February 2019 Messenger

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February 2019 Volume 30, No. 2 nationalchurch.org



The Way Forward

____________________________ On Sunday, February 10, Pastor Mike will leave for a visit to the Republic of Vietnam for a time of renewal and reconnection with the country and its people. He will return to the pulpit at Metropolitan Memorial on Sunday, March 3, as we celebrate Transfiguration Sunday and prepare for the beginning of Lent.

Worship at Metropolitan Memorial in February

Preparing for General Conference 2019 February 23-26, 2019 Held in The Dome, part of the America’s Center Convention Complex St. Louis, Missouri A Special Session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church takes place February 23-26, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. The purpose will be to receive and act on a report from the Commission on a Way Forward based on the recommendations of the Council of Bishops. The Commission was authorized to examine paragraphs in The Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and to explore options to strengthen church unity. The special session of General Conference is now only a few weeks away. Here are some things you can do to be better informed and prepared to understand the issues that will be debated in February: • Visit the Baltimore Washington Conference website: http://www.bwcumc.org/resources/commission-on-a-wayforward/#plans. • Read about The Simple Plan, http://hackingchristianity.net/umc/schism

Feeling lost in the crowd? Join us for a new worship series, “See All the People,” where we find ourselves in the stories of Jesus. Tuesday, March 5

Shrove Tuesday

• Be in prayer for all of the delegates, February 23 to February 26. Also pray for Ellen Bachman and new NUMC member Esther Inuwa, who will be representing National UMC in a ministry of witness and presence. Please join United Methodists from around the world in “Praying Our Way Forward” as we prepare for the called General Conference 2019. Everyone is encouraged to stop and pray from 2:23 to 2:26 daily (morning or afternoon) in recognition of the dates the General Conference will meet: February 23-26, 2019. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, March 6

Ash Wednesday See Wesley’s Worship Schedule on page 4.

If you have any questions concerning the appointment process or the coming pastoral transition at National United Methodist Church, please feel free to contact me at mchamberlain@nationalchurch.org, or (202) 363-4900, ext. 108. I will be happy to be in conversation with you. – Rev. Mike Chamberlain

February Shelter Meals By Kent Weaver We are seeking assistance with meals for the residents in our shelters, and currently have the following open dates at Metro House (for 3 women), are February 17 and 24. Open dates at St. Luke’s House (for 6 men), for the same time period, are: February 9, 10, 17, and 24. For more information, contact Kent Weaver, at kenthweaver@gmail.org. Otherwise, sign up information can be found on our SignUpGenius web site: https://www.signupgenius.co m/com/go/60B0C4FA9AC2B A7FF2-meals1

At To Mars and Beyond Vacation Bible School, children will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they explore where God’s power can take them. They will become Voyagers and discover how to serve God and God’ s mission for their lives. After a high-energy Opening Assembly time, Voyagers make their way to the Bible Story Station. Interactive Bible lessons reveal Power Launcher (key learnings) to equip them for an active life with God. Your Voyagers will also discover our Vector Verse (Bible memory verse), EPHESIANS 3:20 - Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us! Children will expand on their discoveries by making their own art projects at the Craft Station, singing new songs at the Music Station, exploring the wonders of creation at the Science Station, playing games at the Recreation Station, and enjoying tasty treats at the Snack Station. Along the way, the Voyagers will hear about our mission project and respond to a call for action! Ages 4 through rising 5th graders are welcome to be Voyagers. Middle schoolers are welcome to register as Deputy Mission Commanders. Where: National United Methodist Church, 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW When: 9:00 AM to Noon, June 24 through June 28, 2019 To register or to find out more about To Mars and Beyond VBS, call the church office at (202) 363-4900 or visit the church website at www.nationalchurch.org/vbs

Prayer Shawl Ministry Third Sunday of each month at 12:15 PM In Metropolitan Memorial’s Parlor If you are interested in joining, please contact Barbara Tate, at bdtate1932@gmail.com.

Metropolitan Book Club Third Monday of each month at 7:30 PM Next meeting: February 18, 2019 Metropolitan Memorial’s Parlor

Bring in the Books! Book & Bake Sale to Help Education Programs for DC Children Friday – Saturday, March 1-3, 2019 (see extended hours listed below) In Metropolitan Memorial’s Vestry It's a little less than a month until the annual UMW Book & Bake Sale! All net proceeds will benefit three organizations: Project Transformation a UMC summer reading camp; Jubilee Jumpstart, an early childhood program in Mt. Pleasant; and Educare DC, a Ward 7 early childhood program.

All readers are invited for a discussion of current fiction and non-fiction. The next selection up for discussion is River of Doubt, by Candace Millard. For more information, please contact Suzanne Clewell at reader1021@aol.com, or Joan Topalian at topajoan62045@gmail.com.

The UMW is collecting for the sale now. Donations (boxed please), may be left in front of the closet in the Vestry hallway. Or bring your donations to the Book Drive, February 23 & 24, when volunteers will help unload your car of your donations. The book drive runs from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM each day. Donations will also be accepted the week of setup. Purge your collection. Look over your kids' books, your cookbooks, your nightstand, your basement shelves. We accept books, vinyl records, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and video games. Please do NOT donate: encyclopedias, travel books older than 2014, cassette tapes, VCR tapes, magazines, or periodicals. New features of this year’s sale are expanded hours and a rare book section. Friday sale hours are 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Saturday; 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM; and a clearance sale on Sunday 9:00 – 11:00 AM. If you have questions or wish to volunteer to help with the sale, please contact Anita Seline at amseline@aol.com or Martha Mizroch at martha_miz@hotmail.com.

NUMC Arts Council Presents Art Exhibit Through Sunday, March 3, 2019 Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM in Metropolitan Memorial’s Great Hall The Arts Council is pleased to present its first art show of 2019:

Vienna Gold: Inspired by Klimt

In 2018, Vienna and other international capitals celebrated a 100th-year anniversary tribute to Klimt and his colleagues. Organized by Elise RitterClough of National UMC, a practicing artist who has had a one-person exhibition at National, VIENNA GOLD: INSPIRED BY KLIMT was envisioned as a tribute to the Viennese master by a coterie of artists who were intrigued by his style. The show opened at the Underground Gallery in October in Arlington. The artists have graciously transferred their exhibit to Metropolitan Memorial – even though it is now 2019. Through March 3, 2019, the paintings of six artists will be on display. The exhibition is unique to NUMC because of its theme: the work of artists celebrating the oeuvre of a great painter. While each one of the women exhibiting has her own individual style, each has appreciated the opportunity to incorporate motifs, symbols, and ideas from Klimt into her art to add another dimension and interest to her oeuvre.

Worship at the Wesley Campus Sundays in February: Reconciliation Sunday, February 10, 2019: “Intellectual Reconciliation” Sunday, February 17, 2019: “Racial Reconciliation” Sunday, February 17, 2019, at 1:30 PM “Truth and Reconciliation: Reflections on South Africa” Wesley campus’ Fellowship Hall Join Christopher Simon, Wesley Campus Pastor, as he shares some of the experiences and lessons from his recent trip to South Africa. Chris will share about where the country is on its post-apartheid journey, how his time abroad changed how he views life in the US, and some memorable moments and pictures from his journey. Questions encouraged. All are welcome.

Sunday, February 24, 2019: “LGBTQ Reconciliation” Sunday, March 3, 2019 “Truth and Reconciliation: The Process of Reconciling”

Sundays in Lent: Questions of Faith We gather each week for many reasons: to worship God, to be in community, to grow as human beings. We also gather because life sometimes gives us difficult questions that are hard to answer on our own, and we hope that in connecting with God and with each other we can start to find answers to these questions together. As we journey together in Lent this year, we want to know what questions you have, and spend some time trying to give them substantive answers. If there’s a question you have about God, the church, humanity, the world, your dog anything you might look to this community to help you answer - you’re invited to submit it in any of the following ways: • Ask the pastor directly • Leave a note in the boxes at the back of the Sanctuary or in the Fellowship Hall (look for the big question marks) • Leave a message at (202) 363.4900, ext. 308 (Pastor Chris’ extension) • Email csimon@nationalchurch.org, or pastorsoffice@nationalchurch.org if you wish to remain anonymous. Please include the subject “Questions of Faith” or “QoF.” • Leave a note at the church office, 3401 Nebraska Ave NW, during business hours. Make sure it is marked for Christopher Simon. Please have your questions delivered by Sunday, February 17, 2019.

Food for Thought

Community Dinner at 6:00 PM In Metropolitan Memorial’s Vestry $8 per person; College students pay what they can Class at 7:00 PM; Location to be announced each Wednesday

NEW Revised Schedule!

February 2019

Division and Reconciliation

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. (2 CORINTHIANS 5: 18-19)

The world is filled with division and conflict. Christians are called to reconciliation, but what does that look like in real life? In February, we will hear from different speakers about efforts toward conflict resolution, reconciliation, and justice. Wednesday February 6

Division? Justice? Reconciliation? General Conference 2019

Wednesday February 13

Treating Injured Palestinians in Gaza

Wednesday February 20

Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Wednesday February 27

Division and Reconciliation: Lessons from Methodist History

The United Methodist Church will meet in a special General Conference in St. Louis, February 23-26, to consider how and whether to move forward together in light of our divisions regarding human sexuality and the inclusion of LGBTQ people in the life of the church. We will hear about the proposals before General Conference and some possible outcomes for the church. Ellen Bachman co-chair of the National UMC Reconciling Ministries team Jim Cobey is an orthopedic surgeon who shared in the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for the International Campaign to Ban Land Mines, and a founding board member of Health Volunteers Overseas/Physicians for Human Rights. He will speak of his observations of Gaza over 55 years, and his experience of trying to extend life-saving medical care to people in a high-stress conflict situation. Dr. James Cobey, MD, MPH Chris Simon recently returned from South Africa, where he was able to witness first-hand some of the reconciliation work being done by South Africans to repair the wounds of their past. Christopher Simon, Wesley Campus Pastor

In 1840, the Methodist Episcopal Church split over the issue of slavery. It took nearly 100 years to come back together. What can we learn about conflict, justice, and reconciliation from that experience? Dr. Ryan Danker Assistant Professor of the History of Christianity & Methodist Studies Wesley Theological Seminary

Young Professionals Ministries

Gun Violence Prevention February 2019:

Tuesday Evenings at 7:30 PM Upcoming meetings: February 19 March 5 & 19 April 2 In Metropolitan Memorial’s Fireplace Room

A group of adults in their 20s, who will host Bible Studies and social activities with the goal of following Jesus as they navigate the challenges to adulthood. To start, they are exploring The Wesley Challenge: 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith.

Your GVP team supports background checks on ALL gun sales, i.e. UNIVERSAL background checks . . . not just on those sales by federally licensed dealers but on all sales. Follow House bill H.R. 8 along with us at www.Congress.gov and https://everytown.org/issue /background-checks/ and let your Representative know how you feel. Want to hear ways to help stop gun violence? Head to the National Cathedral’s Perry Auditorium, on Sunday, February 10, 2019, from 2:00 – 4:00 PM, for a Thoughts, Prayers and ACTION Forum. Free. RSVP at registrations@cathedral.org.

March 2019:

Next GVP meeting will be Sunday, March 31, at the Wesley campus, during More Than Coffee Hour, beginning at 12:00 PM.

September 2019: It's not too early to mark your calendars! Silence the Violence Concert Saturday, September 21, 2019 Want more information about your GVP Team? Contact Lois Weaver at lois.weaver@gmail.com.


If you are interested in leading a week of study or bringing snacks, go to the Facebook UMC Young Professionals page. For more information, check out the Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/ numcya or contact Patrick Landau, our Director of Youth and Young Adults, at plandau@nationalchurch.org.

Sing out for Shelter Benefit Concert – Saturday, February 23, 8:00 PM Metropolitan Memorial’s Sanctuary National UMC will host the 27th Annual Sing Out for Shelter concert, organized by the Augmented Eight, an a cappella singing group which has performed for Washington audiences for over 60 years. All proceeds from the concert support organizations serving the homeless in DC, including our own Metropolitan House and St. Luke’s House, and our ministry partner Friendship Place. General seating is $35. Preferred seating is $70. Tickets can be purchased online at Eventbrite at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-capella-groups-sing-out-for-sheltersat-february-23rd-to-help-dcs-homeless-tickets-51944287763

Challah Out for Campus Kitchen DC! National UMC’s food ministry, Campus Kitchen DC, run out of St. Luke’s Mission Center, provides more than 1,100 meals each week to the homeless and people living in poverty in our city. Through prayer and an intricate series of partnerships of food recovery efforts, volunteer help, and under the watchful eye of Chef Anthony, Campus Kitchen has grown to serve more of those in need over the last eight months. However, this type of service work does take financial support and this year, Campus Kitchen DC launches its annual Raise the Dough effort February 1522. During that week of fundraising, visit this link to make your donation: https://www.mightycause.com/404?url=%2Fstory%2FRtd19Ckwdc&reason=not_published Early contributors of $100 will have their donation matched by the Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund. Raise the Dough is a national campaign in which all Campus Kitchen chapters compete to raise the dough. In addition, join us for a special coffee hour hosted by Chef Anthony and the Service Team on Sunday, February 17 between the worship services at Metropolitan Memorial and find us in the Fellowship Hall after worship at Wesley. We knead you! With your support, Campus Kitchen DC will rise to the top. To learn more about our Campus Kitchen ministry, see: https://youtu.be/27JYLHRe-xg For more information, contact Anita Seline at amseline@aol.com or Heidi Winn at hdcwinn@verizon.net.

Welcome Walks Resume The Sharing Team is bringing back “Welcome Walks” as a way of helping newcomers (as well as those who have been around a while) get familiar with Metropolitan Memorial’s church building and learn about activities and events that take place in the church. Welcome Walks will take place the second Sunday of each month at the conclusion of each service. Look for a guide standing next to the pulpit. The next Welcome Walks will be on Sunday, February 10. The team is also looking for people willing to serve as walk leaders. All that is required is a love of the church and an eagerness to connect with others. Training on the Walk itinerary is provided. Contact Ann Michel at amichel@wesleyseminary.ed u.

National United Methodist Church 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20016 202.363.4900 For a complete listing of our ministerial and administrative staff, please visit our web site: www.nationalchurch.org NUMC consists of three campuses: 1: Metropolitan Memorial Campus 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20016 Location of Metro House Shelter

2: Wesley Campus 5312 Connecticut Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20015

3: St. Luke’s Mission Center 3655 Calvert Street, NW | Washington, DC 20007 Location of St. Luke’s House Shelter, Campus Kitchen of DC, and Shalom Place Retreat Center

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