The Messenger

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September 12, 2011

For the congregation of the Metropolitan Memorial Cooperative Parish

Volume XXI, No. 9

Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s, and Wesley United Methodist Churches

Falling Forward

It doesn’t matter how old I get, September always feels like the beginning of a new year. Children begin school, we re-engage work after the vacation and the slower pace of summer, and all sorts of classes, service projects and ministry meetings are resuming. This September kicks off a host of exciting events in the life of our church. On September 11, we will mark the 10th anniversary of a day that changed all of our lives – both our understandings of ourselves and our relationship with the rest of the world. Another important anniversary this year is the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version of the Bible. To celebrate this event, Sunday, September 18th, we will begin a sermon series on The Power of the Word. We will reflect on the role of Scripture in the life of the church and in our lives as Christians. Accompanying this series, we will hold a couple of Great Hall lectures looking at the history of the Biblical narrative. Because it feels like a new year, Autumn is a great time to begin new spiritual disciplines. There is a whole host of ways that you can be involved in the ministries of our church: in praising, learning, caring, sharing, and serving. If you are looking for a place where you might participate in a ministry, I would encourage you to talk to one of our ministers and explore with them where God might be calling you in your faith journey. The sermon series from October 23 to November 20 will focus on Spiritual Gifts. God has given each of us unique gifts. How do we discern where God is calling each of us to share those gifts and to be God’s hands and feet in a world desperately in need of our skills and energy? We know that one person can make a real difference, and a whole community of faith acting together has the power to change the world. I invite you to join us in ministry as we work together to hear God’s call and explore together how we fulfill our mission of “building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites others into a deepening relationship with God and challenges them to grow as disciples.”

September 25 9 a.m. Bible Presentation to 3rd Graders 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. “Blessing of the Bibles” – Please bring your personal Bibles, a family Bible, or your favorite translation and share in the blessing of the word. September 28 thru October 2 “Thy Word IS Truth” at Mount Vernon Place UMC The Wesley Theological Seminary Bible Ministry Exhibition of the Protestant Church in China ( chinesebibleministryexhibition)

Inflatables. Bounces for kids large and small. Even the adults will be able to get in on the action in an inflatable sports arena.

Games. Including a whole new way to drench a pastor with “The Big Splash.”

Food. Burgers and hot dogs right off the grill, plus salads, desserts, popcorn, and cotton candy.

All Free! Come and bring your friends! Members of the congregations, help us supply the sides. Please bring, if your last name begins with: A-F: green salad or fruit salad; G-M: cold pasta salad; N-U: potato salad; V-Z: coleslaw. Nursery School and Church Council: please bring dessert.

Leap into Fall! Community Picnic September 18 Sunday, Sept. 18 on the church lawn. Fun starts at 11:30. Lunch at 12.15. Join us for worship at 9 a.m. or 11:15 a.m. Sunday school at 10:10.

LIFE AT METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL COOPERATIVE PARISH The Eclectic Bill Potts, Metropolitan’s Executive Director of Operations By Barry D. Wood Few church administrators have the denominational and geographic diversity of 49-year-old Bill Potts. Over the past 15 years Bill has directed the operations of two Episcopal churches in Texas and a large Presbyterian congregation near Columbia, SC. Earlier, he spent three years in Charlotte, NC, including time with the PTL (Praise the Lord) theme park of televangelists Jim and Tammy Bakker. Born in the other Miami (named for the Indian tribe and pronounced ‘my-am-muh), a small town in northeastern Oklahoma, Bill was raised in the Assemblies of God denomination and became a Christian at age seven. He attended Central Bible College in not too distant Springfield, Missouri. While training for the ministry, Bill became interested in accounting and the business side of pastoral care, the area in which he has become a specialist. In the various positions he has held before Metropolitan, Bill has assisted with church choirs, contemporary Praise & Worship, children’s ministry, as well as youth ministry. He’s been successful in fund raising, construction projects, installed information technology systems, put out weekly publications, and run websites. As Charlie Parker states, “Bill brings a wealth of experience in church administration and has already made a tremendous difference in the two months since he joined our staff. We especially appreciate his positive spirit and wonderful sense of humor.” Since arriving in Washington this summer, Bill has been familiarizing himself with Metropolitan’s myriad non-ministerial church functions, which he now directs. “I’ve been learning about the churches’ finances, its physical plant, human resources, volunteer recruitment, etcetera. Bill sees his job as growing and streamlining Metropolitan’s management systems, fitting them into the context of a management vision that boosts efficiency and facilitates ministry. On personal matters, Bill is single and lives in Chevy Chase with Baby, his eight-year-old cat. He is a “huge movie buff, especially for science fiction.” He likes theatre and is a musician—a vocalist who also plays the flute and a little piano and does arranging. He is delighted to be in Washington, “which isn’t at all what I imagined it would be. I thought people would be stand offish, absorbed in politics. And it isn’t that way. People are very friendly.” Bill is delighted with his career in church administration and looks forward to a productive time here. “I’ve learned from these many years that I only want to work in churches.” His time in church administration, he says, “has been life-altering, wonderful and inspiring.”

Staff-Parish Relations Committee Congregational Feedback Each fall, as required by our conference, the StaffParish Relations Committee (SPRC) evaluates the performance of the senior and associate pastors and makes a recommendation to the Bishop as to whether each pastor should be reappointed. The Bishop considers this recommendation, along with other factors, in deciding whether to reappoint a pastor.

Introducing Our New Logo The Sharing Team has been busy this summer working with graphic designer, Brent Almond on creating a new logo for Metropolitan Memorial. In describing the new logo Brent states, “The logo, like MMUMC itself, is multi-faceted and communicates several messages. Above all, it is clearly Christian in nature. Secondly, it is Methodist — but MMUMC has set itself apart as a leader in the UMC denomination as well as the Christian community in DC, so its representation of the UMC cross/ flame is uniquely its own. The mark incorporates the Celtic cross that sits atop the church, representing MMUMC’s strong traditions and deep, historical foundation. Yet it uses bold shapes and colors, as well as the stylization of the image overall, to communicate the church’s reputation as progressive, accepting, and forward-thinking.” You’ll be seeing the new logo throughout Metropolitan Memorial as we update our bulletins, newsletters and our website. Stay tuned for this exciting roll-out!

SPRC encourages members of the congregation to provide feedback directly to our pastors throughout the year, and it also welcomes congregation input as part of this evaluation process. Members of the congregation may write the Chair of SPRC, in care of Metropolitan Memorial (there is a separate SPRC “box” in the church office mail room), or they may write to or talk with any member of the SPRC with feedback concerning any pastor. While the SPRC will not consider any unsigned letters, it will respect and agree to requests for confidentiality. Please contact the SPRC by October 1 if you wish to have your feedback concerning any clergy considered as part of this year’s evaluation process. Members of the SPRC include: John Long (Chair), Suzanne Forsyth (Lay Leader), Phyllis Kokus, Eugenia Evans, Eric Imperial and Ina Morgan (Wesley UMC).


LIFE AT METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL COOPERATIVE PARISH Prayer Shawl Ministry Tuesday, September 20, 1:30 p.m. Join us for a time of knitting, crocheting, fellowship, ministry and fun! Questions? Contact Annette Fletchall at 301.216.5470. Monday Evening Book Club Monday, September 19, 7:30 p.m., Library All readers are invited to a new book club that will meet every third Monday of the month. Our selection for September 19 will be The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Sharon Smith will lead the discussion beginning at 7:30 p.m. There are a few “rules of the road” for those who participate: All are welcome; all will be given a chance to talk; all will be on time; all will have read the book prior to the meeting; and all will take turns in leading a discussion. Questions: Contact Suzanne Clewell, or Joan Topalian, September AARP Meeting Monday, September 19, 12:30 p.m., Vestry Please join us as Howard Weiss, an eye doctor who teaches at Walter Reed, will speak on protecting your eyes vs. eye treatments. Social time is at 12:30 p.m., and the meeting starts at 1 p.m. Refreshments will be served. 40’s Something and Beyond A new group being formed at Metropolitan 10:30 am – 12.30 pm, Saturday, September 24 Come, join us for a morning of fun, friendship, and feast! You are invited to a private tour of the Smithsonian American Art Museum with Martin Kotler, who is their Frames Conservator. He will speak about the frames in the gallery and some of the art associated with those frames. Free admission. Following tour, more exploration of gallery and lunch. Contact DanaLehmer,, who will give you transportation arrangements and details. Young Adult Study Group Sundays at 10:10 a.m., Music Room Join our young adult group (20’s - 30’s) for study, friendship, and growing in faith as we begin a new video study around the question “What is enough?” Shane Claiborne guides the study, uniting faith and belief with how we live. Shane is known for his work in building intentional communities - a new monasticism based on social justice and awareness. His calling came from the time he spent in Calcutta working alongside Mother Teresa. Questions? Contact Rev. Kate Murphey,

Staats Memorial Fund Accepting Grant Proposals Deadline: Monday, October 31 The Margaret Rich Staats Memorial Fund is currently accepting proposals to be reviewed at our fall meeting, for funding in early 2012. The Staats Fund is a committee of the UMW and funds programs and projects that help others, particularly children. Priority will be given to organizations in the greater DC area and to organizations with an endorsement from a church member. Please send proposals by October 31 to Eliza Hamner-Koenig, or to the church office marked “Attention:Staats Memorial Fund.” Contact Eliza for recommendations on proposal content. New Member Session Sunday, October 9, 10:10 a.m., Fireplace Room Interested in becoming a member of Metropolitan? Join us for our new member session every Second Sunday of the month, where we will discuss the membership vows, the theology of the vows, expectations, and interest and passions of potential members. Our next session will be on Sunday, October 9. This is an open session, but RSVP’s are encouraged. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Rev. Jimmy Sherrod, or 202.363.4900, ext. 24. Celebrate the Season with Flowers Wednesday, October 12, 10 a.m., Great Hall Join renowned floral designer and speaker, Linda Roeckelein, Director of the Washington National Cathedral Altar Guild, for a morning of flower arranging and fun. Cost: $35/person. Proceeds benefit the House of Mercy at Rosemount Center. UMW Recognition Luncheon Seeking Nominations Each year the United Methodist Women of Metropolitan Memorial hold a Recognition Luncheon honoring women who have made a significant contribution to the church, the nation, and beyond. We are now seeking nominations of outstanding women to honor at this year’s luncheon on December 11. To nominate someone, contact Robin Emery, 202.625.9273 or before October 15. Handbell Ringers Welcome! Have you studied piano or played an instrument in your school band or orchestra? Join a forgiving and fun-loving group of youth and adults rehearsing bell music to ring in our worship services. Coming with a few years of musical training under your belt is wonderful preparation, and we are happy to show you the bell techniques. To learn more contact Susan Staines, or 703.524.2533.

Table Talk Lunch Series Fall 2011 Schedule Noon - Lunch/Discussion - 12:20 p.m., Kay Spiritual Life Center Lounge Wednesday, September 21 - 2011 Elections in Latin America: Impact on Democracy and Human Rights. Wednesday, September 28 - India Rising: How Far? How Fast? Wednesday, October 19 - The Burqa and the Beret: Immigration and the European Union Wednesday, October 26 - Power Play Against the Poor: Where is the Budget Battle leading America? Buffet lunch is provided free to students. A donation of $5 each is requested from faculty and staff to help offset the cost of the program. Reservations required. Please RSVP 24 hours before the scheduled event at 202-885-3321 or at Speakers for each event to be announced. Sponsored by the Office of the University Chaplain Kay Spiritual Life Center, American University.


LIFE AT METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL COOPERATIVE PARISH (CONT.) Discover Your Creative Talents in Worship! Praise and Worship Exploration Event Saturday, September 17 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. I’ve Always Wanted to (fill in the blank) in worship but didn’t know what to do? Are you interested in taking an active leadership role in worship, but are unsure how to go about it? How do people get picked to read the scripture and serve communion? What about the flowers that magically appear each week on our altar – who does that? You really love our special services with choreographed readings and think you might like to be a part of that. Or, what about behind the scene activities like buying (or making) bread for communion, or getting candles ready for Christmas Eve or decorating the altar for special-themed services. Those of us involved in Worship really love what we do and we would like to welcome more members of our congregation to be an active part of worship. Join us as we host a Saturday morning of “Praise Workshops” where you can join in and learn about some of the wonderful opportunities we offer at Metropolitan. The morning begins with refreshments and fellowship. After our Lectio Divina we will then break out into small groups of your choice. Some options include: Flower arranging, Lay Reader (learn about it or perfect your reading technique), Liturgist (practice writing prayers, integrating words/themes from the scripture, sermon and music), Decorating the altar (creativity involves lots of trial and error), Choric Choir (what is it and how does it work) and the Altar Guild (all the behind the scenes activities that help to make our worship very special). Following our break out sessions, we will come together to share a light lunch and celebrate communion. Please let us know if you’d like to attend. All are welcome! To register or to learn more, contact Ellen Bachman at or Pat House at

UNTIED METHODIST WOMEN UMW Bazaar Saturday, November 5 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sorting and Pricing. Many sories such as scarves, handbags, belts, etc. Please note that jewthanks to all those who helped elry donations should be left with someone in the church office. as they were able this summer with general sorting and pricing An exception to the “no clothing” rule: We are reinstituting a of donated goods. We began in boutique for ladies “better” dressy jackets including glittery June with an unusually large evening-type jackets, high-quality nearly-new dressy jackets, fancy amount of “stuff” that had been quilted and patterned jackets, and the like. Things you might find contributed ahead of time, and in just-as-good-as-new resale shops. Years ago we carried these items and they were a success. But NO other clothing! Please do it took a while to catch up! NOT leave these in the UMW closet area. On Sunday mornings Now that summer is over, getting back to a “regular” schedule between services, look for Connie McWorkman, 301.320.4242 means for some that they will not be free on Tuesday mornings. who is heading this section, or Barbara Gaskill, However, for others it may mean that you’re now more available. or 202.244.3512. We may have cleared our backlog, but donations come in weekly and even more generously as the bazaar approaches. Consider join- We also need: ing us in the Parlor on Tuesday mornings from 10 a.m. - noon. •Two metal cabinets for the UMW closet. Tall cabinets with doors Come for an hour or two or join us as a one-time pitch in. Any would help us greatly with issues related to storage of supplies. time you can give is helpful, and appreciated! There is always plenty If you know of a business or school that no longer wants its olderto do and there are interesting “finds” almost every week. Not to style metal cabinetry — we’d be happy to take these off someone’s mention the fun fellowship! In addition, the Jewelry group will be hands, either as a donation or for a small bit of money. Contact meeting on the following Saturday mornings, from 10 a.m. - noon Barbara Gaskill, or 202.244.3512. (Christie Room): September 10, 17 and 24; October 1, 15, (maybe •Someone or several people to help with advising on pricing of 22), and 29. And the Raggedy Ann doll sewing meets most Wednes- several sets of “specialty” items. We’ve had some old wooden days in room 101 from 10 a.m. - noon. tools donated, and what appear to be collector-style dolls. There Donations. Many thanks for all of the generous donations received are also some older china-type items that could use checking out. thus far! We are going to have quite a bazaar! You may continue to Please contact Barbara Gaskill if you can help with any aspect of drop things off near the UMW Closet (terrace level, at the far this. opposite end of the Vestry from the stage). Please read the note on •Several people with a good sense of space and planning and dethe closet door when you’re dropping things off. And receipts are sign to help improve the layout of this year’s bazaar. Please conavailable on the door for you. Observing the drop-off guidelines tact Barbara Gaskill. will make work easier for the sorting and pricing team. Thank you! We’re looking forward to another great bazaar! If you have quesWhat do we take, what do we not take? No furniture, no large tions at any time, contact bazaar coordinator Barbara Gaskill , electronics, no textbooks, no old magazines, and overall no used or 202-244-3512. And stand by for more clothing or shoes. Other than those things, we’ll take almost any- updates! thing gently-used that you do not need anymore including acces-

Caring and Learning Wednesday Nights “Soup & Study” Begins Wednesday, October 12 On 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings, we will eat a light dinner together (6 p.m. – 7 p.m.), followed by a variety of fellowship and learning opportunities. The fall quarter will be four sessions: October 12, October 26, November 9 and December 14. The fall programs include:

•Bible Study led by Dr. Charles Parker •Caregiver’s Support Group facilitated by Rev. Drema McAllisterWilson •A Faith and Film evening (premiering “Of Gods and Men”) •Study Hall for Youth led by Emily Bagwell.

Senior Care Did you know that Metropolitan has a Visitors’ Corp, who visit our homebound members? If you know someone in the congregation who would enjoy a visit, or you would like to become a visitor corp member, contact Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson, IONA has an extensive resource guide on the many services that seniors may need. There is a wide range of contents such as adult day services, caregiver resources, legal assistance. Call 202.895.9448 or

Healthy soup and trimmings will be prepared by Nancy Nelson. Child care for 5th grade and younger is available in room 102. Other Alzheimer’s: For current information on Alzheimer’s research, groups meeting on Wednesday nights and individuals wanting to guidance for caregivers, educational materials, advocacy, call toll eat together are welcome to come for dinner. No need for regis- free, 1-866-232-8484 or tration; come the evenings that work for you. Watch this space for Young@Heart: programs for winter and spring quarters. Questions? Contact Bar“This is Getting Old?” bara Green, or Drema McAllisterWilson, or 202.363.4900 ext. 19. Thursday, October 20, 8 p.m. Warner Theatre (513 13th St. NW) Bible Study at Young@Heart, the world-renowned chorus of senior rockers who bring an eclectic mix of punk, Metropolitan Memorial indie and classic rock to new life, return for a Thursdays, 1 p.m., Conference Room LIVE performance of their new show “This is Please join us for a Bible study class led by Getting Old?” to benefit IONA Senior Services. Charlie Parker on Thursdays at 1 p.m. in the Since 1975, IONA has helped Washingtonians age well and live conference room. All are welcome to come every week or drop in whenever you can. Questions? Contact Helen well. The concert will celebrate positive aging as it sustains IONA’s essential services for families coping with dementia and Alzheimer’s Simon, disease. Purchase your tickets at! To find Bible Study at Wesley UMC out more about IONA Senior Services log onto Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., (5312 Connecticut Ave. N.W.) Transportation on Sunday mornings Join us in September as we begin an interfaith study. What are the Need a ride to church? Transportation can be messages of the different religions of the world? Are they all evenarranged by contacting Rev. Drema McAllistertually about the same thing - different paths to the same God, or Wilson, or are they actually different and even contradictory? What, as Chris202.363.4900, ext 19. Drivers are also needed tians, is our faithful response? to provide transportation. If you want to volunteer, please let us know!

New Director of Learning Joins Metropolitan Staff Rev. Barbara Green has joined the staff at Metropolitan Memorial as Director of Learning. She is a minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA), who has attended Metropolitan for over twenty years. “Director of Learning” is a newly created position charged with developing Metropolitan’s programs in Christian education and faith formation. The position is twenty hours per week. Hiring her completes the staff realignment, so that now a staff person is specifically assigned to each of the five pillars of Metropolitan’s ministry: praising, caring, learning, sharing and serving. Barbara was Executive Director of the Churches’ Center for Theology and Public Policy located at Wesley Seminary from 1998 to 2010. From 1983 to 1998 she was a social policy advocate in the Washington Office of the Presbyterian Church (USA). From 1977 to 1982 she lived in Berlin, Germany and represented the National Council of Churches in the USA to the Protestant churches in East Germany. At Metropolitan she teaches the Godly Play curriculum in children’s Sunday School, plays in the Metropolitan Ringers handbell choir and is active in Metro Players. She has served on the children and adult study committees, taught adult Sunday School and evening courses. She occasionally preaches at the German language service at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Bethesda. She is delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to the vitality of Metropolitan’s many ministries.


Service and Advocacy VIM Team Looks Forward to Building Long-term Mission Partnerships in Nicaragua On Saturday, August 13, the ten-person mission team representing the Metropolitan Cooperative Parish returned from Nicaragua excited about the possibilities for longterm mission engagement in that country. The team included Sherry Antoine (Wesley UMC), Chris Brown, David Hackney (Crossroads), Karen Howard, Beckett Kirk (First UMC San Diego, California), Ann Michel, Greg Michel, Kate Murphey, Ohemaa Nyanin, and Art Rynearson. During their time in Nicaragua, the team worshiped with a Christian Base Community in Managua and visited a youth baseball program supported by United Methodist Missionary Miguel Mairena, whom Metropolitan supports with a covenant of annual financial support. The group spent two days with Accion Medica Christiana, a Christian organization that implements community health and development in impoverished rural communities of Nicaragua, visiting a Land Bank in Matagulpa that helps landless people buy land and start farms. While there, the team worked together with a VIM team from Chevy Chase United Methodist Church to refurbish desks in the community’s one-room school house. The group also worked for three days helping to construct a secondary school at Project Chacocente near Masaya. This project provides homes and education to families who used to live and earn their living in Managua’s notorious city dump. Team leader Kate Murphey traveled ahead of the group to visit San Francisco Libre and connect with the work of Women and Community. Supported by United Methodist Missionaries Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mairena, Women and Community is an ecumenical organization which offers integral health and education programs focusing on prevention of violence and promotion of human rights, education, reproductive health, and economic development. Their legal aid office assists abused women and youth. It also provides study scholarships for impoverished village youth and teachers and loans for women and women’s groups for economic development projects. The group looks forward to continuing to strengthen relationships with these mission partners. For more information about these projects or to learn about future Volunteer in Mission trips, contact Rev. Kate Murphey, or 202.363.4900, ext. 21.

2011 Tyler Rusch Homeless Walk – Sunday, October 16 On Sunday, October 16, the entire Metropolitan Memorial community – young and old – will demonstrate their support for Metropolitan’s homeless ministry by participating in the Tyler Rusch Homeless Walk. The walk is held When Marching Isn’t Just Enough in conjunction with the Friday, September 23, 7 p.m. congregation’s annual Homeless A small contingent of folks from Metropolitan Memorial CoopAwareness Sunday. erative Parish have marched in the annual Pride Parade once a year, The walk route starts at Metropoli- but what about the rest of the year? What do we offer to the untan Memorial and proceeds through churched or those hurt by the Church? Kerm Towler and Suzanne the neighborhoods surrounding the Forsyth are co-chairing a revitalized Reconciling Ministries. We church. Start times are at 10:00 am and 12:30 pm, allowing those are interested in raising the profile of the entire Metropolitan parattending church to walk immediately following the services. The ish in the GLBT community, in B-WARM, and in service to the registration fee is $15 for children, youth, and students and $25 community in general. Ann Michel, Kerm and Suzanne have alfor adults. ready discussed a wide variety of topics around this issue, including possible activities and other groups to work within a ministry This annual fundraising event is the principal source of funding for to and with the GLBT community. Two or three, however, doesn’t Metropolitan House homeless shelter, raising almost $200,000 make for a program or a committee. You are invited to join Kerm since 2000. The event is held in honor of Tyler Rusch, an 18-yearand Suzanne at a potluck dinner at the home of Suzanne Forsyth on old member of Metropolitan and a dedicated Metropolitan House Friday, September 23 at 7 p.m. We will have dinner and then disvolunteer who died in a tragic automobile accident in 2004. cuss possible activities for the coming year. Questions? Contact Kerm Towler,


Youth News! Wednesday’s this Fall! The youth (6th-12th grades) will be gathering in the youth rooms (204 & 206) for a homework/study hall with fellowship and decompression from the day to follow with art and game opportunities. Come join us for any length of time from 7-9pm with supper beginning in the Vestry at 6pm. Come check it out!

Youth! Come check out our new coffee bar.

Youth Volunteers and Support Team Members Needed! Volunteers are needed as we continue to plan for the fall. If you are interested in serving in any kind of way: bringing a snack or meal, praying with us, teaching Sunday School, hanging out in the Youth Room, going on a trip, etc. there are MANY ways to show your love and support for the youth of this church. If you would like to explore a way that you can plug in, please contact Emily Bagwell,

Children’s Ministries Words of Thanks for Our Service Friendship Place is a locale on Wisconsin Avenue that gives everyone in our community – individuals, schools, businesses, congregations, and community groups, the opportunity to participate in creating positive solutions for homelessness in our community. Friendship Place received the benefit of our summer service work in the form of donations of canned food and cash from Vacation Bible School and the Bags of Grace that we created one Sunday in July.

Sunday School Kick-Off On Sunday, September 11, we kicked off the 2011 Sunday School year with Godly Play as the curriculum Metropolitan uses in all of its classrooms. Godly Play is an interpretation of the Montessori religious education that encourages children to experience the presence of God in their lives and to respond to it through wondering and artistic expression. Godly Play is just one component of the children’s ministry at Metropolitan and is supplemented with service, such as making sandwiches for the homeless and fellowship opportunities such as the fall picnic, the Evening in Advent, and more. We hope you will join us a wonder-filled year. Benjamin Bradburn, director of individual and corporate giving, recently wrote to Metropolitan. The Room Assignments are as follows: “Horay for the Vacation Bible School!!! The Bags of •Room 101 – Little Wonders, 3 & 4 year olds Grace are wonderful. Many thanks from our board, staff •Room 200 – Godly Players, Pre-K & Ks st nd and consumers for your generous in-kind contribution •Room 202 – Joyful Spirits, 1 & 2 graders rd th to the Community Council for the Homeless at Friend•Room 201 – Bible Explorers, 3 and 4 graders ship Place. We appreciate your help.” •Room 203 – Young Disciples, 5th & 6th graders*

*Please note, families of 6th graders are invited to choose to attend the Elena Remez helped drop off the items for Friendship children’s ministry Sunday School program or the youth Sunday morning pro- Place and wrote about the experience: gram, in Room 204 & 206, depending on their family’s preferences. It Was Action That Needed to Happen Inspired Parenting Class For VBS (Vacation Bible School) we Sunday, October 2, 10:10 a.m. collected food cans, non-perishable Fireplace Room foods, and plastic bags to bring to Join us as we kick off our second year of Inspired Friendship Place. Friendship Place is Parenting, an informal gathering of parents to discuss isan organization that any one in need sues on our hearts and in our homes. On October 2 we can just walk into and have a nice meal. discuss the topic, “Why is my child so different from When my mom and me walked in with me? Understanding the uniqueness of kids, not only from ourselves but from a big box of our collections every one there were overeach other: Are they just wired that way? Do I treat one differently?” Join us as joyed, especially the manager who said “We don’t get a we celebrate the uniqueness of each child and learn to respect the differences. lot of donations in the summer.” My mom and I loaded Come and connect with parents, swap parenting ideas and be inspired in how up the almost empty pantry. When we were done it was you raise your child. full. The smile on their face put a smile on my face. More sessions are planned for November 6 and December 4. Please join us in the fireplace room off of the Vestry during the study hour at 10 a.m.


Our Mission

Building an inclusive, caring Christian community that invites others into a deepening relationship with God and challenges them to grow as disciples for the transformation of the world.

Our Vision

Extending radical hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice.

Reconciling Statement

Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, education, marital circumstances, economic status, physical and mental condition, or criminal history. We declare ourselves in support of the reconciling movement and welcome the full participation in the church of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons and their families, as a reflection of God’s unconditional love. At the same time, we recognize differences of opinion on issues of sexuality and seek to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect.

PASTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF - 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, DC - 202.363.4900 - Pastoral Emergency Number - 202.510.8555 Rev. Dr. Charles Parker –– Senior Pastor, ext. 11, Rev. Drema McAllister-Wilson — Minister of Congregational Care, ext. 19, Rev. Jimmy Sherrod — Associate Pastor, ext. 24, Rev. Kate Murphey — Associate Pastor, ext. 21, Emily Bagwell — Associate Director of Youth Ministries, Bruce Caviness — 11a.m. Organist-Choirmaster, ext. 15, Jeff Clouser — Director of Communications and Outreach, ext. 23, Dona Collary — Director of Finance, ext. 18, Casey Elliott — Dayspring Choir Director and 9 a.m. Worship Leader, ext. 12, Barbara Green – Director of Learning, bgreen David Hosey – Campus Ministry Coordinator, ext. 25, Patrisha House — Director of Worship, Music and Arts, ext. 28, Bill Potts –– Executive Director of Operations, ext. 17, Rafael Reyes — Director of Building and Grounds, ext. 20, Anita Seline — Director of Children’s Ministries, ext. 22, Helen Simon - Executive Assistant to Dr. Parker, ext. 10, Linda Smith — Director of Nursery School, 202.362.8746,

THE MESSENGER is published by: The Metropolitan Memorial Cooperative Parish Metropolitan Memorial, St. Luke’s, and Wesley United Methodist Churches Metropolitan Memorial - 3401 Nebraska Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20016 Tel: 202.363.4900 Fax: 202.686.2056 E-Mail: website: St. Luke’s Campus - 3655 Calvert Street N.W., Washington, DC 20007 Wesley United Methodist Church - 5312 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20015 NEXT ISSUE: October 14, 2011 NEXT DEADLINE: Noon on October 11, 2011

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