November 2016

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November 2016 Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s & Wesley United Methodist Churches 202-363-4900 (MMUMC office)

Mark Your Calendar November



Blue Zones Presentation and Lunch (10:15am, Wesley & drive to Herndon, VA )



Blue Zones Contra Dancing Field Trip (6:45pm, Glen Echo, MD)


Bazaar Week – How You Can Help!

5 Sa

UMW Bazaar (8am-3pm, MMUMC)

 Set-up Tues, Nov 1 – Friday, Nov 4

13 Su

UMW Board Mtg (12:30-2pm, Wesley UMC)

 Drop off baked goods Friday, Nov 4

21 M

AARP Meeting (1pm, Vestry)


Blanche Powell Memorial UN Seminar (NYC)

24 Th



 Bazaar Sat, Nov 5 8am-3pm  Clean up some rooms Sat Nov 5 ~3-5:30pm

December 10 Sa

BW UMW Conference 150th Legacy Celebration (11am) BW Conference Center, Fulton, MD)

11 Su

UMW Recognition Sunday (12:45pm, Great Hall)

24 Sa

Christmas Eve

25 Su


 Workers arrive Sat, Nov 5 by 7:45am


 Leftovers sale to church attendees Sun, Nov 6 from 10am-1pm  Final clean up Sun, Nov 6 from ~1pm3pm

January 7 Sa

GWD UMW local officers training (Hughes Mem. UMC, WDC)

February 3-5

UWM Women’s Retreat (Priestfield, WV)


F-Su 17 F 25 Sa

UMW GWD Legislative Seminar UMW Book & Bake Sale

Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : November 2016

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UMW News

Reflections “…Thankfulness is much more than saying “Thank you” because we have to. Thankfulness is a way to experience the world, a way to perceive, a way to be surprised. Thankfulness is having open eyes and a short distance between the eyes and the heart. In the New Testament, so much of Jesus’ ministry took place at table. So many meals punctuate the New Testament — meals with Levi and his friends, meals with Simon the Pharisee, meals with crowds on the hillsides, meals with disciples, the ideal meals described in his parables. You can eat your way through the gospels! It is ultimately during the final meal that Jesus leaves us with his most precious gift in the Eucharist. What are the features and qualities of grateful people? Remembrance is the most precious feature of the virtue of gratitude. One of the most important qualities is the ability to say “thank you” to others and to take no one and nothing for granted. Those who possess the virtue of gratitude are truly rich. They not only know they have been blessed, but they continuously remember that all good things come from God…” ~ Fr. Thomas Rosica CSB, CEO, Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation Full essay available at

Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : November 2016

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UMW News Recognition Lunch Sunday, December 11th, 12:30 p.m. Each year the UMW of Metropolitan Memorial hold a Recognition Luncheon honoring women who have made a significant contribution to the

Save the Date for the Women’s Retreat February 3-5, 2017 Priest Field Pastoral Center 4030 Middleway Pike, Kearneysville, WV

Please note the date change to Dec. 11th church the nation, and the world. This year the luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 11th at 12:30 p.m.

2017 Book & Bake Sale Set Saturday, February 25, 2017, Metropolitan Vestry The UMW's annual Book & Bake Sale will be Saturday, February 25, 2017. Collection of your used books will be announced soon. We will expand our book donation "drive," in which people will donate their books by driving through our parking lot, pausing for volunteers to unload, to two days this year: Sunday, Feb 19 and Monday, Feb 20, President's Day. Set up will start on Sunday Feb. 19. We will need volunteers to set up sale, categorize books, bake goodies, and spread the word about our sale. We will utilize a sign-up genius to organize volunteers but will always welcome your direct phone calls and emails, if you prefer. We look forward to another great Book & Bake Sale! Question and ideas? Contact the book sale co-chairs: Anita Seline, Martha Mizroch,

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UMW News UMW SISTERS! Our Annual Bazaar is upon us! Time to “Lean In” and join the dedicated that have been planning and sorting and publicizing in preparation, as the Bazaar is our major fundraising event of the year. If you have not yet committed to a time that you will help with set up, sales, of clean up, please do so immediately! Contact Barbara Gaskill ( or Bobby Turnbill ( Our success at the Bazaar helps to determine the breadth and depth our support to local and global missions. Did you know that we currently support over 20 organizations and ministries from DC to South Dakota, Nicaragua and Zimbabwe? So, let’s all turn out for November 5. And remember to wear RED! District and Conference News This year, we have made and effort to be more intentional about participating in District and Conference UMW activities. Jeanie Mah and Helene Lilly attended the fall meeting of the Greater Washington District on October 15, and I was able to attend the Baltimore Washington Conference UMW meeting in Towson, Md on October 22. United Methodist Women are leaders in congregations everywhere! I was impressed with the many creative ways that women in our conference help their communities in mission and in action. However, the Greater Washington District UMW is seeking help to fill several District Board vacancies. In part, it’s a generational thing, as long serving leaders seek to retire, or move to other leadership roles. Metropolitan has a strong UMW unit, and we are blessed with talented women who are leaders in our community. But we have not done much to help lead at the District level. Please contact me ( to learn more about District leadership opportunities! ~ Ellen Bachman UMW President

Save the Dates for UMW Greater Washington District Events February 18, 2017 - Legislative Seminar, 9 AM - 12 noon, location TBA April 8, 2017 - Epworth House Committee Luncheon, 11 AM - 3 PM, Holiday Inn, College Park, MD May 20, 2017 - Greater Washington District Prayer Breakfast, 9 AM - 12 noon, location TBA May 31 - June 2, 2017 - Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference, Washington Marriott, Washington D.C.

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UMW News General Board of Global Ministries From Esther Barkat, Member of the United Methodist Women Board of Directors: Cindy Saufferers, Carol Toney, and I recently represented United Methodist Women Organization at the General Board of Global Ministry Board (GBGM) meeting in Atlanta Georgia. Both Cindy and Carol are UMW board members and Cindy Saufferes is a secretary of the UMW Board. The General Board of Global Ministries is the global mission agency of The United Methodist Church. Its purpose is to connect with the Church in mission. Its vision is to equip and transform people and places for God’s mission around the world. The GBGM mission goals are to make disciples of Jesus Christ, strengthen, develop, and renew Christian congregations and communities, alleviate human suffering, and seek justice, freedom, and peace. The programs of General Board of Global Ministry that may be worth exploring are young people programs, mission programs, UMCOR, and Global Heath. There are many opportunities for young adults to get involve in mission work. Anyone interested in mission work can check GBGM website or contact me at The GBGM has recently moved from New York to Atlanta Georgia. The new facility is beautiful. During our stay in Atlanta the new building was dedicated. Several local officials, Bishops, and clergy attended the dedication worship service that was followed by the reception. It was a great opportunity for me to meet United Methodist church leaders from around the world, General Board of Ministry staff, GBGM board members, and missionaries. ~ Esther Barkat

Directory Updates – Corrections Corrections to the list of new members from the October newsletter. Email corrections: Kesha Hillary (Circle 10) Michelle Query (Circle 10) michelle.query@yahoo,.com Any questions or corrections to the Directory, please contact Membership Co-chairs Phyllis Kokus (202-362-7861; or Caralee Adams (301-801-0553;

Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : November 2016

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Metropolitan & Community News The Blue Zones Wednesday, November 2, 10:15am, Wesley UMC Wednesday, November 2, Dine at Greenfare Restaurant, Herndon, VA; depart Wesley UMC at 11:30am Friday, November 4, 6:45 pm, Contra Dancing, Glen Echo, MD Blue Zones are areas of the world where people live measurably longer lives. Researchers studying the Blue Zones found that Blue Zones inhabitants, many over 100 years of age, “move naturally,” meaning they spend time gardening and hiking, shepherding, and dancing. They also eat mostly a plant-based diet, adding small amounts of fish or meat on occasion. Upcoming Presentation & Field Trip: Wednesday, November 2 Our Blue Zones Team member, Margaret Halpin, will present "Decluttering" on November 2nd. The topic of "downshifting" is one of the Blue Zones - 9 Lessons for Living Longer concepts. Decluttering as a part of streamlining and downshifting was of high interest in our last session, so we decided to expand on the topic. Margaret will review several books and demonstrate, along with Janet Burkhart, some of the techniques they learned from the books. Please join us at 10:15 a.m. at Wesley UMC (please note this is a change in venue for November only) for "Decluttering" with the Blue Zones Tribe. Please enter through the glass doors and gather for tea and conversation prior to the presentation at 10:30. There is plenty of street parking. All are welcome! We are also coordinating a Field Trip after our Blue Zones presentation on November 2nd to Greenfare Restaurant in Herndon, VA. Join us in sampling a plant-based menu recommended by our Blue Zones Tribe member, Pat Simpich. “Pericles,” manager of the restaurant will talk with us briefly about the practice of a plant-based diet. GreenFare itself offers several programs that encourage healthy eating. We will depart from Wesley at approximately 11:30, immediately after the presentation. If you are interested in joining us for the Greenfare adventure, please RSVP to Nancy Cherney at Field Trip # 2: Friday, Nov. 4, 6:45 pm: Contra Dancing at Glen Echo The Blue Zones Study Group will meet at the MMUMC parking lot to drive to Glen Echo and participate in the Friday night Contra Dancing. A teaching session each Friday is set for 7:30 to 8:15 p.m. and dancing begins at 8:30 p.m. Contra-dancing moves are similar to square dance moves. Ann Cochran and a group attended the Glen Echo Contra Dancing on a recent Friday night and reported it was great fun; she also said the dancers are very welcoming of beginners. Please join us, bring your friends, and your children. Children as young as 10 have been spotted enjoying the dance. Cost $10 adults/$5 children. For further information on either Blue Zones Study Group field trip, contact Pat Simpich at 202 966-1566, or email at or Nancy Cherney at Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : November 2016

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Metropolitan & Community News

AARP Meeting Monday, November 21, 1pm Please join us on Monday, November 21 in the Vestry. Writer, lecturer and tour guide Garrett Peck will discuss his book “Walt Whitman in Washington, D.C.: The Civil War and America’s Great Poet.” Social time is at 12:30 p.m., and the meeting starts at 1:00. Refreshments will be served.

Food for Thought Wednesday evening adult Christian formation programs Dinner 6 pm; Classes 7 pm Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church Food for Thought: Every Wednesday, Every Week Every Wednesday evening, you're invited to a community dinner in the Vestry between 6pm and 7 pm. Enjoy a chef-prepared meal with friends old and new. After you feed your body, feed your mind and soul with a mid-week study. Food for Thought features two different study opportunities: a Bible study and a topical study. Studies change monthly, so you can choose a Bible study one month and a topical study the next, without missing pieces of either. For more information, contact Rev. Janet Craswell, Director of Christian Education ( Fall Session 2: 2016

Continuing through-November 16,

Bible Study: Isaiah led by Rev. Dr. Charlie Parker and Bob Olson OR Topical Study: What Methodists Believe led by Rev. Janet Craswell See above Metropolitan Adult Learning link or October UMW Newsletter for more information on session topics

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The AU UMW Circle meets Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the "AU Lounge" at Metropolitan. Contact Tori Lynn Gilkeson at


Contact Helene Lilly at


Contact Jane Cunningham,, or Charlotte Carter,,


Ann and I hope you have signed up to help us at the UMW Bazaar kitchen/lunch counter. If you have not signed up, just come we can use you! Please save December 4 for our annual Christmas Cookie Exchange. We will meet after the second service. Additionally, Ann and I need for you to consider leading one of the topics chosen for this year’s discussion, with have two topics that still need coverage: Women of the Bible (January 29-Ann Michel); Founding Mothers (March 12-Jane Ward); Early Women’s Rights Movement( May 7); and Women as Leaders (June 11). We now meet quarterly, please consider taking responsibility for one of these and let us know, Mary Jo Marchant, or Ann Michel,


Our Circle 8 will be in the Vestry on Tues. Nov. 1, for some pre-Bazaar work. We'll try to start early at 7 p.m. Anyone is welcome. Contact Kelly D’Angelo


Circle 9 will not have a formal meeting in November. Come help with setup of Attic Treasures in the Choir Room instead. Please contact Bobby Turnbull,


We will meet Wednesday evening, Nov. 2, from 6:30-8:30 to help set up for the UMW Bazaar. We will work (and chat and have fun!) in the church vestry get merchandise organized and ready for the big event to be held Nov. 5 from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. If you’d like to come early for dinner, it will be served starting at 6 p.m. as part of the regular Food For Thought evening in the Great Hall. Please decide by Monday so I can let the chef know to prepare enough food. ($8 per person.) RSVP on Sign-Up Genius here: 1) If you can attend next Wednesday 2) If you can volunteer donate baked goods for the bazaar Contact Caralee Adams or Suzanne Vieth The next UMW Board Meeting will be held November 13.

Newsletter prepared by Alexandra McPherron. To add items to the next newsletter, email by Sunday, November 27, 2016.

Metropolitan UMW Newsletter : November 2016

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