United Methodist Women

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News of the United Methodist Women Metropolitan Memorial UMC February, 2014

Reflections One kind word can warm three winter months. ~Japanese Proverb Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. It is no season in which to wander the world as if one were the wind blowing aimlessly along the streets without a place to rest, without food, and without time meaning anything to one, just as time means nothing to the wind. ~Edith Sitwell February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March. ~J.R. Stockton

Mark Your Calendar February


6 Th

WIN Forum

7 F

Deadline for "We Make It Happen: Living Timeline" project for UMW Assembly

7-9 F-Su 10 M 24 M

24-27 Th-Su

UMW Assembly registration due UMW Assembly (Louisville, KY)

Retreat UMW Board meeting (7-8:30pm, Conference rm) Newsletter items due

September 28 Su

UMW Sunday

Table of Contents

March 8 Sa

1 T

Great Day of Service (9am– 1pm (set-up at 8am),

10 M

UMW Board meeting (7-8:30pm, Conference rm)

29 Sa

Book Sale (8am – 3pm, Vestry)

UMW News …………………………………....…p 2-5 Events & requests 2-4 Messages 4 Board & Committees 5 Charitable giving list & budget 6 MMUMC & Community News …………….. 6-7 Circles …………………………………………………. 7

MMUMC UMW Newsletter : Feb 2014

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UMW News We Need YOU to make it a Great Day of Service!

Jewelry-Making Group

Saturday, March 8, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Jewelry-Making Group meets the fourth Wednesday of the month after the Soup portion of the Soup and Study in the Christie Room. We go over the unsold pieces of jewelry from the last Bazaar, revamp it, and get it ready for the next Bazaar. February 26th will be the next time we meet. We start at 7:00 p.m. and go until about 8:30 p.m. The Soup is served at 6:00 p.m. in the Vestry. For questions, contact Kelly D'Angelo at kellysclothes@aol.com or 202-2102220 (home/cell) or (301) 443-0871 (work). I look forward to us making some fabulous jewelry!

Please join us for the UMW Great Day of Service. Various service projects will be available for your participation--ranging from preparing meals for Metro House residents to designing Care Cards to assembling care packages for Courtney's House. All are welcome, so please invite friends and family! Breakfast treats will be provided. If you have any recommendations for service projects that we can add to the existing list, please share your ideas with Maura Porcelli at maura.porcelli@gmail.com or 202-607-7045.

4th Wednesdays each month

UMW Assembly 2014 “Make It Happen!: Turning Faith, Hope, Love into Action� April 25-27, 2014, Louisville, Kentucky Deadline for general registration is April 1. Learn more at http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umw/assembly/ We Make It Happen: A Living Timeline Submission deadline February 7 To contribute a video or artwork expression which honors a United Methodist Woman in your life for the "We Make It Happen: Living Timeline" project that will be presented at Assembly, see the submission guidelines on the Assembly website. But hurry, the submission deadline is Feb. 7th!

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Attention Book Lovers: Time to Share, Sort, and Sell Saturday, March 29th, 8 am – 3 pm Sunday, March 30th, 10 am – 1 pm Volunteers needed! The UMW book sale will take place in the Metropolitan church vestry Saturday, March 29 from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Sharing: Please clean out your shelves for those novels you won't read again, those reference books you'll never refer to again, those once beloved children's books your children now consider passé, those coffee table books you've dusted once too often, etc. We want both paperbacks and hardbacks, both fiction and non-fiction; also CDs, DVDs, and sheet music. No textbooks or magazines, please. You can place your donations outside the UMW closet at Metropolitan, at the end of the corridor beyond the vestry or on a donation cart at Wesley. Sorting: We welcome volunteers to help move and sort the books on: Thursday, March 27 from 6-9 p.m. Friday, March 28 at 9 a.m. until we are done. Sales: Doors will open at 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 29. We’d like lots of help in the morning and again about 3 p.m. when we close up and condense the tables for Sunday morning sales. New twists: Jewelry sale. This year, Coffee corner. To create a cozy there will also be a jewelry corner where customers can read table with gently-used over potential purchases, we will sell items for sale by UMW coffee, drinks, members who are active in and baked a local PEO chapter goods in a chaired by Alison Daifuku. corner of the Money raised by that vestry. effort will support PEO and the scholarships and programs it provides to women in higher education. (Book proceeds will support UMW programs.) Volunteers who want to sort, sell, or donate baked goods, please contact Caralee Adams (caralee.adams@verizon.net) or Carol Griffith (carolgriffith33@hotmail.com).

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Cosmetics For Women's Shelter Circle 8 will soon create cosmetic bags for a local women's shelter, and we need your help. Please donate the small size notions and cosmetics you have collected in your travels and we will do the rest. Please leave your donations on the shelf near the ice machine in the Vestry. Thank you from Circle 8

Messages Dear UMW Sisters: I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for all of the generosity that you have shown to our UMW unit this past year through your Pledge to Mission giving. It’s my pleasure to report that we finished strongly by collecting over $2,300 in P2M donations in December, bringing our total individual giving to $3,555 – an amount for which we can be very proud. Your generosity ensures that we can invest in our mission in various ways, whether buying supplies for UMCOR kits to assemble at our Great Day of Service, or purchasing program materials from our national office or supporting the national UMW mission activities, to name just a few. Some of us give when our circle holds a formal program for Pledge to Mission at a monthly meeting, while others give as part of our personal end-of-year giving practice—perhaps gracing the collection basket at the Recognition Luncheon. However and whenever you give, know that it is appreciated, that your donation is at work, and that our unit is strong because of you. It has been a privilege to have served as your President in 2012 and 2013, and I am humbled by the energy, creativity, and dedication of our Executive Board and the unit as a whole. I look forward to our future with confidence and optimism knowing that our new president, Jeanie Mah, possesses exceptional leadership skills and brings new ideas and a collaborative spirit to the role. I know she can count on our support as she leads our wonderful unit forward. Peace and Grace – Suzanne Vieth

MMUMC UMW Newsletter : Feb 2014

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Introducing the 2014 UMW Executive Board and Special Committee Chairs! Feel free to contact any one of us with your questions and ideas. President Vice President Recording secretary Treasurer

Jeanie Mah (msjcmyu1@gmail.com) Ellen Bachman (ellenbachman@comcast.net) Carol Griffith (carolgriffith33@hotmail.com) Mary Rollefson (maryrollefson@starpower.net)

Mission Coordinators: Social Action Spiritual Growth Membership Program Resources Communications Education

Maura Porcelli (maura.porcelli@gmail.com) Margaret Patterson (margaretbpatterson@yahoo.com) Courtney Leatherman (c_leatherman@ix.netcom.com) Connie Sommers (sommersc@gmail.com) Alex McPherron (alexmcph@gmail.com) Anita Seline (amseline@aol.com)

Special Committee Chairs: Bazaar Recognitions

Barbara Gaskill (bgaskill@bgaskill.com) Sandy Yeager (syeager42@yahoo.com) & Carol Schleicher (rsclei@verizon.net) Staats Memorial Committee Martha Mizroch (martha_miz@hotmail.com) Book Sale Caralee Adams (Caralee.Adams@verizon.net) Nominations Suzanne Vieth (msvieth@verizon.net) Circle Representatives: 2 6 8 9 10

Charlotte Carter (char.carter@cox.net) Mary Jo Marchant (mjmarchant@verizon.net) & Ann Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu) Eugenia Evans (setevens@comcast.net) Bobby Turnbull (bobbyturnbull@comcast.net) Suzanne Vieth (msvieth@verizon.net)

A big thank you to Circle 8 for organizing our Recognition Luncheon on December 15th! Thanks also to Kathy Portus for lovingly crafting the table centerpieces.

MMUMC UMW Newsletter : Feb 2014

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UMC Giving Thanks to those who applied on behalf of potential recipients of our unit’s annual charitable giving. As a result, the following gifts have been budgeted for 2014: Methodist Home of DC Wesley Scholarship Fund Mabel Jones School, Sitapur, India FOSA Zimbabwe Orphanage Women in Community Mission in Nicaragua Dental Clinic in Nicaragua (VIM trip) Tree of Life Ministry, Rosebud Reservation, SD Ballet Studio Just Neighbors Gift to the local church (MMUMC) Gifts to Missionaries Health in Harmony Courtney's House Gaithersburg Beloved Community Sasha Bruce Youth Works

$1000 $2000 $1000 $1500 $1250 $1000 $1250 $1000 $1000 $1000 $600 $700 $700 $1000 $1000

Also, because of everyone’s hard work on the annual bazaar and membership pledges, we fulfilled our 2013 pledge to support missions of the national UMW in the amount of $6000. To see where the national UMW mission giving goes, go to http://new.gbgmumc.org/umw/give/money/.

Metropolitan Memorial UMC & Community News Navigating Life Transitions Soup and Study, February 12th and 26th Supper 6 pm, classes 7 pm Many of us find ourselves going through major transitions at various points in our lives--new baby, new job or job loss, move to a new city or home, or retirement. Journaling can help us navigate through these transitions and actually thrive. Pam McFarland will lead classes on Feb. 12 and 26th at Soup and Study on transitions and journaling. Bring a journal and your favorite pen, and be prepared to write!

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Metropolitan Memorial UMC & Community News Washington Interfaith Network Mayoral Candidate Forum on Jobs for DC Residents February 6th, 7 pm-9 pm WIN has been working to encourage DC Water to employ more local residents. Last week, DC Water announced increased use of green infrastructure which will accomplish that goal. WIN has been organizing for green jobs so that the money you are paying in your water bills returns to the District in the form of local jobs. Mr. George Hawkins, head of DC Water, plus the Mayoral candidates will be joining us. We would like to have AT LEAST 10 people come to this action from the Metropolitan Parish. Please email Linda Davenport if you can come. linda@davenport-associates.com. She can provide details on transportation to First Rock Baptist Church, 4630 Alabama Ave SE

Circles 2

Contact Jennie, stathisjennie@gmail.com or 202-295-3870


Contact Anne Bechdolt, abechdolt@msn.com or 317-331-6813


Circle 6 will meet February 13 at 7:00 pm in room 206. Our speaker will be one of our own Jane Ward. She share ways to be prepared for emergencies (hurricanes, snowstorms, any natural disaster) or if we would even need to shelter in place. Please join us, any questions: Mary Jo Marchant, mjmarchant@verizon.net or Ann Michel, amichel@wesleyseminary.edu


Circle 8 will meet Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 7:30PM in the Parlor. Elaine Chan will tell us about her work at the Department of Homeland Security. In March, we will meet at 7:30pm in the Parlor on Tuesday, the 4th. We welcome guests and new members to an intergenerational group. Our programs cover a wide variety of topics always evoking animated discussion. Contact Eugenia Evans, setevens@comcast.net


Contact Bobby Turnbull, bobbyturnbull@comcast.net


Contact Caralee Adams caralee.adams@verizon.net or Suzanne Vieth (msvieth@verizon.net)

The next UMW Board Meeting will be held February 10, 2014. Newsletter prepared by Alexandra McPherron. To add items to the next newsletter, email alexmcph@gmail.com by Monday, Feb. 24, 2014.

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