwith SaudiArabianTeluguAssociation(SATA).
TeamJCIVizagcongratulatesZoneIV,ZoneVicePresidentsofRegionBand RegionConsuccessfullyorganizingSuryaSahasramMIDCON.
WeappreciateourpresidentJFSChaitanyaforhisgenerouscontributionto theJCIFoundationandbecomingJCISenator.
Thisedition’sKNOWABOUTJCIbriefsaboutOpen,Efficientand SustainableStructure,oneoftheFourMajorStrategiesof2023-2027 StrategicPlan.
ForanyqueriesorsubmittingarticlesorforanythingrelatedtoNiranthar, pleasewritetousatjcivizag@gmail.com
ZoneIV, Region B and Region C MIDCON Surya Sahasram is celebrated on June16, 2024 at Vuda Children’s Arena, Visakhapatnam.
Host: JCIVizag ExcellenceBuzz, Region C, ZoneIV
Co-Host: JCIVisakha Knights, Region B, ZoneIV
JCI Vizag congratulates JFM Ambica Madhuri, JCI Senator Sai Sudheer, JC HGF G Harish, JC HGF Raja Gopal, JFP Santhosh Siva Kumar on graduating as Zone Trainers at ZTWS 2023.
JCI Vizag extended its helping hand to a girl named Ms Siri Hamsitha who has scored 554 Marks in her 10th Standard and is seeking support for her Intermediate Fee.
We have started collecting funds to support her.
JC Viswa, and JC HGF Avinash has supported with School Fee.
JCI Vizag Junior Jaycees Srivatsav and Danish have attended JASMINE at Raichur from 31st May to 2nd June. Both were awarded with Certificates of Achievement for their active participation in authoring an E-Book and MiniDocumentary Film.
JCI Vizag has appointed JC HGF Dr. Farheen Nisha Adil as MIDCON Ambassador.
JCI Vizag President at ASPAC 2024
5th June to 9th June - Internationalism
JCI Vizag President has attended ASPAC 2024 at Cambodia. He acted as a timekeeper for Debate and EPS Championship.
5th June to 9th June - Internationalism
9th June - Internationalism
JCI Vizag president JFS Chaitanya has contributed to JCI Foundation to become JCI SENATOR.
Niranthar (June Bulletin) Release 10th June 2024 - Management
Sixth Edition of JCI Vizag’s 2024 Monthly Bulletin NIRANTHAR is released in various JCI WhatsApp groups on 10th June 2024 by Zone Director Management, JFP Roopa Saripuri
This edition of the bulletin can be read online in the below ISSUU link. https://issuu.com/jcivizag/docs/jcivizagniranthar-v2024-i06
Content Manager
JC HGF Gayathri Jeeshitha
JFS Chaitanya Vasanthavada
JFM S Ravi Kanth Reddy
Region B & Region C MIDCON
16th June 2024
JCI Vizag Members have actively participated in Region B & Region C MIDCON Surya Sahasram. 50 Members of JCI Vizag have registered and this is the highest registration from any of the LO’s.
JC HGF Dr. Charishma Nadipilli is appointed as the conference secretary.
JFS Chaitanya and JC HGF Sri Kavya have done the On-Stage hosting.
JCI Vizag Moments at Surya Sahasram
Region B & Region C MIDCON
16th June 2024
JCI Vizag Moments at Surya Sahasram
Region B & Region C MIDCON
16th June 2024
JCI Vizag Moments at Surya Sahasram
Region B & Region C MIDCON
16th June 2024
JCI Vizag extended a helping hand to Siri Hamsitha and supported her with College Fee and Books. She has sent a letter of gratitude thanking JCI Vizag Members.
JCI Vizag has conducted Fifth LGB Meeting on 23 June 2024 in Zoom Platform.
The Key Points discussed are about ZTWS Hosting.
Marking the 35th Year of JCI Vizag, the G&D Team has started a drive for 35 HGF’s and there is an amazing respsone from the members.
JCI Vizag member, JC Viswa has come up with a Story Book Collection Drive. The collected are planned to distributed at Old Age Homes.
JCI Vizag’s Junior Jaycee wing has come with a program STORY SEEDLINGS to setup Little Libraries at various places around the community where people can take or leave books, encouraging literacy and book sharing.
JCI Vizag has organized Empowering Youth Sessions for Class XI and XII students of Behera Polytechnic. 128 Students participated on 28th June and 93 Students participated on 29th June
The sessions were facilitated by JC Jeevan Jyothi Volla, Provisional National Trainer, JCI India.
The topics covered during this session are Leadership, Communication, Emotions Management, Universal Values and Creativity.
Empowering Youth Training - 28th & 29th June 2024
Empowering Youth Training - 28th & 29th June 2024
Empowering Youth Training - 28th & 29th June 2024
Empowering Youth Training - 28th & 29th June 2024
Empowering Youth Training - 28th & 29th June 2024
Empowering Youth Training - 28th & 29th June 2024
Trainers from JCI Vizag has attended the Trainer’s Update Program hosted by JCI Vizag Paramount. JC GPR Krishna, JC Sreeram Gupta, JC Ramakrishna and JC Padma Pavani has attended the session.
Open, Efficient and Sustainable
From a welcoming and inclusive environment to well-planned financial and operational goals, JCI is working toward an effective and transparent structure thatwillhelpussucceedasthetoporganizationforyoungleaders.
Main objective: To be an efficiently-ordered and open organization that can sustain itself for another 100 years - and beyond.
A sustainable mindset means we can continue developing leaders in a fastchanging world. We will lay a strong foundation that leads to financial success. We can best create positive change and fulfill our mission when we work in a dynamic manner. With an open and inclusive culture, we will attract high quality members from a diverse range of backgrounds who bring important perspectives toourorganization.
Open, Efficient and Sustainable Structure 2023-2027 Strategic Goals and the vision for 2027
The way we organize JCI at the international, national and local level will be carefully designed and driven by a deep desire to progress in a meaningful way. Our openness will encourage leaders at all levels to participate and engage with those outside of our organization, thus encouraging them to become involved as well. By keeping JCI “efficient,” we want to constantly find the best solutions to new and existing challenges. We will always seek to work in the most streamlined ways possible that put the interests of our members first. Finally, “sustainable” leadsustowardourgoaltofosterastrongglobalcommunityforyearstocome.
How will JCI achieve an Open, Efficient and Sustainable Structure at the internationallevel?
To achieve open, efficient and sustainable structure as an organization, we will develop new ways to create revenue. JCI World Headquarters will be a leading workplace with human resources that connect employees, members and stakeholders. We can improve the value we receive and contribute through partnerships and increase funding to sustain members’ efforts. JCI will also investinnewoperationalandadministrativetechnologiesthathelpusreachthis goal.
DeveloptoolsforLocalOrganizationmanagement. Marketeventstonon-members.
How can an Open, Efficient and Sustainable Structure be achieved at the national level?
National Organizations can guarantee their leadership opportunities are made available to as many members as possible. Seeking out collaborative projects and partnerships with businesses, governments and the civil sector will also ensure a long-term presence and impact at the national level. Providing mentorship and training opportunities to Local Organizations in the fields of efficiency, financial management and partnership creation will also help achieve thisgoal.
Provide a clear leadership path for members at the local level, allowing them toadvancetohigherpositionsinJCI.
SupportandguideLocalOrganizationstocreatefunctionalstructures. HowcanLeadershipDevelopmentbeachievedatthelocallevel?
Local Organizations contribute to this structure by providing opportunities that will interest all young leaders. Additionally, seeking local partnerships with governments, businesses or civil society organizations for projects will help support the Local Organization in becoming more visible, motivating members, achievingfinancialsustainabilityandattractingnewpartners.
Provide structure and opportunities for new projects, encouraging member engagementandcreativity.
Revenue growth of 10% per year in the global budget.
Surplus growth of 10% per year in the global budget and increase of financial reserves.
5% of the global budget invested in growing capacity.
Achieve a headquarters retention rate of 80% over the next five years.
Positive outcome on employee satisfaction and surveys conducted yearly.
Grow number of corporate partners to 7 by 2027.
Increase total revenue generated by partnerships to $200,000 USD per year.