March 2019 Volume 30, No. 3
New Senior Pastor Announced ____________________________
Worship at the Wesley Campus
On Sunday, March 3, Helene Lilly, the chair of NUMC’s Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) announced to the congregation that Bishop LaTrelle Easterling has appointed Rev. Doug Robinson-Johnson to the position of Senior Pastor at NUMC. Rev. RobinsonJohnson (currently serving the United Parish of Auburndale, Massachusetts) will begin his service at NUMC on July 1, 2019. Watch for further information in the coming months.
Join Us for Lent and Easter
Sundays in Lent: Questions of Faith We gather each week for many reasons: to worship God, to be in community, to grow as human beings. We also gather because life sometimes gives us difficult questions that are hard to answer on our own, and we hope that in connecting with God and with each other we can start to find answers to these questions together. As we journey together in Lent this year, we want to know what questions you have, and spend some time trying to give them substantive answers. Whether your questions have to do with God, the church, humanity, the world, your dog - anything you might look to this community to help you answer – we look forward to helping you find answers. For questions or more information, contact Chris Simon, Wesley Campus Pastor, at
All Sunday worship services at Metropolitan Memorial are at 9:00 & 11:00 AM, unless otherwise noted
The Sunday worship service at Wesley is at 11:00 AM, unless otherwise noted First Sunday in Lent
March 10, 2019*
Second Sunday in Lent
March 17, 2019*
Third Sunday in Lent
March 24, 2019*
Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 31, 2019*
Fifth Sunday in Lent
April 7, 2019*
Palm Sunday
April 14, 2019
Brahms Requiem
April 14, 2019 at 2:00 PM Metropolitan Memorial’s Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday
April 18, 2019 at 7:30 PM Metropolitan Memorial’s Sanctuary
Good Friday
April 19, 2019 at 7:30 PM Wesley’s Sanctuary
Easter Vigil
April 20, 2019 at 7:30 PM Metropolitan Memorial’s Plaza & Sanctuary
Easter Sunday
April 21, 2019
Easter Celebration
April 21, 2019, after each service in Metropolitan Memorial’s Great Hall and Wesley’s Fellowship Hall
*Plus: Evening Lenten Service at 7:00 PM Metropolitan Memorial’s Sanctuary
Special General Conference: Now What? On Tuesday, February 26, delegates from around the world concluded a special General Conference (GC) of the United Methodist Church. The GC had been called to address how the United Methodist Church might move forward in light of deep divisions over human sexuality and Biblical interpretation. The General Conference rejected the Simple Plan that would have removed all anti-LGBTQIA* language from our Book of Discipline. The GC also rejected the One Church Plan that had been drafted by the Commission on the Way Forward and endorsed by 2/3 of our bishops. In 2008, members of the then Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church voted to approve a statement of reconciliation to accompany the joining of the Reconciling Congregation movement which appears below:
Instead, the General Conference approved an amended Traditional Plan. This ‘Traditional Plan’ perpetuates the harmful language in our Book of Discipline, continues the prohibition on same-gender weddings in our churches, and strengthens the ban on LGBTQIA clergy.
Reconciling Statement
We grieve for our United Methodist Church – where so many of us have found faith and home, yet now anything but united. Christ have mercy.
National United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.
This decision is a cause for sorrow. We grieve for our LGBTQIA siblings – beloved by God, called by God, yet pushed to the margins by the denomination. Lord, have mercy.
We grieve for those who will turn away from faith because of this decision – because we showed them infighting and discrimination instead of the inclusive love of Christ. Lord, have mercy.
Grieve today. Work tomorrow. When the General Conference approved the amended Traditional Plan, it also voted to refer the plan to the Judicial Council for review. The Judicial Council (United Methodist’s version of the Supreme Court) had already ruled that many parts of the Traditional Plan violate the church constitution. It thus remains to be seen how much of the plan will hold up. The denomination will possibly (probably) change shape and structure, but we do not yet know how.
Be the Church. National UMC is committed to being – and remaining – an open, inclusive community. No matter what happens within the UMC, that commitment will not change. We welcome all and are explicitly committed to including LGBTQIA persons in the full life and ministry of the church. The Church is not a particular denominational structure. The Church is the creation of the Holy Spirit. The Church is all of us, gathered together in the name of Christ.
Keep being the Church. Love God, love your neighbor. Go out and be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Grace and peace, Rev. Michael Chamberlain
Rev. Janet Craswell
Senior Pastor
Director of Christian Education
Minister of Congregational Care
Wesley Campus Pastor
Rev. Francis Stewart Patrick Landau
Christopher Simon
Director of Youth and Young Adults
*LGBTQIA stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual
Food for Thought
Community Dinner at 6:00 PM In Metropolitan Memorial’s Vestry $8 per person; College students pay what they can Class at 7:00 PM; Location to be announced each Wednesday
March 13 General Conference: What Happened, What Happens Next? In February, the UM General Conference considered how the United Methodist Church might move forward in light of deep divisions over human sexuality and Biblical interpretation. Rather than adopting progressive or moderate alternatives, the General Conference approved an amended Traditional Plan. This ‘Traditional Plan’ perpetuates the harmful language in our Book of Discipline, continues the prohibition on samegender weddings in our churches, and strengthens the ban on LGBTQIA clergy. We will discuss what was adopted and what it might mean for the UMC and National UMC. Ellen Bachman attended General Conference as an observer and will share her reflections. Led by: Ellen Bachman, cochair of the National UMC Reconciling Ministries team and Rev. Janet Craswell.
At To Mars and Beyond Vacation Bible School, children will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based good time as they explore where God’s power can take them. They will become Voyagers and discover how to serve God and God’ s mission for their lives. After a high-energy Opening Assembly time, Voyagers make their way to the Bible Story Station. Interactive Bible lessons reveal Power Launcher (key learnings) to equip them for an active life with God. Your Voyagers will also discover our Vector Verse (Bible memory verse), EPHESIANS 3:20 - Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us! Children will expand on their discoveries by making their own art projects at the Craft Station, singing new songs at the Music Station, exploring the wonders of creation at the Science Station, playing games at the Recreation Station, and enjoying tasty treats at the Snack Station. Along the way, the Voyagers will hear about our mission project and respond to a call for action! Ages 4 through rising 5th graders are welcome to be Voyagers. Middle schoolers are welcome to register as Deputy Mission Commanders. Where: National United Methodist Church, 3401 Nebraska Avenue NW When: 9:00 AM to Noon, June 24 through June 28, 2019 To register or to find out more about To Mars and Beyond VBS, call the church office at (202) 363-4900 or visit the church website at
NUMC Arts Council Presents Concert & Art Exhibit Prayer Shawl Ministry Third Sunday of each month at 12:15 PM In Metropolitan Memorial’s Parlor If you are interested in joining, please contact Barbara Tate, at
Metropolitan Book Club Third Monday of each month at 7:30 PM Next meeting: March18, 2019 Metropolitan Memorial’s Parlor
Sunday, March 24, 2019 Concert at 3:00 PM; in Metropolitan Memorial’s Sanctuary Art Exhibition & Reception at 4:30 PM; in Metropolitan Memorial’s Great Hall All readers are invited for a discussion of current fiction and non-fiction. The next selection up for discussion is Dearest Friend, by Lynne Withey. For more information, please contact Suzanne Clewell at, or Joan Topalian at
The Arts Council is looking forward to a return visit by one of our favorite performers. On March 24 at 3:00 PM, pianist Ralitza Patcheva will once again show us what beautiful music our wonderful big Steinway can produce! She will play a Bach Italian Concerto, a Beethoven sonata, and Schumann's Fantasy Pieces. (Though we won't hear the third of the Big B's, Brahms, his place will be amply filled by his good friend Schumann.) Please join us for this splendid sampling of the piano repertoire by a master of the instrument. We'll then move on to the Great Hall to continue our daylight-saving afternoon by enjoying a reception and a beautiful watercolor show.
March Shelter Meals By Kent Weaver We are seeking assistance with meals for the residents in our shelters: Metro House (3 women), and St. Luke’s House (6 men). For information regarding open dates, contact Kent Weaver, at Otherwise, sign up information can be found on our SignUpGenius web site: https://www.signupgenius.c om/com/go/60B0C4FA9AC 2BA7FF2-meals1
Welcome Walks Resume The Sharing Team has brought back “Welcome Walks” as a way of helping newcomers (as well as those who have been around a while) get familiar with Metropolitan Memorial’s church building and learn about activities and events that take place in the church. Welcome Walks take place the second Sunday of each month at the conclusion of each service. Look for a guide standing next to the pulpit holding a yellow sign. The next Welcome Walk is on Sunday, March 10. The team is also looking for people willing to serve as walk leaders. All that is required is a love of the church and an eagerness to connect with others. Training on the Walk itinerary is provided. Contact Ann Michel at
Help Shape the Future of Our City! Tour the Anacostia Waterfront with the Washington Interfaith Network New developments such as the Navy Yard and the Wharf are dramatically changing the landscape of DC. Other areas, including the recently-closed DC General Hospital building, will be coming up for development soon. The Washington Interfaith Network (WIN) is working to make sure this new development will include significant affordable housing and local jobs commitments. Members of National UMC will be taking part in a WIN-hosted waterfront bus tour on Saturday, March 23, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Come and see and hear for yourself what’s at stake and what we can do. The tour will be followed up with a discussion and training on next steps. RSVP for the tour at Please contact Ann Michel for more information at:
Exercise with Carolyn Every Wednesday at 9:30 AM in Metropolitan Memorial’s Vestry
Campus Kitchen DC By Cynthia Pugh
If you love food, love to cook, or appreciate that no one in our city should go hungry, there are a variety of ways to support our food ministries. Find all the details you need and when to sign up by searching on signup genius. This sign-up system is different than the former service calendar on the church website. If you have any questions or have trouble signing up, please contact the co-chairs of the Service Team, Cynthia Pugh or Anita Seline. The need is great and there are many ways to help out. Thank you.
Campus Kitchen DC
The Service Team has built relationships with MOM’s Organic Markets and farmers’ markets across the region to recover food that would otherwise go to waste. Through other relationships of members of our congregation, Campus Kitchen also tapped into Food Rescue US, which pairs food donors with recipients.
Bring your mat for floor work; light weights, and thera strap. For more information, contact Carolyn Gichner at:
Several times a week, volunteers – or our driver, Clynt Hyson – pick up fresh produce and other food donated by MOM’s, farmers markets, and local community gardens and deliver it to our Campus Kitchen facility at St. Luke’s Mission Center. There, National UMC’s own Master Chef Anthony Mickens works with teams of volunteers to create delicious, healthy, and appealing meals of several courses from food otherwise destined for landfills. Three times per week, more volunteers deliver hundreds of Campus Kitchen meals to Mt. Vernon UMC, Community UMC, and Hughes Memorial UMC located in parts of our city where hunger is a daily issue for many. Once a month, CKDC also delivers to Douglas Memorial in DC and to St. Paul’s in Kensington. All of these churches host community meals, free for all who are hungry, serving our Campus Kitchen meals. They also have food pantries that our program has helped stock with fresh vegetables recovered by our volunteers. There are several ways to help with this ministry: • Volunteer to help Chef Anthony in the kitchen on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 4:00 – 6:00 PM, or on Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Chef Anthony will be ready with clear instructions for even kitchen novices! • Sign up with Food Rescue US and help bring excess food from local schools such as Horace Mann Elementary School, to Campus Kitchen. • Help deliver Campus Kitchen meals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Saturdays. You can drive yourself or help another volunteer driver to carry the food and share the conversation. For further information, search on signup genius.
Young Professionals Ministries
Gun Violence Prevention February 2019
Tuesday Evenings at 7:30 PM
Upcoming meetings: March 19 and April 2 In Metropolitan Memorial’s Fireplace Room
A group of adults in their 20s, who will host Bible Studies and social activities with the goal of following Jesus as they navigate the challenges to adulthood. To start, they are exploring The Wesley Challenge: 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith.
On 2/10 Lois Weaver (MM) and Robin Smith (Wesley) attended the Cathedral’s Thoughts, Prayers, and ACTION forum. One tip among many is to ASK what the gun policy is at the restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, and gyms you patronize. Where a policy does not exist, encourage owners to think about one. On February 27 the US House PASSED H.R. 8 Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 to require background checks on ALL gun sales!!! Your GVP team will now be tracking the steep climb for passage in the Senate. Follow Senate bill S.42 Background Check Expansion Act at and let your Senators know how you feel.
March 2019
If protests are your thing, join others on March 14 at
NRA Headquarters (11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA) from 10:00-11:00 AM. Vigils have been held there on the 14th of every month since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Join us at Wesley on Sunday, March 31 at noon during More Than Coffee Hour for our next GVP meeting. Come to listen or come to join! All are welcome.
If you are interested in leading a week of study or bringing snacks, go to the Facebook UMC Young Professionals page. For more information, check out the Facebook group numcya or contact Patrick Landau, our Director of Youth and Young Adults, at
Want more information about your GVP Team? Contact Lois Weaver at
Metro House and St. Luke’s House Open House Sunday, March 24
On Sunday, March 24, we will open the doors of our two onsite transitional housing programs so that church and community members can tour the facilities and learn about ways to be involved. Take this opportunity to look, see, and learn about these two transitional housing sites that have been providing shelter to our unhoused neighbors since the early 1990s.
• Metropolitan House will be open 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM.
The entrance to Metropolitan House is on the Newark Street side of the Metropolitan Memorial campus near the glass doors to the newer part of the building.
• St. Luke’s House will be open 2:00 – 3:30 PM.
The entrance to St. Luke’s House is down the steps at the rear the St. Luke’s Mission Center, 3655 Calvert Street NW, Washington, DC 20007.
Honoring Loved Ones at Easter
Easter is a day of celebration. Honor or memorialize your family and friends while beautifying our church with a donation toward the flowers and greens that wrap NUMC in the living colors of the season. The greens and flowers in the church are totally supported by your contributions and are available for a donation of $25 each. (Any donation amount is welcome.) All donations will be recognized in the service bulletins on Easter Sunday, April 21. (Plants may be taken after the 11:00 AM service on April 21.) Mail, drop off, or donate online at by Tuesday, April 9.
Your Name: _______________________ Phone: _______________________ Address: _______________________
________________ Email: _______________________ Donation of $__________, for ____ Lilies In Memory of: _______________________ In Honor of: _______________________ National United Methodist Church
Metropolitan Memorial campus 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 Wesley campus 5312 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20015
National United Methodist Church 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20016 202.363.4900 For a complete listing of our ministerial and administrative staff, please visit our web site: NUMC consists of three campuses: 1: Metropolitan Memorial Campus 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20016 Location of Metro House Shelter
2: Wesley Campus 5312 Connecticut Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20015
3: St. Luke’s Mission Center 3655 Calvert Street, NW | Washington, DC 20007 Location of St. Luke’s House Shelter, Campus Kitchen of DC, and Shalom Place Retreat Center