The Messenger

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For the congregation of the Metropolitan Memorial Cooperative Parish

August 15, 2011 Volume XXI, No. 8

Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s, and Wesley United Methodist Churches

August Sermon Series: “Reclaiming the Sabbath” Of all the commands in Holy Scripture, perhaps the most widely ignored (certainly in 21st century America), is the command to observe the Sabbath. We live at a time in history and in a city that both places an extraordinarily high value on our professional work and makes it very difficult for us to separate ourselves from it. In the midst of “mobile time” – when we are constantly in touch with our work through texting and email – the ancient command to “remember the Sabbath and keep it holy” is more important than ever. Sabbath can’t wait until our work is finished, because our work is really never finished. Observing Sabbath time is not simply one of many commands in Scripture, it is one of the Ten Commandments, and interestingly, perhaps the one that gets Jesus into the most trouble throughout the Gospel narratives. During the month of August, our sermons will look at the spiritual discipline of Sabbath-taking: at its history and how it can be lived out in today’s world. Among the sources for this series are Rabbi Abraham Heschel’s classic work The Sabbath, Tilden Edward’s Sabbath Time, and The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time by Judith Shulevitz. Rabbi Heschel teaches that most of the religions of the ancient world focused on holy places or objects, while at the heart of Judaism (and Christianity!) is a God who is revealed in events. The “architecture of holiness,” he suggests, exists not in space but in time, so that “Sabbaths are our great cathedrals” (an important image for us at Metropolitan!).

One of the aspects of a healthy Sabbath is that – paradoxically – it is an active process. Genesis says that “On the seventh day, God finished the work that he had done.” He didn’t finish the work on the sixth day and rest on the seventh. The seventh day — the process of resting — is part of the work. It’s not just a break at the end, but an intrinsic part. And God “blessed it” and “made it holy.” The purpose of Sabbath is to make us holy. Sabbath is indeed about rest, but it is not passive, mindless, veg’ing-out-in-front-of-the-television rest. Rabbi Heschel tells us that “the Sabbath is not an occasion for diversion or frivolity…but an opportunity to mend our tattered lives; to collect rather than to dissipate time.” I invite you in the closing days of summer, to join us on this journey in understanding the origins and importance of Sabbath and incorporating it into our daily lives. The frenetic pace of our autumn schedule will be resumed in a couple of weeks. Let’s work together to find ways to honor the Sabbath, to reclaim some Biblical imperatives and deepen our spiritual journeys, and to gain some control of our lives and restore our souls.

Serving in Our Community: Sermon Series in Action In our July issue of “The Messenger,” we talked about the many activities and service projects surrounding our summer sermon series, “Bread for the Journey.” As Dr. Parker initiated a conversation around helping our friends and neighbors, our congregation members have come together in amazing ways to help those less fortunate. On July 17, members of our congregation joined together with Brighter Day Ministries, a cooperative parish formed from the United Methodist churches of A.P. Shaw, Congress Heights, Bradbury Heights, and Ryland-Epworth at their Congress Heights campus for a day of service that included landscaping, planting a prayer garden and providing food to their Family Life Center (Pictures on pg. 2). We also collected school supplies and men’s and children’s clothing for Brighter Day’s 10th Annual “Back to School Jam” which provides kids with lunch, a free haircut, and book bags and school supplies to begin the upcoming school year. During our vacation bible school, the girls and boys, led by Anita Seline, raised almost $100 to donate to the Community Council for the Homeless at Friendship Place; A local organization that services the homeless in our region. They also brought in canned goods to give to Friendship’s food pantry! As Leigh Rollins, board member of Friendship Place and a Metropolitan Memorial member stated, “At this time of year when donations are lowest, they were gratefully received. Thank you again for thinking of our most vulnerable neighbors.” Our children also volunteered at our “Closed for Service” day. (Pictures on pg. 7) And we’re not stopping there! As fall quickly approaches, we continue to engage in service ministries throughout the DC Metro area as we begin two new exciting service projects that will help feed hungry people in our community (See pg. 2)! As we continue to engage in service, please consider contributing your time and talents to these worthy causes as well. We will have many more opportunities to serve in the future, so stay tuned!


Get Involved Feeding the Hungry Are you looking for “hands on” ways to help feed hungry people in our community? In addition to the ongoing ministry of providing meals to Metropolitan House and the St. Luke’s Shelter, Metropolitan Memorial is launching two new ministries that will make it easy for you to make a difference! Grate Patrol. Beginning in September, the new Grate Patrol Ministry will coordinate food and volunteers two evenings a month for the Salvation Army’s Grate Patrol. We will supply and prepare the food and put together volunteer teams to ride on the Grate Patrol van. Volunteers are picked up at our church, food and supplies are loaded into the Van and distributed at various stopping points in downtown DC, and then volunteers are returned to the church. The total time commitment is about two hours. Gleaning/Harvesting. This fall, Metropolitan will sponsor several “gleaning” outings. Reviving an ancient Biblical practice, volunteers will go to farms or orchards in our region to collect produce leftover from commercial harvesting for use in local food banks and shelters. We will be using an email list serve and an online volunteer scheduling system to get people connected to these service opportunities. If you’d like to be notified when volunteers are needed, contact Ann Michel at and indicate if you are interested in: 1) contributing/making food for the Grate Patrol; 2) Riding the Grate Patrol van; 3) supplying meals to Metro House or St. Luke’s Shelter; and or 4) Gleaning/Harvesting outings.

“Closed to Serve” - Sunday, July 17 Members of Metropolitan Memorial gathered together with members of Brighter Day Ministries for a day of service. Thank you to Angela Gildner who was our on-site photographer!

Leigh Rollins works to remove dead trees. Volunteers tackle a stubborn stump!

Mary Beth West helps landscape the church

Dr. Parker takes a break with a member of Brighter Day Ministries

Emily Bagwell helps to restore the church fountain


LIFE AT METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL COOPERATIVE PARISH Prayer Shawl Ministry Tuesday, August 16, 1:30 p.m. Sunday, August 21, 12:30 p.m. Join us for a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun! Questions? Contact Annette Fletchall at 301.216.5470. Navy Band Sea Chanters Concert Sunday, August 21, 4 p.m., Sanctuary Come and listen to the Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus as they perform their 55th Anniversary Alumni Concert! Members of the Sea Chanters, both current and alumni, will join together to perform many exciting selections representative of musical milestones in the Sea Chanters’ history. Featured at the concert will be guest conductors who previously served with the Sea Chanters, as well as Metropolitan’s own Adam Tyler, Beth Revell, Bill Edwards, Kristin Pagent and Casey Elliott. Please join us for what is sure to be a wonderful afternoon of music!

Our thoughts and prayers go out to...

•the family and friends of Charles “Chuck” Manatt, who died on July 22. •the family and friends of Elmer Staats, who died on July 22. •the family and friends of Carolyn Nelson, who died on July 23. •the family and friends of Virginia Merchant, who died on August 7.

Save the Date! Fall Festival Picnic - Sunday, September 18

Central Farmers’ Market Fridays, 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Church Parking Lot Come and get your farm fresh vegetables, fruits and other goods at the Central Farmers’ market at Metropolitan Memorial every Friday afternoon! The Central Farmers’ Market is managed by Bethesda Central Farm Market.

Monday Evening Book Club Monday, September 19, 7:30 p.m., Library All readers are invited to a new book club that will meet every third Monday of the month. Our selection for September 19 will be “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.” Barbara Tate will lead the discussion beginning at 7:30 p.m. There are a few “rules of the road” for those who participate: All are welcome; all will be given a chance to talk; all will be on time; all will have read the book prior to the meeting; and all will take turns in leading a discussion. Questions: Contact Suzanne Clewell, or Joan Topalian,

2012 Scull Calendars It’s time to place your order for the 2012 Scull Calendars! If you have not ordered your calendar, you can do so by contacting Joan Davenport in the church library between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Sunday mornings or by calling 202.966.0710. The calendars will be ordered in September and only the number of calendars specifically requested will be ordered. The cost for each calendar is $5.

UMW Recognition Luncheon Seeking Nominations Each year the United Methodist Women of Metropolitan Memorial hold a Recognition Luncheon honoring women who have made a significant contribution to the church, the nation, and beyond. We are now seeking nominations of outstanding women to honor at this year’s luncheon on December 11. To nominate someone, contact Robin Emery, 202.625.9273 or before October 15.


We congratulate our members who have had a very busy and rewarding Summer!

Rev. Dr. William Holmes Awarded “God’s Foolish One” Congratulations to Rev. Dr. William Holmes who received the “God’s Foolish One” honor for long time service and commitment to social justice at the annual Methodist Federation for Social Action dinner during the 2011 Annual Conference. Dr. Holmes was introduced by his son, the Rev. Chris Holmes, who shared with the crowd the risks for justice his father had taken including his stance against gun violence. While living in Texas, Dr. Holmes publicly chastised the school children who cheered when President Kennedy was killed. “We had to go in hiding for a while,” the younger Holmes stated. We have also learned that Dr. Holmes’ book, Mature Christianity: For Come-of-Age Christians in a Come-of-Age World is Resurgence Publishing’s best-selling book. As Rev. Maynard Moore, who reviewed Dr. Holmes’ book states, “Every chapter, every section, forces one to confront honestly all those things that we’ve been feeling squeamish about all these years. It is an excellent book for small discussion groups in our churches and in our homes.” Copies of Dr. Holmes’ book can be purchased on Dr. Catherine Anderson, Co-Authors New Book! Dr. Catherine Anderson, a longtime member of Metropolitan Memorial, has co-written a new book titled, Wearing My Tutu to Analysis and Other Stories: Learning Psychodynamic Concepts from Life. Jane Hall, New York School for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, describes the book as, “Sensitive, accessible, wise, and deeply moving...the writing is excellent and delightful, featuring stories full of surprise and intrigue...A must for all who take the journey of self-knowledge and for anyone curious about what makes people tick. Copies of Dr. Anderson’s book can be purchased on Have exciting news to share?! Contact Jeff Clouser at or 202.363.4900, ext. 23.


LIFE AT METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL COOPERATIVE PARISH (CONT.) Discover Your Creative Talents in Worship! Praise and Worship Exploration Event Saturday, September 17 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. I’ve Always Wanted to (fill in the blank) in worship but didn’t know what to do? Are you interested in taking an active leadership role in worship, but are unsure how to go about it? How do people get picked to read the scripture and serve communion? What about the flowers that magically appear each week on our altar – who does that? You really love our special services with choreographed readings and think you might like to be a part of that. Or, what about behind the scene activities like buying (or making) bread for communion, or getting candles ready for Christmas Eve or decorating the altar for special-themed services. Those of us involved in Worship really love what we do and we would like to welcome more members of our congregation to be an active part of worship. Join us as we host a Saturday morning of “Praise Workshops” where you can join in and learn about some of the wonderful opportunities we offer at Metropolitan. The morning begins with refreshments and fellowship. After our Lectio Divina we will then break out into small groups of your choice. Some options include: Flower arranging, Lay Reader (learn about it or perfect your reading technique), Liturgist (practice writing prayers, integrating words/themes from the scripture, sermon and music), Decorating the altar (creativity involves lots of trial and error), Choric Choir (what is it and how does it work) and the Altar Guild (all the behind the scenes activities that help to make our worship very special). Following our break out sessions, we will come together to share a light lunch and celebrate communion. Please let us know if you’d like to attend. All are welcome! To register or to learn more, contact Ellen Bachman at or Pat House at

METROPOLITAN’S IN ACTION Remembering the “I Have a Dream” Speech and the 1963 March on Washington by Barry D. Wood The August 28th dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in West Potomac Park occurs exactly 48 years after the civil rights leader delivered his iconic “I have a dream” speech on the National Mall. America at that time was divided and very different; a nation in transition from the dull, do-nothing 1950s to an idealistic period characterized by a youthful, inspiring president, John F. Kennedy, and mounting protests against the segregation that still was the norm throughout the south.

Mary Jean Evans, then in her late 20s, had recently moved to Washington from Wisconsin. She was shocked to find so much segregation in the nation’s capital. Blacks, she remembers, had only restricted access to the Glen Echo amusement park. “They could shop at Woodward and Lothrup (Woodies’) department store,” she says, “but couldn’t try anything on.” She recalls being in a Georgetown restaurant where notices on the table said the management reserved the right of admission.

Jointly organized by civil rights, labor, and religious organizations (in which Methodists played a significant role), “The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom,” brought some 250,000 Mary Jean remembers the march “as joyful, celebratory and even protesters to the capital. Washington had never hosted such a large triumphant.” There was a sense of solidarity and standing up for what demonstration. was right and just. At least two current members of Metropolitan were there. Maynard Moore, then in his early 20’s, wasn’t at Joan Topalian was a 19-year old sophomore at American University working as a summer intern at the State Department. She and a friend joined the multitude that swept down Constitution Avenue to the Lincoln Memorial, eventually filling every space between the Lincoln and Washington Monuments. “People,” she remembers, “both black and white, were exceptionally friendly and filled with hope.” The King speech came near the end of a long day, after many other speeches and singing by Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and others. Joan says after King’s soaring oratory and stirring words, she realized that “each person could make a difference in the lives of someone else.”

the march because he was doing a summer program at university in California. Maynard, who had grown up in segregated Petersburg, Virginia and became radicalized while attending the Methodist sponsored Randolph Macon College north of Richmond, had by 1963 already been arrested for participating in civil rights protests in Dallas, Texas. Subsequently, Maynard was deeply involved and present in the landmark protests in Mississippi and Selma, Alabama in 1964.

The 1963 March on Washington spurred Congress into action as the following year it approved a civil rights law and later a voting rights law. That legislation was championed by President Lyndon Johnson, himself a southerner, who succeeded President Kennedy, who was assassinated in Dallas just three months after the March on Washington.

Congregational Care Wednesday Nights at Metropolitan Memorial Begins Wednesday, October 12 Coming this fall, on alternate Wednesday evenings, we will eat a light dinner together from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m., followed by Bible Study led by Rev. Dr. Charles Parker and a Caregiver’s Support Group, facilitated by Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson. Other groups meeting on Wednesday nights are welcome to come for dinner or anyone wanting to eat together. No need for registration; come the evenings that work for you. Questions? Contact Drema, or 202.363.4900, ext. 19. Young Adult Study Group Sunday, September 11 10:10 a.m., Music Room Come and join our new 20 - 30’s young adult group for study, friendship, and growing in faith! On Sunday, September 11, we will begin a video study around the question “What is enough?” Shane Claiborne is the driving force behind the study, uniting faith and belief with how we live. Shane is known for his work in building intentional communities - a new monasticism based on social justice and awareness. His calling came from the time he spent in Calcutta working alongside Mother Teresa. For more information, contact Rev. Kate Murphey,, 202.363.4900, ext. 21.

Active Wellness at St. Alban’s IONA’s Active Wellness program at St. Alban’s includes a morning fitness program, a nourishing lunch, health promotion educational programs, computer classes and much more. The program offers a chance for social interaction, and exercise classes (11 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays) and seated yoga (11 a.m. on Tuesday). Movies are scheduled at 12:45 p.m. following lunch on Mondays.

Getting Grounded Gracefully: Improve Balance...Decrease Risk of Falling! Mondays and Thursdays - 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. September 8 (Introductory Class) – November 3 Aging Myth 1:It is a fact of life that our balance must deteriorate as we grow older. Aging Myth 2: If you suffer from poor balance, there is nothing that you can do to improve it. The Wellness Committee is sponsoring a series of 16 lessons to help older adults improve balance and maintain an active lifestyle. The classes, based on the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, creator of the Feldenkrais Method®, involve comfortable, easy movements (while sitting in a chair or standing near a chair or wall) that gradually evolve into movement of greater range and complexity. Pat Simpich, certified Feldenkrais practitioner, will teach the lessons. Students must be able to walk for five yards without the aid of a cane and stand for one minute without holding on to anything. Three independent studies evaluating the effectiveness and acceptability of “Getting Grounded Gracefully” found similar results: that the series (1) improved dynamic balance, (2) improved confidence in one’s balance, and (3) is a very acceptable form of movement for older people. Lessons are free, but registration is required. To register, contact Pat Simpich, or 202.966.1566 by September 7. Following the introductory class, attendance at the full series is preferred as the concept builds over each class session. If you cannot attend all classes, please contact Pat to discuss; makeup classes can be arranged.

Young@Heart: “This is Getting Old?” Thursday, October 20, 8 p.m. The program is open to active retirees age 60 and older. Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Mar-E Robnett, Manager Warner Theatre (513 13th St. NW) 202.895.9448, 3001 Wisconsin Ave. NW (grounds of the National Young@Heart, the world-renowned chorus of senior rockers who bring an eclecCathedral) Washington, DC 20008. tic mix of punk, indie and classic rock to new life, return for a LIVE performance Transportation on Sunday mornings of their new show “This is Getting Old?” to benefit IONA Senior Services. Since Need a ride to church? Transportation can be 1975, IONA has helped Washingtonians arranged by contacting Rev. Drema age well and live well. The concert will McAllister-Wilson, dwilson@mmumccelebrate positive aging as it sustains IONA’s essential services, 202.363.4900, ext 19. Drivers are also for families coping with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Purchase needed to provide transportation. If you want your tickets at! To find out more about to volunteer, please let us know! IONA Senior Services log onto

Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson will be visiting India with faculty members of Wesley Theological Seminary, July 28August 21. During this time, she will be interviewing various religious leaders and preaching at a Methodist Pastors’ Convocation. If there is a pastoral need during this time, please call the pastoral phone, 202.510.8555.


Campus Ministry AU Campus Ministry Outreach Coordinator Metropolitan Memorial welcomes David Hosey as our new AU Campus Ministry Outreach Coordinator! “Hello Metropolitan Cooperative Parish community! My name is David Hosey, and I will be serving Metropolitan as an intern as well as the new AU Campus Ministry Outreach coordinator. I’ve just finished my first year at Wesley, where I am studying for an M.Div., and I’m currently an inquiring candidate for ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. Before starting at Wesley, I served for three years as a Mission Intern with Global Ministries of the UMC, spending a year and a half in Palestine/Israel and a year and a half in Washington, DC. I’m originally from Millersville, MD, and did undergrad at Washington College in Chestertown, MD. I’ve grown up in the UMC and believe that the church is at its best when it is a community of shared vulnerability, where our brokenness can be shared and transformed into wholeness. I look forward to working with the wonderful community here at Metropolitan!” - David Hosey

Youth News! Youth in Summer!

Youth continues to meet this summer. We have Sunday school at 10:10 a.m. - 11a.m. and Youth Connection from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Youth Room 206. We also welcome the rising 6th graders to participate with us for the rest of the summer and into the fall. We continue to do Tuesdays on the Town and will be taking a White Water Rafting trip on Aug 19-20.

Youth! Come check out our new coffee bar.

Youth Volunteers and Support Team Members Needed! Volunteers are needed as we continue to plan for the fall. If you are interested in serving in any kind of way: bringing a snack or meal, praying with us, teaching Sunday School, hanging out in the Youth Room, going on a trip, etc. there are MANY ways to show your love and support for the youth of this church. If you would like to explore a way that you can plug in, please contact Emily Bagwell,

Children’s Ministries Bibles for Third-Graders for Next School Year Sundays in August for Children During August our childrenChildren’s are invited Ministry Deadline, August 31 to view a Veggie Tales movie in Room Will your child be in third-grade next school year? Metropolitan’s 106 after the children’s sermon at the tradition is to present a “first Bible” to these children in the fall of 9 a.m. service. A nursery is provided the new school year. If you would like your son or daughter to be a for children 19 months - five years old part of this presentation, please contact Anita Seline, in Room 102. A nursery for babies to, 202.363.4900, ext. 22. Please provide the age of 18 months is available in your child’s full name for the Bible’s personalization. Deadline is Room 100. Parents dropping off their August 31, in order to have the Bibles personalized for the presenchildren with nursery workers are required to leave a cell phone tation. number before attending the worship service. Children may also remain with their parents throughout either worship service. Sunday school and children’s choirs will resume on September 11. Can You Help This Year? Sunday School Classroom Set-up As you make your plans for the fall, please plan to be a part of our children’s Last Call! Christian education, by volunteering to Week of August 29, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. be a greeter or a teacher for our Sunday Does your child attend Sunday school at MetSchool Godly Play classes. We are lookropolitan? If you haven’t been able to volunteer ing for volunteers to help at all age levto teach Sunday school during the school year, els from 4 years old to 5th grade. Trainthen please consider helping us out in another way. In preparation for opening day, September 11, we need to get ing provided. Please prayerfully consider five classrooms cleaned, reorganized, and ready for the new year. becoming part of this important ministry at Metropolitan. If you Would you please commit to giving an hour or two of your time to are interested or have questions, please contact Anita Seline, help us get ready for the fall? We will tackle the classrooms the or 202.363.4900, ext. 22. week of August 29 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drop in for an hour or a few. Can you help out? To volunteer, contact Anita Seline, 6, 202.363.4900, ext. 22.

Children’s Ministries (cont.) A Summer of Service Thank you to all of the families who participated in our series of Summer Sundays of Service. From cleaning and scrubbing at Brighter Day Ministries to collecting cans of food for Friendship Place; from making stepping stones for the butterfly garden near the church playground to learning about Heifer Project; from filling Bags of Grace for the homeless to making cookies for the homebound, every experience helped instruct us in how to give to others and how to spread God’s love. Below are some pictures of our young volunteers!

The combined crews from Metropolitan and Brighter Day tackle a fountain that had been out of operation.

Emily and Caroline prepare the soil in the courtyard of Brighter Day Ministries.

Joshua gets a lesson in how to use a spade from his Aunt Beth.

Eden looks for weeds in the front yard of Brighter Day ministries.


Our Mission

Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites others into a deepening relationship with God and challenges them to grow as disciples for the transformation of the world.

Our Vision

Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice.

Reconciling Statement

Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.

PASTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 11, Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 19, Rev. Jimmy Sherrod — Associate Pastor, ext. 24, Rev. Kate Murphey — Associate Pastor, ext. 21, Emily Bagwell -- Associate Director of Youth Ministries, Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 15, Jeff Clouser — Director of Communications and Outreach, ext. 23, Dona Collary — Director of Finance, ext. 18, Casey Elliott — Dayspring Choir Director and 9 a.m. Worship Leader, ext. 12, Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 28, Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 17, Rafael Reyes -- Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 20, Anita Seline — Director of Children’s Ministries, ext. 22, Helen Simon - Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 10, Linda Smith -- Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746,

THE MESSENGER is published by: The Metropolitan Memorial Cooperative Parish Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s, and Wesley United Methodist Churches Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: website: St. Luke’s Campus - 3655 Calvert Street N.W., Washington, DC 20007 Wesley United Methodist Church - 5312 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20015 NEXT ISSUE: September 12, 2011 NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on September 6, 2011

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